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Category Semi Open Game Opening Move Sequence 1 e4 g6 ECO Codes B06 Modern Defense also called Robatsch

sch Defense can be considered a variant of irc Defense! Main difference is the dela" in development of #night to f6! $s s%ch the games can transform bet&een them fre'%entl"! Modern Defense li(e irc is based on h"per modern opening theor" &hich sa"s that )hite*s pa&n center is a &ea(ness and it sho%ld be attac(ed &ith pieces after its creation %nhindered &ith Blac( pa&ns! Modern Defense falls %nder the categor" of Semi+open Game openings that begin &ith 1 e4 &itho%t 1 !!! e,! Modern Defense has the -.O code B06!

Moves and Variations

/n Modern Defense0 Blac( intentionall" does not hinder the )hite*s creation of a so called ideal pa&n center thro%gh the occ%pation d4 and e4 s'%ares b" pa&ns! Blac(*s plan is to sabotage and destro" it %sing pieces! 1he move order is more fl%id in Modern Defense! 2s%all" the game might proceed along0 1 e4 g60 3 d4 Bg4! /n the related irc Defense 5&hich has the -.O codes B04 to B060 after B06 for Modern Defense7 the move 8f6 is also pla"ed b" Blac( b%t Modern Defense dela"s that move! )hite can respond combativel" b"0 sa"0 1 e4 g60 3 Bc4 Bg40 9 :f9! 1his variation is called Mon(e"*s B%m ;ariation 5clearl" naming of variations has degenerated in modern times7! $nother possibilit" is Mon(e"<s B%m Deferred variation &here the moves :f9 and Bc4 are dela"ed till #night on b1 is developed! Related and %n%s%al openings incl%de =ippopotam%s Defense and 1 e4 g60 3 d4 8f60 9!e, 8h, 58or&egian Defense or 8orth Sea Defense7! /n 8or&egian Defense in repl" to 4 Be3 Blac( can pla" 4 !!! 8g40 or 4 !!! d4>?! /n repl" to 4 g4 Blac( &ill pla" 8g4! /f )hite selects 9 8c9 instead of 9 e9 the game can be transformed to irc Defense b" 9!!!d6 or more advent%ro%s 9 !!! d,>?! @ollo&ing game is ill%strative of the possibilities in Modern Defense! /t &as pla"ed in 1644 bet&een Grand master A%bomir #avale( and Grand master D%ncan S%ttles from .anada pla"ing Blac( 1 e4 g60 3!d4 d60 9 8f9 Bg40 4 Be3 8f60 , 8c9 a60 6 a4 O+O0 4 O+O b60 B Re1 Bb40 6 Bc4 e60 10 Bf4 8bd40 11 :d3 b,>! 1his is start of a &ell tho%ght o%t combination! 13 aCb, aCb,0 19 RCaB :CaB0 14 BCb, BCe40 1, 8Ce4 8Ce40 16 RCe4 :Ce40 14 BCd4 RaB0 1B h4 :b4>! )hile )hite has the advantage in material he is lost! )hite<s Bishop on d4 is cornered! 16 d, e,0 30 Bh6 :Cb30 31!h, Ra1D0 33 #h3 :b10 39!BCg4 :h1D0 34!#g9 #Cg40 3,!Bh9 :c10 36!h6D #f60 34 c4 :Cd30 3B 8Cd3 #g,0 36 8e4D #Ch60 90 Bd4 f,0 91 8f6 Ra40 93 Bb, g,0 99 8gBD #g40 94 8e4 #f60 9, 8c6 Ra9D0 96 #h3 h,0 94 8bB h40 9B 8a6 g40 96 8Cc4 Ra30 40 #g1 g90 41 fCg9 hCg90 43 #f1 e40 Blac( &ins!

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