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Hilaire du Berrieris the doyen of working journalists and one of the most fabulous adventurers of the 20th century.

Long allied with French intelligence (from which he is a decorated veteran), his H du B Reports is marvelously insightful and informative. Otto Scott, historian

H du B REPORTS is not an ordinary news letter. It is a private intelligence report on events of the moment on which, in the final reckoning, the affairs of nations and markets depend. It provides the reports of today, the forecast of what is to come and a true record of the 45 years that are past. Acquired as a set on searchable compact disc, the 45 years of H. du B. Reports are priceless for historians, universities, or citizens who want the true story of what happened, and how what is about to happen was prepared in advance with the compliance of a committed press. H du B REPORTS is written by Hilaire du Berrier on a basis of unequaled personal experience. From 1931 to September 1935 he watched World War II approach from the vantage point of Paris. When General Badoglio's northern column entered Addis Ababa on the evening of May 5, 1936, H. du B., as he is known the world over, was a prisoner in the 2nd Italian automobile. In December 1936 he was seeking information as a pursuit pilot in Spain when Colonel Albero Bayo, who later trained Castro's guerrillas, saved him from a communist firing squad. In China he worked with warlords and generals and headed the wireless network which linked Chungking with its agents in Japanese-surrounded Shanghai. He was the only American to be awarded France's Volunteer Combatant of the Resistance cross in Asia. The road led through a torture house and almost three years in a Japanese prison camp under charges of espionage. On his release he led an OSS parachute team to where the surviving Doolittle pilots were hidden. Mr. David Hall, the publisher of INSIDE VIEW, one of the finest financial reports in the world wrote: "I feel strongly that Hilaire du Berrier may know more about world political affairs than any man alive today in the Western World." The career that led Mr. Hall to make such a statement started in a little town in North Dakota which H. du B's father founded, and where he was the first white child born. It was a career that was to lead him to walk with kings and the world's great and near great, in places where history was being made. Colonel Marcel Mingant, second in command of French Intelligence in China and holder of the Freedom Medal for rescuing American aviators downed behind enemy lines, wrote of H. du B. in a report to the French War Office: "I regard my friend du Berrier as the person who would have been most likely to succeed in intelligence . . He would have liked to work for his country but never encountered men in its service who were intelligent enough to understand him. With one of his associates, John Cheng, he took part in the underground transmission of information to Chungking. The transmitter was in his room and remained there until I took it away. I must also say at once that at no time did du Berrier reveal my identity under Japanese torture. Thus his courage saved me and my organization from being destroyed immediately and I, myself, was able in another territory (North Vietnam) to save the lives of several American pilots who were prisoners of the Japanese. I consider that it was du Berrier who, indirectly, permitted this...His activity at this time proved to me that, directed by the people o this country, du Berrier could have been the best intelligence agent in the Far East." The owner of America's most prominent newsmagazine enjoined his writers to never be six months ahead of their public. Read: do not tell the true story until it becomes what the public wants to hear. Hilaire du Berrier has spent his life providing what editors do not, and giving his readers the truth. At this turning point in world affairs great events are about to shake governments and the order we knew. H. du B. Reports should be on the

desk of every man in the government and every responsible citizen. For only on the basis of honest information can sound policies be formed. Information on H. du B's. advisory service by appointment or mail is available on request. His long established report, of which Mr. David Hall wrote: "I have been reading his newsletter, H. du B. Reports, for several years and have always been impressed with every paragraph of every issue," It is the only one compiled abroad, by an American with experience which no man in his country's government can equal. No university or citizen concerned with the future should be without it. _______________________________________________________________________________________

H du B REPORTS on Compact Disc

To order Compact Discs, please print out the form below and send with money order or check (sorry, no credit cards) to HMI/HduB, Box 11, Enumclaw, WA 98022. All proceeds, minus postage and handling will go directly to Hilaire du Berrier. (Address foreign mail to Hilaire du Berrier/20 Boulevard Princesse Charlotte, Monte Carlo, Monaco 98000.) I would like ( ) copies of H. du B's original, unedited, and searchable images of H du B Reports, 1957-2001, on Compact Disc, constituting a true history of the most important events of the 20th Century, at the introductory price of $39.95 each, including postage & handling. Paper copies available as a set for $350.

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A Foreign Affairs letter, compiled abroad as a Private Intelligence report to subscribers. HILAIRE DU BERRIER, Correspondent

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