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American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist

of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist

Revision History
Date #-M$%-"&&' Version .& (draft) . b ." .7 Description Merged all clone docs for the primary $* environments (M+,, ,M-, ./P, C0M) 3pdates from T-instance refreshes. (,issen 4eedbac5) 3pdates from T-instance refreshes. (,issen 4eedbac5) $dded $+- -teps $dded missing steps from $+- Clone document. 9-83:-"&&' &7--.P-"&&' .9 .# $dded updates based on notes from Tinstance refreshes Modified based on notes from ,issen. 1en ,ood 1en ,ood Author 1en ,ood

2-M$%-"&&' "6-M$%-"&&' 7&-M$%-"&&'

1en ,ood 1en ,ood 8ames $hn

Table of Contents
Planning for Clones ( or " ,ee5s ;efore)........................................................................................................... 7 " M+, Clones (Pre-0utage -teps).......................................................................................................................... 9 7 M+, Clones (0utage -teps)................................................................................................................................ # 9 ,M- Clones (Pre-0utage -teps)........................................................................................................................ # ,M- Clones (0utage -teps)............................................................................................................................... # ! ./P Clones (Pre-0utage -teps)......................................................................................................................... "9 6 ./P Clones (0utage -teps)................................................................................................................................ "6 ' C0M Clones (Pre-0utage -teps)........................................................................................................................ 99 2 C0M Clones (0utage -teps)............................................................................................................................... 96 & $PP.<+I=......................................................................................................................................................... #9

" of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist






! "lannin# for Clones $! or %

!(! ." .7

eeks &efore'
% ?erify that enough mount points e@ist with enough dis5 space. If not, create a help des5 tic5et for the +M Team Manager (or designate), who will reAuest the space from the 3$ team. %

"lan the )ate properly *ith all user #roups affecte)( Approve) CR - Create a 4$-T T/$C1 C/ for the refresh>cloning tas5s. Verify + Re,uest -ount "oints $Disk .pace'.

% %

D&A% D&A% D&A%

-ee .rrorB /eference source not found Mount Points neededB +atafile, temp file, and control file mounts. > var>oradata& ,&",&7,&9C>DC:0<.E-I+F >var>oratemp& >DC:0<.E-I+F >var>orasys& ,&",&7>DC:0<.E-I+F +aemon owner mount >opt>wmsDsidF .9 .# .! /otify users of planne) D&/Applications )o*ntime (if refreshing an existing instances). Remove ol) scripts from AD.0scripts )irectory. Do*nloa) AD. .cripts from "VC. - The latest scripts from $+should be downloaded from the Gadmin>cloneG folder in P?C-. /emove files fromB
mdlux4:/opt/orastage/cloning/ADS_scripts/ % %

D&A% D&A% D&A%

% %

% %

-ave toB

7 of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity !(1 !(8 "RE"ARAT23/ 3/456 D3 /3T .TART RE7RE.H 5ET( RE9:2RED 3RDER 37 DATA&A.E RE7RE.HE.6 ;ecause of interdependencies between instances, the database refreshes (duplicates or copies) must be done in the shown order to assure data is not out of seAuence. (-ometimes M+, is not done) e.g., use later set until time than with M+, e.g., use later set until time than with ,Me.g., use later set until time than with ./P
Dev? Test? Scripts/Notes Dev? Test? ho?


!(8(! !(8(% !(8(< !(8(= !(>

"4A//2/G 3/456 -D

; .tart refresh/)uplicate of -D


% % % %

% % % %

D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A!

"4A//2/G 3/456 -. ; Data from ne*er timestamp than from -D (

-. source shoul) be

"4A//2/G 3/456 ER" ; Data from ER" source shoul) be ne*er timestamp than from -.( "4A//2/G 3/456 C3- ; Data from C3- source shoul) be ne*er timestamp than from ER"( /ote that steps other than D& refreshes can overlap(






% -D
". "."

Clones $"re;3uta#e .teps'

% If file or script is missing, escalate to Level-2. % % %

Verify Tar#et Database &ackups -- .nsure that the last level & /M$< bac5up completed successfully for the Target database. Create a *orkin# )irectory (/var/orawork/cloning/<CLONE_SI !/). +elete old files if this directory already e@ists from a previous refresh.

D&A! D&A! 9 of !"

Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity D3 /3T :.E 34D .CR2"T./724E. 7R3- "REV23:. RE7RE.HE.( ".7 ".9 ".# ".! Copy an) :p)ate clonin# scripts and $+- scripts from script locations under >var>orastage to the >var>orawor5>cloning>D-I+F dir. "reserve D& 4inks in the e@isting target environment. "reserve D& :ser "ass*or)s (for non-apps users) from e@isting target system. "reserve C3GT.T .chema from the Target +;.
Script Locations -/opt/orastage/cloning/DBA_scripts/* /opt/orastage/cloning/ADS_scripts preserve_db_links.sql preserve_pw.sql Update script to recreate the COG S user: !i cr_cogtst_user.sql "xport COG S schema using query_dbms_ obs.sql % % % % % % % % Scripts/Notes Dev? Test? ho?

D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A!

".6 %(8 ".2

9uery D&-. ?obs .che)ule) in the Target +; TAR the homes from the source system $tar ;cvfp files to /opt/orasta#e/clonin#/@.2DA' 3sing Toad create a .94 script to recreate the 3".BC-D ?3& or 3".BT-D ?3& user and grant all the appropriate rights.

% %

% % %

D&A! D&A! D&A!






< -D

Clones $3uta#e .teps'

Dev? Test?

Clone Database Homes $soft*are'


# of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 7. . 7. ." .top/Hol) R-A/ &ackups of .ource D& -- 1eep 0<-H0:+ while +; is being duplicated. "ut Tar#et Database &ackups 3/;H34D -- .nsure that the scheduled /M$< bac5ups for the Target database are put 0<H0:+ until after the refresh is completed. Disable &i# &rother alerts for the CLONE_SI "s host before beginning the refresh process. Disable &i# &rother alerts for the SO#$CE_SI "s host before creating tar files on the so%rce host. .tart 3uta#e of Tar#et6 -hutdown all target s&ste'"s 0racle +;>$pplications. :/TAR the homes on the target system (tar -@vfp files from >opt>orastage>cloning>D-I+F) Recreate soft/symbolic links un)er the ne* homes on tar#et system( .nsure that any soft lin5s are pointing to the right homes ( fin( ) *t&+e l will list all the soft lin5s). /un to generate a script for rebuilding the soft lin5s for the new>refreshed 0/$C:.EH0M.. (2-"3RTA/T B Ma5e sure the 0/$C:.EH0M. directory is set correctly and e@ported.) !ind . -type l rebuild_so!
Scripts/Notes You may need to perform an archive only backup on the source (manually). Dev? % % Test? % % ho?

D&A! D&A!

7. .7 7. .9 7. .# 7. .! <(!(1 7. .6. 7. .6."

% % % % % % %

% % % % % % %

D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A!

! of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 7. .6.7 <ow, e(it , exec%te (generated by re-%il(_soft_link)sh) to remove and rebuild the correct soft lin5s. (2-"3RTA/T B +o not run this unless you have reviewed it and edited any potential issues.) Run 3racle :niversal 2nstaller $3:2' Clonin# command for target home Relink all 3racle Homes for target. Clone/Refresh Database


Dev? %

Test? %



7. .' 7. .2 <(%

see Metalink Note 300062.1 "How To Clone An Existing RDBMS Installation Using OUI" (See notes in APPENDIX)

% % Dev?

% % Test?

D&A! D&A! ho?

6 of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 7.". Clone>/efresh the +atabase using /M$< duplicate.
Scripts/Notes #S_AD$%# should point to tnsnames&ora that onl' points to Source( arget( and )man Catalog *)++,-& #ot other non.related data/ases& break !obs.s"l )ecreate the COG S user: cr_cogtst_user.sql %mport COG S schema using Dev? % Test? % ho?


7."." 7.".7

;rea5 +;M- 8obs Recreate the C3GT.T .chema preserved from the Target +; before the refresh. /estore 3ser Passwords ?erify that TMP+$T$ password is set to original value. /estart target database with original T<-E$+MI< setting. +rop and create database lin5s using the script (if refreshing existing db). (rebuildEdbElin5s.sAl, chec5EdbElin5s.sAl, diff) 4ist )atabase links in tar#et $after clone'( Drop eCistin# )atabase links in tar#et( Recreate )atabase links - /un recreateEdbElin5s.sAl /ecompile all objects in +atabase. Verify D& /ame is set correctly( Chec5 that O$._ .T./.SE_N.0E variable and name from vIdatabase point to right -I+.

% %

% %

D&A! D&A!

7.".9 7.".# 7.".! 7.".6

preserve p# non apps.s"l T a!itionall" set to "t#$!ata"

% % %

% % % %

D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A!

<(%(1(! <(%(1(% 7.".6.7 7.".' 7.".2

% %

% % % %

D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A!


% %

run "#$%&'_N()#.sql. Correct this if necessary.

7.". & Restore ol) init@.2DA(ora file preserved during the pre-outage steps.

D&A! ' of !"

Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 7.". Verify :T40724E0D2R settin#s in initD-I+F.ora match one-to-one with settings in the source environment.
Scripts/Notes %0 directories exist in de!/test that are not similar to those in the source( the' can /e remo!ed *usuall'-& Send a list o0 these directories to the users and DBA1 0or !eri0ication& $ote: The spfile.ora is needed to assure 10g features are available. Dev? % Test? % ho?


7.". " ;uild>rebuild the spfile@.2DA(ora file on target from init.ora. <(< 7inal Clone .teps

% Dev?

% Test?

D&A! ho?

2 of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 7.7. 7.7." 7.7.7 ?erify each +; :in5 connects without error. ?erify that :istener is running. Ma5e sure 3".BT-D ?3& or 3".BC-D ?3& is available and has privileges (recreate if necessary). )ecreate user using script 0rom step 1&2& Grant (L*#$ (N' )(*#$%(L%+#, "%#- and %)._&/LL_,(*(0(S# -ource-- m)luC!>6/home/pm)*Dob/binJ +est-- m)luC)ev6/home/cm)*Dob/bin -ource-- m)luC!>6/home/pm)*Dob/s,lJ +est-- m)luC)ev6/home/cm)*Dob/s,l -ource-m)luC!>6/var/spool/erp/"-D /)atfilesJ +est-m)luC)ev6/var/spool/erp/C-D /)atfiles
Scripts/Notes Dev? % % % Test? % % % ho?

D&A! D&A! D&A!


Refresh co)e;tree(


7.7.# 7.7.! 7.7.6 <(<(8 7.7.2

&rin# co)e up;to;)ate6 /eapply C/$*s that have not gone to Production yet. ,or5 with +ata ,arehouse Team to verify that correct D&-. ?obs are .tarte)/Resche)ule) (3nbro5en). Cleanup T$/*.T H0M.- and /emove wor5 files Verify that )irectories eCist *ith correct permissions from :T40724E0D2R list( $dd>verify database listener information to /var/opt/oracle/orarun Modify utlEfileEdir to point to the proper directories, as needed.

% %

% %

CG D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A!



& of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity

Scripts/Notes Dev? Test? ho?

9. 9." 9.7 9.7. 9.7." 9.7.7 9.7.9 9.7.# 9.9

-. Clones $"re;3uta#e .teps'

/otify users of planne) D&/Applications )o*ntime (if refreshing an existing instance). Verify Tar#et Database &ackups -- .nsure that the last level & /M$< bac5up completed successfully for the Target database. Verify sub)irectories are create) for target instanceB (see below) .nsure /var/spool/erp/@C43/E0.2DA and its subdirectories are created. .nsure >var>oraarch >DC:0<.E-I+F is created. .nsure >opt>oracle>admin>DC:0<.E-I+F is created. Password directory /opt/oracle/pass/@C43/E0.2DA and >opt>oracle>admin>DC:0<.E-I+F>pass (legacy directory) .rpcommon directory >opt>erpcommon>DC:0<.E-I+F Create a wor5ing directory (/var/ora!ork/cloning/"C#$%E_&'()/). Clean up old files if this directory already e@ists from a previous refresh. Copy an) :p)ate clonin# scripts and $+- scripts from script locations on mdlu@9. .nsure that the last level & /M$< bac5up completed successfully for the So%rce database. .nsure that the last level & /M$< bac5up completed successfully for
Script Locations -/opt/oracle/local/d/clone/* /opt/orastage/cloning/ADS_scripts % % % % % % %

D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A!

This sho%l( -e si'ilar to the /var/s+ool/er+/<SI ! (irector& for the so%rce (with the s%-(irectories %n(er it))

% % %

% % % % %

Create or verify -(%'+, c(%'+, and %(%'+ directories

% %

9.# 9.! 9.6

% % %

% % %

D&A! D&A! D&A! of !"

Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity the Target database (if refreshing existing db). 9.' 9.2 "reserve )b links in the e@isting target environment (if refreshing target db). "reserve )b user pass*or)s (for non-apps users) from e@isting target system (if desired) by running the following (if refreshing target db)B
s3lplus / as s'sd/a 4preser!e_d/_lin5s&s3l ..Creates d/lin5s&cs! s3lplus / as s'sd/a 4preser!e_p6&s3l ..Creates preser!e_p6_non_apps&s3l grep D7$S /etc/orata/ Enee) *ms top for parameter % % % % Scripts/Notes Dev? Test? ho?

D&A! D&A!

9. & "reserve the -. )aemons pass*or) files by running script (if refreshing target db)B


&/preser!e_6ms_pass_0iles&sh /opt/6ms_d6ms D7$S ECreates )ir *ms0pro)uct0=0F0>0)aemons0D -.


-ave spfile(ora and init(ora from target>destination database.

This will allow 3T:E4I:. to be able to write to these directories, etc.

m5dir init_/ac5up cp 8O)AC9"_:O$"/d/s/*&ora init_/ac5up/&


9. " Generate an) e)it the R-A/ )uplicate script. 9. ". /un the shell script

% %

% %

D&A! D&A!

" of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 9. "." Edit the ne* R-A/ shell an) comman) scripts generated by the +re+are_r'an_(%+licate)sh.

2-"3RTA/TB These scripts must be revie!ed and edited before running. Modify the followingB In all scri+ts, update the passwords, remembering that GauCillaryG refers to the ne* )b. In all scri+ts, verify that synta@ is correct. In the r'an_(%+licate)c'( file, correct directory path(s) that may have been generated incorrectly for some data files, and chec5 for duplicated Gset newna'eG clauses. In the r'an_(%+licate)c'( file, set until time (li5ely to time of last & bac5up of source db). In the r'an_(%+licate)sh file, modify the notification email addresses (if necessary). In the K)c'( files, verify that they will connect to the correct catalog (used for source db bac5ups).
!i !i !i !i !i clear_!ilesytems_;DU< rman_duplicate_;DU< rman_duplicate_;DU<S%D=.cmd add_temp!iles_;DU<S%D=.sql restore_archivelogs_;S)CS%D=_!or_;DU<S%D=. cmd *Onl' needed i0 reco!ering /e'ond rman duplicate timerestore_archivelogs_;S)CS%D=_!or_;DU<S%D=. sh *Onl' needed i0 reco!ering /e'ond rman duplicate time-

Dev? %

Test? %




7 of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 9. 7 ECport the table 433G:" from the destination>target database. 9. 9 IMP0/T$<TB Ta5e copy of one-off data from target>destination database. 9. # IMP0/T$<TB -ave contents of "C0 -.0.AVED0R3 - table. *.+, -AR the homes from the source s.stem (tar /cvf files to /o0t/orastage/cloning/"&'())
Scripts/Notes Save the export file for use after the refresh. Dev? % Test? % ho?

D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A!

/un -)S_S("#_$1-S.sql as w's_1_2_3_+r(4 This creates the PCE,M-E-$?.+E/0,- table. .@port .2_-)S_S("#,_$1-S table. -ave e@port file.

% %

% %







-. Clones $3uta#e .teps'

Clone Database Homes $soft*are'
Dev? Test?


9 of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity #. . #. ." #. .7 #. .9 H(!(H #. .! H(!(1 #. .6. #. .6." Disable the following &i# &rother alerts for the CLONE_SI "s host before beginning the refresh process. Disable the following &i# &rother alerts for the SO#$CE_SI "s host before creating tar files on the so%rce host. ?erify successful pre-clone bac5up of C:0<. db (if refreshing existing s.stem). .hut)o*n all target s.stem1s 3racle an) use the 0racle Home software. -. applications that
1NL' 1N *($3#* 4%NS*(N2# 0#%N3 2L1N#, *15 )(6# S/$# '1/ ($# N1* 1N S1/$2# Scripts/Notes Dev? % % % % % % % Test? % % % % % % % % % ho?

D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A!

Remove sub)irectories un)er oracle home )irectories( :/TAR the homes on the target system $tar ;Cvf files from /opt/orasta#e/clonin#/@.2DA' Recreate soft/symbolic links un)er the ne* homes on tar#et system( .nsure that any soft lin5s are pointing to the right homes ( fin( ) *t&+e l will list all the soft lin5s). /un to generate a script for rebuilding the soft lin5s for the new>refreshed 0/$C:.EH0M.. (2-"3RTA/T B Ma5e sure the 0/$C:.EH0M. directory is set correctly and e@ported.) <ow, e(it , exec%te (generated by re-%il(_soft_link)sh) to remove and rebuild the correct soft lin5s. (2-"3RTA/T B +o not run this unless you have reviewed it and edited any potential issues.) Relink all 0racle Homes for target.

!ind . -type l rebuild_so!

% %

#. .6.7



#. .'

D&A! # of !"

Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity H(% Clone Database from R-A/ backups $.EE .TE". &E43 '

/3TEB In this section, the database being refreshed>created will be referred to as the C43/E or A:I244AR5 database. The Clone -I+ will be referenced as the $3=I::$/% in the /M$< +uplicate scripts.

Dev? Dev?

Test? Test?



! of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity #.". #.". . Modify files and environment prior to /M$< restore (if creating ne! db clone). Copy init"&'().ora and config"&'().ora from source database to target database >opt>oracle>admin>, renaming the -I+ to the C:0<.E-I+. Modify init"&'().ora and config"&'().ora $dd the new instance to the /etc/oratab file. $dd -I+ for new instance to tnsnames.ora file. Perform an /M$< duplicate process, restoring files from -ource -ystemLs bac5ups to Target -ystem. Clear C:0<. dbLs file systems manually or with script $if refreshin# eCistin# )b'. (&/clear_0iles'stems_;C9O#"_S%D=&shCreate>/ecreate 0racle password file (orapwDC:0<.E-I+F) for C:0<. database. -tartup the C:0<. database in <0M03<T mode.
clear_0iles'stems_;C9O#"_S%D=&sh ** $A>" SU)" O#9? A)G" %S C9"A)"D ** % % % % Scripts/Notes Dev? % % Test? % % ho?

D&A! D&A!

#.". ." #.". .7 #.". .9 #."." #.".".

% % % % %

% % % % %

D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A!

#."."." #.".".7

D&A! D&A!

6 of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity #.".".9 /un /M$< duplicate script.
Scripts/Notes cd /!ar/ora6or5/cloning/;C9O#"_S%D=/ nohup 7pwd7/ 8 7pwd7/ 98:; : tail .0

Dev? %

Test? %



/3TE.B $ status notification will be emailed when doneJ however, the log files should be monitored to verify that the scripts are running correctly. AlsoJ if successfulJ the R-A/ Duplicate script *ill open the C43/E )atabase *ith RE.ET43G. an) create the temp files(
% % %

#.".".# #.".".!

Perform clean restart of target database. Modify M run a))0tempfiles0@.2DA(s,l to recreate temp files after refresh.
-o create add_tem0lates_"sid).s2l3 run the follo!ing 2uer.4 select @A9 ") AB9"S<AC" @AA ta/lespace_name AA@ ADD "$<B%9" @@@AA 0ile_nameAA@@@ S%C" @AA user_/'tes AA @ )"US"D@ 0rom d/a_temp_0ilesD %% Ma" not &e nee!e! i' RMAN !($li)ate ) eates te#$ 'iles*

D&A! D&A!

H(%(< #.".7.

&rin# up tar#et )atabase an) listener( Restore ol) init@.2DA(ora file preserved during the pre-outage steps.
BAC>U< 9OCA %O#: ___________________

% %

% %

D&A! D&A!

' of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity #.".7." Verify :T40724E0D2R settin#s in initD-I+F.ora match one-to-one with settings in the source environment.
Scripts/Notes o %0 directories exist in de!/test that are not similar to those in the source( the' can /e remo!ed *usuall'-& o Send a list o0 these directories to the users and DBA1 0or !eri0ication& $ote: The spfile.ora is needed to assure 10g features are available. Dev? % Test? % ho?


#.".7.7 #.".7.9

;uild>rebuild the spfile@.2DA(ora file on target from init.ora. -tart listener for the new instance. Modify port to not conflict with others. This port will be from the port pool selection. :istener name should be 4./R@.2DA.

% %

% %

D&A! D&A!


Reset Data .teps




2 of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity H(<(! #.7." Restore the )atabase pass*or)s +rop and create database lin5s using the script (if refreshing existing db). (rebuildEdbElin5s.sAl, chec5EdbElin5s.sAl, diff) 4ist )atabase links in tar#et $after clone'( Drop eCistin# )atabase links in tar#et( Recreate )atabase links - /un recreateEdbElin5s.sAl Verify )atabase links recreate_db_links.sql The following db lin5s must e@istB ./PI4 (owned by P3;:IC) ,M-IMPI4 (owned by ,M-IMP0/T) ,M-.=PI4 (owned by ,M-.=P0/T)


Dev? % %

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D&A! D&A!

H(<(%(! H(<(%(% #.7.".7 H(<(<

% % % %

% % % %

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Modify scripts for $I=>-olaris environment. (3pdate >etc>oratab with the new database and the correct ,M-E;$-. (i.e. wmsout, wms@wms, etc.).) Reset .e,uences Verify D& /ame is set correctly( Chec5 that O$._ .T./.SE_N.0E variable and name from vIdatabase point to right -I+. "C0 -.0.AVED0R3 .( 2mport save) )ata (ex+orte( in the 5re*Clone section). Restore save) )ata ro*s (ex+orte( in the 5re*Clone section). run -.0.E9:E/CE.(s,l as !ms*_5_6_0rd+ run "#$%&'_N()#.sql. Correct this if necessary. If table does not e@ist, create it. If table does e@ist, truncate it. import .2_-)S_S("#,_$1-S table run -)S_$#S*1$#_$1-S.sql as !ms*_5_6_0rd+


H(<(H #.7.!

D&A! D&A!

H(<(1 #.7.' #.7.2

5 5 5

5 5 5

D&A! D&A! D&A!

"& of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity H(<(!F Disable constraint $run as *ms=0F0>0pr)!' H(<(!! Truncate table 433G:" H(<(!% 3ver*rite contents of table 433G:" H(<(!< Enable constraint $run as *ms=0F0>0pr)!' H(= -. specific chan#es
Scripts/Notes Dev? Test? ho?

alter table wms4_0_9_prd1.sku_category disable constraint SKUCAT_LKUP_FK; Tr%ncate the LOO6#5 ta-le -efore i'+orting (ata I'+ort fro' (ata ex+orte( (%ring 5re*Clone ste+s) alter table wms4_0_9_prd1.sku_category enable constraint SKUCAT_LKUP_FK;

5 5 5 5

5 5 5 5

D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! ho?

" of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity H(=(! #.9." Verify that import Dob has *rite permissions on )irectory .dit the file /o+t/w's<si(!/-in/w's1_2_3_+rofile, changing the 70S_/.SE, L _LI/$.$8_5.T9, and the environments list as needed -- search for env variables with D-03/C.E-I+F (upper>lower case). /emove all the old daemon logs from >opt>wmsDsidF>product>9E&E2>daemons>log>. Modify parameter %tl_file_(ir in init.ora Ma5e sure to chmod 666 each directory listed in the utlEfileEdir parameter so that oracle can write to these locations. Copy password files from source database to target database /o+t/oracle/+ass/<CLONE_SI !. ?erify that passwords match the users in the database. -et the correct passwords for wms9E&E2Eprd , wmse@port, wmsimport, etc. /o+t/w's<si(!/+ro(%ct/1_2_3/(ae'ons/<SI !/= /un /o+t/oracle/local/w's_a('in/s>l/w's_verif&_config)s>l. ?erify that the new directories e@ist and that the new wmsDsidF user has write permissions to them. ?erify settings in the ,M- environment file (.profile) for ,M-E;$-., etc. 7inal Clone .teps wms_veri!y_con!ig.sql
For any of these directories that do not list, send and email to A S team as to !hether they should be created. Scripts/Notes Permission on ;6ms. top=/product/4_+_2/daemons/log must be 111 Dev? Test? ho?



D&A! D&A!

#.9.7 #.9.9 #.9.# #.9.!

% %

% %

D&A! D&A!

3ptionalB /estore preserved password files from

/var/orawork/cloning/<CLONE_SI !/w's_+ro(%ct_1_2_3_(a e'ons_:;CLONE_SI <


#.9.6 #.9.'

% %

% %

D&A! D&A!

#.9.2 H(H

% Dev?

% Test?

D&A! ho?

"" of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity #.#. #.#." #.#.7 #.#.9 H(H(H #.#.! #.#.6 H(H(8 #.#.2 Recompile all obDects in Database( (I0/$C:.EH0M.>rdbms>admin>utlrp.sAl) Modify *lobal tnsnames -- Create entry in global tnsnames for new database (not needed if this is a refresh). &rin# co)e up;to;)ate6 /eapply C/$*s that have not gone to Production yet. -tartup the ,M- daemons for the C:0<.. (/efer to current ,Mstartup instructions on the +;$ -harepoint.) :nbreak D&A0?3& for master sche)uler /esync or /ecreate /M$< catalog (for refreshed db) Cleanup T$/*.T H0M.- and /emove wor5 files Verify output to :T40724E )irectories $dd database listener information to /var/opt/oracle/orarun Modify utlEfileEdir to point to the proper directories, as needed.


Dev? % %

Test? % %


D&A! D&A! CG D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A!



% %

% %








K ER" Clones $"re;3uta#e .teps'

!. !." /otify users of planne) D&/Applications )o*ntime (if refreshing an existing instance). 2n#rian console access - ?erify that you have access to both production and development Ingrian consoles, and that a <$. DsidFuser e@ists for the target database.
% %

D&A! D&A%

"7 of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity !.7 K(<(! ,.* !.# !.! /otify "CG in a)vance so they can preserve the users using Chainlin5. "rovi)e list of CRAGs to "CG that *ill be applie) to .ource Environment )urin# the *eek of the refresh( 7acku0 ER user records. Verify Tar#et Database &ackups -- .nsure that the last level & /M$< bac5up completed successfully for the Target database. Ensure Tar#et system has proper file systems an) users confi#ure) (right owner ship, permission and file system space reAuired have to be in place). >opt>ingrian, >opt>oracle>, "reserve the BA""40T3"/a)min/TARGET0.2D0hostname(Cml If it e@ists as it will speed up the process of the refresh. There will be no need to create the =M: for a refresh>clone if the environment already e@ists. Compare e@isting @ml file with source @ml to ma5e sure that there are no discrepancies.
Script Locations -/opt/oracle/local/d/clone/* /opt/orastage/cloning/scripts Scripts/Notes Dev? Test? ho?

% These C$.?s will -ring the Target Environ'ent %+*to*(ate with the So%rce) %se 6itana/ChainLink to co+& fro' so%rce to a te'+orar& location


D&A! A(& CG D&A! D&A!





!.' !.2

Create cloning directory under /var/ora*ork/clonin#/@.2DA. Copy an) :p)ate clonin# scripts and $+- scripts from script locations on mdlu@9.

% % %

% % %

D&A! D&A! D&A!

!. & "reserve )b links ; /unning the -N: script 0reserve_db_links.s2l creates a C-? file (db_links.csv) that contains the +%-lic and +rivate db lin5 information. !. "reserve pass*or)s - .@tract passwords from e@isting test system, for non-apps users (if desired). ,hile $PP- users are e@cluded from the change, system users are not.


preserve_pw.sql Note@ This generates the new scri+tA +reserve_+w_non_a++s)s>lA which can be run after the refresh is com0lete to reset the


"9 of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity !. " -ave contents of tables "C3E("C02/TER7ACE0.ET:".J "C3E("C0724E0&:24D0"R3CE..E.J "C3E("C0CT20D/2.J "C3E("C0CT20TRA/.7ER. !. 7 -ave spfile(ora and init(ora from target>destination database. K(!<(! "RE.ERVE /AE :.ER "ER-2..23/. !. 9 2-"3RTA/T6 Ta5e copy of one-off data from target>destination database. !. # 2-"3RTA/T6 -ave contents of "C0ER"0.AVED0R3 - table. !. ! -ave C:.T.5.(env file from destination. !. !. tar or cpio0Lip the homes from the so%rce system $tar Mcvf can replace cpio on A2I'
Scripts/Notes Dev? Test? ho?

0ass!ords to their original values. .@port tables from target>destination


This will allow 3T:E4I:. to be able to write to these directories, etc.


% 5

D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! ho?

/un .$._S("#_$1-S.sql as a++s This creates the PCE./PE-$?.+E/0,- table. .@port .2_#$._S("#,_$1-S table. -ave e@port file. *rep for sid in >etc>oratab to determine correct >op>custDsidF dir for the target instance 2-"3RTA/T6 0n D& and 7orms .ervers

% % %

% % %

"# of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity !. !. . Tar from >opt>oracle>product>applD-03/C.E-I+F> &.".& (or current +; tier home)
Scripts/Notes Dev? % % % % % % % % % % Test? % % % % % % % % % % ho?

D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A!

!. !. ." Tar from >opt>oracle>product>applD-03/C.E-I+ -I+F>'.&.! !. !. .7 Tar from >opt>oracle>product>applD-03/C.E-I+ -I+F>i$!. !. .9 Tar from >opt>applD-03/C.E-I+F>apps !. !. .# Tar from >opt>applD-03/C.E-I+F>Djd5 directoryF !. !. .! Tar from >opt>applD-03/C.E-I+F>comn !. !. .6 Tar from >opt>custD-03/C.E-I+F>K !. !. .' Tar from >opt>custEprd>K or >opt>custEint">K !. !. .2 Tar from >opt>oracle>product>dev!& (if new server 0<:%) K(!K(% "reserve the conteCt file $@.2DA0@serverA(Cml' !. !.7 "reserve 2n#rian vie*s an) tri##ers (as apps) from Tar#et( preserve_ingrian_views.sql preserve_ingrian_triggers.sql





1 ER" Clones $3uta#e .teps'

1(! Clone Database Tier
Dev? Test?


"! of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 6. . 6. . . 6. . ." 6. . .7 6. . .9 6. . .# 6. . .! 6. . .6 6. . .' 1(!(% untar or cpio0unLip the homes on the target system $tar MCvf can replace cpio on A2I' 3nTar >opt>oracle>product>applDT$/*.TE-I+F> &.".& 3nTar >opt>oracle>product>applD T$/*.TE-I+F>'.&.! 3nTar >opt>oracle>product>applD T$/*.TE-I+F>i$3nTar >opt>applD T$/*.T E-I+F>apps 3nTar >opt>applD-03/C.E-I+F>Djd5 directoryF 3nTar >opt>applD T$/*.T E-I+F>comn 3nTar >opt>oracle>product>dev!& (if new server 0<:%) 3nTar >opt>custD T$/*.T E-I+F>K Replace entire custom co)e tree $for Test refreshes' +; Tier - mdlu@9 4orms Tier - namidl7 c>namidl7 d 4rom 4orms TierB IPC0.ET0P>binJ IPC0.ET0P>formsJ IPC0.ET0P>lib +; Tier - namids' b 4orms Tier - namidl7"a 4rom 4orms TierB IPC0.ET0P>binJ IPC0.ET0P>formsJ IPC0.ET0P>lib
Scripts/Notes Dev? % % % % % % % % % Test? % % % % % % % % % % ho?

D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A!


3verlay custom co)e tree $for Dev refreshes'


1(!(= 6. .9. 6. .9."

-o)ify perms un)er custom co)e tree( -et perms to 66# for Test. -et perms to 666 for +ev.
chmod E) FFG /opt/cust_;sid=/apps 0ind /opt/cust;sid=/apps Ename H*&progI A xargs chmod FGG chmod E) FFF /opt/cust_;sid=/apps

% %

D&A! D&A! "6 of !"

Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 1(!(H 6. .#. 6. .#." 6. .#.7 1(!(K 1(!(1 6. .6. 6. .6." :p)ate custom environment files( 3pdate the custom-I+.env in I$PP:ET0P to reflect changes on -I+. 3pdate the >opt>cust-I+>apps>C3-T-%-.env for the new +;. Ma5e sure to retarget C0+. (end of file) -- Berif& with . S. 3pdate :5CC#ST_TO5/ar/C)2)4DE/vertex/)+asswor( file. Verify that the file B"CC:.T0T3"/oe/=(F(!1%/bin/"C3E.5FHJ has no references to the source )b or host( Recreate soft/symbolic links un)er the ne* homes on tar#et system( .nsure that any soft lin5s are pointing to the right homes ( fin( ) *t&+e l will list all the soft lin5s). /un to generate a script for rebuilding the soft lin5s for the new>refreshed 0/$C:.EH0M.. (2-"3RTA/T B Ma5e sure the 0/$C:.EH0M. directory is set correctly and e@ported.) <ow, e(it , exec%te (generated by re-%il(_soft_link)sh) to remove and rebuild the correct soft lin5s. (2-"3RTA/T B +o not run this unless you have reviewed it and edited any potential issues.) !ind . -type l rebuild_so!
Scripts/Notes Dev? % % % % % % % % Test? % % % % % % % % ho?

D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A!

6. .6.7



"' of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 6. .6.9 ?erify M manually correct softlin5s if necessary for links that point to fn)cpesr(


Relink all 3racle Homes for tar#et( $see a00endix for detailed instructions' /elin5 !F(%(F 3racle Home

6. .'.

6. .'." 6. .'.7 1(!(>

/elin5 iA. Home /elin5 8FK Home Clone )atabase from .ource .ystem to Tar#et .ystem(

9ocations to chec5: 8<CA<_ O<//in( 8<CBO$_ O<//in( 8<C"CO$_ O<//in( 8<CBA_ O<//in( 8<CB#D_ O<//in( 8<CG9_ O<//in( 8<CO"_ O<//in( 8<C%#J_ O<//in( 8<C<O_ O<//in( 8<C7%<_ O<//in /3TE6 These instructions are based on Metalin5 /ote <FFFK%(! G9ow To Clone .n Existing $ /0S Installation #sing O#IG. Please review this note. '8 $R-A%-@ This is 'ore than F%st r%nning relink) Gollow (etaile( instr%ctions in .++en(ix) $e'e'-er to have #nix .('ins +erfor' after relink ste+s) '8 $R-A%-@ This is 'ore than F%st r%nning relink) Gollow (etaile( instr%ctions in .++en(ix) '8 $R-A%-@ This is 'ore than F%st r%nning relink) Gollow (etaile( instr%ctions in .++en(ix) :se one of the approaches belo*6 /M$< +uplicate ;C? -plit M Copy from -ource (source must be in Hot ;ac5up Mode during split) Hot ;ac5up and scp from -ource (mount to mount copy) Cold ;ac5up and scp from -ource (reAuires outage on source)

Dev? %

Test? %





% % %

% % %

D&A! D&A! D&A!

6. . & Remove/Comment;out any pro)uction references in the tnsnames(ora file until you are certain that production references in the cloned instance are removed.


"2 of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 6. . &rin# up )atabase as TARGET .2D (ignore this step if /M$< duplicate was used to copy datafiles).
Scripts/Notes Dev? % % % Test? % % % % % % % % ho?

D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A!

1(!(!% :p)ate /etc/oratab *ith the ne* )atabase( -ake sure to inclu)e the correcthomeJ cust0@.2DAJ an) appropriate )escription( 1(!(!< Run the follo*in# as A"". user in the D& to clean out ol) no)es 6. . 7. ;rea5 all dbms jobs (Can run -reak_Fo-s)s>l as the $PP- user) break_ obs.sql clean_node&s3l This is VER5 important( No link sho%l( +oint to the original so%rce (estinations) recreate_db_links.sql Ma5e sure there is a - correspondence of the functioning lin5s only, and that the new lin5s point to the correct +ev>Test instance. These lin5s will be recreated with the ne@t autoconfig run.

% % % % %

6. . 7." .=.C 4<+EC0<CEC:0<..-.T3PEC:.$<J C0MMITJ (or >var>orawor5>cloning>DsidF>cleanEnode.sAl) 6. . 9 2n TARGET D& 3/45 -- Drop A44 current links (e@cept for $PPlin5s created by $uto Config). 1(!(!H Recreate )atabase links ; Run recreate0)b0links(s,l 6. . #. .@tract list of +; lin5s currently in the database, and compare to database lin5s e@tracted in the pre-clone steps.

6. . #." The two private $PP- lin5sB $PP-ET0E$PP-.,0/:+, .+,E$PP-ET0E,H.,0/:+ lin5s do not need to be recreated, as they are created by autoconfig. 1(!(!K -o)ify the ConteCt 7ile $BA""40T3"/a)min/.2D0hostname(Cml' ; 9or a ne! clone3 or if :oa_context_version: is different in source1s context file.


7& of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 1(!(!1 -o)ify the ConteCt 7ile in D& Home $B3RAC4E0H3-E/appsutil/scripts/.2D0hostname(Cml' ; 9or a ne! clone3 or if :oa_context_version: is different in source1s context file. 6. . ' Run autoconfi# for D& home on the D& tier $as oram#r' ($:T./<$T. $PP/0$CHB see appendi@) IMP0/T$<TB +;-Tier $uto Config. must run successfully before you can continue. 1(!(!8(! Verify that environment variables are correct in (env file( 6. . '." /un I0/$C:.EH0M.>appsutil>scripts>D-I+FEDhostnameF>adautocfg. sh 1(!(!> Run autoconfi# for A""40T3" on the apps tier $as appl@si)A' 6. . 2. Ma5e sure that >opt>erpcommon>DsidF>log>DsidFEDhostnameF e@ists with 666 permissions. This directory should match the instance being cloned from.
Scripts/Notes Dev? % Test? % ho?



% %

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% %

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D&A! D&A!

1(!(!>(% Verify that environment variables are correct in (env file( 6. . 2.7 /un I$+ET0P>bin> 6. . 2.9 ?iew :og for any errors The afadmprf error indicates a duplicate profile value and can be solved by doing the followingB +.:.T. 4/0M applsys.fndEprofileEoptionEvalues ,H./. applicationEidO& $<+ profileEoptionEidO &2 $<+ levelEidO &&& $<+ lastEupdatedEbyO"J commitJ

% % %

% % %

D&A! D&A! D&A!

7 of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 6. . 2.# $dd the following line to applDsidF .profile fileB >opt>oracle>local>bin>orasid D-I+F -- <ew Clone only 6. ."& Chan#e #lobal )atabase name as .5.( $:T./ +$T$;$-. /.<$M. *:0;$:E<$M. T0 D-I+F.,0/:+J 1(!(%! Restore necessary pass*or)s( 6. ." . Modify sys>system bac5 to prior version (of target) if it differs from the source system
Scripts/Notes Dev? % % % % Test? % % % % % ho?

D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A!

6. ." ." 3se 4<+CP$-- to change the APPS and APPLSYS passwords: 4<+CP$-- apps>Dapps pwF & % system>Dsystem passwordF -%-T.M $PP:-%- DpasswordF

!ndcpassgen.sql After running FNDCPASS, make sure that all the i user passwords e!cept for those "D#, $D%&$P, P"&'AL(), P"&'AL()*SS" and C'+SYS ha,e not changedpreserve_pw_non_apps.sql

.- -/ -( 0f 1ou preser,ed non2apps oracle user passwords prior to clone, run the password script 34,ar4orawork4cloning45sid64preser,e*pw*non*apps-s7l8 generated from the pre2clone step6. ." .9 2n Dev6 /eset common passwords to appsFapps6. ."" After chan#in# apps pass*or) r%n a%toconfig to up)ate the proper files( $9"A:*'"P4admin4scripts4S0D*hostname4adautocfg-sh8 1(!(%< :p)ate .ite /ame profile $3*ner N A"".'



% % %

D&A! D&A!

update 0nd_pro0ile_option_!alues set pro0ile_option_!alue K@; A)G" _S%D= cop' o0 <)<, ;DA "=@ 6here <)OB%9"_O< %O#_%DK,1GD


7" of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 1(!(%= Clean out Concurrent -ana#ers 6. ."9. /un the following -N: to complete all pending>running reAuests. Update appls's&0nd_concurrent_re3uests set <:AS"_COD"K@C@( S A US_COD"K@D@ 6here phase_code in *@<@(@)@(@%@-D
Scripts/Notes Dev? % % Test? % % ho?

D&A! D&A!

6. ."9." Cmclean.sAl from oracle metalin5 should be run as well. Metalin5 recommends that this file is re-downloaded periodically as it is subject to change over time. 6. ."9.7 .nsure all jobs that are running or pending are cancelled. 6. ."9.9 /un >var>orawor5>cloning>DsidF>updEfcAs.sAl to reduce the number of managers running from production levels. ($s5 $+->PC* to reduce the number of snapshot wor5ers, if necessary.) Gor exa'+leA in TE$5A the n%'-er of Stan(ar( 0anagers is set to 42) S"9"C count**- B)O$ appls's&0nd_concurrent_re3uests 7:")" phase_code in *@<@(@)@(@%@-D


D&A! D&A!

77 of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 1(!(%H .tart the 3racle 4istener from -%&_A(8'% ; <$RAC#E_=$8E/net!ork/admin/"&'()_"hostname)
& orasid ;S%D= export #S_AD$%#K<1$(2L#_=1)#/network/admin/>S%,8_>h ostname8 lsnrctl start LSN$>S%,8

Dev? %

Test? %



'8 $R-A%-@ The listener)ora '%st contain the Ext5roc setting as shown -elowH otherwiseA Ingrian will generate connection , +er'ission errors@
&&& S%D_9%S _9S#) ")< K *S%D_9%S K *S%D_D"SC K *O)AC9"_:O$"K /opt/oracle/product/applterp/,+&1&+*S%D_#A$" K ")<*S%D_D"SC K *S%D_#A$" K <9S"xt<roc*O)AC9"_:O$" K /opt/oracle/product/applterp/,+&1&+4envs?@#A*.$12_,LLS?(N'BL,_L%0$($'_.(* =?/opt/oracle/product/applterp/;C.9.C/ libD/opt/cust_terp/apps/ar/E.C.;F9/ver tex/lib@5 *<)OG)A$ K extproc-

1(!(%K Truncate Table "C0ER"0.AVED0R3 .( 6. ."6 2mport save) )ata (ex+orte( in the 5re*Clone section).

If table does not e@ist, create it. If table does e@ist, truncate it. import .2_#$._S("#,_$1-S table

5 5

5 5

D&A! D&A!

79 of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 6. ."' Restore save) )ata ro*s (ex+orte( in the 5re*Clone section). 1(% 1(%(! 1(%(% 2n#rian Confi#uration 2n#rian Decryption/Encription ;; 3/45 27 RE9:2RED "oint the 2nstance to the Dev 2n#rian Device >erif. !ith #evel ? before continuing
su . oramgr " loo#up ingrian db user p!d
cd /opt/ingrian/4L+/%ngrian/DB





run .$._$#S*1$#_$1-S.sql as a00s



D&A! ho? D&A% D&A!

5 5 5


1(%(< 1(%(=

7iC the 2n#rian 4ibrary settin#s Verify the 2n#rian 4ibrary settin#s( /o reference to the source )b shoul) sho* up( C3RRECT /AE :.ER "ER-2..23/. 2..:E .crub )ata for )ev/test

cd /opt/ingrian/4L+/%ngrian/DB

s3lplus / as s'sd/a S#L#2* G &$1) dba_libraries -=#$# owner ? H%N3$%(NHI BD

5 5

5 5

D&A! D&A!

1(%(H 1(<

Dev? Test?

D&A! ho?

7# of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 6.7. Drop "C0OC3:/T tables (as apps)( PCE/0,I+EC03<T for 5ey rotations. PCECC<3MEC03<T for CC scrubbing. PCE.M$I:EC03<T for email scrubbing.
Scripts/Notes Dev? Test? ho?

,$1. *(0L# .2_$1-%,_21/N*I ,$1. *(0L# .2_22N/)_21/N*I ,$1. *(0L# .2_#)(%L_21/N*I


6.7." 6.7.7 6.7.9 6.7.# 6.7.! 6.7.6 1(=

Drop in)eCes on CRED2T0CARD0/:-&ER0/E system). Run scrub scripts for cre)it car)s (as apps). .crub E-A24 (as apps). .crub HR )ata (as apps). Recreate 2n#rian vie*s an) tri##ers (as apps).

columns (as

run drop_pc_indexes.sql as system run .$._S2$/0_22N/).sql as apps EI"ECTED R:/ T2-E6 9 hoursP run .$._S2$/0_#)(%L.sql as apps run .$._S2$/0_=$.sql as apps recreate_pc_ingrian_views.sql recreate_pc_ingrian_triggers.sql

5 5 5 5 5 5
Dev? Test?

D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! ho?

Recreate in)eCes on CRED2T0CARD0/:-&ER0/E (as system). "ost;.crub Verification


run the following as system -pc_payments_enc_indexes.sql pc_customer_credit_cards_enc_indexes.sql

7! of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 6.9. Verify in)eCes eCist for encrypted base tables
Scripts/Notes Dev? Test? ho?

"%N$& 0ND$+*NA#$ 222222222222222222222222222222 222222222222222222222222222222 "N' 0N;*0D+*<= "N' "$*"&D$&*:$AD$&S*N "N' "$*"&D$&*:$AD$&S*N< "N' "$*"&D$&*:$AD$&S*> "N' "$*"&D$&*:$AD$&S*N= "N' "$*"&D$&*:$AD$&S*N? "N' "$*"&D$&*:$AD$&S*N( "N' "$*"&D$&*:$AD$&S*N/ "N' "$*"&D$&*:$AD$&S*N@ "N' "$*"&D$&*:$AD$&S*N. "N' "$*"&D$&*:$AD$&S*>/ PCP"S 0N;*0D+*<? PCP"S P"SP#'*PA PCP"S P"SP#'*P"S:D&*FA*0 PCP"S PC*P"SP#'*P"SDS''&N'*FA*0 PCP"S PC*P"SP#'*P"S;LPS':D*FA*0 PCP"S PC*P"SP#'*;LCC*FA*0 PC"$ 0N;*0D+*</ PC"$ 0N;*0D+*<( PC"$ P#N'*&CP';&P*FA*0 PC"$ P#N'*&A*FA*0 PC"$ P#N'*P#N'*FA*0 PC"$ P#N'*PA PC"$ P#N'*PC:D&S*FA*0 PC"$ P#N'*CC#S*FA *0 PC"$ P#N'*APS*FA*0


76 of !"

Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 6.9." Verify tri##ers eCist for encrypted base tables


Ex0ected $ut0ut4
"%N$& '&0;;$&*NA#$ 222222222222222222222222222222 222222222222222222222222222222 PC"$ PC*PAY#$N'S*0NS*'&0; PC"$ PC*PAY#$N'S*>PD*'&0; PC"$ PC*C>S'*C&$D0'*CA&DS*>PD*'&0; PC"$ PC*C>S'*C&$D0'*CA&DS*0NS*'&0; PCP"S PC*P"S*PAY#$N'S*0NS*'&0; PCP"S PC*P"S*PAY#$N'S*>PD*'&0; "N' "$*"&D$&*:$AD$&S*ALL*>PD*'&0; "N' "$*"&D$&*:$AD$&S*ALL*0NS*'&0;


Verify P":&P tri##er is correct (0.E0/+./EH.$+./-E$::EI<-ET/I*).

OE_O$ E$_9E. E$S_.LL_INS_T$I? nee(s to have the following val%e for the col%'n O$?_I )
%n "(L/#S clause o! %NS#$* statement #J9 *:#"7&MO)G_%DM( O_#U$B") *D"COD" *SUBS )B *US")"#J *@C9%"# _%#BO@-( ,( ,-( @ @( #U99( SUBS )B *US")"#J *@C9%"# _%#BO@-( ,( ,+ - - - -(



Verify that 2n#rian *orks(

1(=(H 1(H

Verify encrypte) tables are visible for pro)uction support by applyin# #rants( Reset Data .teps

/un .$._%N3$%(N_2=#26.sql as a00s If errors, this needs to be fi@ed. Contact :evel " if necessary /un .$._3$(N*S.sql as s.s




D&A! ho? 7' of !"

Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 6.#. 1(H(% Reset .e,uences (as apps) to start at Ma@ (ingErowEid)P . Reset VerteC 4ibrary
Scripts/Notes Dev? Test? ho?

1(H(< 6.#.9

Verify VerteC A"2 *orks Verify D& /ame is set correctly( Chec5 that O$._ .T./.SE_N.0E variable and name from vIdatabase point to right -I+. Restore save) C:.T.5.(env file( Truncate tables6 "C02/TER7ACE0.ET:".J "C0724E0&:24D0"R3CE..E.J "C0CT20D/2.J "C0CT20TRA/.7ER. 3ver*rite contents of "C02/TER7ACE0.ET:".J "C0724E0&:24D0"R3CE..E.J "C0CT20D/2.J "C0CT20TRA/.7ER.( 7inal Clone .teps

run .$._S#*)%N_%N3_S#J/#N2#S.sql as apps run .$._"#$*#A.sql. ,ill prompt for verte@Etop twiceC echo BVERTEI0T3" from the os (after running orasid Dtarget-sidF) run "#$*#A_2=#26.sql. -hould return with a ta@ rate. run "#$%&'_N()#.sql. Correct this if necessary. Save( (%ring 5re*Clone ste+s /efore i'+orting in next ste+A +lease tr%ncate the ta-les first) I'+ort fro' (ata ex+orte( (%ring 5re*Clone ste+s)

5 5

5 5

D&A! D&A!

5 5

5 5

D&A! D&A!

1(H(H 1(H(K

5 5

5 5

D&A! D&A!







72 of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 1(K(! 1(K(% 1(K(< 1(K(= .et the number of concurrent mana#er *orkers to +5 for the &tandard 8anager( Recompile all obDects Restart an) verify applications( Confi#ure/Reset Database in R-A/ catalo# for TARGET( s3lplus M/ as s'sd/aM 4N/rd/ms/admin/utlrp&s3l %).1$*(N*D here should /e N1 #$$1$S 0rom the adstrtal&sh script output& ?erify that the netbac5up lin5 is in place. cd 8O)AC9"_:O$"/li/ ls .ltr li/o/5* Perform a resync catalog and possibly an upgrade catalog (if refreshed from a later version of 0racle) 3se Gintana/Chainlink from saved destination -et system profile %2ADSession *imeout to =8F
Scripts/Notes Dev? Test? ho?

5 5 5 5

5 5 5 5

D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A!

1(K(H 1(K(K 6.!.6 1(K(8

Restore ER" user recor)s .et #reater 7orms session timeout &rin# co)e up;to;)ate6 /eapply C/$*s that have not gone to Production yet. Enable &ypass Dobs

5 5 5

5 5 5 5


o o

.nable /eAuestsB

o o

.nable /eAuest -etsB

0M- 3nit Test - 4ull 0rder Cycle 0M- 3nit Test - 0rder Cycle ;efore ,Mo ,M0M- 3nit Test - 0rder Cycle $fter

9& of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 1(K(> Enable Ecom 3r)er :ploa) ?ob
Scripts/Notes Dev? Test? ho?

1(K(!F Create testin# ER" note 1(K(!! Verify Chainlink )atabase links still function 1(K(!% Verify that TER"042/G )atabase link in "2C- is still functional(

3nder the Q"C M Ecom ResponsibilityR, start the concurrent set Q"C6 EC3- 3r)er :ploa) .etR and sche(%le it to r%n ever& 4D 'in%tes) /un S#N,_*1_-)S_N1*#S.sql terp0link, )erp0link, cerp0link, uerp0link from P0;M are able to pull. This lin5 connects as the EC3-0:".E44 user in T./P. $fter a database clone of T./P or password change in T./P, this database lin5 needs to be on the list of objects to rebuild with the correct password. If necessary, rebuild the database lin5 T./PE:I<1 in the PICM database with the correct password. This needs to be done in the following schemas in PICMB $*EICM, 4PEICM, ;CEICM, H,EICM.


5 5 5 5


9 of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 6.!. 7 Verify that all )atabase links are *orkin# correctlyB select * 0rom dual4;d/lin5_name=D

The follo*in# must *orkB /cecom_lin5 /cestg_lin5 0pecom_lin5 0pestg_lin5 m/ecom_lin5 m/estg_lin5 pcecom_lin5 pcestg_lin5 oms_clu/_re0_lin5 oms_ecom_/0c_lin5 oms_md6_lin5 oms_6ms_in!_lin5 sa/olin5 6e/mgr_lin5 6msi0 /un "#$%&'_&-0_L%N6.sql -hould return a number ?erifies lin5 .C"0ER"02TE-0EITRACT. Modify utlEfileEdir to point to the proper directories, as needed.

Dev? 5

Test? 5



1(K(!= Verify that the links from 7 & still *ork


1(K(!H Verify output to :T40724E )irectories 6.!. ! $dd database listener information to /var/opt/oracle/orarun 1(K(!1 Verify that "C03E03-.072IERF! is runnin# 1(K(!8 &ook an 3-. 3r)er usin# a ne* customer( 1(K(!> &ook an &ook2T 3r)er(

% % % %

% % % %

D&A! D&A! A(& A(& A(&

9" of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 1(K(%F Run booke) or)er throu#h or)er cycle to "ick Release Task/Activity
Scripts/Notes Scripts/Notes Dev? % Test? % ho?




8 C3- Clones $"re;3uta#e .teps'

'. '." 8(< 8(<(! 8(<(% 8(<(< 8(<(= 8(<(H /otify users of planne) D&/Applications )o*ntime (if refreshing an existing instance). Verify Tar#et Database &ackups -- .nsure that the last level & /M$< bac5up completed successfully for the Target database. "reserve all /ee)e) Database Content/2nformation .ave user pass*or)s .ave contents of tables "C7T"("C02/TER7ACE0.ET:".J "C7T"("C0724E0&:24D0"R3CE..E. 2-"3RTA/T6 Take copy of one;off )ata from tar#et/)estination )atabase( 2-"3RTA/T6 .ave contents of "C0C3-0.AVED0R3 . table( "reserve *ebm#r )ata

-ample scripts can be found at naberi' dB>var>orawor5>cloning>:C0M unless otherwise noted

% % Dev? preser!e_p6&s3l % % Test?

D&A! D&A! ho? D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A!

% % % % %

% % % % %

.@port tables from target>destination /un #21)_S("#_$1-S.sql as s&s (namids' bB>opt>orastage>cloning>$+-Escripts). This creates the PCEC0ME-$?.+E/0,- table. .@port .2_21)_S("#,_$1-S table. -ave e@port file. ,rite down values for serverEname, invalidationEport and invalidationEpassword for webmgr.pcEwebEcacheEservers table in target database. These will be used to restore original values after refresh. Ta5e note of the values for :ogE:evel and :ogE4ile in the I<*/I$<.I<*EP/0P./T% table.

8(<(K 8(=

"reserve 2n#rian )ata Clone Database an) .oft*are Homes $only if re,ueste)'



D&A! ho? 97 of !"

Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity '.9. '.9." 8(H Tar up B3RAC4E soft*are home on source system an) untar on tar#et Re,uest that "CG sync up ***0@si)A on tar#et from source "repare 2nit 7ile an) Confi#ure R-A/ Duplicate .cript <0T.B In this section, the database being refreshed>created will be referred to as the T$/*.T database. The database the refresh is coming from will be referenced as the -03/C. database.
Scripts/Notes Dev? Test? ho?

% %

% %

D&A! D&A! ho?


Verify full backup of source )atabase


99 of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 8(H(% Create pfile from spfile on tar#et system an) e)it pfile
Scripts/Notes Dev? Test? ho?

-N:F create pfileOSI0/$C:.EH0M.>dbs>initD-I+F.ora.refresh S from spfile. $dd the following lines to the pfileB controlEfilesOTPDT$/*.TE-I+FE+$T$& S,TPDT$ /*.TE-I+FE+$T$& S dbEfileEnameEconvertO(TPD-03/C.E-I+FE+$T $& S,SPDT$/*.TE-I+FE+$T$& S) logEfileEnameEconvertO(TPD-03/C.E-I+FE+$T $& S,SPDT$/*.TE-I+FE+$T$& S) logEfileEnameEconvertO(TPD-03/C.E-I+FE4:$ -H& S,SPDT$/*.TE-I+FE4:$-H& S) -ample pfileB naberi' dB I0/$C:.EH0M.>dbs>init:C0M.ora.refresh > var>orawor5>cloning>D-I+F>rmanEduplicateED-I+F .cmd e.g. last seAuence in log is &# so enter Cuntil seAuence &!



Verify rman script can connect to tar#etJ auCiliary an) catalo#


8(H(= 8(H(H

-o)ify script *ith se,uence number one past last se,uence number liste) in backup lo# on source system Verify that pfile path specifies ne*ly create) init@.2DA(ora(refresh

D&A! D&A!






> C3- Clones $3uta#e .teps'

>(! "repare Tar#et Database an) Run R-A/ Duplicate .cript
Dev? Test?

ho? 9# of !"

Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 2. . 2. ." 0n target, shutdown database and start in <0M03<T mode with new pfile /emove target database files from $-M

startup nomount pfileOSI0/$C:.EH0M.>dbs>initD-I+F.ora.refresh S

& orasid OAS$_;S")J")= asmcmd cd ; A)G" _S%D=_DA A+,/;S%D=

Dev? %

Test? %



2-"3RTA/T6 &e eCtremely careful an) verify that this is the correct location of the tar#et )atabase files to be remove)( The A.control mana#es the files for all )atabases on the server( The follo*in# steps *ill remove the )atabase in the )irectory chosen( cd datafile pwd (?erify that this is the correct location) rm K cd into controlfile, tempfile, onlinelog, etc. pwd (?erify again that you are in the correct location) rm K

9! of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 2. .7 /un /M$< duplicate script
Scripts/Notes / !ar/ora6or5/cloning/;S%D=/rman_duplicate _;S%D=&sh tail

Dev? %

Test? %




/3TE.B $ status notification will be emailed when doneJ however, the log files should be monitored to verify that the scripts are running correctly. AlsoJ if successfulJ the R-A/ Duplicate script *ill open the C43/E )atabase *ith RE.ET43G. an) create the temp files $The status notification may come back as unsuccessful if there is a problem releasin# channelsJ but as lon# as the process opens the )atabase an) restores all filesJ it is successful'(
% Dev? % Test?

2. .9 2."

If the rman duplicate does not complete successfully, shutdown database, remove datafiles, and startup nomount before retrying ?erify Target +atabase is 0pened with -P4I:. and /estore +ata

D&A! ho?

96 of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 2.". 2."." -hutdown database immediately after successful completion of /M$< duplicate Modify pfile with newly created controlfiles
cd 8O)AC9"_:O$"/d/s !i init;S%D=&ora&re0esh control_0ilesKPO;S%D=_DA A+,/;S%D=/contro l0ile/Current&QQQ&QQQQQQQQQP(P O;S%D=_DA A+,/;S%D=/control0ile/Current&Q QQ&QQQQQQQQQP #e6 control0iles can /e 0ound in AS$ *asmcmd-& SR9= Startup p0ileKPinit;S%D=&ora&re0reshP create sp0ileKPO;S%D=_DA A+,/;S%D=/sp0ile;S%D=&o ra 0rom p0ileKPinit;S%D=&ora&re0reshP init;S%D=&ora should point to the AS$ S<B%9" location *S<B%9"KPO;S%D=_DA A+,/;S%D=/sp0ile;S%D=& oraPrestore_user_p6&s3l est data/ase lin5 to connects to ")< instance ma5e sure it % % Scripts/Notes Dev? Test? ho?


2.".7 2.".9

-tart database with modified pfile Create spfile from pfile

% %

% %

D&A! D&A!

2.".# 2.".! 2.".6

/estore the database user passwords +rop and recreate database lin5 ./PE:I<1 to reference correct database /ecover java grants data

% % %

% % %

D&A! D&A! D&A!

%mport <C_DBA_SAJ"D_)O7S ta/le that 6as sa!ed in step ,&1&1( or run S%D=_<ost_Sa!a&s3l& Su/stitute appropriate cust_;sid= in 0irst line o0 script&

9' of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 2.".' 3pdate webmgr table
Scripts/Notes Update ser!er_name and in!alidation_port columns in 6e/mgr&pc_6e/_cache_ser!ers ta/le& Use !alues recorded in step T&L&G& Update <CB <&<C_%# ")BAC"_S" U<S and <CB <&<C_B%9"_BU%9D_<)OC"SS"S 6ith sa!ed contents 0rom step ,&1&, ingrian_li/s&s3l as %ngrian user& Su/stitute appropriate S%D in script& Dev? % Test? % ho?



3pdate PC4TP tables

% % Dev? < <

% % Test? % % % % % % Test?

D&A! D&A! ho? D&A% D&A% D&A% D&A% D&A% D&A% ho?

2.". & Configure Ingrian :ibraries 2.7 2.7. 2.7." 2.7.7 2.7.9 2.7.# 2.7.! 2.9 -crub and .ncrypt +ata (:evel ") (when refreshed from P/0+) +ecrypt encrypted credit card data from Ingrian console Configure Production Ingrian console to point to +.?>T.-T instance -crub credit card and email data (use latest scrub scripts) .ncrypt credit card data from Ingrian console ?erify encryption wor5s properly 3pdate Ingrian properties file with values recorded in step '.7.! 4inal Clone -teps

;S%D=_SC)UB&s3l& his 6ill run the credit card and email scru/ scripts in the same location& "ncr'pt the 0ollo6ing ta/le: <C<<&<C_C)"D% _CA)DS "CO$_%#G)%A#_C:"C>&s3l& *namidsT,/:/opt/orastage/cloning/ADS_SC)% < S-&

< < < < Dev?

92 of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity 2.9. 2.9." 2.9.7 2.9.9 2.9.# 2.9.! 2.9.6 /ecompile all objects in +atabase. (I0/$C:.EH0M.>rdbms>admin>utlrp.sAl) Modify *lobal tnsnames -- Create entry in global tnsnames for new database (not needed if this is a refresh). ;ring code up-to-dateB /eapply C/$*s that have not gone to Production yet. /egister database in /M$< /un level & bac5up and verify successful completion $dd database listener information to /var/opt/oracle/orarun +rop PCEKC03<T tables (as apps). PCECC<3MEC03<T for CC scrubbing.
D)O< AB9" <C_CC#U$_COU# D rman target / rman;sid=/rman;sid=4r++, register data/ase catalog Scripts/Notes utlrp&s3l Dev? % % % % % % < Test? % % % % % % % ho?

D&A! D&A! "CG D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A!

2.9.' 2.9.2

-crub CC>.M$I: data ?erify that Ingrian wor5s

/un #21)_$/N.sql for each schema. /un #21)_%N3$%(N_2=#26.sql as ecomdev If errors, this needs to be fi@ed. Contact :evel " if necessary Create dtcstg , dtcstg" (e@actly the same as dtcstg) $<+ dtcmst , dtcmst" (e@actly the same as dtcmst) run "#$%&'_N()#.sql. Correct this if necessary.

< <

% %

D&A! D&A!

2.9. & Create new dev schemas




Verify D& /ame is set correctly( Chec5 that O$._ .T./.SE_N.0E variable and name from vIdatabase point to right -I+.


#& of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist Task/Activity >(=(!% Create or Truncate Table "C0C3-0.AVED0R3 .( 2.9. 7 2mport save) )ata (ex+orte( in the 5re*Clone section). 2.9. 9 Restore save) )ata ro*s (ex+orte( in the 5re*Clone section). >(=(!H Truncate tables6 "C02/TER7ACE0.ET:".J "C0724E0&:24D0"R3CE..E. >(=(!K 3ver*rite contents of "C02/TER7ACE0.ET:".J "C0724E0&:24D0"R3CE..E.
Scripts/Notes Dev? Test? ho?

If table does not e@ist, create it. If table does e@ist, truncate it. import .2_21)_S("#,_$1-S table run #21)_$#S*1$#_$1-S.sql as a00s /efore i'+orting in next ste+A +lease tr%ncate the ta-les first) I'+ort fro' (ata ex+orte( (%ring 5re*Clone ste+s)

5 5 5 5 5

5 5 5 5 5

D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A! D&A!

# of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist

!F A""E/D2I
!F(! RE42/G2/G 3RAC4E H3-E. /3TE6 These instructions are based on Metalin5 /ote <FFFK%(! G9ow To Clone .n Existing $ /0S Installation #sing O#IG. Please review this note. @AR%'%G4 If (%ring the relinkA an error I/%sr/-in/'ake@ not fo%n(I occ%rsA follow the instr%ctions in 0etalink %ote AAB,?,.+ to correct the +ro-le') !F(!(! Relink !F(%(F 3racle Home o .et "ATH an) "ER4H42& env vars for "erl(
export 1$(2L#_=1)#?/opt/oracle/product/>S%,8/;C.9.C export .(*=?<1$(2L#_=1)#/perl/binD<.(*= type perl perl is /opt/oracle/product/;S%D=/,+&1&+/perl//in/perl export .#$LFL%0?<1$(2L#_=1)#/perl/lib/F.K.LD<1$(2L#_=1)#/perl/site_lib/F.K.LD<1$(2L#_=1)#/p erl

:p)ate the ora2nst(loc file(

$a5e sure <1$(2L#_=1)#/ora%nst.loc and /var/opt/oracle/ora%nst.loc point to the same ora%n!entor' location 0or this Oracle :ome&

Run 3racle :niversal 2nstaller $3:2' Clonin# comman)(

cd <1$(2L#_=1)#/clone/bin perl 1$(2L#_=1)#?@>oracle-home-path8@ 1$(2L#_=1)#_N()#?@>unique-name8@

"erform another Relink All (optional)( (This may not be necessary, but it is a good practice to run relin5 all here.)
cd <1$(2L#_=1)#/bin relink all

!F(!(% iA. Home o

If this errors you may need to rename the following fileB :O$.CLE_9O0E/srv'/li-/ins_srv')'k to ins_srv')'k)-ak /un Grelin5 allG after the rename.

o o o

Ensure that any soft links are pointin# to the ri#ht homes $fin) ( Mtype l *ill list all the soft links'( .ome eCamples of links to check are illustrate) belo*6 >opt>oracle>product>applDsidF>i$->8/. >opt>oracle>product>applDsidF>i$->!iserver Chan#e @si)A0@hostA(env to reflect ne* server to set environment( -o)ify 8ienv(sh to reflect ne* si)( .ource your environment6 #" of !"

Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist & &/;sid=_;host=&en! & &/Tien!&sh .@port 0/$C:.EH0M. to II$-E0/$C:.EH0M. vi B3RAC4E0H3-E/lib/stubs/libc(so --/eplace source sid with target. Modify file II$-E0/$C:.EH0M.>rdbms>lib>nmliblist to reflect sid /elin5 all %ou will receive a lot of errors, these can be ignored, unless they refer to products we use.

o o o o

!F(!(< 8FK Home o o o o o o o o o Ensure that any soft links are pointin# to the ri#ht homes $fin) ( Mtype l *ill list all the soft links'( Chan#e @si)A0@hostA(env to reflect ne* server to set environment( .ource your environment6 & &/;sid=_;host=&en! .@port 0/$C:.EH0M. to '.&.! Home .nsure that any soft lin5s are pointing to the right homes (you can use find. $type l to find all soft lin5s under the home directories). vi B3RAC4E0H3-E/lib/stubs/libc(so --/eplace source sid with target. c) B3RAC4E0H3-E/r)bms/lib Modify file B8(F(K03RAC4E0H3-E/r)bms/lib/nmliblist to reflect sid make M! install

#7 of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist !F(% C43/2/G DATA&A.E :.2/G &CV ."42T/C3"5 !F(%(! Verify successful pre;clone backup of Clone/Tar#et )b $if refreshin# eCistin# system'( &."." Gro' So%rce / -- .tart &ackup -o)e (+;$).

export 1$(2L#_S%,?>S%&'()*S+ , export 1$(2L#_=1)#?>S%&'()*%'A(-)*.%/), s3lplus /nolog SR9= connect / as s'sd/a SR9= alter data/ase s6itch log0ileD .. *execute se!eral timesSR9= alter data/ase /egin /ac5upD

&.".7 #nix .('in - .tart &CV &reak (runs for hrP) -- Copies datafiles at the ;C?>+is5 level. &.".9 Gro' So%rce / ** En) &ackup -o)e (+;$).

export 1$(2L#_S%,?>S%&'()*S+ , export 1$(2L#_=1)#?>S%&'()*%'A(-)*.%/), s3lplus /nolog SR9= connect / as s'sd/a SR9= alter data/ase end /ac5upD SR9= alter data/ase s6itch log0ileD .. *execute se!eral times-

!F(%(H Verify that Clone/Tar#et D& is .H:T D3 /( &.".! #nix .('in - -ount/Remount 7ile .ystems on ne* &CVs. o 0ove /CBs to New Stan(ar( ?ro%+ing (on target host) o #+(ate Stan(ar(s ** $everse S&nch o 0o%nt Gile S&ste's (on target host)) o /reak Target /"s /CBs) !F(%(1 Copy Archive) Re)o 4o#s from &ource to -arget Host( /oteB $t least one or two of the archive log files should be much smaller in siUe than the others. If you do not see a smaller one, repeat a Glog switchG again until the smaller file appears in the archive log destination directory. &.".' Gro' So%rce / -- Alter Database &ackup Controlfile to Trace (+;$).

export 1$(2L#_S%,?>S%&'()*S+ , export 1$(2L#_=1)#?>S%&'()*%'A(-)*.%/), s3lplus /nolog SR9= connect / as s'sd/a SR9= alter data/ase /ac5up control 0ile to traceD

<oteB This generates a trace file in the %(%'+ directory. Copy this file to the wor5ing directory on the target host.

#9 of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist &.".2 Gro' Target host ;; Confi#ure Clone/Tar#et D& &.".2. Rename backup control file trace file to a .94 script (e.g., crEcontrolEfile.sAl). &.".2." E)it create controlfile script eliminating e@tra lines and changing -I+ to the target -I+, and replace /.3-. with -.T 5ey wordJ for e@ample, C/.$T. C0<T/0:4I:. .ET +$T$;$-. GTA&3G /.-.T:0*$/CHI?.:0* C

&.".2.7 Ma5e sure that the archive format in the init.ora of the target instance reflects the format from the source instance. &.".2.9 /un the control file script created. /ecommend running GREC3VER DATA&A.E :.2/G &ACG:" C3/TR34724E :/T24 CA/CE4G, cancel as you get to the GsmallestG archive log file. &.".2.# /un GA4TER DATA&A.E 3"E/ RE.ET43G.G. &.".2.! /un -N: commands to a)) the Temp 7iles (see end of create control file script).

## of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist !F(< E.T2-AT2/G TARGET D2.G ."ACE $27 724E.5.TE-. D3/QT -ATCH' &.7. The (ata_file_'a++ing=)csv files contain templates for mapping data files used by a source database to the anticipated location of these data files on the target system. ;ased on whether the &ource (7 is a 5ro(%ction or Non*5ro(%ction system, chose the appropriate 0o%nt +oint *to* atafile 0a++ing Te'+late (.csv) file. .ource D&? 5ro( Non*5ro( -ount point ;to; Datafile -appin# 7ile (ata_file_'a++ing_70S_+r()csv (ata_file_'a++ing_70S_tst)csv

.@ample content from .csv template filesB o )ata0file0mappin#0 -.0pr)(csv

/!ar/oradata+,/ G S%D(/!ar/mdlux1/oradata+G/S)CS%D/S)CS%D_s'stem+1&d/0 /!ar/oradata+,/ G S%D(/!ar/mdlux1/oradata+G/S)CS%D/S)CS%D_s'stem+,&d/0 U U

)ata0file0mappin#0 -.0tst(csv
/!ar/oradata+,/ G S%D(/!ar/oradata+,/S)CS%D/S)CS%D_s'stem+1&d/0 /!ar/oradata+,/ G S%D(/!ar/oradata+,/S)CS%D/S)CS%D_s'stem+,&d/0 U U

&.7." +etermine target databaseLs )isk mount point siLe re,uirements) (/un the script to determine how much dis5 space the new database will need) 3sageB .> -03/C.--I+ T$/*.T--I+ csv-file default-mt-pt
S%&'()*S+ (-%0)*S+ csv$file default$mt$pt . Source S%D o0 DB /eing cloned . #e6 S%D to /e created or re0reshed . $ount point .to. Data0ile $apping CSJ 0ile *see pre!ious paragraph. De0ault mount point to use 0or data0iles not 0ound in the CSJ 0ile&

Exa'+leA cloning fro' 570S to C70S (with /var/ora(ata21/C70S/ is the (efa%lt 'o%nt +oint)@
./ .-)S 2-)S data_!ile_mapping_-)S_prd.csv /var/oradataCN/2-)S SR9*<lus: )elease 2&1&+&F&+ . <roduction on Bri Dec T ,+:G1:GG 1++V Cop'right *c- ,2T1( 1++1( Oracle Corporation& All rights reser!ed&

9ogin to <7$S as user 6ith select dictionar' rights&&& "nter !alue 0or p6ms_user: ops<woodkenn "nter !alue 0or p6ms_pass6ord: >pwd8 Connected& *($3#*_)1/N*_.* S%+#_)0 ------------------------------ -----------

#! of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist

/var/oradataC;/2-)S /var/oradataC9/2-)S /var/oradataCL/2-)S /var/oradataCN/2-)S NOBF;C.;F F;B;;L.99 FCBNLL.L9 ;B9CC.CC

Disconnected 0rom Oracle Data/ase ,+g "nterprise "dition )elease ,+&1&+&1&+ . V4/it <roduction 7ith the <artitioning( O9A< and Data $ining options #O ": o adWust these mount point mappings in the CSJ 0ile: data_0ile_mapping_7$S_prd&cs! * his CSJ 0ile can also /e used to generate an )$A# duplicate script&-

Exa'+leA cloning fro' J70S to C70S (with /var/ora(ata21/C70S/ is the (efa%lt 'o%nt +oint)@
./ A-)S 2-)S data_!ile_mapping_-)S_tst.csv /var/oradataCN/2-)S SR9*<lus: )elease 2&1&+&F&+ . <roduction on Bri Dec T ,+:GT:44 1++V Cop'right *c- ,2T1( 1++1( Oracle Corporation& All rights reser!ed&

9ogin to Q7$S as user 6ith select dictionar' rights&&& "nter !alue 0or x6ms_user: ops<woodkenn "nter !alue 0or x6ms_pass6ord: >pwd8 Connected& *($3#*_)1/N*_.* S%+#_)0 ------------------------------ ----------/var/oradataC;/2-)S FCBF;C.;F /var/oradataC9/2-)S FCBP;L.9K /var/oradataCL/2-)S NOBPCO.L9 Disconnected 0rom Oracle Data/ase ,+g "nterprise "dition )elease ,+&1&+&1&+ . V4/it <roduction 7ith the <artitioning( O9A< and Data $ining options #O ": o adWust these mount point mappings in the CSJ 0ile: data_0ile_mapping_7$S_tst&cs! * his CSJ 0ile can also /e used to generate an )$A# duplicate script&-

#6 of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist !F(= /E &.9. 2/.TA/CE "RE"ARAT23/ This should be similar to the >var>spool>erp>D-I+F directory for the source. 4or e@ample, you can copy or tar the whole directory and subdirectories from the source, then on the target delete files under each directory (after un-tarring).

.nsure /var/spool/erp/@C43/E0.2DA and its subdirectories are created.

&.9." .nsure /var/oraarch!/@C43/E0.2DA is created. &.9.7 .nsure /opt/oracle/a)min/@C43/E0.2DA is created. &.9.9 .nsure Target system has proper file systems and users configured (right owner ship, permission and file system space reAuired have to be in place). &.9.# Create C:0<.E-I+ directories for target. &.9.#. Password directory /o0t/oracle/0ass/"C#$%E_&'() and /o+t/oracle/a('in/<CLONE_SI !/+ass (legacy directory) o /eset or create password files for w's1_2_3_+r(4A w's<si(!, etc.

&.9.#." $dmin directory /o0t/oracle/admin/"C#$%E_&'() &.9.#.7 $rchive directory /o0t/oraarch+/"C#$%E_&'() &.9.#.9 .rpcommon directory /o0t/er0common/"C#$%E_&'() o Create -(%'+, c(%'+, and %(%'+ directories.

#' of !"
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist !F(H R-A/ C3/72G:RAT23/ 73R /E &.#. 2/.TA/CE

Create new /M$< catalog owner in the catalog database (D/M$<-+;F). o Create user R8A%"&'() in D/M$<-+;F. o .@ample -N: CO##"C Xd/a_user/Xd/a_user_p6d4;)$A#.DB=

C)"A " US") )$A#;S%D= %D"# %B%"D B? )$A#;S%D= D"BAU9 AB9"S<AC" )$A#_CA A9OGD "$<O)A)? AB9"S<AC" $<+, <)OB%9" D"BAU9 ACCOU# U#9OC>D G)A# )"COJ")?_CA A9OG_O7#") O )$A#;S%D=D A9 ") US") )$A#;S%D= D"BAU9 )O9" A99D A9 ") US") )$A#;S%D= RUO A U#9%$% "D O# )$A#_CA A9OGDD &.#." Create /M$< catalog :ogin to the +; server and invo5e rman
& orasid ;C9O#"_S%D= rman target M/M catalog Mrman;sid=/;rman.p6d=4;)$A#.DB=M

)$A#= create catalogI )egister data/ase )$A#= register database &.#.7 .nsure 0c_rman_backu0_sched.dat and 0c_rman_backu0_sched_mtn.dat files are updated to schedule bac5ups for the new database. &.#.9 Create soft link to the netbacku0 library file as below (for Target Instance). Chec5 for e@isting soft lin5 in I0/$C:.EH0M.>libB
cd 8O)AC9"_:O$"/li/ ls .ltr li/o/5*

.olaris .oft 4ink;;

lrw@rw@rw@ oramgr dba oramgr dba 7' 8un "2 "&&! -F >opt>openv>netbac5up>bin>!9. 7# $ug &" &'B 7 libob5.a -F >usr>openv>netbac5up>bin>libob5.a!9

A2I .oft 4ink;;


Create soft lin5 in I0/$C:.EH0M.>lib to netbac5upLs libob5 fileB 3n .olaris;;

cd I0/$C:.EH0M.>lib ln -s >opt>openv>netbac5up>bin>!9.

A2I .oft 4ink;;

cd I0/$C:.EH0M.>lib ln -s >usr>openv>netbac5up>bin>libob5.a!9 libob5.a

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Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

American Girl Environment Clone / Refresh Checklist

!& of !&
Mattel, Inc. -- Confidential and Proprietary. This document is subject to a non-disclosure agreement in favor of Mattel, Inc., and the contents of this document may not be disclosed in any form to any party who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with Mattel, Inc.

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