Social Probs Faced by Muslim Ummah.

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Islamic Ummah is stuck in the mud of imported Eastern and Western material civilization and being intellectually and culturally attacked from all sides. the absence of an honest Islamic leaders. the involvement of Muslim leaders in petty and individual matters and the weakness of the spirit of enjoining good and forbidding evil. The clash of material civilization against Islam. Absence of pious leaders: Not being well versed with these conditions has forced many incompetent religious leaders to take embarrassing stands that have put Islam in a political, administrative, social and economic obscurity. MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT ISLAM: Westerners in general--including many Christians and Jews who, like Muslims, are "People of the Book"--perceive Islam as a religion spread by the sword, and Muslims as religious fanatics who are zealously committed to waging "JIHAD" against non-Muslims or even against non-conforming Muslims. CONCLUSION: ......... =========================== Q)Muslim Ummah comprises of 1/5th of the total world population, rich in natural resources but lacking economic and political stability. Suggest measures for political and economic stability. (2009) INTRODUCTION: ........ MEASURES TO SOLVE ECO PROBLEM: OR MEASURES FOR ECONOMIC & POLITICAL STABILITY: 1.FREE FROM DEPENDENCE ON OTHERS: Our economic and political leadership will have to find ways and means to free ourselves from dependence on foreign countries. We already have the basic resources for that. All we need is to design new policies to utilize the wealth of the Ummah within the Muslim world, and to 4.IMPLEMENTING ISLAMIC ECO SYSTEM The economic principles taught by the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet (Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam) are quite capable of solving the major economic problems faced by the world today. 5.INTRODUCING MUSHARKA & MUDARBA: In the context of modern economic needs where the savings of the common people are activated to boost development, the use of the Islamic instruments like musharakah and mudarabah, instead of interest, may make the common people directly share the fruits of development which may bring prosperity in a balanced manner reducing the gap between the rich and the poor. 6.PREVENT MONOPLOLIES: Tend to prevent monopolies and curb the unjust and immoral earnings and commercial activities detrimental to the collective interest of the society. 8.CONSTANT CIRCULATION OF WEALTH: The institution of zakat, sadaqat, and certain other financial obligations provide that even

the halal income is again distributed to the persons who could not earn enough due to insufficient market opportunities. Through the twin controls, the wealth is kept under constant circulation and the chances of its concentration are almost eliminated. Promote dialogue with other nations. Sustainable devolpment of Islamic countries.



Muslim ummah requires a true and faithful leader.Who should implement genuine Islam and grasp better conditions of contemporary world. As well as act as example for younger generation, in all aspects.

Develop the concept of Islamic brotherhood and mutual understanding and cooperation. The Quran says: "All the Muslims are brothers."


Quranic injunctions and the Prophetic teachings require that the Muslim Ummah should act as a single body. The geographical barriers should not divide them into different nations with conflicting objectives. All the Muslim countries must have a united face at least with reference to the common objectives of the Muslim Ummah vis--vis the rest of the world.

4.Modernization without Westernization:

All the challenges confronting the contemporary Muslim world, the greatest appears to be that of modernity. Muslims who consider themselves the caretakers of "the Islamic way of life" are aware of the fact that viability in the modern technological age requires the adoption of the scientific outlook, which inevitably brings about major changes in modes of thinking and behavior. "modernization"--is largely identified with science, technology and a better standard of life; "westernization" referred as--is largely identified with mass western culture and moral degeneration and disintegration. ================================= PLEASE SENIORS HELP ME IN CORRECTING NOTES OF THESE TOPICS. TOPIC OF MUSLIM UMMAH SEEMS TO BE IMPORTANT THIS YEAR. Q)In the globalization arena what role Muslim Ummah can play being custodian of Revealed Knowledge to resolve the complex problems of human kind? (2010) SOLVE THIS QUESTION. AND ANOTHER QUESTION I WANNA ASK IS THAT ROLE/OBJECTIVES/RESPONSIBILITIES/DUTIES ALL ARE SAME? REPEATEC QUES RELATED TO MUSLIM UMMAH UMMAH Describe the role and objectives of Muslim Ummah. How can it contribute to solve the problems of the present world? (2001) Write down in detail the problems of Ummah in the contemporary world. (2003) What is the role and objective of Muslim Ummah? How can it contribute to solve its own and worlds problem? (2004) In todays, world, Muslim every where are being castigated and condemned by the west as extremists and terrorists having an evil ideology. Muslims are about 1/5th of the world

population but they dont have a collective voice. Do you think the concept of Muslim umma is viable in todays world? Discuss (2005) Ijtihad can play an important role in the establishment of Muslim Ummah and the making of Humanity. Discuss. (2008) Muslim Ummah comprises of 1/5th of the total world population, rich in natural resources but lacking economic and political stability. Suggest measures for political and economic stability. (2009) In the globalization arena what role Muslim Ummah can play being custodian of Revealed Knowledge to resolve the complex problems of human kind? (2010) What is meant by civilization and culture and how it effects collective life and also analyzes the foundation of modern civilization and highlights the problems caused by it? (2011) Describe the concept of modern civilization and its effects on Muslim Ummah. (2012) Write down in detail the problems of Ummah in the contemporary world. (2013)

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