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Well Service and Workover

Procedures Series

Instructor Guide

Instructional Training Binder

Must be read by instructor

Instructor Overview and Introduction

The well service and workover (procedures) series is designed to introduce students to the fundamental processes by which oilwells are completed, repaired, restored, and placed into producing status. The series is made up of six separate courses which can be offered sequentially, or as stand-alone training. This series requires the instructor to be considered a content expert in the course being taught. This training guide offers guidelines and recommendations for instruction intended to complement the field experience exhibited by the instructor. Each course in this series is designed to provide both classroom and hands-on training. The classroom component comprises approximately 25% of each course and should serve to provide foundational knowledge and a generalized background of the topic. The remaining 75% of the course is designed as hands-on field training and should be paired with the appropriate facility/equipment designated in this guide. courses offered in this series include: Well Logging Acidizing Fracturing Completion Cementing and Perforating Well Cleanout and Repair Fishing Tools and Procedures The

The following instructional guide will provide a course overview (syllabus), training outline, classroom component materials, equipment guide for hands-on component, and supplemental materials/handouts.

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Course Overview (syllabus) Completion: Cementing and Perforating New Mexico Junior College
DIVISION OF TRAINING AND OUTREACH Please note that this is a template and serves to provide an overview of the general format, objective, and content of the course. The materials are subject to change as deemed appropriate by the instructor. General Course Information: A. Course Title: B. Length: C. Location: D. Course Structure: Completion - Cementing and Perforating 2 DAYS 16 hours NMJC PETROLEUM INDUSTRY TRAINING COMPLEX 25% THEORY & BACKGROUND LECTURE 75% HANDS-ON APPRENTICESHIP W/ EQUIPMENT

E. Suggested Prior Exp: Working knowledge of well site, surface, and downhole equipment and operations F. Recommended For: Service unit employees, production employees, foremen, supervisory personnel

Course Description: Course will cover the essential components of oilwell cementing and perforating as procedures for downhole completion and repair. Participants will learn about circulation, cementing pipe, bridge plugs, squeeze jobs, as-well-as zone perforation and the equipment associated with each procedure.

Recommended Course Materials: SCHLUMBERGER Well Cementing, 2nd Ed ISBN 0-978-85300-8 PETEX Rotary Drilling Series Lesson 4 Casing and Cementing, 3rd Ed ISBN 0-88698191-3 PETEX Rotary Drilling Series Lesson 5 Testing and Completing, 3rd Ed ISBN 0-88698192-1 PETEX Oil and Gas Production Series Analysis for Well Completion ISBN 0-88698-084-4 PETEX Oil and Gas Production Series Well Cementing ISBN 0-88698-112-3

PETEX A Primer of Oilwell Service, Workover, and Completion ISBN 0-88698-175-1 PETEX Training Video Cement and Cement Additives Cat. No. 65.1125 PETEX Training Video Liner Cementing Cat. No. 65.6010 PETEX Training Video Primary Cementing Cat. No. 65.0128 Specific Course Objectives/Hands-On Competencies: 1. Demonstrate understanding of downhole completion methods 2. Recognize common perforating and cementing techniques 3. Identify bridge plugs, circulation, cementing pipe, bridge plugs, squeeze jobs, as-well-as zone perforation 4. Describe the equipment associated with each procedure 5. Organize and plan well plugging, squeeze jobs, zone perforation projects 6. Practice safe work habits Additional Notes This course is an apprenticeship-style course and utilizes an equipment intensive approach to real-world training. The NMJC Petroleum Production Training Facility is a fully functional oilfield location. Therefore, appropriate safety procedures will be observed at all times.

Course Outline Completion: Cementing and Perforating

Day 1: Hour 1: 8 Hours of Instruction Introduction and Overview of Course (Classroom) 1. Instructor/Participant Introductions 2. Review Course syllabus 3. Review Outline 4. Review Safety Policy Hour 2: Background of Cementing (Classroom) 1. Casing Cementing 2. Squeeze Cementing
Move to hands-on facility

Hours 3-4:

Demonstrate Proper Equipment Setup (Wellsite) 1. Pump/Kill Truck and Transport 2. Blowout Preventer 3. Mud/Reverse Pit 4. Proximities to Rig and Wellbore

Hours 5-8:

Run Cementing Simulation (Wellsite) 1. Demonstrate Equipment Controls 2. Simulate Cementing Using Fresh Water 3. Simulate Squeeze Job 4. Shut-In Equipment for Day 2

Break for Day 2

Course Outline Completion: Cementing and Perforating

Day 2: Hour 1: 8 Hours of Instruction Planning a Completion (Classroom) 1. Preparing for Perforating Hour 2: Background of Perforating (Classroom) 1. Open-hole Completions 2. Cased-hole Completions 3. Bullet Perforating 4. Jet Perforating
Move to hands-on facility

Hours 3-6:

Field Demonstration (Wellsite) 1. Show Perforating Gun Types 2. Demonstrate Well Swabbing 3. Demonstrate Unloading a Well

Hours 7-8:

Demonstrate Proper Equipment Rig-Down (Wellsite) 1. Rig Down Equipment 2. Dismiss Class

End of Course

Use for Lecture

Materials for Classroom Completion: Cementing and Perforating

Bullet and Jet Perforating

Equipment must be set up before course begins

Equipment for Hands-On Component Completion: Cementing and Perforating

The following equipment must be present at the training site: Name/Description Physical wellbore w/ 400ft of navigable hole Pumping Unit Blowout Preventer Pulling Unit (Rig) Pump/Kill Truck Reverse/Mud Pit Wireline Truck (Possible) Master List Equipment Code NA A1 B9 B1 B3 B6 B8

Prior to the start of the course, the instructor should prepare the training site. Preparation of the hands-on training facility should include the setup and arrangement of the necessary equipment in the following manner: Pulling unit rigged up on wellbore Tubing in hole, ready to pump down w/ casing bleed to frac tank BOP secured to wellhead flange Pump truck to pressure up and simulate squeeze job

Ready to begin training

Handouts/Supplemental Items Completion: Cementing and Perforating

The PETEX workbook contains a posttest review. Copies of this review should be distributed to students.

End of Course

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