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language and skills test 5a


Units 9&10

Cross out one word or expression in each group that doesn't belong to the category. 0 TELLING A STORY badly, eventually, fortunately 1 NEWSPAPERS advertisement, artoon, on ussion 2 A!!I"ENTS AN" #IRST AI" s$rain, influen e, di%%y 3 !ELE&RITIES AN" T'E (E"IA $laster, $ubli ity, under $ressure /3

Replace the underlined word(s). 0 1 2 At start I didn)t *no+ +,at to do- _first_ T,e +ater is very ,ot- "on)t ut yourself. /////// You an read all about a tors) $rivate lives in t,e revie+ olumn of a ne+s$a$er/////// 3 W,en s,e sa+ t,e a ident, s,e didn)t +ait a se ond and alled t,e ambulan e suddenly////////// 4 I read t,e letters to t,e editor in t,e ma0a%ines to see +,at +ill ,a$$en in my life ne1t +ee*- //////// I +anted to 0et in tou , +it, (i ,ael by email but fortunately I ,ad lost ,is email address- ////////// /5


!010 Pea"s#n L#ngman ELT

!ut the "erbs in brac#ets into the correct tense. $se the past si%ple& continuous or per'ect. 0 1 2 3 4 I called 3 all4 ,er on ,er mobile as s,e +as driving 3drive4 ,er arAnna told me Robert//////////30o4 s*iin0 in t,e Al$s t,e year before'o+ mu , money//////////3you5s$end4 on your last ,oliday to !anada6 Yesterday at 7 a-m- s,e//////////3*no *4 on my door +,ile I//////////30et4 dressed(y mot,er told me s,e//////////3not li*e4 my ne+ friendsW,en +e 0ot on t,e $lane my son suddenly //////////// 3remember4 t,at ,e /////////// 3leave4 ,is ,and lu00a0e in t,e air$ort toilet/7

Report the (uestions 'ro% a )ob inter"iew. W,at)s your name6 W,at 8ualifi ations do you ,ave6 'ave you ever +or*ed in a tourist a0en y before6 !an you s$ea* any forei0n lan0ua0es6 0 1 2 3 T,e intervie+er Wanted to know what my name wasT,en s,e ///////////////////////////////////////////After t,at s,e as*ed //////////////////////////////////#inally s,e ///////////////////////////////////////////3

$nderline the correct word(s) to co%plete the sentences. 0 1 I used to swim/had swum every dayW,en +e 0ot ,ome after &et,any)s birt,day $arty, !,arlie went/used to go strai0,t to bed2 3 4 'e was playing/used to play tennis last yearI saw/used to see ,er only t,ree times +,en +e +ere in Paris"id you use to/used to ,ave your eyes tested on e a year6 9


!010 Pea"s#n L#ngman ELT


Co%plete the text with one word in each gap. As a youn0 $erson I +as very *een : on s$ort- W,en I +as a teena0er, I 2///////to be 8uite interested in everyt,in0 related to s$ort- I read t,e s$orts 9///////in t,e lo al $a$er every day and +at ,ed im$ortant mat ,es on T;- In fa t, I +as 8uite a 0ood football $layer myselfIn my teens, I +as more influen ed <///////famous s$ortsmen t,an my s ,ool friends and $arents- W,en I +as t,irteen, I told my mum t,at one day 2 =///////be ome a famous footballer and $lay for my ountry- Well, no+ I)m an a ountant, so t,at >///////,a$$en after all, but I an ,onestly say t,at s$ort $layed an im$ortant role in my life/5


!010 Pea"s#n L#ngman ELT


+ ,atch the sentences a-' with the gaps in the text 1- . .here is one extra sentence. a T,ey +ere almost off t,e mountain +,en a ,ild fell in front of (ariab T,e do tors dis overed my ,eart ondition be ause of my s*iin0 a identc (ean+,ile, ,er ot,er friends alled (aria)s $arentsd (aria ,as al+ays li*ed s$orts and s,e +anted to study s$ort at universitye It ,a$$ened t+o days before an im$ortant s*i om$etition (aria +as om$etin0 in' T,e do tors e1$lained t,at t,ey +ould ,ave to o$erate or (aria ould die/5

Read the story. .ic# ( ) true or cross ( ) 'alse. 1 2 3 4 (aria ,ad never ,ad an a ident before t,e a ident in t,e storyAfter t,e a ident ,a$$ened, (aria stood u$ but s,e didn)t feel di%%yT,e o$eration t,at "o tor #oster arried out +as su essful(aria didn)t 0et a $la e on t,e Olym$i team be ause of t,e a ident /4

0 luc#y accident Si1teen?year?old (aria "onne loves s*iin0 and ,er ambition is to be an Olym$i ,am$ion- S,e)s

,ad many a idents over t,e years, but an a ident last summer saved ,er life- 2 //// S,e +as ,o$in0 to 0et into t,e @unior Olym$i S*i Team- S*i e1$erts +ere omin0 to +at , t,e om$etition and ,oose t,e best s*iers- (aria ,o$ed t,ey +ould ,oose ,erT,ree days before t,e om$etition, (aria +ent s*iin0 +it, some friends- At first, t,ey $ra tised t,eir @um$s, but t,en t,ey de ided to finis,- 9///(aria ,ad to s*i into t,e trees to avoid ,er and s,e ,it ,er ,ead ,ard on a tree- (aria 8ui *ly 0ot u$, but t,en s,e felt di%%y- Suddenly s,e fell


!010 Pea"s#n L#ngman ELT

do+n un ons ious- Immediately, a friend arried (aria to ,is ar and drove ,er to t,e ,os$ital< //////

Everyone t,ou0,t it +as on ussion, but t,e do tors did some tests to ,e *- Eventually, t,ey dis overed t,e $roblem ? (aria +as sufferin0 from a rare ,eart ondition- =///'o+ever, o$erations on t,e ,eart are e1tremely dan0erous and (aria mi0,t not survive- #ortunately, one of t,e do tors, "o tor #oster, +as a s$e ialist- 'e o$erated on (aria usin0 a ne+ te ,ni8ue- T,e o$eration +as a om$lete su ess and @ust t,ree +ee*s later, (aria left t,e ,os$italW,en (aria +ent ba * to t,e ,os$ital si1 +ee*s later, "o tor #oster told ,er s,e ould start s*iin0 a0ain- )S,e s*ied really +ell,) ,er fat,er said- )We ouldn)t believe s,e)d been so ill.) Soon, (aria +as s*iin0 in om$etitions a0ain- One day, t,e Olym$i team oa , offered ,er a $la e in t,e @unior team and at a s$orts s ,ool- No+, (aria is li*e any ot,er student ? s,e +orries about 0ettin0 0ood 0rades and +innin0 events- 'o+ever, s,e)ll never for0et ,er lu *y a ident- ) >///I)m lu *y to be alive- I)m 0oin0 to *ee$ s*iin0 as lon0 as I an.)


!010 Pea"s#n L#ngman ELT


1 * 2isten to a news progra%%e and %atch the nu%bers with the correct in'or%ation a-g. .here is one extra piece o' in'or%ation. 2 = > A 2: 2A

a t,e a0e of t,e t+o ,ildren +,o fell in t,e +ater b t,e a0e of t+o of t,e boys +,o bro*e into t,e s ,ool c t,e number of $oli emen t,at &rian Ri0by ,it outside t,e ni0,t lub d t,e number of days t,e s ,ool +ill be losed e t,e number of lassrooms t,at +ere dama0ed in t,e fire ' t,e total number of s$orts stars in t,e ne+s t,is +ee* for bad be,aviour g t,e number of teena0ers +,o bro*e into t,e s ,ool /6


!010 Pea"s#n L#ngman ELT

10 Co%plete the response you would use in the 'ollowing situations. 1 You +ant to invite a friend to 0o to t,e inema-

"o you fan y ////////6 2 You +ant to start a onversation-

//////// ne+6 3 You +ant to a e$t an invitation-

//////// 0ood. 4 You ,ave to refuse an invitation-

////////, I an)t/4

11 Choose the best response. 1 "o you ,ave any sym$at,y for stars +,o be,ave badly6 a No, I don)t feel sorry for t,emb I definitely t,in* it)s not fair2 W,at +ould you do if your friend stole somet,in0 from a s,o$6 a S,e $robably feels t,at it)s OBb I)d tal* to my friend about t,e $roblem3 "o you t,in* $rison senten es are fair6 a I t,in* ,e)s +ron0b I definitely t,in* t,ey are4 'o+ about 0oin0 out on #riday ni0,t6 a I)d love to, but I ,ave $lansb Yes, I often 0o out at ni0,t-


!010 Pea"s#n L#ngman ELT

W,y don)t +e 0o to t,e 0ym later6 a Yes, I)ll see you on Saturday evenin0b T,at)s a 0ood idea but I)m meetin0 Bate* W,at +ould you do in t,at situation6 a I +ould a$olo0ise to everyoneb It)s not fair t,at I ,ave to a$olo0ise/6

Marks $#%a&ula"' and ("amma" *eading Listening C#mmuni%ati#n To a!" )!5 ma"ks )9 ma"ks )+ ma"ks )10 ma"ks /5# $arks


!010 Pea"s#n L#ngman ELT

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