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Release Notes

SimulationX 3 1
Release Notes
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Overview
In the course of the development and improvement of the SimulationX software,
numerous changes are made and extensions as well as bug fixes are implemented.

These Release Notes 3.6 document the changes between the SimulationX versions
of SimulationX 3.6.

The basis for the continuous development of our software products are the
requirements and suggestions from our customers in industry and education, as
well as our online support forum, the ITI HelpDesk (,
which is our primary point of contact for any support query.
1.1.2 Release Notes Structure
The Release Notes are given as a list and follow the manuals structure. The left
side of the table contains a key which stems from processing. Please note the
Nxxxxx New features in the program
Hxxxxx Processed queries, requests addressed to the ITI HelpDesk; the
number here corresponds with the reference number at the HelpDesk.
Bxxxxx Bugs that were fixed. Changes (or new features) are described on the
right-hand side.

Release Notes
2 SimulationX 3
1.2 Version 3.6.1 (January 2014) General
N00127 ITI releases the new add-on tool TVA Report Generator for
SimulationX 3.6.1. This tool is able to generate standardized
documentations of simulation models for certification societies.
Amongst other things, these reports include a table of most important
parameters, selected result diagrams as well as model diagram views.
An application or customer specific configuration is possible, i.e. by
adding own document templates.
The TVA Report Generator is an external application, which
communicates via the COM interface with SimulationX.
N00128 Newly created control elements and overlay displays get standardized
titles consisting of macros for variables names and units
(<name> [<unit>]).
The following macro strings are supported:
<name> Name of the variable
<unit> Unit of the variable
<ident> Ident of the variable
<comment> Comment of the variable
N00129 Modelica text annotations for connect instructions in existing models
are now included in the diagram view.
N00130 Detailed information is shown for incorrect package.order files.
1.2.2 Libraries
N00131 Power Transmission (1D): The new sublibrary \Combustion
Engnies\Utilities provides now two elements for the more efficient
parameterization combustion engine models (Inline Engine Parameters
and Vee Engine Parameters). The parameters of these elements will be
read by the new TVA Report Generator.
N00132 Heat Transfer
Three new steady-state heat exchangers are available in the Heat
Transfer library:
Plate Heat Exchanger
Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
Microchannel Heat Exchanger.

2BVersion 3.6.1 (January 2014)
SimulationX 3 3
1.2.3 Solved Problems
B24007 Modeling: Wrong flip for rotated icons of imported models from
SimulationX 3.5 (and previous).
B24023 Modeling: SimulationX crashes when pasting images into the diagram
view with Ctrl-V or with Edit->Insert.
B24027 Planar Mechanics: Translational Constraints as well as Prismatic
Joints take now their inner lever lengths into account.
B24029 The 64-bit version of SimulationX no longer crashes if an external
function throws a math-exception.
B24058 ModelicaStandardTables: 2D tables that degrade to 1D tables lead to
access violations and erroneous results.
B24092 Changes in types with ShortClass Definitions result in inconsistent
B24104 Analysis: CVODE no longer aborts further calculations with new
tStop and division by 0.
B24122 Incorrect layout of the internal structure in duplicated compounds.
B24127 Planar Mechanics: The default value for Shear Correction kappa in the
model Elastic Beam is not ideal. It used to be 0.8333. A value of 1.2
should be preferred.
B24142 If there are instantiation errors when loading a model, the model is not
marked as modified.
B24147 Removing import instructions during the interactive type correction
causes errors when loading the model.
B24206 Crashes when a model is closed while messages are displayed in the
output window.
B24213 Hydraulics: Opening a saved model causes PthSrc in lines with
distributed parameters to be reset to the default value.
B24220 Redeclarations of components are not accounted for when resolving
external references.

Modal System: Importing ANSYS Mode files causes access violations
if the number of available degrees of freedom exceeds the number of
available eigenfrequencies.
B24241 Modal System: The node filter dialog during ANSYS import causes
access violations if there are more than 6 degrees of freedom per node.
B24254 When resolving external references, references to former external types
are not corrected sufficiently.

Release Notes
4 SimulationX 3
B24256 Code Export: Wrong index access during Code Export of models with
gear stages.
B24304 3D-View: 3D camera settings are not loaded.
B24329 MBS Mechanics: 3D connectors of MBS Constraint and
AbsoluteSensor are not shown.
B24350 Heuristic for type suggestions has been improved for the interactive
type correction.
B24357 Power transmission 2D: Incorrect order of the properties dialogs in the
type PowerTransmission2D.BeltDrives.Constraints.GlobalBeltPreset.
B24392 Editing types with names in single quotes causes errors.
B24397 COM interface: Alternative enumeration parameters cannot be
specified with idents anymore.
B24408 Hydraulics: Correction of the energy balance of the hydraulic tube and
hose line.
B24418 ExternalTypes directories, which contain subdirectories without files, are not loaded correctly after the import.
B24420 MBS Mechanics: Stack overflow can occur during cycles in the MBS
COM-Interface: CVODE and Fixed Step Solver cannot be modified via
the COM interface
B24463 SubSea Hydraulics: Corrected propagation of T0 in umbilical elements
and updated PthSrc depending on the number of used elements.
B24497 Code Export: Compiling issues with code export to ETAS fixed.
B24524 ModelicaUtilities functions are sent to stdout (instead of the
specified logger) when used in an FMU.
B24559 TypeDesigner: The mouse cursor may disappear in the Modelica view
of the TypeDesigner.
B24587 Planar Mechanics: The element angle phiE in rigid bodies remains 0
despite specifying phiEin.
Analysis: Modelica-CombiTable2D returns incorrect results for steady-
state simulations.
B24635 Crashes when opening complex models in the 3D view.
B24683 SafetyDesigner: Incorrect XML input files for HiP-HOPS are generated
for optimization models.
Hydraulics: The hydraulic element Gear Pump does not start for
revolution speed 0 and pressure difference greater than 0. Calculation of
the current state for n=0 has been corrected.
2BVersion 3.6.1 (January 2014)
SimulationX 3 5
B24810 Code Export: Modelica inputs on the top model level cannot be
selected as inputs in the Code Expert Wizard.
B24840 Spaces can be missing in the Modelica code after array sub-scripts and
before conditions for component redeclarations.
B24867 Power Transmission/Drive Accessory: The model Pendulum Absorber
incorrectly provides the option backlash for the enumeration kindR
when a rigid end stop is included. This option is also incorrectly set as
B24908 Code Export: Error during the compilation of generated Simulink S-
functions with real or integer vector parameters.
B24980 Generating compounds fails if the type is supossed to be saved outside
of the model.
B24994 Code Export: Wrong results could occur for start values which depend
on inputs of exported Simulink S-Function (with and without solver).
B24995 Modeling: Analog control elements, such as sliders which are assigned
to integer or Boolean parameters cause uncaptured exceptions.
B25001 Result window: In some cases, result variables of steady-state
simulations cannot be frozen upon loading a previously saved model.
B25005 Modeling: Control elements (e.g. sliders) cannot be used with Modelica
B25009 Result windows: Direct Print for diagrams of steady-state simulations
causes graphics to have the wrong height.
B25018 The annotation choicesAllMatching for Record Modifications is not
B25020 Modeling: Control element On/off switch returns values other than
0 or 1.
B25039 Changing connections can result in invalid MBS connections.
B25043 Changing attributes during a simulation is not disabled.
B25059 Incorrect cursor symbol when changing the size of graphic elements in
the diagram view.
B25064 Analysis: Improved calculation of eigenvalues: The eigenvalues
condition is now included in the analysis and is re-calculated with
balanced matrices if necessary.
B25070 Result windows: Gauging within result windows with multiple panels
shows inaccurate values if the cursor is not placed on the first panel.
B25092 Code Export: When the Code Export Wizard is open, any further
changes in the model are not applied and the model may not be locked
for editing.
Release Notes
6 SimulationX 3
Virtual Machines/ PLCSIM Controller: The import function for
symbol tables does not process English idents for binary inputs and byte
B25142 Result windows: Vector components may be shown with wrong units
when loaded and re-calculated.
B25155 Result windows: y(x)-representation of already transformed results
curves not working properly.
B25164 SubSea Hydraulics: Incorrect display of units in the elements
Gate Valve and Ball Valve.
B25176 Result windows: Result curves already transformed can still be moved
onto operation icons via drag & drop.
B25183 During the import of ExternalTypes directories, checks for old
ExternalTypes directories overlapping with the new Modelica directory
are too tight.
B25193 Simulation time not updated in the status bar while operating control
elements (e.g. slider).
B25224 Code Export: Memory overflow causes memory when string variables
are used.
B25253 Virtual Machine: Using the CVODE solver for co-simulation with
Siemens PLCSIM can cause error messages when a simulation is
aborted or completed.
B25270 Virtual Machine: In the Co-Simulation with Siemens PLCSIM during
write to the data type BYTE, a byte too high is written, i.e. instead
Byte3 Byte4 is set.
B25535 FMU Import: All names of variables (inputs, outputs, parameters,
internals) are now enclosed in single quotes ('). In this way valid names
are guaranteed.
1.3 Version 3.6.0 (September 2013)
1.3.1 News and Extensions General
N00001 SimulationX now uses a standardized search directory for managing
external types and libraries. Previously, External Types had a separate
entry apart from the Modelica search directory. Libraries saved in a
directory under External Types, were listed in the Library bar under
ExternalTypes. References to these types within a model started with
For libraries created and saved under External Types with an earlier
version of SimulationX, there is an import option available in the
3BVersion 3.6.0 (September 2013)
SimulationX 3 7
settings dialog for directories (Extras => Options). For more details,
please refer to section 8.1.1. in the manual.
N00002 The many views for the Model explorer are now available as separate
windows which can be docked and arranged freely. That enables even
better customization of the SimulationX user interface
N00003 The Model Explorer and the tree view in the Model Explorer and other
windows now offer sorting and filtering options. Changes are saved and
reloaded the next time SimulationX is started.
N00004 An additional navigation bar (Bread Crumb Bar) above the model view
improves the navigation within hierarchical models.
N00005 The Sample Browser has been revamped completely. Sample models in
SimulationX are now displayed in a view similar to the Windows
Explorer. Each model now comes with a thumbnail preview and a short
description as well as additional file properties. The keyword search and
the tree view allow for quick access to relevant example models. In
order to find sample models of a certain type in the library bar, the
context menu now offers a corresponding entry. This opens the sample
Browser and starts the search accordingly.
N00006 By default, models are now saved as SimulationX project files (*.isx).
This format allows faster access and brings improvements for the
usability, such as model preview and search integration with Windows
Explorer. Accessing simulation results saved in a SimulationX project
is also possible for other tools.
N00007 For SimulationX project files (*.isx), there are now thumbnail previews
available in the Windows Explorer. They also integrate now into the
Windows Explorer search. Search words can be keywords and type
idents that are specified (File => File Info) for the component types
used in the model (e.g. Mechanics.Translation.Spring)
N00008 The size of components in the diagram view can now be changed freely,
and rotations are no longer limited to steps of 90. The TypeDesigner
no longer differentiates between bitmaps or Modelica graphics.
Modelica graphics are vector-based and thus permit the user to scale
images without any loss in quality. Bitmaps can be integrated like text
blocks, which allows for dynamic updates of parameters. Saving size
and orientation of model components is now fully compliant with the
Modelica standard.
N00009 For a reliable linkage of SimulationX model files with the correct
version of SimulationX the SimulationX Launcher has been developed.
Model files with extension *.ism and *.isx can be associated with the
SimulationX release of your choice to ensure that a double click on it in
Windows Explorer will start the correct version. The launcher can be
configured to ask for the version to be started when you open a file
Release Notes
8 SimulationX 3
from Windows Explorer. The launcher is installed in SimulationX 3.6
program folder.
N00010 SimulationX now comes with an integrated interface for the version
management software Apache Subversion. Types managed with
SVN are marked with their current status in the library bar. The most
relevant commands for types under version control are available from
the context menu of each library or model. All necessary system
requirements for this feature are detailed in section 4.2.3.
N00011 Modifying types with external editors is now supported by a direct
command in the context menu of the library bar. The preferred editor
can be specified under Extras => Options.
N00012 The properties dialog of elements and connections now provides an
integrated import/export function for parameter tables as text files
(*.txt, *.csv) or Excel tables (*.xlsx). Parameters can thus be managed
and edited independently of a model. Various settings allow for a
flexible customization of that function.
N00013 Editing non-scalar parameters is now possible through a universal table
tool. The editor can be accessed by clicking the corresponding button in
the properties dialog or the Model Explorer. Input data can also come
from external text or MATLAB files or Excel tables. For the
visualization of that data, there are various options provided in the
N00014 The diagram view in SimulationX now also supports multiple selections
of connections. In order to select several connections, the C key needs
to be pressed and held while drawing a rectangle. That allows changes
made in the properties dialog to be applied to all selected connections.
Multiple selections of connections do not work in combination with
other components.
N00015 The dialogs for the simulation controls have been completely revamped.
Frequently used settings have been bundled together on the first page of
the corresponding dialog. The dialog for controlling steady-state
simulations now also includes the settings for tracing and debugging.
N00016 Numerous new and enhanced display and control elements improve the
modeling process for interactive models. Existing display and control
elements are still supported in simulations, but cannot be created anew.
N00017 For interactive simulations, it is now possible to synchronize the
simulation time with the execution time. That enables models to run in
quasi-real-time. This synchronization can be speed up or slowed down
with a specific scale factor. Another related feature is the option to
leave the stop time unspecified. In that case, the result curves are
dynamically shifted, while the display range can be adjusted. These
options are available in the dialog for transient simulation controls.
3BVersion 3.6.0 (September 2013)
SimulationX 3 9
N00018 The text view has been improved. In particular, this affects the
following functions:
Customizable syntax highlighting
Highlighting associated bracket pairs
Icon search; go to element type
N00019 References which cannot be resolved when loading models and libraries
can be restored directly during the loading process. The available
options are detailed in the manual, section 8.1.2.
N00020 As a new option, SimulationX can check for available updates during
the program start. This feature requires an internet connection.
N00021 There is a new setting available for variation calculations (Variant
Wizard) allowing result windows to be automatically generated for the
selected result variables.
N00022 SimulationX now comes with a number of add-ins for the Microsoft
Office suite. Add-ins for Word, Excel and PowerPoint need to be
installed for each user separately. They permit each Office application
to use and change model data. Office 2010 or 2013 must be installed.
Earlier versions are not supported. Installation instructions and as well
as a quick guide to the available functions can be found in chapter 9.2
of the manual.
N00023 Text and bitmaps can now be pasted from the clipboard directly as
blocks into the diagram view of a model.
N00024 SimulationX now provides various visual styles for the user interface.
They can be selected from the menu bar (View => Application Look).
N00025 Standard path for external fluids is not as in SimulationX 3.5
C:\Users\Username\Documents\SimulationX 3.5\Fluids, the fluids can
now be found at C:\Users\Public\Documents\SimulationX 3.6\Fluids.
This path can still be changed at
ExtrasOptionsDirectoriesexternal Fluids, but libraries with
installed external fluids, as e.g. the new Combustion Engines III, would
not work anymore.
1.3.2 Libraries Library General
N00026 The library General (previously General Elements, Ident. General)
includes generic physical model types in the sub-library Functions
and Modelica functional types which can be used for
parameterizations with expressions or for the development of
custom types within equation or algorithm sections.
Release Notes
10 SimulationX 3
Mathematical Functions (Mathematics)
N00027 Round Rounding of numerical values
N00028 BooleanToInteger Conversion of Boolean values (true/false) to
integer values (natural numbers)
N00029 IsZero Query if a numerical value is zero with respect to a defined
N00030 Limit Limit of a numerical value
N00031 PolyVal Polynomial evaluation
N00032 DefTwoDerivates Defines two derivatives of a function (required for
N00033 DefOneDerivates Defines one derivative of a function (required for
Functions for Calculations of Arrays (Mathematics (especially array operations))
N00034 NormEuclid Euclidean norm of a vector
Transfer functions for describing continuous transitions between 0 and 1
N00035 Gevrey Transfer function based on Gevreys approach (sinusoidal)
N00036 SineShape Sinusoidal transition
N00037 PolynoialStep Polynomial transition
N00038 TanhTransition tanh transition
Dimensionless characteristic numbers (mainly for fluid power)
N00039 Nusselt number
Reynolds number
Prandtl number
Grashof number
Rayleigh number Library Animation Bodies
N00040 For the CAD import of animation bodies, inertial properties (mass,
center of gravity and moment of inertia) are derived from the
N00041 The element Camera is a new element. It allows for camera movements
along a pre-defined straight line.

3BVersion 3.6.0 (September 2013)
SimulationX 3 11 Library Signal Blocks
Linear Signal Blocks
N00042 The signal block Delay Time (Type Delay) now includes an additional
parameter for specifying the maximum delay time if the delay time
itself may vary over time. In that case, it is recommended to always set
this parameter if the model is simulated with CVODE or exported code.
Signal Sources
N00043 The signal block Hysteresis Curve now also provides the specified
reference curve and Hysteresis limits as results all in absolute
Special Signal Blocks
N00044 The new signal block Continuous Transition calculates the transition
between two input signals depending on a control signal. All transfer
functions described in section can be used.
N00045 The new signal block Polynomial Transition calculates the transition
between two input signals depending on a control signal employing a
polynomial for the formation of a trial function.
N00046 The signal blocks R Flip Flop and S Flip Flop now include another
parameter for specifying the maximum delay time if the delay time
itself may vary over time. In that case, it is recommended to always set
this parameter if the model is simulated with CVODE or exported code. Libraries Linear and Rotational Mechanics
N00047 Elastic elements such as Spring, Damper or Elastic Friction now can be
optionally initialized as pre-loaded. This takes place through the
provision of an initial deflection or velocity difference or alternatively
through an internal force or torque. This simplifies the initialization of
pre-loaded systems and minimizes initial transient responses.
N00048 Constraint elements now can be self-initializing (new option in kind). If
the option is selected, the initial constraint value is derived from the
initial conditions of the neighboring connections and is maintained
throughout the simulation.
N00049 In addition to the Gevrey approach for a continuous transition in friction
elements now a tanh can be selected.
N00050 A new sub-library Contact Elements has been added to the library
Linear Mechanics. It contains planar contact models with 1D
connectors for each degree of freedom, describing contact scenarios
between the following geometrical shapes:
two polygons (Polygon-Polygon)
Release Notes
12 SimulationX 3
two circles (both on the exterior) (Circle-Circle)
circle (exterior) and ring (interior) (Circle-Ring)
circle (exterior) and straight line (Circle-Line) Library Planar Mechanics
N00051 Improvement and extension of the 3D visualization of the model
elements: The 3D view for models before simulation is now more
accurate and is updated in a more robust manner. The permanent update
of the 3D view simplifies the interactive modeling of planar systems.
N00052 Assembly Frame AF2D
This element allows the definition of the orientation of a planar model
in global coordinates by introducing a reference coordinate system. Up
to now all planar models were aligned to the global x-y plane. AF2D
now permits an arbitrary positioning and orientation of the 2D plane.
This also allows a correct interfacing with MBS models.
AF2D also computes gravity acceleration from the global vector
gravity3D. So it is not necessary anymore to enter gravity on each
individual mass. Also, the error-prone parameter gravity2D has been
abolished (please refer to the library manual for further details).
N00053 Part Reference Frame (Connection Coordinate System - CCS)
Connections within Planar Mechanics represent local reference
coordinate systems. Part Reference Frame elements simplify the
positioning of these local coordinate systems. The elements contain
always the same parameters and properties as the respective connection
(promoted through propagation).
N00054 2D Connections can be optionally visualized as coordinate system
tripods in the 3D view.
N00055 New default settings for Joints and Constraints: The enumeration
kindInit has now Part at ctr2 (CCS at ctr2) as default value. This has
turned out to be the more intuitive than the previous setting. This
default is useful for most of the application cases. If models from earlier
SimulationX releases are used, kindInit keeps a setting which is
compatible to the old release.
Rigid Bodies
N00056 A number of new body elements has been added to this sub-library:
Body with CAD-Import Visualization of CAD geometries (e.g.
from STL files) in the 3D view and computation of mass and
inertia properties from the CAD geometry
Prism Modeling of prismatic bodies with the base aligned in
parallel to the 2D plane; regular as well as arbitrary polygon
shapes can be defined for the base in Cartesian coordinates
3BVersion 3.6.0 (September 2013)
SimulationX 3 13
Disc Modeling of a prismatic body with the base aligned in
parallel to the 2D plane; cylindrical shapes and segments thereof
as well as prismatic shapes defined in polar coordinates can be
Elastic Bodies
N00057 This new sub-library provides a model for an elastic Beam based on an
extended Timoshenko theory. It considers fully populated mass,
stiffness and damping matrices. The model is parameterized from
geometry and material properties.
N00058 The Plane Prismatic Joint and the Plane Revolute Joint now have 1D
mechanical connectors in their respective degree of freedom, which
allows to operate them as actuated joints or to use them as coupling
elements towards 1D models from mechanics and power transmission.
N00059 A new element Plane Preset (type name GlobalPlanePreset) substitutes
the previous preset element. The new element allows presetting motion
quantities in the plane in a much more intuitive way.
N00060 The previous Plane Preset (type name PlanePreset) remains in the
library as a hidden element in order to maintain compatibility for
existing models. It should not be used anymore for modeling in new
N00061 The constraint elements Plane Preset and Plane Constraint now contain
an option to permit an unconstraint motion in individual coordinate
N00062 Constraint Interface (2D-MBS): The element achieves a rigid
kinematic link (constraint) between a planar model and a MBS model.
N00063 All elements in the Planar Mechanics library now can participate in the
power balance analysis (menu Insert/Power Balance ).
Force Elements
N00064 Plane Forces Interface (1D-2D): The element models a force/torque
coupling between a 1D model (1D mechanics) and a planar model.
N00065 Forces Interface (MBS-2D): The element models a force/torque
coupling between planar and MBS models.
Contact Elements
N00066 This new sub-library contains four elements with 2D connectors for
modeling planar contact scenarios between
two polygons (Polygon-Polygon)
Release Notes
14 SimulationX 3
two circles (both on the exterior) (Circle-Circle)
circle (exterior) and Ring (interior) (Circle-Ring)
circle (exterior) and straight line (Circle-Line) Library MBS Mechanics
N00067 The new Homokinetic Joint establishes a uniform rotary speed and
torque transfer between two mutually inclined shafts (in contrary to the
non-uniform transmission of a Cardan joint). The element has 2 degrees
of freedom.
Rigid Bodies
N00068 The elements Cuboid (2-Point), Cylinder (2-Point) and Sphere now
can optionally have variable inertia properties (Mass, Center of Mass
and Mass Moment of Inertia).
Contact Elements
N00069 This new sub-library contains four elements with MBS connectors for
modeling planar contact scenarios between
two polygons (Polygon-Polygon)
two circles (both on the exterior) (Circle-Circle)
circle (exterior) and Ring (interior) (Circle-Ring)
circle (exterior) and straight line (Circle-Line)
N00070 The element General Contact (3D) has been moved from the sub-
library Force Elements into the new Contact Elements library. Library Utilities in Mechanics
N00071 The Mechanics library has been amended by a sub-library Utilities. This
sub-library collects often used Modelica Functions for computing
physical parameters from geometry and material properties:
CylinderInertia Moment of inertia of a cylinder around its
central axis
CylinderStiffness Torsional stiffness of a cylinder around its
central axis
TorsionalStress Torsional stress computed from a torsional
MinShaftDiameter Minimum diameter for a shaft required for
an operationally reliable transmission of a desired torque
3BVersion 3.6.0 (September 2013)
SimulationX 3 15 Library Power Transmission (1D)
N00072 All elements in the library now fully participate in power balance
analysis (menu Insert/Power Balance ).
Motors and Engines
N00073 The Asynchronous Motor can now be parameterized to rotate in
negative direction by providing a negative power supply frequency. In
addition, the parameterization now distinguishes between nominal
frequency and power supply frequency. This permits a frequency-
controlled operation of the motor.
Couplings and Clutches
N00074 The element Freewheel (form-locking) models rigid or elastic
ratcheting freewheels and similar mechanisms in rotary systems.
N00075 The element Freewheel (friction-actuated) models rigid and elastic
friction-actuated freewheels such as roller type freewheels.
N00076 The new element Ratchet models a rigid or elastic form-locking
freewheel where one end is connected to the environment.
Transmission Elements
N00077 The element Screw Drive models elastic or rigid screws and considers
the friction in the thread (in contrary, the Ball Screw Drive neglects
friction). The Screw Drive can be parameterized using standard
geometries for trapezoidal, knuckle and metric threads. A free thread
definition is also possible.
N00078 The new element Planetary Gearbox (incl. Planets) models the rotary
interaction between all shafts in coaxial planetary gears. The model can
be configured as rigid or elastic and allows considering the rotary
degree of freedom and inertia of the planets around their axis.
N00079 The Reduced Planetary for Strain Wave Gears and Cycloidal Drives
describes the rotary interaction of gearboxes of the mentioned types as
well as gears based on the same kinematic relationships. The element
provides various ways to specify the elastic properties and models
efficiency as well as self-locking phenomena.
N00080 The new Marine Propeller incl. Ice Impact Simulation provides a
propeller model for ship drivelines, which is suitable for transient and
steady-state torsional vibration analysis. The model implements
commonly accepted parameters and damping approaches defined by
various classification societies. The propeller also computes ice impact
torques in compliance with the class rules of Germanischer Lloyd (ice
classes E1 to E4 and P1 to P7). The propeller model has received a type
approval certification from Germanischer Lloyd.
Release Notes
16 SimulationX 3
N00081 The Wheel Ground Contact now also allows parameterization by tire
sizes (e.g., 205/65 R 15).
Drive Accessory
N00082 The Pendulum Absorber now also contains an end stop for limiting the
pendulum deflection.
N00083 The sub-library has been extended by two loss models for translatory
and rotary systems:
Translational Losses
Rotational Losses
The models can be parameterized through efficiency, friction
forces/torques or Stribeck curves. The losses are generated through
forces/torques applied between the element connectors and the
N00084 A Ship model has been added, which describes the ship mass and
driving resistances of the ship in water in the direction of motion. Library Power Transmission (planar)
N00085 All elements in the sub-library Belt Drives have been reworked and
became internal library types. The physical behavior itself has not been
changed, but some aspects concerning modeling comfort have
considerably improved as a result:
Propagation of belt parameters in the belt drives (for segments,
which are interconnected). As a result material density, stiffness,
damping and geometric properties only need to be entered at one
belt segment (this is similar to the propagation of fluid properties
in the fluid libraries).
Improved visualization for pulleys (belt grooves, bearing holes,
non-circular shapes)
Improved visualization of belt segments which are free or in
contact with pulley (flat, circular, v-shaped and others;
parameterized from catalog data)
As a result of the newly introduced Assembly Frame AF2D belt
drives can now be oriented arbitrarily in space. Gravity is
automatically computed and it is not necessary anymore to set it
manually through the parameter gravity2D (see section
Improved 3D visualization during modeling before a simulation has
been performed (see section
Pulleys and Drums
N00086 Automatic detection of the winding direction
3BVersion 3.6.0 (September 2013)
SimulationX 3 17
Additional options for initializing drums
Curved pulleys and curved drums now can also have an elliptic
Pulleys and drums do not carry belt properties anymore; these
have been moved into the belt models and are propagated into
drums and pulleys automatically from there
reworked property dialogs and smaller element icons
Belt Models
N00087 new options and parameters for describing damping properties
the 2D connection between pulley and belt does not show initial
values anymore; these are not required at this location because
they are computed by the pulley element
the Belt Spring now can optionally compute its overall mass and
promotes it to the connected drums or pulleys.
Reworked property dialogs and smaller element icons
N00088 A new element Belt Preset (type name GlobalBeltPreset)
substitutes the previous belt preset element. The new element
allows presetting motion quantities in the plane in a much more
intuitive way.
N00089 The previous Belt Preset (type name BeltPreset) remains in the
library as a hidden element in order to maintain compatibility for
existing models. It should not be used anymore for modeling in
new models. Library Power Transmission (MBS)
N00090 The Power Transmission (MBS) library now contains a sub-library
Gears. It allows to model gear stages in multi-body systems (e.g. spur
and helical gear pairs, planetary gear sets). The gear models consider
geometry and inertia properties of the gear wheels and their location
within the gearbox housing. The gear contact itself models contact
stiffness, contact damping and backlash. The variation of contact
stiffness depending on gear wheel angle and position can be considered,
so that the resulting parametric excitations are taken into account in the
overall system model.
The Gears library contains the following sub-libraries and elements:
Rigid Bodies
Helical Gear Spur or helical gear wheel
Release Notes
18 SimulationX 3
Helical Ring Spur or helical ring (internal toothing)

Gear Contacts
Helical Gears Contact models the gear teeth contact between
two spur or helical gears (basic building block for the gearsets)

Helical Gear Set assembly consisting of two helical gears and
a helical gears contact
Helical Gear Set with Ring assembly consisting of a helical
gear, a helical ring and a helical gears contact
Wheels and Tires
N00091 The Tire Plane Contact now also allows parameterization by tire sizes
(e.g., 205/65 R 15) Library Pneumatics
Basic Elements
N00092 The elements Pressure Supply and Exhaust include a new option to set
the specific enthalpy as a fixed boundary condition (instead of the
N00093 The four new element types Proportional Edges (2-Way Proportional
Edge (opening in positive / negative direction); Ball/Cone Seat Valve
(Proportional Edge, opening in positive / negative direction)) enable
detailed valve modeling based on geometry data of the valve edges
analogous to the hydraulic proportional edges.
N00094 The element pneumatic Volume Flow Sensor now includes an option to
calculate the mass and volume flow based on a mass flow balance. Each
Volume Flow Sensor using this functionality creates two additional
state variables in the system. A further parameter calcActive enables the
activation via Boolean expressions, also as a time-dependent parameter. Library Hydraulics
Basic Elements
N00095 The new element type Tank with Overflow is used for modeling of
complex tank units. The overflow is provided by a hydraulic port at the
top of the tank. Furthermore an additional hydraulic port can be used to

3BVersion 3.6.0 (September 2013)
SimulationX 3 19
connect a hydraulic system at a certain tank level. Optionally, the
hydrostatic pressure in the tank can be considered. An optional third
hydraulic port at an arbitrary height enables the consideration of
multiple tank ports with different port levels. The additional
specification of a preload tank pressure is possible.
N00096 The new element type Variable Displacement Pump, pressure- and
power-controlled can simulate the behavior of a controlled pump. The
maximum pressure and / or the maximum power of the pump can be
N00097 The new element type Gear Pump / Motor is used for modeling of
hydrostatic displacement machines with semi-sinusoidal fluctuating
volume flows. The latter are typical for pumps with tooth engagement.
N00098 The new element type Centrifugal Pump can be used for modeling of
systems with hydrodynamic pumps. The element type uses curve
elements like Pump Head vs. Flow or Pump Pressure vs. Flow to define
the pump characteristics. Using an optional mechanical rotatory
connection, the pump can also be applied in e.g. speed-controlled
N00099 The element type Pressure Intensifier was extended by an optional
hydraulic connection to the surface C. This enables the consideration of
an external environmental pressure, which is different to atmospheric
pressure (e.g. in sub-sea applications).
N00100 For a user-friendly modeling of piping systems, the hydraulic element
types TJunction, Bend, Bend Generic, Transition, Transition
continuous, Contraction, Contraction continuous and Elbow Generic
now include the option "Consider Internal Volumes". Volumes at the
inlet and outlet can be defined within the element, including initial
pressure and initial temperature.
N00101 The element hydraulic Volume Flow Sensor now includes an option to
calculate the mass and volume flow based on a mass flow balance. Each
Volume Flow Sensor using this functionality creates two additional state
variables in the system. A further parameter calcActive enables the
activation via Boolean expressions, for example as a time-dependent
parameter. Library Thermal-Fluid
N00102 New TLK Fluid R718 (Water) (Table based fluids).
Release Notes
20 SimulationX 3 Library Acoustics
N00103 The new library Acoustics (1D) contains basic elements for modeling
acoustic systems as one-dimensional network models. They can be
coupled with elements from the 1D Mechanics library. The new library
can be used for systems with acoustic components that can be described
with gaseous volumes or canal-, tube- or hole-shaped connections.
Applications range from loudspeakers, headphones, microphones to
mufflers. Such models allow for calculating the frequency response of
the sound pressure, but also transient simulations are possible. Library Combustion Engines III
N00104 The new library Combustion Engines III helps to simulate combustion
processes occurring in cylinders of combustion engines. Model
structures are based on basic elements from the pneumatic and thermal
libraries. The theoretical basis for such models is the coherent flame
model and the Vibe combustion function.
The focus of analyses with such models lies on the chemical conversion
during the combustion of air-fuel mixtures and on the composition of
the exhaust gas mixture with respect to all physical interactions. This
involves the injection (pressures etc.), ignition timing and location,
expansion of the flame fronts and the interactions between fluids (mass
flows, pressures etc.), movements of the piston and the valves as well as
thermal effects. New Library Heat Transfer
N00105 With the release of SimulationX 3.6, the Heat Transfer library is now
available. The library is intended for detailed heat transfer modeling. It
contains ready-to-use heat exchangers (fin-and-tube, double pipe).
It is compatible with the SimulationX standard libraries Hydraulics,
Pneumatics and Thermal-Fluid and therefore enables the user to
thermally connect these libraries with each other.
The included heat exchangers will be divided into steady-state heat
exchangers for fast calculations and dynamic heat exchangers (coming
soon) for the analysis of capacity effects both for the fluids and for the
walls. Library Hybrid Powertrains
N00106 As part of the enhancements and extensions, the following types
(models, functions) were removed from the library and were replaced
by new ones (see below).
Driver: replaced by DriverA and Driving Cycle due to a
functional separation of cycle and driver model
3BVersion 3.6.0 (September 2013)
SimulationX 3 21
Operation Strategy: replaced by three customized controllers
6-Speed Transmission Control: replaced by the generic
Transmission Control
Trans6Speed : replaced by Transmission, a generic transmission
Engine: replaced by the extended model Combustion Engine
Round(), Limit(): both functional types are now listed in the
library General (see section
For compatibility reasons, all aforementioned types still exist as hidden
elements in the library, but should no longer be used for new models.
N00107 All library components are now included in the power balance (menu
bar Insert ).
N00108 The sub-library Samples was removed. All examples are now part of the
Sample Browser.
Basic Elements
N00109 The model Electrical Consumer represents a generic electrical
consumer that can be used to model vehicle components such as
lighting and seat heater.
N00110 Friction Brake is the model of a frictionally engages brake. It can be
used to model entire brake assembly.
Control Models
N00111 The signal block Driving Cycle includes characteristic lines for driving
cycles in the bus system.
N00112 The model DriverA is a driver model which imitates the driving
behavior of a real person. It controls the gas pedal and the brake.
N00113 The model Operation Strategy Parallel controls parallel hybrid drives.
N00114 The model Operation Strategy Serial controls serial hybrid drives.
N00115 The model Operation Strategy Powersplit controls power-split hybrid
N00116 The model Transmission Control simulates a transmission control unit
for transmissions with multiple gears (up to 10 gears).
Electric Machines
N00117 The element Electric Motor is a curve-based model variant for electric
Combustion Engines
N00118 The new model Combustion Engine is almost identical to Engine, but
in addition also considers fuel and consumption and offers and optional
Release Notes
22 SimulationX 3
fuel tank.
N00119 The Fuel Tank model can be used to show the fill level.
N00120 The new model Transmission represents a generic transmission with
multiple gears (up to 10). It accounts for input and output inertias,
transmissions and clutches (e.g. synchronization). Library Synchronizers
N00121 The Dog Clutch (library Power Transmission) for the simulation of
tooth contact in transmission synchronizers was extended by the
following properties:
Tooth pitch in radial direction resulting in greater or less friction
forces during contact
Further 3D visualization options
N00122 Synchronizer models are spread across two libraries. Borg-Warner-
Synchronizers can be found under ITI External
Starting with this version, there is another library in the root directory
also called Synchronizers.
N00123 Synchronizers/Behavioral Models contains two new real-time capable
Single Synchronizer (force-controlled)
Single synchronizer with mechanical connector for the sliding

Double Synchronizer (force-controlled) Double synchronizer
consisting of two single synchronizers COM Interface
N00124 In order to start the correct version of SimulationX when executing
scripts and applications, SimulationX 3.6 now includes new identifiers:
Calling SimulationX 3.5 (or earlier):
set app = CreateObject(iti.simx3)
Calling SimulationX 3.6:
set app = CreateObject(iti.simx36)

3BVersion 3.6.0 (September 2013)
SimulationX 3 23 Library GreenBuilding (Green Building)
N00125 As part of enhancements to the library, the following aspects received
special attention:
Optimization of the elements simulation stability
Modifications of some types to improve simulation speed Library Power Electrics
The library Electrical Power and Communication Analysis combines
dynamic simulation and steady state analysis of AC networks.
transient calculation (time domain) and
steady-state calculation in the frequency domain using complex phasors
(but using the transient solver)
are supported.
The change between the calculation types is controlled using a global
parameter of the model.
The library consists of basic models (such as resistor, capacitance,
inductance), sources (current and voltage sources), switches, electric
transformers and line models.
1.3.3 Solved Problems
B00001 Accessing SimulationX files through the explorer has been improved. A
newly developed tool helps with the selection of the correct
SimulationX version. Consequently, the file extensions *.ism and *.isx
are no longer associated with SimulationX itself (simx.exe) after the
installation of version 3.6, but are now linked to the SimulationX
Launcher (simXLauncher.exe). When opening the tool, the user is
prompted to specify the preferred SimulationX version and whether
there should be a selection window for SimulationX files opened in the
B00002 Importing 2D and 3D characteristic maps from text files (*.csv, *.txt) or
Excel tables (*.xlsx) is now available for the 64 bit of SimulationX
without restrictions. Excel tables do not require any particular
preparations, nor is a 64 bit version of Excel necessary.
B20814 Hydraulics: The Local Air Volume in the hydraulic element type
Volume doesnt consider the polytrophic exponent.
B21577 Pneumatics: The sign of the result variable Spring Force Fspring within
the pneumatic Cylinder with Spring (DiffCylinderSpring) was wrong.
Now the spring force Fspring behaves similar to the Spring element of
the Linear Mechanics Library.
B20126 Hydraulics: The total volume of a connection will be observed and in
case of a negative total volume an error message will be generated.
Release Notes
24 SimulationX 3
1.3.4 Removed features Code Export
The ITI default solver for the code export project Executable Model has
was removed. Please use the CVODE solver (with variable step size) or
the fixed-step solver (with constant step size) instead.

1.4 Useful Hints
There are various ways to improve the performance of SimulationX:
Animating elements in the diagram view can be challenging for older single
core computers. Switch off this function if real-time values or dynamic
Modelica graphics are not important (Extras => Options => General
Calculating trace information can take very long even when the output
window is minimized. Only switch this function on if really necessary
(Simulation => Transient Settings => Tracing). It is recommended you
restrict the mode parameter traceOn to the interval of interest (e.g. traceOn
== t>0.6).
1.5 Current Restrictions
1.5.1 System Requirements
SimulationX requires Windows XP SP3. Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows
8 as operating system.
1.5.2 Support of the Modeling Language Modelica
SimulationX 3.6 supports the modeling language Modelica in accordance with the
Modelica Language Specification Version 3.2 Revision 2 with certain exceptions.

The following features or models are not supported currently (the statements in
brackets refer to the corresponding section in the Modelica Language Specification
3.2 Revision 2):
Operators including overloaded operators (chapter 14)
Functional input arguments to functions (section 12.4.2)
Annotations for version handling (section 17.7)
Annotations for access control to protect intellectual property (section

5BCurrent Restrictions
SimulationX 3 25
Annotations for user input (section 17.5.7)
1.5.3 Support of the Modelica Standard Library
SimulationX 3.6 is shipped with version 3.2.1 of the Modelica Standard Library.
The following parts of the library, which are not supported by SimulationX 3.6,
were removed:
Complex, Modelica.ComplexBlocks, Modelica.ComplexMath,
Modelica.Electrical.QuasiStationary and
Modelica.Magnetic.FundamentalWave (because of operators and
operator overloading)
Modelica.Math.Nonlinear and Modelica.Media.Air.ReferenceMoistAir
(because auf functions with functions as arguments)
Modelica.Fluid (not all models simulate correctly, e.g. due to the
calculation of initial values)
1.5.4 Using External Solvers for Simulations
- Before computation, C-code generation of the model and subsequent
automated compilation is performed. Thus, the restrictions described in
section 1.4.6 regarding supported model features apply. In order to use
external solvers, a Microsoft Compiler (Visual C/C++ version 6 and higher)
has to be installed. The freely available Visual C++ Express Editions from
version 2008 and higher are also supported.
- It is recommended to install the freely available Microsoft Visual Studio
Express 2012 for Windows Desktop due to the integrated C/C + + compiler
that can be used in SimulationX 64bit without the need for additional
installation steps. To use Microsoft Visual C/C+ + 2010 Express Edition in
SimulationX 64bit, please read the corresponding section in the manual,
chapter Installation.
- Only certain tracing functions are supported.
- It is not possible to use negative start times.
- Currently, not every type of analysis is supported for this solver. This
Equilibrium computations
Linear system analysis (frequency response, pole-zero plot, export of
system matrices)

Release Notes
26 SimulationX 3
Please employ the BDF or MEBDF solver for these analyses.
- Reset points are not considered
- Initializing the model to a specific state is not possible
1.5.5 Natural Frequency Analysis
- Displaying deviation and energy distribution (option natural frequency and
mode shapes) is currently only supported for the model elements of the
Mechanics libraries related libraries, e.g. Torsion Vibration Analysis (TVA),
and Power Transmission.
1.5.6 Code Export
If external functions or objects are used in the model, the exported code has
to be updated. During the export, a warning is displayed for these cases.
Exported C code of thermo-fluid models containing ASEREP or NIST
fluids, runs exclusively on Windows. The fluid properties are computed in
external modules which are only available as binary files for Windows.
The SimulationX libraries contain certain model objects using external
objects. The C code export does currently not support these objects. The
code export wizard shows a warning and the build process fails. This affects
model objects named: SignalBlocks.Cosimulation.Coupling,
SignalBlocks.Special.ShortTimeMean, SignalBlocks.Sources.WhiteNoise,
SignalBlocks.Sources.InitRandomGen, Library PlanarContact,
Mechanics.MechanicsMBS.Forces.Contact. The generated C code can be
made executable through manual changes. Please contact ITI support in this
Simulink S-Function: The operator sample() may under certain
circumstances return different results than a computation in SimulationX Rigid Mechanical End Stops and other Model Features
Code export of models containing specific features is currently not supported. This
predominantly affects systems of equations whose structure changes considerably
during simulation. This is applies especially to rigid mechanical end stops, ideal
electrical diodes, and models featuring unipolar stepping motors. If the model
contains a rigid mechanical end stop or an ideal electrical diode
(Electricity.Analog.Ideal.IdealDiode), a corresponding error message is displayed
during code export.

A number of model objects can be parameterized to internally use rigid mechanical
end stops:
The end stop model of the Mechanics library:
Mechanics.Translation.EndStop, Mechanics.Rotation.EndStop
5BCurrent Restrictions
SimulationX 3 27
Basic mechanical elements which can be switched to rigid with backlash:
Mechanics.Translation.SpringDamper, Mechanics.Rotation.SpringDamper
Joint models included in the MBS Mechanics library
Couplings, clutches, actuating elements, and transmissions included in the
Power Transmission library
Hydraulic and pneumatic cylinder models

For the code export to succeed, it is necessary to switch to the option Elastic End
Stop. A spring damper element is inserted in this case; Thus, it is necessary to
make sure during parameterization to provide a sufficiently high damping.

Is the end stop not applied between two masses or inertias but against absolute, the
end stop models Mechanics.Translation.AbsEndStop or
Mechanics.Rotation.AbsEndStop, respectively, can be set to rigid. The code
export supports these objects.
1.5.7 Choices Annotations in the TypeDesigner
Choices annotations generated with the TypeDesigner do not contain any
modifications. The modifications can be subsequently defined in the Modelica
source code.

If you have further questions, please contact the ITI support team.

Release Notes
28 SimulationX 3

Microsoft, Excel and PowerPoint are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other
Modelica is a registered trademark of the Modelica Association.

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