A Study On Employee Satisfation

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A Project report is submitted to Andhra university in partial fulfillment For the award of the degree of MASTER OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT

CHITTIBOYINA BANGARI Under the guidance of Mr. Vijay S. Kumar, M.H.R.M, M.Phil, UGC NET.

Assistant Professor


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This is to certify that dissertation report entitled A Study on Employees Satisfaction with reference to Employees in LEPRA Society, Hyderabad is a bonafied work done by Ch. Bangari under my guidance and supervision.

Visakhapatnam .

S. Vijay . Kumar Assistant Professor CMS GITAM

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I hereby declare that this project report title EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION in LEPRA Socitey, Hyderabad is prepared and submitted by me to the department of Human resource management, COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES GITAM,


This is bonafide work undertaken by Bangari Chittiboyina and have neither copied nor submitted to any university nor institution for the award of any degree.

Place; Visakhapatanam Date:


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In this endeavor, I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to all those who helped me in carrying out this study and resenting this report successfully. I feel immense pleasure and pride of being part of CMS, GITAM that has nurtured me to the present state and I feel a deep sense of gratitude towards it. I would also wish to thank Prof. Siva Ramakrishna , Principal of CMS who has provided me the opportunity to do project and for the successful completion of my project. I am very much indebted to the great personality,Prof.G. Raghavaiah. Head of HR department whose cooperation has resulted in bringing out this work. I express my heartfelt thanks to S.Vijay Kumar Assistant Professor Project guide for having encouraged me to under gone this project and his excellent guidance given to me in completing project successfully. I am very earnestly acknowledge my deep sense of gratitude , thankfulness to Mr. T Hari Prasad , H R Executive who has a constant source of help and guidance to me in caring out this study and presenting this report successfully. I also wish to thank all other management staff of LEPRA Society who helped me in completion of my project.


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Content Chapter -I Conceptual frame work of Employee satisfaction Chapter -II Methodology
1.Title of the project 2.Significance of the study 3.Objective of the study 4.Scope of the study 5.Data collection 6.Statisstical tools & Data interpretation 7.Presentations of the study 8.Limitation of the study

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25 25 25 26 26 27 27 27 28-48

chapter- III Society Profile chapter -IV Data analysis chapter -V Summery Findings & conclusions Bibliography Annexure Questionnaire


67-70 69 70 71


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List of tables & charts


Table & Chart No.

Name of the Table & Chart

Page No.


Total employee satisfaction



Office staff



project staff



Job dimension



Salary &benefits dimension



Career &development dimension



Supervision dimension



Working conditions dimension



Team work dimension




Finance category




Admin &support staff




Program management




Program executive




IT &Admin




All level comparison chart


Page 9


Employees are the greatest assets for any companys success in the long run. Their satisfaction, dedication, commitment and more over their motivation levels towards the company are largely depended on their perception about their management supervision, working conditions, work group, work, salary & benefits and career development. It is important for any society or company to Employee satisfaction levels to secure the employees level of commitment towards organization, and today numbers of companies are showing their interest in understanding the Employees satisfaction, more developing favorable. The present project aimed at understanding the Employee satisfaction in LEPRA Society, Hyderabad. The whole report is organized into five chapters. The chapter wise presentation of information is as follows. The first chapter gives theoretical framework of the Employee satisfaction. It focuses in introduction, meaning and components of the employee satisfaction. The second chapter explains the methodology adapted to the study, objective of the study, sources of the data, etc. The Third chapter gives an overview of the LEPRA society that is profile of the Establishment projects, etc. The fourth chapter attempts to analyze the employee satisfaction in the LEPRA Society. Basing in the response received through questioner. The last chapter contains the final conclusion and findings of the study.

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Conceptual frame work of Employee satisfaction

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Employee Satisfaction
The father of scientific management, F.W Taylor (1911) approach to job satisfaction was based on most essentially pessimistic philosophy that man is motivated by money alone. Over the years we have moved away from Taylors society solely monetary approach to amore humanistic orientation.

Method of application:
Administer a questionnaire to all the employees, whose responses are anonymous, and measure employee satisfaction once a year. Employee satisfaction, it can be statically proved, is directly correlated to customer satisfaction, we have to know how satisfied our employees really are working for us. Then we can take it for granted that many of our employees and our customers are not perfectly happy either. Every Hewlett Packard (HP) company across the world goes through an ESS at least once in 18 months while MX Conducts one every year. Actuarially the frequency is important since such an exercise enjoys credibility only if the areas of weakness thrown up by previous surveys have been acted upon. Before quoting popular definitions on Employee-Satisfaction, it is useful to highlight its important aspects. There are three important aspects. There are three important dimensions to employee satisfaction. 1. Employee Satisfaction refers to ones feeling towards ones job. It can only be inferred but not seen 2. Employee Satisfaction is often determined by how well outcomes meet or exceed expectations Satisfaction in ones job means increased commitment in the fulfillment of formal requirements. There is greater willingness to invest personal energy and time in job performance. 3. The terms of employee-satisfaction and attitudes are typically used interchangeably. Both refer to effective orientations on the part of individuals towards their work roles, which they are presently occupying. Positive attitudes towards the job are conceptually equivalent to employee satisfaction and negative attitudes towards the job indicate employee dissatisfaction. Though the terms employee satisfaction and attitudes are used interchangeably, there are differences between the two. Attitudes, As was motioned earlier, refers to predisposition to respond factors. Attitudes reflect ones feeling towards individuals, organizations and objects. But satisfaction is, therefore, a specific subset of attitudes.

Attitudes endure generally, but employee satisfaction is dynamic, it can decline even more quickly that it developed. Managers, therefore, cannot establish the conditions leading to high satisfaction now and then neglect it, for employee needs may change suddenly. Managers need to pay attention to employee satisfaction constantly.

Definition of Employee Satisfaction:

The term of employee satisfaction was brought to limelight by Hop pock (1935). He reviewed 32 studies on employee Conducted prior to1933 and observed that employee satisfaction is combination circumstances that cause a person to say I am satisfied with my job . Perhaps one way to define employee satisfaction may be say that it is the end state of feeling emphasis the fact the after a task is accomplishment or activity has taken place whether it is highly individualistic effort of writing a book or collecting Endeavour of constructing of dam. We quote a few definitions of employee satisfaction. Employee satisfaction is defined as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of ones job or job experience. Employee satisfaction is a set of favorable or unfavorable feelings with which employees view their work. Employee satisfaction will be defined as the amount of overall positive affect (or feelings) that individuals have towards their job.

Sources of Employee satisfaction:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Job Salary & benefits Career development Supervision Working conditions Team work

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Salary & benefits


Team work

Employee Satisfaction

Career develop

Working conditions


Sources of Employee Satisfaction

Several job elements contribute to Employee Satisfaction. The most important amongst them are wage structure, nature of work, promotion changes, quality of supervision, work group, and working conditions.

Salary plays a significant role in influencing Employee Satisfaction. This is because of two reasons. First, money is an important instrument in fulfilling ones needs; And two, employees often have seen pay as a reflection of managements concern for them.

Most employees crave intellectual challenges on jobs. They tend to prefer being given opportunities to use their skills and abilities and being offered a variety of tasks, freedom, and feedback on how well they are doing. These characteristics make jobs mentally challenging. Job that has too little challenge creates boredom. But too much challenge creates frustration and a feeling of failure. Under conditions of moderate challenge, experience pleasure and satisfaction.

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Promotional opportunities affect employee satisfaction considerably. The desire for promotion is generally strong among employees as it involves change in job content, pays, responsibility, independence, status and the like. It is no surprise that the employee takes promotion as the ultimate achievements in his career and when it is realized, he feels extremely satisfied.

There is a positive relationship between the quality of supervision and Employee Satisfaction. Supervisors who establish a supportive personal relationship with subordinates and take a personal interest in them contribute to their Employee Satisfaction.

The work group does serve as a source of satisfaction to individual employees. It does so, primarily by providing group members, with opportunities for interaction, with each other. It is well known that, for many employees work fills the need for social interaction.

Working conditions that are compatible with an employees physical comfort and that facilitate doing a good job contribute to Employee Satisfaction. Temperature, humidity, ventilation, lighting and noise, hours of work, cleanliness of the work place, and adequate tools and equipment are the features which affect Employee Satisfaction.

Theories of Employee Satisfaction:

1. Fulfillment Theory:
It is the satisfaction in terms of rewards a person receives or the extent to which his needs are satisfied. The job satisfaction, as observed by willing, is not only a function of that what a person receive but also when he feels he should receives as there will be considerable difference in the actual and expectations of persons. Thus Employee Satisfaction cannot be regarded as merely a function of how much a person receives form his job. Another important factor/variable that should be included to predict Employee Satisfaction accurately is the strength of the individual desire of his level of aspiration in aspiration in a particular area. This led to the development of the discrepancy theory of employee satisfaction.

2. Discrepancy Theory:
In this theory it discuss that the satisfaction is the function of what a person actually receives from his job situation and what he thinks he should receive or what he expects to receives. When the actual satisfaction derived is less than expected satisfaction, it results in dissatisfaction.

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The Employee Satisfaction and dissatisfaction are functions of the perceived relationship between what one wants from ones job and what one perceives it is offering, this led to the development of equity theory of Employee Satisfaction.

3. Equity Theory:
It focuses that the persons satisfaction is determined by his perceived equity which in turn is determined by his input-output balance compared to his comparison of others input-output balance. Input-output balanced is the perceived ratio of what a person receives form his job relative to what he contributes to the job. The under and over rewards leads to dissatisfaction, while the under reward causes feeling of unfair treatment, over reward lead to feeling of guilt and discomfit.

4. Two Factor Theory:

Factors such as achievement, recognitions, responsibility etc satisfies, the presence of which causes satisfaction but their absence does not result in dissatisfaction. Factors such as salary, supervision, working condition etc are dissatisfy, the absence, which causes dissatisfaction. Their presence however, does not result in job satisfaction.

Benefits of employee satisfaction:

1. One of the employee satisfaction surveys is that they give management an indication of general levels of satisfaction in a company. Surveys also indicate specific areas of satisfaction or dissatisfaction and particular group of employees. In other words, a survey tells how employees feel about their jobs, what parts of their jobs these feelings are focused on, with department are particularly affected, and whose feelings are involved(for example, supervision, employees or staff specialists).The survey is powerful diagnostic instrument for assessing employee problems. 2. Improved communication is another benefit of the surveys. Communication flows in all directions as people plan the survey, talk, and discuss its results. Particularly benifitial to the company is, the upward communication when employees to encouraged to comment about what they really have in their minds. 3.The employee satisfaction survey can help discover the causes of indirect productivity problems, such as absenteeism, turnover and poor quality of work. If an organization is distributed by a high rate of absenteeism, turnover it might appropriately turn to employee satisfaction survey to diagnose the cause. The causes could be low pay, lack of promotional opportunities, unchallenging jobs, unjust treatment etc. Employee satisfaction survey helps management both to get a better handle on why employees are lagging and to plan better solutions to problems.

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4.An unexpected benefit from an employee-satisfaction survey is improved attitudes. For example an employee, the survey is a safety valve, an emotional release, a chance to get things off their chest. For others, the survey is a tangible expression of managements interest in employee welfare, which gives employees a reason to feel better towards management. 5. Another benefit of satisfaction survey is that help management assess training needs. Usually, employees are given an opportunity to report how they feel this supervisor performs certain parts of the jobs, such as delegating work and giving adequate job instructions. Since employees experience these supervisory acts, their perceptions may provide useful data about the training of their supervisors. 6. Another benefit of satisfaction survey is that help management assess training needs. But the benefits discussed about would be realized subject to certain prerequisites. Following are the conditions: Top management actively supports the survey. Employees are fully involved in planning the survey. A clear objective exists for conducting the survey. The study is designed and administered consistent with standards of sound research. Management is capable and willing to take follow up action. Both the results and action plans are communicated to employees. Ways of measuring employee satisfaction: There is a number of measuring Employeesatisfaction. This is not surprising since hundreds of studies have been techniques .The most common ways of measurement include Rating scales, critical incidents, interviews, and action tendencies. Measurement of employee satisfaction has come to acquire the same fate as the as the measurement of intelligence .We can measure employee satisfaction by questionnaire. Perhaps the earliest of all the known scales of measuring employee satisfaction is that by Hoppock (1935)

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Other Effects of employee satisfaction:

In addition to the above, it has been claimed that satisfied employees tend to have better mental and physical health and learn new employee related tasks more quickly. Two faces of employee -satisfaction. Employee satisfaction has both function and dysfunctional consequences: The positive consequences of employee satisfaction have already been stated above. An often overlooked dimension of employee satisfaction is its relationship to employee health. Employees who are dissatisfied with their jobs are prone to health setbacks ranging from headaches to heart diseases . .For managers, this means that even if satisfaction did not lead to less voluntary turnover and absence, the goal of a satisfied workforce might be justifiable because it would reduce medical costs and t he premature loss of valued employees by way of heart diseases or strokes. The effect of employee satisfaction goes beyond organizational setting .when employees are happy with their jobs, their lives away from jobs will be better off .In contrast, the dissatisfied employee carries that negative attitude home. Some benefits of employee satisfaction accrue to every citizen in society. Satisfied employees are more likely to be satisfied citizens. These people will hold a more positive attitude towards life in general and make for a society of more psychological healthy people. Thus, employee satisfaction helps management in terms of reduced turnover, reduced absences, reduced job stress and reduced medical and life insurance costs. Additionally, there are benefits for society in general. Satisfied employees are happy and better citizens. However, employee satisfaction has been overemphasized. Its benefits to the management are contingent upon fulfillment of several other variables. Take turnover for instance .Employee satisfaction, may not directly lead to reduced turnover, other factors like age, financial position, number of dependents and the like will have their own say. It seems that only academician and researchers are interested in employee satisfaction. For researchers, job satisfaction is a good topic for survey. For them employee satisfaction is important and they expect that it is important for others too. For many people, job is only a source of earning, nothing more, and nothing less. A Dissatisfied employee has any number of off the job activities to find satisfaction. Non-job-oriented people tend not to be emotionally involved with their work. This relative indifference allows them to be emotionally involved with their work more willingly. Unfortunately, the number of non-job-oriented people is more than those who than those who take job as everything in life.

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Human Relations
Human relations are the medium through which both employees and company usually cooperate for the maximum satisfaction of the Economic, social and psychological wants of the people having relations with an organization which has the objectives of increasing productivity. Measures to maintain sound human relations: Promoting honesty Frankness Effective communication Manager becoming a good leader Praising the subordinates publicly Treating the subordinates with dignity and respect By helping people in performing their duties.

It is defined as a process of meaningful interaction among human beings. The transfer of interaction and understanding is from person to person.

It acts as a basis for action It facilities planning It helps in decision making It acts as a means of coordination It improves motivation

Motivation refers to the degree of readiness of organization to pursue some designation goal and the determination of the nature and locus of the forces including the degree of readiness.

Positive Motivation Negative Motivation

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Steps in Motivation:
Sizing up situations requiring motivation Preparing a set motivation tools Selecting and applying motivators Feedback

It is the process of giving employees more power to exercise control over and take responsibilities for their work. It is can speed up decisions making processes and of accelerate the response time to meet the changing needs of the customer, creativity of the employees provide for greater job satisfaction, motivation and commitment gives people more responsibility.

Safety and Health:

It should be taken care of employees in order to protect the employees against accidents .Unhealthy working and to protect workers capacity. This relates to Cleanliness Disposal Ventilation and temperature Dust and fume Artificial humidification Over crowding Lighting Drinking water Urinals and spittoons

Factories Act, 1948, stipulated requirements regarding working conditions with a view to provide safe working environment.

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Health Benefits:
Hospital, clinical and dispensary facilities are provided to employees and their members.

Employee State Insurance Act, 1948:

Employee in these concerns and whose wages dont exceed Rs.1000 per month are eligible for benefits under this act, Sickness benefit Maternity benefit Disablement Dependents benefit Medical benefits

Employee Pension Scheme:

The employee provident fund and family pension fund act 1952. The purpose of this scheme is to provide life assurance benefits to the employees. Employee pension scheme for the purpose of providing for super annotation pension, retiring pension, widow pension, children pension are given within three months. Minimum service should be 9 to 10 years then only the employee gets the pension scheme .The sum from the employers contribution of 8.33 % of the basic wage is paid from time to time in to the pension from in respect of the employee. And this amount should be credited at the rate of 12% interest to the amount is also credited. The minimum qualifying service for being eligible for pension 10 years .If the employer dies, then monthly contribution is also considered. Family pension becomes payable from the day immediately following that on which of the family pension fund dies. The member of the FPF who has contributed to the FPF for period not less than 3 months dies during service, a sum of 5000 shall be payable to his family. If the dies before a period of 3 months the amount of his contribution is credited to the FPF together with interest at the rate of 5 % per annum.

Gratuity act 1972:

Gratuity is a kind of retirement benefit like provident fund or pension. It is a payment, which is intended to help an employee after his retirement whether the retirement is the result of the rules of super annotation or of some physical disability. The payment of gratuity is dependent on fulfillment of certain prescribed in the act. It is to be calculated at the rate of 15 days salary for every completed year of service subject to maximum of Rs 25000 gratuity shall be payable to an employee on termination of his employment after has rendered continuous service for not less than 5 years.

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It is one of the social security schemes to the employee, which is given by the employer to the employee .For this scheme contribution is not necessary from the employee for the payment of gratuity. The employee depending upon employees service only gives it .For the eligibility of gratuity employee has rendered continuous services for not less than 5 years. On certain cases like due to accident or disease or death of the employee minimum qualifying service is not necessary for eligibility of the gratuity.

Employees provident fund:

The schemes of provident fund as a social measure are meant to induce employer to save a portion from their present earnings for rainy day. This scheme was brought into force from November 1952, and many amendments have been made up to 1995. The minimum limit for applicability of this act is 10 or more persons. It not used for manufacturing process it is limited to 20. The main object of this act is to provide for the instruction of the provident funds for employees. The principles duty is laid upon the employer to put the employees provident fund and pension scheme into operation and to make equal contribution of both employee and employer share to the funds and to deduct from wages of the employee. The employees contribution shall be equal to the contribution payable by the employer in respect of such employee. The aggregate amount received as the employers and the employees contribution to the fund shall credited at provident fund account at regional commissioner office in the form number 5-A at the rate of 12% interest on both employees and the employer contribution shall be credited to the members account. Employee can withdraw from the fund for repayment of loans in special cases. But the amount of withdrawal shall not exceed the members basic wage and dearness allowance for 36 months. If the employee resigns, he should withdraw after 60 days only. If in this scheme there is a chance for taking advance from the funds in some clauses.

Rewards and Recognition:

An employee reward system consists of an Society integrated policies, processes and practices for rewarding its employees in accordance with their contribution, skill and competence and their market work. It is developed with in the frame work of Society reward philosophy, strategies and policies and contains arrangements in form of processes, structures and procedures which will provide and maintain appropriate types of levels of pay, benefits and other forms rewards.

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Performance Appraisal:
It is a method of evaluating the behavior of employees in the work spot, including both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of job performance. \

Important features:
It is systematic description of an employees job relevant strengths and weakness. To find out how well the employee is performing the job It is a continuous process in every large scale organization.

Training And Development:

It is defined as the organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and skill for a definite purpose. Training improves, changes, moulds the employee knowledge, skill, behavior, aptitude, towards the requirements of the job and organization

Extended due to:

Employee demands Trade union demands Employee performance As a social security To improve human relations

To improve sound industrial relations To motivate employees To provide qualitative work environment To provide security To protect health of employees

Employee Security:
Job security to the employees is provided with a view to promoting security to the employee and his family members. Minimum and continuous wage or salary gives a sense of security to the life.

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CHAPTER-II Methodology

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The Title of the Study:

The present study is about the employee satisfaction .This chapter deals with the significance or need for the study, objectives, methodology and limitations of the study. This chapter helps to know the research design.

Significant of the Study:

Employee satisfaction has a major influence on human performance through its impact on individual motivation and job satisfaction. Individuals in the organization have certain exceptions and fulfillment of these exceptions depends upon their perception as to how the employee satisfaction suites to the satisfaction of their needs. Employee satisfaction provides a type of work environment in which individuals feels satisfied or dissatisfied. The questionnaire assesses the employees management to identify strong and weak dimensions in order to plan and impelled actions to improve the functioning of the weaker dimensions. The survey focuses on employee satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

Objectives of the Study:

To identify the values that support creativity and innovation in the organization. To focus on knowing trust relationship among the employees. To give feasible suggestion regarding improvement of the employee satisfaction Levels at LEPRA Society. To know the welfare measures and living environment provided for the Employees. To identify the conditions in which the individuals are most likely to use intuition in decisionmaking. To know the avenues for to the employee development and growth in the organization.

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Type of Research
The research conducted is descriptive and analytical. As each and every concept about employee satisfaction has been described it is descriptive and it is analytical because it is trying to know the level of satisfaction to analyze it and give suggestions and conclusion.

Sampling Technique
The sampling technique adopted is random sampling that is few employees are selected randomly and were interviewed to understand issues specific to the organization .This process is known as discovery phase is part of our standard methodology .Feedback from these interviews are incorporated in the questionnaire. The method of sampling adopted is random sampling.

Sample Size:
The sample size selected for the study was 48 employees and the response was obtained from all the 1500 employees.

Sample Description:
The sample size selected for the study was 48 employees comprising both from management and non-management.

Sources of Data:
Primary Data
Primary data was collected from employees of the Society. To collect primary data structured and instructed questionnaires were administered to the employees to suit the objectives of the study. Primary data was collected as follows Questionnaire Personal interview

Secondary Data:
Study of the existing system through company records Discussion with the human resource manager , HR Executive, and employees Studying companys human resource manuals and HR policies Company websites Reference books

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Instrumentation Technique
The study was conducted by personal interview with the employees. The questionnaire was distributed among the employees of the project & office. The instrumentation technique used in this project was: Structured Questionnaire Personal interaction

Limitations of the Study:

1. Due to the time constraint the sample size was limited to 48. 2. The field study is restricted to the policies adopted by the organization.

Plan of Analysis:
1. Collection of primary and secondary data from the sample size and media respectively. 2. The data was processed, so that they can be suitably represented. 3. Tabulation and graphs of the various data were made. 4. The conclusions were drawn based on the interpretation made.

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CHAPTER-III Society Profile

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LEPRA Society is a non-governmental organization that promotes quality health care, initiates and fosters new developments and implementation. The Society aims to support the National Health Programmers in the prevention and control of diseases such as Leprosy, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Lymphatic filariasis, HIV/AIDS and Blindness. The Society focuses health improvement activities in the community that are marginalized or poor, especially women and children, young people, slum populations and migrants affected by the above mentioned diseases and tries to bring about positive changes in their life-style. The work in Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar states targets a population of nearly 12 million people.

Is a part of the worldwide LEPRA network based in UK which is a member of International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Association (ILEP). Established in 1989, LEPRA Society is an independent not-for-profit NGO, with no religious, ideological or political affiliation. The Management Committee formulates policies which are implemented by the Chief Executive of the organization. Registered under the Andhra Pradesh (Telangana areas) Public Societies Act 1350 Fasli (Act of 1350 F) on 22nd February 1989. It works in close coordination with the Government of India, Ministry of Health, and Family Welfare, at the Central, State and district levels. It is a member of the State leprosy and TB societies of the Government of Andhra Pradesh & Orissa. Registered under section 12A of the Income Tax Act and has also been granted exemption certificates under sections 80G (Valid up to 31/03/2008, now under renewal) of the Income Tax Act 1961 and permitted to accept foreign contributions by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. Recognized as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO), by the Government of India, Ministry of Science, and Technology, for the research activities being carried out by its research wing, the Blue Peter Research Centre LEPRA Society has been initiating interventions in health care over the last 18 years. It is reaching the un-reached in inaccessible and inhospitable areas, looking after the betterment of those afflicted by various diseases such as Leprosy, Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Blindness and helping them to face life with renewed confidence. We believe in working handin-hand with the communities for fighting against the disease, stigma and social injustice. By directing expertise and resources to communities, we build on community strengths that will allow families and individuals to lead better lives. Through collaboration with the Governments and funding agencies,

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It extend it reach into most inaccessible villages of Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar Through National and International policy advocacy and research, LEPRA Society acts on programmatic solutions in detecting, diagnosing, curing and providing patients with the much=need timely support, we take pride in having couched the lives nearly 20 billion people.

How LEPRA Society works:

LEPRA Societys operations are primarily carried out through our own direct projects, located throughout Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh. Some projects work with leprosy, tuberculosis, malaria, HIV/AIDS and disabilities, whereas others have a particular focus on one or more of these. An important principle in LEPRA Societys activities is to work with, rather than for, vulnerable communities. We believe firmly in empowering those infected or affected by leprosy, TB, malaria, HIV/AIDS and disabilities and have been instrumental in the establishment and support of numerous community-based organizations (CBOs), which often spring up around an individual who has received leprosy treatment at one of our projects or in response to the concerns of a particular group in the community, such as female sex workers (FSWs) or men who have sex with men (MSMs). A key component of LEPRA Societys work with communities is the promotion and support of Community Health Forums (CHFs), and we facilitate effective networking, as well as access to information and services, for these and other groups in the community. LEPRA Society works closely with other NGOs on international, national and local levels. The kinds of collaboration we have with other NGOs take many shapes. For example, LEPRA Society is a lead partner to the International HIV/AIDS Alliance and we also extend financial and technical support for seven Indian NGOs to carry out leprosy control activities. (This support covers all expenses towards salaries of staff, vehicles, fuel and maintenance, drugs, patient supplies and office expenses.) LEPRA Society work with the Indian general health services (GHS) and national and state governments goes beyond our support of programmes such as the National Leprosy Elimination Programme (NLEP) and the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP) in its direct project work and its often asked to hare its expertise with the public sector. LEPRA Societys Technical Support Teams (TSTs), which operate in Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh, work with primary health centres and District Leprosy Officers to improve the capacity of districts to deliver effective leprosy services. On request from the Andhra Pradesh State AIDS Control Society (APSACS),

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LEPRA Society have also provided extensive programmatic and technical support to Voluntary Confidential Counseling Centers (VCCTCs) and Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission Centers (PPCTCs) in the state, to ensure quality in counseling services available to persons living withHIV/AIDS. As an organization, LEPRA Society emphasizes the need to be dynamic and to face new challenges head on. We therefore engage in operations and research on a number of levels in order to be able to build on our strengths, promote good governance and identify innovative approaches.

Where LEPRA Society Works:

LEPRA Society is mainly active in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh. We currently work in 54 districts in these four states, covering a population of 12 million people. LEPRA Societys Head Office is located in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh and its current operations are divided into two regions, each with its own regional office:

Andhra Pradesh, Bihar and Madhya Secunderabad/Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh) Orissa (Regional Office - Bhubaneshwar, Orissa)




LEPRA Society is a health and development organization working to restore health, hope and dignity to people affected by leprosy, tuberculosis, malaria, HIV/AIDS and other allied diseases, and conditions caused by them.

Organizations goals:
Improve the quality of life of people affected by leprosy, TB, HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Blindness and Lymphatic Areas Prevent disabilities by provision of protective aids and appliances, physiotherapy, self -care promotion and complication care management Provide Reconstructive surgery to restore function of limbs Provide and facilitate socio-economic rehabilitation to lead a self-sufficient and stigma-free life Prevention of blindness through cataract surgeries, major and minor eye surgeries and provision of spectacles Care and support to HIV/AIDS infected and affected

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Carry out testing, treatment, counseling, vocational training for HIV infected and infected people and assist in primary,/secondary education of their children Ensure medication to people suffering from Malaria, Lymphatic Filariasis and leishmaniasis and suggest preventive measures Mobilize community to participate in health care.

Organizations impact:
Over 18 years of serving the community basically in rural areas and focused experience in the healthcare field brings with it an in-depth understanding of the community. LEPRA Society is not merely an organization to treat people for the diseases, but it is about healthcare of the people and the caring process of the treatment involved which fosters an atmosphere of mutual support in their journey towards recovery. Given below are the achievements by the end of year 2007. Since 1989, more than 3.62 million leprosy patients have been cured 59,718 pairs of footwear were provided to the leprosy affected 66,413 were registered and provided in-door care, Appearance and ability restored 3420 to persons through reconstructive surgeries. 7063 tuberculosis cases were diagnosed and treated with DOTS 6830 cataract surgeries were conducted for restoring sight Social support provided to 7258 families to reduce stigma

Focus Areas:
LEPRA Society has 20 years experience of working with communicable diseases and community health. We are committed to fighting disease, disability and discrimination and aim to heal persons affected by leprosy, tuberculosis, malaria, Lymphatic Filariasis, HIV/AIDS and disabilities through appropriate treatment, care and support.

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LEPRA PROJECTS: Andhra Pradesh:

1. ARTH Adilabad Rural and Tribal Health Interventions 2. CHAHA Children affected by HIV/AIDS Health and Happiness for All 3. CHEYUTHA 4. UMEED 5. KRISCHIP Krishna Community Health Interventions Programme (KRISCHIP) 6. SREYASSU 7. PSH


1. APCP AP Counselors Project 2. JYOTHI 3. PPTCT+ 4. YPI Young People Intervention project, 5. SAMASTHA



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Adilabad is one of the backward and tribal districts of Andhra Pradesh. Adilabad Leprosy Eradication Project (ADILEP) started in 1997 carried NLEP activities in 21 NLEP centres. Within a short period of time, the project has diversified into other health areas such as Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Blindness control, and Filariasis programmes. The project also engaged in other activities like community awareness, capacity building, socio-economic rehabilitation and prevention of disabilities. In the year 2008, the project name has changed from ADILEP to ARTH (Adilabad Rural and Tribal Health Interventions) to focus on tribal health issues as a strategic direction The district historically been prone to outbreaks and the incidence and prevalence rates of communicable diseases are continuously alarming. The recent [September to December 2007] outbreak of vector borne diseases has taken the death toll of more than 150 persons including men, women and children. Adilabad is also regarded as one among the three highest malaria endemic districts in Andhra Pradesh, where the malaria incidence rate during the decade of 1991-2000 was 2.87. Adilabad is one of the 11 districts in AP, which has shown an increase in HIV prevalence rates in rural areas from 0.75 in 2002 to 1.8 in 2006 (APSACS, 2005)

Children affected by HIV/AIDS Health and Happiness for All CHAHA a wish. Children Affected by HIV/AIDS Health and Happiness for All. The goal of this program is to reduce the HIV related morbidity and mortality in adults and children and address the impact of HIV on children. The main areas of focus are the four high prevalence states (Tamilnadu, Maharastra, Andhra Pradesh and Manipur) by scaling up the availability of services for treatment, care and support. The focus of the project was mainly on children (infected and affected) between the age group of 0-18 years & women who need access to treatment, care & support services. The overall objective is to improve care and support services to children living with HIV/AIDS and Children affected by HIV/AIDS and enable interventions, which keep them with their parents or extended families. At national level, three principal recipients implement the project and one of them is India HIV/AIDS Alliance. LEPRA is one of the Sub recipients of this program in Andhra Pradesh to implement the program in Hyderabad, Nalgonda, Ranga Reddy, Krishna and Nizamabad districts.

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UMEED - hope to harness the energy of urban poor to improve their health especially those affected by leprosy, TB and HIV. UMEED is an Urdu word meaning hope UMEED project is located at Hyderabad, the capital city of Andhra Pradesh with an urban population of 6 million people approximately. Umeed the first direct project of LEPRA Society, established in the year 1989 was primarily working in the leprosy control activities till 2007. Since January 2008, Umeed and another project of LEPRA Society DLRC at Hyderabad are functioning as Referral Centres. Umeed covers the population of Hyderabad District and DLRC caters to clients coming from Ranga Reddy, Nalgonda, Mahaboobnagar, Medak and Warangal districts. Although the prevalence of leprosy is low, aboutpeople need medical and social care. The emphasis is now to prevent disabilities by provision of protective aids and appliances, physiotherapy, self-care practices, complication care management, provision for MCR footwear, Diabetes detection etc Umeed has taken up four leprosy colonies, Council of Hansens Social Welfare, Shanthi nagar, Santosh nagar colony and Sanjaya Gandhi nagar. The POD clinics are managed by the person identified from the colonies itself. They have been trained on ulcer dressing, counselling the clients on self care practices and simple exercises to prevent deformities. The clinic functions every day for the inmates of the colony to avail facilities at the clinic. Those who find it difficulty in mobility, the worker visits the patients house and provide the services. The Doctor from the project visits the clinic once in a week.

Krishna Community Health Interventions Programme (KRISCHIP) Krishna Community Health Interventions Programme (KRISCHIP) is direct Project of LEPRA Society, started in 2002 for Leprosy work and scaled up the TB, HIV/AIDS and Malaria programmes in 2004 with the support of National Lotteries Charities Board (NLCB) for 3 years in Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh. 5.SERYASSU: LEPRA Society Sreyassu is one among the People Living with HIV/AIDS project working in Jaggaiahpet Mandal of Krishna District Andhra Pradesh. This Mandal has 27 villages & one town, covered 107,194 populations. The project established in the month of May06 with the collaboration of KRISCHIP. Basic reason of the project establishment is Jaggaiahpet is one of the high prevalence Mandal as it has 6 Factories where in migrated population and Truckers mobility is prevalent.The significant support to run this project comes to LEPRA Society from TANA Foundation, USA.This project works in close coordination and collaboration with APSACS, (Andhra Pradesh State AIDS Control Society) and the Telugu network AIM: To improve the quality of life of the PLHA and their right to Health.

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Operations of LEPRA Societys HIV interventions in AP, in the beginning of the year 2005 were under the AP Regional office. A separate HIV division was established on 1st November 2005. New initiatives were started based on the emerging needs and approval of donors. Restructuring the organization was approved by the Management Committee in October 2005. HIV interventions operating in the beginning of the year 2005 were - Partnership for Sexual Health - Truckers project; Frontiers Prevention Project and Andhra Pradesh Counselors Project. New initiatives developed during the year 2005 were the Cheyutha project supported by LEPRA Society; Jyoti project supported by CDC GAP-India, APSACS -GFATM supported PPTCTC plus, TB-HIV Coordination & ART role-out project in AP. Taking into account these new developments, the HIV division was created with an agreed organogram to make it operational with an understanding to focus on direct HIV projects in AP, and to provide technical support in developing and implementing new HIV projects. Presently, 462 staff members work in the division.

Mission Statement:
LEPRA Society: Health in Action is a health and development organization working to restore health, hope and dignity to people affected by leprosy, tuberculosis, malaria, HIV/AIDS, blindness and other health conditions exacerbated by stigma and social discrimination.

Equitable access to health and an improved quality of life for all of Indias poor and marginalized communities. SPANDANA - LEPRA Society is a decentralized office responsible for: Management of Operations in direct HIV projects, namely Jyoti Project, Young Peoples Initiative, PPTCTC Plus, Samastha-AP and SPANDANA. Establish Operational / Technical / Administrative systems for implementing and monitoring HIV-related activities in LEPRA Society Liaison with State & Central Government as well as with donor agencies Planning new initiatives, monitoring and evaluation systems in coordination with the concerned department in Head Office and Regional Office.

Page 37

1. APCP: Introduction:
The history of the AP Counselors Project goes back to 2003, when an NGO called Prajwala appointed counselors to work in HIV testing centers. In August 2003, Prajwala was handed over to LEPRA Society with 121 counselors, by APSACS, and was officially designated the AP Counselors Project. The project is being implemented by LEPRA Society with support from APSACS and UNICEF. LEPRA Society forms the management support, along with the Young Peoples Initiative of UNICEF. The primary focus of the project is on capacity building of counselors in the Voluntary Confidential Counseling and Testing Centers (VCCTC), Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission Centers (PPTCTC) and Integrated Counseling and Testing Centers (ICTC) so as to enable them to provide quality counseling services.

Areas of Operations:
The project is presently operational in 23 districts of Andhra Pradesh, where 387 ICTC centers have

project focuses on generating awareness about HIV/AIDS among the general population and target groups, capacity building of community and CBOs, increasing accessibility to HIV and STI services to people living in remote areas through mobile VCTC and IEC van, as well as providing care and support services.

Areas of Operations:
The project focuses on three high-prevalent districts of Andhra Pradesh, namely, East Godavari, Nellore and Nizamabad.

3.PPTCT+ : Introduction:
The PPTCT plus is a project that reaches out to HIV infected ANCs & PNCs, infected & affected children, and affected families, since January 2006. It is anticipated that the unique out reach component of this intervention will bridge the gap between the target segment and PPTCT services, and in the process minimize the rate of transmission of infection from parent to child.

Aears of operation :
PPTCT out-reach program is being implemented in Government hospitals in 8 districts, 22 divisions of Andhra Pradesh. (Mahabubnagar, Ranga Reddy district, Medak, Bodan, Nizamabad, Adilabad, Nuzvidu, Srikakulam and Hyderabad).

Page 38

4.YPI: Introduction:
The Young People Intervention project, which commenced in June 2006, endeavors to bring about a sustained behavior change among youth through peer education, creating youth friendly services/ environment, building linkages, enhancing the efficiency of the existing programs, effective advocacy with various Govt Departments involved in youth related affairs and promote community ownership in all the activities. The project is being implemented by LEPRA Society with support from APSACS and UNICEF. LEPRA Society forms the management support, along with the Young Peoples Initiative of UNICEF. The primary focus of the project is on capacity building of counselors in the Voluntary Confidential Counseling and Testing Centers (VCCTC), Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission Centers (PPTCTC) and Integrated Counseling and Testing Centers (ICTC) so as to enable them to provide quality counseling services.

Areas of operation :
PPTCT out-reach program is being implemented in Government hospitals in 8 districts, 22 divisions of Andhra Pradesh. (Mahabubnagar, Ranga Reddy district, Medak, Bodan, Nizamabad, Adilabad, Nuzvidu, Srikakulam and Hyderabad)

5. SAMASTHA: Introduction:
SAMASTHA-AP is a Community Based Care and Support Project being implemented in 5 coastal districts (Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, and East & West Godavari) of Andhra Pradesh, India with support from KHPT/ USAID. LEPRA is working with 6 partner organizations in these 5 Coastal districts. The key role of LEPRA is to provide Technical & Managerial assistance to the implementing partners and to implement a direct intervention.

Areas of Operations:
The project is being implemented in 10 mandals from the selected five coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh, namely - East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur and Prakasam districts.

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6. DPMT: Introduction:
DPMT - is a program management unit based at the district level, working in close coordination with the Additional District Medical and Health Officer on HIV/AIDS programs to ensure better project management, and to strengthen the existing systems at the district level. The main purpose of this team is to ensure better implementation of different projects by providing necessary technical and managerial support from the government and NGOs. The DPM Teams are currently operating in Guntur, Krishna and Prakasam districts of Andhra Pradesh.

Areas of Operations:
The project is functional in 3 districts namely Krishna, Hyderabad, and Prakasam in Andhra Pradesh.

Blue Peter Research Centre (BPRC) Background :

Blue Peter Research Center is the research wing of LEPRA Society situated in the rural community of Cherlapally, Hyderabad. It is an offshoot of the charity British Empire Leprosy Relief Association established in 1924 to serve the needs of leprosy patients. In 1947, the parent body was renamed as the British Leprosy Relief association (LEPRA) whose patron is Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. When the Government of India introduced multi drug therapy, LEPRA was one of the agencies that joined hands for this purpose and gave birth to the present Indian branch registered as LEPRA Society in 1989. Currently it is working in 4 states and 53 districts of India and has diversified its scope to tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, malaria, blindness in addition to providing assistance for rehabilitation of leprosy patients with disabilities. It covers a population of >12 million in Andhra, Orissa, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh. In 1998 Blue Peter the Children programme of BBC UK collected 3 million pounds for LEPRA. In a conscious decision, LEPRA UK assisted by the Medical Advisory Board with MJ Colston as the Chairman decided to invest the money in a research center in India which would cater to infectious diseases. Thus the Blue Peter Research Center (BPRC) was opened on December 14 1999 in Cherlapally.

Page 40

BPRC Organization structure:

Chief executive

Regional Head office AP&MP

Regional Head Office Bihar


Regional Head Office Orissa

Organization structure

Page 41


1. LEPRA - Health in action 2. ILEP members 3. Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) 4. States of Guernsey and Jersey 5. European Commission 6. Sight Savers International 7. Big Lottery Fund 8. India HIV/AIDS Alliance 9. Community Fund 10. UNICEF 11. Telugu Association of North America (TANA) Foundation 12. American Indian Foundation 13. Health link Worldwide 14. Interact worldwide 15. USAID 16. Target TB 17. Irish Aid

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Govt. of India Govt. of A.P, Orissa, Bihar & M P Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Andhra Pradesh State AIDS Control Society (APSACS) Orissa State AIDS Control Society (OSACS) TB Control Society in Andhra Pradesh, Orissa & Bihar Karnataka Health Promotion Trust

Page 42

Human Resources:
HR Policies:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Child Protection Policy Scholar Ship Policy Equal Opportunity Policy Film & Photography Policy Volunteer Policy Staff Working From Home Policy Anti Sexual Harassment Policy

1. Child Protection Policy:

LEPRA Society believes that children have the right to happy , healthy and secure childhood. Child abuse is never acceptable .A child as define under the Indian laws is any one till the age of 14.

Child Abuse:
As per the definition given by the World Health Organization (WHO). Child abuse includes all forms physical and emotional ill treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation. Child abuse is categorized under four main forms namely Physical, Sexual, Emotional and neglect

Purpose :
1. It helps to create a safe and positive environment for children and to show that the organization is exercising its duty its care seriously. 2. to minimize the risk 3. the society expect s the highest standards of professional conduct in all work involving contract with children in the projects in which it works.

2. Scholarship policy.
The objectives of the policy is to award Scholarships to the meritorious children of employees belonging to economically weaker section and affected by diseases, so as to assist them

3. Equal opportunity policy: Purpose:

To actively encourage the development of a diverse organization culture policy LEPRA Societies committed to ensuring that all job applocenscan the staff receive fair treatment and are valued regardless of gender , race age , and material status, religion. This policy applies to recruitment, promotion, transfer, training, benefits, facilities and other policies and procedures.

Page 43

4. Film &Photography protocol:

This protocol applies to India and foreign phototographers /film makers who shoot photographs/make films of human subjects associated with LEPRA Society, either as patients or communities.

5. Volunteer policy:
This volunteer policy has been developed with a purpose to streamline the short-listing, induction, contribution and involvement of any prospective volunteer of foreign origin into the work sheers of LEPRA Society.

6. Staff working from home policy:

It is to specify guideline to the employees of LEPRA Society who wish to work from home owning to involvement in critical duties and responsibilities but are unable to work because of medical /personal constraints which hinder their movement from their respective houses to the work places.

8. Anti sexual Harassment:

Sexual harassment refers to behavior that is unwelcome. No employee, either male or female, should be subjected verbally or physically to unsolicited and unwelcome sexual overtures or conduct.

HR Functions in LEPRA Society:

1. Recruitment & Selection: 2. Induction: 3. Compensation & Benefits: 4. Welfare Activities: 5. Separation:

Recruitment & Selection:

LEPRA Society has a well structured and defined RECRUTMENT & SELECTION PROCESS, which is decentralized with an objective of empowering the region s and divisions to handle recruitments independently till the level to social development officer certain level, For any vacancy up to the level of social development officer (SDO) , the Regional office will be responsible for the entire recruitment process

Page 44

Recruitment and selection decision are critical to the success of the society and the costs of the appoint in the wrong person can b immediate and substantial. The decision to recruit should be sent in the contest of organizational needs. All vacant positions are advertised Selection Is fair and objectives at every stage Issue of offer letter.

The short listing process :

Short listing is the process whereby candidates are assessed by the HR officer, against aged criteria, on the basis of information provided in the application documentation, in order to eliminate unsuitable candidates and identify those candidates who most closely meet the criteria for further assessment. This help bring objectivity to the process and can minimize allegations of bias , once the application deadline has closed, all candidates will allowed to write written test

Interviewing and selecting:

LEPRA Society follows a structured Selection process in the position s where the proposed person specifications ability read and write . The process has the following components; 1. Written test 2. Interview by the Interview board 3. Final approvel by the approving authority

Sources of Recruitment:
Entry level to senior level recruitment will be based on job need/job specifications. Sources of recruitment will include: Newspaper advertisement. Internal candidates possessing the requisite qualifications/experience/skills.

Page 45

Offer Letter:
On selection an offer letter will be handed over to the candidate (Copy of offer letter is attached HR should make sure that all the below-listed documents are received & checked thoroughly before issuing the formal offer letters 1. 1 Approved Manpower Requisition form 2. 2 Resume (hardcopy) of the candidate 3. 3 Interview Assessment sheet (Filled up with specific recommendations by the 4. concerned Interviewers) 5. 4 Reference checks details (documented in the specified format) 6. 5 Compensation Proposal (Existing package & the proposed plan, duly approved 7. by the concerned Authority) On acceptance of offer the candidate will be made to go through the pre employment joining formalities. On completion of pre-joining formalities Corporate HR issue the Appointment Letter. (Copy of Appointment Letter is attached).

1. Introduce the employee to the staff. 2. Explain him the Organization History, Hierarchy, Grade structure 3. Appraise him the rules and regulations of the organization 4. Put him under training in Project to understand the role of each Project where he/she is going to work. 5. Maintain induction training record.

Performance Appraisal:
The performance Appraisal is carried out once every year for all associates and after the completion of one year for new recruits. Trainees will be assessed of their performance after completion of 3/6 months. After their potential appraisal they are recommended for promotion.

Page 46

Training & development: Objective:

To enunciate the types of training to be conducted for competency building of associates and the purpose and methodology of training intervention.

The purpose of training is to build competency of all associates with particular reference to their knowledge, skills, and attitudes so that it translates into better Society services.

Components of compensation:
Current Salary is the candidate's or incumbent's present base pay compensation, which may be reported, monthly salary.

Basic wages/Salaries:
This refers to the cash component of the wage structure based on which other elements of compensation may be structured. It is normally a fixed amount which is subject to changes based on annual increments or subject to periodical pay hikes. It is structured based on the position of an individual in the organization and differs from grades to grades.

Dearness allowance:
The payment of dearness allowance facilitates employees and workers to face the price increase or inflation of prices of goods and services consumed by him. The onslaught of price increase has a major bearing on the living conditions of the labour. The increasing prices reduce the compensation to nothing and the money's worth is coming down based on the level of inflation. The payment of dearness allowance, which may be a fixed percentage on the basic wage, enables the employees to face the increasing prices.

Total Compensation:
Total Compensation includes all forms of cash compensation and the dollar value of the employer-sponsored benefit package .

Page 47

To render fair and equitable treatment to an associate who is leaving the Organization. The Organizations and the associates interest will be upheld in a respectable manner.

Policy: The Organization or associate may at any time terminate the contract of service by
giving the other party one months written notice. Under the exceptional circumstances an associate is permitted to resign at short notice in which case proportionate pay in lieu of one month notice will be paid by the associate to the organization or adjustment will be made in the Full & Final settlement

Working Hours and Conditions:

There are no shifts for the employees working in the LEPRA society. For all Project staff and admnt staff the working hours are 9 AM to 5 .30 PM.

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Data Analysis

Page 49

Total employees satisfaction Data:

Dimension Job Q.no. 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree 8 1 1 7 0 17 6 7 8 9 Total Salary & Benefits response career & development 0 9 8 11 28 10 11 12 13 Total career& development response supervision 10 11 2 4 27 14 15 16 17 18 0 0 0 2 0 2 19 20 21 Total working conditions response Team 1 0 0 1 22 23 24 25 3 1 1 1 6 81 Disagree 3 2 2 4 2 13 4 8 5 6 23 6 5 8 4 23 0 5 3 5 3 16 0 0 2 2 2 4 2 0 8 85 Agree 23 24 19 18 25 109 22 17 24 22 85 19 23 21 21 84 24 28 26 19 21 118 25 14 22 61 25 18 20 24 87 544 Strongly Agree 13 19 26 19 19 96 22 13 10 8 53 7 9 16 7 39 23 14 19 19 21 96 22 34 24 80 17 23 22 23 85 449 Cannot say 1 2 0 0 2 5 0 1 1 1 3 6 0 1 12 19 1 1 0 3 3 8 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 6 41 Sum 48 48 48 48 48 240 48 48 48 48 192 48 48 48 48 192 48 48 48 48 48 240 48 48 48 144 48 48 48 48 192 1200

Total(Job Satisfaction response) Salary & Benefits

Total Supervisions response working conditions

Total team response Total all dimensions response

Page 50

Total employees satisfaction: Table # 1.1

Category Response Percentage Strongly Disagree 81 6.8 Disagree 85 7.1 Agree 544 45.3 Strongly Agree 449 37.4 Cannot say 41 3.4 Total 1200 100

Chart # 1.1

Total Employees Satisfation Cannot say 3% Strongly Disagree 7% Disagree 7%

Strongly Agree 37%

Agree 46%
The analysis of the response indicates that 83% of the respondents feel that the they are satisfied in the organization and rest of 17% of the respondents feel that the there are not satisfied in that organization.

Page 51

Office staff Table# 1.2

Category Response Percentage Strongly Disagree 26 3.0 Disagree 90 10.3 Agree 450 51.4 Strongly Agree 282 32.2 Cannot say 28 3.2 Total 876 100

Chart # 1.2
Office staff
60 50 51.4 32.2 Series1 10.3 3 Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Response Strongly Agree 3.2 Cannot say


40 30 20 10 0

The response regarding the satisfaction in the organization the total office staff 92% of the respondents feel that the they are satisfied in the organization and rest of 8% of the respondents feel that the there are not satisfied in that organization.

Page 52

Project staff Table # 1.3

Catogry Response Percentage Strongly Disagree 55 18.5 Disagree 4 1.3 Agree 88 29.5 Strongly Agree 140 47.0 Cannot say 11 3.7 Total 298 100

Chart # 1.3

Project staff
50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 47.0 29.5 18.5 1.3 3.7 Series1


is ag re e D is ag re e

tr o ng l

The response regarding the satisfaction in the organization the total office staff 77 % of the respondents feel that the they are satisfied in the organization and rest of 33% of the respondents feel that the there are not satisfied in that organization.


A gr tr o ee ng ly A gr ee C an no ts ay

Page 53

Dimensions Wise: 1. Job dimension Table # 2.1

Category Response Percentage Strongly Disagree 17 7.1 Disagree 13 5.4 Agree 109 45.4 Strongly Agree 96 40.0 Cannot say 5 2.1 Total 240 100

Chart # 2.1

Job satisfation

strongly Can't say Disagree 2% 7% Disagree 40%

Agree 5%

Agree 46%

The analysis of the response indicates that 86% of the respondents feel that the Job in the organization is good and remaining 14% of the respondents feel that job is satisfactory to them.

Page 54

2. Salary & benefits Dimension Table # 2.2

Category Response Percentage Strongly Disagree 28 14.6 Disagree 23 12.0 Agree 85 43.3 Strongly Agree 53 27.6 Cannot say 3 1.6 Total 192 100

Chart # 2.2

Employee salary satisfation

strongly Agree 28%

Cannot say 2%

strongly Disagree 15% Disagree 12%

Agree 43%

The response regarding the salary and benfits providing in the organization is anlyszes as follows , 71% of respondents are satisfied with the salary& benefits ,rest of 29% of respondents are not satisfied with salary & benefits.

Page 55

3. Career & development Dimension Table # 2.3

Category Response Percentage Strongly Disagree 27 14.5 Disagree 23 12.4 Agree 84 45.2 Strongly Agree 33 17.7 Cannot say 19 10.2 Total 186 100

Chart # 2.3

Career &development

Strongly Agree 18%

Cannot say 10%

Strongly Disagree 15% Disagree 12%

Agree 45%

The analysis of the response indicate that 63% of the respondents feel that the career &development opportunities in the organization are good and remaining 37% of respondents feel that the career development opportunities are to be improved in the organization.

Page 56

4. Supervision Dimension Table # 2.4

Category Response Percentage Strongly Disagree 2 0.8 Disagree 16 6.7 Agree 118 49.2 Strongly Agree 96 40.0 Cannot say 8 3.3 Total 240 100

Chart # 2.4

Cannot say 3% Strongly Agree 40%

Supervison Strongly Disagree 1% Disagree 7%

Agree 49%

The analysis of the response indicate that 89% of the respondent are satisfied with the nature of the supervision in the organization are good and remaining 11% of the respondents are not satisfied by the nature of the supervision in the organization.

Page 57

5. Working condition Dimension Table # 2.5

Category Response Percentage Strongly Disagree 1 0.7 Disagree 2 1.4 Agree 61 42.4 Strongly Agree 80 55.6 Cannot say 0 0.0 Total 144 100

Chart # 2.5

Working conditions Cannot say 0% Strongly Disagree Disagree 1% 1% Agree 42%

Strongly Agree 56%

The analysis of the response indicates that 98% of the respondents feel that the working conditions in the organization is good and remaining 2 % of the respondents feel that the working conditions are not satisfactory to them.

Page 58

6. Team work Dimension Table # 2.6

Category Response Percentage Strongly Disagree 6 3.2 Disagree 8 4.3 Agree 87 46.8 Strongly Agree 85 45.7 Cannot say 0 0.0 Total 186 100

Chart # 2.6

Team Cannot say 0% Strongly Disagree Disagree 4% 3%

Strongly Agree 46%

Agree 47%

The analysis of the response indicate that 93% of the employees feel that there is a cardinal and co-operative relationship between the co-workers and the management and the rest of respondents 7% not satisfied to their team.

Page 59

Staff category wise: 1. Finance Table # 3.1

Category Response Percentage Strongly Disagree 2 1.2 Strongly Agree 63 36.8 Total 171 100

Disagree 5 2.9

Agree 93 54.4

Cannot say 8 4.7

Chart # 3.1

Finance Cannot say 5% Strongly Disagree Disagree 3% 1%

Strongly Agree 37%

Agree 54%

The analysis of the response indicates that 91% of the respondents feel that the they are satisfied in the organization and rest of 8% of the respondents feel that the there are not satisfied in that organization.

Page 60

2. Admin & Support Staff Table # 3.2

Category Response Percentage Strongly Disagree 3 1.4 Disagree 40 18.6 Agree 155 72.1 Strongly Agree 15 7.0 Cannot say 2 0.9 Total 215 100

Chart # 3.2

Admn & Support staff Strongly Agree 7% Cannot say 1% Strongly Disagree 1%

Disagree 19%

Agree 72%
The response regarding the satisfaction in the organization the total support staff 79 % of the respondents feel that the they are satisfied in the organization and rest of 21% of the respondents feel that the there are not satisfied in that organization.

Page 61

3. Program Management Table # 3.3

Category Response Percentage Strongly Disagree 10 2.0 Disagree 28 5.6 Agree 208 41.5 Strongly Agree 234 46.7 Cannot say 21 4.2 Total 501 100

Chart # 3.3

Programe Management Cannot say 4% Strongly Agree 46% Strongly Disagree 2% Disagree 6%

Agree 42%


The analysis of the response indicates that 88% of the respondents feel that the they are satisfied in the organization and rest of 12% of the respondents feel that the there are not satisfied in that organization.

Page 62

4. Program Executive Table # 3.4

Category Response Percentage Strongly Disagree 53 26.6 Disagree 3 1.5 Agree 17 8.5 Strongly Agree 117 58.8 Cannot say 9 4.5 Total 199 100

Chart # 3.4

Programe Executive Cannot say 5% Strongly Disagree 26%

Disagree 2%

Strongly Agree 58%

Agree 9%

The analysis of the response indicates that 67% of the respondents feel that the they are satisfied in the organization and rest of 33% of the respondents feel that the there are not satisfied in that organization.

Page 63

5. IT & Admin Table # 3.5

Category Response Percentage Strongly Disagree 11 14.9 Disagree 6 8.1 Agree 40 54.1 Strongly Agree 16 21.6 Cannot say 1 1.4 Total 74 100

Chart # 3.5

Strongly Agree 22%

IT & Admin Cannot Strongly say Disagree 1% 15%

Disagree 8%

Agree 54%
The response regarding the satisfaction in the organization the total IT &Admit 76 % of the respondents feel that the they are satisfied in the organization and rest of 24% of the respondents feel that the there are not satisfied in that organization.

Page 64

All levels comparison Tables:

All levels comparison Response Table: Table # 4.1
Category It & admit Finance support staff Program management Program Executive Percentage Strongly Disagree 11 2 3 10 53 14.9 Disagree 6 5 40 28 3 8.1 Agree 40 93 155 208 17 54.1 Strongly Agree 16 63 15 234 117 21.6 Cannot say 1 8 2 21 9 1.4 Total 74 171 215 501 199 100

All levels comparison Percentage Table: Table # 4.2

Category It & admit Finance support staff Program management Program Executive Strongly Disagree 14.9 1.2 1.7 2 26.6 Disagree 8.1 2.9 22.9 5.6 1.5 Agree 54.1 54.4 65.9 41.5 8.5 Strongly Agree 21.6 36.8 8.6 46.7 58.8 Cannot say 1.4 4.7 1.1 4.2 4.5 Total 100 100 100 100 100

Page 65

All levels comparison chart:

Table # 4.2 Percentage Table:
Category It & admit Finance support staff Program management Program Executive Strongly Disagree 14.9 1.2 1.7 2 26.6 Disagree 8.1 2.9 22.9 5.6 1.5 Agree 54.1 54.4 65.9 41.5 8.5 Strongly Agree 21.6 36.8 8.6 46.7 58.8 Cannot say 1.4 4.7 1.1 4.2 4.5 Total 100 100 100 100 100

Chart # 4.1

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Cannot say

support staff

It & admnt

The analysis of the response in the organization in all levels indicates that 80% of the respondents feel that the they are satisfied in the organization and rest of 20% of the respondents feel that the there are not satisfied in that organization.

Programe mannagement

Programe Executive


Page 66

CHAPTER-V Summery Findings & conclusion

Page 67

The employees must be recognized as per their competences, rather than their position in the Society. This helps in building up openness and trust and in motivating the employees to perform well.

The management should remove the insecurity feelings in employees to that management motivate the employees by achieving the Society objectives as his own objective.

Many stress reduction programs and health programs should be promoted.

Most of the employees are feels that difficult to express their opinions with .management should keep the suggestions box in their Office .

Page 68

After overall analysis of all the questions, the findings of the Employee Satisfaction survey for LEPRA Society, Are that, almost all the employees are satisfied with the Society.

By creating friendly atmosphere in the work place conflicts can be avoided and togetherness among the employees can be increased.

The appraisal system in the Society is giving proper feedback to the employee by their superior.

Job design and responsibilities are specific and clear.

80% of employees feel that their job gives them good feeling and personal accomplishment.

Page 69


From the analysis and findings, the researcher can conclude that a favorable employee satisfaction survey prevailing in LEPRA Society on a border basis. However, there are issues to be addressed in respect of unfavorable feedback like healthcare, career development, participative management etc in the category of Program executive and IT & Admin.

The management is requested to initiate action as least to bring down the unfavorable feedback so that there are harmony and total employees job satisfaction in the days to come.

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P.Subba Rao: Essentials of Human Resources Management and

Industrial Relation, Himalaya Publishing house Edition 2006. Ashwathappa: Human Resources and Personal Management Himalaya Publishing house Edition 2005. L.M.Prasad : Human Resources Management Sultan Chand & Sons Edition 2006. V.S.P.Rao : Human Resources Management Himalaya Publishing house Edition 2006.

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SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE (This will be used only for the purpose of analysis) Designation: __________________________Project/office:__________________________ (Please select the response for each question that most closely matches the way you feel). (1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Agree, 4-Strongly Agree, 5-Can not say)
Job 1. I have a chance to do different things. 2. My present job suits my qualification and experience. 3. My job is challenging and interesting. 4. I have the authority to do the job well. 5. In general , I am satisfied about my job Salary & benefits. 6. I am satisfied with my leave and other benefits in the organization. 7. I am getting equal and fair pay 8. Organization also covers my family in providing welfare facilities 9. I am satisfied with my salary and other allowances. Career development 10. Internal employees get first preference in filling vacancies. 11. I am satisfied with my career development opportunities in the society. 12. There are adequate training programs and workshops for development. 13. We have a clear promotional policy, which help me to advance in my career. Supervision 14. My superior clearly defines my job responsibilities. 15. My management cares about the employees. 16. My superior recognize my achievements. 17. I feel free to discuss my personal and professional problems with my superior. 18. My superior evaluates my work fairly. Working conditions 19. The present work timings are acceptable. 20. I am happy to be part of this organization. 21. I am satisfied with my working conditions in the organization. Team Work 22. Getting information from employees of other projects is easy. 23. Work is fairly distributed in my team. 24. I feel free to talk openly and honestly with my team member. 25. My team works well together. 1 2 3 4 5

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