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An Analysis of Stock Market Behavior: Risk, Return, and Stock Market Volatility In 1

Pakistan (KSE).


Chapter #1

Introduction and Background

1.1 Objective of the study 07

1.2 Problem Statement 07
1.3 Theoretical Framework 08
1.4 Significance of the Study 09
1.5 Scope of the Study 10

Chapter #2

Literature Review

2.1 Empirical Evidence from Developed Markets 11

2.2 Pakistani Equity Market 16

Chapter # 3

Research Methodology and Design

3.1 Type of the Study 19
3.2 Source and Type of Data 19
3.3 Statistical Tools 20

Javed Mehboob (MBA)

Final Research Report
An Analysis of Stock Market Behavior: Risk, Return, and Stock Market Volatility In 2
Pakistan (KSE).

Chapter # 4
Analysis and Interpretation of Data
4.1 Risk and Return Analysis 21

Conclusion 59
References 60

Table (4.1) 21
Table (4.2) 26
Table (4.3) 30
Table (4.4) 34
Table (4.5) 38
Table (4.6) 42
Table (4.7) 44

Figure (4.1.1) 46
Figure (4.1.2) 47
Figure (4.1.3) 48
Figure (4.1.4) 49
Figure (4.1.5) 50

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Final Research Report
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Pakistan (KSE).



Stock markets play an important role in facilitating productive investment

and thereby promoting economic growth. Capital markets can play a crucial

role in mobilizing domestic and foreign resources, and channeling them to the

most productive medium and long-term uses. Since these funds are not

intermediated, resource allocation should be more efficient.

The existence of an efficient equity market, an integral part of financial

system, is a pre-requisite for the smooth functioning of an economy. The equity

markets cater the needs of finances for the private investments and public sector

development programs and play an important role in mobilizing institutional and

individual saving and channeling these to the productive activities of the

economy. An efficient equity market therefore helps in expanding the

commercial and industrial base, thereby stimulates economic activity, the end of

which is increase in job opportunities and per capita income. Stock markets are

referred to as foundations to the national economy. The reason is that, for strong

economic growth and development; the existence of a vibrant equity market is

the basic pre-requisite. In essence stock markets serve the purpose of supporting

and complementing the productive activities of the economy by performing

functions regarding the mobilization and allocation of savings for the long term

funding exigencies of business and industry. Thus stock markets help in

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Pakistan (KSE).

expanding the commercial and industrial base and a result creating job

opportunities and increasing national output and per capita income.

Stock exchanges also provide necessary stimulant to institutions working

for promoting virtue of thrift, in carrying out their aims and objectives that are

mainly to attract savings and to utilize them profitably for industrial

development. With these actions of the capital market the base of industrial

finance has greatly widened and a large number of small investors are induced to

put their savings in equity investment. Thus it is obvious that for such a purpose

the existence of the stock markets become indispensable.

At the time of independence, there were only a few industries in Pakistan

and the related institutional framework was weak. A few insurance companies

and the managing agency systems were the only platform for trade in funds.

Commercial banks were mostly engaged themselves in financing commercial

operations. The establishment of State bank of Pakistan in 1948 as the central

bank of the country laid foundation for an organized money market. The need to

establish a stock exchange was felt at the time of independence and the

government had taken steps to setup a stock exchange at Karachi in September

18, 1947, which was converted into a registered company limited by guarantee

on March 10, 1949. At that time it had 90 members and 13 listed companies with

paid up capital of Rs. 108 million. Though there were two other stock markets,

later established in Pakistan at Lahore and Islamabad in 1970 and 1992

respectively. The Karachi Stock Exchange remains the main center of activity

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Pakistan (KSE).

where 75-80 % of the current trading takes place. Most of the companies Lahore

and Islamabad stock exchanges are also listed at Karachi stock exchange. The

turn over of Karachi stock exchange is fairly contributed by these two smaller

but fast growing regional stock exchanges whose members send the unexecuted

orders at their exchange to the Karachi stock exchange floor.

The main equity market in Pakistan is Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE), has been

in operation for almost half of century. It has not been an active market until the

beginning of 1991. During the year 1994, frequent crashes of the stock market

show that the KSE is rapidly converting into a volatile market. Heavy

fluctuations in stock prices are not an unusual phenomena however, such

fluctuations have been observed at almost all big and small exchanges of the

world. The major fluctuation has been observed in year 2001-2002 is after the

11 t h September event. The stock prices have been very frequently fluctuate, and

the stock market also affected by the 10 t h October 2002 Elections. Pakistan had

nuclear test on May 28, 1998 that has significant impact on KSE 100 and it

declines from 1040.19 to 789.15 and trading volume from Rs 16 million to Rs 9

Million. The recent attack of USA on Iraq have also affect the Pakistani stock

markets in March 2003.The frequent fluctuations in the stock market have been

occurred due to uncertainty. Focusing on the reasons for such fluctuations is

intrusive, and likely to have important implications. Nevertheless, the KSE

offers an interesting set of circumstances to test the nature of market volatility.

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Pakistan (KSE).

Pakistan used number of measures in order to develop its capital markets,

the major measures include economic liberalization, regulatory changes in

foreign exchange controls, repatriation of profits and privatization of public

sector enterprises and, most importantly, the opening of the equity market to

international investors during 1991. However, the equity market in Pakistan is

likely to regain its importance in the near future, especially in the light of major

developments. Like, following the loan agreement with international monetary

fund (IMF), Pakistan has been able to receive aid inflows from many sources,

such as World Bank, Asian Development Bank and Islamic Development Bank

and debt rescheduling arrangements are in the process.

It has been observed that in the past few years the opening of the

Pakistani equity market to international investors has exposed it to frequent

crashes, which indicated that the KSE, LSE, and ISE are highly volatile markets.

The fluctuations in stock prices are usual phenomena and are daily observed in

almost all stock markets of the world, small as well as large.

The average investors are risk averse, his/her objective is to maximize

return with the minimum risk. Thus, given the rate of return, the stock markets

that are relatively less volatile, are likely to attract more investment. However,

what matters in the individual’s investment decision is the perception rather

than realization; past experience matters to the extent that it influences future

expectations about return and volatility. In other words, while making their

investment decision investors consider expected return and expected volatility

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Pakistan (KSE).

conditional upon the available information. Thus the stock markets activities are

usually governed by information. While the systematically disseminated

information determines the ling-term trend and underlying strength of the

market, the information that comes as a surprise event—the so called good or

bad news- cause shocks to the stock markets and result in volatility. The ways

investors interpret this news are crucial in forming expectations about the future

course of events in the stock markets.

One relevant question is always remained on the forefront of financial

theory, why the investors take risk of volatility when a wide range of “safe

assets” exist. There is also a straight quotation, that high risk leads high return.

A possible answer is given by the postulate that returns on stocks include a

premium for risk that provides a sufficient incentive to take risk. This postulate

has been known as Capital Asset Pricing Model or CAMP. Although this

postulate has been applied time and again on almost all the major stock markets

in the world, it has not been tested thoroughly for the KSE.


The study is undertaken to address the following issues pertaining to

activities at the KSE.

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An Analysis of Stock Market Behavior: Risk, Return, and Stock Market Volatility In 8
Pakistan (KSE).

 To verify how risk affects the selected stock prices?

 To verify the relationship between risk and return of selected


 To verify nature of volatility in selected stocks, and how volatility

affects the selected stock Returns?


Literature describes that there is strong relation between risk and return,

and they have great impact on stock return, sometimes this impact is positive

and sometimes it is negative. It will be verified that how the risk affects the

stock prices. Risk and return both are always be with stock market and have very

strong relation. This report will verify the relationship between risk and return.

One relevant question is always remained on the forefront of financial theory,

why the investors take risk of volatility when a wide range of “safe assets”

exist. This report studies the nature of volatility on the stock return and to

verify how the volatility affects the stock return. It is very helpful for the

individual investor to know how the stock market behaves and how the risk

affects the stock prices. This research report is very beneficial for the individual

investor to know that how volatility affects stock return.

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Pakistan (KSE).


The aim of this section is to define the relationship between the dependent

and the independent variables. In this particular study, the dependent variable is

return while the independent variable is risk.

Fama and French in (June 1992): They tested stock returns over the 1963-

1990 period, they found that the size and market-to-book-value variables are

powerful predictors of average stock returns. The risk and return have great

impact on stock prices. This effect can be either an increase or decrease in

stock prices. This impact may be the systematic risk factors or due to the

unsystematic risk factors. The impact of risk on return is not a new phenomenon.

The risk factor can be minimized but it cannot be eliminated entirely. Risk and

return are interlinked, higher the risk depicts higher the return and lower the

risk represents lower return. Farid and Ashraf (1995): describes that there was a

strong positive correlation among the volume of trading, expected rate of return

and volatility of stock prices. Uncertainty leads volatility. Uncertainty and

volatility have direct relation, if the environment is highly uncertain than it

leads high volatile market. Volatility is measured by the Beta. Fama and French

(June 1998): describes that high beta describes that the firm is risky. The

measure for this non-diversifiable risk is the beta coefficient -- which measures

the volatility of an asset's returns compared to volatility of overall market

returns. The higher the potential return, the higher the potential loss may be, and

that negative returns are possible for all investment types. Though the literature

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Pakistan (KSE).

on stock market prices behavior elaborate variety of issues but this

review/research is restricted to some theoretical issues about, taking as top five

active companies (KSE) by taking monthly data of last five years data and try to

interpret and elaborate the relationship between risk and return. Hussain (1997)

examined relationship between retunes and stock market volatility for Pakistani

equity market using daily data. Khilji (1993) investigated the time series

behavior of monthly stock returns in Pakistan over the period July 1981 to June


It is true that volatility affects the market. The persistence in volatility is

not surprising: stock market volatility should depend on the overall health of the

economy, and real economic variables themselves tend to display persistence.

Ahmed and Rosser (1995): describes that volatile market prices also reflect

optimism regarding future economic development. Stock market volatility tends

to be persistent; that is, periods of high volatility as well as low volatility tend

to last for months. In particular, periods of high volatility tend to occur when

stock prices are falling and during recessions. Stock market volatility also is

positively related to volatility in economic variables, such as inflation,

industrial production, and debt levels in the corporate sector.


This study contemplates and elaborates the relationship between risk and

return. This study is extremely significant for the elaboration of the relationship

Javed Mehboob (MBA)

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An Analysis of Stock Market Behavior: Risk, Return, and Stock Market Volatility In 11
Pakistan (KSE).

between risk and return and this study is also very helpful to know that how the

risk affect the stock prices. This study also defines the nature of volatility at

KSE. It describes how the volatility affects the stock return.


This study is carried out to cover following aspects:

 This study is based on secondary data.

 The quantitative analysis has been carried out on the basis of top 5 active

companies, including PTCL, PSO, EC, FF, and MCB.

 The monthly data is used for analysis of last 5 years.

 300 observations have been analyzed in this report.

 There are three stock exchanges in Pakistan but our study is limited to

Karachi Stock Exchange and All the analysis are based on Karachi Stock


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Pakistan (KSE).




The predictability of stock returns is studied using the framework of

Ferson and Harvey 1993. They used capital asset pricing model where risk

premium and risk sensitivities are conditioned on a range of financial

information variables. In particular, they studied that the effect of the return

interval on the predictability of short-term stock returns. Using daily, weekly,

and monthly returns. They found that the predictability of returns increases with

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Pakistan (KSE).

the length of return interval, but so does the power of the capital asset pricing

model to explain the predictability. They reported that the time variation in risk

premium accounts for most of the predictability. However, the results show also

there is a positive relationship between beta and risk premium which seems to

increase for smaller companies.

French, Schwert, and Stambaught in December 1986, examined the relation

between stock returns and stock market volatility. They found the evidence that

the expected market risk premium (the expected return on a stock portfolio

minus the Treasury bill yield) is positively related to the predictable volatility

of stock returns. There is also evidence that unexpected stock market returns are

negatively related to the unexpected change in the volatility of stock returns.

This negative relation provides indirect evidence of a positive relation between

expected risk premiums and volatility.

Fama and French in June 1992, they looked empirically at the relationship

among common stock return and a firm’s market capitalization (size), market- to-

book-value ratio, and beta. They tested stock returns over the 1963-1990 period,

they found that the size and market-to-book-value variables are powerful

predictors of average stock returns. When these variables were used first in a

regression analysis, the added beta variable was found to have little additional

explanatory power. They suggested that the firm’s market value and market- to-

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Pakistan (KSE).

book-value ratio are the appropriate proxies for risk, and also suggested that

beta is reasonable measure for risk.

Vaihekoshi has undertaken the study in 1996. Equity and government bond

indexes as risk factors have been used in this research paper. The approach

allows for the time-varying risk-premium, risk-adjusted returns, risk

sensitivities, and residual variances. Betas, risk-adjusted returns, and residual

variances are allowed to vary linearly with the conditioning information

variables: a short-term interest rate level, a measure of interest rate volatility, a

measure of interest rate term structure, a measure of currency market volatility.

Tests are done using weekly returns on seven size, industry and leverage ranked

portfolios. The sample period is 1987 to 1995. The results show some evidence

that the bond factor is relevant to the pricing of the stocks. The results also

support the idea that the conditioning variables can be used to predict the time-

variation in betas.

This study has been done by Steven in June 2000, stated that the emerging

stock markets represent an alternative investment opportunity for investors

looking to diversify their portfolio. These markets have the potential to yield

high returns, but do so at a high risk. This paper analyzes the performance of

selected emerging stock markets last five years, relative to the performance of

the S&P 500 standard index. The emerging markets analyzed are China,

Pakistan, South Africa, Egypt, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Argentina, as

represented by the MSCI index for each individual national market. These

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Pakistan (KSE).

markets provide a cross section of the global emerging marketplace,

representing Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. The risks,

returns, and correlations of each of these markets are compared against the US

market, and Jensen values are calculated to determine if they outperform the

S&P 500. This data should help investors in achieving the goal of international

asset allocation.

This paper has been done by Ahmet , Nusret in 1999. In this paper they

test the overreaction hypothesis in seven industrialized countries using the

methodology suggested by Conrad and Kaul. They then try to determine whether

price or size is significant in explaining holding period to determine whether

price or size is significant in explaining holding period returns to loser and

winner portfolios. Finally, they evaluate the performance of arbitrage portfolios

based on price and size, and compare the findings to the performance of loser-

winner arbitrage portfolios. Moreover, two points must be considered in

interpreting these findings; first, as Loughran and Ritter (1996) observed when

portfolios are formed on a single variable like past returns, price or size, the

impact of any of these variables will probably be overstated. Secondly, the

returns to some portfolios might be accounted, at least in part, by higher risk.

This study has been carried out by Donald and Fisher. The purpose of this

study is to investigate the price behavior of unseasoned new issues of common

stock immediately following the offering and over the subsequent year during

the period 1969-70. It widely alleged that under writers may attempt to “under

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Pakistan (KSE).

price” new issues of common stock so that the initial offering will be fully

subscribed and rise in price subsequent to issue. The difference between offering

price and subsequent market price constitute a “rent” that is distributed by the

underwriter to initial purchase of the stock. It is hypothesized that this rent. In

this study a number of hypotheses, based on the efficient market model, were

tested with data on 142 unseasoned new issues of common stock offered in the

first quarter 1969. The findings indicated significantly large returns for the

initial subscribers, adjusted for market effects, in the first week following the


Fama and French in June 1998 studied the return performance of all no

financial firms traded on the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ over the period from

1962 to 1990. They found that the market value and book to market ratio were

important predictors of average returns, and that the beta of the stock was not a

significant predictor. It is important to stress that it is not possible to disprove

the notion of an efficient market through empirical tests. The interpretation of

these findings is that they are finding a more accurate representation of the risk

premium. It is not unreasonable to suppose that small firms are more risky than

large firms.

In addition, Harris and Marston suggest that the book to market ratio can

be considered as a composite indicator of the beta of the stock and of its

expected growth. They argue that a firm will have a high book to market (i.e.

strong value characteristics) for two reasons: because the firm is risky (high

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Pakistan (KSE).

beta) or because the firm has poor growth prospects. The statistical results,

according to this view, are not telling us anything about the efficiency of the

market; they are simply showing us a methodology for more accurately

estimating the risk factors.

This study has been done by David and Shiller, in 1990, express that the

excess volatility is an accepted phenomenon and cannot be adequately explained

by fluctuations in real interest rates. In this essay the author has shown that it is

more likely that capital gains or losses can be attributed to the actions of

individual investors, rather than movements in ex-post values of which the

ordinary investor would have very little knowledge. The author would postulate

that the theory is only an extreme of certain limited markets. While it does hold

to a certain extent in all markets, it is not the full explanation. The excess

volatility which has been examined has been adequately explained by the theory

of popular models, seems to be totally logical in its assumptions and is well

supported by several texts as the author has demonstrated. For this reason one's

answer to the question posed by this essay 'Stock Market Volatility -

Psychological Phenomenon?' would be that volatility is a function of both

economic variables and psychological factors. The assumption though that the

economic variables should be concentrated on to the detriment of research on

psychological factors.

William in May-June 1990, describe in their study that, Investors,

regulators, brokers, dealers, and the press have all expressed concern over the

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Pakistan (KSE).

level of stock market volatility. But the perception that prices move a lot -- and

have been moving a lot more in recent years, is in part merely a reflection of the

historically high levels of popular indexes. The drop in stock prices on October

13, 1989, while large in terms of a point decline -- was not even among the 25

worst days in NYSE history in terms of percentage changes. While a 6 per cent

drop in prices is not inconsequential, neither is it a rare event when considered

within the context of the behavior of stock returns over the 1802-1989 periods.

Apart from October 1987 and October 1989, volatility was not particularly high

in the 1980s. Moreover, the growth in stock index futures and options trading

has not been associated with an upward trend in stock volatility. There is little

evidence that computerized trading per se increases volatility, except perhaps

within the trading day. The evidence so far is inconclusive as to whether trading

halts or circuit-breakers can reduce volatility in a beneficial way. Even if

circuit- breakers can reduce volatility, are the benefits of stability greater than

the cost of inefficiency created by the trading halt?


In the Pakistan, following studies and researches has been done by the

researchers to analyze and elaborate the stock market behavior.

Study has been done by Hussain and Uppal 1998, examined the

distributional characteristics of Pakistani equity market as well as the effects of

the opening of market to international investors. Using daily data on 36

companies, 8 section indices, and the market index Jan 1, 1989 to Dec 30, 1993

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Pakistan (KSE).

various prepositions regarding stock return behavior was examined. The analysis

shows significant returns in the market and that stock returns in the Pakistani

market cannot be characterized by normal distribution. The study suggested that

both the average return and volatility increased significantly when the market

was opened but after one year dropped back.

In another study Hussain 1997, examined the day of the week effect in

Pakistani equity market using the data as mentioned above. The results did not

indicate any significant difference in stock returns across days. The analysis

conducted in various sub periods revealed the presence of day of the week effect

in the form of lowest returns on the first trading day. However, the paper

indicates identical distribution of stock returns across days.

In another study Hussain 1997, examined relationship between retunes and

stock market volatility for Pakistani equity market using daily data. The study

also found a strong evidence of persistence in variance in returns, implying that

shocks to volatility continue for a long period of time. When volatility was

controlled, it was found that serial dependence in stock returns was reduced but

not eliminates which indicated that the returns in the market may be partially


Khilji 1993 investigated the time series behavior of monthly stock returns

in Pakistan over the period July 1981 to June 1992. The author made use of the

state bank of Pakistan (SBP) share prices indices to calculate the monthly stock

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Pakistan (KSE).

returns for eleven groups of stocks. The findings of the research suggested that

the distribution of the returns of various series were not normal and were

generally, positively skewed, leptokurtic and had positive mean. Assuming that

each industry group represented an efficient and diversified portfolio, historical

betas were found to be statistically different from zero but not different form

one. This means that investors in Pakistan sock market who have diversified

portfolios of stock of different industries were subject to the same amount of

risk as investors with one industry portfolio.

According to Ahmad and Rosser erratic and complex dynamics of the

stock market suggests that Pakistani economy may be subject to instabilities and

oscillations. On the other hand, rising but volatile market prices also reflect

optimism regarding future economic development.

In a firm level study Farid and Ashraf 1995, analyzed the effects of

trading volume on the volatility of stock prices has been studied by using

average daily turnover of ten randomly selected companies for the first six

months of 1994. Volatility of stock prices was found to be quite high ranging

from a minimum of 26% per annum to 51% per annum. There was a strong

positive correlation among the volume of trading, expected rate of return and

volatility of stock prices during the first half of 1994 indicating the trend at the

DSE to invest in stocks only for short term gains. It was observed in the study

that majority of investors entered the market when it was rising and abandoned

when it was falling, thus following their own portfolio insurance schemes. The

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Pakistan (KSE).

author also suggested a more detailed study on the basis of daily fluctuation of

stock prices to get more accurate results.

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Pakistan (KSE).




The present study was an analytical research paper. The impacts of Risk on

the return have estimated as an analytical aspect of the study. The relationship

between risk and return has been analyzed in this research paper. This research

paper used to analyze that how stock volatility affects the stock return.


The importance of the data in economic research is an integral part of the

building block of research. To reach an accurate and reliable source, searching

for most relevant form of the data is a basic part of a research work. The

analytical view of the data and their understanding can help in reaching concrete

results. Most of reliable monthly data have been taken of last five years of

Karachi stock exchange.

Usually it is observed that new researchers face difficulties in the source

of data for longer time series. So a maximum care has been made to elaborate

the data, its nature and source in an explicit way to help the researchers.

Therefore, monthly data of last five years has been used in this regard.

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Pakistan (KSE).

For present study, the research has conducted on the basis of secondary

data. There are various sources of data, which provide information on the stock

prices and their risks and returns. Although the primary sources of the data are,

local libraries, Annual reports, and the internet. It includes books, journals,

newspapers, and various web sites. It has been found that internet is very useful

source of valuable information that has been used in this study.

The main focus is on risk and return that will be appropriate to take start

from these variables. Information on these variables is almost available in the

entire above-mentioned data sources.


. In this research paper there are two type of analysis have been carried out.

Firstly standard deviation has been calculated, in order to get total risk of top

five selected companies on the basis of monthly data of last five years.

Secondly, capital asset pricing model has been used for analysis. Measure of

volatility is beta. Therefore, beta indicates that how much uncertainty and

volatility exist in the market. The Capital Asset Pricing Model is one of the best

known methods for quantifying risk.

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Pakistan (KSE).

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An Analysis of Stock Market Behavior: Risk, Return, and Stock Market Volatility In Pakistan (KSE). 25





YEAR 1998
Jan 1st to Jan 31st 18.00 (1.50) 0.4625 (5.32) (9.06) 82.08
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 19.05 1.05 0.4625 8.40 4.66 21.71
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 19.45 0.40 0.4625 4.53 0.79 0.6241
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 18.75 (0.70) 0.4625 (1.22) (4.96) 24.60
May 1st to May 31st 18.20 (0.55) 0.4625 (0.47) (4.21) 17.72
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 17.65 (0.55) 0.4625 (0.48) (4.22) 17.81
July 1st to July 31st 19.45 1.80 0.4625 12.82 9.08 82.45
Aug 1st to Aug 30th 21.00 1.55 0.4625 10.35 6.61 43.69
Sep 1st to Sep 30th 23.85 2.85 0.4625 15.77 12.03 144.72
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 24.45 0.60 0.4625 4.45 0.71 0.5041
Nov 1st to Nov 30th 24.75 0.30 0.4625 3.12 (0.62) 0.3844
Dec 1st to Dec 31st 22.55 (2.20) 0.4625 (7.02) (10.76) 115.78
SUB TOTAL 5.55 44.93 552.07
YEAR 1999
Jan 1st to Jan 31st 18.10 (0.95) 0.617 (1.75) (5.92) 35.05
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 17.75 (0.35) 0.617 1.48 (2.69) 7.24
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 18.60 0.85 0.617 8.26 4.09 16.73
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 20.45 1.85 0.617 13.26 9.09 82.63

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May 1st to May 31st 22.10 1.65 0.617 11.09 6.92 47.89
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 19.85 (2.25) 0.617 (7.39) (11.56) 133.63
July 1st to July 31st 23.10 3.25 0.617 19.48 15.31 234.40
Aug 1st to Aug 30th 21.00 (2.10) 0.617 (6.42) (10.59) 112.15
Sep 1st to Sep 30th 21.10 0.10 0.617 3.41 (0.76) 0.5776
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 19.90 (1.20) 0.617 (2.76) (6.93) 48.02
Nov 1st to Nov 30th 20.65 0.75 0.617 6.87 2.70 7.29
Dec 1st to Dec 31st 21.70 1.05 0.617 8.07 3.90 15.21
SUB TOTAL 7.40 50.00 740.82
YEAR 2000
Jan 1st to Jan 31st 25.65 3.95 0.6875 21.37 17.76 315.42
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 28.10 2.45 0.6875 12.23 8.62 74.30
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 30.85 2.75 0.6875 12.23 8.62 74.30
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 29.90 (0.95) 0.6875 (0.8509) (4.46) 19.90
May 1st to May 31st 28.25 (1.65) 0.6875 (3.22) (6.83) 46.65
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 27.85 (0.40) 0.6875 1.02 (2.59) 6.71
July 1st to July 31st 27.80 (0.05) 0.6875 2.29 (1.32) 1.74
Aug 1st to Aug 30th 26.60 (1.20) 0.6875 (1.84) (5.42) 29.70
Sep 1st to Sep 30th 26.80 0.20 0.6875 3.34 (0.27) 0.0729
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 25.90 (0.90) 0.6875 (0.7929) (4.40) 19.39
Nov 1st to Nov 30th 24.70 (1.20) 0.6875 (1.98) (5.59) 31.25
Dec 1st to Dec 31st 23.90 (0.80) 0.6875 (0.4555) (4.07) 16.53
SUB TOTAL 8.250 43.34 635.96
YEAR 2001
Jan 1st to Jan 31st 25.30 (1.40) 0.7625 (2.66) (5.49) 30.14
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 24.30 (1.00) 0.7625 (0.9387) (3.77) 14.20
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 22.75 (1.55) 0.7625 (3.24) (6.07) 36.54
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 22.90 0.15 0.7625 4.01 1.18 1.39
May 1st to May 31st 23.00 0.10 0.7625 3.77 0.94 0.8836
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 22.75 (0.25) 0.7625 2.23 (0.60) 0.36
July 1st to July 31st 21.00 (1.75) 0.7625 (4.34) (7.17) 51.41
Aug 1st to Aug 30th 20.75 (0.25) 0.7625 2.44 (0.39) 0.1521

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An Analysis of Stock Market Behavior: Risk, Return, and Stock Market Volatility In Pakistan (KSE). 27

Sep 1st to Sep 30th 19.55 (1.20) 0.7625 (2.11) (4.94) 24.40
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 19.80 1.25 0.7625 10.29 7.46 55.65
Nov 1st to Nov 30th 21.55 1.75 0.7625 12.69 9.86 97.23
Dec 1st to Dec 31st 23.40 1.85 0.7625 12.12 9.29 86.30
SUB TOTAL 9.15 33.96 398.66
YEAR 2002
Jan 1st to Jan 31st 15.60 7.80 0.8292 36.88 27.55 759.00
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 17.55 1.95 0.8292 17.81 8.48 71.91
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 18.95 1.40 0.8292 12.70 3.37 11.36
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 19.15 0.20 0.8292 5.42 (3.91) 15.29
May 1st to May 31st 15.45 (3.70) 0.8292 (14.99) (24.32) 591.46
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 17.15 1.70 0.8292 16.37 7.04 49.56
July 1st to July 31st 18.75 1.60 0.8292 14.16 4.83 23.33
Aug 1st to Aug 30th 20.15 1.40 0.8292 11.89 2.56 6.55
Sep 1st to Sep 30th 17.25 (2.90) 0.8292 (10.28) (19.61) 384.55
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 19.80 2.55 0.8292 19.59 10.26 105.27
Nov 1st to Nov 30th 21.25 1.45 0.8292 11.51 2.18 4.75
Dec 1st to Dec 31st 18.50 (2.75) 0.8292 (9.04) (18.37) 337.46
SUB TOTAL 9.95 112.02 2360.49

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Pakistan (KSE).


Risk is calculated on the basis of fluctuations. Risk can not be eliminated

at all. It can be minimized but can’t be eliminate entirely. Risk can be diverge

both the sides positive or negative. If the difference between average (mean) and

standard deviation is less, therefore it must be less risky investment, and if the

difference between average (mean) and standard deviation is high than it

indicates that it must be very risky investment. Standard deviation is a measure

of the dispersion of a set of data from its mean. The more spread apart the data

is, the higher the deviation. A volatile stock would have a high standard

deviation. Standard deviation can also be calculated as the square root of the

variance. Whatever way TSR is calculated, it means the same thing - the total

amount returned to investors.

In year 1998, PTCL total risk is 7.08 and total return is 44.93. It indicates that

there is either +7.08% or -7.08% deviation is possible. If this share has been

purchased for Rs. 22.50 and there is risk of 7.08%. than this share can be for Rs.

24.09, if there is +7.08%, and if there is -7.08% than this share can be for Rs.

20.91. In year 1999, PTCL total risk is 8.21% while its total return is 50.00%. It

indicates that the price of this share can be deviate either +8.21% or -8.21%. In

year 2000, PTCL total risk is 7.60% and its total return is 43.34%. It shows that

price of this share can be deviate +7.60% or -7.60%. In year 2001, its total risk

is 6.02%, while total return is 33.96%. The price of this share can be deviate

either +6.02% or -6.02%. . In year 2002, PTCL total risk is 14.65% while its

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An Analysis of Stock Market Behavior: Risk, Return, and Stock Market Volatility In 29
Pakistan (KSE).

total return is 112.02%. It indicates that the price of this share can be deviate

either +14.65% or -14.65%. If there is high risk there are high chances of

deviation and if there is low risk than there are lesser chances

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Pakistan (KSE).

of deviation. In year 2002, there is high risk as 14.65%. Therefore, there is high

chance of deviation as well. This deviation can be either +14.65% or-14.65%.

Javed Mehboob (MBA)

Final Research Report
An Analysis of Stock Market Behavior: Risk, Return, and Stock Market Volatility In Pakistan (KSE). 31



YEAR 1998
Jan 1st to Jan 31st 78.00 1.45 1.6784 4.09 (0.47) 0.2209
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 78.25 0.25 1.6784 2.47 (2.09) 4.37
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 77.95 (0.30) 1.6784 1.76 (2.80) 7.84
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 77.40 0.55 1.6784 2.86 (1.70) 2.89
May 1st to May 31st 76.00 (1.40) 1.6784 0.3597 (4.20) 17.64
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 76.25 0.25 1.6784 2.54 (2.02) 4.08
July 1st to July 31st 82.50 6.25 1.6784 10.40 5.84 34.11
Aug 1st to Aug 30th 78.95 (3.55) 1.6784 (2.27) (6.83) 46.65
Sep 1st to Sep 30th 94.40 15.45 1.6784 21.70 17.14 293.78
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 54.90 (39.50) 1.6784 (40.07) (44.63) 1991.84
Nov 1st to Nov 30th 83.90 29.00 1.6784 55.88 51.32 2633.74
Dec 1st to Dec 31st 78.00 (5.90) 1.6784 (5.03) (9.59) 91.97
SUB TOTAL 20.14 54.69 5129.13
YEAR 1999
Jan 1st to Jan 31st 60.75 (17.25) 2.083 (19.45) (31.19) 972.82
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 66.70 5.95 2.083 13.22 1.48 2.19
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 84.60 17.90 2.083 29.96 18.22 331.97
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 89.25 4.65 2.083 7.96 (3.78) 14.29
May 1st to May 31st 105.90 16.65 2.083 20.99 9.25 85.56
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 92.50 (13.40) 2.083 (10.69) (22.43) 503.10
July 1st to July 31st 136.35 43.85 2.083 49.66 37.92 1437.93
Aug 1st to Aug 30th 125.00 (11.35) 2.083 (6.80) (18.54) 343.73
Sep 1st to Sep 30th 134.50 9.50 2.083 9.27 (2.47) 6.10
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 137.55 3.05 2.083 3.82 (7.92) 62.73
Nov 1st to Nov 30th 141.70 4.15 2.083 4.53 (7.21) 51.98

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Final Research Report
An Analysis of Stock Market Behavior: Risk, Return, and Stock Market Volatility In Pakistan (KSE). 32

Dec 1st to Dec 31st 194.00 52.30 2.083 38.38 26.64 709.69
SUB TOTAL 25.00 140.85 4522.09
YEAR 2000
Jan 1st to Jan 31st 151.50 (39.50) 2.792 (18.92) (19.83) 393.33
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 155.50 4.00 2.792 4.48 3.57 12.73
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 154.60 (0.90) 2.792 1.22 0.3075 0.0946
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 136.25 (18.35) 2.792 (10.06) (10.97) 120.40
May 1st to May 31st 135.15 (1.10) 2.792 1.24 0.3275 0.1073
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 141.44 6.29 2.792 6.72 5.81 33.73
July 1st to July 31st 142.26 0.82 2.792 2.55 1.64 2.68
Aug 1st to Aug 30th 150.45 8.19 2.792 7.72 6.81 46.34
Sep 1st to Sep 30th 155.26 4.81 2.792 5.05 4.14 17.12
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 165.94 10.68 2.792 8.68 7.77 59.56
Nov 1st to Nov 30th 168.22 2.28 2.792 3.06 2.15 4.61
Dec 1st to Dec 31st 164.10 (4.12) 2.792 (0.7896) (1.70) 2.90
SUB TOTAL 33.50 10.95 693.60
YEAR 2001
Jan 1st to Jan 31st 144.75 (19.35) 3.50 (9.66) (11.08) 122.77
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 142.25 2.50 3.50 4.15 2.73 7.45
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 144.25 2.00 3.50 3.87 2.45 6.00
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 141.65 (2.60) 3.50 0.6239 (0.7961) 0.6338
May 1st to May 31st 142.45 0.80 3.50 3.04 1.62 2.62
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 132.50 (9.95) 3.50 (4.53) (5.95) 35.40
July 1st to July 31st 123.55 (8.95) 3.50 (4.11) (5.53) 30.58
Aug 1st to Aug 30th 127.85 4.30 3.50 6.31 4.89 23.91
Sep 1st to Sep 30th 105.60 (22.25) 3.50 (14.67) (16.09) 258.89
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 111.60 6.00 3.50 9.00 7.58 57.46
Nov 1st to Nov 30th 117.60 12.80 3.50 14.61 13.19 173.98
Dec 1st to Dec 31st 130.40 6.40 3.50 8.42 7.00 49.00
SUB TOTAL 42.00 17.05 768.69
YEAR 2002

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Jan 1st to Jan 31st 125.00 (5.40) 3.75 (1.26) (8.64) 74.65
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 138.50 13.50 3.75 13.80 6.42 41.22
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 147.15 8.65 3.75 8.95 1.57 2.46
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 154.15 7.00 3.75 7.31 (0.07) 0.0049
May 1st to May 31st 148.85 (5.30) 3.75 (1.01) (8.39) 70.39
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 140.00 (8.85) 3.75 (3.43) (10.81) 116.86
July 1st to July 31st 140.80 0.80 3.75 3.25 (4.13) 17.06
Aug 1st to Aug 30th 202.65 61.85 3.75 46.59 39.21 1537.42
Sep 1st to Sep 30th 197.30 (5.35) 3.75 (0.7895) (8.17) 66.74
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 195.50 (1.80) 3.75 0.9883 (6.39) 40.85
Nov 1st to Nov 30th 176.35 (19.15) 3.75 (7.88) (15.26) 232.87
Dec 1st to Dec 31st 211.50 35.15 3.75 22.06 14.68 215.50
SUB TOTAL 45.00 88.58 2416.02

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Pakistan (KSE).


In year 1998, PSO total risk is 21.59% while its total return is 54.69%. It

indicated that there is possibility of deviation in price is either +21.59% or

-21.59%. For instance this share has been purchased for Rs. 78.00. This share

can be for Rs. 94.84, if there is +21.59% variation. This share can be also for

Rs. 61.16, if there is -21.59% divergences. In year 1999, its total risk is 20.28%

and total return is 140.85%. It shows that there is a possibility of deviation in

price. This deviation may +20.28% or -20.28%. In year 2000, PSO total risk is

7.94% while its total return is 10.95%. It indicates that the price of this share

can be deviate either +7.94% or -7.94%. In year 2001, its total risk is 8.36% and

its total return is 17.05%. 8.36% indicates that the price of this share can be

deviate either +8.36% or -8.36%. In year 2002, PSO total risk is 14.82% while

its total return is 88.58%. It indicates that there is possibility of deviation in

price either +14.82% or -14.82%. ………………………………………………….

Javed Mehboob (MBA)

Final Research Report
An Analysis of Stock Market Behavior: Risk, Return, and Stock Market Volatility In Pakistan (KSE). 35



YEAR 1998
Jan 1st to Jan 31st 56.80 (3.52) 2.0322 (2.47) (10.39) 107.95
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 50.44 (6.36) 2.0322 (7.62) (15.54) 241.49
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 52.07 1.63 2.0322 7.26 (0.66) 0.4356
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 50.46 (1.61) 2.0322 0.8108 (7.12) 50.54
May 1st to May 31st 54.32 3.86 2.0322 11.68 3.76 14.14
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 59.75 5.43 2.0322 13.74 5.82 33.87
July 1st to July 31st 65.90 6.15 2.0322 13.69 5.77 33.29
Aug 1st to Aug 30th 66.25 0.35 2.0322 3.61 (4.31) 18.58
Sep 1st to Sep 30th 59.60 (6.65) 2.0322 (6.97) (14.89) 221.71
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 51.30 (8.30) 2.0322 (10.52) (18.44) 340.03
Nov 1st to Nov 30th 69.90 18.60 2.0322 40.22 32.30 1043.29
Dec 1st to Dec 31st 89.95 20.05 2.0322 31.59 23.67 560.27
SUB TOTAL 24.386 95.02 2665.60
YEAR 1999
Jan 1st to Jan 31st 88.00 (1.95) 1.7842 (0.1843) (1.48) 2.20
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 88.35 0.35 1.7842 2.43 1.13 1.28
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 90.00 1.65 1.7842 3.89 2.59 6.71
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 84.40 (5.60) 1.7842 (4.24) (5.54) 30.69
May 1st to May 31st 76.10 (8.30) 1.7842 (7.72) (9.02) 81.36
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 72.50 (3.60) 1.7842 (2.39) (3.69) 13.62
July 1st to July 31st 74.55 2.05 1.7842 5.29 3.99 15.92

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Final Research Report
An Analysis of Stock Market Behavior: Risk, Return, and Stock Market Volatility In Pakistan (KSE). 36

Aug 1st to Aug 30th 76.89 2.34 1.7842 5.53 4.23 17.89
Sep 1st to Sep 30th 76.99 0.10 1.7842 2.45 1.15 1.32
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 78.74 1.75 1.7842 4.59 3.29 10.82
Nov 1st to Nov 30th 79.25 0.51 1.7842 2.91 1.61 2.59
Dec 1st to Dec 31st 79.92 0.67 1.7842 3.10 1.80 3.24
SUB TOTAL 21.41 15.66 187.64
YEAR 2000
Jan 1st to Jan 31st 69.95 (9.97) 1.36 (10.77) (12.54) 157.25
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 74.44 4.49 1.36 8.36 6.59 43.43
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 78.29 3.85 1.36 7.00 5.23 27.35
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 76.99 (1.30) 1.36 0.07664 (1.69) 2.87
May 1st to May 31st 79.44 2.45 1.36 4.95 3.18 10.11
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 78.65 (0.79) 1.36 0.7175 (1.05) 1.11
July 1st to July 31st 77.10 (1.55) 1.36 (0.2416) (2.01) 4.05
Aug 1st to Aug 30th 77.25 0.15 1.36 1.96 0.19 0.0361
Sep 1st to Sep 30th 77.80 0.55 1.36 2.47 0.70 0.49
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 78.75 0.95 1.36 2.97 1.20 1.44
Nov 1st to Nov 30th 78.85 0.10 1.36 1.85 0.08 0.0064
Dec 1st to Dec 31st 79.00 0.15 1.36 1.92 0.15 0.0225
SUB TOTAL 16.32 21.26 248.17
YEAR 2001
Jan 1st to Jan 31st 77.75 (1.25) 2.16 1.15 (1.63) 2.66
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 63.60 (4.15) 2.16 (2.56) (5.34) 28.51
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 57.60 (6.00) 2.16 (6.04) (8.82) 77.79
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 61.65 4.05 2.16 10.78 8.00 64.00
May 1st to May 31st 67.55 5.90 2.16 13.07 10.29 105.88
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 67.05 (0.50) 2.16 2.46 (0.32) 0.1024
July 1st to July 31st 59.75 (7.30) 2.16 (7.66) (10.44) 108.99
Aug 1st to Aug 30th 63.95 4.20 2.16 10.64 7.86 61.78
Sep 1st to Sep 30th 65.90 1.95 2.16 6.43 3.65 13.32
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 66.05 0.15 2.16 3.51 0.73 0.5329
Nov 1st to Nov 30th 65.20 (0.85) 2.16 1.98 (0.80) 0.64

Javed Mehboob (MBA)

Final Research Report
An Analysis of Stock Market Behavior: Risk, Return, and Stock Market Volatility In Pakistan (KSE). 37

Dec 1st to Dec 31st 62.75 (2.45) 2.16 (0.4448) (3.22) (10.40)
SUB TOTAL 25.92 33.32 453.80
YEAR 2002
Jan 1st to Jan 31st 60.25 (2.50) 2.2725 (0.3625) (8.04) 64.68
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 75.55 15.30 2.2725 29.16 21.48 461.39
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 78.95 3.40 2.2725 7.51 (0.17) 0.0289
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 64.85 (14.10) 2.2725 (14.98) (22.66) 513.48
May 1st to May 31st 52.60 (12.25) 2.2725 (15.38) (23.06) 531.76
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 59.90 7.30 2.2725 18.20 10.52 110.67
July 1st to July 31st 64.70 4.80 2.2725 11.81 4.13 17.06
Aug 1st to Aug 30th 63.65 (1.05) 2.2725 1.89 (5.79) 33.52
Sep 1st to Sep 30th 63.10 (0.55) 2.2725 2.71 (4.97) 24.70
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 70.00 6.90 2.2725 14.54 6.86 47.06
Nov 1st to Nov 30th 72.25 2.25 2.2725 6.46 (1.22) 1.49
Dec 1st to Dec 31st 92.05 19.80 2.2725 30.55 22.87 523.04
SUB TOTAL 27.27 92.12 2328.88

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An Analysis of Stock Market Behavior: Risk, Return, and Stock Market Volatility In 38
Pakistan (KSE).


In 1998, Engro Chemical’s total risk is 15.57% while its total return is

95.02%. It indicates that the price of this share can be deviate either +15.57% or

-15.57%. If this share has been purchased for Rs. 89.95, and there is possibility

of +15.57% than the price of this share can be Rs. 103.96 and if there is

possibility of -15.57% than the price of this share can be Rs. 75.94. In year

1999, Engro Chemical’s total risk is 4.13% while its total return is 15.66%. It

indicates that the price of this share can be deviate either +4.13% or -4.13%. In

year 2000, Engro Chemical’s total risk is 4.75% and its total return is 21.26%. It

shows that price of this share can be deviate +4.75% or -4.75%. In year 1999

and 2000 Engro chemical’s total risks are very low therefore; there are the

possibilities of low deviations, as the risks are very low in both the years. In

year 2001, its total risk is 6.42% while its total return is 33.32%. The price of

this share can be deviate either +6.42% or -6.42%. In year 2002, Engro

Chemical’s total risk is 14.55% while its total return is 92.12%. It indicates that

there is possibility of deviation in price either +14.55% or -14.55%. In year

2002, standard deviation is high as 14.55%, therefore there is high chance of

variation either it is positive or negative. ……………………………………………

Javed Mehboob (MBA)

Final Research Report
An Analysis of Stock Market Behavior: Risk, Return, and Stock Market Volatility In Pakistan (KSE). 39



YEAR 1998
Jan 1st to Jan 31st 12.75 (1.70) 0.08658 (11.17) (13.33) 177.69
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 15.00 2.25 0.08658 18.33 16.17 261.49
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 16.25 1.25 0.08658 8.91 6.75 45.56
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 17.05 0.80 0.08658 5.46 3.30 10.89
May 1st to May 31st 17.60 0.55 0.08658 3.73 1.57 2.46
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 18.60 1.00 0.08658 6.17 4.01 16.08
July 1st to July 31st 16.40 (2.20) 0.08658 (11.36) (13.52) 182.79
Aug 1st to Aug 30th 17.75 1.35 0.08658 8.76 6.60 43.96
Sep 1st to Sep 30th 20.65 2.90 0.08658 16.83 14.67 215.21
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 18.10 (2.25) 0.08658 (10.48) (12.64) 159.77
Nov 1st to Nov 30th 19.10 1.00 0.08658 6.00 3.84 14.75
Dec 1st to Dec 31st 17.05 (3.00) 0.08658 (15.25) (17.41) 303.11
SUB TOTAL 1.039 25.93 1433.76
YEAR 1999
Jan 1st to Jan 31st 16.60 (0.45) 0.334 (0.6804) (2.96) 8.76
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 18.45 1.85 0.334 13.16 10.88 118.37
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 22.50 3.80 0.334 22.41 20.13 405.23
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 23.40 0.40 0.334 3.26 0.98 0.9604
May 1st to May 31st 21.07 (2.28) 0.334 (8.32) (10.60) 112.36
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 22.45 1.38 0.334 8.13 5.85 34.22
July 1st to July 31st 24.50 (2.05) 0.334 (7.64) (9.92) 98.41
Aug 1st to Aug 30th 23.45 (1.05) 0.334 (2.92) (5.20) 27.04
Sep 1st to Sep 30th 20.50 (2.95) 0.334 (11.16) (13.44) 180.63
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 21.25 (0.75) 0.334 (2.03) (4.31) 18.58

Javed Mehboob (MBA)

Final Research Report
An Analysis of Stock Market Behavior: Risk, Return, and Stock Market Volatility In Pakistan (KSE). 40

Nov 1st to Nov 30th 24.40 3.15 0.334 16.40 14.12 199.37
Dec 1st to Dec 31st 23.28 (1.12) 0.334 (3.22) (5.50) 30.25
SUB TOTAL 4.008 27.39 1234.18
YEAR 2000
Jan 1st to Jan 31st 22.45 (0.83) 0.2677 (2.42) (7.26) 52.71
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 23.16 0.71 0.2677 4.36 (0.48) 0.2304
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 20.25 (2.91) 0.2677 (11.41) (16.25) 264.06
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 18.84 (1.41) 0.2677 (5.64) (10.48) 109.83
May 1st to May 31st 21.22 2.38 0.2677 14.05 9.21 84.82
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 22.64 1.42 0.2677 7.95 3.11 9.67
July 1st to July 31st 25.21 2.57 0.2677 12.53 7.69 59.14
Aug 1st to Aug 30th 26.55 1.34 0.2677 6.38 1.54 2.37
Sep 1st to Sep 30th 29.75 3.20 0.2677 13.06 8.22 67.57
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 34.65 4.90 0.2677 17.37 12.53 157.00
Nov 1st to Nov 30th 25.80 (8.85) 0.2677 (24.77) (29.61) 876.75
Dec 1st to Dec 31st 32.40 6.60 0.2677 26.62 21.78 474.37
SUB TOTAL 3.212 58.08 2158.52
YEAR 2001
Jan 1st to Jan 31st 31.50 (0.90) 0.2171 (2.11) (4.56) 20.79
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 28.35 (3.15) 0.2171 (9.31) (11.76) 139.24
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 23.45 (4.90) 0.2171 (16.52) (18.97) 359.86
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 26.85 3.40 0.2171 15.42 12.97 168.22
May 1st to May 31st 26.40 (0.45) 0.2171 (0.8674) (3.32) 11.00
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 28.45 2.05 0.2171 8.59 6.14 37.70
July 1st to July 31st 24.90 (3.55) 0.2171 (11.71) (14.16) 200.50
Aug 1st to Aug 30th 27.20 2.30 0.2171 10.11 7.66 58.67
Sep 1st to Sep 30th 29.55 2.35 0.2171 9.43 6.98 48.72
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 34.30 4.75 0.2171 16.81 14.36 206.21
Nov 1st to Nov 30th 37.35 3.05 0.2171 9.53 7.08 50.13
Dec 1st to Dec 31st 33.80 (3.55) 0.2171 (8.92) (11.37) 129.28
SUB TOTAL 2.605 29.37 1430.23
YEAR 2002

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Jan 1st to Jan 31st 25.80 7.00 0.4282 39.51 33.11 1096.27
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 27.32 1.52 0.4282 7.55 1.15 1.32
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 24.05 (3.27) 0.4282 (10.40) (16.80) 282.24
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 23.25 (0.80) 0.4282 (1.55) (7.95) 63.20
May 1st to May 31st 24.40 1.15 0.4282 6.79 0.39 0.1521
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 29.10 4.70 0.4282 21.02 14.62 213.74
July 1st to July 31st 23.90 (5.20) 0.4282 (16.40) (22.80) 519.84
Aug 1st to Aug 30th 25.35 1.45 0.4282 7.86 1.46 2.13
Sep 1st to Sep 30th 27.10 1.75 0.4282 8.59 2.19 4.80
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 32.75 5.65 0.4282 22.43 16.03 256.96
Nov 1st to Nov 30th 33.05 0.33 0.4282 2.32 (4.08) 16.65
Dec 1st to Dec 31st 29.00 (4.05) 0.4282 (10.96) (17.36) 301.37
SUB TOTAL 5.138 76.76 2758.67

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Pakistan (KSE).


In year 1998, MCB total risk is 11.42% and total return is 25.93%. It

indicates that there is either +11.42% or -11.42% deviation is possible. If this

share has been purchased for Rs. 17.05 and there is risk of 11.42%. Than this

share can be for Rs. 19.00, if there is possibility of +11.42% variation, and if

there is possibility of -11.42% deviation, than this share can be for Rs. 15.10. In

year 1999, MCB total risk is 10.59% while its total return is 27.39%. It indicates

that the price of this share can be deviate either +10.59% or -10.59%. In year

2000, MCB total risk is 14.01% and its total return is 58.08%. It shows that the

price of this share can be deviate +14.01% or -14.01%. In year 2001, its total

risk is 11.40% while its total return is 29.37%. The price of this share can be

deviate either +11.40% or -11.40%. In year 2002, MCB total risk is 15.84%

while its total return is 76.76%. It indicates that the price of this share can be

deviate either +15.84% or -15.84%. If there is high risk there are high chances

of deviation and if there is low risk than there are lesser chances of deviation. In

year 2002, there is high risk as 15.84%. Therefore, there is high chance of

deviation as well. This deviation can be either positive or negative.

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An Analysis of Stock Market Behavior: Risk, Return, and Stock Market Volatility In Pakistan (KSE). 43



YEAR 1998
Jan 1st to Jan 31st 40.25 (0.25) 2.6812 6.00 (2.52) 6.35
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 42.95 2.70 2.6812 13.37 4.85 23.52
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 45.70 2.75 2.6812 12.65 4.13 17.07
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 52.22 6.52 2.6812 20.13 11.61 134.79
May 1st to May 31st 54.15 1.93 2.6812 8.83 0.31 0.0961
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 51.50 (2.65) 2.6812 0.0576 (8.46) 71.61
July 1st to July 31st 46.20 (5.30) 2.6812 (5.09) (13.61) 185.23
Aug 1st to Aug 30th 51.25 5.05 2.6812 16.73 8.21 67.40
Sep 1st to Sep 30th 50.55 (0.70) 2.6812 3.87 (4.65) 21.62
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 34.30 (16.25) 2.6812 (26.84) (35.36) 1250.33
Nov 1st to Nov 30th 51.85 17.55 2.6812 58.98 50.46 2546.21
Dec 1st to Dec 31st 45.80 (6.05) 2.6812 (6.50) (15.02) 225.60
SUB TOTAL 32.17 102.19 4549.82
YEAR 1999
Jan 1st to Jan 31st 41.10 (4.70) 2.3117 (5.21) (12.15) 147.62
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 44.25 3.15 2.3117 13.29 6.35 40.32
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 55.55 11.30 2.3117 30.76 23.82 567.39
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 53.55 (2.00) 2.3117 0.5611 (6.38) 40.69
May 1st to May 31st 51.40 (2.15) 2.3117 0.3020 (6.64) 44.06
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 40.75 (10.65) 2.3117 (16.22) (23.16) 536.39
July 1st to July 31st 49.25 8.50 2.3117 26.53 19.59 383.77
Aug 1st to Aug 30th 51.30 2.05 2.3117 8.86 1.92 3.69
Sep 1st to Sep 30th 45.80 (5.50) 2.3117 (6.22) (13.16) 173.19
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 46.00 0.20 2.3117 5.48 (1.46) 2.13

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An Analysis of Stock Market Behavior: Risk, Return, and Stock Market Volatility In Pakistan (KSE). 44

Nov 1st to Nov 30th 47.45 1.45 2.3117 8.18 1.24 1.54
Dec 1st to Dec 31st 53.20 5.75 2.3117 16.99 10.05 101.00
SUB TOTAL 27.74 83.31 2041.79
YEAR 2000
Jan 1st to Jan 31st 66.10 12.90 2.4858 28.92 26.12 682.25
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 63.00 (3.10) 2.4858 (0.9292) (3.73) 13.91
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 62.35 (0.65) 2.4858 2.91 0.11 0.0121
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 58.45 (3.90) 2.4858 (2.27) (5.07) 25.70
May 1st to May 31st 60.25 1.80 2.4858 7.33 4.53 20.52
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 55.22 (5.03) 2.4858 (4.22) (7.02) 49.28
July 1st to July 31st 50.95 (4.27) 2.4858 (3.23) (6.03) 36.36
Aug 1st to Aug 30th 52.15 1.20 2.4858 7.23 4.43 19.62
Sep 1st to Sep 30th 54.25 2.10 2.4858 8.79 5.99 35.88
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 54.95 0.70 2.4858 5.87 3.07 9.42
Nov 1st to Nov 30th 55.05 0.10 2.4858 4.71 1.91 3.65
Dec 1st to Dec 31st 40.75 (14.30) 2.4858 (21.46) (24.26) 588.55
SUB TOTAL 29.83 33.65 1485.15
YEAR 2001
Jan 1st to Jan 31st 48.20 7.45 2.645 24.77 17.33 300.33
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 41.85 (6.35) 2.645 (8.06) (15.50) 240.25
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 39.85 (2.00) 2.645 1.54 (5.90) 34.81
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 42.05 2.20 2.645 12.16 4.72 22.28
May 1st to May 31st 43.10 1.05 2.645 8.79 1.35 1.82
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 35.60 (7.50) 2.645 (11.26) (18.70) 349.69
July 1st to July 31st 35.00 (0.60) 2.645 5.74 (1.70) 2.89
Aug 1st to Aug 30th 36.70 1.70 2.645 12.41 4.97 24.70
Sep 1st to Sep 30th 32.20 (4.50) 2.645 (5.05) (12.49) 156.00
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 41.15 8.95 2.645 36.01 28.57 816.24
Nov 1st to Nov 30th 40.35 (0.80) 2.645 4.48 (2.96) 8.76
Dec 1st to Dec 31st 40.85 0.50 2.645 7.79 0.35 0.1225
SUB TOTAL 31.74 89.32 1957.89
YEAR 2002

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Jan 1st to Jan 31st 49.50 8.65 2.50 27.29 199.18 367.87
Feb 1st to Feb 28th 49.65 0.15 2.50 5.35 (2.76) 7.62
Mar 1st to Mar 31st 40.25 (9.40) 2.50 (13.90) (22.01) 484.44
Apr 1st to Apr 30th 43.50 3.25 2.50 14.29 6.18 38.19
May 1st to May 31st 45.77 2.27 2.50 10.97 2.86 8.18
Jun 1st to Jun 30th 50.40 (4.63) 2.50 (4.65) (12.76) 162.82
July 1st to July 31st 52.35 1.95 2.50 8.83 0.72 0.5184
Aug 1st to Aug 30th 43.95 (8.40) 2.50 (11.27) (19.38) 375.58
Sep 1st to Sep 30th 49.75 5.80 2.50 18.89 10.78 116.21
Oct 1st to Oct 31st 47.85 (1.90) 2.50 1.21 (6.90) 47.61
Nov 1st to Nov 30th 51.40 3.55 2.50 12.64 4.53 20.52
Dec 1st to Dec 31st 63.10 11.70 2.50 27.63 19.52 381.03
SUB TOTAL 30.00 97.28 2010.59

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Pakistan (KSE).


In year 1998, Fauji fertilizer’s total risk is 20.34% and total return is

102.19%. It indicates that there is either +20.34% or –20.34% deviation is

possible. If this share has been purchased for Rs. 45.80 and there is risk of

20.34%. than this share can be for Rs. 55.12, if there is a possibility of +20.34%

, and if there is possibility of –20.34% than this share can be for Rs. 36.48. In

year 1999, Fauji fertilizer’s total risk is 13.62% while its total return is 83.31%.

It indicates that the price of this share can be deviate either +13.62% or –

13.62%. In year 2000, its total risk is 11.62% and its total return is 33.65%. It

shows that the price of this share can be deviate +11.62% or –11.62%. In year

2001, its total risk is 13.34% while its total return is 89.32%. The price of this

share can be deviate either +13.34% or –13.34%. In year 2002, Fauji fertilizer’s

total risk is 13.52% while its total return is 97.28%. It indicates that there is

possibility of deviation in price either +13.52% or –13.52%.

Under the light of above analysis it is concluded that risk can affect the

stock prices in two ways, either it can be positive or negative. If there is

positive affect than investor gets capital gain and, if there is negative affect than

investor suffers capital loss. Risk is a chance. Therefore risk can be deviate both

the sides either positive or negative. ………………………………………

Javed Mehboob (MBA)

Final Research Report
An Analysis of Stock Market Behavior: Risk, Return, and Stock Market Volatility In Pakistan (KSE). 47



Years Total Return Total Risk Mean
Jan 1 to Dec 31st 1998
st 44.93 7.08 3.74
Jan 1st to Dec 31st 1999 50.00 8.21 4.17
Jan 1st to Dec 31st 2000 43.34 7.60 3.61
Jan 1st to Dec 31st 2001 33.96 6.02 2.83
Jan 1st to Dec 31st 2002 112.02 14.65 9.34
Years Total Return Total Risk Mean
Jan 1 to Dec 31st 1998
st 54.69 21.59 4.56
Jan 1st to Dec 31st 1999 140.85 20.28 11.74
Jan 1st to Dec 31st 2000 10.95 7.94 0.9125
Jan 1st to Dec 31st 2001 17.05 8.36 1.42
Jan 1st to Dec 31st 2002 88.58 14.82 7.38
Years Total Return Total Risk Mean
Jan 1 to Dec 31st 1998
st 95.02 15.57 7.92
Jan 1st to Dec 31st 1999 15.66 4.13 1.31
Jan 1st to Dec 31st 2000 21.26 4.75 1.77
Jan 1st to Dec 31st 2001 33.32 6.42 2.78
Jan 1st to Dec 31st 2002 92.12 14.55 7.68
Years Total Return Total Risk Mean
Jan 1 to Dec 31st 1998
st 25.93 11.42 2.16
Jan 1st to Dec 31st 1999 27.39 10.59 2.28
Jan 1st to Dec 31st 2000 58.08 14.01 4.84
Jan 1st to Dec 31st 2001 29.37 11.40 2.45
Jan 1st to Dec 31st 2002 76.76 15.84 6.40

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Final Research Report
An Analysis of Stock Market Behavior: Risk, Return, and Stock Market Volatility In Pakistan (KSE). 48

Years Total Return Total Risk Mean

Jan 1 to Dec 31st 1998
102.19 20.34 8.52
Jan 1st to Dec 31st 1999 83.31 13.62 6.94
Jan 1st to Dec 31st 2000 33.65 11.62 2.80
Jan 1st to Dec 31st 2001 89.32 13.34 7.44
Jan 1st to Dec 31st 2002 97.28 13.52 8.11

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Pakistan (KSE).


Year 1998
Rf Erm Beta Ke Type of
FF 15.10 24.10 2.15 34.45 Very Aggressive
EC 15.10 24.10 0.93 23.47 Defensive
PSO 15.10 24.10 0.41 18.79 Very Defensive
PTCL 15.10 24.10 0.38 18.52 Very Defensive
MCB 15.10 24.10 0.006 15.15 Very Defensive

Year 1999
Rf Erm Beta Ke Type of
FF 12.50 21.50 1.88 29.42 Very Aggressive
PSO 12.50 21.50 1.46 25.64 Aggressive
PTCL 12.50 21.50 0.27 14.93 Very Defensive
EC 12.50 21.50 0.075 13.17 Very Defensive
MCB 12.50 21.50 0.012 12.61 Very Defensive

Year 2000
Rf Erm Beta Ke Type of
FF 8.80 17.80 1.93 26.17 Very Aggressive
EC 8.80 17.80 1.05 18.25 Aggressive
MCB 8.80 17.80 0.18 10.42 Very Defensive
PSO 8.80 17.80 0.11 9.79 Very Defensive
PTCL 8.80 17.80 0.07 9.43 Very Defensive

Year 2001
Rf Erm Beta Ke Type of
MCB 6.60 15.60 2.00 24.60 Very Aggressive
FF 6.60 15.60 1.80 22.80 Very Aggressive
PTCL 6.60 15.60 1.55 20.55 Very Aggressive
EC 6.60 15.60 0.92 14.88 Defensive
PSO 6.60 15.60 0.62 12.18 Defensive

Year 2002
Rf Erm Beta Ke Type of
PTCL 8.00 17.00 1.74 23.66 Very Aggressive

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Pakistan (KSE).

MCB 8.00 17.00 1.28 19.52 Very Aggressive

FF 8.00 17.00 0.99 16.91 Defensive
PSO 8.00 17.00 0.95 16.55 Defensive
EC 8.00 17.00 0.10 8.90 Very Defensive

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An Analysis of Stock Market Behavior: Risk, Return, and Stock Market Volatility In Pakistan (KSE). 51

Figure 4.1.1
Volatility and R eturn (Year 1998) Figure 4.1.2
Volatility and Return (Year 1999) Figure 4.1.3
V olatility and R eturn (Year 2000) Figure 4.1.4
Ke and Return (2001) Figure 4.1.5
V olatility anBeta
d R eturnKe
(Year 2002)
B eta Ke
2.5 Beta Ke 40
2 B eta Ke 35
2.5 35 30
2.51.8 30
2 2 3025
1.6 25
1.82 25
2 25

Expected Return

1.5 1.4
1.6 20
1.2 20


1.5 20


Beta Beta

1.2 15 15


11 10

0.5 0.6 10
0.8 10
0.4 5
0.5 5 55
0 0.40.2 0 5
0.2 0 00
00 0
Com pa nie s
Com panie
Javed Mehboob (MBA)
Com pa nie s Final Research Report
An Analysis of Stock Market Behavior: Risk, Return, and Stock Market Volatility In 52
Pakistan (KSE).


The aggregate market has a beta of 1.0. More volatile (risky) stocks have

betas larger than 1.0, and less volatile (risky) stocks have betas smaller than 1.0.

As a relative measure of risk, beta is very convenient. Beta is useful for

investors to judge a stock risk use comparing the relative systematic risk of

different stocks. Beta is relevant measure of risk that cannot be diversified away

in a portfolio of securities and, as such, is the measure that investors should

consider in their portfolio management decision process.

If the Beta is 1.0, it means that excess returns for the stock vary

proportionally with excess returns for the market portfolio. In other words, the

stock has the same systematic risk as the market as whole. If the market goes up

and provides an excess return of 5 percent for a month, we would expect, on

average, the stock’s excess return to be 5 percent as well. More than 1.0 Beta

indicates that stock’s excess return varies more than proportionally with the

excess return of the market portfolio. Put another way, it has more unavoidable

risk than the market as a whole. This type of stock is often called as aggressive

investment. In this case securities return has been more volatile as market

returns, both up and down. Greater the beta for a stock leads the greater its

systematic risk. This means that for both upward and downward movements in

market excess returns, movements in excess returns for the individual stocks are

greater or less depending on its beta. This risk cannot be diversified away by

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Pakistan (KSE).

investing in more stocks, because it depends on such things as changes in the

economy and in the political atmosphere, which affect all stocks or market.

If the Beta is less than 1.0, it means that the stock’s excess return varies

less than proportionally with the excess return of the market portfolio. This type

of stock is often called a defensive investment. In this case securities return has

been less volatile as market returns. Beta less than 1.0 indicates that the

expected return on stock will be less than the expected return on market


If the Beta is equal to 1.0, in other words we can say that stock Beta is

equal to market Beta. It means that the stock’s excess return is equal to the

excess return of the market portfolio, where the expected return on stock will be

equal to the expected return on the market portfolio. If the beta is more than

1.50, than this type of investment is called as very aggressive investment. If

beta is more than 1.0 and less than 1.50, therefore this type of investment is

called as aggressive investment. If stock beta is less than 1.00 and more than

0.50, therefore this type of investment is called as defensive investment. If stock

beta is less than 0.50, therefore this type of investment is called as very

defensive investment.

In market equilibrium, a security is supposed to provide and expected

return commensurate with its systematic risk, the risk that cannot be avoided

with diversification. The capital asset pricing model (CAMP) formally describes

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Pakistan (KSE).

the relationship between risk and return. In this research report there are five

securities have been chosen for analysis. In a year 1998, Fauji fertilizer has the

highest Beta of 2.15 among these five selected securities. It indicated that, on

average, security return is 2.15 times more volatile as market returns. It is an

aggressive or more volatile investment, because its Beta is greater than market

Beta; therefore, the expected return on Fauji fertilizer is 34.45%, which is more

than the expected return on the market portfolio, which is 24.10%. It indicates

that investment in the Fauji fertilizer would be more volatile and be aggressive

or more risky in nature, because its beta is more than the market Beta. In the

same year Engro chemicals has the Beta of 0.93. Lesser the beta for a stock

leads the lower its systematic risk. Therefore, Engro chemicals has the lesser

systematic risk. This type of investment is called as defensive investment,

because its Beta is less than the market Beta. Therefore its expected return is

23.47% and the expected return on the market is 24.10%. Engro chemicals beta

is less than the beta of Fauji fertilizer, therefore its expected return is less than

the expected return on Fauji fertilizers. Pakistan state oils company has the beta

of 0.41 in year 1998; therefore, its expected return is 18.79%, which is less than

the market return. It means that the PSO excess return varies less than

proportionally with the excess return of the market portfolio. It is a defensive

investment. In a year 1998, PTCL has the Beta of 0.38, which is less than the

market Beta. Therefore, its expected return is less than the expected return on

the market. PTCL expected return is 18.52% and it is less than the expected

return on the market as 24.10%. In the same year MCB has the lowest Beta

among the five securities. Its Beta is 0.006. Therefore, its expected return is

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Pakistan (KSE).

also lowest among theses five securities as 15.15% and the expected return on

the market is must be called as very defensive investment. As the Beta

decreases, expected return on the security also decreases and as the Beta

increases, expected return on the security increases. Therefore, it should be said

that, there is direct relation between expected return on security and the

systematic risk. It shows if the investor wants extra return than he will has to

take extra risk.

In a year 1999, Fauji fertilizer has the highest Beta among these five

securities. Its Beta is 1.88; therefore its expected return is also highest among

these five securities. Its expected return is 29.42% and the expected return on

the market is 21.50%. This investment is 1.88 times more volatile than the

market. It is a very aggressive investment. It has the highest beta in this year as

1.88; therefore its expected return is also highest in this year among these

securities. In the same year, PSO has the beta of 1.46; its expected return is

25.46%, and the expected return on the market is 21.50%. It is also an

aggressive investment, because its beta is higher than the market Beta.

Therefore, it is 1.46 times more volatile than the market. So that it’s expected

return is more than the expected return on the market. PSO expected return is

less than the expected return of Fauji fertilizer, because PSO systematic risk is

less than the systematic risk of Fauji fertilizer. In a same year PTCL has the

Beta of 0.27; which is less then the market Beta 1.0. Therefore, its expected

return is less than the expected return on the market. Its expected return is

14.93% and the expected return on the market is 21.50%. It is a defensive

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Pakistan (KSE).

investment. So that its systematic risk is less, in order to that its expected return

is also low. PTCL expected return is less than the expected return of Fauji

fertilizer and PSO, due to lesser Beta. In a year 1999, an Engro chemical has the

Beta of 0.075. It is very defensive investment, because its Beta is lesser than the

market Beta. Therefore, its expected return is also less than the market return.

Its expected return is 13.17% while the expected return on the market is 21.50%.

Its Beta is lesser therefore expected return is also lesser. Low Beta reveals low

return and vise versa. In a year 1999, MCB has the lowest Beta among these

securities; therefore its expected return is also lowest among these securities. Its

Beta is 0.012 and the expected return is 12.61%. It is very defensive investment,

because its systematic risk is very low, that’s why its expected return is also

very low. It indicates that the MCB excess return is less than the excess return

of the market portfolio. This investment is 0.012 times less volatile than the

market. Its Beta is less than the market Beta therefore it is less volatile or


In a year 2000, Fauji fertilizer has the highest Beta among these

securities. Its Beta is 1.93 and expected return is 26.17%. The expected return

on the market is 17.80%. Its Beta is higher than the market Beta therefore; its

expected return is also higher than the market return. It is very aggressive

investment, because its Beta is more than the market Beta. In a same year Engro

chemical has the Beta of 1.05 and the expected return is 18.25%. Its Beta is

more than the market Beta therefore its expected return is also more than the

expected return on the market. This investment is 1.05 times more volatile than

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Pakistan (KSE).

the market. This investment has high systematic risk therefore, it leads high

expected return. Engro chemical Beta is less than the Beta of Fauji fertilizer, so

that its systematic risk is less than the systematic risk of Fauji fertilizer.

Therefore, expected return of Engro chemical is less than the expected return of

Fauji fertilizers. In a year 2000, MCB Beta is 0.18 which is less than the market

Beta. Its expected return is 10.42% and it is less than the expected return on the

market as 17.80%. It is a very defensive investment. MCB has lower Beta, so

that it also has lower expected return. In a same year PSO has a beta of 0.11 and

the expected return is 9.79%. Its Beta is less than the market Beta, so that its

expected return is also less than the expected return on the market. It is a very

defensive investment. This investment is 0.11 times less volatile than the

market, because it has lower systematic risk. Low systematic risk reveals low

returns and vise versa. In a same year PTCL has the lowest Beta among these

securities. Its Beta is 0.07; therefore its expected return is also lowest among

these securities as 9.43%. PTCL expected return is less than the expected return

on the market as 17.80%, because it has lowest systematic risk therefore it leads

lowest expected return. It is a very defensive investment.

In a year 2001, Muslim commercial bank has the highest Beta among these

five securities. Its Beta is 2.00; therefore its expected return is also highest

among these five securities. Its expected return is 24.60% and the expected

return on the market is 15.60%. This investment is 2.00 times more volatile than

the market. It is a very aggressive investment. It has the highest beta in this year

as 2.00; therefore its expected return is also highest in this year among these

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Pakistan (KSE).

securities. In the same year, Fauji fertilizer has the beta of 1.80; its expected

return is 22.80%, and the expected return on the market is 15.60%. It is also an

aggressive investment, because its beta is higher than the market Beta.

Therefore, it is 1.80 times more volatile than the market. So that it’s expected

return is more than the expected return on the market. Fauji fertilizer expected

return is less than the expected return of MCB, because Fauji fertilizer’s

systematic risk is less than the systematic risk of MCB. In a same year PTCL

has the Beta of 1.55; which is more then the market Beta 1.0. Therefore, its

expected return is more than the expected return on the market. Its expected

return is 20.55% and the expected return on the market is 15.60%. It is a very

aggressive investment. So that its systematic risk is high, in order to that its

expected return is also high. PTCL expected return is less than the expected

return of MCB and Fauji fertilizer, due to lesser Beta or lower systematic risk.

In a year 2001, an Engro chemical has the Beta of 0.92. It is defensive

investment, because its Beta is lesser than the market Beta as 1.0. Therefore, its

expected return is also less than the market return. Its expected return is 14.88%

while the expected return on the market is 15.60%. Its Beta is lesser therefore

expected return is also lesser. Low Beta reveals low return and vise versa. In a

same year, PSO has the lowest Beta among these securities; therefore its

expected return is also lowest among these securities. Its Beta is 0.62 and the

expected return is 12.18%. It is also defensive investment, because its

systematic risk is very low, that’s why its expected return is also very low. It

indicates that the PSO excess return is less than the excess return of the market

portfolio. This investment is 0.62 times less volatile than the market. Its Beta is

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Pakistan (KSE).

less than the market Beta therefore it is less volatile or riskier. Therefore

expected return of PSO is lowest among these securities.

In 2002, PTCL has the highest Beta among these securities. Its Beta is

1.74 and expected return is 23.66%. The expected return on the market is

17.00%. Its Beta is higher than the market Beta therefore; its expected return is

also higher than the market return. It is very aggressive investment, because its

Beta is more than the market Beta. PTCL is 1.74 times more volatile than the

market, because its systematic risk is very high and it leads high return. In a

same year Muslim commercial bank has the Beta of 1.28 and the expected return

is 19.52%. Its Beta is more than the market Beta therefore its expected return is

also more than the expected return on the market. This investment is 1.28 times

more volatile than the market. This investment has high systematic risk

therefore, it leads high expected return. MCB Beta is less than the Beta of

PTCL, so that its systematic risk is less than the systematic risk of Fauji

fertilizer. Therefore, expected return of MCB is less than the expected return of

PTCL. In a same year, Fauji fertilizer Beta is 0.99 which is less than the market

Beta. But the difference between market Beta and Fauji fertilizer Beta is only

0.01. It is very minor difference. Therefore the difference between its expected

return and the expected return on the market is also very low. Its expected

return is 16.91% and the expected return on the market is 17.00, the difference

is only of 0.90. It is also a defensive investment. It is 0.99 times less volatile

than the market. In a same year PSO has a beta of 0.95 and the expected return

is 16.55%. Its Beta is less than the market Beta, so that its expected return is

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Pakistan (KSE).

also less than the expected return on the market. It is a defensive investment.

This investment is 0.95 times less volatile than the market, because it has lower

systematic risk. Low systematic risk reveals low returns and vise versa. In a

same year Engro chemical has the lowest Beta among these securities. Its Beta is

0.10; therefore its expected return is also lowest among these securities as

8.90%. Engro chemical expected return is less than the expected return on the

market as 17.00%, therefore it has lowest systematic risk and it leads lowest

expected return. It is a very defensive investment. This investment is 0.10 times

less volatile than the market.

It is concluded that market beta is always equal to 1.0. If the stock’s beta

is equal to the market beta than the expected return on stock must be equal to

the expected return on the market portfolio. It means that the stock’s excess

return is equal to the excess return of the market portfolio; therefore, this

security provides same return as the market portfolio return. If the investment is

aggressive, means the beta of sock is greater than 1.0. Therefore it would be

more volatile and riskier; it shows that it has high systematic risk, so that the

expected return on stock would be greater than the expected return on the market

portfolio. It means high risk leads high return. If the investment is defensive,

means, stock Beta is less than the market Beta. Therefore it has less systematic

risk or less volatile, therefore, the securities expected return would be less than

the expected return on the market portfolio. This type of stocks are less risky

and less volatile, therefore, the expected return on stock would be the lesser. It

shows that low risk leads low return. According to the above analysis risk and

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Pakistan (KSE).

return have the direct relation, therefore, if the investor wants high return than

he has to bears the high risk, in other words investor has to choose aggressive

investments, On the other hand if the investor is risk averse and doesn’t want to

take high risk than investor has to go for defensive investment. Where the risk is

lesser and it also leads low return.


The objective of this research report is to elaborate and explain the

relationship between risk and return. The analysis has been conducted on the

basis of monthly data of last five years. All the analyses are based on KSE.

In the light of analysis, it has been concluded that Risk can affect the

stock prices in two ways, either it can be positive or negative. If there is

positive affect than investor gets capital gain and, if there is negative affect than

investor suffers capital loss. Risk can not be eliminated at all. It can be

minimized but can’t be eliminate entirely. Risk is a chance. Therefore risk can

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Pakistan (KSE).

move both the sides either positive or negative. By examining these analyses it

is concluded that high risk reveals high return and low risk leads low return.

When investor takes high risk ultimately he gets high return. Beta is measure of

volatility or systematic risk, it is concluded by using CAMP approach that high

beta leads high return while the low beta reveals low return. It means high risk

leads high return and low risk leads low return. If the investment is volatile,

than the stock Beta would be more than the market Beta, and leads high

expected return of stock than the expected return on the market portfolio, and

the vise versa. According to the above analysis risk and return have the direct

relation; therefore, if the investor wants high return than he has to bears the

high risk, in other words, he has to choose aggressive investments. On the other

hand if the investor is risk averse and he doesn’t want to take high risk than he

has to go for defensive investment. Where the risk is lesser and it also leads low



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