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Cloning Oracle Applications 11510

Cloning Oracle Applications 11510..........................................................1 Why and What?....................................................................................................................2 Prerequisites.........................................................................................................................2 OUI ersion..............................................................................................................2 !"#..........................................................................................................................2 Why??..........................................................................................................................2 $I%&'()*O)$I%&'( %O"( C'O%I%&..........................................................................+ $yste, In-or,ation..........................................................................................................+ Using .apidClone............................................................................................................/ Prepare the source syste,................................................................................................/ 0U'*I)*O)$I%&'( %O"( C'O%I%&............................................................................5 $yste, In-or,ation..........................................................................................................5 On "ata1ase *ier 2oc ,rh21//3 run the -ollo4ing sctipt...............................................5 Useradd 6g d1a 6d 7u017app7oraclone 6p oraclone oraclone...........................................8 On Applications *ier........................................................................................................9 $I%&'()*O)0U'*I %O"( C'O%I%&..........................................................................11 $yste, In-or,ation........................................................................................................11 0U'*I)*O)0U'*I %O"( C'O%I%&............................................................................15 $yste, In-or,ation........................................................................................................15 Prepare the source syste,.............................................................................................18

Prepared by:

Nikhil Ranagraju ORACL NA!O

"hy and "hat#

Cloning creates an identical copy o- an e:isting Oracle Applications syste,. *here are arious reasons -or cloning an Oracle Applications syste, such as;

Creating a copy o- the production syste, -or testing updates. 0igrating an e:isting syste, to ne4 hard4are. Creating a stage area to reduce patching do4nti,e.

%eri&y 'ource and target nodes (ersions O)! (ersion OUI ersion should 1e *o chec< OUI ersion o- 9i O.AC'(=>O0( edit 7u017oraclone7cloned179.2.07appsoui7oui7orapara,.ini *o chec< OUI ersion o- IA$=O.AC'(=>O0( edit 7u017applclone7cloneora7iA$7appsoui7oui7orapara,.ini I- OUI ersion is not accurate then apply the -ollo4ing patch 50+5??1 P RL (ersion Perl ersion should 1e 5.005. *o chec< the ersion@ gi e perl *( at co,,and pro,pt. +R !re should 1e 1.1.8. +,!"# erison should 1e 1.+. .ip Aip ersion should 1e 2.+. Apply the latest A, /inipack Apply patch /512852 2A".I./3 or higher. "hy## !t includes ne0 &eatures like

a1 *he A" Chec< "igest utility chec<s the integrity o- -iles do4nloaded -ro, Oracle b1 A" Ad,in and A" controller support -or %on)Interacti e ,ode. c1 A" 0erge Patch Utility d1 "istri1uted A". Apply the latest AutoCon&ig 2e3plate patch Update the Oracle Applications -ile syste, 4ith the latest AutoCon-ig te,plate -iles 1y applying the *B# AutoCon-ig *e,plate rollup patch to all application tier ser er nodes. "hat# AutoCon-ig is a tool that supports auto,ated con-iguration o- an Applications instance. When AutoCon-ig runs on the Application tier@ it uses in-or,ation -ro, the Applications Conte:t -ile to generate all con-iguration -iles and update data1ase pro-iles. When AutoCon-ig runs on the "ata1ase tier@ it uses in-or,ation -ro, the "ata1ase Conte:t -ile to generate all con-iguration -iles used on the "ata1ase tier. Apply the latest Rapid Clone patches Update the Oracle Applications -ile syste, 4ith the latest .apid Clone -iles 1y applying the -ollo4ing patches to all application tier ser er nodes; 4506647 2*B# 2C%"3 AU*OCO%CI& *(0P'A*( .O''UP PA*C> 03 It includes *B# AutoCon-ig te,plate -iles to con-igure the *echnology $tac< -or Oracle ()Dusiness $uite 11i instances using AutoCon-ig. *hese te,plate -iles ha e no e--ect on the ()Dusiness $uite con-iguration until the AutoCon-ig utility is run. 'etup Rapid Clone on the Applications 2ier Already 11.5.10 is AutoCon-ig ena1led. .un Autocon-ig on Application tier. 'etup Rapid Clone on the ,atabase 2ier Already 11.5.10 is AutoCon-ig ena1led. .un Autocon-ig on "ata1ase tier. /aintain 'napshot in&or3ation This task stores information about files, file versions, and bug fixes present in an APPL_TOP. Chose this option to record the current set of files and file versions in our APPL_TOP.

'!N8L 92O9'!N8L NO, CLON!N8

'yste3 !n&or3ation 'ource /achine in&o:

Node1: '!,: App )ser: ,: user:

oc ,rh21//, d101 appld101 orad101

2arget 3achine in&o: Node;: oc ,rh21/, '!,: clone App )ser: applclone ,: user: oraclone )sing RapidClone Use .apid Clone to create te,plate -iles -or cloning on the source syste,. A-ter the source syste, is copied to the target@ .apid Clone updates these te,plates to contain the ne4 target syste, con-iguration settings. .apid Clone 4ill not change the source syste, con-iguration. *hree phases to clone; Prepare the source syste3 a3 Prepare the $ource $yste, "D tier -or cloning 'og on to the source syste, as the orad101 user and run the -ollo4ing co,,ands; cd <R,:/'ORACL =>O/ ?@appsutil@scripts@db01=o(c3rh;144@ perl adprecloneApl db2ier 13 Prepare the $ource syste, App tier -or cloning. 'og on to the source syste, as the appldb01 user and run the -ollo4ing co,,ands. cd <CO//ON=2OP?@ad3in@scripts@ db01=o(c3rh;144@ perl adprecloneApl apps2ier Copy the 'ource 'yste3 to the 2arget 'yste3 Copy the application tier -ile syste, -ro, the source Applications syste, to the target node. (nsure that the target APPLCLON user o4ns application tier -iles copied to the target syste,@ and the ORACLON user o4ns data1ase tier -iles. a3 'og on to the source syste, application tier nodes as the APPL,:01 user. 'hut do0n the application tier ser er processes Copy the -ollo4ing application tier directories -ro, the source node to the target application tier node; 13 Copy the data1ase tier -ile syste, 'og on to the source syste, data1ase node as the OR,:01 user. Per&or3 a nor3al shutdo0n o- the source syste, data1ase Copy the data1ase 2"DC3 -iles -ro, the source to the target syste, Copy the source data1ase O.AC'(=>O0( to the target syste, 'tart up the source Applications syste, database and application tier processes

Con&igure the 2arget 'yste3 Eou 4ill 1e pro,pted -or the target syste, speci-ic alues 2$I"@ Paths@ Ports@ etc3 a1 Con&igure the target syste3 database ser(er 'og on to the target syste, as the ORACLON user and type the -ollo4ing co,,ands to con-igure and start the data1ase; cd F."D0$ O.AC'(=>O0(G7appsutil7clone71in perl adc&gcloneApl db2ier b1 Con&igure the target syste3 application tier ser(er nodes 'og on to the target syste, as the APPLCLON user and type the -ollo4ing co,,ands; cd FCO00O%=*OPG7clone71in perl adc&gcloneApl apps2ier

Post 'teps:
o Change APP$ and $E$A"0in Pass4ord using C%"CPA$$ utility. o .elin< Oracle Applications. o Update $napshot.

/)L2!92O9'!N8L NO, CLON!N8

'yste3 !n&or3ation 'ource /achine in&o: Node1: oc ,rh21//, BPri3ary Node1 'er(ers: "ata1ase ser er@ Concurrent ser er@ ad,in ser er@ "isco erer and .eports ser er '!,: d101 App )ser: appld101 ,: user: orad101 Node;: 'er(ers: '!,: App )ser: ,: user: oc ,rh21/, B'econdary Node1 Cor,s ser er@ We1 ser er. d101 appld101 orad101

2arget 3achine in&o: Node1: oc ,rh21/, '!,: clone App )ser: applclone ,: user: oraclone Prepare the 'ource 'yste3 2Nodes; o ,rh21// H oc ,rh21/9@ 'idId1013

*he ApplicationsC ,atabase and ,:Listener should 1e up and running While running on the pri,ary node it as<s to run the secondary nodes script. On the Application 2ier run the -ollo4ing scripts On Pri3ary Node 2oc ,rh21//3 perl adprecloneApl apps2ier 3erge Output 0hen abo(e 'cript is run: .unning adgenh- 4ith co,,and... perl 7u017app7appld1017d101appl7ad711.5.071in7adgenh- isPri,aryIy applsysusrIAPP'$E$ te,pdirI7u017app7appld1017d101co,n7te,p Please enter the APP$ User JAPP$K; apps Please enter the APP$ pass4ord; apps *his is the ,erge Pri,ary node; P'A*CO.0; linu: Current APP'=*OP; oc ,rh21//APP'=*OPs 1elonging to d101 that can 1e ,erged 4ith oc ,rh21//; oc ,rh21/92A"0I%@ CO.0$@ CO%CU..(%*=P.OC($$I%&3 "o you 4ant to include oc ,rh21/9 in the ,erge ? JyK; &enerating the high ersion -iles ,ani-est. *his 4ill ta<e so,e ti,e@ please 4ait... sqlplus )s apps7apps L7u017app7appld1017d101appl7ad711.5.07patch71157sql7ad,snlst.sql d101 oc ,rh21// oc ,rh21/9@oc ,rh21// APP'$E$ 7u017app7appld1017d101appl7ad,in7d1017out7h-ile er=appl=top.t:t E 0ani-est located in; 7u017app7appld1017d101appl7ad,in7d1017out7h-ile er=appl=top.t:t Eou can no4 go ahead and run the preparation on the su1sequent node2s3 4hile this process co,pletes. .unning .apid Clone 4ith co,,and... perl Ma aI7u017app7appld1017d101ora7iA$7appsoui7Mre71.+.1 ,odeIstage stageI7u017app7appld1017d101co,n7clone co,ponentIapps*ier ,ethodICU$*O0 appct:I7u017app7appld1017d101appl7ad,in7d101=oc ,rh21//.:,l ,erge sho4Progress Deginning application tier $tage ) *ue Apr 2/ 08;09;22 2005 'og -ile located at 7u017app7appld1017d101appl7ad,in7d101=oc ,rh21//7log7$tageApps*ier=0/2/0809.log Co,pleted 0erge APP'=*OP preparation -or current %ode... *ue Apr 2/ 08;/+;20 2005 Jappld101Loc ,rh21// d101=oc ,rh21//KN On 'econdary Node 2oc ,rh21/93 7u017app7appld1017d101co,n7ad,in7scripts7Fconte:tna, perl adprecloneApl appltop 3erge Obser(ations 0hen run:

.unning adgenh- 4ith co,,and... perl 7u017apps7appld1017d101appl7ad711.5.071in7adgenh- isPri,aryIn applsysusrIAPP'$E$ te,pdirI7u017apps7appld1017d101co,n7te,p Please enter the APP$ User JAPP$K; apps Please enter the APP$ pass4ord; apps Current APP'=*OP; oc ,rh21/9 *his is a su1sequent node to 1e ,erged into the pri,ary node. "o4nloading the high ersion -iles ,ani-est -ro, the data1ase... Cound the ,ani-est -or ,erging oc ,rh21/9@ oc ,rh21//)using oc ,rh21// as the Pri,ary node. sqlplus )s apps7apps L7u017apps7appld1017d101appl7ad711.5.07patch71157sql7ad,snlst.sql d101 oc ,rh21/9 oc ,rh21/9@oc ,rh21// APP'$E$ 7u017apps7appld1017d101appl7ad,in7d1017out7h-ile er=appl=top.t:t % 0ani-est located in; 7u017apps7appld1017d101appl7ad,in7d1017out7h-ile er=appl=top.t:t .unning .apid Clone 4ith co,,and... perl Ma aI7u017apps7appld1017d101ora7iA$7appsoui7Mre71.+.1 ,odeIstage stageI7u017apps7appld1017d101co,n7clone co,ponentIappltop ,ethodICU$*O0 appct:I7u017apps7appld1017d101appl7ad,in7d101=oc ,rh21/9.:,l ,erge sho4Progress Deginning appltop 0erge ) *ue Apr 2/ 08;11;/0 2005 'og -ile located at 7u017apps7appld1017d101appl7ad,in7d101=oc ,rh21/97log70ergeAppl*op=0/2/0811.lo g Co,pleted 0erge APP'=*OP preparation -or current %ode... *ue Apr 2/ 08;+/;5? 2005 On ,atabase 2ier Boc(3rh;1441 run the &ollo0ing sctipt 7u017app7orad1017d101d179.2.07appsutil7scripts7Fconte:tna, perl adprecloneApl db2ier p0dDapps .unning .apid Clone 4ith co,,and... perl Ma aI7u017app7orad1017d101d179.2.07Mre71./.2 ,odeIstage stageI7u017app7orad1017d101d179.2.07appsutil7clone co,ponentId1*ier ,ethodICU$*O0 d1ct:I7u017app7orad1017d101d179.2.07appsutil7d101=oc ,rh21//.:,l sho4Progress Deginning data1ase tier $tage ) *ue Apr 2/ 08;/5;50 2005 APP$ Pass4ord ; apps 'og -ile located at 7u017app7orad1017d101d179.2.07appsutil7log7d101=oc ,rh21//7$tage"D*ier=0/2/08/5.l og O 55P co,pleted Prepare the 2arget 'yste3 BNode: oc(3rh;1461: Create t0o usersA )seradd *g oaa *d @u01@app@applclone *p applclone applclone

)seradd *g dba *d @u01@app@oraclone *p oraclone oraclone Copy 'ource to 2arget: Copy db2ier to the oc ,rh21/9 nodeA $cp 6r Q oracloneLoc ,rh21/9;7u017app7oraclone7 Copy Pri3ary node apps2ier to the Boc ,rh21/91 $cp 6r Q applcloneLoc ,rh21/9;7u017app7applclone Copy clone directory &ro3 secondary nodes to the target node Cp 6.- 7u017app7apd1017d101co,n7clone7appl 7u017app7applclone7cloneco,n7clone7appl Run the adc&gcloneApl on the 2arget 'yste3: On ,atabase 2ier: JoracloneLoc ,rh21/9 1inKN perl d1*ier (nter the APP$ pass4ord JAPP$K; apps Cirst Creating a ne4 conte:t -ile -or the cloned syste,. *he progra, is going to as< you -or in-or,ation a1out the ne4 syste,; Pro ide the alues required -or creation o- the ne4 "ata1ase Conte:t -ile. "o you 4ant to use a irtual hostna,e -or the target node 2y7n3 JnK ?; *arget instance is a .eal Application Cluster 2.AC3 instance 2y7n3 JnK; *arget $yste, data1ase na,e Jd101K; clone *arget syste, ."D0$ O.AC'(=>O0( directory J7u017app7ord1017d101d179.2.0K;7u017apps7oraclone7cloned179.2.0 *arget syste, utl=-ile accessi1le directories list J7usr7t,pK; %u,1er o- "A*A=*OPRs on the target syste, J1K; *arget syste, "A*A=*OP 1 J7u017app7ord1017d101dataK;7u017apps7oraclone7clonedata "o you 4ant to preser e the "isplay set to oc ,rh21//;0.0 2y7n3 JyK ?;n *arget syste, "isplay Joc ,rh21/9;0.0K; "o you 4ant to preser e the port alues -ro, the source syste, on the target syste, 2y7n3 JyK ?;n Clone Conte:t uses the sa,e port pool ,echanis, as the .apid Install Once you choose a port pool@ Clone Conte:t 4ill alidate the port a aila1ility. (nter the port pool nu,1er J0)99K; 8 Chec<ing the port pool 8 done; Port Pool 8 is -ree "ata1ase port is 1529 Dac<ing up 7u017apps7oraclone7cloned179.2.07appsutil7clone=oc ,rh21/9.:,l to 7u017apps7oraclone7cloned179.2.07appsutil7clone=oc ,rh21/9.:,l+.1a< Creating the ne4 "ata1ase Conte:t -ile -ro, ; 7u017apps7oraclone7cloned179.2.07appsutil7te,plate7ad:d1ct:.t,p *he ne4 data1ase conte:t -ile has 1een created ; 7u017apps7oraclone7cloned179.2.07appsutil7clone=oc ,rh21/9.:,l 'og -ile located at 7u017apps7oraclone7cloned179.2.07appsutil7clone71in7CloneConte:t=0/251205.log

.unning .apid Clone 4ith co,,and; perl Ma aI7u017apps7oraclone7cloned179.2.07appsutil7clone71in7..7Mre ,odeIapply stageI7u017apps7oraclone7cloned179.2.07appsutil7clone71in7.. co,ponentId1*ier ,ethodICU$*O0 d1ct:tgI7u017apps7oraclone7cloned179.2.07appsutil7clone=oc ,rh21/9.:,l sho4Progress conte:tSalidatedItrue Deginning data1ase tier Apply ) Wed Apr 25 00;05;51 2005 'og -ile located at 7u017apps7oraclone7cloned179.2.07appsutil7log7clone=oc ,rh21/97Apply"D*ier=0/2512 05.log Co,pleted Apply... Wed Apr 25 00;11;+5 2005 Deginning APP$"D=clone registration to central in entory... O.AC'(=>O0( %A0( ; APP$"D=clone O.AC'(=>O0( PA*> ; 7u017apps7oraclone7cloned179.2.0 Using In entory location in 7etc7oraInst.loc 'og -ile located at 7etc7oraIn entory7logs7Oracle>o,eCloner=0/251211.log O.AC'(=>O0( 7u017apps7oraclone7cloned179.2.0 4as registered success-ully. $tarting data1ase listener -or clone; .unning; 7u017apps7oraclone7cloned179.2.07appsutil7scripts7clone=oc ,rh21/ start clone Eou are running ersion 115.? 'og-ile; 7u017apps7oraclone7cloned179.2.07appsutil7log7clone=oc ,rh21/97addlnctl.t:t $tarting listener process clone ... 'istener clone has already 1een started.; e:iting 4ith status 0 JoracloneLoc ,rh21/9 1inKN On Applications 2ier JapplcloneLoc ,rh21/9 1inKN perl apps*ier (nter the APP$ pass4ord JAPP$K; apps Cirst Creating a ne4 conte:t -ile -or the cloned syste,. *he progra, is going to as< you -or in-or,ation a1out the ne4 syste,; Pro ide the alues required -or creation o- the ne4 APP'=*OP Conte:t -ile. "o you 4ant to use a irtual hostna,e -or the target node 2y7n3 JnK ?; *arget syste, data1ase $I" Jd101K;clone *arget syste, data1ase ser er node Joc ,rh21//K;oc ,rh21/9 *arget syste, data1ase do,ain na,e,K; "oes the target syste, ha e ,ore than one application tier ser er node 2y7n3 JyK ?;n Is the target syste, APP'=*OP di ided into ,ultiple ,ount points 2y7n3 JnK ?; *arget syste, APP'=*OP ,ount point J7u017app7apd1017d101applK;7u017apps7applclone7cloneappl

*arget syste, CO00O%=*OP directory J7u017app7apd1017d101co,nK;7u017apps7applclone7cloneco,n *arget syste, 8.0.? O.AC'(=>O0( directory J7u017app7apd1017d101ora78.0.?K;7u017apps7applclone7cloneora78.0.? *arget syste, iA$ O.AC'(=>O0( directory J7u017app7apd1017d101ora7iA$K;7u017apps7applclone7cloneora7iA$ "o you 4ant to preser e the "isplay set to oc ,rh21//;0.0 2y7n3 JyK ?;n*arget syste, "isplay Joc ,rh21/9;0.0K; (nter the "ata1ase listener port J1525K;1529 "ata1ase port is 1529 "o you 4ant the ,iddle)tier ser ices on the target syste, to ha e the sa,e port alues as the source syste, 2y7n3 JyK ?;n Clone Conte:t uses the sa,e port pool ,echanis, as the .apid Install. Once you choose a port pool@ Clone Conte:t 4ill alidate the port a aila1ility. (nter the port pool to 1e used -or the target syste, ,iddle)tier ser ices J0)99K; 8 Chec<ing the port pool 8 done; Port Pool 8 is -ree U*'=CI'(="I. on data1ase tier consists o- the -ollo4ing directories. 1. 7usr7t,p 2. 7usr7t,p +. 7u017apps7oraclone7cloned179.2.07appsutil7out1ound7clone=oc ,rh21/9 /. 7usr7t,p Choose a alue 4hich 4ill 1e set as APP'P*0P alue on the target node J1K; Creating the ne4 APP'=*OP Conte:t -ile -ro, ; 7u017apps7applclone7cloneappl7ad711.5.07ad,in7te,plate7ad:,lct:.t,p *he ne4 APP'=*OP conte:t -ile has 1een created ; 7u017apps7applclone7cloneappl7ad,in7clone=oc ,rh21/9.:,l 'og -ile located at 7u017apps7applclone7cloneco,n7clone71in7CloneConte:t=0/251215.log .unning .apid Clone 4ith co,,and; perl 7u017apps7applclone7cloneco, Ma aI7u017apps7applclone7cloneco,n7clone71in7..7Mre ,odeIapply stageI7u017apps7applclone7cloneco,n7clone71in7.. co,ponentIapps*ier ,ethodICU$*O0 appct:tgI7u017apps7applclone7cloneappl7ad,in7clone=oc ,rh21/9.:,l ,erge sho4Progress conte:tSalidatedItrue Deginning application tier Apply ) Wed Apr 25 00;15;55 2005 'og -ile located at 7u017apps7applclone7cloneappl7ad,in7clone=oc ,rh21/97log7ApplyApps*ier=0/251215. log Co,pleted Apply... Wed Apr 25 00;5+;08 2005 Deginning APP$IA$=clone registration to central in entory... O.AC'(=>O0( %A0( ; APP$IA$=clone

O.AC'(=>O0( PA*> ; 7u017apps7applclone7cloneora7iA$ Using In entory location in 7etc7oraInst.loc 'og -ile located at 7etc7oraIn entory7logs7Oracle>o,eCloner=0/25125+.log O.AC'(=>O0( 7u017apps7applclone7cloneora7iA$ 4as registered success-ully. (:ecuting ,erge appl top -or !.I ,erge ,erge Mri -iles 4ith co,,and ; !.I log -ile located at@ 7u017apps7applclone7cloneappl7ad,in7clone7out7Mri=log-ile.t:t !.I report -ile located at@ 7u017apps7applclone7cloneappl7ad,in7clone7out7Mri=report.t:t Copying ,aster archi e -ro, 7u017apps7applclone7cloneco,n7clone71in7..7appl7oc ,rh21/97Ma a7Q to 7u017apps7applclone7cloneco,n7Ma a Co,pleted copying ,aster archi e to 7u017apps7applclone7cloneco,n7Ma a $tarting application $er ices -or clone; .unning; 7u017apps7applclone7cloneco,n7ad,in7scripts7clone=oc ,rh21/ APP$7Fappsp4dG

Post 'teps:
o Change APP$ and $E$A"0in Pass4ord using C%"CPA$$ utility. o .elin< Oracle Applications. o Update $napshot.

'!N8L 92O9/)L2! NO, CLON!N8

'yste3 !n&or3ation 'ource /achine in&o: Node1: oc ,rh21//, '!,: d101 App )ser: appld101 ,: user: orad101 2arget 3achine in&o: Node1: oc ,rh21/9 Node;: oc ,rh21// 'id: clone APP user: applclone ,: user: oraclone 'er(ers: We1 H -or,s on oc ,rh21// Concurrent@ Ad,in and "ata1ase on oc ,rh21/9

Prepare the 'ource 'yste3 BNode: oc(3rh;144C 'idDdb011: On the ,atabase 2ier run the &ollo0ing scriptA @u01@app@oradb01@db01db@6A;A0@appsutil@scripts@<conteEtna3e?@adprecloneAp l perl d1*ier p4dIapps "hen 0e run this script it creates a Clone directory in 7u017app7orad1017d101d179.2.07appsutil7clone On the Application 2ier run the &ollo0ing scriptA @u01@app@appldb01@db01co3n@ad3in@scripts@<conteEtna3e?@adprecloneApl Perl apps*ier p4dIapps "hen 0e run this script it creates a Clone directory in 7u017app7appld1017d101co,n7clone Prepare the *arget $yste, 2%ode; oc ,rh21/9@ oc ,rh21//3; Create t0o users in both nodesA )seradd *g oaa *d @u01@app@applclone *p applclone applclone )seradd *g dba *d @u01@app@oraclone *p oraclone oraclone Copy 'ource to 2arget: Copy db2ier to the oc ,rh21/9 nodeA $cp 6r Q oracloneLoc ,rh21/9;7u017app7oraclone7 Copy apps2ier to the Boc ,rh21/9@ oc ,rh21//1 both nodes $cp 6r Q applcloneLoc ,rh21/9;7u017app7applclone Cp 6.- 7u017app7appld1017 7u017app7applclone7 Run the adc&gcloneApl on the 2arget 'yste3: On ,atabase 2ier: JoracloneLoc ,rh21/9 1inKN perl d1*ier (nter the APP$ pass4ord JAPP$K;apps Cirst Creating a ne4 conte:t -ile -or the cloned syste,. *he progra, is going to as< you -or in-or,ation a1out the ne4 syste,; Pro ide the alues required -or creation o- the ne4 "ata1ase Conte:t -ile. "o you 4ant to use a irtual hostna,e -or the target node 2y7n3 JnK ?; *arget instance is a .eal Application Cluster 2.AC3 instance 2y7n3 JnK; *arget $yste, data1ase na,e Jd101K; clone *arget syste, ."D0$ O.AC'(=>O0( directory J7u017apps7orad1017d101d179.2.0K;7u017app7oraclone7cloned179.2.0 *arget syste, utl=-ile accessi1le directories list J7usr7t,pK; %u,1er o- "A*A=*OPRs on the target syste, J1K;

*arget syste, "A*A=*OP 1 J7u017apps7orad1017d101dataK;7u017app7oraclone7clonedata "o you 4ant to preser e the "isplay set to oc ,rh21//;0.0 2y7n3 JyK ?;n *arget syste, "isplay Joc ,rh21/9;0.0K; "o you 4ant to preser e the port alues -ro, the source syste, on the target syste, 2y7n3 JyK ?;n Clone Conte:t uses the sa,e port pool ,echanis, as the .apid Install Once you choose a port pool@ Clone Conte:t 4ill alidate the port a aila1ility. (nter the port pool nu,1er J0)99K; ? Chec<ing the port pool ? done; Port Pool ? is -ree "ata1ase port is 1525 Creating the ne4 "ata1ase Conte:t -ile -ro, ; 7u017app7oraclone7cloned179.2.07appsutil7te,plate7ad:d1ct:.t,p *he ne4 data1ase conte:t -ile has 1een created ; 7u017app7oraclone7cloned179.2.07appsutil7clone=oc ,rh21/9.:,l 'og -ile located at 7u017app7oraclone7cloned179.2.07appsutil7clone71in7CloneConte:t=0/2+0929.log .unning .apid Clone 4ith co,,and; perl Ma aI7u017app7oraclone7cloned179.2.07appsutil7clone71in7..7Mre ,odeIapply stageI7u017app7oraclone7cloned179.2.07appsutil7clone71in7.. co,ponentId1*ier ,ethodICU$*O0 d1ct:tgI7u017app7oraclone7cloned179.2.07appsutil7clone=oc ,rh21/9.:,l sho4Progress conte:tSalidatedItrue Deginning data1ase tier Apply ) 0on Apr 2+ 09;+2;25 2005 'og -ile located at 7u017app7oraclone7cloned179.2.07appsutil7log7clone=oc ,rh21/97Apply"D*ier=0/2+09+ 2.log Co,pleted Apply... 0on Apr 2+ 09;+8;28 2005 Deginning APP$"D=clone registration to central in entory... O.AC'(=>O0( %A0( ; APP$"D=clone O.AC'(=>O0( PA*> ; 7u017app7oraclone7cloned179.2.0 Using In entory location in 7etc7oraInst.loc 'og -ile located at 7etc7oraIn entory7logs7Oracle>o,eCloner=0/2+09+8.log O.AC'(=>O0( 7u017app7oraclone7cloned179.2.0 4as registered success-ully. $tarting data1ase listener -or clone; .unning; 7u017app7oraclone7cloned179.2.07appsutil7scripts7clone=oc ,rh21/ start clone Eou are running ersion 115.? 'og-ile; 7u017app7oraclone7cloned179.2.07appsutil7log7clone=oc ,rh21/97addlnctl.t:t $tarting listener process clone ... 'istener clone has already 1een started.; e:iting 4ith status 0 On Application 2ier B;1461: JapplcloneLoc ,rh21/9 1inKN perl apps*ier (nter the APP$ pass4ord JAPP$K; apps Cirst Creating a ne4 conte:t -ile -or the cloned syste,. *he progra, is going to as< you -or in-or,ation a1out the ne4 syste,; Pro ide the alues required -or creation o- the ne4 APP'=*OP Conte:t -ile. "o you 4ant to use a irtual hostna,e -or the target node 2y7n3 JnK ?; *arget syste, data1ase $I" Jd101K;clone *arget syste, data1ase ser er node Joc ,rh21//K;oc ,rh21/9 *arget syste, data1ase do,ain na,e,K; "oes the target syste, ha e ,ore than one application tier ser er node 2y7n3 JnK ?;y "oes the target syste, application tier utiliTe ,ultiple do,ain na,es 2y7n3 JnK ?; *arget syste, concurrent processing node Joc ,rh21//K;oc ,rh21/9 *arget syste, ad,inistration node Joc ,rh21//K;oc ,rh21/9 *arget syste, -or,s ser er node Joc ,rh21//K; *arget syste, 4e1 ser er node Joc ,rh21//K; Is the target syste, APP'=*OP di ided into ,ultiple ,ount points 2y7n3 JnK ?; *arget syste, APP'=*OP ,ount point J7u017apps7appld1017d101applK;7u017app7applclone7cloneappl *arget syste, CO00O%=*OP directory J7u017apps7appld1017d101co,nK;7u017app7applclone7cloneco,n *arget syste, 8.0.? O.AC'(=>O0( directory J7u017apps7appld1017d101ora78.0.?K;7u017app7applclone7cloneora78.0.? *arget syste, iA$ O.AC'(=>O0( directory J7u017apps7appld1017d101ora7iA$K;7u017app7applclone7cloneora7iA$ "o you 4ant to preser e the "isplay set to oc ,rh21//;0.0 2y7n3 JyK ?;n *arget syste, "isplay Joc ,rh21/9;0.0K; "o you 4ant to preser e the port alues -ro, the source syste, on the target syste, 2y7n3 JyK ?;n Clone Conte:t uses the sa,e port pool ,echanis, as the .apid Install Once you choose a port pool@ Clone Conte:t 4ill alidate the port a aila1ility. (nter the port pool nu,1er J0)99K; ? Chec<ing the port pool ? done; Port Pool ? is -ree We1 'istener port is 800? Co,plete port in-or,ation a aila1le at 7u017app7applclone7cloneappl7ad,in7out7clone=oc ,rh21/97portpool.lst U*'=CI'(="I. on data1ase tier consists o- the -ollo4ing directories. 1. 7usr7t,p 2. 7usr7t,p +. 7u017app7oraclone7cloned179.2.07appsutil7out1ound7clone=oc ,rh21/9 /. 7usr7t,p

Choose a alue 4hich 4ill 1e set as APP'P*0P alue on the target node J1K; Creating the ne4 APP'=*OP Conte:t -ile -ro, ; 7u017app7applclone7cloneappl7ad711.5.07ad,in7te,plate7ad:,lct:.t,p *he ne4 APP'=*OP conte:t -ile has 1een created ; 7u017app7applclone7cloneappl7ad,in7clone=oc ,rh21/9.:,l 'og -ile located at 7u017app7applclone7cloneco,n7clone71in7CloneConte:t=0/2+1150.log .unning .apid Clone 4ith co,,and; perl 7u017app7applclone7cloneco, Ma aI7u017app7applclone7cloneco,n7clone71in7..7Mre ,odeIapply stageI7u017app7applclone7cloneco,n7clone71in7.. co,ponentIapps*ier ,ethodICU$*O0 appct:tgI7u017app7applclone7cloneappl7ad,in7clone=oc ,rh21/9.:,l sho4Progress conte:tSalidatedItrue Deginning application tier Apply ) 0on Apr 2+ 2+;5+;29 2005 'og -ile located at 7u017app7applclone7cloneappl7ad,in7clone=oc ,rh21/97log7ApplyApps*ier=0/2+115+.l og Co,pleted Apply... *ue Apr 2/ 00;0/;/2 2005 Deginning APP$IA$=clone registration to central in entory... O.AC'(=>O0( %A0( ; APP$IA$=clone O.AC'(=>O0( PA*> ; 7u017app7applclone7cloneora7iA$ Using In entory location in 7etc7oraInst.loc 'og -ile located at 7etc7oraIn entory7logs7Oracle>o,eCloner=0/2/120/.log O.AC'(=>O0( 7u017app7applclone7cloneora7iA$ 4as registered success-ully. $tarting application $er ices -or clone; .unning; 7u017app7applclone7cloneco,n7ad,in7scripts7clone=oc ,rh21/ APP$7Fappsp4dG On Application 2ier B;1441: JapplcloneLoc ,rh21// 1inKN perl apps*ier (nter the APP$ pass4ord JAPP$K; apps Cirst Creating a ne4 conte:t -ile -or the cloned syste,. *he progra, is going to as< you -or in-or,ation a1out the ne4 syste,; Pro ide the alues required -or creation o- the ne4 APP'=*OP Conte:t -ile. "o you 4ant to use a irtual hostna,e -or the target node 2y7n3 JnK ?; *arget syste, data1ase $I" Jd101K;clone *arget syste, data1ase ser er node Joc ,rh21//K;oc ,rh21/9 *arget syste, data1ase do,ain na,e,K; "oes the target syste, ha e ,ore than one application tier ser er node 2y7n3 JnK ?;y "oes the target syste, application tier utiliTe ,ultiple do,ain na,es 2y7n3 JnK ?; *arget syste, concurrent processing node Joc ,rh21//K;oc ,rh21/9

*arget syste, ad,inistration node Joc ,rh21//K;oc ,rh21/9 *arget syste, -or,s ser er node Joc ,rh21//K; *arget syste, 4e1 ser er node Joc ,rh21//K; Is the target syste, APP'=*OP di ided into ,ultiple ,ount points 2y7n3 JnK ?; *arget syste, APP'=*OP ,ount point J7u017apps7appld1017d101applK;7u017apps7applclone7cloneappl *arget syste, CO00O%=*OP directory J7u017apps7appld1017d101co,nK;7u017apps7applclone7cloneco,n *arget syste, 8.0.? O.AC'(=>O0( directory J7u017apps7appld1017d101ora78.0.?K;7u017apps7applclone7cloneora78.0.? *arget syste, iA$ O.AC'(=>O0( directory J7u017apps7appld1017d101ora7iA$K;7u017apps7applclone7cloneora7iA$ "o you 4ant to preser e the "isplay set to oc ,rh21//;0.0 2y7n3 JyK ?;n *arget syste, "isplay Joc ,rh21//;0.0K; Clone Conte:t uses the sa,e port pool ,echanis, as the .apid Install Once you choose a port pool@ Clone Conte:t 4ill alidate the port a aila1ility. (nter the port pool nu,1er J0)99K; ? Chec<ing the port pool ? done; Port Pool ? is -ree We1 'istener port is 800? Co,plete port in-or,ation a aila1le at 7u017apps7applclone7cloneappl7ad,in7out7clone=oc ,rh21//7portpool.lst U*'=CI'(="I. on data1ase tier consists o- the -ollo4ing directories. 1. 7usr7t,p 2. 7usr7t,p +. 7u017app7oraclone7cloned179.2.07appsutil7out1ound7clone=oc ,rh21/9 /. 7usr7t,p Choose a alue 4hich 4ill 1e set as APP'P*0P alue on the target node J1K; Dac<ing up 7u017apps7applclone7cloneappl7ad,in7clone=oc ,rh21//.:,l to 7u017apps7applclone7cloneappl7ad,in7clone=oc ,rh21//.:,l.1a< Creating the ne4 APP'=*OP Conte:t -ile -ro, ; 7u017apps7appld1017d101appl7ad711.5.07ad,in7te,plate7ad:,lct:.t,p *he ne4 APP'=*OP conte:t -ile has 1een created ; 7u017apps7applclone7cloneappl7ad,in7clone=oc ,rh21//.:,l 'og -ile located at 7u017apps7applclone7cloneco,n7clone71in7CloneConte:t=0/2/1215.log .unning .apid Clone 4ith co,,and; perl 7u017apps7applclone7cloneco, Ma aI7u017apps7applclone7cloneco,n7clone71in7..7Mre ,odeIapply stageI7u017apps7applclone7cloneco,n7clone71in7.. co,ponentIapps*ier ,ethodICU$*O0 appct:tgI7u017apps7applclone7cloneappl7ad,in7clone=oc ,rh21//.:,l sho4Progress conte:tSalidatedItrue Deginning application tier Apply ) *ue Apr 2/ 00;20;09 2005

'og -ile located at 7u017apps7applclone7cloneappl7ad,in7clone=oc ,rh21//7log7ApplyApps*ier=0/2/1220. log ) +8P co,pleted Co,pleted Apply... *ue Apr 2/ 00;+1;2? 2005 Deginning APP$IA$=clone registration to central in entory... O.AC'(=>O0( %A0( ; APP$IA$=clone O.AC'(=>O0( PA*> ; 7u017apps7applclone7cloneora7iA$ Using In entory location in 7etc7oraInst.loc 'og -ile located at 7u017oracle9i7oraIn entory7logs7Oracle>o,eCloner=0/2/12+1.log .C)0012+; Warning; O.AC'(=>O0( APP$IA$=clone already e:ists inside the in entory $tarting application $er ices -or clone; .unning; 7u017apps7applclone7cloneco,n7ad,in7scripts7clone=oc ,rh21// APP$7Fappsp4dG Proble3s F 'olutions: A-ter cloning 4hen 4e loo< at the OA0 screen@ 4e realiTed that concurrent processing ser er and ad,in ser er 4as running on 1oth the nodes 2oc ,rh21//@ oc ,rh21/93@ According to the con-iguration d1@ cps@ ad,in are supposed to 1e only in oc ,rh21/9 While 4e1@ -or,s are supposed to 1e in oc ,rh21// *o sol e this We chec<ed the -nd=nodes ta1le and it sho4s cps and ad,in on 1oth the nodes. We too< a 1ac<up o- -nd=nodes ta1le and e:ecuted this co,,and G C HN,=CONC=CLON A' 2)P=CL ANI Co33itI *his script clears the -nd=nodes ta1le.a-ter this 4e ran the autocon-ig on 1oth the nodes and 1ounced the d1. Autocon-ig 4ould insert all the data into the -nd=nodes ta1le. *he recti-ied in-or,ation can 1e seen in the OA0 screen.

/)L2!92O9/)L2! NO, CLON!N8

'yste3 !n&or3ation 'ource /achine in&o: Node1: oc ,rh21//, 2ad,in@ d1@ concurrent ser er3 Node;: oc ,rh21/, 2Cor, and 4e1 ser ers3

'!,: App )ser: ,: user:

d101 appld101 orad101

2arget 3achine in&o: Node1: oc ,rh21/, 2ad,in@ d1 and concurrent ser er3 Node;: oc ,rh21//, 2Cor, and 4e1 ser ers3 '!,: clone App )ser: applclone ,: user: oraclone Prepare the source syste3 c3 Prepare the $ource $yste, "D tier -or cloning 'og on to the source syste, as the orad101 user and run the -ollo4ing co,,ands; cd <R,:/'ORACL =>O/ ?@appsutil@scripts@db01=o(c3rh;144@ perl adprecloneApl db2ier d3 Prepare the $ource syste, App tier -or cloning. 'og on to the source syste, as the appldb01 user and run the -ollo4ing co,,ands on 1oth the nodes Boc(3rh;144 and oc(3rh;1461 cd <CO//ON=2OP?@ad3in@scripts@ db01=o(c3rh;144@ perl adprecloneApl apps2ier Copy the 'ource 'yste3 to the 2arget 'yste3 Copy the application tier -ile syste, -ro, the source Applications syste, to the target nodes. (nsure that the target APPLCLON user o4ns application tier -iles copied to the target syste,@ and the ORACLON user o4ns data1ase tier -iles. 13 'og on to the source syste, application tier nodes as the APPL,:01 user. 'hut do0n the application tier ser er processes Copy the -ollo4ing application tier directories -ro, the source node to the target application tier nodes; 13 Copy the data1ase tier -ile syste, 'og on to the source syste, data1ase node as the OR,:01 user. Per&or3 a nor3al shutdo0n o- the source syste, data1ase Copy the data1ase 2"DC3 -iles -ro, the source to the target syste, Copy the source data1ase O.AC'(=>O0( to the target syste, 'tart up the source Applications syste, database and application tier processes Con&igure the 2arget 'yste3 Eou 4ill 1e pro,pted -or the target syste, speci-ic alues 2$I"@ Paths@ Ports@ etc3 a1 Con&igure the target syste3 database ser(er 'og on to the target syste, as the ORACLON user and type the -ollo4ing co,,ands to con-igure and start the data1ase;

cd F."D0$ O.AC'(=>O0(G7appsutil7clone71in perl adc&gcloneApl db2ier b1 Con&igure the target syste3 application tier ser(er nodes Boc(3rh;144 and oc(3rh;1461 'og on to the target syste, as the APPLCLON user and type the -ollo4ing co,,ands; cd FCO00O%=*OPG7clone71in perl adc&gcloneApl apps2ier

Post 'teps:
o Change APP$ and $E$A"0in Pass4ord using C%"CPA$$ utility. o .elin< Oracle Applications. o Update $napshot.

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