Half Ironman Triathlon Training Program

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Half Ironman Triathlon Training Program

Please note that this plan is generic and individual athletes may require significant modification for optimal performance. It is intended only as a framework for training structure.

Monday Wk 1
OFF Notes: All Easy Base

Tuesday Bike 60:00

Wednesday Swim 45:00 Run 30:00

Thursday Bike 90:00

Friday Swim 30:00 Run 30:00

Saturday Bike 90:00 w/ Hills

Sunday Run 50:00 w/ Hills

Wk 2

OFF Notes: All Easy Base

Bike 60:00

Swim 45:00 Run 30:00

Bike 90:00

Swim 30:00 Run 30:00

Bike 90:00 w/ Hills

Run 50:00 w/ Hills

Wk 3

OFF Notes: All Easy Base

Bike 60:00

Swim 45:00 Run 35:00

Bike 05:00

Swim 45:00 Run 35:00

Bike !0:00 w/ Hills

Run 60:00 w/ Hills

Wk 4

OFF Notes: All Easy Base

Bike 60:00

Swim 45:00 Run 35:00

Bike 05:00

Swim 45:00 Run 35:00

Bike !0:00 w/ Hills

Run 60:00 w/ Hills

Wk 5

OFF Notes: Base

Bike "5:00

Swim 45:00 Run 35:00

Bike 05:00

Swim 45:00 Run 40:00

Bike !0:00 w/ Hills

Swim 30:00 Re#o$e%y/&ow 'ntensity Run 65:00 w/ Hills Swim 30:00 Re#o$e%y/&ow 'ntensity Run "0:00 w/ Hills Swim 30:00 Re#o$e%y/&ow 'ntensity Run 65:00 w/ Hills

Wk 6

OFF Notes: Base

Bike "5:00

Swim 45:00 Run 35:00

Bike 05:00

Swim 45:00 Run 45:00

Bike 35:00 (! /4 H%s) w/ Hills

Wk 7

OFF Notes: Re#o$e%y *eek

Bike 60:00

Swim 45:00 Run 30:00

Bike 90:00 Easy S+in

Swim 45:00 Run 40:00

Bike !0:00 Easy w/ Hills

Wk 8


Bike "5:00

Swim 45:00 Run 40:00

Bike !0:00 !, 0minute %a#e +a#e 0 min B%i#k easy

Swim 45:00 Run 45:00

Bike 50:00 (! /! H%s) w/ Hills

Swim 30:00 Re#o$e%y/&ow 'ntensity Run "5:00 w/ Hills

Wk 9


Bike 90:00

Swim 50:00 Run 45:00

Bike !0:00 !, 0minute %a#e +a#e 0 min B%i#k easy

Swim 50:00 Run 45:00

Bike 65:00 (! 3/4 H%s) w/ Hills

Swim 30:00 Re#o$e%y/&ow 'ntensity Run -0:00 w/ Hills

Wk 10


Bike 90:00

Swim 50:00 Run 50:00

Bike !0:00 !, 0minute %a#e +a#e 5minute B%i#k easy

Swim 50:00 Run 45:00

Bike -0:00 (3 H%s) w/ Hills

Swim 30:00 Re#o$e%y/&ow 'ntensity Run -5:00 w/ Hills

Wk 11

OFF Notes: Re#o$e%y *eek

Bike 60:00

Swim 50:00 Run 40:00

Bike 90:00 Easy S+in

Swim 50:00 Run 35:00

Bike 50:00 (! /! H%s) w/ Hills

Swim 40:00 Re#o$e%y/&ow 'ntensity Run -5:00 w/ Hills Swim 40:00 Re#o$e%y/&ow 'ntensity Run 90:00 w/ Hills

Wk 12


Bike 90:00

Swim 50:00 Bike !0:00 Run 50:00 !,5minutes . 5minute %a#e +a#e a/te% B%i#k easy !0 min wa%m u+ w/ 5min 0etween

Swim 50:00 Run 50:00

Bike -0:00 (3 H%s) !, 5minute . %a#e +a#e1 a/te% 2% wa%m u+ w/ 0 minutes %ollin3 %e#o$e%y

Wk 13


Bike 90:00

Swim 50:00 Bike !0:00 Run 55:00 !,5minutes . 5minute %a#e +a#e a/te% B%i#k easy !0 min wa%m u+ w/ 5min 0etween

Swim 55:00 Run 50:00

Bike -0:00 (3 H%s) !, 5minute . %a#e +a#e1 a/te% 2% wa%m u+ w/ 0 minutes %ollin3 %e#o$e%y

Swim 40:00 Re#o$e%y/&ow 'ntensity Run 95:00 w/ Hills

Wk 14


Bike 90:00

Swim 55:00 Bike !0:00 Run 55:00 3,5minutes . 5minute %a#e +a#e a/te% B%i#k easy !0 min wa%m u+ w/ 5min 0etween

Swim 55:00 Run 50:00

Bike 95:00 (3 /4 H%s) 3, 5minute . %a#e +a#e a/te% 2% wa%m u+ w/ 0minutes %ollin3 %e#o$e%y1 5min B%i#k

Swim 40:00 Re#o$e%y/&ow 'ntensity Run 00:00 w/ Hills

Wk 15

OFF Notes: Re#o$e%y *eek

Bike 60:00

Swim 55:00 Run 45:00

Bike 90:00 Easy S+in

Swim 55:00 Run 40:00

Bike 50:00 (! /! H%s) w/ Hills

Swim 40:00 Re#o$e%y/&ow 'ntensity Run 95:00 w/ Hills Swim 40:00 Re#o$e%y/&ow 'ntensity Run 05:00 w/ Hills

Wk 16


Bike 90:00

Swim 60:00 Bike !0:00 Swim 60:00 Run 55:00 Run 50:00 3,5minutes . 0minutes . %a#e +a#e a/te% %a#e +a#e !0 min wa%m u+ 5minute w/ 5min B%i#k easy 0etween

Bike 95:00 (3 /4 H%s) !,30minute . %a#e +a#e a/te% 2% wa%m u+ w/ 0minutes %ollin3 %e#o$e%y1 5min B%i#k Bike ! 0:00 (3 /! H%s) 3,!0minute . %a#e +a#e a/te% 2% wa%m u+ w/ 0minutes %ollin3 %e#o$e%y1 5min B%i#k

Wk 17


Bike 90:00

Swim 60:00 Bike !0:00 Run 60:00 4,5minutes . 5minute %a#e +a#e a/te% B%i#k easy !0 min wa%m u+ w/ 5min 0etween

Swim 60:00 Run 50:00

Swim 40:00 Re#o$e%y/&ow 'ntensity Run 0:00 w/ Hills

Wk 18


Bike 60:00

Swim 60:00 Run 45:00

Bike !0:00 5minutes . /! +a#e 5minute B%i#k easy

Swim 60:00 Bike -0:00 Run 45:00 (3 H%s) 4,-00 mete%s . 04 +a#e !, 5minute . %a#e +a#e a/te% 2% wa%m u+ w/ 0minutes %ollin3 %e#o$e%y1 5min B%i#k

Swim 40:00 Re#o$e%y/&ow 'ntensity Run 90:00 3,5minute . %a#e +a#e

Wk 19


Bike "5:00

Swim 60:00 Run 40:00

Bike 90:00 5minute B%i#k 5minutes . 04 +a#e

Swim 60:00 Bike 50:00 Run 40:00 (! /! H%s) 4,-00 mete%s . 04 +a#e !,5minute . 404 +a#e

Swim 30:00 Re#o$e%y/&ow 'ntensity Run "0:00 Easy

Wk 20

OFF Notes: Ra#e *eek

Bike 60:00

Swim 40:00 Run 30:00 3,!minute . 04 +a#e

Bike 90:00 3,!minute 404 +a#e


0minute swim w/ 5 5se#on5 +i#k u+s 30645minute 0ike wit2 3, minute 0uil5 to %a#e +a#e 5minute %un wit2 5, 5se#on5 0uil5s to %a#e +a#e7 S+%ea5 t2ese wo%kouts out i/ +ossi0le1 main +%io%ity is 2y5%ation1 /oo51 an5 low st%ess7

RA ! "A#$ %&&" '( )*

Plan Assumptions: Please be sure you meet these basic requirements before choosing and starting this plan. This plan is targeted for those at an Intermediate Level. You should at least have several lympic races under your belt. The plan also assumes you are currently fit and starting with a good !ase. If you can not comfortably complete the first couple weeks proposed in this plan then you may wish to ad"ust your goals and spend more time building your !ase. #ppro$imately 12-15 Hours/Wk for Training If possible swim on tuesdays% &asters swim recomended for all swims but sunday. I don't recomend swimming straight yardage (e$ample )***+,*** yards straight-. .o these swims a couple times if you want to know you can do the distance% but it/s preferred you do ,**+0** on intervals that are pushing your pace. Throw 0*'s and )**'s in to get your speed and turnover in. .o at least 0** yards of stroke work during every warm up% make your stroke efficient

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