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Definition: describing directly the relationship between the input and output variables of a process The control model always utilize a black box concept Output = f(input variables) Yi = f(m1,m2.mi : d1,d2,di) for i = 1,2,,m

LINEARIZED SYSTEM Linearization: the process by which we approximate the nonlinear system with the linear ones Types of linearization : Linearization of system with one variable Linearization of system with many variables

Approximation is only exact at the point of linearization

Linearization of system with one variable Consider the following nonlinear differential equation
dx f ( x) dt

Expand the nonlinear function f(x) into a Taylor Series around the point xo

Linearization Process If neglect all terms of order two and higher

Tank system Total mass balance of the tank system yields

The resulting total mass balance yields a nonlinear dynamic model

Take Taylor series expansion around a point ho

Linearize approximate model

Linearization of systems with many variables Consider the following dynamic system

LAPLACE TRANSFORMS Laplace transform converts integral and differential equations into algebraic equations It applies to phasors such as general signal, not just sinusoids. It also handles non steady state conditions Some basic functions of Laplace transforms: (a) Exponential function (b) Trigonometric function (c) Translated function (d) Unit pulse function (e) Unit impulse function Types of input signals: (a) Constant (b) Step function (c) Ramp function (d) Rectangular pulse (e) Unit impulse The Laplace transform f is the function of :

Laplace transform of F(s) for function f(t)

The transformation of time domain (t) to laplace domain (s)

The laplace transformation is a linear operation

Step function is given as f(t) = A

Ramp Function Ramp function is given as f(t) = at

Type of Input Functions

Exponential Function (Process) Exponential function is given as f(t) = e-at

Translated Function (Output)

Relationship among the three curves

TRANSFER FUNCTION Definition: Transfer function is a mathematical representation, in terms of spatial or temporal frequency, of the relation between the input and output of a linear time-invariant system with zero initial conditions and zero-point equilibrium Transfer function = G(s)

It describe completely the dynamic behavior of the output when the corresponding input changes are given For a particular changes in f(t), we can find its transform of f(s) and the system response is given by :-

Transfer function for process with multiple outputs Consider a process with two inputs f1(t) and f2(t) and two outputs, y1(t) and y2(t)

Common Transfer Function

Given :-

Hence the transfer function is the rational function of


Poles and zero of transfer function Roots of the polynomial a(s) are called poles of the system and the roots of b(s) are called the zeros of the system


The poles of the transfer function are the eigenvalues of the system matrix A in the state space model. They depend only on the the dynamics matrix A, which represents the intrinsic dynamics of the system. The zeros depend on how inputs and outputs are

coupled to the states. The zeros thus depend on all matrices A, B, C and D in the state space description

DYNAMIC BEHAVIOR OF MODEL Dynamic behavior of first order model First order system is the one whose output y(t) is modelled by a first order differential equation ( Example: )

In general form, the transfer function for first order process is given by

The term (time constant) and K (steady state gain) characterize the first-order system. i. Properties of transfer functions Time constant of a process is a measure of the time necessary for the process to adjust to a change in the input. ii. Steady state gain is the steady state change in output divided by the sustained change in the input. It characterizes the sensitivity of the output to the change in input. The steady state of a transfer function can be used to calculate the steady-state change in an output due to a steady-state change in the input. For example, suppose we know two steady states for an input, u, and an output, y. Then we can calculate the steady-state gain, K Dynamic response

(i) (ii)

Dynamic Characteristics A first-order process is self-regulating. The process reaches a new steady state. The ultimate value of the output is K for a unit step change in the input, or KM for a step of size M. This can be seen from the equation which yields

y KM as t . This characteristic explains the name steady state or static gain given for the parameter K, since for any step change in the input the resulting change in the output steady state is given by: (output) = K(input) This Equation tells us by how much we should change the value of the input in order to achieve a desired change in the output, for a process with given K. Thus, to effect the same change in the output, we need: A small change in the input if K is large (very sensitive systems); A large change in the input if K is small. For pure capacitive system, the transfer function is given as belows:

A pure capacitive process causes serious control problem because it cannot balance itself. For small change in the input, the output grows continuously. This is known as non-selfregulating process.

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