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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

Figures of Speech Unit Plan

Unit Author First and Last Name School District School Name School City, State Unit Overview Unit Title Figures of Speech Unit Summary his unit discusses the Figures !f Speech" he students are going to be familiar #ith the artistic use of language, since figures of speech tal$ed about beauty vividness and vitality of a language" %n this unit plan, the figures of speech are classified into three& 'ased upon li$eness, this involves the Simile, (etaphor, )pithet, *ersonification, Apostrophe, and Allegory "'ased upon other relation+ this involves the (etonymy, Allusion, and ,yperbole" he third classification is 'ased upon Sentence Structure+ this involves the Clima-, Anticlima-, %rony, an epigram, alliteration and the antithesis" !f course there era a hundred of figures of speech but only the principal $inds are ta$en up here" he purpose of studying figures of speech is that you may learn to recogni.e them and use them in youre #riting" Su !ect Area )nglish/language arts" "ra#e $evel his unit plan is intended for third year student only" Appro%imate Time &ee#e# 01 minuets every meeting on (onday 2ednesday and Friday of the #ee$" Unit Foun#ation Targete# Content Stan#ar#s an# 'enchmar(s Jasmin Amerol maguindanao Notre Dame University Cotabato city

Stu#ent O !ectives)$earning Outcomes At the end of the lesson the student are e-pected to& 3" %dentify the figures of speech" 4" Define each figures if speech" 5" Use some figurative language in #riting and conversation" 0" Create a poem using figurative language" 1" )numerate the four rules to be observed" 6" 7no# the classification of figures of speech"

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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

Curriculum*Framing +uestions Essential +uestion Unit +uestions 2hat is a figurative language< Content +uestions 2hat are the classifications of figures of speech< 2hat are the rules to be observed in using figurative language< 2hat are the e-amples of figures of speech< ,o# thus figures of speech differ from each other< Assessment Plan Assessment Timeline 'efore pro!ect wor( egins Stu#ents wor( on pro!ects an# complete tas(s After pro!ect wor( is complete# ,o# can you ma$e a sentence, phrase or statement #ith the artistic use o language< 2hat is the difference bet#een idioms and the figures of speech<

2riting activities" ning"

;eading activities" >


Activitie Quizzes . Oral recitation.


=uestio *oem ma$ing


*o#er point presentation" ,andou ts"

Clear discussion of the lesson"

Assessment Summary hroughout the unit the teacher #ill use the strategy of >uestioning" And integrating their four macro s$ill especially the reading and #riting ability" %n the beginning of the lesson they #ill have an activity prior to the topic or lesson for the day" !n the proper lesson the teacher #ill directly discuss the lesson, #hile thro#ing some >uestion to the student in order for them to be more active and participative" %n the last minutes of the lesson % #ill as$ them to do an activity regarding to the topic" he activity is dine #ith partner" 2e #ill discuss one classification every meeting" Unit ,etails Prere-uisite S(ills he student must have the s$ills in manipulating there four macro s$ills& ;eading 2riting

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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

Listening Spea$ing

%t also re>uires critical thin$ing since they are going to analy.e some #ords, sentences or phrase, not ?ust literary but reading and understanding it carefully"

Instructional Proce#ures he day after the presentation, % should have prepared the thing to be included in my lesson, li$e boo$s, handouts, po#er point, and that everything must be settled and prepared" ,ay one ./on#ay0 %n the beginning of the lesson they #ill see some sentences, or phrase on the slide" % #ould as$ them to get @ sheet of paper in #hich they are going to #rite their o#n interpretation of the sentences on the slides" he student #ill #or$ #ith pair" Sentences on the slide3 are& 3" 2as this the face that launches thousands of ships and burnt the topless to#er of %lium< 4" Life but a #al$ing shado#" 5" 'lue eyed day, throne on his on his diamond car" 0" 2it is a dangerous #eapon" 1" A #ise man is never less alone than #hen alone" After #riting there ans#er, the teacher #ill as$ some of the student to share there idea about the sentences on the board" After#ards, the teacher #ill e-plain to the student that those are the e-ample of figures of speech, the directly introduce the topic for the day" he teacher #ill then as$ the students if they have any idea about the Figures of speech" %f they ans#ered yes, as$ them to tell something about it but if the student does not have any idea about the topic to be discussed directly proceed to the lesson" *resentation of the lesson& 2hat are figures of speech< Difference bet#een %dioms and Figures of speech" Four rule to be follo#ed in using a figurative language" Aenerally brief" Freshness" Li$eness and unli$eness" Appropriateness and harmony of effect"

Classification of Figures of speech" Figures based upon li$eness" Simile" (etaphor" )pithet" *ersonification" Apostrophe" Allegory"

After sho#ing the definitions of the #ord and had given the e-amples, follo#s the activity that #ill test either they really understand the lesson for the day" he activity #ill be done by pare" hey #ill (a$e a 4 paragraph describing the community they are living using figurative language" hey #ill be
8 499: %ntel Corporation" All ;ights ;eserved" *age

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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

given 39 minutes to finish the activity" he student #ill be given an assignment to test either they really understood the lesson" ,ay Two .1e#nes#ay0 After the rout nary activity, the teacher #ill process the assignment given last meeting" She #ill as$ some student to read their ans#ers in front" he reading activity #ould help them gain extra

confidence. The lesson to be discuss for the day is the second classification of figures of speech:

Figure Based Upon Other Relations, this include; Metony y or synecdoche !llusion "yperbole The discussion is ixed #ith $uestion to be as%ed to the student and as%ing the to gi&e so e exa ples of the figures of speech being discuss. !fter the discussion they #ill be as% to do an acti&ity. Ten sentences are to be classified #hat figures of speech it is and #riting it in a one fourth sheet of paper. Ten inutes is the ti e allotted for the acti&ity .They #ill a%e a poe about the topic as an assign ent. Day three (Friday) This #ill be the last day they #ill discuss about figures of speech. The last classification of the figures of speech is Figures Based Upon 'entence 'tructure a ong these are: (li ax !nticli ax )rony *pigra !lliteration !ntithesis !fter the discussion about the lesson presented. The teacher #ill test if the student really understood it by gi&ing another acti&ity as done e&ery session. !nd for an indi&iduali+e #or% they #ill a%e a ,- figurati&e language of their o#n using the tac%led Figures of 'peech. This #ill be #ritten and designed creati&ely in a short bond paper. This #ill ser&e as an assign ent.

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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

Accommo#ations for ,ifferentiate# Instruction

Special &ee#s Stu#ents

For the student #ho re>uires special needs, it #ill be good to al#ays repeat the instruction given #hen doing the activities"it also re>uires an effort in conducting the lesson because you to e-plain t#ice the topic for the day for them to understand and cope up" Al#ays as$ >uestion for them to develop critical thin$ing" %t is re>uired for the teacher to assure that the #ords used are simple to understand"
%n this case the teacher may ma$e use of translation of #ords into the native language in a certain place" he teacher may also use code s#itching" ;epetition of #ord is necessary" (a$e sure that the teacher ma$e use of simple #ords" %n every session they #ill face the >uestioning techni>ue" An activity every session could also be a big help in ?ustification of their learnings"

&onnative Spea(ers

"ifte#)Talente# Stu#ents

/aterials an# 2esources 2e-uire# For Unit Technology 3 4ar#ware BClic$ bo-es of all e>uipment neededC Camera ComputerBsC Digital Camera DDD *layer %nternet Connection DatabaseESpreadsheet Des$top *ublishing )/mail Soft#are )ncyclopedia on CD/;!( Printe# /aterials Supplies Internet 2esources Other 2esources N!N) 'oo$ e-tboo$ Laser Dis$ *rinter *ro?ection System Scanner elevision %mage *rocessing %nternet 2eb 'ro#ser (ultimedia 2eb *age Development 2ord *rocessing !ther DC; Dideo Camera Dideo Conferencing )>uip" !ther

Technology 3 Software BClic$ bo-es of all soft#are needed"C

*rograms of the %ntelF )ducation %nitiative are funded by the %ntel Foundation and %ntel Corporation" Copyright 8 499G, %ntel Corporation" All rights reserved" %ntel, the %ntel logo, %ntel )ducation %nitiative, and %ntel each *rogram are trademar$s of %ntel Corporation in the U"S" and other countries" H!ther names and brands may be claimed as the property of others"

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