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Republic of the Philippines Fourth Judicial Region Regional Trial Court Branch 15 Naic, Cavite H !R" #F TH $%T %NT#N!

# &!$$%, et' al', Plaintiffs, ( versus ( Civil Case No' NC()*1)()1++ For, -rant of ase.ent Co.pulsor/ Right of 0a/ of

&!"!T%C!#N 12!J%N#(3%R&!N, BR!-!3# 3%R&!N, JR', 3%R0!N 3%R&!N, 3efendants' 4((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((4 COMPROMISE AGREEMENT C#5 N#0, plaintiffs and defendants assisted b/ their counsels, unto this Honorable Court, .ost respectfull/ their %gree.ent and state, 1' To spare the.selves of a costl/, stressful, an4iet/(ridden and uncertaint/ of a long(6inded litigation, the parties have agreed to settle a.icabl/7 )' 3efendants recogni8e the need of the plaintiffs, their successors, assigns, subdivision bu/ers and residents, to a perpetual ease.ent of a right(of(6a/ to access and e4it fro. plaintiffs9 $ot No' 5*:; to the nearest public road7 ;' #n the other hand, plaintiffs also ac<no6ledge the right of the defendants, as o6ners of $ot No' 5*5* to see< inde.nification for the use as ease.ent of defendants9 e4isting subdivision road that traverses thru the .iddle and entire length of $ot No' 5*5*7 :' Conse=uentl/, plaintiffs are assigning and allocating unto defendants, the #N H2N3R 3 >1**? "12%R 5 T R portion of $ot No' 5*:; b/ 6a/ of inde.nit/ to the grant of right(of(6a/, 6hich parcel of land shall be located as indicated in the "<etch attached to this agree.ent' 5' 3efendants accept the assign.ent and allocation to their co.plete satisfaction and shall thenceforth open the subdivision road for use b/ plaintiffs, their successors, assigns and persons acting under the.7

@' The "<etch is dul/ signed b/ the parties to signif/ to the assign.ent 6hich shall be transferred b/ appropriate docu.ent and e4penses for transfer shouldered b/ the plaintiffs7 +' The e4penses in the docu.entation, registration and annotation in the proper public docu.ent of the right of 6a/ as 6ell as the assign.ent to the defendants of the 1** s=' .eter portion as stated above shall be shouldered b/ plaintiff' A' Nothing in this agree.ent shall be construed as giving the authorit/ or the plaintiff to alter, .odif/ or enlarge the e4isting private road in $ot 5*5*' A' Plaintiffs agree that the/ .a/ use the private road inside $ot 5*5* to access $ot 5*:; onl/ through the 1:1 s=' .eter portion of $ot 5*5* covered b/ Ta4 3eclaration No' 1*(**)5(**))1 as indicated in the s<etch' B' The parties and their successors(in(interest are enCoined to abide faithfull/ to the ter.s and conditions of this %gree.ent and the parties9 clai.s and counterclai.s be dis.issed7 0H R F#R , it is respectfull/ pra/ed of this Honorable Court, that the above %gree.ent, not being contrar/ to la6, public order or public polic/ be %PPR#& 3 b/ this Honorable Court and that a Judg.ent b/ be rendered in accordance there6ith' Naic, Cavite, 5a/ DDDD, )*1;' Heirs of the $ate %ntonio &illa represented b/ Rosalia &' Pilones and Julieta &illa(Eafra, and 5%R&!N &!$$%, #$!& R &!$$%, J#& NC!# &!$$%, %N%$FN R#5 R#"#, 5%R!F R' %BB%", Plaintiffs, B/, JULIETA VILLA-ZAFRA BRIGIDO Q. DARVIN, JR. Defendant




MANUELITO C. DIOSOMITO Counsel for Plainttifs

Naic, Cavite Roll of %ttorne/s No' ;1:1A !BP $ife 5e.ber No' *:1B+G 1)'1A'*) PTR No' ;*A::+:+G CaviteG 1';'1; 5C$ Co.pliance No' !&(*****A+ CP No' >*B1+? 5:ABAB+

JAN MICHAEL C. VALDEZ Counsel for the Defendants

R.' ;11, 4ecutive Bldg' Center 5a<ati %ve', cor' -il Pu/at %ve' 5a<ati Cit/ 1)** Roll of %ttorne/s No' :51;* !BP No' B)::*;G1'1*'1;GTarlac PTR No' ;@A)1*@G1'11'1;G5a<ati 5C$ Co.pliance No' !&( ***+;@@GA'1;'1) CP No' >*B1A? A*:*:+;

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