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Martin de Murua

Facsimile ofj. Paul Getty Museum Ms. Ludwig XIII16

Published by the Getty Research Institute

The Getty Research Institute Publications Program Thomas W. Gaehtgens, Director, Getty Research Institute Gail Feigenbaum, Associate Director, Programs Julia Bloomfield, Head, Publications Program Thomas Crow, Jeffrey M. Hurwit, Jacqueline Lichtenstein, Alex Potts, and Mimi Hall Yiengpruksawan, Publications Committee Historia general del Piru: Facsimile of]. Paul Getty Museum Ms. Ludwig XIII 16 Michelle Bonnice, Manuscript Editor Jeffrey Cohen, Designer Chris Foster, Rebecca Vera-Martinez, Jack Ross, and Michael Smith, Photographers Suzanne Watson, Production Coordinator Type composed by Stamperia Valdonega R in VAL Dante Printed in Italy by Stamperia Valdonega k on Munken Pure 120 g/m2 This volume is published to coincide with the exhibition The Marvel and Measure of Peru: Three Centuries of Visual History, 1550-1880, held at the Getty Research Institute, 8 July-i9 October 2008 2008 J. Paul Getty Trust Published by the Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles Getty Publications 1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 500 Los Angeles, California 90049-1682 12 11 10 09 08 5 4 3 2 1 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Murua, Martin de. Historia general del Piru : facsimile of J. Paul Getty Museum Ms. Ludwig XIII 16/ Martin de Murua. p. cm. Published as a boxed set with: The Getty Murua : essays on the making of Martin de Murua's "Historia general del Piru," J. Paul Getty Museum Ms. Ludwig XIII 16 / edited by Thomas B. F. Cummins and Barbara Anderson. ISBN 978-0-89236-895-2 (boxed set) ISBN 978-0-89236-894-5 (vol. of essays) i. PeruHistoryTo 1548Early works to 1800. 2. IncasEarly works to 1800. 3. PeruHistoryConquest, 1522-1548Early works to 1800. 4. Murua, Martin de. Historia general del Piru. 5. Manuscripts, Spanish AmericanCalifornia Los AngelesFacsimiles. 6. Ludwig, Peter, 1925 Art collections. 7. J. Paul Getty Museum. I. J. Paul Getty Museum. II. Title. III. Title: Getty Murua. F3444.M9 2008 985'.02dc22 2008007956

ARTIN DE M U R U A ' S manuscript Historia general del Piru, dating from the beginni of the seventeenth century, is one of only three surviving illustrated chronicles relating to the history of the Inca and the early days of the Viceroyalty of Peru. It was *. first published in two volumes in 1962 and 1964, while still in the collection of the Duke of Wellington, in the form of a transcription upon which Andeanists have since depended. The manuscript became more generally accessible in 1983, when it entered the holdings of the J. Paul Getty Museum (Ms. Ludwig XIII 16), and those who have had the opportunity to compare it with the three print editions have recognized the latter to be flawed. Not only do the transcriptions fail to record scribal hands and canceled passages but the illustrations, appearing (when reproduced at all) in black and white and separated from the text, convey no real sense of the complicated original. The Getty Murua is a unique and delicate object, so limits must be imposed on its handling if it is to remain in good condition. Yet the immense historical and scholarly importance of this manuscript made it incumbent on the Getty to find a way to make its content readily available to scholars. This responsibility is fulfilled in this facsimile publication of Murua's Historia general del Piru, which has been many years in the making. In 1991, while a scholar in residence at the Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities (now the Getty Research Institute), Sabine MacCormack, now at the University of Notre Dame, suggested producing a facsimile of the Getty Murua. In the same year, Thomas B. R Cummins, then at the University of Chicago, and R. Tom Zuidema of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign saw the Getty Murua for the first time and likewise recognized the need for a new edition. But the timing was inauspicious and little progress was made. A decade later, scholarly interest in Murua had taken a sharp upturn after the discovery, in 1996, of Murua's other long-lost manuscript, the Historia del origen, y genealogia real de los reyes ingas del Piru (1590), which Juan M. Ossio of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru traced to the collection of Sean Galvin in Ireland. This profusely illustrated volume, now recognized as a precursor to the Historia general del Piru, had been known only through an incomplete manuscript copy made around 1890 and the published transcription made from that copy in 1946. Now there were two richly illustrated but inadequately published chronicles by Murua that needed complete reexamination in relation not only to each other but also to the one other extant illustrated manuscript from colonial Peru, El primer nueva coronica i buen gobierno (1615; Copenhagen, Det Kongelige Bibliotek, GKS 2232 4), by Murua's sometime associate Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala. Cummins accordingly tried again, directly approaching the Getty Museum's Manuscripts Department, where the Andean chronicle had become the most frequently consulted item in its primarily European holdings. A collaboration with Barbara Anderson, Head of Exhibitions at the Getty Research Institute, was proposed. Momentum gathered in 1999, when Elena Phipps of the Department of Textile Conservation at the Metropolitan Museum of Art was in residence as a guest scholar of the Getty Museum's Manuscripts Department. Working with Nancy Turner of the Getty Museum's Department of Paper Conservation and scientists David Scott and Narayan Khandekar of the Getty Conservation Institute, she carried out an analysis of the pigments in the Getty Murua's illuminations and their relationship to contemporaneous Andean textile colorants.

When Turner and Phipps reported their findings at a conference organized by Cummins and Ossio in Chicago in 2002, the other participants were electrified by their innovative approach and intriguing results and at the implications for their own research. This was the turning point. A year later, an ambitious project centered on the manuscript took shape at the Getty. It involved the collaboration of the Research Institute, the Conservation Institute, and the Museum, and joined the expertise of Rolena Adorno of Yale University, Ivan Boserup of Det Kongelige Bibliotek, and Karen Trentelman of the Getty Conservation Institute, among many others, to that of Anderson, Cummins, Ossio, Phipps, and Turner. The aim of the Murua project was to pursue the scientific analysis of the Getty and Galvin manuscripts and to generate an exhibition, a symposium, a volume of scholarly studies, and this facsimile. The project was initiated during the directorships of Deborah Gribbon at the Getty Museum and Salvatore Settis at the Research Institute. We are grateful to Michael Brand for supporting this collaborative enterprise since his arrival at the Getty Museum in 2006 and to Thomas Crow, former Director of the Getty Research Institute, for believing in and encouraging all aspects of this complicated undertaking since 2000. Barbara Anderson was the heart, soul, and steel of the project. It simply would not have happened without her.



Associate Director, Getty Research Institute


Senior Curator of Manuscripts, J. Paul Getty Museum

Note on the Facsimile

N I T S PRESENTATION of Martin de Murua's Historia general del Piru, this facsimile is evocative of the original manuscript without being entirely faithful to its current state. In an effort to make the Getty Murua available to scholars in a form that is both useful and relatively affordable, the handwritten pages of text that form the bulk of the manuscript are reproduced in halftone. Only the hand-colored title page, the thirty-seven hand-colored illustrations, and folios 84v and 30jv are reproduced in color. From these, the reader can gain a sense of the hues of the paper and inks of the originalthough the aesthetic effect of turning page after page of beautifully calligraphed and carefully revised text is somewhat diminished. The trim size of the facsimile likewise differs from the original. It is larger to allow codicological comments to appear as marginalia, below the images of Murua's pages, and also to accommodate variations in the size of the original's folios, which reflect the handmade nature of the manuscript as well as the constraints of photographing a tightly bound volume. Save for one foldout (folio 10), each leaf of the original measures approximately n3/s by 7% inches. Most are bifolia of laid paper watermarked on one half with a Latin cross within a shield that tapers to a point at the bottom, with the letter A above and the letters GM below. Five other watermarks have been identified on sheets inserted into the manuscript: a stack of three circles, with a Latin cross above and the letter N below; a Latin cross within a shield that tapers to a point at the bottom, with a crown above and the letters AA below (folios ipbis, 84bis); a Latin cross within a shield that tapers to a point at the bottom, with the letters AM below (folio 89); a Latin cross within a shield that tapers to a point at the bottom, with the letters PG below (folios 8, 14, 17, 329); and a Latin cross within a shield that tapers to a point at the bottom, with the letters UM below (folio 9). Each of these watermarks is illustrated on page 28 of the volume of essays boxed with this facsimile, and their presence is recorded in the codicological marginalia. The codicological comments also provide details about the making and remaking of the manuscript itself. Of the original's twenty-nine quires, fourteen currently are regular quires of sixteen (thirty-two pages on eight bifolia) and three are regular quires of eight (sixteen pages on four bifolia). In the remaining twelve quires, folios have been cut out of the manuscript, leaving only a stub extant (twenty-five or so instances), or added to or moved within the manuscript either by being tipped to the stub of an excised folio (four instances) or by being tipped to or pasted over other folios or tipped to quire guards (twenty-nine or so instances). An overview of the codicology that also provides additional details appears on pages 62-75 of the essay volume. The Getty Murua currently has two main sets of foliation. Thus, for clarity and ease of reference, the codicological comments in the facsimile are accompanied by folio numbers that reflect the preferred (and most complete) foliation: a sequence of numbers i through 397, executed in pencil between 1961 and 1978, with four numbers skipped (202, 243, 244, 392) and one number repeated (3i4a, 3i4b). The pencil foliation was executed while versos of five folios were still completely obscured by having the rectos of five other folios pasted over them. The obscuring folios, now separated, are referenced as i9bis, 79bis, 84bis, 89bis, and 307bis. Thus, the Getty Murua comprises 399 folios in its current state. We have chosen not to reproduce in the facsimile various features of the Getty Murua related to the rebinding of the manuscript by Winstanley and Robotti in 1961. Measuring 11% by 8% by

2% inches, the modern cover is maroon Morocco leather with red, gold, and black tooling and the title "Historia/ general/del/Peru" stamped in gold on the spine. A bookplate bearing the words "Irene and Peter Ludwig, Aachen," and a label with the Ludwig accession number "XIII 16" are pasted on the inside front cover, and "Winstanley & Robotti/i9 <J^ 61" is stamped at the lower edge of the inside back cover. The endpapers are marbled in maroon, gray, and cream, and there are four modern flyleaves at the front and three modern flyleaves at the back. In two places, a half-sheet of modern "Bodleian" mixed-rag conservation paper (from Barcham Green, Hayle Mill, Maidstone, Kent, England) has been inserted into the manuscript, apparently to facilitate the sewing of the quire. One is at the center of quire i, between folios 2v and 3r; the other at the center of quire 25, between folios 33/v and 338r.

Quire 1-1

Conjoint with stub of quire 1-14

Folio ir


Quire 1-2 Inserted singleton, GM watermark

Tipped to verso of stub of quire 1-2, which is conjoint with stub of quire 1-13

Folio 2r

Folio 2V

Followed by seven stubs, of quire 1-3 through quire 1-9. Quire i sewn between stubs of quire i-y and quire 1-8, through a modern half-sheet across spine

Quire 1-10, GM watermark

Conjoint with stub of quire 1-5

Folio 31

Folio 3\7

Quire 1-11

Conjoint with stub of quire 1-4

Folio 41

Folio 4V

Quire 1-12

Conjoint with stub of quire 1-3


Folio 5v

Tipped to recto of stub of quire 1-13. Followed by two stubs, of quire 1-13 and quire 1-14, which are pasted together

Quire 2 Inserted singleton

Tipped to guard around quire 2

Folio 6r

Folio 6v

Quire 2 Inserted singleton, GM watermark

Folio jr

Folio /v

Tipped to guard fastening folio yv to folio 8r

Quire 2 Added singleton, PG watermark

Tipped to guard fastening folio 8r to folio 7\T

Folio 8r

Folio 8v

Quire 2 Added singleton, UM watermark

Folio 9r

Folio 9v

Tipped to recto of protruding end of folio 10. Quire 2 sewn

between folios 9 and 10

Quire 2 Added singleton

Folio lor

Folio lov

Quire 2 Added singleton, N watermark

Folio nr

Folio nv

Tipped to folio iir

Quire 2 Inserted singleton

Tipped to folio nv

Folio i2r

Folio iiv

Tipped to guard around quire 2

Quire 3-1 Inserted singleton, GM watermark

Tipped either to verso of stub of quire 3-1 or to guard across spine

Folio 13r

Folio 13V

Tipped either to recto of stub of quire 3-2 or to guard across spine

Quire 3 Added bifolium (left half), PG watermark

Conjoint with folio 15

Folio i4r

Folio 14V

Qwfre 3 sewn between folios 14 and 15

Quire 3 Added bifolium (right half)

Conjoint with folio 14

Folio 15r

Folio 15V -: '"'

Followed first by two stubs, either of quire 3-3 and quire 3-4 or of two guards across spine, which are in any case pasted together; and then by four stubs: the stub of quire 4-1, which is tipped to the guard around quire 4; an extra stub; and the stubs of quire 4-2 and quire 4-3

Quire 4 Added bifolium (left half)

Conjoint with folio 17. Tipped to verso of stub of quire 4-3

Folio i6r

Folio i6v

Quire 4 Added bifolium (right half), PG watermark

Conjoint with folio 16

Folio 17r

Folio i/v

Quire 4-4

Conjoint with folio 29

Folio i8r

Folio i8v

Quire 4 Inserted singleton (detached from stub of quire 4-3), GM watermark

Tipped to guard around folios 19, i9bis, and 20

Folio 19r

Folio 19V

Tipped to (but formerly entirely covered by) recto of folio ,

Quire 4 Added singleton, AA watermark Tipped to (but formerly pasted over) folio

Folio tebisr

folio t9bisv

Tipped to folio 2.or

Quire 4 Added singleton, GM-type paper

Tipped to verso of folio 19bis


Folio 2ov

Tipped to guard around folios 19, ipbis, and 20, which is tipped to folio 21 r

Quire 4-5 Inserted singleton (detached from stub of quire 4-5)

Tipped to guard around folios 19, i9bis, and 20



Folio 2iv

Tipped to recto of stub of quire 4-5, which is conjoint with folio 28

Quire 4-6, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 27

Folio 2.2r

Folio 22V

Quire 4-7

Conjoint with folio 26

Folio 21r

Folio 23v

Quire 4-8

Conjoint with folio 25

Folio 24r

Folio 24v

Quire 4 sewn between folios 24 and 25

Quire 4-9, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 24

Folio 25r

Folio 25V

Quire 4-10, watermark (probably GM)

Conjoint with folio 23

Folio 26r

Folio 26v

Quire 4-11

Conjoint with folio 22

Folio 27r

Folio 2/v

Quire 4-12, watermark (probably GM)

Conjoint with stub of quire 4-5

Folio 2gr

Folio 28v

Quire 4-13, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 18

Folio 2pr

Folio 2.9V

Quire 4 14


Conjoint with stub of quire 4-3

Folio 30r

Folio 3ov

Quire 4-15, GM watermark

Conjoint with stub of quire 4-2

Folio 31r

Folio 3iv

Quire 4-16

Conjoint with stub of quire 4-1

Folio 32r

Folio 32v

Tipped to guard around quire 4

Quire 5-

Conjoint with folio 48. Tipped to guard around quire 5

Folio 33r

Folio 33V

Quire 5-2

Conjoint with folio 47

Folio 34r

Folio 34v

Quire 5-3

Conjoint with folio 46

Fnlir\ -7rr

Folio 35V

Quire 5-4, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 45

Folio 36r

Folio 36v

Quire 5-5 GM waternak

Conjoint with folio 44

Folio 3/r

Folio 3/v


Conjoint with folio 43

Folio 38r

Folio 38v

Quire 5-7

Conjoint with folio 42

Folio 39r

Folio 39v

Quire 5-8, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 41



Folio 40v

Quire 5 sewn between folios 40 and 41

Quire 5-9

Conjoint with folio 40

Folio 4ir

Folio 4iv

Quire 5-10, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 39

Folio 42r

Folio 42v

Quire 5-11, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 38

Folio 43r

Folio 43V

Quire 5-12.

Conjoint with folio 37

Folio 44r

Folio 44V

Quire 5-13

Conjoint with folio 36

Folio 451

Folio 45v

Quire 5-14, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 35


Folio 46v

Quire 5-15, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 34

Folio 4/r

Folio 47V

Quire 5-16, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 33

Folio 48r

Folio 48v

Tipped to guard around quire 5

Quire 6-1, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 64. Tipped to guard around quire 6

Folio 4pr

Folio 49V

Quire 6-2

Conjoint with folio 63

Folio 5or

Folio 5ov

Quire 6-3, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 62

Folio sir

Folio 5iv

Quire 6-4

Conjoint with folio 61

Folio 521

Folio 52V

Quire 6'5

Conjoint with folio 60

Folio 53r

Folio 53v

Quire 6-6

Conjoint with folio 59

Folio 541

Folio 54V

Quire 6-7, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 58

Folio 551

Folio 55V

Quire 6-8, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 57

Folio 561

Folio 56v

Quire 6 sewn between folios 56 and 57

Quire 6-9

Conjoint with folio 56

Folio 571

Folio 57\

Quire 6-10

Conjoint with folio 55

Folio 58r

Folio 58v

Quire 6-11, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 54

Folio 59r

Folio 59V

Quire 6-12, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 53

Folio 6or

Folio 6ov

Quire 6-13, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 52

Folio 6ir

Folio 6iv

Quire 6-14

Conjoint with folio 51

Folio 62V

Quire 6-15, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 50

Folio 63r

Folio 63V

Quire 6-16

Conjoint with folio 49

Folio 641

Folio 64V

Quire 7-1 Singleton, GM watermark

Formerly conjoint with folio 81. Now mistakenly bound in with quire 6

Folio 65r

Folio 65V

Tipped to guard around quire 6

Quire 7-2

Conjoint with folio 80. Tipped to guard around quire 7

Folio 66r

Folio 66v

Quire 7-3

Conjoint with folio 78

Folio 671

Folio 6/v

Quire 7

Conjoint with folio 77

Folio 68r

Folio 68v

Quire 7-5

Conjoint with folio 76


Folio 69V

Quire 7-6

Conjoint with folio 75

Folio 7or

Folio 7ov

Quire 7-7

Conjoint with folio 74

Folio 7ir

Folio /iv

Quire 7-8

Conjoint with folio 73

Folio 72r

Folio /2v

Quire 7 sewn between folios 72 and 73

Quire 7-9, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 72

Folio 73r

Folio 73V

Quire 7-10, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 71

Folio 74r

Folio 74V

Quire 7-11, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 70

Folio ?5r

Folio 75v

Quire 7-12, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 69

Folio ?6r

Folio 76 v

Quire 7-13, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 68

Folio 7/r

Folio 7/v

Quire 7-14, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 67

Folio 78r

Folio 78v

Quire 7 Added singleton, AM-type paper

Transferred from Galvin Murua

Folio 791

Folio 79V

Tipped to (but formerly entirely covered by) recto of folio 79bis

Quire 7 Added singleton, AA-type paper

Tipped to (but formerly pasted over) folio 79V

Folio /pbisr

Folio 79bisv

Tipped to folio 8or

Quire 7-15, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 66

Folio 8or

Folio 8ov

Quire 7-16 Singleton

Formerly conjoint with folio 65

Folio Sir

Folio 8iv

Tipped to guard around quire 7

Quire 8-1 Singleton

Formerly conjoint with folio 100. Tipped to guard around quire 8

Folio 82r

Folio 82V

Tipped to folio 83r

Quire 8-2

Conjoint with folio 99. Tipped to folio 82V

Folio 831

Folio 83V

Quire 8 Added singleton, AM-type paper

Transferred from Galvin Munia

Folio 84r

Folio 84V

Tipped to (but formerly entirely covered by) recto of folio 84bis

Quire 8 Added singleton, AA watermark

Tipped to (but formerly pasted over) folio 84V

Folio 84bisi

Folio 84bisv

Tipped to folio 85r

Quire 8-3, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 98. Tipped to verso of folio 84bis

Folio 85r

Folio 85v

Quire 8-4, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 97


Folio 86v

Quire 8-5, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 96

Folio 8jr

Folio 8/v

Quire 8-6

Conjoint with folio 95

Folio 88r

Folio 88v

Tipped to recto of pasted-down stub conjoint with folio 94

Quire 8 Added singleton, AM watermark

Transferred from Galvin Murua. Tipped to verso of pasted-down stub conjoint with folio 94

Folio 8pr

Folio Spv

Tipped to (but formerly entirely covered by) recto of folio Spbis

Quire 8 Added singleton, AA-type paper

Tipped to (but formerly pasted over) folio 8pr

Folio Spbisr

Folio Spbisv

Tipped to folio por

Quire 8-7, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 93. Tipped to verso of folio Spbis

Folio 9or

Folio 9ov

Quire 8-8

Conjoint with folio 92

Folio 911

Folio 9iv

Quire 8 sewn between folios 91 and 92

Quire 8-9, GM watermark

Coojoint with folio 91

Folio 92r

Folio 92V

Quire 8-10

Conjoint with folio 90

Folio 931

Folio 93v

Quire 8 Added bifolium (right half), GM-type paper

Conjoint with stub pasted down to folio 88v

Folio 94r

Folio 94V

Quire 8-11, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 88

Folio 95r

Folio 95v

Quire 8-12

Conjoint with folio 87

Folio 96r

Folio 96v

Quire 8-13

Conjoint with folio 86

Folio 9jr

Folio 97V

'14 8 Quire

Conjoint with folio 85

Folio 9gr

Folio 98v

Quire 8-15, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 83

Folio 99r

Folio ppv

Tipped to guard around quire 8

Quire 8-16 Singleton, GM watermark

Formerly conjoint with folio 82. Now mistakenly bound in with quire 9. Tipped to guard around quire 9

Folio loor

Folio loov

Quire 9-1 Singleton, GM watermark

Formerly conjoint with folio 116

Folio loir

Folio loiv

Tipped to folio loir

Quire 9-2, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 115. Tipped to folio loiv



Folio io2v

Quire 9-3

Conjoint with folio 114

Folio io3r

Folio 103V

Quire 9-4, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 113

Folio io4r

Folio 1O4V

Quire 9-5

Conjoint with folio 112

Folio 1051

Folio 105V

Quire 9-6

Conjoint with folio in

Folio io6r

Folio io6v

Quire 7 9

Conjoint with folio no

Folio loyr

Folio lo/v

Quire 9-8

Conjoint with folio 109

Folio io8r

Folio io8v

Quire 9 sewn between folios 108 and 109

Quire 9-9, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 108

Folio 109r

Folio lopv

Quire 9-10, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 107

Folio nor

Folio nov

Quire 9-11, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 106

Folio mr

Folio inv

Quire 9-12, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 105

Folio H2r

Folio H2V

Quire 9-13

Conjoint with folio 104

Folio 1131

Folio H3V

Quire 9-14, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 103

Folio ii4r

Folio H4V

Quire 9-15

Conjoint with folio 102

Folio iisr

Folio H5V

Quire 9-16 Saingleton

Formerly conjoint with folio 101

Folio Il6r

Folio n6v

Tipped to guard around quire 9

Quire 10-1, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 132. Tipped to guard around quire 10

Folio 11 yr

Folio 11 TV

Quire 10-2, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 131

Folio Il8r

Folio 118 v

Quire 10-3, GM watermark Conjoi


Folio iipv

Quire 10-4, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 129

Folio 120r

Folio I2ov

Quire 10-5

Conjoint with folio 128

Folio 121r

Folio i2iv

Quirel 6

Conjoint with folio 127

Folio 122r

Folio 122V

Quire 10-7

Conjoint with folio 126

Folio 123r

Folio 123V

Quire 10-8, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 125

Folio 124r

Folio 124V

Quire 10 sewn btween folios 124 and 125

Quire 10-9 . .

Conjoint with folio 124

Folio 125 r

Folio 125V

Quire 10-10, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 123

Folio 126r

Folio i26v

Quire 10-11, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 122

Folio 127r

Folio i2/v

Quire 10-12, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 121

Folio 128r

Folio i28v

Quire 10-13

Conjoint with folio 120

Folio 129r

Folio 129V

Quire 10-14

Conjoint with folio 119

Folio 130r

Folio i3ov

Quire 10-15

Conjoint with folio 118

Folio 131r

Folio I3iv

Quire 10-16

Conjoint with folio 117

Folio 132r


Tipped to guard around quire 10

Quire 11-1, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 148. Tipped to guard around quire 11

lio 133r

Folio 133V

Quire 11-2, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 147

Folio 134r

Folio 134V

Quire 11-3

Conjoint with folio 146

Folio I35r

Folio 135V

Quire 11-4, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 145

Folio 136r

Folio is6v

Quire 11-5, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 144

Folio 137r

Folio 13/v

Quire 11-6

Conjoint with folio 143

Folio i38r

Folio I38v

Quire 11-7, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 142

Foho 139r

Folio i3pv

Quire 11-8, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 141

Folio i4or

Folio 140V

Quire n sewn between folios 140 and 141


Folio 141r

Folio i4iv

Quire 11-10

Conjoint with folio 139

Folio 1421

Folio 142V

Quire 11-11, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 138

Folio 1431

Folio 143V

Quire 11-12

Conjoint with folio 137

Folio 1441

Folio 144V

Quire 11-13

Conjoint with folio 136

Folio 145F

Folio 145V

Quire 11-14, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 135

Folio I46r

Folio I46v

Quire 11-15

Conjoint with folio 134

Folio 1471

Folio 14/v

QUire 11-16

Conjoint with folio 133

Folio 148r

Folio I48v

Tipped to guard around quire 11

Quire 12-1

Conjoint with folio 164. Tipped to guard around quire 12

Folio 1491

Folio 149V

Qulre 12

Conjoint with folio 163

Foho 15or

Folio i5ov

Quire 1V3

Conjoint with folio 162


Folio isiv

Quire 12-4

Conjoint with folio 161

Folio 1521

Folio 152V

Quire 12-5, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 160

Folio 1531

Folio 153V

Quire 12-6, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 159

Folio 1541"

Folio 154V

Quire 12-7, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 158

Folio 1551

Folio 155V

Quire 12-8, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 157

Folio 156r

Folio I56v

Quire 12 sewn between folios 156 and 157

Quire 12-9

Conjoint with folio 156

Folio 15/r

Folio 15/v


Conjoint with folio

Folio 158r

Folio I58v

Quire 12-11

Conjoint with folio 154

Folio 1591-

Folio 159V

Quire 12-12

Conjoint with folio 153

Folio i6or

Folio i6ov

Quire 12-13, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 152

Folio i6ir

Folio i6iv

Quire 12-14, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 151

Folio i62r

Folio 162r

Quire 12-15, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 150

Folio i6sr

Folio i63v

Quire 12-16, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 149

Folio i64r

Folio i64V

Tipped to guard around quire 12

Quire 13-1

Conjoint with folio 180. Tipped to guard around quire 13

Folio 1651

Folio i65v

Quire 13-2, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 179

Folio i66r

Folio i66v

Quire 13

Conjoint with folio 178

Folio l6?T

Folio 16/v


Conjoin: with folio ,77

Foho l68r

Folio i68v

Quire 13-5, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 176

Folio 169r

Folio idpv

Quire 13-6, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 175

Folio 1?or

Folio 170v

Quire 13-7, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 174

Folio 1711

Folio ijiv

Quire 13-8, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 173

Folio 1721

Folio lyiv

Quire 13 sewn between folios 172 and 173

Quire 13-9

Conjoint with folio 172

Folio i/sr

Folio i/3v

Quire 13-10

Conjoint with folio 171

Folio 1741

Folio i/4v

QuirC 13

Conjoint with folio 170


Folio 175V

QuirC 13

Conjoint with folio 169

Foho 176r

Folio 1/6V

Quire 13-13, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 168

Folio i/7r

Folio 1/7V

Quire 13-14, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 167

Folio ijSr

Folio I78v

Quire 13-15

Conjoint with folio 166

Folio I79r

Folio 179V

Quire 13-16, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 165

Folio i8or

Folio i8ov

Tipped to guard around quire 13

Quire 14-1, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 196. Tipped to guard around quire 14

__ M

Folio i8ir

Folio i8iv

Quire 14-2

Conjoint with folio 195

Folio 1821

Folio i82v

Quire 14-3, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 194

Folio 1831

Folio i83v

Quire 14-4, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 193

Folio i84r

Folio i84V

Quire 14-5, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 192

Folio i85r

Folio iSsv

Quire 14-6, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 191

Folio i86r

Folio i86v

Quire 14-7

Conjoint with folio 190

Folio i8/r

Folio 187v

Quire 14-8

Conjoint with folio 189

Folio i88r

Folio i88v

Quire 14 sewn between folios 188 and 189

Quire 14-9, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 188

Folio 1891

Folio 189v T

Quire 14-10, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 187

Folio ipor

Folio ipov

Quire 14-11

Conjoint with folio 186

Folio 1911

Folio ipiv

Quire 14-12

Conjoint with folio 185

Folio 1921

Folio ipiv

Quire 14-13

Conjoint with folio 184

Folio 1931

Folio 193V

Quire 14-14

Conjoint with folio 183

Folio i94r

Folio 194V

Quire 14-15, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 182

Folio I95r

Folio 195V

Quire 14-16

Conjoint with folio 181

Folio ip6r

Folio I96v

Tipped to guard around quire 14

Quire 15-1, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 213. Tipped to guard around quire 15

Folio ipyr

Folio 197V

Quire 15-2

Conjoint with folio 212

Folio ipSr

Folio i98v

Folio 199V

Quire 15-4, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 210

Folio 2oor

Folio 2oov

Quire 15-5

Conjoint with folio 209

Folio 2oir

Folio 2oiv

Quire 15-6, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 208. Pencil foliation skips number 202

Folio 203r

Folio 203V

Quire 15-7, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 207

Folio 2041

Folio 204V

Quire 15-8, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 206

Folio 2osr

Folio 205V

Quire 15-9

Conjoint with folio 205

Folio 2o6r

Folio 2o6v

Quire 15 mistakenly sewn between folios 206 and 207 rather than folios 205 and 206

Quire 15-10

Conjoint with folio 204

Folio 2o/r

Folio 2o/v

Quire 15-11

Conjoint with folio 203

Folio 2o8r

Folio 2o8v

Quire 15-12, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 201

Folio 2opr

Folio 209V

Quire 15-13

Conjoint with folio 200

Folio 2ior

Folio 2iov

Quire 15-14, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 199

Folio 2111

Folio 2iiv

Quire 15-15, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 198

Folio 2i2r

FoliO 212V

Quire 15-16

Conjoint with folio 197

Folio 2i3r

Folio 213V

Tipped to guard around quire 15

Quire 16-Folio 2141

Conjoint with folio 229. Tipped to guard around quire 16

Folio 214r

Folio 214V

Quire 16-2, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 228

Folio 2i5r

Folio 2i5v


Conjoint with folio 227

Folio 216r

Folio 2i6v

Quire 16-4, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 226

Folio 2171

Folio 21/v

Quire 16-5

Conjoint with folio 225

Folio 2i8r

Folio 218v

Quire 16-6, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 224

Folio 2i9r

Folio 219V

Quire 16-7, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 223

Folio 22or

Folio 220V

Quire 16-8, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 222

Folio 22ir

Folio 22iv

Quire 16 sewn between folios 221 and 222

Quire 16-9

Conjoint with folio 221

Folio 222r

Folio 222V

Quire 16-10

Conjoint with folio 220

Folio 2231

Folio 223V

Quire 16-11

Conjoint with folio 219

Folio 224r

Folio 224V

Quire 16-12, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 218

Folio 225r

Folio 225V

Quire 16-13

Conjoint with folio 217

Folio 2,261

Folio 226v

Quire 16-14, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 216

Folio 22/r

Folio 22/v

Quire 16-15

Conjoint with folio 215

Polio 22.8r

Folio 228v

Quire 16-16, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 214

Folio 2291

Folio 229V

Tipped to guard around quire 16

Quire 17-1, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 247. Tipped to guard around quire 17

Folio 23or

Folio 23ov

Quire 17-2

Conjoint with folio 246

Folio 231 r

Folio 23iv

Quire 17-3, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 245

Folio 232r

Folio 232V

Quire 17-4

Conjoint with folio 242

Folio 233r

Folio 233V

Quire 17-5, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 241

Folio 2341

Folio 234V

Quire 17-6, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 240

Folio 235r

Folio 235V

Quire 17-7

Conjoint with folio 239

Folio 2361

Folio 236v

Quire 17-8, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 238

Folio 2371

Folio 237V

Quire 17 sewn between folios 237 and 238

Quire 17-9

Conjoint with folio 237

Folio 2381

Folio 238v

Quire 17-10, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 236

Folio 23pr

Folio 239V

Quire 17-11

Conjoint with folio 235

Folio 24or

Folio 24ov

Quire 17-8, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 238

Folio 2371

Folio 24iv

Quire 17-13, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 233

Folio 242r

Folio 242V

Conction skips numbers 243 and 244

Folio 245V

Quire 17-15, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 231

Folio 2461

Folio 246v

Quire 17-16

Conjoint with folio 230

Folio 2471

Folio 24/v

Tipped to guard around quire 17

Quire 18-1

Conjoint with folio 263. Tipped to guard around quire 18

Folio 248 r

Folio 248v

Quire 18-2, GM watermark Conjoint with folio 262 Folio 249R

Folio 249V

Quire 18-3, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 261

Folio 25or

Folio 25ov

Quire 18-4

Conjoint with folio 260

Folio 2511

Folio 25iv

Quire 18-5, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 259

Folio 2521

Folio 252V

Quire 18-6 Conjoint with folio 258 Folio 2531

Folio 253V

Quire 18-7, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 257

Folio 2541

Folio 254V

Quire 18-8, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 256

Folio 255 r

Folio 255V

Quire iS sewn between folios 255 and 256

Quire 18-9

Conjoint with folio 255

Folio 2561

Folio 25 6v

Quire 18-10

Conjoint with folio 254

Folio 2571

Folio 25/v

Quire 18-11, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 253

Folio 258r

Folio 258v

Quire 18-12

Conjoint with folio 252

Folio 259r

Folio 259V

Quire 18-13, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 251

Folio 26or

Folio 26ov

Quire 18-14

Conjoint with folio 250

Folio 2611

Folio 26iv

Quire 18-15

Conjoint with folio 249

Folio 262r

Folio 26iv

Quire 18-16, GM water mark

Cojoijnt eith folio 248

Folio 2635

Folio 263V

Tipped to guard around quire 18


Quire 19-1

Conjoint with folio 271. Tipped to guard around quire 19

Folio 264r

T lio 264v

Quire 19-2

Conoint with folio 270

Folio 265V

Quire 19-3

Conjoint with folio 269

Folio 266r

Folio 266v

Quire 19-4

Conjoint with folio 268

Folio 26/r

Folio 267V

Quire 19 sewn between folios 267 and 268, through guard across spine (folio 26yv to folio 268r)

Quire 19-5, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 267

Folio 268r

Folio 268v

Quire 19-6, GM watermark

~ . . Conjoint with folio 266

Folio 26pr

Folio 26pv

Quire 19-7, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 265

Folio 2701

Folio 2/ov

Quire .9-8, GM watermark

Conjoint wjth



Folio 271 r

Folio 27iv

Tipped to guard around quire 19

Quire 20-1

Conjoint with folio 279. Tipped to guard around quire 20

Folio 2721

Folio 2/2V

Quire 20-2

Conjoint with folio 278

Folio 2/sr

Folio 2/3V

Quire 20-3

Conjoint with folio 277

Folio 2741

Folio 2/4V

Quire 20-4

Conjoint with folio 276

Folio 2751

Folio 275V

Quire 20 sewn between folios 275 and 276, through guard across spine (folio 27yv to folio 2j6r)

Quire 20-5, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 275

Folio 2/6r

Folio 276v

Quire 20-6, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 274

Folio 2771

Folio 277V

Quire 20-7, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 273

Folio 2781

Folio 2/8v

Quire 20-8, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 272

Folio 2/pr

Folio 279v

Tipped to guard around quire 20

Quire 21-1

Conjoint with folio 287. Tipped to guard around quire 21

Folio 28or

Folio 28ov

Quire 21-2

Conjoint with folio 286

Folio 28ir

Folio 28iv

Quire 21-3, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 285

Folio 282r

Folio 282V

Quire 21-4

Conjoint with folio 284

Folio 2831

Folio 283V

Quire 21 sewn between folios 283 and 284


Quire 21-5, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 283

Folio 284r

Folio 284V

Quire 21-6

Conjoint with folio 282

Folio 2851

Folio 28sv

Quire 21-7, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 281

Folio 286r

Folio 286v

Quire 21-8, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 280

Folio 28/r

Folio 287V

Tipped to guard around quire 21

Quire 22-1

Conjoint with folio 303. Tipped to guard around quire 22

Folio 288r ^

Folio 288v

Quire 22-2, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 302

Folio 28pr

Folio 28pv

Quire 22-3, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 301

Folio 2por

Folio 29ov

Quire 22-4, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 300

Folio 29ir

Folio 2piv

Quire 22-5

Conjoint with folio 299

Folio 2921

Folio 2p2v

Quire 22-6, GM watermark

. . ., r . r Conjoint with folio 298 Folio 2931:

Folio 293v

Quire 22-7

Conjoint with folio 297

Folio 2941

Folio 294V

Quire 22-8

Conjoint with folio 296

Folio 295r

Folio 295V

Quire 22 sewn between folios 295 and 296

Quire 22-9, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 295

Folio 296r

Folio 296v

Quire 22-10, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 294

Folio 297r

Folio 29/v

Quire 22-11

Conjoint with folio 293

Folio 298r

Folio 298v

Quire 22-12, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 292

Folio 299r

Folio 2p9v

Quire 22-13

Conjoint with folio 291

Folio soor

Folio 3oov

Quire 22-14

Conjoint with folio 290

Folio 3011

Folio 30i\

Quire 22-15

Conjoint with folio 289

Folio 3021

Folio 302V

Quire 22-16, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 288

Folio 303r

Folio 303V

Tipped to guard around quire 22

Quire 23-1, GM watermark

Conjoint with stub of quire 23-16. Tipped to guard around quire 23

Folio 304r

Folio 3O4V

Quire 23-2, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 318

Folio 305r

Folio 305V

Quire 23-3, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 317

Folio 3061

Folio 3o6v

Quire 23 Added singleton, AM-type paper

Probably transferred from Galvin Murua

Folio 30/r

Folio 3o/v

TiDDed to (but formerly entirely covered by) recto of folio 3<>7

Quire 23 Added singleton, AA-type paper

Tipped to (but formerly pasted over) folio 3o/v

Folio 30/bisr

Folio 30/bisv

Tipped to folio 3081

Quire 23-4, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 316

Folio 3o8r

Folio 3o8v

Quire 23-5, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 315

Folio 3091

Folio 309V

Quire 23-6

Conjoint with folio 314!}

Folio 3101

Folio 3iov

Quire 23-7

Conjoint with folio 3143

Folio 3iir

Folio 3iiv

Quire 23-8, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 313

Folio 3i2r

Folio 312V

Quire 23 sewn between folios 312 and 313

Quire 23-9

Conjoint with folio 312

Folio 3i3r

Folio 313V

Quire 23-10, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 311

Folio 31431

Folio 3i4av

Quire 23-11, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 310. Pencil foliation

repeats number 314

Folio 3i4br

Folio 3i4bv

Quire 23-12

Conjoint with folio 309

Folio 3151

Folio 315V

Quire 23-13

Conjoint with folio 308

Folio 3161

Folio 3i6v

Quire 23-14

Conjoint with folio 306

Folio 317?

Folio 31/v

Quire 23-15

Conjoint with folio 305

Folio 3i8r

Folio 318v

Follewed by sub of quire 23-16, the verso of which is tipped to guard around quire 23

Quire 24-1

Conjoint with folio 336. Tipped to guard around quire 24

Folio 3ipr

Folio sipv

Quire 24-2

Conjoint with folio 335. Tipped to guard across spine (folio 32or to folio 335v)

Folio 32or

Folio 32ov

Quire 24-3

Conjoint with folio 334. Tipped to guard across spine (folio 321 r to folio 334v)

Folio 32ir

Folio 32iv

Quire 24-4

Conjoint with folio 333

Folio 3221

Folio 322V

Quire 24-5, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 332

Folio 3231

Folio 323V

Quire 24-6

Conjoint with folio 331

Folio 3241

Folio 324V

Quire 24-7

Conjoint with folio 328

Folio 325r

Folio 325V

* v*s

Quire 24-8, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 327

Folio 326r

Folio 326 v

Quire 24 sewn between folios 326 and 327

Quire 24-9

Conjoint with folio 326

Folio 32/r

Folio 32/v

Quire 24-10, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 325

Folio 328r

Folio 328v Tipped to folio 32pr

Quire 24 Added bifolium (left half), PG watermark

Conjoint with folio 330. Tipped to folio 328v

Folio 32pr

Folio 329V \ \

Quire 24 Added bifolium (right half)

Conjoint with folio 329

Folio 33or

Folio 33ov

Tipped to folio 3311

Quire 24-11, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 324. Tipped to folio 33ov

Folio 3311

Folio 33iv

Quire 24-12

Conjoint with folio 323

Folio 3321

Folio 332v

Quire 24-13, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 322

Folio 3331

Folio 333V

Quire 24-14, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 321

Folio 334r

Folio 334V

1 ipped to guard across spine (folio 334v to folio 321 r)

Quire 24-15, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 320

Folio 335*

Folio 335V

Tipped to guard across spine (folio 335V to folio 3201-)

Quire 24-16, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 319

Folio 336r

Folio 336v

Tipped to guard around quire 24

Quire 25-1

Conjoint with folio 343. Tipped to guard around quire 25

Folio 3371

Folio 33/v

Followed by nine stubs, of quire 25-2 through quire 25-10. Quire 25 sewn between stubs of quire 25-8 and quire 25-9, through a modern half-sheet across spine

Quire 25-11, GM watermark

Conjoint with stub of quire 25-6

Folio 338r

Folio 338v

Quire 25-12

Conjoint with stub of quire 25-5

Folio 3391

Folio 339V

Quire 25-13, GM watermark

Conjoint with stub of quire 25-4

Folio 34or

Folio 34ov

Quire 25-14

Conjoint with stub of quire 25-3

Folio 34ir

Folio 34iv

Quire 25-15

Conjoint with stub of quire 25-2

Folio 342r

Folio 342V

Quire 25-16, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 337

Folio 343r

Folio 343V

Tipped to j guard around quire 25

Quire 26-1

Conjoint with folio 359. Tipped to guard around quire 26

Folio 344r

Folio 344V

Quire 26-2, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 358

Folio 3451

Folio 345V


Conjoint with folio 357

Folio 3461

Folio 346v

Quire 26-4, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 356

Folio 34/r

Folio 347V

Quire 26-5

Conjoint with folio 355

Folio 3481

Folio 348v

Quire 26-6

Conjoint with folio 354

Folio 349r

Folio 349V

Quire 26-7, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 353


Folio 35ov

Quire 26-8

Conjoint with folio 352

Folio 351r

Folio 35iv

Quire 26 sewn between folios 351 and 352

Quire 2,6-9, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 351

Folio 352r

Folio 352V

Quire 26-10

Conjoint with folio 350

olio 353r

Folio 353V

Quire 26-11, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 349

Folio 354r

Folio 354V

Quire 26-12, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 348

Folio 3551

Folio 355V

Quire 26-13

Conjoint with folio 347

Folio 356r

Folio 356v

Quire 26-14, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 346

Folio 35/r

Folio 357V

Quire 26-15

Conjoint with folio 345

Folio 3581

Folio 358v

Quire 26-16, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 344

olio 359r

Folio 359V

Tipped to guard around quire 26

Quire 27-1

Conjoint with folio 375. Tipped to guard around quire 27

Folio 3601

Folio 36ov

Quire 27-2, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 374

Folio 36ir

Folio 36iv

Quire 27-3

Conjoint with folio 373

Folio 362r

Folio 362V

Quire 27-4, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 372

Folio 3631

Folio 363V

Quire 27-5

Conjoint with folio 371

Folio 364r

Folio 364V

Quire 27-6

Conjoint with folio 370

Folio 3651

Folio 365V

Quire 27-7

Conjoint with folio 369

Folio 3661

Folio 366v

Quire 27-8

Conjoint with folio 368

Folio 36/r

Folio 367V

Quire 27 sewn between folios 367 and 368

Quire 27-9, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 367

Folio 3681

Folio 368v

Quire 27-10, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 366

Folio 369r

Folio 36pv

Quire 27-11, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 365


Folio 3/ov

Quire 27-12, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 364

Folio 3/ir

Folio 37iv

Quire 27-13

Conjoint with folio 363

Folio 3721

Folio 372V

Quire 27-14, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 362

Folio 3731

Folio 3/3V

Ouire 27-15

Conjoint with folio 161

Folio 374r

Folio 374V

Quire 27-16, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 360

Folio 3/sr

Folio 375V

Tipped to guard around quire 27

Quire 28-1, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 391. Tipped to guard around quire 28

Folio 376 r

Folio 3/6v

Quire 28

Conjoint with folio 39

Folio F 377r

Folio 37/v

Quire 28-3

Conjoint with folio 389

Folio 3/8r

Folio 3/8v

Quire 28-4, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 388

Folio 379r

Folio 379V

Quire 28-5

Conjoint with folio 387

Folio 38or

Folio 38ov

Quire 28-6, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 386

Folio 38ir

Folio 38iv

Quire 28-7

Conjoint with folio 385

Folio 382r

Folio 382V

Quire 28-8

Conjoint with folio 384

Folio 383r

Folio 383V

Quire 28 sewn between folios 383 and 384

Quire 28-9, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 383

Folio 384r

Folio 384V

Quire 28-10, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 382

Folio 38sr

Folio 385V

Quire 28-11

Conjoint with folio 381

Folio 3861

Folio 386v

Quire 28-12, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 380

Folio 38yr

Folio 38/v

Quire 28-13

Conjoint with folio 379

Folio 388r

Folio 388v

Quire 28-14, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 378

Folio 38pr

Folio 389V

Quire 28-15, GM watermark

Conjoint with folio 377

Folio 39or

Folio 39ov

Quire 28-16

Conjoint with folio 376

Folio 3911

Folio 39iv

Tipped to guard around quire 28

Quire 29-1 or singleton

Either singleton or conjoint with folio 396. Tipped to guard across spine (folio 393r to folio 396v). Pencil foliation skips number 392

Folio 393r

Folio 393V

Tipped to guard across spine (folio 393V to folio 3961-)

Quire 29-2 or singleton, GM watermark

Either singleton or conjoint with folio 395. Tipped to guard across spine (folio 394r to folio 395V)

Folio 394r

Folio 394V

Quire 29 sewn between folios 394 and 395

Quire 29-3 or singleton

Either singleton or conjoint with folio 394

Folio 395r

Folio 395V

Tipped to guard across spine (folio 395V to folio 3941")

Quire 29-4 or singleton, GM watermark

Either singleton or conjoint with folio 393. Tipped to guard across spine (folio 396r to

Folio 396r

Folio 396v

Tipped to guard across spine (folio 396v to folio 3931-)

Quire 29 Inserted singleton

Tipped to guard on folio 396v

Folio 3971

Folio 39/v

Tipped to modern flyleaf

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