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Molly Cubba Ms. Gardner English 10H 1 11 March 2014 Light or Dark, Pure or Evil Why did Miss Havisham feel so influenced to be pure by Pip? Why did Pip and Estella feel the need to find the good in everything? How did Magwitch end up being the hero when he was supposed to be the villain? In the coming of age novel, Great Expectations, the author, Charles Dickens, uses light and dark to personify the good and evil in each character. These individuals---intimidating, juvenile, degrading, and menacing---transform into enhanced human beings throughout each turn of the page. In the exposition of the novel, Miss Havisham was far from a decent, respectable woman. She acted as a malicious creature who despised any sight of heavens. Miss Havisham was not concerned of anyones emotions; likewise, she neglected to recognize her own emotions. She only wished to see people suffer as she did on her wedding day. As Miss Havisham has slowly withered away with the rest of her home, she wished to have the same happen to an innocent soul. Because of Miss Havishams broken heart, all the words she speaks are demeaning. When Pip first enters the Satis House, he is overwhelmed by darkness: Miss Havisham released this darkness that pervaded through her deteriorating home. She hopes that Pip will get broken just as bad as she did by her fiance. It is blind devotion, unquestioning selfhumiliation, utter submission, trust and belief against yourself and against the whole world, giving up your whole heart and soul to the smiteras I did!" (240). Miss Havisham is living her life merely to get revenge. Estella is Miss Havishams ammo and Pip is the target. By Miss

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Havisham telling Estella to break his heart, the lack of sincerity becomes present in Miss Havisham. However, as the climax is reached, Miss Havisham grows to appreciate Pip, and the emptiness inside her is filled with something more hopeful: light. Pips goal as he grows up is to learn and mold to being a gentleman. Even though he does not portray darkness at a young age, he portrays a lack of light. He thought that the light can only come from having the title of a gentleman, having the right attires, and having masses of fortune. In his youth, Pip sets great expectations for himself and what he is going to accomplish in London. Because Miss Havisham has raised Estella to be just like her, Estella is more malicious than anyone Pip had ever met. Miss Havisham has attempted to teach Estella all evil ways, and she has succeeded. Estella has no mercy for any visitors to the Satis House. During Pip and Estellas first encounters, she treats him as if he is nobody because he is a common labouring-boy (58). Estella doesnt worry about how someone might interpret her rudeness, so she continues to break hearts and not care about peoples feeling. Being rude, being harsh, and being rough is Estellas way of fulfilling Miss Havishams request to play, play, play (57). Estella is a gorgeous lady which makes it possible for her to lure victims in just as a Muse does. Although Magwitch may come across as terrifying for being a convict, he is not entirely immoral. When Pip first met Magwitch, Pip was petrified at the thought of ever being a friend to the man with a great iron on his leg (2). As Magwitchs outer self is present all in course grey, his inner self can be thought of as a shade of grey: the melodizing of light and dark. Just because he is a convict doesnt mean he cannot still be a decent person. Coincidentally, Magwitch turns out to be one of the more promising people in Pips life, considering he is Pips benefactor. I only saw in him a much better man than I had been to Joe

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(450). Pip appreciated everything Magwitch had done for him regarding Magwitchs criminal record. The wholeness and wickedness is seen throughout the characters in Great Expectations through the light and dark aspects of their life. Miss Havisham was a disgraceful woman until she met Pip; Pip was merely trying to learn how to be good enough for Estella; Estella did not appreciate the decent things she had unlike Magwitch; Magwitch was a good man all along who only wanted his dream to shine through someone.

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