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News from Lib Dem councillors

Issue number 79

Julia Davidson & Darren Fower


Local Lib Dem councillor Darren Fower, who was recently appointed to a special group at the Town Hall which aims to improve city schools, has won cross-party agreement to make pupil premiums and their impact locally one of the groups first priorities.
The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools so that they can support disadvantaged pupils. It aims to help these pupils do at least as well in their education as the rest of the children in the school. The Pupil Premium funding available from government rose to 1.875 billion this year, with primary schools getting 953 per disadvantaged child and secondary schools 900. The funding next year will rise to 2.5 billion, with 1,300 for disadvantaged primary-aged pupils, 935 for secondary-aged pupils and 1,900 for all looked after children, adopted children and children with guardians. Darren said: "The Pupil Premium was one of the key measures argued for by Liberal Democrats during the negotiations that set up the coalition government. The Pupil Premium is extra support for the children who need it the most, whether it is catch-up classes, one-toNorwood School is one of many one tuition, extra IT support whatever getting the Lib Dems Pupil Premium the school thinks best. Fewer children falling behind means less disruption in class and a better education for everyone. Therefore, it is important that the city council understands how local schools are spending their premium. We want to find out which ideas have been most successful so that we can share the best ones across the city. The Pupil Premium was one of four policy priorities that the Liberal Democrats put on the front page of their 2010 General Election manifesto. The others were: Raising the point at which you start paying Income Tax to 10,000 to give people on low and middle incomes a 700 tax cut (DONE). Creating jobs by making Britain greener (ONGOING). Measures to clean up politics (ONGOING).

Darren in your pocket!

Local Lib Dem councillor Darren Fower has a new way in which you can keep in contact - through a special free app for Android phones and tablets. You can download it at www. A version for the iPhone will be available soon. If you like Darrens Facebook page you will be notified when the iPhone version goes live. And if you have a Facebook account, why not check out Darrens new Facebook page anyway? Visit CllrDarrenFower to communicate directly with Darren. You can also follow Darren on Twitter at @CllrDarrenFower and read more from him on his blog at http://darrenfower.

Keep in touch with your local councillors

Search for SWNGFOCUSTeam on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter
Follow Darren Fower on Twitter - @CllrDarrenFower

Bus shelter delays

Despite your local councillors previously being promised by council officers that bus shelters would be built at the bus stops located opposite Lewes Gardens and along Coniston Road, near to Campbell Drive, no work has been started.
Officers are now trying to avoid installing a shelter altogether in Conistion Road! The council sent consultation letters to homes near to both stops and only one objection was received in relation to each proposed shelter. However, the council is using these as justification for not undertaking the work! Both your local Liberal Democrat councillors have told the council that several residents have contacted them in support of the plans. Councillor Darren Fower said: "There should be a bus shelter at every stop to encourage more people to use the bus service and provide a decent standard for those already using it. "The Tories at the council are happy to spend millions on fountains and closing down care homes but asking them to help support bus users is like asking them to lend you a tenner. They are just not forthcoming and why? The answer is because, unlike you and me, they can afford not to use the bus services. They get thousands of pounds in extra salary, Your local Lib Dem claim expenses for travel and get a councillors want car parking permit that allows them better bus services. to park for free!" If you'd like to see bus shelters introduced at these locations or elsewhere please contact either of your local Lib Dem councillors (contact details below). Both of them will continue to campaign for better bus services. Remember that both your local Lib Dem councillors voted against the Tory-controlled councils decision to cut the local 406 bus service. If you ever see your Tory councillor you might want to ask her what she did.

Julia to the rescue!

Local Liberal Democrat councillor Julia Davidson sprang into action when fire swept through a house in Fulbridge Road shortly before Christmas. Wearing just her dressing gown, Julia created a cordon of wheelie bins to divert traffic until the fire service arrived. Smoke and water damage to the house ruined the residents Cllr Julia Davidson Christmas plans but helped when a fire neighbours rallied round started in a nearby home. with gifts and assistance.


Local Lib Dem councillors Julia Davidson and Darren Fower are tackling a range of local issues raised by residents including these . As FOCUS went to press the council was taking action to remove travellers camped near the roundabout on Lincoln Road alongside the footpath to Hastings Road and Warwick Road. Julia said: This is not an appropriate place for a caravan and horses. I am pressing the council to take action. Darren responded to residents concerns about bollards by the open area between Birkdale Avenue and Ainsdale Drive. There is a gap which easily allows a vehicle to get through. Darren said: I hope a new bollard will be installed soon. Darren got a sign installed at the entrance to Campbell Drive indicating the location of the sports pavilion. Now the sign has been stolen! When Darren reported the theft the council installed a new sign. However it only faces one way which means if you are coming from the Eskdale Close side you will not be able to read it. Darren said: We also need one facing in the opposite direction.

Text or phone your local Liberal Democrat councillors:

Darren Fower 0796 184 91 10 Julia Davidson 0750 653 66 27

By post: Town Hall, Bridge St, Peterborough PE1 1HG By e-mail: Via Facebook: Search for SWNGFOCUSTeam

Or visit the councillors ward surgery':

6:00 to 7:00 pm, first Friday every month Community Centre, Church Street 9:00 to 10:00 am , third Saturday every month Brookside Methodist Church, Gunthorpe Road
Printed by Keyprint, Peterborough PE3 7PR. Published and promoted for and on behalf of the Liberal Democrats by Peter Chivall, 88 Elmfield Rd, Peterborough PE1 4HB

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