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NASA and the Department of Energy Contract ODN, Inc.

for Mars Science Laboratory Launch Support

Saturday, No ember !" at #$%$! AM, a NASA At&as'Centaur roc(et prope&&ed the most ad anced interp&anetary spacecraft e er bui&t to)ards a &anding on Mars ne*t summer. Almost four years ago, we at ODN were contacted by NASA and Canberra Corporation to develop a satellite system for a new real time safety network to be tested at Cape Canaveral during the launch of the Mars Science aboratory !MS "# $he new Mars probe uses a %adioisotope $hermoelectric &enerator !%$&" to power the rover because it is 'uite large !si(e of a compact automobile" and solar cell power is not sufficient to provide the necessary on)board electrical re'uirements# An %$& can run for years uninterrupted# %$&*s powered the +oyager probes, the first of which was launched in ,-.. and that is now in deep space# As /lutonium /u)012 isotope naturally decays it produces heat that is transferred to a small electrical signal , although it has been rendered safe from e3plosion and is literally bullet proof# 4ecause the %$& contains a large 'uantity of /u)012, presidential approval is re'uired before launch# $he Department of 5nergy and NASA have detailed radiological contingency plans in place in the event of an accident during the launch# $he new advanced safety network uses a special environmental continuous air monitor robot called an 5)CAM# $he 5)CAM was designed to allow the detection of tiny amounts of radioactive materials in the air that could cause harm to people breathing it# $he robot actually breathes the air and samples any particles small enough to be retained by the lungs# $he obvious long term use of this technology is to warn the public during events like we saw in 6apan last summer, when their nuclear reactors were damaged by a tsunami# %inging the Cape with these new 5)CAM robots would ensure that should the rocket have to be destroyed7 any release of radiological materials from the spacecraft would 'uickly be detected before the public could be harmed# ODN, 8nc#, with the support of +iaSat 8nc# and its 9ild4lue satellite broadband service, designed a hardened :a)band +SA$ system that couples to the 5)CAM sensors, enabling real time monitoring of the devices# 5ach of the 1; 5)CAM units has a matched -2cm :a)band Surf4eam 0 +SA$ attached to it# $hese +SA$*s feed continuous data into the %ADCC facility at :ennedy Space Center as well as the awrence ivermore National aboratory NA%AC facility in California# $he 5)CAMS were a <go= item on the launch countdown checklist, so we at ODN were holding our breath> During the launch, all 5)CAMS were operational and radiological data flowed to and from the 5)CAM units as designed# $hese 5)CAM devices will now be used during any event re'uiring an early warning system for radiological release# &reg ?eifner, founder of Columbia, Missouri based ODN said, <8n my entire 1@ year career in satellite, 8 have never been as honored to work for an agency as 8 was when 8 got the chance to work with NASA, the DO5, and Canberra# As true followers of anything space)related, it was our chance to walk in the footsteps of our heroes# 9e at ODN appreciate the support from the 9ild4lue and +iaSat teams $hey took this proAect seriously and the results showed# 8 B along with the world B will watch with fascination as this remarkable spacecraft e3plores Mars and looks for life ne3t year#=

ODN, 8nc#, located in Columbia Missouri, is one of the leading firms in the nation using satellite technology for critical applications such as emergency management and restoration of communication assets during disasters# More information is online at www#orbitaldata#net# 9ild4lue is the satellite services arm of +iaSat 8nc# 9ith the launch of +iaSat),, the worldCs highest capacity satellite, the stage is set for accelerated growth, increased performance, and e3pansion of the 9ild4lue service# $he advanced technology of the 9ild4lue network has elevated the service 'uality of satellite broadband to the point that satellite can now be a better alternative for broadband 8nternet than DS , and 1& D ;& wireless offerings for fi3ed home use#

&reg ?eifner of ODN standing in front of the 1; 5)CAM detectors and 9ild4lue broadband +SA$ pairs at Cape Canaveral during a full scale test of the system prior to launch#

$he 5)CAM robots with their associated +SA$*s during pre)flight testing#

5)CAM deployed on site at Eire Station in preparation for the launch#

$he launch# NASA file photo#

Computer model of MS , note %$& is seen on back end of spacecraft#

Another actual view of MS # Additional detailsF httpFDDnews#discovery#comDspaceDmars)rover)launch)radiation)precautions) ,,,,0;#html

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