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Essence User Survey

Q1 How did you know about SEMAT and Essence?

: 120 : 18

I read about Essence from...

I attended a SEMAT...

I found from SEMAT w eb si...

I heard about it from...

I nev er heard about SEMAT ...







I read about Essenc e from a book or an artic le in a journal or a magazine. I attended a SEMAT c onferenc e or workshop, or heard about in some other c onferenc es. I found from SEMAT web site or other soc ial media (suc h as LinkedIn, Fac ebook, Twitter). I heard about it from c olleagues. I never heard about SEMAT or Essenc e.

28.33% 11.67% 31.67% 28.33% 0% 34 14 38 34 0 120

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SEMAT Essence User Survey

Q2 How much do you know about and use Essence?

: 135 : 3

I j ust know that it exis... I read articles or... I am considering ... I plan to use Essence in m... I am already applying... I hav e used Essence in ... I know nothing about Essence. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

I just know that it exists and is going to be an OMG standard for software engineering kernel and language. I read artic les or books about Essenc e, but have no intention to apply it to real situations. I am c onsidering to use Essenc e in my software engineering projec ts or teac hing programs. I plan to use Essenc e in my software engineering projec ts or teac hing programs within the next 12 months. I am already applying Essenc e in my software engineering projec ts or teac hing programs, but have not realized its benefits yet. I have used Essenc e in my software engineering projec ts or teac hing programs, and have reaped the benefits from doing so. I know nothing about Essenc e.

28.89% 14.81% 17.78% 9.63% 5.19% 11.11% 12.59% 39 20 24 13 7 15 17 135

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SEMAT Essence User Survey

Q3 What made you interested in Essence? (Choose multiple answers.)

: 89 : 49

I had difficult in... I had difficulty i... I had difficulty i... I had difficulty i... I had difficulty i... I had difficulty i... I hav e no interest in... 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

30.34% 27 52.81%

I had diffic ult in evaluating a new software engineering prac tic e for the fitness with my projec t.

I had diffic ulty in quic kly c ombining different software engineering prac tic es into a projec t-spec ific method. 48.31% I had diffic ulty in enac ting standard software engineering methods for my organization. 42.70% I had diffic ulty in monitoring and evaluating the progress health of ongoing projec ts whic h employ different methods and prac tic es. 40.45% I had diffic ulty in training software engineers with new software engineering prac tic es every time the fashion c hanges. 17.98% I had diffic ulty in quic kly learning new software engineering prac tic es based on my knowledge of previously used prac tic es, I have no interest in Essenc e. : 89 6.74%





16 6

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SEMAT Essence User Survey

Q4 What do you think are benefits from using Essence? (Choose multiple answers.)
: 124 : 14

I may check the progress...

I may describe v arious...

I may use Essence kern...

I may use Essence kern...

I don't see any benefits...







53.23% 66 67.74% 84

I may c hec k the progress health of a software projec t independent of the software engineering prac tic es used.

I may desc ribe various software engineering prac tic es using the c ommon Essenc e kernel and language so that they bec ome c omparable and integrated into a c oherent projec t method.

I may use Essenc e kernel as the c ommon quality gates in monitoring the progress of multiple projec ts under way in my organization.

42.74% 53

I may use Essenc e kernel in teac hing the foundation of software engineering and show differenc es and similarities among different software engineering prac tic es. I don't see any benefits from learning and using Essenc e. : 124

50.81% 63

7.26% 9

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SEMAT Essence User Survey

Q5 What are impediments to adopting Essence? (Choose multiple answers.)

: 111 : 27

I don't see any impedime... It is difficult to... It is difficult to... It is difficult to... It is difficult to... I think Essence w ill... I think Essence w ill... 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

11.71% 13 50.45%

I don't see any impediment to adopting Essenc e.

It is diffic ult to find good materials with whic h to easily learn Essenc e. 36.94% It is diffic ult to understand how to apply Essenc e kernel and language in real situations. 26.13% It is diffic ult to find a training program through whic h to learn Essenc e deep enough to utilize it in prac tic e. 22.52% It is diffic ult to envision signific ant values added to existing software engineering prac tic es by adopting Essenc e. 27.93% I think Essenc e will help improve our prac tic es signific antly, but it is diffic ult to find good tools to fac ilitate the adoption of Essenc e. 39.64% I think Essenc e will help improve our prac tic es signific antly, but it is diffic ult to drive the c hanges politic ally. : 111







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SEMAT Essence User Survey

Q6 Where did you apply Essence? (Choose multiple answers.)

: 131 : 7

I applied to agile softw a... I applied to unified... I applied to w aterfall... I applied to COTS (includ... I applied to business... I applied to describing... I applied to consulting... I applied to teaching... I nev er applied Esse... 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

19.85% 26 11.45% 15 4.58% 6 2.29% 3 7.63%

I applied to agile software development projec ts.

I applied to unified software development projec ts. I applied to waterfall software development projec ts. I applied to COTS (inc luding SaaS) c ustomization projec ts.

I applied to business transformation projec ts without software development (suc h as business/IT c onsulting, proc ess re-engineering, enterprise arc hitec ture projec ts).


I applied to desc ribing organizational standard methods for software development.

13.74% 18 9.92%

I applied to c onsulting software engineering proc esses and methods.

13 20.61% 27

I applied to teac hing software engineering.

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SEMAT Essence User Survey

I never applied Essenc e in real situation. : 131 67.18% 88

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SEMAT Essence User Survey

Q7 What is your primary job?

: 134 : 4

Softw are engineering... Softw are engineer or... Softw are proj ect mana... Executiv e in softw are... Business/IT consultant IT serv ice professional... CIO or CIO staff Enterprise architect Softw are process... Softw are quality... Univ ersity professor

Research staff








Software engineering c onsultant or trainer Software engineer or arc hitec t Software projec t manager or produc t manager Exec utive in software c ompany Business/IT c onsultant IT servic e professional (inc luding Business analyst, Applic ation developer,etc .)

11.94% 28.36% 7.46% 2.24% 6.72% 4.48% 16 38 10 3 9 6

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SEMAT Essence User Survey

CIO or CIO staff Enterprise arc hitec t Software proc ess engineer Software quality assuranc e University professor Researc h staff Student 3.73% 1.49% 1.49% 2.99% 23.88% 3.73% 1.49% 5 2 2 4 32 5 2 134

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SEMAT Essence User Survey

Q8 Which type of organization do you work for?

: 132 : 6

Independent softw are v endor Professional IT serv ice... High-tech industry... Softw are process and... Company not in the abov e...

Univ ersity

Research Institution

Gov ernment







Independent software vendor Professional IT servic e provider High-tec h industry developing embedded software Software proc ess and engineering c onsulting Company not in the above c ategories University Researc h Institution Government

9.09% 20.45% 9.09% 9.85% 19.70% 27.27% 2.27% 2.27% 12 27 12 13 26 36 3 3 132

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