Ashe Build Guide

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Ashe Build Guide : Season 4 Markswoman Ashe :: League of Legends Strategy Builds


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Season 4 Markswoman Ashe

astrolia Last updated on February 9, 2014 1,129,405 104






1817 14.4 803 13.5 135.39 82.06 0 0 395 0 Attack Damage Attack Speed Crit Chance Crit Damage Ability Power Life Steal Spell Vamp Armor Penetration Magic Penetration Cooldown Reduction 288.4 61.105 45%S 50% 0 16% 0 35 0 0%

Health Health Regen Mana Mana Regen Armor Magic Resist Dodge Tenacity Movement Speed Gold Bonus



By Hoodstom p


By astrolia

By jhoijhoi



By PandaW arrior

Mark of Attack Dam age

Se al of Arm or

Glyph of Magic R e sist

Q uint of Life Ste al

Q uint of Attack Dam age




He alth Potion

Doran's Blade

W arding Tote m

Boots of Spe e d

B. F. Sword

Infinity Edge

Be rse rk e r's Gre ave s

Ze al

Statik k Shiv




Vam piric Sce pte r

Pick ax e

Last W hispe r

C hain Ve st

Guardian Ange l

The Bloodthirste r

Gre ate r Ste alth Tote m

Enchantm e nt: Enchantm e nt: Hom e guard Alacrity



Phantom Dance r

Me rcurial Scim itar

Banshe e 's Ve il

Infinity Edge

Be rse rk e r's Statik k Shiv Gre ave s

Last W hispe r

Guardian Ange l

The Bloodthirste r



2 1 3 4 6 5 7

8 9





14 11

15 16


18 MORE GUIDES FROM ASTROLIA Season 4 Support Sona


Update d March 7, 2014







Ashe Build Guide : Season 4 Markswoman Ashe :: League of Legends Strategy Builds





1/1 3/3 1/1








1/1 3/3 FINISHED



Offense: 21

Defense: 9

Utility: 0




Taipei Snipers Winds v

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what is ashe 's role ? how doe s she fit on a te am ?

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what rune s, m aste rie s, and sum m one r spe lls do i use ?

FEBR UAR Y 13, 20

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what do i do in lane and te am fights?

So you've decided to play Ashe. A smart choice indeed. First, let's understand what kind of champion Ashe is so you know what you're getting yourself into. Compared to other AD carries, she's valued for her utility and strong initiation with Enchanted Crystal Arrow. She's not known for her early laning phase. She needs to be able to farm minions and get stronger through itemization to be a relevant source of damage for her team late game. Because of her weaker early game, Ashe isn't the best choice to go alongside an aggressive support like Leona who wants to go balls deep and get things done. In fact, one of Ashe's best friends in the laning phase is Janna who provides additional disengage and protection to keep Ashe safe. But you don't need to switch your champion selection from Ashe if your supporter has picked Leona. Games go on beyond lane phase, and even if you don't get kills in lane, a combo like Ashe and Leona will supply a wealth of crowd control to any team. Crowd control is one of Ashe's selling points. She's a strong kiter by nature, making her a large annoyance to champions without gap closers who she can kite for days on end. When it comes to team composition, Ashe can fit in with any team as just a ranged damage dealer, but she has special synergy with team mates who she can chain status effects with. Ashe, Twisted Fate and Nocturne make a strong fear and stun combo with their long ranged ult presence. Ashe and Zyra is also a popular combination due to their wealth of crowd control that can be used offensively for kills or defensively to peel enemies off of Ashe. However, Ashe herself has no gap closer and she's weak versus champions who can jump in and burst her down in seconds. She needs a solid team to protect and peel for her while she deals damage from afar and kites down stragglers.



Ashe Build Guide : Season 4 Markswoman Ashe :: League of Legends Strategy Builds

Using flat runes gives you more stats for early game. During early game, there will be lots of farming and harassing. Greater Mark of Attack Damage gives you some flat AD to help you Greater Mark of Armor Penetration is

9 9 9 2 1

last hit minions. As minions have very low armor, wasted on them.

Since you're facing an enemy marksman and their support in bottom lane, take Greater Seal of Armor and Greater Glyph of Magic Resist. The magic resist runes are mainly for enemy supports since they tend to do magic damage, but some marksmen also do a little magic damage with their skills. You can use Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist instead, Greater Glyph of Mana but flat is stronger at level 1 when you walk into lane and at level 6 when people get their ultimates. If you want extra mana regen, you can mix in a few Regeneration. Lastly, 1 Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage and 2 Greater Quintessence of Life

Steal are used for laning. Life steal helps you sustain, and since they're percent based, they'll also scale into late game once you have more AD. The 1 AD rune is so you have enough AD to last hit ranged minions if you're forced under your tower. If you don't have enough IP for life steal quints, Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage or whatever you'd like to use that isn't AP or energy is fine, but you should get Vampiric Scepter early game to make up for the lack of life steal.

Summoner Spells
For summoner spells, Flash and Barrier are pretty standard for marksmen (and women). Flash is always going to be required for positioning. For a 2nd summoner spell, 90% of the time, Barrier is a great choice. This can be attributed to the popularity of assassins (like Zed or Kha'Zix) who are going to jump on you and stay there. If you can't get them off of you, you might as well take Barrier and soak up some of their damage. Of course, Barrier has more general functions. Fighting vs the enemy marksman and support? Pop Barrier to soak damage. Karthus or Caitlyn using their ults? Pop Barrier to soak damage. For the 10% of the time when you don't take Barrier, there's also Cleanse to take when going against teams with a ton of crowd control , and Ghost which is a playstyle preference spell for kiting with Frost Shot. Heal, Ignite and Exhaust make okay summoner spells, but Ignite is better with some kind of early game killing power (not Ashe's forte), and Heal/ Exhaust get better mileage on a support - they can AoE Heal you or Exhaust/ Ignite an enemy for you, but they can't take Barrier, Cleanse, or Ghost to use on you.


The mastery page I recommend is 21/9/0 . The 21 points in Offense increases your damage output, and the 9 points in Defense are to help you survive the onslaught of assassins and bruisers. Due to the new masteries for season 4, I am going to try and be as in-depth as possible about masteries.

>> Offense
Brute Force , Martial Mastery , Executioner , Devastating Strikes and Havoc are all self-explanatory - they're all damage-related masteries. Butcher helps you last hit ranged minions if you're under your tower. Feast (combined with Doran's Blade and Greater Quintessence of Life Steal) helps you sustain in lane, and Dangerous Game helps you sustain in team fights. Later when you have Infinity Edge and Statikk Shiv, you'll be critting fairly frequently to make use of Frenzy 's buff. The filler masteries in the Offense tree are Fury and Warlord . Fury is a tier 1 mastery, so you'll need at least 3 points of it to unlock tier 2. Warlord scales on your bonus AD. At perfect conditions with a 6 item build and AD masteries, max Warlord adds around 10 bonus AD. 10 bonus AD is nice, but all of the conditions you have to fulfill before Warlord gives you 10 bonus AD are not nice. Maxing Fury or Warlord is your choice. Double-Edged Sword also deserves a shout out. Theoretically, with Oppression , you'll nullify the increased damage from Double-Edged Sword and then some. However, you won't be able to perma-slow until later so you could potentially mess up your early game.

>> Defense



Ashe Build Guide : Season 4 Markswoman Ashe :: League of Legends Strategy Builds

In the Defense tree,

Block and

Unyielding help you trade damage Recovery or Enchanted Armor

with the enemy laners and

Veteran Scars gives you some flat HP for

early game and general survivability.

could be used for filler. Neither of them are particularly amazing. Recovery 's 2 HP/5 isn't much, but it will always be in effect. Enchanted Armor sucks on a champion who isn't building many defensive items. Like Warlord , build Enchanted Armor scales on your bonus stats. Until you Guardian Angel, it'll only give you Guardian Angel, it'll only be scaling off of your armor and magic

resist runes. And even once you build better later in the game than For the 9th point in Defense, enemies with

around 3-4 armor and 2-3 magic resist. You may or may not find that to be Recovery 's 2 HP/5. Oppression works since Ashe can slow

Frost Shot. If you'd rather have HP, then there's Veteran Scars

Juggernaut . 3% HP probably doesn't seem like much, but for only 1 mastery point (remember you spent 3 to get 36 HP with ), build Banshee's Veil. Juggernaut is pretty solid. And of course, it gets even better if you

>> Utility
Defense is pretty important, but if you really want to do Utility, the important masteries are going to be Meditation ( Ashe can burn through mana, and it sucks to not have enough to Enchanted Crystal Arrow when your jungler is there to gank) and Summoner's Insight (reduced Flash and Barrier cooldown). Less important ones are going to be Fleet (helps with kiting) and Phasewalker (get back to lane 1 second quicker and/or a clutch recall where an enemy could've stopped your recall). Alchemist / Culinary Master seem really unnecessary with your other sources of sustain, and Runic Affinity is better suited on AP mids who live and thrive for Crest of the Ancient Golem .

21/2/7 would le t you m ax Me ditation , , and Block . Sum m one r's Insight

21/6/3 would le t you m ax Me ditation , Unyie lding . Block , and

21/0/9 would le t you m ax Me ditation , and Fle e t. Sum m one r's Insight ,

Recommended Items
>> Standard Marksman Build
With Greater Quintessence of Life Steal, you can start Doran's Blade for additional low level strength and sustain. Ashe's level 1 Focus crit and Volley can be potent with the additional 8 AD. Early game, you'll want to save for your B. F. Sword so you can work on Infinity Edge. If you're struggling in lane, you can buy a 2nd Doran's Blade. If you don't have Greater Quintessence of Life Steal, you should start Long Sword and build a Vampiric Scepter instead. Your first big item is Infinity Edge for the impact it has on your autoattacks. Ashe doesn't have much AD skill damage, so she doesn't benefit from going The Bloodthirster first. You should also get Berserker's Greaves and Statikk Shiv for more attack speed, crit, and movespeed. Statikk Shiv has synergy with Focus and Infinity Edge too, and the crit modifier on Infinity Edge will make Statikk Shiv's lightning proc stronger. During the later stages of the game, you'll want to build a Last Whisper to deal with tanks and a Guardian Angel for both types of defense and the passive. Assassins and bruisers are all the rage right now, so being able to revive is valuable. Finish with a The Bloodthirster for more damage and life steal. If a game goes on long, you can also replace Statikk Shiv with Phantom Dancer since it scales better once you had more AD items.

>> Enchants
Enchantments are iffy as they delay big items. 7/10 times, you'll end up buying Enchantment: Homeguard during some clutch-ish moment where you need to heal and get out of base ASAP. If you don't want to save your enchantment effect for Enchantment: Homeguard, then I recommend


Enchantment: Alacrity. won't proc on well with that mastery.

Ashe Build Guide : Season 4 Markswoman Ashe :: League of Legends Strategy Builds
Enchantment: Furor is definitely nice for kiting, but it's more expensive and Summoner's Insight , Enchantment: Distortion goes Volley. If you grabbed

>> Defensive Items

My primary recommendation for a defensive item is Mercurial Scimitar are also good. upon, or poked down. E.g. Blitzcrank's Guardian Angel, but Nidalee's Banshee's Veil and Javelin Toss, Malphite's Banshee's Veil means you don't wanna get caught out, engaged Rocket Grab,

Unstoppable Force, the list goes on. Mercurial Scimitar is nice to have versus teams with tons of crowd control . For a full list, see the LoL Wiki. (If you decide on Mercurial Scimitar, build Quicksilver Sash, then upgrade it to Mercurial Scimitar later.)

Purchase Order
The item build gives you a fairly general idea of what items a marksman needs and when they need them, but the order you purchase them in might vary game to game. Use your best judgment. If you come back to town with 1.5k gold on your first recall, you might as well buy a Zeal then as well skip B. F. Sword. If you only have 1k gold, then get the Last Whisper, then you might Pickaxe. If you're behind and enemies have already started buying armor, then you might need to build a Last Whisper. And if you have to build your aspd/crit item after Statikk Shiv and build Phantom Dancer instead.

>> Why start Doran's Blade? Why not Long Sword?
I recommend life steal quints, so I don't go for an early Vampiric Scepter every game. Also, Doran's Blade gives you everything you need for lane - the flat HP for burst/survival, the passive for additional healing, and it's 2 AD shy of what Long Sword would give you. If you don't have life steal quints though, you should definitely build a Vampiric Scepter ASAP.

>> Why Infinity Edge first on Ashe? Why not Bloodthirster?

Being an AD carry, Ashe builds primarily for damage output. And since she doesn't have a powerful AD skill, she is reliant on autoattacks. All in all, you will want to build an Infinity Edge as your first major item for autoattacks. Infinity Edge compliments autoattacks by enhancing both your crit % and your crit damage. This contrasts with The Bloodthirster which can have higher base AD but doesn't enhance your crit. The 30 higher base AD and added life steal is more useful for carries who: 1) primarily use skills early game (most skills don't/can't crit), 2) have shorter range (thus need the life steal to survive), and 3) can snowball ( The Bloodthirster is cheaper, so you finish it quickly and for the time being have a significant power boost over the other carry). In contrast, Ashe's only non-ultimate damage skill is Volley which has a very long cooldown until you max it and its primary function is to apply Frost Shot from long range, and she is not an incredible snowbally champion. Additionally, Infinity Edge has synergy with Focus. The crit chance from Focus and the crit damage boost from Infinity Edge gives you a guaranteed high damage crit once you walk back into lane. Combined with Statikk Shiv and Volley, Ashe is able to do a burst damage. This makes her much stronger in lane.

>> Blade of the Ruined King vs Bloodthirster

With the nerf to the active on Blade of the Ruined King, I recommend The Bloodthirster as your life steal item. Blade of the Ruined King is by no means a bad item though. For Ashe, the active can help her kite. Doing damage based on HP will help against tanks who build Sunfire Cape, Locket of the Iron Solari, and/or Randuin's Omen too.

>> Why Statikk Shiv? When would you build Phantom Dancer?
Generally, carries who buy Statikk Shiv early on get additional pushing power, slightly more movespeed for kiting, and some burst damage for lane. In the case of Ashe, Statikk Shiv has a particular synergy. The lightning can crit, and is affected by crit modifiers (hello Infinity Edge). So when you come back to lane and autoattack, you'll proc Statikk Shiv's lightning thanks to Focus. Getting off an autoattack crit, the lightning crit, and Volley's skill damage gives you some burst damage. If you can control Ashe well (refer to: animation canceling), you should be able to stack Statikk Shiv while attacking and moving very quickly. The only time when I would recommend Phantom Dancer is when you can't build your ASPD item until way, way later. Phantom Dancer is stronger single target DPS that scales as you get more AD items, thus it's better later. Additionally, the lightning is magic damage, and you don't optimize for magic pen. In a very long game where you end up being 6 items with Statikk Shiv, you can also replace Statikk Shiv with Phantom Dancer.

>> Why not buy an early Avarice Blade when building Shiv?
This is definitely a notable build strategy: Get 2-3 Doran's Blades, Avarice Blade and Berserker's Greaves, max Hawkshot 2nd, then do a Scrooge McDuck dive into your golden coins. I dislike this cause it means delaying your Infinity Edge, which means stunting your growth as a damage source. With the nerf to Doran's Blade's AD, this strategy has gotten weaker. Also, buying Avarice Blade is kinda like committing



Ashe Build Guide : Season 4 Markswoman Ashe :: League of Legends Strategy Builds
Statikk Shiv unless you want to waste your precious gold coins. And as discussed above, you might find Last Whisper and/or a defensive item before your ASPD/CRIT Phantom Dancer. yourself in a situation where you have to build item, at which point it's better to build

Bad Items
I advise against replacing your Statikk Shiv with Runaan's Hurricane, Zephyr or Muramana. None of them give crit making them inferior to Statikk Shiv on a crit-reliant character. Runaan's Hurricane makes you consume up to 3 * 8 mana per Frost Shot. Also, Ashe has no skill for Muramana's active and Tear of the Goddess makes your laning phase incredibly weak. The Black Cleaver is just not an item for a marksman. The stats make it better on an AD Riven) who use their skills for damage at all stages of the game. Last Whisper rather than in place of. If there's an AD caster on casters and assassins (such as They usually build it in addition to armor pen.

your team, they will probably build their own. Even if they don't, it's not worth sacrificing the extra

Skill Info
Focus is most relevant early game. It'll charge while you walk to lane. It also has synergy with Infinity Edge and Statikk Shiv. But in team fights, you will be autoattacking quite frequently. Frost Shot is a toggle (turn on/off). This is the skill that defines Ashe as a kiting champion. In lane, you won't use it too much because of the mana cost. You'll likely use Volley a lot instead. During team fights, the slow helps you reposition and lock someone down. This is Ashe's basic minion wave clearing ability. Aside from being used to clear waves, Volley can also be used to apply Frost Shot from longer range and in an AoE. Later, when it has a much shorter cooldown, you can use it casually to poke enemies and break spell shields. Another utility skill. Hawkshot is useful at all stages of the game as a scouting tool. In example, if you don't have vision of dragon, you can Hawkshot the area to check it. This is Ashe's big skill - a global stun. Once you hit level 6, you open up the possibility of being a playmaker with global presence. Team fights can also start off with an effective use of Enchanted Crystal Arrow.


Skill Order
#1 #2 #3 #4
Take Volley at level 1. Hawkshot might seem like it would be okay at level 1, but it's actually a weak start. It's better to grab Volley since it does damage and allows you to return some harass/poke to enemy laners. That way, they won't be able to freely harass you at level 1. This is especially important with the Doran's Blade start and using LS quints. You need to be able to attack minions to heal. Grab Frost Shot and Hawkshot at levels 2 and 4 respectively. You can change this up, but ideally your support should be warding and you also have your Warding Totem so there isn't a huge need to grab Hawkshot earlier. After, your biggest priority is to level Enchanted Crystal Arrow for the shorter cooldown. Your 2nd priority is to level Volley primarily for the cooldown. Having a way to clear minions is very useful, and it also doubles as poke/harass damage. Your 3rd priority is Frost Shot for the increased slow. Even if you aren't using the toggle, your Volley will still apply the slow in team fights and it can help with peeling. Your last priority is Hawkshot. Some players have a fetish for maxing Hawkshot 1st, buying Avarice Blade, and hoarding gold. It's an amusing gimmick (especially when Twisted Fate is on your team), but in a more "serious" game, maxing Hawkshot first makes Ashe's weak laning even weaker.

Ashe is generally considered a weak early game AD carry. If you can get an autoattack crit from Focus and Volley damage on an enemy champion at level 1, you have a bit of breathing room. But in general, Ashe needs to focus on last hitting minions while getting in basic attacks on the enemy AD or support between minion kills when possible. It's difficult for Ashe to win straight 1v1 duels because she has no consistent damage/aspd steroid ( Focus goes away after one attack), and no high damage skills. Ideally you want to trade damage by using a basic attack followed by a Volley. If you think you can continue, turn on Frost Shot and start chasing. Otherwise, simply whittle the enemy laners down with basic attacks and Volley here and there until they're out of potions or sustain. But by using Volley, you risk pushing the lane. Later, once you have Infinity Edge, you can do a bit of burst damage with your first


autoattack and

Ashe Build Guide : Season 4 Markswoman Ashe :: League of Legends Strategy Builds
Volley's skill damage. Once you get Statikk Shiv, that will also add to your opening burst.

Once you hit level 6 and have

Enchanted Crystal Arrow, you can put serious kill pressure on the enemy lane.

Coordinate with your jungler and support to setup ganks where your jungler can follow up on your arrow for a kill. Ideally you'll want to arrow the AD carry, but sometimes that won't be possible and going for the support is acceptable as well. If one of them used Flash earlier, aim for that champion. If they Flash to dodge your arrow or Cleanse the stun, consider it a good trade Enchanted Crystal Arrow's cooldown is shorter than Flash and Cleanse. You can also use Enchanted Crystal Arrow to assist other lanes. If you come back to base and see the enemy mid is around 60% HP, your mid might be able to kill them if you just fire your arrow straight along mid lane and create an opportunity for them. On a side note, I find it easier to land arrows that are aimed along the path your target is walking in. The angle also sometimes skews their perception of the arrow's hitbox.

With the introduction of the Warding Totem and its big brothers Greater Totem and Greater Stealth Totem, marksmen and other champions help the support with warding duties. Start the game with a Warding Totem and use it to scout around bottom lane by placing it in a bush or the tribush on blue side. Throughout the game, remember to utilize your ward to help at areas like buffs, dragon, and baron. Additionally, if the enemy team has a stealth champion like Evelynn or Rengar you might need to help out with Vision Wards since each champion can only have one on the map at a time. (You don't need to continuously buy them through the entire game though.)

Like I discussed in the intro, Janna has excellent synergy with Ashe because of her disengage. Zyra is similar with her root and knock up. Lulu is also a slow machine with Glitterlance and her ult acts like a 2nd Barrier. Sona's level 1 damage with Power Chord and Ashe's Focus crit can chunk someone. A passive, peeling Blitzcrank works just fine in lane with Ashe, and once they hit 6, they can do an Enchanted Crystal Arrow into Rocket Grab combo. Leona and Ashe are a couple of stun bots, though Ashe might not have enough damage to turn Leona's stuns into kills especially if you're laning versus a tankier marksman like Graves. Thresh might sound like someone who'd rather be with a higher damage carry, but he still provides plenty of utility for Ashe, such as adding a blink to her kit with Dark Passage. Every support can do something for Ashe, so instead of fussing over who your support is, worry about who the enemy support is. When it comes to match ups, knowing what enemy champion do is half the battle. If you see that Annie has her stun up, she's a huge threat to you. If Thresh is in a bush that you don't have warded, then he's a huge threat to you as well. Additionally, because Ashe has no escape other than Flash, crowd control and burst damage supports are very threatening. Taric's stun in example is deadly when paired with a high damage marksman ( Lucian, Jinx or Sivir).

With Volley and Statikk Shiv you can quickly push lanes so that you can either take objectives (towers, buffs, dragon) or return to base. If the enemy marksman is freezing the minion wave outside their turret, it's not the best idea to just kill minions near their turret. That makes you very easy to gank. You can often pretend like you're going back to base or life steal a bit by resetting the double golems (blue team) and they'll start pushing up more. If the enemy laners have recalled, push the minion wave to their turret so that your minions die to their tower, thereby denying them the gold and exp. But don't forget to use Hawkshot to check unwarded areas for potential enemy ganks. You can also leave Frost Shot on while attacking the tower. Tower hits won't consume mana. If the enemy team decides to engage, or your team decides to engage, you won't have to worry about turning it on. Depending on the situation, you might just want to kill the enemy tower. If 4 enemies gank top lane and take the tower, you should definitely take the bottom tower to make it an even trade. If they keep going further down top lane without sending someone back, you should keep pushing too. Otherwise, they're going to get both your top outer and inner turrets without losing anything.



Ashe Build Guide : Season 4 Markswoman Ashe :: League of Legends Strategy Builds
Once you take a turret, you can leave your lane and help your team push another lane (most likely mid for dragon control) and get more global gold. Remember to return to bottom lane and push the minions out though. Having minions pounding away at bottom can be detrimental when you're doing the baron dance.

Enchanted Crystal Arrow is a very strong initiation spell that can turn a losing or close game around. All it takes is one arrow to catch an enemy out of position and suddenly it's 4v5 in favor of your team and you can force a team fight or push an objective. On the other hand, most AD carries aren't used to the pressure of being an initiator. Just ignore the haters Enchanted Crystal Arrow is a global skillshot. It's not uncommon to miss or use it on a bad target. Just be sure you communicate with your team to ensure they're aware you may initiate if you see an opportunity.

Team Fights
Although Ashe has no damage or attack speed steroid, so her strength comes through her kiting and initiation capabilities. Positioning is very essential for Ashe, and also one of her advantages. She can be hard to reach because she can use Volley as an AoE slow and Frost Shot as a single target slow. As the AD carry, you need to be tucked away safely behind your tanks and hit whatever you can, but also do so effectively when enemies don't pose threats to you. New players often have the idea that they're supposed to hit the enemy carries. If you catch them by themselves, then yes you should be killing them. But in a 5v5 team fight, this isn't true. You yourself have built damage. You're not super tanky. You need to work your way through the enemy front line, or pick someone off if they have poor positioning. As they say in Mother Russia, "kill the closest."

You can quickly dispose of even tanky targets by auto attacking with Frost Shot activated, running backwards until your auto attack resets, then auto attacking again. If you rinse and repeat this successfully, it will be hard for bruisers and tanks to reach you. You will absolutely ruin Udyr's day and make him cry. If they use a gap closer, you can continue to kite until you believe youre in serious trouble, in which case you can Flash, use your secondary summoner spell, or Quicksilver Sash if you bought that.



Ashe Build Guide : Season 4 Markswoman Ashe :: League of Legends Strategy Builds

But while kiting, you need to manage your mana well. It's actually not optimal to leave

Frost Shot on.

Frost Shot's slow lasts for 2 seconds and you attack very fast with attack speed items. You can conserve mana by switching Frost Shot on and off, making it re-apply the slow every other attack instead of every attack, but this can be a bit of a chore. It never feels good to see someone get away on low HP because you ran out of mana and couldn't slow them. Lastly, you can use Hawkshot either as a scouting tool for potential Enchanted Crystal Arrows initiations and to scout key locations that may not be warded (e.g. to check if the enemy is doing Baron Nashor). Alternatively, it can be used in combination with Volley for a long ranged slow to cleanup after a team fight and kill low HP stragglers.

While not an Ashe clip, this replay clip from Marn vs CLG at MLG Dallas shows an extreme example of AD carry positioning as well as a team working to protect their carry. At the beginning of the fight, each team jumps on the other team's carry. Elise eliminates Tristana while the rest of Tristana's team leaves her for dead and bum rushes Vayne. This strategy actually makes sense for Marn's team: All 5 champions on Marn have a gap closer. They really want to jump in and blow someone up in seconds flat. By constantly repositioning and switching targets, Vayne survives the fight with tons of help from her team. She doesn't stand in one place the whole time, rather she constantly positions herself using Tumble and animation canceling. She doesn't dive into the enemy team to focus Tristana either. Not only that, but Vayne's team reacts to her getting jumped on by 4 enemy champions and they support her. (Of course, teams in solo queue won't be so kind!) Also notable is how Vayne prioritizes her targets. She not only targets the closest, but she also switches targets when they're no longer threatening to her. An example of this is how at 10 seconds, Shen misses taunt on Vayne and instead taunts Ryze. You can see that Vayne switches targets to Shen, and the rings from her Silver Bolts appear under him. A big part of being effective is knowing what the other champion can (and will) do, and also anticipating it.

Improving Your Gameplay

Learn how to cancel your animations. Generally remembering to "move while attacking" instead of just standing there like a big derp while you autoattack will improve your AD carry gameplay. Get better at last hitting. The Creep Score Calculator illustrates just how much gold you're missing by not last hitting very well. You can walk around to dodge enemy skills, or you can hit "S" to hold your position while waiting for a minion to get low health before you last hit it.

That concludes the guide. Thanks to my friends and guinea pigs for their assistance in taking screenshots and such.



Ashe Build Guide : Season 4 Markswoman Ashe :: League of Legends Strategy Builds

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MOBAFire is a strategy guide tool and community for League of Legends, an online battle arena style game based on Defense of the Ancients, a popular mod for Warcraft 3. LoL fans are encouraged to explore our vast library of user generated champion build guides to enhance their battlefield strategy. Learn new, effective, winning strategy from players dominating the field. League of Legends is a team based, real time strategy game set in a mythical world of swords & magic where epic battles decide the fate of mystical nations. Game players take on the role of a Summoner who conjures and controls champions to fight for them at the Institute of War. During game play champions gain experience and items to enhance their skills and abilities. How players develop and play their champions can be the difference between a crushing defeat or a glorious victory!

Aatrox Ahri Akali Alistar Amumu Anivia Annie Ashe Blitzcrank Brand C aitlyn C assiopeia C ho'Gath C orki Darius Diana Dr. Mundo Draven Elise Evelynn

Ezreal Fiddlesticks Fiora Fizz Galio Gangplank Garen Gragas Graves Hecarim Heimerdinger Irelia Janna Jarvan IV Jax Jayce Jinx Karma Karthus Kassadin

Katarina Kayle Kennen Kha'Zix Kog'Maw LeBlanc Lee Sin Leona Lissandra Lucian Lulu Lux Malphite Malzahar Maokai Master Yi Miss Fortune Mordekaiser Morgana Nami

Nasus Nautilus Nidalee Nocturne Nunu Olaf Orianna Pantheon Poppy Quinn Rammus Renekton Rengar Riven Rumble Ryze Sejuani Shaco Shen Shyvana

Singed Sion Sivir Skarner Sona Soraka Swain Syndra Talon Taric Teemo Thresh Tristana Trundle Tryndamere Twisted Fate Twitch Udyr Urgot Varus

Vayne Veigar Vel'koz Vi Viktor Vladimir Volibear Warwick Wukong Xerath Xin Zhao Yasuo Yorick Zac Zed Ziggs Zilean Zyra

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