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Issue 76

News from Lib Dem councillors

Julia Davidson & Darren Fower

Local schools - Shortfalls, spare places and poor maintenance!

At a recent committee meeting city councillors were presented with reports relating to the state of education in the city. Most worrying was the shortfall in places for some primary schools in this area for 2014.
However, the council thinks that up to 40 surplus places could occur at Werrington Primary, which is usually a sought-after school. These could be used to provide places for pupils living outside the present catchment area for the school. The reports show that there is around 2 million of large maintenance projects rewiring, boiler replacement and roofing works still waiting to be done in the citys primary schools. The reports also suggest that the council could rent out teachers from schools doing well to other schools that are falling behind in certain subjects. Local Lib Dem councillor Darren Fower sits on the committee that received these reports from council Local Lib Dem councillors Darren Fower and officers. He said: The Tory-controlled city council is Julia Davidson at Werrington Primary School. trying to balance the books but its The city council says the school could have 40 spare places next year. not looking good. We should remember that the same people who are now looking to sort out school placement shortfalls are the same people who decide to close down schools such as Bretton Woods and Honeyhill just a few years ago. I raised my concerns at the meeting, as parking is already an issue along Amberley Slope. If more children from outside the area are going to be using the school, I fear many will be brought by parents in cars rather than on the bus or by cycle. As for the idea of handing over good teachers to schools that are failing, Im not sure that this is the right way to go. Of course it looks good on paper but parents and governors surely want top teachers throughout the day, each day of the week while children are at school. The fact is that the council has a shortfall of teachers in the city and is desperate for people to come forward for training. FOCUS has published online the main report which the council committee looked at. You can see it at

Fulbridge parking
Local Liberal Democrat city councillor Julia Davidson has contacted city council officers about the state of grass verges in Fulbridge Road. Parking on the verges by residents, visitors and builders has turned them into mud baths. Julia wants action taken against vehicle owners who are causing this.

Julia is also concerned about poor parking on the road, particularly at night. This is causing a hazard for cyclists and other road users. She will be raising the issue with local police. HAPPY BIRTHDAY We dont usually include personal ads in FOCUS but thought we would make an exception to wish Julias father a happy 90th birthday!

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Missing bin
Local Lib Dem councillors Darren Fower and Julia Davidson have been on the trail of a missing bin.
There used to be a bin on the steps just after the underpass leading from Helmsdale Gardens through to Dukesmead but it has disappeared. Getting it replaced looks like being a costly exercise. The council originally told Darren that the bin had never existed but he was able to provide pictures to show that it did. Enterprise, the company that now looks after waste in the city, says it will cost 340 to replace it. The community payback team at work in Fulbridge Road.

Community payback success in Werrington

An elderly resident in Fulbridge Road is able to enjoy her garden again thanks to a group of young offenders and local Liberal Democrat councillor Julia Davidson.
Julia arranged with the probation service for a team of offenders doing community service to clear up the garden of a lady who was unable to deal with it herself because of ill health. Julia said: This has clearly been of benefit to the resident but I hope it has also helped the offenders. Community service is an alternative to prison. It can help to show petty criminals the error of their ways and provides a way for them to say sorry to the community. By enabling them to feel better about themselves it hopefully helps to give them the confidence they need to be reintegrated with the community. Community payback shouldnt be seen as a soft option but a way to cut reoffending rates and reduce the level of crime. If you know of other projects that offenders could undertake as part of the community payback scheme, please contact Julia.

Darren and Julia at the site of the missing bin rubbish is now just being thrown on the ground. Meanwhile, Darren and Julia have been continuing their regular walk abouts. In Elter Walk and nearby roads their attention was drawn to dog dirt issues. Darren said: Theres still a need to add extra dog waste bins but I would also like to see schemes introduced that offer free bags attached to the side of the bins. Sadly the city council has sold the service to a private company. At the moment the company is opposed to doing anything outside the contract it signed with the local authority.

Nick and Asif look at a verge ploughed up by parking . By phone: Text or call localcars Liberal Democrat councillors:

Darren Fower 0796 184 91 10

Julia Davidson 0750 653 66 27

By post: Town Hall, Bridge St, Peterborough PE1 1HG By e-mail: Via Facebook: Search for SWNG FOCUS

Or visit the councillors ward surgery': 6:00 to 7:00 pm, first Friday every month
Community Centre, Church Street

6:00 to 7:00 pm, third Friday every month

Brookside Methodist Church, Gunthorpe Road
Printed by Keyprint, Peterborough PE3 7PR. Published and promoted for and on behalf of the Liberal Democrats by Peter Chivall, 88 Elmfield Rd, Peterborough PE1 4HB

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