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Pricing Product: Pricing Strategies I. New Product Pricing Strategies: a.

Price Quality Strategies Price Premium Pricing Strategy Overcharging Strategy Good Value Strategy Economy Strategy


Premium Pricing Strategy high quality roduct and charging the highest rice Good Value Strategy re resent a way to attac! remium ricing """ Producing high quality roduct #ut charge lower remium riced roducts Overcharging Strategy overcharging its roduct in relation to its quality Economy Strategy Producing a good quality roduct #ut charging a low rice #. Market Skimming Pricing Setting high rice $or new roducts to s!im ma%imum revenue layer #y layer $rom the segments willing to ay the high rice & lica#le under some o$ the #elow conditions: - 'he roduct(s quality and image must su ort its higher rice and enough #uyers willing to ay $or its high rice - 'he cost o$ roducing a smaller volume is not high so that it will not ta!e away the advantage o$ charging the high rice - )om etitor should not #e a#le to enter easily to undercut the rice Market Penetration Pricing setting a low rice $or a new roduct to attract large num#er o$ #uyer and #ig mar!et share & lica#le under some o$ the conditions #elow: - 'he mar!et must #e highly rice sensitive - 'he roduction and distri#ution cost must $all as sales volume increase - *ow rice must hel !ee out the com etition and the enetration ricer must maintain its low rice osition



Product +i% Pricing Strategies: a. Product *ine Pricing setting the rice ste s #etween various roduct in a roduct line #ased on the $ollowing: - )ost di$$erence #etween the roducts - )ustomers( evaluation o$ di$$erent $eature - )om etitors( rice E%am le: ,owny Sunrise- ,owny &nti".acteria- ,owny /"#anlaw- ,owny Passion 0all in the same roduct line #ut with di$$erent rice1 #. O tional Product Pricing ricing o$ o tional or accessory roducts sold with the main roduct. - E%am le: +o#ile Phone2)ell hone 0main roduct1 3 charger 0o tional roduct1 3 #attery 0o tional roduct1 3 casing 0o tional roduct1 3 head set 0o tional roduct1 )a tive Product Pricing setting rice $or roducts that must #e used along with the main roducts - E%am les: .lade $or ra4ors- & le com uter and other & le gadgets such as I"Phone- I" od- I" 'ouch- Printer and its cartridge In the case of service this strategy is called !t"o#$art $ricing% & the $rice of the service is 'roken into a fi(ed usage fee and a varia'le fee " E%am le: amusement ar! charging a general entrance $ee- then they will charge se arately the $ood- rides inside and some other midway attractions. 'ele hone com any charge a monthly service $ee 3 call #eyond some minimum num#ers such as national direct dial 0N,,1 or International ,irect ,ial 0I,,1 .y" roduct Pricing setting a rice $or #y" roducts in order to ma!e main roduct(s rice more com etitive - E%am les: Petroleum gasoline 0main roduct1- !erosene 0#y roduct1- &s halt 0#y roduct1 5oo &ttraction 0main roduct1- manure o$ animals 0#y roduct #eing sold as organic $ertili4er to the $arms.1 Product #undle ricing setting a rice $or com#ination o$ several roducts and o$$er the #undle at a discounted or reduced rice - E%am les: hotel sells ac!ages that includes room accommodation- meals and some entertainment at a discounted rice





Price &d6ustment Strategies: a. ,iscounts and &llowance Pricing rice ad6ustment to reward customer $or certain res onses. /. )ash discounts a rice reduction to reward customer who ays their #ill rom tly 7. 8uantity discounts a rice reduction to reward #uyers who #uy in large volume 9. :unctional discounts a rice reduction o$$ered #y the seller to trade channel mem#er who er$orm certain $unctions such as selling- storing- record !ee ing ;. Seasonal discounts a rice reduction to #uyers who #uy merchandise or services out o$ season 0e%am le: airline and hotels o$$ering discounted rice tic!ets during lean season o$ travel1 <. &llowances romotional money aid #y manu$acturer to retailer in return $or an agreement to $eature the manu$acturer(s roduct in some way. 0e%am les: trade"in allowance- romotional allowance1 #. Segmented Pricing Selling a roduct or services at two or more rice- where the di$$erence in rices is not #ased on di$$erence in cost. /. )ustomer segment ricing di$$erent customer ay di$$erent rice $or the same roduct or services 0e%am le: Su ercat charging students and senior at a lower rate com ared to $ull $are rice= +useum o$$ering senior citi4en rate and children(s rate1 7. Product $orm ricing di$$erent version o$ the roduct are riced di$$erently- #ut not according to di$$erence in their cost 0E%am le: sham oo in the lastic #ottle and sham oo in the lastic sachet ac!s- #attery in a card#oard ac!aging or #attery in a #lister ac!aging $orm1 9. *ocation ricing the com any charge di$$erent location at di$$erent rice although the cost o$ roviding the service is the same 0E%am le: Su ercat charging a lower $are $or o en air seats and higher $are $or air"conditioned room- airline charging remium rice $or #usiness class seats and lower rice $or economy seats1 ;. 'ime ricing charging di$$erent rice $or the service at di$$erent time o$ the hour- day- month or season 0e%am le: o$$ season sales $or clothing- lean season sales in the tourism industrywee!end rice and wee!days rice o$ the amusement ar!s- ea! hour rate and o$$ ea! rate $or the tele hone services1 )ote: for segmented $ricing to 'e effective certain condition must e(ist such as: - 'he mar!et must #e segmenta#le and the segment must show di$$erent degree o$ demand - +em#er o$ the segment aying a lower rice must not #e ale to turn around and resell the roduct to the segment aying the higher rice - )om etitor should not #e a#le to undersell the $irm in the segment #eing charged with the higher rice - 'he segmented ricing must #e legal - 'he segmented rice must re$lect the real di$$erence in customers( erceived value. Psychological Pricing a ricing a roach that considers the sychology o$ rices and not sim ly the economics. 0note: $or some eo le who !nows little a#out the roduct they are a#out to urchase- rice #ecome a very im ortant indicator $or quality.1 Promotional Pricing tem orarily ricing roducts #elow the listed rice or some times even #elow the cost to increase short run sales. Geogra hical Pricing &d6usting rice to accounts $or the geogra hical location o$ the customers :unctions > ,e$initions " Goods are laces $ree on #oard o$ the carrier- the customer ays the actual $reight $rom the $actory to the destination - 'he com any charge the same rice lus the $reight cost to all customers regardless o$ their location &dvantages " $airest way to assess $reight charge :airly easy to administer *et the com any advertise its rice ,isadvantages " 'he roduct will #ecome high cost to distant customers " some customer will charge higher $reight cost than actual cost and some customer will charge lower $reight cost than

c. d. e.

Geogra hical Pricing Strategies :O. Origin Pricing

?ni$orm ,elivered Pricing

5one Pricing

.asing Point Pricing -

:reight &#sor tion Pricing

'he o osite o$ :O. 'he com any sets u two or more 4ones and all customers within a given 4one ay a single total rice. 'he more distant the 4onethe higher the rice :alls #etween :O. and ?ni$orm ,elivered rice 'he seller select a given city as a #ase oint and charges all customer the $reight cost $rom that city to the customer location- regardless o$ the city $rom which the goods are actually shi ed 'he seller a#sor#s all or art o$ the actual $reight charges in order to get the #usiness

nationally "

the actual

" delivered rice would #e the same $or all customers and rice com etition will #e eliminated

Good $or mar!et enetration Good $or hold on to increasingly com etitive mar!et


Price changes &$ter develo ing the ricing structure and rice strategies- com anies o$ten $ace situations in which they must initiate rice change or res ond to rice change. Possi#le @easons: - E%cess )a acity - :alling mar!et share in the $ace o$ strong rice com etition - 'o dominate mar!et through lower cost - )ost in$lation - Over demand &dvantages: " .oost sales ,isadvantages: " *ead to rice war

Price )hange &. Initiate Price )ut

.. Initiate Price increase

Increase revenue

*ead to customerdealer and even their own sale $orce(s resentment

Notes: #elow are some ways to increase rice without consumer noticing it: /. ,ro ing discounts and adding higher" riced units to the line 7. Shrin! the roduct instead o$ raising its rice 9. Su#stitute less e% ensive ingredients or remove certain roduct $eatures- ac!aging- or services ;. ?n#undle its roduct and services- removing or se arately ricing elements that were $ormerly art o$ the o$$er *o" to res$ond to a $rice change /. E%ternal &nalysis " 'he com any needs to analy4e the reasons- intentions and resources o$ the com etitor to initiate a rice change such as: a. Aas it to increase mar!et shareB #. Aas it to use e%cess ca acity to meet changing cost conditionB c. Aas it to lead an industry wide rice changeB d. Is the rice change tem orary or ermanentB e. &re other com anies going to res ondB 7. Internal &nalysis " 'he com any needs to ma!e some sel$ evaluation such as: a. Ahat will ha en to com any(s mar!et share and ro$it i$ it does nor res ondB #. Products stage in the li$e"cycle c. 'he roducts im ortance in the com any(s roduct mi% d. Possi#le consumer reaction to the rice change :our ossi#le res onses to the rice change: /. @educe its rice to match the com etitor(s rice 7. @aise the erceived quality o$ its o$$er

9. ;.

Im rove quality and increase its rice *aunch a low" riced $ighting #rand

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