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NAME: Arvind Kumar Parashar

Address : Kartar colony, Kaman Dis. Bharatpur, Rajasthan- 321022

Contact : -#aj5+ ce// no 678779:8;8898 :emai/ arvind<arashar587;7=,mai/5com

Objective: To secure a challenging career, utili e my talents, to learn, en!orce my potential. " #ish to #or$ as a part o! a %ynamic team #here " coul% ma$e signi!icant contri&ution to the gro#th o! the organi ation.

Education: QUALIFICA ION 'B( )MK ) *#+ B.(. 30+)4""00+ )4-

IN! I U E '*+' ),aipur-

"OA#$%UNI&E#!I ' RT., Kota

'EA# OF PA!!IN( 200/-11

0ans$rit college, 0ans$rit .ni1ersity, (l#ar ,aipur (nami$a pu&lic senior 0econ%ary school, Kaman R.B. (jmer rajen%ra Bal senior 0econ%ary school, Kaman R.B. (jmer

2002 2005 2003

INTERSHIP rainin, -.ota. Mahindra /i0e insurance1 (ur,aon+

FINAL P#O2EC A3I! "ANK4 0tu%y o! %i!!erent types o! accounts in mar$et !or %i!!erent purpose an% !or %i!!erent category o! people

Aor. EB<erience @ 3 'onth 9:perience in (.T6;"0T( T(T( '6T6R0 <t% ,aipur (s a +ustomer a%1isor =o1. 2011 To >e&. 2011 1 ?ear @ 'onth 9:perience in (D(R03 +R9D"T +6-679R(T";9 06+"9T? <TD (s a junior o!!icer 1Ath may 2012 To continue

EBtra@Curricu/ar Activities: =.0.0. )=ational 0ocial 0cheme- !or 2 year5

Com<uter Kno>/ed,e: '.0.6!!ice. "nternet

*obbies: 7laying carom, collecting coins, tra1eling8

Persona/ In0ormation $ate o0 "irth (ender Nationa/it? Marita/ !tatus Lin,uistic Pro0icienc? Permanent Address

2 ,une 1/2/ 'ale "n%ian 'arrie% 9nglish, 3in%i Kartar colony, $aman Dis.- Bharatpur )Raj.- 321022

$ECLA#A ION " here&y %eclare that the a&o1e-mentione% in!ormation is correct up to my $no#le%ge an% " &ear the responsi&ility !or the correctness o! the a&o1e-mentione% particulars.


Name:@ A#&IN$ KUMA# PA#A!*A#

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