Bones - Favourite Episodes

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S01E10 - Havent Watched. download video.

S01E05 - Booth finds out that Bones is a foster child, helps return a kid to his foster mother and keeps Bones' promise to the kid. S01E09 - All are stuck at the Jeffersonian for Christmas, Bones discovers that B ooth has a son. S01E13 - Bones beats up a gang leader who later puts a hit-out on her, Booth thr eatens to kill the gangster if something happens to Bones. S01E14 - Booth is surprised that Bones misses him; Bones gives Booth her Parents ' files. S01E15 - Booth gets blown up at Bones' house, saves her from the FBI bad cop. S02E03 - Booth - ''I'm with Bones, Cam. All the way. Dont doubt it for a second. '' S02E07 - Booth - ''You're structured very well.'' S02E10 - One of Bones' relationships goes bad and Booth says that she had no tro uble seeing through him and gives her a ''guy hug''. S02E11 - The one in which Bones' dad murders 2 people to protect her. S02E18 - The one in which Bones saves Booth with her Dad's help. S02E21 - Bones and Booth are left at the aisle after Hodgins and Angela run away from their wedding. S03E01 - Bones decides to ''hold center'' with Booth after the initial awkwardne ss. S03E02 - The last part is one of the best scenes on the show. S03E03 - Booth talks about how ''each one of us keeps searching for even a hint of a real connection''. One of the best dialogues! S03E04 - Bones and Booth decide that their relationship is ''just a cup of coffe e; completely professional'' but the shrink seems to think that there is a deep emotional connection between them. MAGICAL scene. S03E06,07 - The last part. S03E08 - Booth delays arresting Russ so he can meet his stepdaughter and Bones i s grateful; Booth and Bones get blown up. S03E09 - Booth and Bones kiss! Booth gets a Christmas tree to the prison so that Bones and her family can have a perfect Christmas. S03E10 - Booth and Bones spend an evening with their shrink and his girlfriend a nd end up throwing ceramic at each other. The last part!!! S03E12 - Booth says,''OUR little guy will be just fine'' and Bones suddenly look s up at him and Booth corrects himself and says, ''THE little guy will be just f ine''. The last part!! S03E13 - Bones' Dad's trial starts and Booth asks her to let her heart go ''over -drive'' and to try to help her dad. When Bones decides a course, Booth is amaze d by her selflessness and says, ''Thats a lot of heart, Bones.'' S03E14 - The one in which Booth gets shot while he saves Bones' life from a stal ker. S04E09 - Last part : Bones - ''i would like to propose a toast to my partner Boo th. I know him. But sometimes i forget. Because he never shines the light on him self. He shines it on other people..... And working with Booth, i've come to rea lise that the quiet man, the invisible man, the man who is always there for frie nds and family, that's the real alpha male.'' S04E11 - Last part : Bones agrees to do Booth a favour by not firing her dad fro m the Jeffersonian so he can enrich Parker's science knowledge. S04E13 - Last part : Ice-skating scene - "you're gonna make me fall!" "i'm never gonna make you fall. i'm always here." S04E25 - Last part - After much urging from Bones, Booth decides to consult a do ctor for his hallucinations, where they discover that he has a brain tumour. Boo th keeps looking for Bones before the surgery and when she comes outside the roo m, gets happy and asks her to be in the OT during the surgery. He tells her that if something happens to him, Bones has to use his sperms to get a child. S05E01 - Booth tells Cam that he's in love with Bones. He saves her from a docto r. In the last part, he says 'I Love You' but changes his mind and says in a pro fessional kind of way. S05E06 - Last part.

S05E10 - Beginning - Bones removes Booth's clothes to recover evidence from a cr ime scene! :D S05E16 - The whole episode is about how Bones and Booth first met. The last part is unbelievably sad. Booth wants to give their relationship a shot and kisses B ones but Bones rejects him. They agree to continue to work together but Booth sa ys that he has to move on and find someone who he can spend the rest of his life with and Bones agrees. S05E20 - Last part - Booth - "I wish that you can find happiness, love, laughter , friendship, purpose." S05E21 - The one with the conviction of the Gravedigger. S05E22 - Bones decides to go to Indonesia as the head of a forensic conference a nd Booth decides to go to Afghanistan to train the US army soldiers and they bot h decide to meet at the US exactly after a year. S06E01 - Caroline makes the group return after 7 months. Bones and Booth meet at their decided place. Bones finds out that Booth fell in love with Hannah, a jou rnalist, in Afghanistan. S06E03 - Last part - Bones advices Booth's girlfriend to gift him a vintage phon e. When Booth recieves it, he thanks his girlfriend, without acknowledging Bones ' contribution which makes her sad. S06E09 - One of the most beautiful episodes. While solving the case of a murdere d doctor, Bones realises that she made a mistake by turning down Booth. When she confesses that she regrets not giving it a chance, Booth says that he's with Ha nnah now. Bones cries that she missed her chance but later decides that she'll a djust. S06E11 - Booth fails to catch the sniper who killed the Gravedigger. At the end of the episode, he tells Bones, Caroline and Max that he doesnt want to let anyo ne down and looks up at Bones. He keeps looking at Bones when she talks to Max a nd listens to the conch Max gives her. S06E12 - Last part - Booth - "You can love a lot of people in this world, but th ere's only one person that you love the most." Bones - "How do you know which pe rson you love the most?" Booth - "You just do." Bones - "What if you let that pe rson get away?" Booth - "That person is not going anywhere."

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