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Module 3 Basic Electrics Exam 9 1.

An electrolytic capacitor is used where a) minimum losses are essential b) there is a polarized input c) high re!uency A" is used #. $ a connection to an A" motor is disconnected% the motor will a) slow down and stop b) continue to run c) stop 3. A band stop ilter

a) stops a narrow range o re!uencies b) stops re!uencies either side o a narrow range c) attenuates re!uencies either side o a narrow range &. 'his is a diagram o a

1. #. a) band pass ilter b) high pass ilter c) low pass ilter (. )hen comparing the a*erage *alues o output% to the pea+ *alues an A" generator

a) a*erage *oltage , same as the pea+ *oltage b) a*erage *oltage , -..3 x pea+ *oltage c) a*erage *oltage , -./-/ x pea+ *oltage

.. A parallel circuit at resonance has a) maximum impedance b) minimum impedance c) zero impedance /. A resistor dissipates 0- )atts. $ it runs or & hours 1( minutes% how much energy is dissipated in total1 a) 1.##& M2 b) #-.& +2 c) 191.#( 2 0. 'he earth lead o a #& 3 e!uipment is -.( ohm resistance and carries 0- A. 4ow much power does it dissipate1 a) 3.# +) b) 1.1(# +) c) 1.9# +) 9. )hat must you do to ma+e a 3 5 capacitor circuit into a # 5 circuit1 a) 6ut a 1 5 capacitor in series b) 6ut a # 5 capacitor in parallel c) 6ut a . 5 capacitor in series 1-.'he time re!uired to ully charge a 1 75 capacitor in series with a 1--+ ohm resistor is a) 1-- ms b) 1 s c) 1-- s

Answers 8uestion 1 b

or Exam 9

)iring an electrolytic capacitor wrong polarity will destroy it. A" will there ore destroy it. "urrent must be 9" :i.e. polarised) and the right way Assuming this is a 3 phase motor% disconnecting a phase will not slow down or stop the motor% since the speed is dependant upon the re!uency and the load :slip). $t will howe*er ha*e less tor!ue. ;ead up on band stop and band pass $n a certain Band ilters

8uestion # b

8uestion 3 a 8uestion & c

'his is a *ery simple low pass ilter% since the capacitor will absorb all high re!uencies. 9on<t get con used with ;M= *alue A <series< circuit at resonance has zero impedance. A <parallel< circuit at resonance has maximum impedance. Energy , 6ower x 'ime. 'ime must be in seconds. 'here are 3.-- seconds in 1 hour > not .-. 6ower , $ x ;. =ince it is an earth lead it will not ha*e the ull #&3 on it% so disregard *oltage. 'o reduce the capacitance o a circuit you must place a capacitor in series : ormula is same as resistors in parallel). ?ou do the maths to see which one it is.) "apacitors in series ", 1@"1 A 1@"# A 1@"3 Belie*ed to be a bad !uestion% because the time>constant :,;") is 1-- ms. And time> constant is time to reach .3.#B o ull charge. 'ime to ully charge , ( x '" , (-- ms.

8uestion ( b 8uestion . a

8uestion / a

8uestion 0 a

8uestion 9 c

8uestion 1- a

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