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Vibration Reference Guide

Bsica vibracin Teora

Anlisis individuales componentes de frecuencia bsica de vibracin Teora Tiempo vs frecuencia se separan en el espectro

producen armnicos

Regla 2 de Anlisis de frecuencia Seales peridicas en maquinaria

Regla 3 de Anlisis de frecuencia Un ruido impulsivo o aleatorio produce un espectro continuo

Regla 4 para anlisis de frecuencias Amplitud Modulada produce bandas laterales por e!emplo" fallo de engrana!e#

Regla $ de Anlisis de frecuencia %eats ven como la modulacin de amplitud en la forma de onda

Sidebands equall& spaced apart

2 discrete pea's from 2 mac(ines running close b&

Presentation of Data
Eac curve below contains t e same information! "elect t e units for t e flattest curve # provides t e most visual information. Displacement $distance from a reference point% is used for low speeds. &elocit' $rate of c ange of displacement% is t e most commonl' used for mac ine diagnostic wor(. Acceleration $rate of c ange of velocit'% is used for ig )speeds.

Vibration Analysis 3 Step Process

1. Identify Peaks) Relations(ip to mac(ine component 2. Trend Amplitude of Peak) Severit& of mac(ine fault 3. epair Priority) %ased on fault severit&

Vibration Transducers
*o+ range

*ro+imit' *robe Displacement


%earing -ault gro+s

&elocit' *robe # &elocit' .ig( range

Accelerometer Acceleration

Simplified Dia#nostic &'art

Vibration Source /mbalance" Supported /mbalance" 0ver(ung %ent or bo+ed s(aft 6arallel misalignment Angular misalignment 7ombination 7oupling 8ear Rolling %earing S(aft *ooseness And :ournal %earing -oundation fle5ibilit& Motor *amination Unbalanced 6(ase -an or 6ump +ear 7avitation !"citin# $re%. 12 12 12 22 12 12" 22 32 9on /nteger 12 and .armonics 12 M% 12; .< 6= or -% 9oise Dominant A"es R34 A" R" 4 A" R" 4 R34 A A" R" 4 an&" all R" 4" A R" 4" A 4 R" 4" A R" 4" A R" 4" A R" 4" A

&omments Most common A5ial deflection Mimic imbalance %ot( sides of coupling %ot( sides of coupling Most common %ot( sides of coupling 8it( (armonics" 12 sidebands" noise floor .ig( 42 > 1$2





Roller %earing 3A12 @A22

4 ? R b& @ d% 12; .< sidebands t+ice line freqA# 4+ice line freq =ane or blade pass freqA and (armonics .ump of random (ig( freqA noise 2;2 > $;2

3 A5es of Bata .ori<ontal S(aft) Radial C =ertical 4angental C .ori<A

2 -requenc& Ranges *o+ Range C ;,1; 0rders of s(aft rotation .ig( Range C ;,1;; 0rders of s(aft rotation

3 A"is and 2 $re%uency an#es

*o+ Range Bata
/mbalance" Misalignment" %earings" -an blades" 6ump /mpeller" *ooseness" -oundation -le5ibilit&
Angular Misalignment

.ig( Range Bata

-irst bearing fault indication" Motor %ars" Dear Mes(" 4urbine vanes" (armonics
Motor %ars

A5ial A5ial#
Motor %ars

6arallel Misalignment

=ertical Radial#

6arallel Misalignment

.ori<ontal 4angental#

Motor %ars

Data Validity
%ad Bata comes from) , /mproper test conditions , 8rong mac(ine tested , Sensor amplifier problem , /ncorrect orientation *oose Sensor magnet mount# ,ver eated sensor $s(i slope%

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