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Sales & Distribution Management Instructor: Vikas Bagga Introduction: Sales and Distribution is a key component for the

success of any organization. This is a critical function and determines to a large extent the position and market share that an organization would achieve in the industry that it operates in. S&D is equally important be it a !"#$ durables or services industry in consumer %&" space or industrial good manufacturing$ office automation$ software & hardware provider in %&% space. The S & D strategy that a company implements to execute its annual business plans is key be it institutional$ retail or a combination of institutional and retail sales. The ob'ective of the course is to provide an in(depth and through understanding of various components of S&D. The overarching ob'ective of the course would be to give the participants a thorough understanding of evolution of need for sales$ the setting up of sales processes$ the physical distribution channel$ management of this channel and improving effectiveness$ managing the people who manage the distribution function$ managing multi(pronged distribution strategy$ creating templates for measurement of sales productivity & efficiencies$ support required from sales promotion activities & measuring effectiveness of the same . )astly the back bone of S&D which is the supply chain and logistics management * its critical impact on the impactful delivery from sales channel. The imparting of the course would be supported with case studies$ where some of the challenges faced in each aspect of S&D would get covered in detail. The course framework can be used by participants as a tool to systematically evaluate the factors that would influence an organizations Sales & Distribution strategy. +t would allow the participants in their business roles to effectively evaluate options at each level in the S&D process and implement strategies that are relevant to their industry & best suited to their company to give it a competitive edge in the business arena they operate in. Objectives: a, Demonstrate understanding of the criticality of S&D in an organization across industries b, Demonstrate appreciation of sales function and how it works as a cog in the wheel of marketing. +t will ensure understanding of how sales is an integral part of marketing and how sales and advertising work in tandem to complete the entire marketing cycle. c, -ecognize how sales management function and how the sales force is managed effectively to deliver desired results for an organization . Sub #oal /.&,

d, 0nderstand the distribution channels that will be used$ the conflicts and competition between various channels used and how these should be managed effectively to drive synergies and deliver best possible outcome for the organization e, 0nderstanding the importance of warehousing$ inventory management * logistics and supply chain management Teaching pedagog 1 study mix of class room discussions$ relevant case studies$ term pro'ects and presentations is envisaged to progress with the following course outline. Session !lan: !art " 2art / will cover definition of sales$ ob'ectives and function of sales in an organization. +t will detail the sales function and classification of sales management$ how does selling fall under the overarching 3all(encompassing marketing function$ the interdependence of advertising .the other key element of marketing, and the sales management. +t will also cover the 4Sales organization5 and its purpose$ principles and policies. Session " # $volution o% Sales Management 6 6 6 6 6 !art & 2art & will cover an introduction to Sales management. +t will cover sales strategies and policies$ management of sales force i.e. planning and organizing sales force$ recruitment & selection ( staffing the sales force$ training$ directing the sales force$ motivating and leading the sales force$ contests &rewards & regular compensation. 9uestions like determining the required size of sales force$ division of territories & the rationale$ routing and scheduling$ controlling the selling process & the budgets available for costs against the benchmark budgets. Sales management will also cover the personal selling process$ sales budgeting$ sales quota allocation and territory management. +t will also cover controlling3supervision and evaluation of the sales force and last but not the least will also cover the social$ ethical and legal aspect of selling. 7hat is Sales !anagement +mportance of selling and sales !anagement %uying Decision 2rocess %uying Decisions and types of 2urchases .+ndividual or 8ousehold users, %usiness to %usiness Sales

Session & #Sales as a 'areer 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 -oles and -ewards in a sales "areer "hanging role of sales force Sales :b'ectives$ Strategies and Tactics Selling(2rocess and 2reparation ;ffective "ommunication The <2ersonal selling= 2rocess 2rospecting$9ualifying$2re1pproach$1pproach$2resentation$demonstration$query handling "losing the Sales$ ollow up$ >egotiation and Service

Session ( # !lanning) Sales *orecasting and Budgeting 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Strategic %usiness 0nit 2lanning 2roduct3:perational 2lanning Sales Strategy "lassification of 1ccounts Selling !ethods and "hannel Strategy !anagement of ?ey 1ccounts Size of Sales force37orkload !ethod Staffing the Sales force Selecting$ -ecruiting and 8iring the sales force

Session + # Training) Motivating) 'ompensating and ,eading the sales %orce6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Training 2rocess(1ssess Training >eeds$ Design and +mpart Training ;valuate the training programs$ reinforce Training !otivating the Sales force -elevance and importance of !otivation Selecting an effective mix of !otivational tools "ompensating the sales force Designing an effective sales compensation plan )eading the Sales force )eadership styles and Skills Supervising Salespeople )oyalty ( +T3"hannel 2artner

'ase Stud . ": /! Sales Incentive !lan Background 6 6 6 6 82 1chieve2lus is a multi(country channel loyalty programme designed to reward 82 %usiness 2artner sales representatives for selling 82 2roducts and services. The programme has been running successfully for more than // years in // countries across 1sia 2acific. This programme aims at increasing 82@s profitability and ensuring a healthy and ongoing relationship between 82 and its partners The programme aims to reduce the impact of competition by incentivising the sales of 82 products and building the loyalty of sales reps.

!ore than ABB 82 "hannel 2artners are part of this programme with over CBBB sales representatives participating.

Objectives 6 6 6 6 6 6 +ncrease sales through enterprise channel partners +ncentivise the sales force of 82 through a points based program ;ducate channel partners about 82 products through a variety of interactive media ;ncourage channel partners to attend training programmes +ncrease frequency of contact with channel partners -eward channel partners for positive behaviour

0ction plan 6 6 6 6 6 6 2oints based$ sales linked incentives for all 2roduct knowledge through quiz 3 surveys Training and certification -elationship building -ewards through comprehensive multi(country rewards catalogue :ffer attractive bonus multipliers and dynamic seasonal promotions

1esults 6 6 6 !easurable increase in new registrations and sales +ncrease in region wise channel penetration and revenue +mprovement in the communication index Targets 6 "hannel 2artners across 1siapac countries

'ase Stud . &:2la3oSmith4line !lc # Sales compensation Background: +n Duly &B/B$ #laxoSmith?line 2lc .#S?,$ one of the world@s leading pharmaceutical companies$ announced that it would replace its existing system of evaluating and compensating its sales professionals in the 0S. 1s part of the new system$ the bonuses of the sales professionals would be based on customer feedback and adherence to company policy rather than the widely used practice of focusing on individual achievement of sales targets. +ndustry observers viewed #S?@s new sales force compensation plan as a radical change and their opinion was divided regarding the effectiveness of the new sales force compensation system. Objectives: 6 6 To understand the various issues and challenges associated with evaluating and compensating a sales force. To understand the pharma selling environment in the 0S.

6 6

To analyze the new sales force compensation system of #S? in the 0S and discuss the pros and cons of the system. ;xplore ways in which the system can be improved further.

'ontents 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 +ntroduction 1bout #S? "hanging Dynamics in the 2harma Selling ;nvironment #S?@s Sales orce in the 0S Delinking Sales orce "ompensation and Sales Targets -eactions )ooking 1head ;xhibits .SourceE+"!-,

Session 5 # 'ontrolling the sales *orce 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 !art ( 2art C will cover distribution management and types of distribution channels * primary & secondary .riding on other distribution companies existing distribution network,$ marketing channels$ channel institutions$ ownership of channels * company owned Fs. franchisee$ web enabled3 electronic channels$ non( store retailing. 1spects of channel planning channel management & channel information systems will get covered. +t will also cover aspects on how successful companies build competitive channels as complimenting and not conflicting channels. Distribution management will cover the wholesaler$ distributor$ "& agent and the retailer and marketing decisions regarding retailing .reach to end consumer, Session 6 # Introduction 7De%inition o% Distribution Management 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 >eed for Distribution "hannels ( are intermediaries necessaryG 8ow does Distribution add value Distribution "hannels used Different kinds of distribution networks 2atterns of Distribution -ural distribution +nternet as a Distribution tool Sales and !arketing +ntelligence System Secondary Data Discussions with "ustomers and +ntermediaries. Sales orce expenses. Types of expense plans. !arketing and sales 1udits. ;valuation of ;ffectiveness

'ase Stud . ( 8ikon India 9 S & D Strateg 9 :a %or;ard 0bstract +n !ay &BBH$ >ikon "orporation$ one of the world=s leading manufacturers of optical and imaging equipment$ entered +ndia by setting up >ikon +ndia 2rivate )imited .>ikon +ndia, as a wholly(owned subsidiary. >ikon +ndia had witnessed good sales growth and by early &BBI$ had established market leadership in the premium DS)- camera segment and also cornered a JK market share in the compact camera segment. +n the financial year &BBI(/B$ the company was ramping up its presence in the country by expanding its retail presence with a shop(in(shop retail model. +t was also putting a sales organization in place that included a &BB(strong sales force. 7ith these channel development initiatives$ the company expected to double its market share in the compact camera segment and further consolidate its leadership position in the DS)- camera segment by the end of &BBI(/B. Issues: 6 6 6 Sales and distribution strategy Sales organization "hannel development

Introduction +n early &BBI$ the #lobal 2resident of >ikon "orporation $ !akoto ?imura$ said that the company@s growth in +ndia had been impressive and that >ikon expected the country to be a vital market for its products by &B/L... <uestions %or Discussion: 6 6 "ritically analyze >ikon=s sales and distribution strategy +n &BBI$ >ikon is in the process of putting a sales organization in place that included a >ational Sales !anager$ -egional Sales !anagers$ and many +n(shop 2romoters. 7ith this new sales organization in place$ can >ikon achieve its ambitious sales growth targetG

Session = 9 Marketing 'hannels 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 "hannel definition ;volution of "hannels "hannel ormats(2roducer Driven3Seller Driven3Service Driven3:ther Fertical !arketing Systems 8orizontal !arketing Systems !ulti(level3!ulti "hannel !arketing "osts and !argins and Distribution Systems -elated "ase Studies for various types of channels

Session > # 'hannel Institutions#1etailing 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 +ntroduction3Definition of -etailing The -etailer as a Salesman Theories in retail #lobal -etailing Scene -etailers :wn brands32rivate )abels -etail relationships The evolving retail scene in +ndia Types of -etailers -etail Strategies. -etail 2erformance measures -etail +nitiatives in -ural +ndia ;(retailing

'ase Stud . +: !antaloon?s retailing strateg 0bstract: The case is set in &BBL and talks about 2antaloon -etail .+, )td. .2-+),$ which emerged as one of the most successful companies in the still nascent +ndian organised retailing industry. The case briefly talks about the changing retail industry in +ndia$ and the changing consumer habits$ led by its cities$ with improving purchasing power. +t describes how 2-+) was addressing the unique issues that are faced by organised playersM how 2-+) developed its four main formats to target various segments in the market and the strategies it was adopting for branding$ marketing and operating these stores. The case highlights the key elements that go into creating viable retail operations in a dispersed market with diverse buying habits. +t also highlights the factors that affect profitability in retailing in developing markets such as +ndia. Issues: 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 :rganised retailing industry economics 0nique issues faced by organised players in the +ndian retailing industry %uilding competitive advantage in retailing +mportance of understanding consumer attitudes in a growing$ traditional economy 1nalyse if 2-+) can replicate its category management method across all its retail formats "an in(house brands succeed the same way in all product categories 8ow would 2-+)=s plans change if foreign investment is allowed in +ndia.

'ase Stud . 5 9 I'I'I !ru 9 'hoice o% distribution channels 0bstract: This caselet discusses +"+"+ 2rudential@s entry into the private insurance segment and its distribution network. The company started with a base of N& advisors and then slowly expanded its distribution channels through bancassurance$ direct marketing$ and other measures. +"+"+ 2rudential also

ventured into the rural segment through various state(level and non(government organizations. inally the caselet discusses the distribution strategies of other insurance players. Issues: 6 6 6 >eed for alternative distribution channels in insurance %ancassurance as an effective medium for selling insurance !ethods of distribution in rural areas

Introduction: +"+"+ 2rudential )ife +nsurance "ompany )imited .+"+"+ 2ru, was set up in Duly &BBB as a 'oint venture between +"+"+ and 2rudential plc of 0?. +t came out with its first insurance policy on December /&$ &BBB. +nitially$ it offered a variety of products in life insurance (( Single 2remium %ond$ Save @n@ 2rotect$ and orever )ife... <uestions %or Discussion: 6 +"+"+ 2ru was one of the early players in the private insurance market. 7hat strategy did it follow to gain a ma'or market shareG +n this context$ discuss the role played by its various distribution channels in enhancing its business. 6 +n terms of the future of the +ndian insurance industry$ what do you think are the measures that can be taken3have been taken by +"+"+ 2ru to further strengthen its distribution system to meet the competitionG %ring out the drawbacks of the existing channels and the need to explore new avenues. Session @ 9 :holesaling 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 +ntroduction and Definition of 7holesaler unctions of 7holesaler(1ggregating of #oods37arehousing3order %ooking3transporting3insurance3-isk %earing "lassification of 7holesaler Strategic 7holesaling +ssues(!arketing !ix $"ustomer Segment !a'or wholesaling decisions (2roducts3!arkets3!anpower. 2romotional Support 7arehouse )ocation and Design. +nventory "ontrol "ash and "arry 7holesale

'ase Stud .6 Bharti :almart 9 'ash & 'arr :holesale 0bstract: The case discusses the cash(and(carry stores of the world@s largest retailer$ 7al(!art$ in +ndia. 7al( !art entered +ndia through a 'oint venture with %harti ;nterprises and started operating cash(and( carry stores apart from providing back(end support to %harti@s retail stores. The cash(and(carry venture was highly successful with several small stores stocking their products$ due to their low

prices and high margins. The case concludes with a discussion on the challenges 7al(!art is likely to face due to the +ndian government=s policy on D+ in retail. Issues: 6 6 6 6 The retail business in +ndia. oreign Direct +nvestment in +ndian retail. 7al(!art@s cash*and(carry operations. Doint ventures in retail.

Introduction: 7al(!art Stores$ +nc .7al(!art,$ one of the largest retailers in the world$ entered +ndia in &BBH with an equal 'oint venture with %harti ;nterprises .%harti,$ a leading +ndia(based business group. The %harti(7almart venture operated wholesale cash(and(carry stores and also provided back(end supply chain support to the %harti@s retail stores. +t opened its first cash(and(carry wholesale store named @%est 2rice@ in +ndia in &BBI. 1nalysts said that the 'oint venture operating wholesale cash(and(carry stores had proved a good deal for +ndian retailers$ who could get products at low costs... <uestions %or Discussion: 6 7hat are the main reasons for the success of 7al(!art@s cash(and(carry stores in +ndiaG 6 +s 7al(!art@s stance about operating only fully(owned stores in +ndia rightG Do you think it is missing a huge opportunity by not lending its name to the stores that are being operated under the 'oint ventureG Session "A 9 'hannel management & design 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 "hannel Design and 2lanning process Stages in "hannel 2lanning "hannel :b'ectives "hannel 1lternatives "ost of "hannel Systems 8ybrid "hannels Selecting "hannel partners " 1 1gents $Distributors Training$ !otivating and ;valuating "hannel members. :wning "hannels( Fertical +ntegration 3 :utsourcing Distribution Door to door selling Fending !achines Tele shopping "atalogue !arketing Direct Selling

'ase Stud . =: Direct Selling channel # Tupper;are

0bstract: The case focuses on the growth of the direct selling company$ Tupperware$ in the +ndian market. +t gives a background of Tupperware$ its products and its unique selling method$ the 2arty 2lan. The case explains Tupperware@s growth over the years to become one of the leading companies in the direct selling market. +t then discusses Tupperware@s entry into the +ndian market in /IIN and the various strategies adopted by it to establish itself in the country. The case stresses on how the company changed its marketing methods to suit the needs of +ndian consumers. +t also highlights how +ndia became the fastest growing market for the Tupperware company and how the company developed to become one of the leading direct selling companies of +ndia. The case also gives a note on the network marketing industry in +ndia and compares the strategies of different direct selling companies in the country. Issues: 6 Structure and nature of competition in the +ndian Direct selling market and its influence on the entry of new players. 6 "hallenges faced by a direct selling !>" in the unique market of a large developing country. 'ontents: 6 Tupperware@s Tryst with +ndia 6 %ackground >ote 6 The Tupperware !odel 6 !arketing Strategy 6 uture :utlook 6 ;xhibits .Source +"!-, Session "" 9 'hannel management 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 0se of 2ower %ases in this context +dentifying and -esolving "hannel conflicts$ "hannel coordination Stages and reasons of "onflict Types of "onflict 7ays of managing conflict 0se of "hannel 2ower ive Sources of 2ower 2rinciples of "hannel management Selection and termination of "hannel members Distribution !anagement for Services

'ase Stud . >: 'hannel 'on%lict # 0pple 0bstract: 1pple "omputer$ +nc. .1pple, was the leader in the personal computer .2", market until +%! 2" and its clones gained popularity. 1pple@s market share slipped in spite of the popularity of its !acintosh .!ac, range of computers$ which were sold through authorized resellers and large retailers. To regain its market share$ 1pple started selling online ./IIH, and through company(owned retail stores .&BB/,. The authorized resellers alleged that 1pple showed undue preference to its stores during the shipment of its products. They accused 1pple of following unfair practices and channel strategies aimed at eliminating them. The case describes 1pple@s approach to retailing and puts forth the arguments of the resellers and details of their lawsuits. Issues: 6 6 6 8ybrid channel system$ channel functions$ and channel integration. ;xercise of power by a company .channel leader, over the channel members. "hannel conflict and resolution.

'ontents: 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 +ntroduction The Dawn of 1pple rom 1pple to )isa and !acintosh ;xit of Dobs and the Decline of 1pple -e(;ntry of Dobs The +ntroduction of i2od The 1pple :nline Store 1pple #oes -etail The Trouble %egins 1pple -evises the Terms and "onditions The "onflict #athers !omentum "onsumers and Dealers ile a "lass 1ction )awsuit "onclusion ;xhibits

.SourceE +"!-, Session "& # Sales !romotion 6 Definition and :b'ectives 6 %enefits and drawbacks 6 Stakeholders( !anufacturers$ Traders$ consumers. 6 Types of Sales 2romotions 6 "onsumer$ Trade$ %usiness$ Sales orce. 6 ;valuation of Sales 2romotions !art +

!art + +t will cover order processing i.e. order acceptance to manufacturing & also manufacturing to order processing .depending upon industry specifications,$ logistics of distribution$ warehousing& inventory management$ transportation and the concept of logistics and supply chain management. Session "( # Market ,ogistics and suppl 'hain Management 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 :rigin and definition of logistics Scope3material handling3:rder processing Supply "hain !anagement +nfluencing factors and integration. actors influencing supply chain$ Supply "hain +ntegration. ocus 1reas of S"! and )ogistics(warehousing 3 Transportation +T enabling the logistics and Supply "hain )ogistics$ S"! performance evaluation$ 2opular measurement ratios. )ogistics for -ural !arkets 2roduct specific S"!

'ase Stud . @ S'M 9 McDonald?s Bualit assurance 0bstract: !cDonald@s is a fast food chain with restaurants all over the world. +t serves burgers and other fast food customized to local tastes. +t@s philosophy has been @one world$ one burgerM@ which meant that the burger must be consistent in terms of cost and quality. To meet such high standards$ it was essential to have an excellent supply chain management system. +n +ndia as in other parts of the world$ !cDonald@s had a very well orchestrated supply chain$ called the @"old "hain@. The case study looks at !cDonald@s supply chain management system in +ndia and discusses in detail its outsourcing mechanism. Issues: 6 %enefits reaped by !cDonald@s because of its supply chain "ontents 6 +ntroduction 6 %ackground >ote 6 +n Search of 2erfect )ogistics ( The Story of the "old "hain 6 :utsourcing at its %est 6 ;xhibits .SourceE +"!-,

'ase Stud . "A Cnilever 1e# structuring the S'M 0bstract: The case examines the supply chain management .S"!, restructuring initiative undertaken by 0nilever$ one of the world@s largest food and consumer goods companies. +t explains in detail how the company restructured various components of its S"! practices including supply chain organization$ procurement$ warehousing and distribution. The case also examines how 0nilever used the +nternet and various information technology tools to improve the efficiency of its supply chain. +t concludes with a discussion on the benefits reaped by 0nilever due to these measures. Issues: 6 0nderstand the importance of an efficient S"! system for improving operational efficiency for a multinational consumer goods company 6 #ain an insight into the ma'or supply chain components for a consumer goods company 'ontents: 6 Short(Term #ains ( )ong(Term 2erspective 6 %ackground >ote 6 Supply "hain -estructuring 6 %uilding the #round for )ong(Term #ains 6 ;xhibits .SourceE +"!-, Session "+ # International sales and Distribution Management 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 >ature of +nternational !arkets "hoosing the !arkets )egal 1spects and -isks +nvolved "ulture and +nternational %usiness Selling in +nternational !arkets(:rganising3;ntry Strategies +nternational Salesperson(profile and Training 2ricing and 2ayment terms 3 "urrency implications 2acking and Shipping

0ssessment method in alignment ;ith learning outcomes Students will be evaluated on the basis of case analysis$ pro'ect$ quizzes$ class participation$ mid( term and end(term exam. The weightage given to each of these units is listed belowE "lass 2articipation #roup 2ro'ect submission #roup pro'ect presentation 9uizzes ;nd Term ;xam 7eightage &BK /BK /BK &BK LBK +ntended sub'ect learning outcome to be assessed d 2roup 0ssessment Methods #roup 2ro'ect Submission #roup 2ro'ect 2resentation Individual 0ssessment Methods "lass 2articipation 9uiz ;nd(term ;xam &BK &BK LBK O O O /BK /BK O O

Specific 1ssessment !ethod

2eneral guidelines %or conduct o% class: 2lease ensure that you enter the class before the instructor. >o delay shall be permitted under any circumstances unless it is intimated in advance and is due to official reasons +n case you fail to appear in class due to any reason you would be marked absent. 1llowance for official duty should be taken care with the 12: and will not be handled by the instructor. Do not use your laptops and mobile phones inside the class. ailure to comply with this request would make you eligible for expulsion from that class. 2lease go through mandatory reading .if applicable, for the session before entering the class Do contribute constructively to the class.

2uidelines %or group project: "lass would be divided in teams of C people for each group ;ach team would be provided a field pro'ect related to concepts discussed in the course 2ro'ect would be finalized during the first couple of sessions

a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, ', k, l,

Teams are required to submit a brief synopsis covering introduction to the pro'ect$ its practical applicability in the business environment$ scope $ methodology and key milestones Teams would be required to submit & progress reports $ first would be &(C weeks and second would be J(N weeks after the commencement of the the pro'ect inal report should be submitted by the second week of Dune$ date for the same would be communicated in the class inal submissions should be fairly exhaustive in nature covering all necessary aspects of the pro'ect. They should be typed in !S 7ord with /.J line spacing$ normal margins$ font size /& in Times >ew -oman font type on 1L sheets. inal report should be tentatively formatted as followsE ;xecutive Summary )ist of abbreviations )ist of tables3 charts3 graphs3 figures +ntroduction 3 background of the study :b'ectives of the study Scope of the study !ethodology Data presentation and analysis -ecommendations "onclusions -eferences 1ppendix 1 soft copy of the report should be emailed to by /Ith Dune &B/C 1ll submissions would be compulsorily put to plagiarism check.+f fonud guilty of plagiarism teams would be awarded zero marks and submission would be forwarded o higher authorities for disciplinary action.

2uidelines %or presentation: 2resentations of the team pro'ect should be in the form of a powerpoint or any other format compatible with 7indows H operating system "opies of the presentations should reach the instructor LA hours prior to the scheduled date of presentations. ;ach presentation should necessarily carry the mobile number of the person who should be contacted in case the instructor wishes to get some changes3iterations made during those LA hours. +t must be ensured that the person responsible is willing to and available for making those changes during that time. 2resentations should range between /B(/J minutes covering vital aspects of the pro'ects. Do not give introductions to company 3brand. ocus on rationale$ ob'ectives$ methodology$ analysis$ outcomes$ recommendations and implications of the same. ailure to complete the presentation within /J minutes would make the team liable to deduction of marks which will be at the sole discretion of the instructor.

1ecommended readings:

!rescribed te3tbook : Sales !anagement by -ichard -. Still$ ;dward 7. "undiff & >orman 1.2. #ovoni

,ist o% re%erence books: !arketing "hannels by )ouis 7. Stern$ 1del +. ;l(1nsary & 1nne T. "oughlan !arketing "hannel !anagement by 2ingali Fenugopal. Sales and Distribution !anagementE Text and "ases an +ndian 2erspective$ S ) #upta Sales and Distribution !anagement$ &3e$Tapan ?. 2anda & Sunil Sahadev

BooksDother suggested readingsE -osenbloom$ %ert .&BBL, !arketing "hannelE 1 !anagement Fiew$ "enage 2ublications$ Delhi Q-%R "hurchill$ ord and 7alker=s Sales orce management .&BBI, Ith edition$ Tata !c#raw 8ill$ Delhi Q" 7R "reating a Distribution 1dvantage in +ndia$ %"# #roup. -einventing Distribution * ! S %anga Supply "hain )ogistics !anagement ( %owersox$ "loss & "ooper * !c#raw8ill$ &nd +ndian ed. 7orld "lass Supply !anagement ( %urt$ Dobbler$ Starling $ T!#8$ Hth ed. #lobal operations & )ogistics( 2hilippe ( 2ierre Dornier$ Dohn 7iley & sons +nc$ >ew Sork$ &BB&. Designing and !anaging the supply chain ( David Simchi$ )evi & 2hilip ?aminsk$ !c#raw(8ill "ompanies +nc.$ &BBB. :perations >ow * inch$ !c #raw 8ill$ Crd ed "ase Studies in !arketing ( +ndian context ( -.Srinivas "ase study solutions ( 8.?aushal

Fournals7$conomic Dailies: i. ii. iii. iv. Dournal of +nternational !arketing Dournal of +nternational %usiness Studies 8arvard %usiness -eview Stern$ ).7.$ and Sturdivant$ .D. ./IAH, "ustomer driven distribution systems$ 8arvard %usiness -eview$ Fol NJ .L,$ pp CL(L/ 8lavacek and !c"uiston ./IAC,$ 4+ndustrial Distributors * 7hen$ 7ho and howG5 8arvard %usiness -eview$ !arch(1pril Trailer %arry and Dim Dickie .&BBN,$ 40nderstanding 7hat your Sales !anager is up 1gainst$5 8arvard %usiness -eview$ Duly( 1ugust Toltners .&BBN,$ 4!atch your sales force structure to your %usiness )ife "ycle$5 8arvard %usiness -eview$ Duly( 1ugust

Fournal o% Marketing 1esearch

7all Street Dournal inancial Times "hannel conflict( when is it dangerous. %ucklin et al$ !c?insey 9uarterly #illiland$ D.+.$ .&BBL, Designing channel incentives to overcome re'ection$ +ndustrial !arketing !anagement$ Fol.CC$ AH(IJ 4Distribution "hannel Structure +n -ural 1reasE 1 ramework and 8ypotheses$5 Decision C& ./,$ Dan(Dune &BBJ. -andall$ D. ;. and -andall$ ".8. .&BB/, 1 current review of hiring techniques for sales personnel$ Dournal of !arketing Theory and 2ractice$ Spring$ HB(A&. #entry$ D.7.$ !owen$ D.". and Tasaki$ ). ./II/, Salesperson evaluationE 1 systematic structure for reducing 'udgmental biases$ Dournal of 2ersonal Selling and Sales !anagement$ Fol. // >o.&$ &H(CA

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