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Single Node and Multi Node Installation

In this part we will learn how to start with the Single Node and Multi Node Installation along with step by step instructions, screen shots and frequently asked questions. Single-node and multi node installation In a single-node installation, the database, all product directories, all servers (concurrent processing, for s, and !eb" are installed on a single node under one co on #$$%&'($ whereas in a ulti-node installation, you install both application tier and database tier servers across two or ore nodes. 'he installation steps for single-node and ulti-node installation are al ost the sa e. In the )th step, one needs to choose between the single-node and ulti-node installations. *ollow the steps as shown below to start your installation. Step 1. Start the Rapid Install wizard Start the wi+ard fro the co and line by typing rapidwi+ at the pro pt. 'he !elco e screen appears.

'his screen lists the co ponents that are included in, or supported by, this release of (racle #pplications. ,se the scroll bar to bring all the co ponents into view. 'his screen is for infor ation only. No action is required. -lick Ne.t to continue.

Step 2. Select a wizard operation ,se the Select !i+ard (peration screen to indicate the action you want /apid Install to perfor . 0ou begin both new installations and upgrades fro this screen. 1ased on the action you choose, the /apid Install wi+ard continues with the appropriate screen flow. 'he available actions are as follows2

'he available actions are as follows2 Install Oracle Applications E-Business 11i 'his action sets up a new, fully configured syste , with either a fresh database or a 3ision 4e o database. 'he configuration is derived fro the syste -specific configuration para eters you enter in the /apid Install wi+ard and save in the configuration file (config.t.t". 'his custo configuration reflects the way you will use your (racle #pplications products. 5 Express on!iguration

'his action sets up a fully configured, single-user6single-node syste with either a fresh database or 3ision 4e o database. 0ou supply a few basic para eters, such as database type and na e, top-level install directory, and incre ents for port settings. 'he re aining directories and ount points are supplied by /apid Install using default values. "pgrade to Oracle Applications E-Business 11i#

-hoose this option to indicate that you are upgrading your 7-1usiness Suite products to the current version of (racle #pplications. 'he wi+ard screen flow presents two paths2 one that lays down the file syste and installs the new technology stack, and one that configures servers and starts services. In the following steps, you will set up a new installation. -lick Install (racle #pplications 7-1usiness 88i. -lick Ne.t to continue Step $. Identi!% con!iguration !ile (n the %oad -onfiguration screen, you indicate whether you will be using an e.isting configuration file

If you answer No, /apid Install saves the configuration para eters you enter on the wi+ard screens in a new configuration file (config.t.t" that it will use to configure your syste for the new installation. 0ou indicate the location and the na e of the new configuration file on a subsequent screen. If you choose 90es, load configuration file,9 the directory path field beco es active. 7ntering the file na e and path points /apid Install to a previously stored configuration and indicates that want to use those para eters. 'ypically, you choose this option when copying the configuration file to other nodes in a ulti-node installation, or when restarting /apid Install after an interruption in the installation processing. 1ecause this is a new installation, click No, and click ne.t to continue.

Step &.

hoose installation t%pe

(n the Install 'ype screen, you indicate whether you want to install servers on a single node or distribute the across ultiple nodes.

In a single-node installation, the /41MS, the core #4 directories and product directories, and the concurrent processing, for s, and !eb servers are installed on one node under a co on #$$%&'($. In a ulti-node installation, the /41MS and the concurrent processing server, for s server, and !eb server can be distributed across ultiple nodes. 'he core #4 directories and all product directories are installed under the #$$%&'($ on all tiers. Nodes can be configured to share an #$$%&'($. If you select the single node installation, then skip the steps :, ; and <, and start fro step =. *or ulti-node installation, follow all the steps given below. -lick Ne.t to continue. Step '. "se (oad Balancing (n the %oad 1alancing screen, you can set up a configuration that will distribute the for s or concurrent processing load across ultiple for s or concurrent processing servers (respectively".

In a syste that e ploys load balancing, requests are auto atically directed to a server on the 9least loaded9 node > the one that has the s allest nu ber of processing tasks in progress. (n this screen, you choose whether to enable load balancing. If you choose the 9No, do not enable load balancing9 option, the wi+ard assu es that your syste will not be configured for ultiple for s or concurrent processing servers. If you choose the 90es, enable load balancing9 option, the wi+ard pro pts you to indicate the nu ber of for s servers and concurrent processing servers, and then steps you through the task of assigning those servers to the nodes in your syste . Step ). Assign ser*ers to nodes and indicate operating s%stem 'he Node Infor ation screen lists the servers to be installed and pro pts you to provide a na e for each node and indicate the operating syste .

0ou assign servers to individual nodes using the Node Na e field. 'ype the na e of the node where each service will be installed, repeating the sa e na e for all services to be installed on that node. *or e.a ple, in a syste configured for three nodes, type 41--M-#4MIN as the na e of the node that will host the 4atabase and the -oncurrent Mgr. 'he #4 core technologies (ad inistration services, also known as the #d inistration server" are also installed (under the #$$%&'($" on the 41--M-#4MIN node. 'o install the for s server and the !eb server on separate nodes, type *(/MS-8 as the node na e for the *or s services, and !71-8 as the node na e for the !eb services. Select %inu. fro the drop-down list in the (perating Syste field. Notice that the 97nable a shared #$$%&'($ for this instance9 check bo. at the botto of the Node Infor ation screen is checked. /apid Install has set up the shared #$$%&'($ configuration based on the nodes you identified on this screen. Step +. Set up a shared A,,(-.O,# In a shared #$$%&'($ syste , the #$$%&'($ is installed on only one node. 'he other nodes are set up to share that #$$%&'($, aking changes to the shared file syste i ediately visible on all nodes. ,sing a shared #$$%&'($ si plifies the aintenance of your configuration and greatly reduces downti e during aintenance tasks. -lick 4etails to see the file syste configuration. actions for this shared

'he 4efine *ile Syste screen shows the file sharing for the configuration you have described. It identifies the nodes as follows2 5 Install2 'his is the base node. Its #$$%&'($ is available for sharing with other nodes. (n subsequent node-specific screens, the wi+ard pro pts for directory paths for each node you ark as Install. 5 Share 7.isting2 # node arked Share 7.isting does not have its own #$$%&'($. It ust share the #$$%&'($ of a node arked Install. -lick (? to return to the Node Infor ation screen. 'hen, click ne.t to continue. Step /. 0e!ine data1ase t%pe# (n the 4atabase 'ype screen, indicate the kind of database you want to install in the new syste and supply the na e you will use to identify it.

0ou can install a fresh database or a 3ision 4e o database. 5 # fresh database is fully configured and ready for a new i ple entation. 'his type of database is suitable for any type of syste that requires a fresh database, such as a production syste or a test syste . 'he default na e for a production database is $/(4. If you are installing a database for another use, for e.a ple as a test syste or a backup syste , choose the *resh 4atabase option and enter a 4atabase Na e that reflects that purpose, for e.a ple '7S'. 5 # 3ision 4e o database is used for de onstration or training purposes. It contains a fully configured (racle #pplications syste that has been i ple ented and populated with a set of transactions for a fictitious co pany. 'he 3ision 4e o database is set up for ultipleorgani+ation use. It is installed with the ,'*= character set to a.i i+e the support for character sets in this release. 'he default database na e is 3IS. -lick Ne.t to continue. Step 2. Set up data1ase installation director%# 'he 4atabase Install Infor ation screen pro pts you for infor ation /apid Install needs to set up and install the database.

'he 91ase Install directory9 field defaults to a sa ple directory na e, using the operating syste synta. for the achine where you started the /apid Install wi+ard. In this e.a ple, the synta. is for !indows. 'his directory is the top-level directory that /apid Install uses to derive the ount points associated with the /41MS. (n a ,ni. operating syste , the screen would look like this.

Notice that the synta. has changed, and there are two fields that are specific to this platfor . 'he (racle (S ,ser is the account that will own the database server file syste . 7nter the na e of the (racle (S @roup. 'he (racle (S ,ser ay belong to other groups, but it ust belong to this group. 7nter a base installation directory on this screen, or click 1rowse.

Navigate to the new directory, and highlight the path, or enter a path in the 4irectory field. -lick (? to save the changes and return to the 4atabase Install Infor ation screen. -lick -ancel to return without aking changes. *ro the 4atabase Install Infor ation screen, click #dvanced 7dit to review the derived ount points or to change the directory paths.

'his screen displays default directories based on the base installation directory you specified on the 4atabase Install Infor ation screen. #ccept the defaults or change the derived ount points as needed. -lick (? to return to the 4atabase Install Infor ation screen. 'hen, click Ne.t to continue. In the below part we will continue with the installation steps about product license types, country-specific functionality, additional languages and internationali+ation (N%S" settings. Step 13. Select product license t%pe# (n the Suite Selection screen, the wi+ard pro pts you to indicate the type of licensing agree ent you have purchased fro (racle #pplications. It then presents the appropriate licensing screen. -o pleting a licensing screen does not constitute a license agree ent. It si ply registers your products as active.

/apid Install installs all products regardless of their licensed status. Aowever, you ust register products you have licensed so that they are flagged in the syste as active. #n active flag arks products for inclusion in patching and other tasks that you will perfor to update and aintain your syste after the initial installation. 0ou can register products for either the 7-1usiness Suite license odel or the -o ponent #pplications license odel. -o plete only one licensing screen. If you clicked the 7-1usiness Suite licensing option on the Suite Selection screen, the %icensing $age for that option appears.

'his licensing odel allows wide access to #pplications functionality. 1y choosing it, you tell /apid Install to auto atically register all products included in the 7-1usiness Suite price bundle. 'he products that are checked and grayed are licensed auto atically as a part of the suite. 'he ones that are not ust be registered separately as add-on products > they are not part of the 7-1usiness Suite price bundle. $lace a check ark ne.t to any add-on products you have licensed and want to register. If you clicked the -o ponent #pplications licensing option on the Suite Selection screen, the %icensing $age for that option appears.

-hoose this option if yourBs licensing agree ent is for individual #pplications -o ponent products. 'hese products are licensed based on the nu ber of authori+ed users or on the nu ber of business transactions processed. #ll individual products are listed on this screen. $roducts that are grayed out cannot be selected unless the 9parent9 co ponent is selected. -o plete the appropriate screen. -lick Ne.t to continue. Step 11. Select countr%-speci!ic !unctionalit%# So e syste s require the country-specific functionality of a locali+ed #pplications product. *or e.a ple, if your co pany operates in -anada, products such as Au an /esources require additional features to acco odate the -anadian labor laws and codes that differ fro those in the ,nited States. 0ou register the na e of the region associated with the locali+ed product on the Select -ountry-specific *unctionalities screen. If your co pany operates only in the ,S, you can you begin doing business in another country at a register the associated region at any ti e after installation or upgrade by using the (#M %icense bypass this screen. If later date, you can the initial Manager.

#ll the country-specific functionalities that (racle supports are listed on this screen, arranged alphabetically. 4ouble-click a region in the #vailable /egions bo. to ove it into the Selected /egions bo. or highlight it and click the right arrow (C". 'o de-select a region, highlight it and double-click or click the left arrow (D" to re ove it fro the Selected /egions bo.. *or e.a ple, if you select -anada, the screen would look like this.

'o select or de-select all the regions and ove the between in a single action, use the double arrows. -lick Ne.t to continue. Step 12. Select additional languages# # erican 7nglish is installed in your syste by default. Aowever, (racle #pplications supports nu erous other languages. ,se the Select #dditional %anguages screen to indicate the languages required for your syste . 0ou can select any nu ber of languages to run in a single instance.

$rior to /elease 88.:.E, the /apid Install wi+ard registered additional languages as active - it did not actually install the . In this release, the language files will be installed in the #$$%&'($. 'he languages you select also deter ine other N%S-related configuration n para eters, such as base language, territory, and character set, your syste requires. 4ouble-click a language in the #vailable %anguages bo. to ove it into the Selected %anguages bo. or highlight it and click the right arrow (C". Aighlight a language in the Selected %anguages bo. and click the left arrow (D" to re ove it. 'he e.a ple shows -anadian *rench selected as an additional language. 'o select or de-select all languages in a single action, use the double arrows. 0ou cannot re ove # erican 7nglish fro the Selected %anguages bo..

'he wi+ard pro pts you for the location of the translated software later in the installation. 0ou ust have the (racle #pplications /elease 88i N%S software available at that ti e. 0ou ay need to perfor additional tasks to finish the language installation. 0ou can register additional languages any ti e after the initial installation or upgrade. -lick Ne.t to continue. Step 1$. Select internationalization 45(S6 settings# 'he Select Internationali+ation Settings screen derives infor ation fro the languages you entered on the Select #dditional %anguages screen. 0ou use it to further define N%S configuration para eters. 'he N%S language and territory settings are stored as profile options in the database. 'hey are configured at the site level when you run /apid Install. 'he base language is used for the default language setting and the default territory is used for the territory profile option. ,sers inherit these values the first ti e they log on to (racle #pplications using the 7-1usiness Suite Ao epage.

'he 1ase %anguage defaults to # erican 7nglish. If you chose to install additional languages on the Select #dditional %anguages screen, they appear in the drop-down list as options. In this e.a ple, the choices are # erican 7nglish and -anadian *rench.

Select a base language or accept # erican 7nglish as the default. 'he 94atabase character set9 and the 9#$$%&'($ character set9 drop-down enus initially show ,S<#S-II as the default character set. (ther co patible character sets are listed as well. Step 1&. Enter node-speci!ic in!ormation# 0ou have already specified the top-level directory and the ount points for the /41MS. Now, you ust specify top-level directory and subdirectories associated with the application tier servers. 'he ad inistration server contains the files and processes used to perfor patching and other aintenance tasks. In a single-node installation, these servers are on the sa e node, so you can enter all the para eters on the #d in Server6-oncurrent Mgr6*or s Server6!eb Server screen.

'he default sa ple directories use the synta. of the operating syste where you started /apid Install. In addition, so e of the fields are operating syste -specific. 'he M?S directory and MS473 directory are specific to !indows. 7nter the location of the M?S tools, and the location of the 3isual -6-FF e.ecutables and .4%%s, respectively. If this is a ,ni. or %inu. syste , co plete the infor ation for #pps (S ,ser (the owner of the application tier file syste and technology stack" and #pps (S @roup (the group that the #pps (S ,ser belongs to". #ccept the defaults or enter new values. 'he 1ase Install directory is the top-level directory that /apid Install will use to derive the ount points for the application tier servers on this node. 0ou can accept the defaults or enter new values. -lick 1rowse to navigate to a new path. 4ouble-click the directory to select it.

Step 1'. Re*iew glo1al settings# /apid Install uses the values specified on the @lobal Settings screen to identify a qualified do ain na e and to derive port settings that your syste will use to connect services and listeners. 7nter a valid value for the 4o ain Na e. 'his value, when co bined with a host na e, ust produce a fully qualified do ain na e. *or e.a ple, for , the do ain na e is . 'he starting nu ber of the port value is pre-set, but you can custo i+e it by selecting an incre ental nu ber fro the drop-down list in the $ort $ool field. 'here are 8GG port pool selections *or e.a ple, if you select an incre ent of H fro the $ort $ool list, the values in the 4erived $ort Settings will reflect this choice. ,se the scroll bar or click #dvanced 7dit to see the $ort 3alues screen.

1ecause you selected an incre ent of H, the default values are increased by that value. 'he 4atabase $ort (8:I8" has beco e 8:I), the /$- $ort (8;I;" has beco e 8;IE, and so on. -lick (? save your changes and return to the @lobal Settings screen. -lick -ancel to return to the @lobal Settings screen without aking changes. 'hen, click ne.t to continue. Step 1). Sa*e the con!iguration !ile# 0ou have now co pleted all the infor ation /apid Install needs to set up and install a single-node syste . 'he Save Instance-specific -onfiguration screen asks you to save the values you have entered in the wi+ard in a configuration file (config.t.t or user-supplied na e".

'he configuration file contains all the infor ation required to configure a specific (racle #pplications instance. /apid Install uses these values during the installation to create the file syste , install the database, and configure and start the server processes. It then stores the values in a central repository called a conte.t file, which you can use to odify the syste configuration at any ti e after the installation is co plete. 'he default location of the config.t.t file is the syste te porary directory. ItBs a good idea to choose a per anent directory location because you ay use this file at a later date. 7nter a directory path or click 1rowse. Navigate to the new directory path. Aighlight the path and double-click to select it. -lick Ne.t to continue. Step 1+. Re*iew pre-install test chec7s# /apid Install configuration -hecks screen indication of perfor s a series of syste tests to validate the described in the configuration file. (n the $re-Install it lists the tests perfor ed and arks each one with an whether it succeeded or failed.

'he results of each test are labeled with icons. 'here are three result types2 -heck ark2 'he test succeeded.

7.cla ation ark (J" 2 'he configuration requires review. -lick the J to get infor ation about the syste test review. -lick 0es to continue, and No if you are going to resolve the issues. /apid Install displays an alert if you continue without resolving the issues. #n . ark 2 #ll issues arked . ust be resolved before you continue with the installation. -lick the . to see the errors. If you can resolve an issue by altering the values provided on one of the wi+ard screens, click 1ack until you reach the appropriate screen, and reenter the values. So e tests ust be resolved in the operating syste . In that case, you ay have to restart the /apid Install wi+ard after the proble has been fi.ed. !hen there are no issues to resolve, click Ne.t to continue. Step 1/. Begin the installation# (n the -o ponent Installation /eview screen, /apid Install lists the co ponents it will install, based on the syste para eters you entered in the wi+ard. Aere is an e.a ple.

-lick Ne.t. /apid Install displays another alert screen asking you to verify that you are ready to begin the installation.

-lick 0es to begin. Status Indicators and ,rompts 4uring an installation, /apid Install displays a ain progress bar and an individual progress bar. 'he ain progress bar reports on the co pletion percentage of the installation as a whole. 'he individual progress bar reports on the progress of each individual step. 'he installation is not co plete until all the progress bars disappear fro your screen. /apid Install requires very little user intervention. Aowever, you ay receive a pro pt requesting infor ation if any of the co ponents are issing fro the stage directory.

Step 12. Re*iew ,ost-installation .ests# #fter the installation is co plete, /apid Install auto atically validates the installed #pplications environ ents. It tests the syste for correctly configured environ ent files, application listeners, and database availability. It then displays the $ost-install -hecks screen.

/apid Install lists the tests it has co pleted. /eview the infor ation. If there is an J or . icon, click it to see the details. If any of the checks fail, refer to the /apid Install log files to deter ine the reason, and resolve each proble before continuing. !hen the errors are fi.ed, click /etry to perfor the post-install validation again. -lick Ne.t if there are no errors. /apid Install infor s you of the co ponents that it installed on the *inish screen.

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