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3/22/14 class Lesson 5

Prayer: Teachers Guide

Psalm 18:6, 1 Kings 8:22 + 54, Exodus 4:31, Mathew 26:39, 2Chronicles 7:14, Jeremiah 29:13, Mark 11:24, James 1:6-7 + 4:3 + 5:16, 1John 3:22 + 5:14 Deuteronomy 1:45, Psalm 66:18, Proverbs 1:28, Zechariah 1:13, Romans 8:26-27, 1Thesselonians 5:16-18
You Will Need: Computer to show Power Point Slideshow Internet Connection Markers and crayons. Ask for Prayer Requests: In your prayer be sure to mention something along the lines of, Let prayer become a part of our everyday lives! Slide 1: Tell the class they will be learning about prayer. (Video: to get the class pumped about learning) Slide 2: Let the students answer the question about what they think prayer is. Slide 3: Introduce the question What does the Bible say about prayer? Slide 4: Read aloud Psalm 18:6 ask the class what they think about it then move to the next slide Slide 5: Ask the class what they should do with their bodies when they pray.


3/22/14 class Lesson 5

Slide 6-8: Read the Bible verses 1Kings 8:54, Exodus 4:31, Matthew 26:39, 1Kings 8:22 aloud on slides 6 & 7 then move to slide 8 and talk about how it is more important to concentrate when praying than moving your body a certain way. Give examples: If you cant concentrate on praying when your standing then you should sit down. Slide 9-16: This section focuses on what our minds should be doing while praying. God actually requires us to think a certain way. Read aloud the verses and discuss with the class. (Be humble, have whole heartedness, Faith, Righteousness, and Obedience) Slide 17-28: This section focuses on the fact that God hears our prayers, but we should not do certain things when we pray, because He may not listen if we do. Read aloud the verses and discuss with the class. On slide 28 remind the class that if they do have some of these problems the first thing they should pray for is forgiveness with the focus being that they would also have to repent- feel sorry in for their sin. (Disobedience, Secret Sin, Not Caring, Stubbornness, Doubt, Selfishness) Slide 29-31: Ask the students when they should pray and wait for a response. Then move to slide 28 and read aloud 1Thesselonians 16-18 and discuss. On slide 31 bring home the message that prayer should become a constant in our lives. Slide 32-34: Ask the students what they should pray for and wait for a response. Watch the video. (Despicable Me 1: The little girls pray for some very serious and some very imaginative things) Ask the students what they think about what the three characters asked God for in their prayers and why. Then ask the students if the characters were wrong and why. Move to slide 33 revealing that we can pray for anything (As long as we have our minds were they need to be ~ as discussed earlier in the class) Read aloud John 5:14 and discuss.


3/22/14 class Lesson 5

Slide 35-37: Heres the big question, What if we dont know what to pray for? Read Romans 8:26-27 aloud and discuss its meaning. Then move to slide 37. The Holy Spirit knows what is in our hearts and actually begs or pleads to God for us when we dont know how to. Slide 38: Prayer is our weapon against evil; use it!

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