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No notications on power outage

By Jay Balagna
Despite the advantages of a newly-implemented text message alert system at the University of Nevada, Reno, it was not used to notify students of a power outage on campus last week because, at the time, ofcials did not think the situation was serious enough to warrant an alert, they said. The lack of notication created confusion, forcing many students out of classes and onto lawns in an attempt to complete projects due the next day. While all students are issued a university e-mail account, not all of them use it, Edward Atwell, an ofcer in the UNR Police Department assigned to the text message alert system, said. We feel that the text message system has the ability to reach more students in a way they would pay attention to. The arrangement is a delicate one though. If UNRPD sends out too many messages, students may stop paying attention to them, Atwell said. When we set the (text message) system up, the feedback we got was that the student body was concerned they would get a lot of spam-like messages, Atwell said.


Th The text t t message alert l t system was implemented last year as a way to notify students in case of an emergency or campus closure. About 4,000 people at the University of Nevada, Reno are signed up for the system. To sign up to receive the text message alerts, go to

Our goal is to keep the messages to a minimum so students dont start to ignore them. When the campus lost power Wednesday evening, Atwell and others on duty made the spur-of-the-moment decision not to send an alert because the outage was not an emergency situation, Atwell said. Instead of alerting students, UNRPD stepped up patrols to make sure students were safe on campus and nobody broke into dark buildings. After seeing the confusion on campus over the next few hours, they began to rethink



Younger students bring new memories

By Nick Coltrain
Sept. 11, 2001 impacted Geoff Miles like it did many others: with shock, confusion and anger. But Miles memories are of other peoples anger becoming his, their confusion fueling his. Its an impact that will become more common with each passing year. Miles, now a freshman at the University of Nevada, Reno, was 10 years old when terrorists hijacked four planes, ramming two into the World Trade Center towers and another into the Pentagon. A fourth plane, headed for Washington, D.C., crashed in a Pennsylvania eld after passengers and ight crew attempted to retake the plane. About 3,000 people died, forcing Miles eyes open to a world his 10-year-old mind wasnt quite prepared for. I really had no idea of what was going on at the time, he said. I had no idea why someone would want to attack New

R Read d a 20 20-year-olds ld memories and reections about the events of Sept. 11. SEE PAGE A8
York City. For Miles and about 1,900 other 18-year-olds at UNR, the Sept. 11 attacks set the tone for the world they live in, said Markus Kemmelmeier, a sociology professor at UNR. They are accustomed to the specter of terrorism and persistent war, even if terrorists have not struck U.S. soil since 2001, Kemmelmeier said. But the younger generation also couldnt really respond to the newly-shattered sense of U.S. safety. The 9- and 10-year-olds, they didnt face any choices, he said. It is just background, that the world is a dangerous place and

Edson Almachar, right, a computer science major at the University of Nevada, Reno, lls out a community service form at a health care rally held in Hilliard Plaza Wednesday afternoon.


Debate comes close to home

Health care reform an important issue to many students
By Jay Balagna and Jessica Fryman
For the past four years, Chris Swinger avoided going to the doctor at all costs. Once he was taken off his mothers insurance at age 18, he quickly realized how expensive medical care could be. Swinger, now 22, is one of the more than eight million 18- to 24-year-olds in the United States without health insurance, according to a U.S. Census Bureau estimate. That is almost 30 percent of the people in that age group, causing some students to worry about their future health care and want to x that statistic. In the United States Congress, politicians are debating health care reforms that have dominated public discussion for weeks. While the debate at the Capitol dominates headlines, small demonstrations like the one Swinger attended at the University of Nevada, Reno last week are popping up nationally. In the demonstration, Swinger joined about 35 students and community members brandishing Barack Obama health care reform signs on Hilliard Plaza, while student leaders and Nevada democrats addressed the small crowd and passersby. Your socioeconomic status should not (determine) whether you receive heath care, student senate speaker Gracie Geremia said at the Young Democrats rally Wednesday. Edson Almacher, a 20-yearold computer science major who attended the rally, said he wished more students would get involved in discussing the possibility of health care reform because its an important issue that many students dont realize affects them. I think oftentimes students might feel they dont need insurance, they think theyre invincible, said Cheryl HugEnglish, director of the Student Health Center. Until you need health insurance you dont think about it. Swinger hardly worried about health care until he injured his ankle last year. Unsure if it was broken or not, he decided to go to the health center. After an X-ray, his ankle was diagnosed with a bad sprain and Swinger was told to stay off his feet for a few days. The ordeal served as a wake-up call. I know it sounds naive, but

See 9/11 Page A5


I Insurance can be b purchased h d at t the th b beginning i i of f the th semester from the cashiers ofce. $877 per semester $300 deductible Visit for more information.

Check out o t a video on Wednesdays health care rally at UNR: UNR

for the past four years, Ive had plenty of other things to worry about and havent cared much about my health, he said. It kind of made me realize how easily I can hurt myself and how expensive it couldve been. While the free checkups and reduced cost medical care offered by the Student Health Center have gotten Swinger through four years of school, and the part-time student is optimistic it will get him through his last year, with a degree comes a loss of that resource. After school Ill probably be in an entry-level job that wont offer health insurance, Swinger said. My situation might actually get worse after graduation because I wont have the health center. Although many students have health coverage through their parents, Swinger said after graduation, many might nd themselves in the same position as he. While looking for employment opportunities post-graduation, health care benets are often an important factor. That is something students might not realize now, Assemblyman David Bobzien said. Students might turn down a job in order to take a different one with health benets, he said.


Geoff Miles, an 18-year-old freshman at the University of Nevada, Reno, remembers the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, as a time of others anger and shock. Miles was 10 when the attacks occurred.



Board of Regents: Full coverage of the Nevada System of Higher Education Board of Regents rst meeting of the semester in Elko. Live chat: Head online Wednesday at 3 p.m. for an interactive chat with Sports Editor Juan Lpez on Wolf Pack Sports. Sports: Check our Web site for football, volleyball and soccer coverage.

Calibrate your communication skills to interface with engineers. Page A7


Check out whether local author Ellen Hopkins latest release Tricks lives up to her other bestsellers. Page A13


After 13 days with the New York Jets, Josh Mauga is back at school but has hopes of getting back to the NFL. Page B1

WEEKLY UPDATE .............................................A3 CLASSIFIEDS ..............................................................A6 PERSPECTIVES ....................................................... A7 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ......A14 SPORTS .................................................................................... B1 GAMEDAY....................................................................... B8

A2 SEPTEMBER 15, 2009


Student voice of the University of Nevada, Reno since 1893.


Editor in Chief Jessica Fryman

Students bring religion to campus

Local church services held on campus
By Gabrielle Irvin
Living Stones, a program at Grace Church, now holds services on campus. The services are held in Lawlor Events Center in the silver and blue room at 10 a.m. Sundays to accommodate attendance growth, Kristine Brown, the director of communications for Living Stones, said. Living Stones is a Christian church community that originated at Grace Church, known as the Northwest Campus, on Robb Drive, but has now expanded to reach out to the community and to make church services more accessible to students at the University of Nevada, Reno. Living Stones began church services in mid-August. Initially the services were held at Reno High School; however, the location was too small, Brown said. Services are not only offered at the university but also at Grace Church at 5 and 7p.m. on Sundays. We are also looking at expanding to locations such as Truckee, Sparks and other parts of Reno, Brown said. Although Living Stones is now on campus, it is a communityoriented church and does not

Print Manager Emily Stott

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Worshipers at the Living Stones church service at Grace Church on Robb Drive. The organization now holds a service on campus every Sunday.
seek only student involvement. We get people from all walks of life, Brown said. We get young families with their children and an inux of students. Its nice to see all ages of people come. Living Stones had an amazing attendance turnout and can now effectively reach students due to the new location, Mallory Colombo, a Living Stones intern and psychology major, who has been attending Living Stones for two-and-a-half years, said.


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Brett Abel, Ashley Allen, Jillian Baker, Laura Benavides, Aaron Benedetti, Brian Bolton, Ase Carlson, Florence De Vrye, Clint Demeritt, Enjolie Esteve, Garrett Estrada, Chris Gabriel, Gabrielle Irvin, Madison Jackson, Brent Kirkland, Kara LaPoint, Chris Muller, Danielle Pearson, Tiana Ross, Marcus Sacchetti, Jillian Stenzel, Damian Tromerhauser, Kaitlyn Whiteside

Muslim students celebrate Ramadan with fasting, prayer

By Ashley Allen
Most University of Nevada, Reno students probably cant imagine a day without eating. For others, its a way of life. From Aug. 22 to Sept. 19, Muslim students celebrate the holy month of Ramadan: a time for purication through fasting, self-sacrice and prayer. Praying is the most important part of Ramadan, Kowsar Khan, a 19-year-old neuroscience and biochemistry major, said. We always need to pray, but its emphasized during this time of the year. Khan, leader of the Muslim Student Association club at UNR, explained that ve different prayers are said throughout the day at specic times. Before the sun rises each morning, celebrators wake up and take part in the morning prayer, Fajr. Its also the time to eat before fasting begins for the day. At sunrise eating ends and prayer begins. Dhuhr is prayed at noon. The mid-afternoon and sunset prayers are Asr and Maghrib, respectively. Isha is prayed after sunset. Prayer is the easiest aspect to manage while concentrating on classes, Khan said. Fasting is from sunrise to sunset and in that period, not only is there no eating, but there is no drinking or smoking either. Other students think that we [Ramadan celebrators] can drink water during the fast, Khan, who has been fasting during Ramadan for six years now, said. We cant. No food, no water. By the end of the day I can almost feel my kidneys shrinking. Waking up before the sun rises and fasting during the day takes its toll on his body and mind, Khan said Studying is my main concern during Ramadan, Khan said. I cant concentrate at all during

Ofce: (775) 784-4033 Fax: (775) 784-1955 Mail Stop 058 Reno, NV 89557 The Nevada Sagebrush is a newspaper operated by and for the students of the University of Nevada, Reno. The contents of this newspaper do not necessarily reect those opinions of the university or its students. It is published by the students of the University of Nevada, Reno and printed by the Sierra Nevada Media Group. The Nevada Sagebrush and its staff are accredited members of the Nevada Press Association and Associated Collegiate Press. Photographers subscribe to the National Press Photographers Association code of ethics. Designers are members of the Society for News Design. ADVERTISING: For information about display advertising and rates, please call ASUN Advertising at (775) 784-7773 or e-mail Classied advertising is available beginning at $7. Contact the ofce at (775) 784-4033 or classieds manager at classieds@ Classieds are due Fridays at noon to the The Joe. SUBSCRIPTION: The Nevada Sagebrush offers a yearly subscription service for $40 a year. Call The Nevada Sagebrush ofce for more information. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Must include a phone number and/or e-mail address. Letters should be relevant to student life or major campus issues and no longer than 200 words. Letters can be submitted via e-mail at Letters are due via e-mail or mail by noon Saturday before publication.

Muslim students and their families break their daily fast as part of the holiday of Ramadan.
the fast. Ive tried to study and fast and it doesnt work at all. Class is no different. Low blood sugar from fasting makes it al-


most impossible to concentrate Khan said, because hes able to during class, and being tired sleep all day and relax, which is doesnt help the situation at all, he said. Weekends are easier, See RAMADAN Page A5



R Read d th the rest t of f th these stories from our archive at

Student helps Russian research

By Anthony Sodenkamp
While many students were spending their summers in the Nevada heat, Joanne Heslop researched climate change in the Siberian Arctic. Heslop, a 19-year-old dual ecohydrology and environmental studies major at the University of Nevada, Reno, spent part of her summer studying permafrost in Cherskiy, Russia with the Polaris Project. We were doing stuff no one knew about, Heslop said. It was new territory. Heslop rst heard about the project in her Natural Resources and Environmental Science 211 class. The class is taught by Sudeep Chandra, UNR assistant professor of limnology, who also went to Cherskiy. Heslop had heard about the effects of climate change from her professors, but her research still surprised her. You can actually see it, she said. Something needs to be done. While in the Arctic, they slept on a barge with four bunks to a room and half-inch plywood between rooms, Chandra said. There was no privacy, he said. Mentally, after 20 days, it gets tiring. There were some places the barge couldnt get to. For these trips, they took smaller boats. After the smaller boats, it felt like home on the barge, Heslop said. Despite the cramped quarters, Heslop enjoyed the research.

Mackay groundbreaking Friday

UNR News Bureau
Ground will be broken for the new Mackay School of Mines on Friday, Sept. 18. The event marks the continuing effort of the university to put the mining school on the map, provided the school can nd funds for new equipment. The new building, which will be located on the northeast corner of the Quad, will feature modern laboratories, classrooms and ofce space. The mining school, including the departments of geology and chemical and metallurgical engineering, will be housed in the new structure. Joseph Lintz Jr., Acting Dean of Mines, said that the 1979 legislature allocated $6.5 million for the project, about $1 million for architectural plans and studies and $5.45 million for construction. Lintz estimates that another $5 million will be needed to equip the labs fully.

new building just across from the UN School of Medicine. According to Dr. Robert Basta, medical director of the health center, the difference is easy to see. The main advantage we have at this new facility is more space, Basta says. We have more exam rooms so we can see more patients quicker with less stress for the students and for us, Basta says.

xes mistakes. If you nd an error, e-mail editor@
The Nevada Sagebrush

Joanne Heslop, left, a 19-year-old student, spent her summer helping with climate change research in northern Russia.
It never really felt like working, she said. One of the tougher parts of the trip was the ve-day journey across 19 time zones to Siberia, which was not all planes and buses. The group stopped for cultural experiences at places like Red Square in Moscow, Chandra said. Heslops favorite part of the trip was a visit to a Russian steam room known as a banya. They would alternate a warm up in the banya with a swim in cold water. Its supposed to be good for your health, she said. Heslops friends were surprised that she would want to spend her summer in the Arctic. It was an easy decision to apply for the program, Heslop said. Heslop switched from the engineering department to ecohydrology and environmental studies because she wanted to do more research.


SEPTEMBER 15, 2000:

We need more students in science, she said. She says she will apply to return to Cherskiy next summer as a student mentor, but there is strong competition for the two spots. Chandra said students should take any research opportunities they can. Even if you dont think youll get in, you should apply, Heslop said Heslop plans to speak in K-12 and UNR classes about her research. This was the second year of a three-year project, Chandra said. The Polaris Project is supported by a $1.6 million grant from the National Science Foundation. We are talking about a renewal proposal, Chandra said.
Anthony Sodenkamp can be reached at

ACLU says Nevada violated free speech

By Jesse Johnson
Political activism on campus became in itself controversial when several students complained about the university policies regarding freedom of speech. According to university policy, public expression in the form of freedom of speech is not to be infringed upon, but shall be regulated in order to assure orderly conduct, the least possible interference with university responsibilities and the protection of persons against practices that would make them involuntary audiences. Tiffany Dibble, president of the campus American Civil Liberties Union, spearheaded the charges of rst amendment violations.

SEPTEMBER 15, 1992:

Center opens
By Tracy DuPree
The Student Health Center has moved into new ofces and ofcials say increased service will make up for a less convenient location. The center moved in June from its old location in the basement of Juniper Hall to a

Weekly Update
SEPTEMBER 15, 2009


Painting the N a UNR campus tradition Campus

Annual event to be held before rst home football game this season
By Ase Carlson
Student government ofcials hope for an increased turnout Saturday for the annual painting of the N. The event will begin at 10 a.m. at the Joe Crowley Student Union. Students are encouraged to wear clothing that can get paint-stained. Four to ve vans, depending on necessity, will transport students to Rancho San Rafael Park and from there students will hike to the top of the mountain. White paint and mops will be provided by the athletic department, Director of Flipside Programming Casey Stiteler said. The N is painted white but the rocks become faded, or weathered and are often painted over by student clubs each year. Re-painting the rocks not only makes the N brighter but is an activity that Associated Students of the University of Neavda President Eli Reilly said he sees as crucial to the feelings of pride and camaraderie prior to the seasons first home football game against Missouri on Sept. 26. I see this as part of my mission to encourage support and get red up for the game and for our school, prior to Homecoming, Reilly said. This social activity is part of Reillys initiative to increase pride and tradition on campus. This is the rst year that the N will be painted before the rst home game, Reilly said. We want this to be a source of pride. When visiting teams come into town, they know where they are, Stiteler said. Last year, about 60 students participated, including many student-athletes from the soccer, volleyball, swimming and tennis teams, Stiteler said. This year, Stiteler wants to get more athletes involved as well as more of the general student body. This year, Flipside hopes to get a bigger turnout. Flipside is actively promoting the event through posters, e-mail lists, Facebook and on-campus promotion the days leading up to the event, Stiteler said. I felt very much a part of the student body and felt like I sup-


Wh What: t Annual A l painting i ti of f the N hosted by Flipside Productions. When: 10 a.m. Saturday Where: Joe Crowley Student Union
ported our team, and the school, in my own way, said Matt Decareful, a 2009 alum who attended the event last year.
Ase Carlson can be reached at


Thompson Building Open House When: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Where: Thompson Building The University of Nevada, Renos academic support services will hold an open house in the Thompson Building open to all students and faculty. Representatives from Career Navigator, the Center for Cultural Diversity, Counseling Services, the Disability Resource Center, the Personal Safety and Sexual Assault Prevention department, the TRiO Scholars program, the tutoring center and Upward Bound will be on hand at the event. There will also be free food and live music. For more information, visit Great Presentations: Professor Peter Goin When: 4 to 5 p.m. Where: Ansari Business Building, room 109 Peter Goin, a University of Nevada, Reno photography professor, will speak on his recent photographic research in Lake Tahoe on Tuesday. Goins most recent project focuses on the comparison between historical photographs and shots taken from the same vantage point in modern times. For more information, contact Becky Amezquita at


The NorCal Pro Life Advocates, a Northern California coalition of different anti-abortion groups from Sacramento and the Bay Area held a demonstration in front of the Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center Wednesday. The group was in Reno as part of a tour around the region holding demonstrations on high school and college campuses.

An intoxicated 30-year-old male was taken into civil protective custody at the MathewsonIGT Knowledge Center. A 20-year-old male was arrested for a minor in possession and consumption of alcohol violation on the corner of North Virginia and 10th streets. An 18-year-old male reported a bicycle stolen from the Palmer Engineering Building. A 23-year-old male reported a bicycle stolen on North Virginia Street.

Two bicycles were found outside the Parking and Transportation Services Building. A 54-year-old intoxicated male was taken into civil protective custody on the corner of North Virginia and 17th streets. An 18-year-old male was cited for MIPC on Enterprise Road. A 19-year-old male was cited for MIPC on Ninth and Nevada streets.

Book Nook Book Sale When: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Where: The Book Nook, Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center The Book Nook, the used bookstore in the Knowledge Center will hold its semester book sale Wednesday.


The Child and Family Resource Center at the University of Nevada, Reno will begin offering workshops to help local parents prepare their children for school. The workshops begin today with an early development workshop focusing on giving children an emotional head start before they start kindergarten. The workshop will be followed by a discipline and positive guidance workshop held Oct. 13 and a mental health workshop on Nov. 3. The workshops run from 7 to 9 p.m. and are held in the Joe Crowley Student Union Theater. Each workshop costs $25 per person or $60 for all three workshops. To register for the workshops or for more information, contact Becky Carter-Steele at


Nominations for the Nevada Regents Teaching Award are due Friday. The award, given out every year to an outstanding full-time faculty member at either the University of Nevada, Reno, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada State College or the Desert Research Institute, consists of a special medal and $5,000. Any student or faculty member of the Nevada System of Higher Education can nominate a faculty member for the award by submitting a letter to the candidates dean explaining how their teaching has accomplished a record of excellence. For more information on the award, visit provost/awards/AwardsIndex.html.

Guarded by the Pack When: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Where: Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center lawn The Personal Safety and Sexual Assault Prevention program will hold its annual Guarded by the Pack safety fair in front of the Knowledge Center on Thursday. The fair will focus on providing information to keep students safe on and off campus. There will also be games and prizes at the fair. For more information, contact Katie Olson at katieo@

A 19-year-old female was cited for MIPC on the John Sala Intramural Fields. An 18-year-old male was cited for MIPC on North Virginia Street.

A 22-year-old male was arrested on suspicion of grand larceny on Wellington Way. A 20-year-old was cited for MIPC outside Lawlor Events Center. An 18-year-old male reported his vehicle burglarized in the West Stadium Parking Complex.

An 18-year-old male reported a bicycle stolen from White Pine Hall. A 45-year-old female was arrested for three counts of possession of a controlled substance on Center Street.

An 18-year-old female reported her oor mats, wallet, CDs and other miscellaneous items stolen from her car parked in the Sierra Street Parking Complex. An 18-year-old male was cited for MIPC in Argenta Hall.

The Associated Students of the University of Nevada Bookstore reported a check returned for insufcient funds. Ofcers responded to a burglary call in the Virginia Street Gym. Ofcers responded to a report of grafti in Peccole Park.

Forecast prepared by the National Weather Service.






Sunny Sunny Sunny Mostly clear Mostly clear

Fellowship Deadline When: 5 p.m. Where: Jot Travis Building, room 11A Completed applications for the Fulbright, Rhodes, Marshall and Mitchell fellowships are due to Tamara Valentine, the fellowship program advisor, by Monday at 5 p.m. in order to be considered for a campus interview. Turn applications in to the Honors Program ofce in the Jot Travis Building.

An 18-year-old male reported the destruction of property in the Sierra Street Parking Complex. A 23-year-old female reported a case of petty larceny in the Joe Crowley Student Union.

High campus temperature: Low campus temperature:

83 49

87 54

89 56

91 53

Low: 55 High: 91

WEEKLY WEATHER DISCUSSION: Dry and very warm conditions with generally light winds will prevail through early next week as a strong ridge prevails over the western United States.


SEPTEMBER 15, 2009

Ethics program hosts pandemic discussion

By Aaron Benedetti
Health care ethics students and interested community members filled an auditorium in the Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center at the University of Nevada, Reno on Thursday to hear Dr. Randall Todd, director of epidemiology and public health preparedness for the Washoe County Health District, speak about the ethics of pandemics. Dr. ElizaBeth Beyer, chair of the Health Care Ethics Program for the Nevada Center for Ethics and Health Policy, hosted the discussion, which was part of Ethics Programs Ethics Bytes series. Since we are in a pandemic situation with the H1N1 u virus, I think this is a timely discussion, Beyer said. The talk was primarily directed by student questions, and ranged from the basic denition of a pandemic to the more complicated issues surrounding infection and fatality rates for seasonal inuenza and the H1N1 virus, as well as the potential strains the H1N1 virus could place on the nations health care infrastructure. Three criteria determine whether a u virus reaches pandemic status, Todd said during the discussion. The virus must be a newly emergent strain, must have jumped the species barrier to infect humans and must transmit sustainably from one human to another. According to the World Health Organization, which determines these criteria, the H1N1 virus has reached pandemic status, Todd said. Beyer and Todd broadcast realtime audio from their discussion on Second Life, an online program that allows users to create avatars and interact with one another in a virtual world. Listeners on Second Life, including a UNR health care ethics student who could not attend the seminar and a former university professor residing in Texas, submitted questions for Todd and Beyer via text-only chat. I think some students seem better able to communicate in a community like (Second Life), said Ginger Fenwick, academic adviser for the Health Care Ethics Program and another event organizer. This kind of program is benecial because were reaching out to other students who are not physically here on campus. Ive heard that people from other states sometimes log in for discussions. Barbara Patrouch, an English and history student at UNR who is also enrolled in Beyers Health Care Ethics 470 class, said she attended because the ethics of pandemics seemed especially interesting and relevant. I think that this type of information goes beyond people in school right now, Patrouch said. The more education you get on this subject, the healthier the community is going to be as a whole. Fenwick said the event was successful, although student turnout on Second Life was low. There were lots of questions asked, and the information provided by Todd helped students understand the issues were facing, Fenwick said. We all want to stay healthy and be successful this year. I think the education provided will help students be better equipped to take care of their own health.
Aaron Benedetti can be reached at

Stay healthy and stress-free this semester with yoga

Local instructors demonstrate how to do basic poses

Counter-clockwise from top right: The Studio yoga instructor Jennifer Schaeffer performs the Uttanasana pose; Schaeffer holds the Pigeon Pose; Schaeffer achieves the Advance Plank Pose; Schaeffer in the Shoulder Stand position; Schaeffer performs the Upward Bow; fellow yoga instructor Rachelle Lanning contorts in the Downward Dog position.


The Studio is a yoga/massage studio located at 1085 S. Virginia St. in Reno, above the Spy Shop. Aiming to make yoga affordable for everybody who is interested. The Studio offers students their rst class for free. In addition, The Studio has an organic juice bar and has rst-time one-hour massages for $40. For more information, call 775-284-5545 or visit All members of the studio are encouraged to host classes, workshops and seminars.


SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 A5

Board of Regents to hold semesters rst meeting

By Jay Balagna
The Nevada System of Higher Education will hold their fourth meeting of the year, and their rst of the fall semester, Thursday and Friday at Great Basin College in Elko. Among other items on the agenda, the Regents will vote on the elimination of the German major and its replacement with a German studies major, which will consist of more culture and fewer language classes, at the University of Nevada, Reno. Last spring, the proposal to cut the German major was met with a number of small protests from language professors and students. Also on the agenda is the elimination of the graduate program for construction management at UNR. The elimination is proposed because of a lack of interest in the program, according to the Regents agenda. Students already in the construction management program will be allowed to complete their degrees, the proposal said. The agenda also lists a contract extension for Cary Groth, UNRs athletic director; a request for a loan by the University of Nevada School of Medicine and the sale of a property on Evans Street owned by the university.



F For coverage of f this thi weeks k Board of Regents meeting in Elko, visit

Its a pretty routine meeting, Jason Geddes, the vice chairman of the board and the elected regent for UNR and most of Washoe County, said. We try not to put too much on the agenda when were at Great Basin because getting to Elko can be difcult for a lot of people.
Jay Balagna can be reached at

that we live in a world where America is hated by some folks. They also were too young to understand the changes to U.S. security procedures and of public sensibility brought on by the attacks. Their private memories quickly mixed with the collective U.S. memory of the events, said Alicia Barber, a UNR history professor specializing in memory and place. Miles father kept him home from school that day eight years ago for fear of more attacks across the country. They watched the news and the national anger and fear that gripped the elder Miles soon bled into the youngers shock and disbelief. I denitely felt a sense of revenge as well, Miles said.

When the president (George W. Bush) said it was Osama bin Laden, I wanted to kill Osama bin Laden. But as years went by, he said he realized the world was more complicated than the U.S. merely being attacked out of the blue. Kemmelmeier said that impact may be the greatest for this generation. Outside of learning the lesson that the world can be a dangerous place, I think they feel pretty safe, Kemmelmeier said. Youve seen danger and you know what it looks like but it feels like it cant actually hurt you. Miles said his dad became overprotective of him after the attacks, but Miles never became truly frightened of the future, largely because of his parents. A lot of people were having crazy thoughts like, what if they have nuclear weapons, Miles

said. I dont think (people my age) were really too concerned with that. I think as a kid you always feel a sense of safety with your parents. The events of Sept. 11 will take on a lesser impact with each new year of freshmen, Barber said. As a result, the collective memory will also change, she said, and in a way she cant predict. The shock and resulting jolt, stupor and anger of the attacks will mix with a generation that really only knows a world where about 3,000 Americans died on a seemingly random Tuesday, she said. But Miles said the impact isnt lessened on him. Its still pretty vivid in my mind, he said. You dont forget something like that.
Nick Coltrain can be reached at


Health care

Small-business employers often nd health care coverage for their employees unaffordable, which causes the work force to have less of the freedom to really pursue whatever entrepreneurial path they want to pursue, Bobzien said. Its an overall drag on American prosperity that our current health care system produces, Bobzien said. Although many Republicans dont believe universal health care is the way to x the problem as Democrats do, reforming health care is a non-partisan

issue, Nevada Republican Party spokesman Robert Uithoven said. I think Republicans, Democrats, independents all agree that there is a need for reform in our health care system. That should be focused on providing more affordable health care options and the accessibility issue, he said. However, taking money from Medicare to create another government program, as the current bill being debated in Washington proposes, is not the answer, Uithoven said. The overall goal has to be whether or not we are increasing access and decreasing cost, he said.

No matter the political stance, health care professionals and government ofcials agree that health care reform is an issue students need to be more actively involved in. I think its important for students to realize that, even if this isnt an issue for them now, it will be soon, Swinger said. Ive been guilty of not being really informed, but Im getting involved with this and I hope others do too. Im learning about both sides of the debate and think people just need to get involved in the discussion.
Jay Balagna and Jessica Fryman can be reached at

that choice, he said. In the aftermath of that decision, we came to the conclusion that we should have sent out (an alert) for this, Atwell said. In the future, we will in all likelihood issue an alert for a situation like that. Jake Bell, a 21-year-old economics major, was on campus

when the power went out and said a text message alert would have reduced a lot of the confusion he encountered. If they stretched the program to cover (a power outage), it would be a good use of it, he said. The trafc was terrible that night. Everyone was leaving campus because classes got cancelled and people were still arriving because they didnt know the power was out. It was a mess.

Steven Zink, the vice president for information services at UNR, said that although the system arose in the wake of the Virginia Tech shootings in 2007 to alert students in case of an emergency, many campuses use similar systems for campus closures as well. Decisions on when to use the system are left to UNRPD, Zink said.
Jay Balagna can be reached at

Living stones

Living Stones is a great place to do that, Colombo said. The music is similar to the popular styles of today, the teachings are directly from the Bible and the people are welcoming. It is a come as you are atmosphere.
Approximately 900 people attend services for the church and attendance numbers for the university reach just fewer than 300 people, Ricky Turner, Central Reno campus pastor, said. Lawlor is a good location for Living Stones because it makes it easier for students.

Some people cannot get a ride to Grace Church, Turner said. It is also a well-known location and comfortable building. At Lawlor people feel welcome, it is a good space. Living Stones church services are free, however the church pays $1,000 dollars a week to rent the space. It is expensive but we raise money through donations and giving boxes are set up during the services, Turner said. We have a ton of people who have big hearts and who want to bless the campus and community. Living Stones main goal is to introduce people to Jesus and participate in community service such as homeless awareness.

We always want to reach people, Turner said. But our passion is not just to be another church. We want to bless the city and bless the campus. We recently made 1,500 hygiene packs for the homeless which contain things like shampoo and toothpaste. Homeless awareness helps others serve others, Brown said. We are a church without religion, Brown said. Jesus made it clear that it just wasnt about religion. It is about loving Him and loving people. That is what we are about.
Gabrielle Irvin can be reached at

Assemblywoman Sheila Leslie speaks to the crowd Wednesday afternoon regarding the current health care reform issues. Assemblyman David Bobzien also spoke at the event.




easier to do while fasting. Anthony Mesa, a 19-year-old nutritional science major and a non-Muslim student at UNR, does not celebrate Ramadan. Although he admits to sometimes going a day without eating, he said he does eat small snacks if he doesnt eat a real meal. I dont think I could fast every day for a month, Mesa said. Compared to last year, celebrating Ramadan this year is easier for Khan. This year, Ramadan began before the semester started, but last year the semester started rst and by the time Ramadan began, Khan

was well into his heavier course load. I was trying to study difcult things last year, he said. At least this year the course material is easier since its the start of the semester. Fasting is well worth the effort to Khan because of the meaning behind it. It serves as a reminder that people all around the world go without food every day. It puts things into perspective. Wassim Derbel, a 20-year-old biology major, agrees that it is an occasion to feel what homeless people feel every day. The hardest part of Ramadan is being away from his home and family in Tunisia, Derbel, a member of the tennis team,

said. I am living far away from my family, Derbel said. Ramadan is an opportunity for each family to gather around a big dinner and to have fun. It makes me feel a little homesick. Khan, who lived in Bangladesh for 12 years, described the missing feeling as the spirit. At home the spirit is everywhere, Khan said. When you break fast at night its with friends and family. It feels like a party every night for a month. Restaurants are closed during the day. Its the holy month. Its obviously not like that at all here.
Ashley Allen can be reached at

A6 SEPTEMBER 15, 2009




SEPTEMBER 15, 2009

On Sept. 08, 5:23 a.m., Hankwind wrote: I hope Solarbotanic can teach us its breakthrough green energy system, it would surely make our country look better


Texting system should have been used


On Sept. 09, 11:04 a.m., Frias is bad wrote: He is a joke. He inherited top ranked recruiting classes from the previous regime. His teams barely muster a shot on goal. Rome did not need to be rebuilt. It was a championship team before he arrived. It is going back back backward because of his incompetence.

he university didnt inform students of the details behind last weeks power outage that closed University of Nevada, Renos buildings for about two hours. E-mails were not sent. The text message system that university police implemented almost a year ago that costs $12,000 per year to maintain went unused. So while professors released classes early and students were herded from the MathewsonIGT Knowledge Center to the outdoors to study, few knew

what had happened and whether or not the campus was safe. Some suspected an on-campus re; others assumed it was just a power outage. A quick text message, which is supposed to be used in case of emergencies and campus closure according to campus police last year, would have solved several problems. It would have reassured students that the campus was safe and kept a power outage from inciting panic about a fire or some other crisis. It would have informed student

workers, so they could in turn tell other students who were wandering around with questions. It would have alerted students who might have been off campus, so they wouldnt drive to the university to attend a night class, Lombardi Recreation Center or the Knowledge Center. Not only would a quick text have kept students informed, but it would have been a real-time test for a program that hasnt been used for more than practice since it was implemented last year.

The power outage was also the perfect opportunity to advertise the new system. Students who received a text from the police department explaining a campus-wide power outage and closure would likely tell their friends the update and how they got the information. The University of Nevada, Reno Police Department really missed the mark in using its new $12,000 per year program Wednesday. What will happen if there is ever a dire emergency? Will students go without

L Learn more about b t and d sign i up for texts from the alert system here:

notification? Will they be milling about campus with suspicions and unanswered questions while UNRPD says we will send them an alert next time?
The Nevada Sagebrush can be reached at




On Sept. 08, 11:26 a.m., [._.] wrote: Really? I mean, REALLY? I agree with some of the points written in the article, but overall this is just poor. On Sept. 08, 11:55 a.m., Tony wrote: You also forget that the Play On service just launched for Wii and that has support for Hulu, Netix and Youtube all of which provide movies for viewers. Call of Duty: World at War was a hardcore title that sold over a million on Wii as was Call of Duty 3. The Casual market that Nintendo has also consists of many young gamers who only have a Wii and will grow up into potential hardcore players who remember their younger days and associate that with Nintendo, much like many people our age did. All of the claims are easy to refute and show just how wrong the hardcore audience was and is when it comes to Wii. On Sept. 08, 8:11 p.m., SkyRender wrote: Funny. I couldve sworn I read this article almost en verbatim before. Oh wait, I have, on about ve hundred other sites, making all of the same uninformed claims and nonsensical conclusion-jumpings as you have here. The term hive mind seems to be on the tip of my tongue, for some unknown reason Seriously, this is getting old. If its supposed to be an opinion piece (which is what it sounds like, as there dont seem to be many facts present), then why does your opinion perfectly echo the opinions of about half a thousand OTHER opinion pieces out there and add absolutely nothing new to the discussion? Why are your arguments identical to the letter? Why are your assertions similarly off in la-la land and ignoring actual hard facts? Trying to claim that its some sort of universal opinion is pretty shallow, as if it were genuinely universal, it wouldnt bear repeating every two days by some new poster in what suspiciously resembles a pre-assembled article that was slightly edited to not draw attention to the fact that its all but identical in content to the rest of them. If youre a viral marketer, please try harder to conceal the fact. If youre genuinely expressing your opinion, please consider doing some research before deciding that it must be true because you want it to be true. Reality doesnt work like that.

Open your mind about concertgoing

ve seen a share of awesome concerts in my day, from Death Cab for Cutie at a bar in Boise to several rounds at the Vans Warped Tour. But I really learned how to enjoy concerts from the shows I missed. During my years at Warped Tour, I missed Gogol Bordello and Murder by Death. These are two bands I now love who are way zanier and more fun to listen to than any of the sets I went to instead. I shook hands with Travis from Gym Class Heroes, but I skipped seeing him perform on a small stage barely four feet off the ground. I missed out on a lot of great music and great experiences because I was too set in my own denition of cool to give them a shot. I was closed-minded and put off by the genres these bands fell under, so I missed seeing a live performance of music that I now jam out to in my car. I also grew up in a small town miles away from anywhere. Concerts on school nights or that were more than a quick drive away were totally out. I bitterly watched the big names come and go by me, while I was stuck in PodunkVille going to shows in Emily backyards and checking out secondKatseanes rate bands. But in hindsight, those have been my favorite shows. The Death Cab one ranks up there because it was so small and intimate, but so does seeing The Caution, the coolest local metal band in Elko, sing Happy Birthday to my little brother in a garage. In bars, I saw a cowboy sing bluegrass and a band croon 1920s-era French jazz. I was blown away by the talent of both of those performances, even though I wouldnt list country or jazz as my most listened-to genre. And as much as I would love to re-see the arena shows I went to because they were also a blast, Im equally happy to check out a band at the New Oasis who sheepishly apologizes to the Reno crowd after saying, Hello, Sparks, Nevada! When I saw Death Cab for Cutie, they werent the radio-friendly, indie-beloved, ubiquitous rock stars they are today. They were this weird band of fat dudes from Seattle. Part of the awesomeness was (and still is) just that. The little band you and your friends check out on a whim could be the next big, cool thing. After all, for every Britney Spears or Carrie Underwood whos been handled since they rst stepped in front of the mic, theres a Bonnie Raitt, discovered in a bar by a reporter, or a U2, who played a concert in a Presbyterian church when rst starting out. A lot of entourages bolster talent, but not all talent boasts entourages. You never know when youll see some smoky, swarthy guitarist with the pipes or picking skills of an angel. Then again, it could suck. But youre in a state that celebrates gambling. Take a risk with that yer found on a telephone pole or by showing up for the opening band. Besides, giggling in a corner with your friends as someone mic-checks for the thousandth time is just as much a part of the concert fun as seeing the next Sublime at a kegger.

Well, those upcoming exams are making us feel a bit queasy.


Communication is not impossible, just tough

Emily Katseanes is the perspectives editor. Her favorite band is Simon and Garfunkel and she does realize how lame that is. Reach her at

ts a common impression that engineers are socially inept and should just stay in their cubicles and compute. The truth is we dont have problems; you simply lack the mental fortitude to withstand the complexity of our knowledge. Im just kidding about lacking the mental fortitude but we wouldnt hold it against you. If you doubt the ability of engineers to be sensible, please observe that this column alone serves as an example that engineers can articulate effectively. An engineering majors course load is Howard unrelenting. Rapp Because we slip into the saturation region of knowledge, interaction with engineers can be complicated. This becomes apparent when the dialogue leads into something they are passionate about, usually their specialty. This is true for everyone. Talk to an accountant about using Minitab or an English major about syntax and you are sure to experience a

depth of knowledge shot from the hip. Typically, in social situations, youll notice engineers dont really lack any essential skills. We just talk about stuff that cant be interpreted by normal humans. When a group of engineers gets together to do anything, anyone unfamiliar with the specics of the conversation thinks we talk about school because it sounds something like How cool would it be if or Did you hear about [insert Slashdot article here]? While we talk about this in our free time, liberal arts majors talk about how cool a party or the last game of beer pong was. Observing engineers communicate is like watching How Stuff Works or Build it Bigger on the Discovery Channel 24/7. Still, problems arise from the interface between your average person and the engineer. One is that the occasional conversation about ux density in an air gap is not really a great topic of discussion while smoking hookah at The Waterfall. At times its also frustrating to an engineer when people dont care how something works; they just want it to work. If you have an engineer friend, take my advice when they start talking. Nod and smile, dont ignore them and dont tell them

to stop. Just take a minute and listen. Be careful about asking questions because that will every so often invoke what I call The Engineers Burden. Though not the same as Rudyard Kiplings ideas, engineers will, with equal tenacity and fervor, try to bring you into their realm of knowledge. When it comes to a lack of communication, some of us are just shy or busy thinking about work and school, which is a problem that affects us all. Still, being sociable is a trait that engineers must try to embrace. In the engineering world, this is not difcult because we can understand each other with ease. When we talk with other people, it can be hard to nd the happy medium between technical and common language. What is really crazy is that we think of pick-up lines like, Hey baby, lets make a stress-strain curve together, or, I like your curves, and I would love to nd your tangent with my derivative.
Howard Rapp studies electrical engineering. If you want to communicate with some engineers, check out a ping pong tournament in the Scrugham Engineering and Mines Building. See ieee. for more info.

What is your favorite band and how far would you travel to see it?
I would say Incubus and probably until California and thats it. It depends on the concert.
James Taylor. Id pretty much go around the world a couple times.
Chris Dugan 18, undecided Kendra Morgan 22, information systems

Id probably say No Doubt and a couple hours maybe.

My favorite band is The Format. They live in Arizona. Id drive there.

Mat Neben 20, business

JV Tabbada 25, international affairs


SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 A8


Computer programs lack thinking capacity of human brains, for now

his column was not written by a computer. Well, it was written with a computer, but I was controlling it. But for the sake of argument, lets pretend we dont know that. How do you know this was not written by a computer? There are a series of responses you can give, many of which have been said by hoity-toity philosophers and scientists before, trying to show that there is a you in you (and consequently a me in me) that is signicantly lacking Barry within computers. But Belmont as computers grow in computational power, this issue comes ever more to the forefront. Among the most famous tests to prove the intelligence of a machine is the Turing Test, rst proposed by computer scientist Alan Turing all the way back in 1950. This test relies on the human ability to establish the presence of other human minds within something else. The test consists of one human posing a series of questions to another human

and a computer, both of which have been instructed to make their answers human-like. If the questioner cannot say which of the two answerers is more human-like, the computer is said to have passed the test and therefore, according to some, must necessarily have consciousness. The most common rejection of this test, rst posited by philosopher John Searle, is called the Chinese room example. The Chinese room has a person (who doesnt understand Chinese) with an instruction manual in English, about what to do if given Chinese symbols. Eventually, the person in this room becomes so procient that even the cleverest Chinese linguists think they are talking to someone who understands Chinese. But, remember, the person doesnt know a word. Many contend that since this is essentially what computers do, they would never really understand what they are talking about. Therefore, they would never really know themselves. And thus the issue remains unresolved. However, we may be getting closer to having an answer to the computer consciousness debates. Recent developments in devices known as Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) electronic control systems implanted into the brain that use neuronal

input for a specic purpose have begun to blur the line between us and them. These devices have made the blind see again, returned motion to the paralyzed, and given monkeys the ability to control robots to get what they want (bananas for now, but who knows what the future might hold for these cybernetic simians). But I pose this question to you. Call it Barrys Paradox #1: What if every person on earth was implanted with a BCI? Not only that, all the BCIs were wirelessly connected so that I could think, I want that girl to know what Im thinking and she would be able to feel it. She can feel my consciousness. Now what if, instead, I write a complicated program for a computer to do the same (to think I want that girl) and she feels the same thing? What has she felt? What if I told you this was already happening and Barry didnt write this convoluted column, but rather wrote an even more convoluted program to have me, his computer, send a signal to each of you saying you read (and loved!) this column by him? How would you know difference?
Barry Belmont studies biology and mechanical engineering when hes not trying to confound his readers. Reach him at

Competitive eating ought to be reviled, not cheered on


Memories of Sept. 11 should not fade

his Sept. 11, I thought of Sept. 11, 2001, when I woke up to my mother screaming at the television because my cousin was at the World Trade Center. I remember my mom drove me to school and, when the second tower fell, the radio commentary went silent. There were no words the professional journalists could use to describe what they were seeing to their audience. I was 12, but I knew that my view of society had changed forever. My family has a Michael lineage that could only Huggins happen in America. We can trace parts of our ancestry back to the early 1700s and we have always been rebels. My ancestors created the human chain in the Hudson to stop British ships from

crossing the Atlantic. My ancestors fought in the American Revolution. Except for the Persian Gulf Conflict, my family has fought in every war this country has been in. Since Sept. 11, my extended family has had 11 tours of duty. Eleven years they were not able to love their wives and families because they stood up freely for their belief that our way of life is more important than one individual and that our constitution will need to be defended with a fist and a gun. They knew our system was not perfect, nor did they agree with all of the governments policies, they knew that since the very beginning of human existence, people have defended their way of life from destroyers, so they did. My family is an obvious extreme. Not everyone has this type of legacy. But in this time, my views on politics have molded into a unique form of liberal conservatism. There are things we need to change and there are also rules we must

follow. I heard the president talk about health care to Congress and how it would be cheaper than the wars were ghting. This past August has been the deadliest month for our brave soldiers in Afghanistan since 2001 and no one is saying anything. CBS News counted the bodies every month for years, yet now the heath care discussion is more important than the souls that have died so that we can talk about it freely. The Sept. 11 mindset of Never Forget is gone. We dont care about terrorists or how mad we were eight years ago. We dont care about our troops. I love this country. I get solemn when I see images of the World Trade Center falling. I just wish others felt the same and still cared. If you do feel like me, though, try to do something about it every day.
Michael Huggins is a full-time engineering student and a full-time father. Reach him at

think competitive eating is absolutely disgusting. Thats right, I said it. Just these last few years, Ive felt the Glutton Bowls, Tour de Gorges and Krystal Square Offs of our country are obscuring and bastardizing what it means to consume food today. I can count on one hand the number of experiences Ive had watching such competitions. Over the summer, I went to a donut-eating contest during Hot August Nights. The competitors ranged from a few zealous college students, a handful of goofy middleaged amateurs (both male and female) and one gaunt homeless gentleman. Upon the shrill of the referees whistle, bare hands shot down the table and shoveled donut after donut into mouths. It wasnt until the third donut or so that many people couldnt swallow the amount of food in their Memo mouths and each persons face was reduced Sanchez to a puffy, red-cheeked, overly exerted, cherry jelly-saturated jumble of degradation. I didnt see the winner. I couldnt stomach watching. I was actually surprised at my reaction. The whole afternoon had turned from fun and entertainment to shame and disgust. I think it was the homeless guy that got to me. So I came to wonder, who in the history of our country decided it was cool to stuff as much sustenance into our pie-holes in the shortest amount of time possible and then call it a sport, or dare I say, fun? I took it upon myself to nd out. Traditionally, eating competitions have been held in county fairs across the country. These were usually small contests of eating baked goods such as pies. But in the early 20th century, the sport was taken to the next level. According to Major League Eating (yes, you read that correctly), competitive eating began with Nathans Famous holding a hot dog eating contest on Coney Island in 1916. The story goes that four immigrants wolfed down as many hot dogs as they could to determine who was the most patriotic. Because really, what is more American than stufng your face full of hot dogs on the Fourth of July? The winner, you ask? An Irishman. I dont know if I should laugh, cry or lower my head in shame whenever I see this bizarre ritual of eating 10 pounds of rib meat in 12 minutes or 68 hot dogs in 10 minutes. Such is the nature of competitive eating, Ive decided. To one person its sheer entertainment while to another its gluttony at its absolute worst. Yet to many people who struggle to meet their most basic needs, its a sheer slap in the face. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, about one in 10 Americans has to worry about having the means to buy food for themselves or for their family. It feels like such knowledge has been lost amongst all of us, drowned into silence by the solemn melody of cheering fans, gnashing teeth and the sloppy slurping of water to force down those last few pitiful Nathans Famous hot dogs.

Memo Sanchez studies nutrition and would like to remind everyone that a Memo a day keeps the doctor away. Reach him at


Luck and preparation pale in importance to opportunity

ast semester, I had such a great time on campus it was hard for me to not regret that I didnt nish my education when I was in my 20s. I have been going to college off and on for many years. Until now, it never felt comfortable, I didnt relate to my classmates and I was always bored. Ive written a lot about how much my college experience has overwhelmed me and is helping me to grow. What we take away from our college experience when were open to learning about ourselves is as valuable, if not more valuable, than our college degrees. I once heard a saying along the lines of Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. This has made a big impression on me. Mostly because I dont think thats a fair statement. It makes it seem like your preparations and hard work dont matter unless something lucky happens to you. Or that opportunities arise only after youve worked very hard for them. What if simply having

opportunities available is what makes us lucky? By being back in school, Im nally the me Ive always wanted to be. Im exactly where I should be and Im red up all the time. Im nally not as afraid to speak up and speak my mind. And, as a womens studies major, if I cant say what I want to say and ght for what I believe in, then Im in the wrong major anyway. And yet, Im still continually amazed by the endless opportunities that are available to college students. Up until now, Ive lived a pretty sheltered existence. Im almost always afraid of something. I cant always say just what Im afraid of, but Ive realized those fears are basically my self-imposed limits and now Im doing many more things than I thought I was coming to college to do. I feel so lucky to have opportunities available to me that I never thought I would have access to. Those opportunities have nothing to do with luck or preparations, neces-

When there is so much going on around campus, why not step out of my comfort zone and get involved?
sarily, as much as recognizing that the opportunities are there and seizing the chance they present. Carmen Im also a single Thomas mother, and there are many who would limit me by telling me their expectations of what a single mother should do. Im finally beginning to stop listening to the expectations of others. Should a single mother travel abroad with her small child? Alone? Well, Im going to. Next summer were going to study abroad in France. Though, the opportunity for me to do this is on campus, it was up to me to nd it, pick it and claim it for my own. And Im not some trailblazer single parents have studied abroad with this university before. Should an unconventional student stuck in the 80s have her own radio show on Wolf Pack radio? Whos to say? By the time you read this, I may or may not have a slot, but the point is that its another opportunity that has found its way to me, and I can either pick it or wait for the next one. But I am applying and well see what happens. And what about this column? My dream is coming true right here, with these words to either motivate, inspire or maybe even irritate a reader. Im getting to do what Ive always dreamed of: put my words to paper for an audience. My mom teases me that the rst

word that came out of my mouth was college, and it has always been a dream of mine to get my college degree. I never could have imagined that nally getting to college would actually surpass my expectations. I could have so easily limited my college experience by not getting involved, by just showing up to class and doing whats expected of me, but its almost impossible to do it that way. When there is so much going on around campus, why not step out of my comfort zone and get involved? Im becoming so far from sheltered that I can hardly recognize myself anymore, but the image smiling back at me when I look into the mirror is the me Ive always wanted to be.

Carmen Thomas is majoring in womens studies and belly dancing. She plans to one day have her own glassblowing business in Hawaii. Reach her at

Hey, man, whats up?

I just found out I have space crabs.


SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 A9

Taste, vibe carve a niche for Beach Hut Deli

By Enjolie Esteve
If you are desperate for a quick escape from Reno, a delicious sandwich and some great visual and audio fun to take the edge off, then Beach Hut Deli is the place to be. Unlike many delis or sub shops that offer the old turkey and cheese on stale white bread, this Venice Beach-styled sub shop offers more than 20 specialty sandwich choices with names like Wind Surfer, Hobie, North Shore and Surn Pig. And trust me when I say that the sandwiches are as exotic and tasty as they sound. I ordered a brand-new creation called the Flyin Hawaiian ($6.60 for a small) a chicken sandwich with teriyaki sauce, pineapples, cheese, lettuce, onions and hot sauce on fresh, airy, white bread. Im a fan of Subways sweet teriyaki sub, but Beach Hut Delis version completely blew Subways out of the water. The chicken was fresh and melted in my mouth like butter. The teriyaki sauce added a tangy taste, while the pineapples brought a certain sweet yet sour factor into the mix. To top it all off, the hot sauce really brought a delicious kick. Next, I tried some of my friends sandwich, the popular Surfin Bird ($6.90 for a small). If youre a fan of turkey, cream cheese, avocado and bacon ingredients that Beach Hut Deli integrates into most of their specialty sandwiches then you will love the Surfin Bird. The sandwich features an unheard-of five layers of turkey, which makes for a sandwich that looks like a scrumptious work of art. All of the ingredients were as fresh as can be, and even though cream cheese seems like an odd ingredient to add into the mix, it added a perfect creamy texture. Aside from the superior sandwiches, another reason to go to Beach Hut Deli is for the entertainment and ambiance. Scott and Andy Lee, the two brothers that own the Reno Beach Hut Deli location, also double as disc jockeys for Wild 102.9s The Bomb Shelter,

Beach Hut Deli serves specialty sandwiches in a Venice Beach-like atmosphere, complete with surfboard tables and artsy murals along the walls.
a radio show that features underground hip-hop. Just by taking one glance at the graffiti art-covered walls and hearing the first few booming beats of a rap song, it is apparent that the brothers infused their love of hip hop into the delis setting. Scott Lee said he wanted the deli to have a Venice Beach feel, which it does, but it also has a very beachmeets-Brooklyn vibe. Instead



Add Address: 6160 M Mae A Anne Phone number: 747-7873 Grade: A Web site:
of having plain, stark-white walls like Port of Subs, Beach Hut Delis walls are covered in vivid, candy-colored graffiti,


murals of palm trees, a largerthan-life tapestry of Bob Marley and eclectic paintings that are for sale. Instead of the plain, plastic or fake wood tables you would find at any old deli or sandwich shop, customers actually eat on surfboard tables. Beach Hut Deli has their own radio station, featuring a diverse mix of artists such as Sublime, Lauryn Hill, Bob

Marley and Aretha Franklin. The deli also occasionally hosts open mic nights and has DJs spin. If good music and awesome sandwiches arent enough to stimulate you, Beach Hut Deli also has several old-school arcade games such as NBA Jam and Asteroids that are sure to not only bring loads of fun and nostalgia, but also to please patrons of all ages. I cannot recommend Beach

Hut Deli any more, especially for students. Where else can you go after a stressful day of classes, eat a great meal for under 10 bucks, play some video games, eat on a surfboard, listen to some great music, catch some live entertainment and unload with a cold beer?
Enjolie Esteve can be reached at


Wh What: t Bands B d i including l di The Th Ataris and Burning Olympus will perform and raise money for diabetic research. When: Saturday Where: Se7en Tea House and Bar 100 N. Arlington Ave., Ste. 102 Reno Cost: $10
says the disease can still be hard to handle.


twists. There should be something for everyone, said Cooper of the show, which is all-ages until 10 p.m., after which only those 21 and older are allowed. But this time in particular Im hoping it goes well, and that we get lots of people to help out the cause, he said. Although Williams has had diabetes for eight years, he

A lot of the time youre able to do the same things (as other people), but there are instances where you have to interrupt everything to stop and take care of yourself. The frustration that Williams faces is a reason TJ Mills, 23, is attending the fundraiser. It sounds like a lot of fun, and its good to be able to help out, he said.
Skyler Dillon can be reached at



off Sky Country Drive. As we came down closer to the ground, I was only mildly concerned that we were going to take out someones chimney.

However, everything turned out well as the balloon was set down softly. While we waited for the crew to come help pack the balloon away, we posed for some pictures with children on their way to school and answered some questions for the residents.

My rst hot air balloon adventure was an altogether fantastic experience. The ride was unlike anything Ive ever done and far more peaceful than Id ever envisioned.
Casey OLear can be reached at



to recognize Paul from John, without looking too realistic. The venues The Beatles traveled to throughout their short but storied career are brought to life, from the early days in the Cavern in Liverpool, to the Ed Sullivan Show, to the studio days at Abbey Road, and nally the last live performance the group gave atop the Apple building in London. Some of the most notable graphical enhancements are the dreamscape sequences. These take place towards the middle of their career when drugs started to become a factor of their music. Songs like Yellow Submarine show the band performing underwater and in the subma-

rine, a visual strategy that is both fun and unique. Guitar Hero has also made some improvements, adding effects and extra animations to the rockers on stage to give the game a more uid rock concert feel. The inclusion of real-life rockers to unlock throughout the career mode features the likes of Johnny Cash, Kurt Cobain, Carlos Santana, Matt Bellamy and Shirley Manson.

Nothing has drastically changed in either game in terms of gameplay. Both still require players to use musical instrument-shaped controllers to hit notes as they scroll down the screen, or try and match the pitch and duration of the words in the song for the singer. Each

game has, however, tweaked the experience to make things new. The Beatles allows for up to three singers during songs, bringing the possible number of band members to six, or, for a more authentic Beatles experience, the option to have people playing an instrument and singing at the same time, no simple task. As for Guitar Hero, the developers have now made it possible to jump into any song in the game with any combination of instruments, allowing, for instance, all four people playing lead guitar. Another notable feature is the ability to start in the middle of a song or set list.
Garrett Estrada can be reached at


The annual Great Reno Balloon Race was held this weekend beginning 5:30 a.m. each morning.



SEPTEMBER 15, 2009


Local bar to host show, raise money for diabetes

By Skyler Dillon
Type I diabetes affects more than 250,000 people in Nevada alone. To help those thousands as well as millions like them across the globe, Se7en Teahouse and Bar is hosting a fundraiser to fund research to nd a cure. Five bands, including The Ataris, Of Shape and Sound, Red Light Broadcast, Levy Thompson and Burning Olympus will perform beginning at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 19. Proceeds from the $10 cover charge will be donated to the Juvenile Diabetes Foundations Walk to Cure Diabetes, which will be held on the University of Nevada, Reno campus Oct. 11. Brian Cooper, the fundraisers organizer and a type I diabetic, is optimistic about the events turnout. Were raising money for a wonderful cause, but were doing it in a fun, high-energy way, he said. Anyone who comes will get a double benet: the pride of knowing youve done something to help the community and the enjoyment of listening to a great evening of music. When planning the fundraiser, Cooper turned to his long-time friend and fellow diabetic Jon Williams, singer and guitarist for Of Shape and Sound. Im really honored to be a part of it and excited to be there, said Williams, diagnosed at age 16. Although the members of Of Shape and Sound have only been together for a few months, they have developed a unique sound. Were mostly rock n roll, but we have a horn section, and you can nd bits of folk music and jazz in our songs. The other bands performing Saturday, including headliners The Ataris, also have an alternative rock focus with unique

Casey in the sky with diamonds

Theives & Villains at The Underground New York natives Theives & Villians will perform tracks off their alternative rock album alongside powerpop rockers The Status, and other alternative acts incuding Yearling and local band Passed Judgement. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Show begins at 7 p.m. 555 E. Fourth St. Reno Tickets are $8.

Bill Maher at Grande Exposition Hall in the Silver Legacy Resort Casino Host of a comedic political talk show, Bill Maher will perform his standup act beginning 8 p.m. for crowds 18 and older. Maher recieved 21 Emmy nominations and wrote the seventh highest-grossing documentary ever, Religulous. 407 N. Virginia St. Reno Tickets range from $65 to $80. Shinedown at the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino Rock artists Shinedown will perform beginning 7 p.m. in the Grand Theatre. Shinedown came to fame with hits such as 45 and Second Chance. 2500 E. Second St. Reno Tickets are $30. American Idol nalist Brooke White with Michael Johns at the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino Top ve Idol nalist Brooke White, famous for her voice and piano playing, will perform alongside pop artist Michael Johns beginning 10 p.m. 2500 E. Second St. Reno Tickets are $17.

Assistant Arts & Entertainment Editor Casey OLear and Web Manager Casey Durkin ew over Rancho San Rafael Park in a hot air balloon.


See SE7EN Page A9

hen my alarm clock went off at 5:30 in the morning and I glanced around the still-dark room, I thought, This cant be right. However, one cup of coffee later, I was ready to head up to Rancho Casey San Rafael OLear Park for my first ride in a hot air balloon for the Great Reno Balloon Race.

After a fair amount of set-up, many of the balloons in the park had been inflated and several were already taking to the air. I managed to awkwardly climb into the basket of the RE/MAX balloon without knocking anything important over and before I knew it, we were ready for launch. Once we were given the OK, the crew stepped back and I watched the ground slowly drift out from under me. While Aaron Dieringer, the pilot who graciously invited myself and Web Manager Casey Durkin for a ride, explained some of the specics of ballooning, I

leaned over the edge of the basket and watched as we passed over nearby neighborhoods while The Whos I Can See For Miles could be faintly heard playing back at the park. It was quite appropriate, as the view was spectacular. To one side of the balloon was an expanse of sagebrush-speckled desert and to the other was all of Reno. I could spot my house, my middle school and all of the people who ran out into the middle of the street in their pajamas to watch the hot air balloons. And youd be surprised how many people in Reno have swimming pools. Surprisingly, the ride in an open basket a couple thou-

sand feet above McCarran Boulevard was not nearly as terrifying as I expected it to be. In fact, the ride was so smooth that I began to understand that the likelihood of us toppling the basket over and falling out was very small, even when our pilot pointed out that we were the highest balloon in the air. Unless you watched the horizon, it was hard to tell that the balloon was moving at all. Dieringer maneuvered the balloon into a neighborhood above McCarran and prepared to land on one of the wider streets, ironically, just


Band rivals add news features to improve gameplay

hythm-game fans have a tough choice to make this month, as the latest numbered installment of the Guitar Hero franchise goes head-to-head with the highly anticipated The Beatles Rock Band. But just how different are the two?

In Flames at the New Oasis In Flames will play alongside Between The Buried and Me, 3 Inches Of Blood and The Faceless as an all ages show. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Show begins at 7:30 p.m. 2100 Victorian Ave. Sparks Tickets are $23.

Music is the area that should be most important to any gamer in the rhythm/music-game genre, and what normally dictates the longevity of a title is the track list. This years Guitar Hero

Garrett Estrada


has gone for more widespread appeal, with artists like Peter Frampton appealing to classic rock fans, while also giving metalheads plenty of shredding material with the likes of Children of Bodom. The track list itself is massive, spanning 85 songs, so for every one song a person will skip, theres likely to be ve more to make up for it. Some of my favorites were Sultans of Swing by Dire Straits and A-Punk by Vampire Weekend. Owners of the previous Guitar Hero game, World Tour, should note that they can use a code on the back of their instruction manual to upload a portion of the track list to their new game for a fee; however, it only uploads 35 of the original 85 songs. The Beatles Rock Band is, well, all The Beatles all the time. There are a wide range of Beatles songs in the game,

showcasing how their sound as a band changed over the years, but it seems a little on the light side with only 45 songs. Also, some favorites like Let It Be and Hey Jude are surprisingly missing, but the game still has plenty of classics. Also, Rock Bands pedigree for lots of downloadable content holds true as more of The Beatles songs will be made available online for a fee.

While most people dont play Guitar Hero or Rock Band for their graphics, some noticeable changes have been made, especially to The Beatles Rock Band, to grab peoples attention. The fab four have been lovingly recreated in the new game, with just enough detail to be able



For an instructional video visit

See GUITAR Page A9

NICKS NOODLES Ingredients: A jar of spaghetti sauce Noodles 1 lb. cooked meat 2 bell peppers, chopped Oregano and basil 2 squash or zucchini and 1 onion, chopped Dash of garlic salt 3 cloves garlic, crushed Olive oil Directions: Fill pot with enough water to cover noodles. Add salt when water boils and then add noodles. Cook noodles until they are rm but not crunchy. Drain and return to pot. Heat olive oil in pan, add vegetables and garlic salt. Add garlic and onions when squash softens. Sautee until cooked. Add in sauce, oregano and basil to taste. Add pre-cooked meat. Mix all together.

Guitar Heros fth installment of the franchise features 85 songs and new modes of gameplay.


The Beatles Rock Band features 45 tracks of the bands hit songs.



SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 A11


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A12 SEPTEMBER 15, 2009


SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 9


An apocalyptic disappointment
By Jay Brissenden
Directing a multi-million dollar Hollywood lm about the end of the world and living potato sacks trying to save humanity is a big task. For special effects creator, recently turned director Shane Acker, it appears the task was too big. While Acker undoubtedly has an eye for visually-engaging animation, his novice lmmaking becomes obvious through 9s poorly developed plot lled with weak dialogue and paperthin characters. In short, 9 is one of 2009s biggest missed opportunities. Based on Ackers animated short of the same name, 9 is set in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity has been destroyed by the machines it invented. The scientist who created the evil machines is now one of the last surviving humans on Earth. Feeling regretful for the chaos he started, he sacrices his life to create nine living sack puppets with humanlike qualities. Each has been given a different perspective on their purpose until number 9 arrives and forces the group to question why the scientist created them. Though not all are willing to follow, 9 and a few others set out on a quest to destroy the machines and uncover their purpose. Ironically enough, it is actually the distraught creator who elegantly summarizes this lm when he states, We had such potential, such promise. While he might have been talking about the human race, this idea epitomizes Ackers 9. Science ction lms built upon original ideas always have the potential to break barriers and become more than just entertaining movies, but also important societal messages. Or, they can be just like the other 90 percent of lms made today that either rip off much better lms or are never able to nd their own footing. 9 is the latter. The entire premise is based off an idea full of holes specically 9s moronic move of setting into motion a series of events that would aid the villain for no understandable reason. Sure 9 may have been alive for only a matter of hours, but this foolish act forces the viewer to question his ability as the lms hero, thus destroying the heart of the lm. 9 spends the rest of the lms short running time trying to redeem himself in a typical adventure story manner. The way the lm is paced, though, the main act seems to end within the rst half hour, leaving the rest of the time feeling like ller leading up to an underwhelming conclusion in the vein of War of the Worlds. If it werent for beautifully crafted visuals, 9 could have been one of the more miserable lm-going experiences of falls weak lineup. While the idea of miniature dolls ghting giant mechanical monstrosities is out there, Ackers attention to detail makes the concept seem a little less absurd. Extremely dark in their nature and actions, the machines, though eerily familiar to Toy Storys creepy doll head contraptions, are truly terrifying. The group of nine on the other hand, while visually unique, are nowhere near as appealing due to their extreme lack of background, poor development and clichd dialogue. When all is said and done, 9 is just another articial intelligence-gone-bad ick that relies on a computers graphical prowess to make up for the lack of human touch.
Jay Brissenden can be reached at

Ch Check k out t the th latest l t t edition of Movies and the Briss in which Jay Brissenden and Jennie Lindquist debate whether or not 9 is a disappointment.

Genre: Alternative Rock, Progressive Rock Description: The Resistance is the fth studio album from the English rock group Muse. The album includes many nontraditional aspects, including a three-part symphony at the close of the album entitled Exogenesis.



Genre: Heavy Metal, Thrash Metal Description: As the 12th release from legendary thrash metal group Megadeth, Endgame will be the rst album to feature guitarist Chris Broderick following the departure of Glen Drover in 2008.



Release Date: Sept. 9 Director: Shane Acker Starring: Elijah Wood, Christopher Plummer, John C. Reilly and Jennifer Connelly Genre: Animation, Sci-Fi, Adventure Rating: PG-13 for violence and scary images Grade: D+

Genre: Hard Rock Description: Anomaly is the fourth studio album from ex-KISS guitarist Ace Frehley. The album features a cover of the popular 70s hit Fox on the Run by Sweet and an iTunes bonus track entitled The Return of Space Bear,as well as several tracks that adhere to his lifelong Space Ace character.


Local author releases latest cutting-edge novel

By Tara Verderosa
Proving to be just as eyeopening and formidable as her previous releases of the Crank series, Ellen Hopkins wows readers with her sixth release, Tricks, which showcases ve teenagers with vastly different backgrounds who fall into prostitution. Continuing her exploration of controversial subject matter and real-life struggles for teens, Hopkins sheds a new light of understanding that many troubled adolescents were never granted. Whether by choice or force, each trickster (the slang term Hopkins uses for hookers) struggles with common themes of acceptance, faith and love. Written in Hopkins unique verse-style writing, readers cant help but be drawn in by her crudely candid illustrations. Its difcult not to feel sympathetic as the characters scramble to nd love and demean themselves in a quest for acceptance. Among the trickster teens who have helplessly fallen into the promiscuity beyond the neon lights of Las Vegas are Eden, the pastors daughter, who has a perfect relationship with her boyfriend Andrew before her Christian parents send her away for defying doctrine; Seth, who is kicked out of his home after his dad nds out he is gay; Whitney, who desperately

Li Listen t t to a podcast d t of f Arts & Entertainment Editor Tara Verderosa interviewing author Ellen Hopkins about her unique writing style and upcoming releases.

A Author th : Ellen Ell Hopkins H ki Release Date: Aug. 25 Grade: B The next installment in

Starring: Hugh Jackman, Liev Schreiber and Ryan Reynolds Description: X-Men Origins: Wolverine tells the story of the legendary superhero leading up to his X-Men alliegance as he becomes inolved in the Weapons X program and develops relationships with many of the mutants. Genre: Action, Sci-Fi Rating: PG-13

Starring: Matt Damon, Joel McHale and Melanie Lynskey Description: A haphazard businessman hopes to become a hero by attempting to expose his companys corrupt practices to the FBI. However, his erratic behavior soon begins to confuse the FBI agents as they question whether or not his confession is credible. Genre: Comedy, Crime Drama Rating: R

searches for the love and attention that her mother refuses to give her; Ginger, robbed of her innocence by her prostitute mother and her anger-driven clients; and Cody, who is desperate to keep his family nancially and emotionally stable after his father passes away. Each character is a strong contributor to the story, and even though heavily exaggerated, offers a grasping point for readers to identify with and understand. Written in a wonderfully poetic style, Hopkins uses her signature syntax as a way to describe and relay events in an extremely vivid way. Although its written amazingly and captivating throughout, a few minor organizational problems stand out bridging a gap between Hopkins other bestselling books and Tricks. Though each persons story is compelling, the characters chapters are so long that its easy to forget whats happened last by the time you make a full circle through the characters. And forget putting

the Crank series, entitled Fallout, is set to be released in 2010.

the book down. Without doing a quick refresher and skimming backwards, its inevitable that you will forget which character, city or emotional battle you are struggling with. Also disheartening are the handful of typos and errors strewn throughout the book. These errors, however, have been addressed by Hopkins and will soon be removed from future books, according to a post on her ofcial Web site. Minor misspellings aside, Tricks is an excellent read for audiences of all ages and backgrounds. Hopkins is notorious for touching base with all of her readers emotions and bringing out the stories that are so often only spoken about behind closed doors. With an open mind and a little patience to skim backwards for little reminders, Tricks is a fabulous read that everyone should open their eyes and hearts to.
Tara Verderosa can be reached at


Tricks is the sixth release in the past ve years from local bestselling author Ellen Hopkins. Her novels, which are written as free-verse poetry, focus on controversial topics for young adults, such as drug use and prostitution.


Starring: Megan Fox, Amanda Seyfried, Johnny Simmons and Adam Brody Description: In a small town, a high school student becomes possessed by an evil spirit that aims to devour all of the young men in town, and the only one able to stop her killing spree is her meek best friend. Genre: Horror, Thriller Rating: R



September 9 9 = 57% Rotten September 11 Sorority Row = 29% Rotten

Tyler Perrys I Can Do Bad All By Myself = 64 % Fresh Whiteout = 08% Rotten

September 8 Jay-Z: The Blueprint 3 = 68 Boys Like Girls: Love Drunk = 67 Vivian Girls: Everything Sondre Lerche: Heartbeat Goes Wrong = 64 Radio = 77
source: (rating system: 100-61 = high; 60-40 =medium; 39-0 = low)

source: (rating system: 100-60% = fresh; 58-0% = rotten)


On the road again: chasing bands


Concert-goers may have to hit the road to see their favorites as musical acts skip over Reno in favor of California venues
oncert fanatic Erich Kuch would travel almost anywhere to see a concert. Throughout his life, Kuch has gone on more than 20 journeys, both by plane and car, to watch some of his favorite musical acts perform. Among his trips are a ight from Sacramento to Boston to see The Pixies perform, and a road trip from California to Canada to see Radiohead. This November, Kuch plans to see The Pixies perform their last live show in Oregon. Its a nice experience to travel and see a show, Kuch, a 21-year-old journalism major, said. Its a different way to appreciate the music. When I go to shows and visit new sounds, thats my sightseeing of some sort. Sometimes Id even see a show (at home) and then go travel again to see them. Every show is different no matter how many times they play the same song. Its a different set in a different place. Like Kuch, many students on campus are accepting the addition of traveling when wanting to see a concert because musical acts often skip over the Reno area in favor of California venues. (Bands) need to play in places at a reasonable distance, said Virginia Bowman, who has experience booking shows as a violinist and as a member of two local bands, Bits and Pieces and Whiskey Before Breakfast. If an act plays in San Francisco, they will expect fans from all of the Bay Area. Its just like how bands that are playing in Sacramento will not play in Reno. They expect those fans to travel, because they do. Many of these decisions have to do with nances, Bowman said. Musical acts must pay several thousands to book a show, therefore planning two shows so close to each other is an inefcient way to spend money if those fans are willing to travel. Even the local radio stations give away tickets (for shows in) Sacramento, just as often as for local shows, Bowman said. Because local radio stations are promoting these out-of-town shows and students are willing to travel, Reno fans said they are beginning to accept that road trips are part of the experience when seeing a concert. Im from Winnemucca so Im used to traveling to Reno to see concerts, said 19-year-old Tyler Braginton, who traveled to Sacramento to see Blink-182 this weekend. Some concerts dont come to Reno, so its definitely worth it to get on the road. Of Bragintons many ventures to see shows, his longest drive was from Winnemucca to Las Vegas, a more than 500-mile trek. Another reason many acts skip over Reno is the lack of accessible venues for certain artists, said Peter Barnato, a booking agent for the Peppermills EDGE. While resort showrooms can house larger crowds, there can be difculty booking acts that college students are interested in when the main crowd is 40 and older, Barnato said. Although night clubs around town, including EDGE, focus on hiring indie and new acts, the booking agencies for hotel showrooms are focusing on their patrons, who are generally the older crowd, Barnato said. Because of this, older acts like Tom Jones and Debbie Reynolds are more likely to be booked by resorts than mainstream artists such as Jaime Foxx and The Fray. Although it may be a while before artists have an accessible venue to perform in, in Reno music lovers dont have to travel too far in order to hear their favorite artists.

The Killers will hit Sacramento, Calif. on Sept. 22 to perform hits from their albums. Sept

Cobra Starship will perform in San Francisco, Calif. on Oct. 23.




The Killers 8 p.m., Sept. 22 Arco Arena Sacramento, Calif. Ticket prices range from $32.50 to $42.50. Las Vegas natives The Killers will feature tracks from their three studio releases including Hot Fuss and Sams Town. Made famous by their hit singles Somebody Told Me and Mr. Brightside, these rockers are known for their lyrics about living beyond the neon of Sin City. Brad Paisley with Guest Dierks Bentley and Jimmy Wayne 7:30 pm., Sept. 25 Shoreline Amphitheater Mountain View, Calif. Ticket Prices range from $39 for lawn seats to $375 for VIP front row tickets. Brad Paisley, whos won countless country music awards and three Grammys, will perform his laid-back vocals and accoustic riffs alongside country favorites Dierks Bentley and Jimmy Wayne. Star Wars in Concert 8 p.m., Oct. 9 and 3p.m. Oct. 10 Arco Arena Sacramento, Calif. Tickets prices range from $32.50 to $72.50. A concert featuring live orchestrated tracks from the Star Wars series to enhance the movie which will be played on one of the largest LED screens to be taken on tour. Jamie Foxx 7 p.m., Oct. 15 Arco Arena Sacramento, Calif. Tickets range from $49.75 to $69.75. Acclaimed performer Jamie Foxx will feature both his musical and comedic talents on his Blame It tour. Comedian Speedy will open the performance. Boys Like Girls with Cobra Starship, The Maine Versa Emerge and Rocket to the Moon 6:30 p.m., Oct. 23 The Wareld San Francisco, Calif. Tickets prices range from $25 to $27. $ Pop-rockers Boys Like Girls will play alongside synth-popsters Cobra p Starship and alternative rock groups S The Maine, Rocket to the Moon and T Versa Emerge. V Metallica M 7 p.m., Dec. 8 Arco Arena A Sacramento, Calif. S Ticket prices range from $49.50 to T $69.50. $ Heavy metal stars, Metallica will play hits from their nine awardw winning albums. w

Country singer Brad Paisley will perform in Mountain View, Calif., on Sept. 25 alongside Dierks Bentley and Jimmy Wayne.






Nevada notches pair of victories

N Nevada d won two t games

Pack strong in Title IX compliance

By Kara LaPoint
athletes and staff to its large contingency of foreign athletes, the Nevada athletics department is as diverse as they come. For the last three years, the university has been recognized among the recipients for the NCAA and Texas A&Ms Laboratory for Diversity in Sports Diversity in Athletics Awards. The awards, which center on overall excellence in diversity and also honor NCAA institutions in seven specic categories, were established in 2005-06. Nevada was one of 10 universities in the country to be named an overall winner in 2006. The university

*Note: This is part one of a three-part series exploring diversity in the Nevada athletics department. While many Wolf Pack fans probably know how many bowl games the football team has made or how many times the basketball team has made the NCAA tournament, they may not know the depth of diversity the Nevada athletics program has. From its vast offering of opportunities in womens sports to its range of minorities among

Cary Groth

Nevada Athletic Director Cary Groth is one of just ve female athletic directors in Division I-A.


Nevada is one of the best in the nation in the Gender Equity Scorecard.

are the consecutive years is the number of female athletic directors in Division (2006-07) Nevada ranked I-A, including Nevadas Cary rst in the nation in the Gender Equity Scorecard. Groth.

this past weekend, putting together a consecutivegame winning streak for the rst time since 2007. Wolf Pack forward Jill Erickson scored the gamewinning goal in both games. Nevada goalkeeper Dana Moreno was named Western Athletic Conference Defensive Player of the Week for posting two shutouts. By Kara LaPoint

also received recognition in two specic categories in 2007: Diversity Strategy and Gender Diversity of Employees, and one


was Nevadas ranking on the is the percent of female student athletes at Nevada in Gender Equity Scorecard for 2009. 2007-08.



From NFL back to UNR

After brief stint with Jets, Mauga returns to school
By Juan Lpez
Josh Mauga ONLINE loves competition on the Ch Check k out t an audio di eld, in the slideshow of Josh Maugas weightroom career at Nevada and and in the what he plans to do next. classroom. NEVADASAGEBRUSH.COM The former Nevada linebacker (2005-08) pushed himself a little too far while lifting weights in preparation for his senior season last summer. The 6-foot-2, 245-pound Mauga entered the season regarded as one of the top linebackers on the West Coast and was thought to be a surere pick in the NFL Draft. While working out in the offseason, Mauga racked up 706 pounds on the bar and set the record for linebackers. That was the good news. The bad news? Mauga thinks he seriously injured his back while doing this. The doctor thinks that mightve been the cause because there was so much weight pushing down on my discs and he said any wrong movement with all that weight on my back can cause herniation, he said. Mauga started having back pains, and this was before the season even started. Fast forward to the middle of the season and Mauga was playing through the pain. It wasnt until Oct. 18 that his injury list started to stack up.

Jill Erickson meant it Friday night when she said that she and her teammates were sick of losing, because they are making it clear they dont want to do it again. Riding a six-game losing streak dating back to last season, the Wolf Pack soccer team went undefeated on its home eld this past weekend, beating out both Fordham and Sacramento State. Erickson, a junior forward, scored the game-winning goal in both games. The energy was just contagious, she said after playing against Fordham, in which she scored off a corner kick from Kesia Broome to give Nevada a 1-0 victory. The goal, scored in the 31st minute, gave the Wolf Pack its rst lead of the season. Freshman goalkeeper Dana Moreno made ve saves in the win, becoming only the second goalkeeper in program history to record a shutout victory in her rst start. Caitlin Holmes achieved the feat in 2006. It was the most ideal rst game, said Moreno, who

See SOCCER Page B6


Perfect Rams await Nevada

By Juan Lpez
In their rst game of the year against Notre Dame, the Wolf Packs defensive linemen were manhandled by the Irish offensive line. Nevada did not record a sack, only managed to pressure Notre Dame quarterback Jimmy Clausen mildly and gave up 178 rushing yards. Saturday at Fort Collins, Colo., itll get no easier when Nevada takes on Colorado States offensive line, which has combined for 135 starts the most in college football. I dont see any weaknesses at all (in their offensive line), Nevada defensive line coach Jim House said. Theyre very well-coached. You got to be on your game when youre going up against these guys. Wolf Pack defensive ends coach Barry Sacks said his players must be aggressive off the edge to match the Rams sturdiness. Theres no secret, he said. We have to match their toughness. Theyre extremely wellgreased, extremely athletic so

See MAUGA Page B7

Former Nevada linebacker Josh Mauga was a four-year starter for the Wolf Pack football team. During the 45 games he played, Mauga racked up 224 tackles, 20 tackles for loss and seven sacks.


Mauga, a business management major, is enrolled in 12 credits this year at Nevada.



OCT. 18, 2008 Josh Mauga tears his left pectoral muscle vs. Utah State. DEC. 18, 2008 Mauga has surgery to repair the tear in his left pec. FEB. 18-24, 2009 Mauga misses the NFL combine to heal his injuries. APRIL 25-26, 2009 The NFL Draft goes by without Maugas name being called. AUG. 16, 2009 Mauga signs with the New York Jets. AUG. 28, 2009 Mauga is released by the Jets after reinjuring his back. AUG. 31, 2009 Maugas first day of school back at Nevada. MARCH 26, 2009 Mauga has back surgery on an injury he got during the summer.

See VS. RAMS Page B7

Inside Scoop
SEPTEMBER 15, 2009
at Colorado State 2:30 p.m. Saturday.


THE SKINNY: Nevada tries to forget its game against Notre Dame as it travels to play the Colorado State Rams. The Rams, which upset Colorado in its season-opener, will look to try and pick on the Wolf Packs secondary, which gave up 332 passing yards to Notre Dame.


at Minnesota 5 p.m. Friday. vs. North Dakota 8:30 a.m. Sunday. * in Minnesota

THE SKINNY: After picking up its rst two wins of the season, the Wolf Pack tries to continue its momentum in Minnesota. Midelder Jill Erickson will look to continue to spark Nevadas offense, which had a 10-2 shot advantage against Fordham. The Golden Gophers, who are ranked 19th in the nation, will provide a good test for the team.

San Jose State played Utah close, but came up short, losing 24-14 on Saturday.


Football hits full swing

Boise State improved to 2-0 after a 48-0 win over Miami (Ohio). The 12th-ranked Broncos dominated the game from the beginning and quarterback Kellen Moore threw for 307 yards and four touchdown passes. Boise State outgained Miami 441-197. Boise State faces Fresno State at Fresno, Calif. on Friday. Boise State is now ranked 10th in the AP Poll, its highest ranking of the season.


vs. Loyola Marymount 11 a.m. Friday. at Pacic 7 p.m. Friday vs. CSU Bakerseld 5 p.m. Saturday * in California

THE SKINNY: Nevada once again went 1-2 last weekend. Lindsay Baldwin and Kylie Harrington were named to the Circus Circus Invitational all-Tournament Team, but Nevada needs other players to step up if the Wolf Pack is to improve. Pacic also elds a tough team and will provide stiff competition for Nevada.


Hawaii recorded its first road win against a BCS team in seven games when it beat Washington State 38-20. The Cougars had five turnovers in the first half and the Warriors jumped out to a 35-6 lead after halftime. Quarterback Greg Alexander threw for a career-high 453 yards and receivers Greg Salas and Rodney Bradley combined for 345 of those yards. The Idaho Vandals outgained the Washington Huskies 412-373, but the Huskies rolled to a 42-23 victory. Both the Huskies and the Vandals scored on three possessions in the first half. Washington, however, scored three touchdowns while Idaho scored three field goals.

Mens Golf

Gene Miranda Invitational (Air Force,host) TBA Friday TBA Saturday

THE SKINNY: The golf team kicks its season off in Colorado at the Gene Miranda Invitational. The Wolf Pack will be led by senior Ryan Hallisey, who recently won the Califonia State Fair Mens Amateur Championships in Sacramento, Calif.

Nevada needs to throw the deep ball more if the team is to compete this season. In Nevadas last four games against ranked teams, the team averaged 383 yards per game, more than 120 yards less than its season average of 508.


JILL ERICKSON SOCCER The junior midelder had the weekend of her life. She scored two game-winning goals and led the Wolf Pack to a 2-0 record. Erickson scored on a header on Friday against Fordham and again on Saturday with a left-footed kick against then-undefeated Sacramento State.

Ault must break out of funk and create better gameplans

isten up, Coach Ault. This is not another article about how the secondary needs to improve quickly. This is about another pressing issue that the Wolf Pack will have to face if it wants to succeed this season. If Nevada is to take the next step toward becoming a top-25 team, our offense has to change. Sure, the pistol offense is effective against the Grambling States of the world. But as Notre Lukas Dame proved, the Eggen Wolf Pack needs to mix it up. Im not saying we have to abandon the pistol. Obviously, with one of the top rushing attacks in the nation, it is effective. But look closer: In Nevadas last four games against ranked teams (Notre Dame, Boise State, Missouri and Texas Tech), the offense stalled, averaging 383 yards per game. That is well below the 508 yards per game Nevada averaged last season. Its clear that the good teams are finding ways to stop the Wolf Packs offense.


Head coach DeWayne Walker picked up his first victory with New Mexico State as the Aggies held on to beat Prairie View A&M 21-18. Running back Seth Smith rushed for a career-high 150 yards and quarterback Jeff Fleming added two rushing touchdowns as New Mexico State built up a 21-3 lead.

NEVADA VOLLEYBALL For the third straight weekend, the Wolf Pack went 1-2, bringing its season record to 3-6. Despite posting another losing record this weekend, Nevada had a chance to win both of the matches it lost. Over the three-game weekend, the Wolf Pack lost three matches by just two points each.

The main culprit is the lack of variety in the offense. Nevada is essentially a one-trick pony: If you stop the pistol, you stop Nevada (lining up Luke Lippincott at wide receiver doesnt count as mixing things up). Coach Ault needs to find ways to keep defenses guessing or there will be many more long games coming. The Wolf Pack needs to have a plan B in case the pistol just isnt working. Against Notre Dame, the Wolf Pack not only couldnt score but could rarely move the ball against the Fighting Irishs defense. What did Ault do? Instead of coming up with some adjustments, he stuck to the game plan and watched as Notre Dame stomped all over the team. I realize that a team should not give up on an offense just because the teams having difficulties moving the ball. But sometimes a spark is needed. Something the defense isnt expecting in order to get the ball moving again. Although this may mean taking risks, it could pay huge dividends for the offense. Perhaps taking more shots down the field is the key. Colin Kaepernick has a good arm and stretching the defense will give the running backs more chances

to break big runs. Ault has to have faith in Kaepernick to hit his receivers; otherwise, the team is too one-dimensional. Although aggressive playcalling like this is a high-risk, high-reward system, the benefits far outweigh the costs. While the obvious downsides to this type of play-calling, mainly turnovers, make many coaches shy away from being aggressive, consider this: Even if the pass falls incomplete, it shows the opposing team that Coach Ault is not afraid of changing things up and going for the score. That will make opposing defenses a little uneasy before they keep stacking the line to stop the run game. Then, Nevada is free to call audibles and keep the defense from figuring out the offense. As teams have begun to stuff Nevadas run game, the Wolf Pack has to find ways to move the ball. The running game can only carry this team so far. At some point, Coach Ault will have to open up the playbook. If not, Nevada will not be able to compete at the level that fans desperately want it to.
Lukas Eggen can be reached d at legm.


Fresno State and Wisconsin went down to the wire once again, but the Bulldogs fell to the Badgers 34-31 in double overtime. Fresno State quarterback Ryan Colburn threw for 289 yards and four touchdowns however, he threw an interception in the second overtime that set up Wisconsins game-winning field goal. The Bulldogs are 1-1 this season.

San Jose State played No. 17 Utah tough, but the Utes proved to be too much for the Spartans, winning 24-14. Utah led 21-14 in the fourth quarter, but a 46-yard run by Utah running back Sausan Shakerin to the San Jose State four yard line set up the clinching field goal with 13 seconds left. San Jose State dropped to 0-2 on dr the season. T The Spartans lost to USC 56-3 in its seasonopener.


Nevada soccer head coach Jaime Frias



SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 B3


Rookie camp opens year

Pair addicted to bass shing

By Brent Kirkland
Dont try telling junior University of Nevada students Travis Olson and Justin Landerman that shing is just a hobby. To them, its an obsession. Bass shing is a drug, Landerman said. Theres a big crowd, and you want to make them smile. Both will represent Nevada at the Western Division Regional College Bass Fishing Championship. The tournament runs Sept. 19-20 at the California Delta, located just outside Stockton, Calif. While shing started out as a simple activity for Olson and Landerman, the competition has become part of who they are. Recreational shing is peaceful, but my rst tournament I was so excited I nearly puked, Olson said. Growing up in Boulder City, Nev., several days a week were spent bass fishing. Landerman had already started competitively fishing with his brother before entering high school. Developing passion and experience for the sport, Landerman, Olson and several other childhood friends founded the University of Nevada, Renos premier Bass Club in 2008. From then on, Olsons and Landermans collegiate fishing careers took off. At our rst ever tournament (together), we wake up and its 20 degrees. The dock is iced over and theres a load of boats lined up in the water. We were the second boat to go, Landerman said. The pair launched at about 7 a.m. After hours on the boat, Landerman had already caught three sh, while Olson had none. Then, Olsons pole started to twitch. He thought it was a snag, but it began shaking rapidly. I was freaking out. Even the pro in our boat was freaking out, Olson said. The four-and-a-half pound sh was the biggest Olson had ever caught. Clutch sh! Landerman

N Nevada d students t d t Justin J ti Landerman and Travis Olson will represent the University of Nevada, Reno Saturday and Sunday at the Western Division Regional College Bass Fishing Championship. Landerman and Olson are both juniors at UNR.
said. That catch was clutch. Although luck is part of any sport, skill and mentality are keys to shing, according to Olson and Landerman. (A good sherman) knows where the sh are because they know how variables like weather will affect the location of the sh, Olson said. They also know what type of bait or lure to use. Although knowledge and experience are fundamental to the sport, for Olson and Landerman, superstition plays an important role too. In their rst tournament together, Landerman took Olsons pole and xed the line with a different jig. Landerman based his actions off pure feeling. Moments later, Olson caught the four-and-a-half pound bass. The feeling wasnt simply instinct, though; it was mental. The best lure in your tackle box is condence, Landerman said. If you know youre going to do great, youll do great. If you know youll do bad, youll do awful. Like always, Olson and Landerman will take their experience, knowledge and a positive mentality into this weekend at the Delta. With 20 teams competing for the top ve spots and a berth at Nationals, both believe winning is a high possibility. If there were (regional) rankings wed denitely be top ve, Landerman said. Our odds are great and our condence is up. We will win it.
Brent Kirkland can be reached at

The Nevada womens rugby team held its rookie camp on Saturday at the John Sala Intramural Fields. Out of the 28 girls that showed up for the practice, six were rookies. Students from Truckee Meadows Community College and Western Nevada College may also join the team. By Chris Gabriel
The Nevada womens rugby team held its rookie camp on Saturday, welcoming new members to the squad, regardless of talent or experience in the game. The womens rugby team is a club sport which accepts all women University of Nevada, Reno student or not. All of the teams members are there simply for the love of the sport. Unlike sanctioned NCAA sports, club sports are required to fund everything themselves. It would be like football players having to buy all their own pads and airplane tickets, forwards coach Tristan McElhany said. Getting people to come in isnt the hard part; getting them to stay is the hard part. Coming up with money is the most challenging obstacle the team faces. Though it can be a burden to continuously have to raise the money for everything the players do in the course of a season, they have devised creative and fun ways to do it. We get together and we have food, we have spaghetti socials and people come and we eat spaghetti, graduate student Amber Long said. Or there are different things such as Hal-



Th The N Nevada d womens rugby b team t i is l looking ki f for additional dditi l members to the team of any experience level. The teams practices are held Monday and Wednesday of each week at 6 p.m. at the John Sala Intramural Fields. Since the team is not an NCAA-sanctioned sport, the task of coming up with funds to pay for everything from its travel to its uniforms is placed solely on the teams members. Nevada will play in an alumni game on Oct. 2 at 6 p.m. at the Intramural Fields. The teams rst game of the season will be on Jan. 24 at the University of California, Davis. Nevadas rst home match is scheduled for Jan. 31 against St. Marys.
loween parties where people (come) and you would have to pay so much if you were dressed up and you would have to pay more if you werent. Saturdays rookie camp was designed to serve several purposes attract new members, introduce them to the sport and introduce them to one another as well. Of the 28 girls that showed Saturday, six of them were rookies. Of the rookies that showed, there was a mixture of both experience and inexperience in the sport. Ive heard of it before but never played it and I gured it might be fun because I enjoy sports, said Jordan Scherman, a sophomore at Truckee Meadows Community College. I love (the physical aspect) of the game. Im not really afraid of it at all. While the team is open to everyone, there is a catch. The only stipulation for players who do not attend UNR is that they can only qualify for the B squad. Preparation for the spring season began Monday when the team held its first official practice. Nevada will hold two-hour practice sessions on Monday and Wednesday of each week through the end of the semester. Practices start at 6 p.m. at the John Sala Intramural Fields. Their rst regular-season game is scheduled for Jan. 24, when Nevada will play at the University of California, Davis. The teams home opener will be Jan. 31 against St. Marys while its next two games will be played in Reno on Feb. 14 against Stanford and Feb. 21 against Chico State.
Chris Gabriel can be reached at

Six rookies showed up to Saturdays womens rugby rookie camp. The team plays its rst game on Jan. 24.


Nevada teammates Travis Olson, left, and Justin Landerman, right, will compete in a regional bass championship this weekend.




The Professional Bull Riders came to Lawlor Events Center this past weekend to compete in the Reno Invitational.

is the number of days the Reno Invitational was in town.

the number of competitors that were in the eld for the event.


are the consecutive years the PBR came to Reno (1996-2007)


is the prize money rstplace nisher J.B. Mauney took home.

The Professional Bull Riders came to Reno this past weekend. The Reno Invitational was held at Lawlor Events Center and came to town after skipping Reno in 2008. The three-day show ended with J.B. Mauney winning rst and taking home a $45,760 check.


is the highest score that was put up by a bull rider during the event. Wiley Petersen set the mark.


is the number of months the PBR went without coming back to Reno for an event.



SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 B4


Team Fordham Nevada 1 0 1 2 0 0 T 0 1

at Cal Aug. 21 UC Santa Barbara Aug. 28 UC Irvine Aug 30 at Oregon State Sept. 4 at Portland State Sept. 6 Fordham Sept. 11 Sacramento State Sept. 13 at Minnesota Sept. 18 at North Dakota Sept. 20 at Saint Marys Sept. 24 at U.C. Davis Sept. 27 Utah State Oct. 4 at Idaho Oct. 9 at Boise State Oct. 11 San Jose State Oct. 16 Fresno State Oct. 18 at Hawaii Oct. 23 at New Mexico State Oct. 30 LA Tech Nov. 1 WAC Tournament Boise Nov. 5-7 TBA NCAA Championships Nov. 13-Dec. 6 TBA L 4-1 L 1-0 L 3-0 L 4-0 L 3-0 W 1-0 W 2-0 7 p.m. 1 0 a.m. 4 p.m. 12 p.m. 1 p.m. 3 p.m. 1 p.m. 7 p.m. 1 p.m. 5 p.m. 7 p.m. 1 p.m.

Team U.C. Davis Nevada G1 25 20 G2 25 23

G3 23 25

G4 25 12

G5 K 0 18 4 0 6 2 7 0 0 1 6 0 44 Set 8 0 1 0 0 3 1 2 2 25 0 0 43

Dig 3 5 1 0 0 0 0 5 3 12 0 10 51

T 3 1 BA 0 1 5 0 4 2 3 0 0 0 2 0 17


Connecticut Aug.28 U.C. Irvine Aug. 29 Saint Marys Aug. 30 at Arizona Sept. 4 vs Eastern Wash. at AZ. Sept. 4 vs.Houston at AZ. Sept. 5 UC Davis Sept. 11 Sam Houston State Sept. 12 Portland State Sept. 12 Pacic (Stockton, CA) Sept. 18 at CSU Bakerseld Sept. 19 at Sacramento State Sept. 22 Fresno State Sept. 26 at New Mexico State Oct. 1 at Louisiana Tech Oct. 3 at Hawaii Oct. 8 Utah State Oct. 10 Boise State Oct. 15 Idaho Oct. 17 at Idaho Oct. 22 at Boise State Oct. 24 San Jose State Oct. 29 Hawaii Oct. 31 UNLV Nov. 5 at San Jose State Nov. 7 at Fresno State Nov. 9 New Mexico State Nov. 12 Louisiana Tech Nov. 14 at Utah State Nov. 19 W 3-2 L 3-1 L 3-0 L 3-0 L 3-1 W 3-2 L 3-1 W 3-2 L 3-1 7 p.m. 5 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 6 p.m. 12 p.m. 10 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 12 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 6 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 6 p.m.

Sh Byer, J Worden, A Wah, K Hennessy, M Ancelj, M Walker, K Bustos, L Nowakowski, L Loguidice, L McDermott, K Ingram, D Hogan, B Romano, M Brady, C Abrams, K Murphy, M Totals 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 SOG 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Saves 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Sh Moreno, D 0 Smith, E 1 Voss, S 0 Allen, A 0 Noe, D 0 Erickson, J 4 Terranova, J 0 Stott, E 0 Broome, K 1 Braman, L 0 Masciola, J 0 McEachern,N0 Sacks, A 1 Mann, V 2 Gilson, W 0 Larot, R 1 10 SOG 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 G 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Saves 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5

U.C. Davis
Varney, K Whitson, A Lowden, C Adams, M Sedlak, B Denny, K Plum, K Sing, A

K 13 7 7 16 5 7 0 0

Set 4 0 43 2 0 0 0 2

Dig 10 0 2 5 1 1 7 15

BA 0 7 2 4 6 7 0 0

Sei, S Harrington, K Baldwin, L Ji, E Vance, K Staker, J Garvey, E Chang, K Kelly, L Santiago, T Batista, J Link, N






Team G1 Sam Houston St. 25 Nevada 22 K Phillips, K 0 Black, K 2 Kolbe, C 17 Kaleh, J 9 Miller, M 2 Fergunson, A 12 Swann, B 1 Haas, J 0 Laskowski, C 0 Hawkins, K 0 Alfaro, C 1 Washington, S 0 Totals G2 25 21 G3 9 25

G4 18 25

G5 6 15 K 0 17 16 8 1 3 12 0 0 0 6 1 64 Set 21 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 35 0 0 61

Dig 9 14 3 3 14 0 0 6 1 8 2 0 60

T 2 3 BA 0 1 6 2 0 4 4 0 0 0 4 0 21


Sam Houston State

Set 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 43

Team 1 Sacramento State 1 Nevada 0 2 2 0 T 3 0

Sacramento State
Sh Abercrombie, S Forbes, A Holloway, D Roberts, S Trenton, C Kemper, K ODonnell, K Hopping, K Burg, M Larot, L Shreve, C Castano, J McBride, E Pulver, C Rosenberry, A Tucker, P Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 5 SOG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Saves 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Sh Moreno, D Smith, E Voss, S Allen, A Ratnavira, N Erickson, J Terranova, J Stott, E Broome, K Braman, L Allen, A Sacks, A Mann, V Gilson, W Larot, R 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 SOG 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Saves 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Team Conference Standings Overall Louisiana Tech 0-0 7-0 Utah State 0-0 4-2-1 Idaho 0-0 4-3 Boise State 0-0 4-3-1 New Mexico State 0-0 2-4 San Jose State 0-0 2-4 Nevada 0-0 2-5 Hawaii 0-0 1-4-1 Fresno State 0-0 0-5


Category Shots on Goal Goals Saves Points Name Jill Erickson Jill Erickson Marie Cove Jill Erickson

Dig 5 1 7 1 5 2 0 1 0 22 7 0 51

BA 2 2 0 1 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 12

Sei, S Harrington, K Baldwin, L Ji, E Link, N Staker, J Garvey, E Chang, K Kelly, L Santiago, T Batista, J Vance, K

at Las Vegas for WAC Tournament Nov. 23-25 TBA NCAA Championships Dec. 3-19 TBA


Statistic 6 2 24 6


Team Portland State Nevada G1 25 23 G2 25 14 G3 19 25

G4 25 23

G5 K 0 15 12 0 1 12 5 0 4 0 1 0 50 Set 24 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 16 1 0 47

Dig 7 7 2 0 0 0 1 11 4 3 0 5 40

T 3 1 BA 0 0 4 0 1 4 2 0 0 0 2 0 13

Portland State
K Vojnovic, M 8 Fradella, N 2 Jepsen, E 9 Villalpando, D 0 Phillips, W 15 Zielke, L 2 Hamilton, C 10 Vargas, T 2 Rosendale, A 3 Bateham, N 0 Ellis, M 0 Totals


Category Shots on Goal Name Rachel King Statistic 37 9 44 20 Goals Saves Points Rachel King Katie Graul Rachel King

Set 0 46 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 51

Dig 14 7 0 4 3 1 4 1 3 8 0 41

BA 0 1 5 0 2 2 5 1 0 0 0 16

Sei, S Harrington, K Baldwin, L Ji, E Vance, K Staker, J Garvey, E Chang, K Daum, J Santiago, T Batista, J Link, N

Team Conference Standings Overall Louisiana Tech 0-0 8-4 Hawaii 0-0 7-2 Fresno State 0-0 6-3 Utah State 0-0 6-3 Idaho 0-0 4-4 New Mexico State 0-0 4-4 Nevada 0-0 3-6 Boise State 0-0 1-8 San Jose State 0-0 0-8


Category Assists Digs Blocks Kills Aces Name Tatiana Santiago Nicole Link Lindsay Baldwin Kylie Harrington Kylie Harrington


Statistic 4.73 /set 3.11 /set .92 /set 3.41 /set 0.32 /set


Championships. Under Groths direction, Nevada won the Western Athletic Conference Commisioners Cup for the 2006-07 season. The Cup is given to the best overall athletics department. It was the rst time in school history that Nevada received the award. and senior seasons and was named to the Outland Trophy Watch List in 2004, which goes to the nations top lineman. Tony Moll is a four-year veteran guard for the Baltimore Ravens. Moll played tight end and tackle for the Wolf Pack from 2002-05. Moll originally played tight end, where he had 11 receptions, four of which were for touchdowns. In his only season playing on the offensive line, Moll was named rst team all-WAC. over Weber State. After a back-and-forth game that saw Weber State take a 23-17 lead in the fourth quarter, the Rams scored the gamewinning touchdown after tight end Eric Peitz caught his rst career touchdown. Senior quarterback Grant Stucker, who made his second career start, threw for 203 yards and one touchdown and interception. The Rams went 0 for 8 on third downs. The victory gave Colorado State its rst 2-0 start since the 2006-07 season. The Rams host Nevada on Saturday. Hawaii improved to 7-2 on the season and is ranked sixth in the nation. Danielson was also named the Western Athletic Conferences Volleyball Player of the Week It was the third time she has won the award. Utah State won the Fiesta Bowl Tournament after beating The Citadel, Wyoming and host Northern Arizona. Utah States Liz McArthur was named the tournaments Most Valuable Player. McArthur averaged 4.30 kills and 1.00 digs per set.


Moreno named Defensive player of the week

Nevada goalkeeper Dana Moreno has been named the Western Athletic Conferences Defensive Player of the Week. Moreno, a freshman, recorded two shut-outs for the Wolf Pack, which won its rst two games of the season. Moreno became the second goalie in Nevada history to record a shut-out in her rst career start when she made ve saves against Fordham. San Jose State forward Roxy Kamal was named Offensive Player of the Week. Kamal scored two goals and had three assists last week as the Spartans beat Lafayette and Howard on the road.

Indoor Soccer
Tuesday Free Agent 4, Whistle Tips, 8 Manchester United forfeit, Pirates, win Shiverpool 8, FUBAR 6 TKE 3, Phi Delta Theta 5 Sigma Nu 7, Sig Ep 5 LXA 2, SAE 3 Thursday Raging Ligers win, Alias forfeit Nevada Lobos 8, Sonic Soul Force 6 Union United 5, Mufn Tops 7 Vorpal Swords 3, I-Club 10 Nutmegs forfeit, Team Mazza win SWAT 11, Tri Delta 2


Ryan Hallisey wins amateur title

Senior golfer Ryan Hallisey won the California State Fair Mens Amateur Championship in Sacramento, Calif. Hallisey scored a 3-under par nal round to tie Brandon Hagy at 11-under for the tournament. On the rst playoff hole, Hallisey made an eagle putt to win the tournament. Hallisey is a two-time all-WAC second team selection and was second on the team in stroke average during the 2008-09 season. Hallisey posted four top 20 nishes including a second place nish at the Pacic Coast Amateur Championships in Victoria, British Columbia.


Sessions to join Timberwolves

Former Nevada player Ramon Sessions will likely be joining the Minnesota Timberwolves after the Milwaukee Bucks refused to match the four-year $16.4 million offer sheet from the Timberwolves. Milwaukee ofcially has until Friday to match Minnesotas offer. Sessions averaged 12.4 points and 5.7 assists in 79 games last season for the Bucks. Sessions is expected to compete for playing time with rookie Jonny Flynn. Sessions played for Nevada from 2004-07. He averaged 8.8 points and 4.9 assists per game.



Notre Dame falls to Michigan

A week after its 35-0 victory over the Wolf Pack, the Notre Dame Fighting Irish fell to the Michigan Wolverines 38-34 in Ann Arbor, Mich. Notre Dame quarterback Jimmy Clausen threw for 336 yards and three touchdowns and running back Armando Allen rushed for 139 yards and one touchdown, however Michigan did just enough to come out with the win. Notre Dame went on top 34-31 in the fourth quarter after an eight-yard touchdown run by Allen and a two -point conversion. However, Michigan got the ball on its 43-yard line with 2:13 and two timeouts left. Quarterback Tate Forcier led Michigan down the eld, which scored on a ve-yard touchdown pass with 11 seconds left in the game. Forcier threw for 240 yards, two touchdowns and one interception. He also rushed for a touchdown.

WAC to face Pac-10 in Emerald Bowl

The Pacic 10 Conference has renewed its contract with the Emerald Bowl until 2013. The Emerald Bowl, which is held in San Fransisco, will pit the Pac-10s number six team against the Western Athletic Conferences rst, second or third place team in 2010 and 2013. In 2011 and 2012, the Pac-10s sixth team will face Army and Navy. Last years Emerald Bowl saw Cal face the University of Miami. The game drew a record crowd of 42,268. 2010 will mark the WACs rst appearance in the Emerald Bowl.


2009-10 schedule announced

The Nevada Wolf Pack announced its 2009-10 mens basketball schedule. The team will play 15 teams at home, including Houston and Eastern Washington. Among Nevadas road games are Virginia Commonwealth on Nov. 27 and defending national champions North Carolina on Nov. 29. Eleven of the Wolf Packs opponents earned postseason invitations last season including BYU and UNLV. Nevada will open conference play on January 2 when it visits Louisiana Tech. Reno will host the 2010 Western Athletic Conference Tournament in March. The full schedule can be seen at


Flag Football
Tuesday Sig Ep B League 6, Funfetti 25 Boss Hoggs 28, Team Awesome 21 Magnum 6, Chiefs 12 Necessary Roughness 46, Leathernecks 6 Sigma Kappa forfeit, Lock It Up win Lobos United 50, TBA 21 Walk of Shame 6, Catastrophic Cyclones 25 Free Agent Team 39, Delta Sigma Pi 30 Delta Gamma 6, Tri Delta 20 Thursday Swiss Cheese 82, Red Rockets 30 NAK forfeit, Cupcakes win Phi Kappa Phi forfeit, SAE win Sig Ep 35, TKE 0 Phi Delta Theta 8, Sigma Nu 44 Child Please 28, TBA-Chad Casey 6 808 win, Free Agent Team forfeit Lincoln Maa forfeit, Team Grimace win Death Rho 6, Black Mambas 42

Four Nevada players on NFL rosters

Nevada has four players on NFL rosters: Nate Burleson, Marko Mitchell, Harvey Dahl and Tony Moll. Nate Burleson is a seven -year veteran receiver for the Seattle Seahawks. Burleson has amassed 2,735 receiving yards and 25 receiving touchdowns throughout his career. Burleson played for the Wolf Pack from 2000-03 where he became one of the top receivers in the nation. He recorded 248 receptions for 3,293 yards. Burleson was drafted in the third round of the 2003 draft by the Minnesota Vikings before being traded to the Seahawks. Marko Mitchell is the fth receiver for the Washington Redskins. Mitchell played for Nevada from 2006-08 where he had 153 receptions for 2,763 yards and 22 touchdowns. Harvey Dahl, an offensive lineman, will play for the Atlanta Falcons. Dahl played for Nevada from 2000-04. He was named rst-team all-WAC his junior


Broncos ranked 10th

In the latest AP Top 25 Poll, Boise State has been ranked 10th, the teams highest ranking this season. Boise State is 2-0, beating then No. 19 Oregon 19-8 and Miami (OH) 48-0. The Broncos are the second highest-ranked non-BCS team. BYU is the top-ranked non-BCS team at number seven. TCU is ranked 15th and Utah is ranked 18th. Nevada plays Boise State on Nov. 27 in Boise. Notre Dame, which beat Nevada 35-0, dropped from the rankings after its loss to Michigan.


Missouri rallies to beat Bowling Green

The number 25 Missouri Tigers looked lackluster for much of the rst half. Quarterback Blaine Gabbert threw for only 44 yards in the rst half and lost a fumble that set up a Bowling Green eld goal. The Tigers would trail 13-6 at the half. Gabbert would recover in the second half, throwing two touchdowns. He would nish with 172 yards. Running back Derrick Washington scored the go-ahead touchdown off a one-yard run with 5:38 left in the game. Washington would nish with 120 yards. Missouri faces Nevada on September 25 for the Wolf Packs home opener. In the 2008-09 season, the Tigers beat Nevada 69-17.



Hawaii takes top spot at tournament

Hawaii won the Honolulu Advertiser Volleyball Challenge last week. Hawaii beat Weber State, UT-San Antonio and No. 10 Stanford. Hawaiis Kanani Danielson won Most Outstanding Player of the tournament after averaging 3.78 kills and 2.11 digs for the tournament. Against UT-San Antonio she hit a career-high .625 and recorded 10 kills with no errors.

Glick to request extension for Groth

University of Nevada President Milton Glick will request that Athletic Director Cary Groths contract be extended. The extension would last until June 30, 2013. Groth was hired in the spring of 2004. Since she has taken over, Nevada has won 13 Western Athletic Conference


Colorado State survives Weber State

Colorado State recovered a fumble with 42 seconds left in the game to secure a 24-23 win

in that of female student athletes. It was in this way Nevada complied with Title IX, a federal mandate implemented in 1972 that bans sex discrimination at institutions receiving federal funds. According to Rhonda Lundin, assistant athletic director, Nevada was ranked No. 1 in the nation out of 115 Division 1-A schools in both 2006 and 2007 on the Gender Equity Scorecard, a scale designed to rank schools according to their compliance with the spirit and intent of Title IX. The scorecard measures NCAA institutions provision of womens opportunities in sports based on five categories: participation, scholarship, operating expenses, recruitment budget and coaches salaries. The Wolf Pack received two more top-10 rankings in 2008 and 2009. Coming in second in 2008, Nevada was one of two schools to earn an A+ grade overall, along with North Texas of the Sunbelt Conference. The year was also Nevadas fourth consecutive as the top-ranked university in the Western Athletic Conference. In 2009, Nevada ranked 10th in the nation with an A- grade. Jaime Frias, soccer head coach, said it is important to have gender equity in sport because it provides a different overall product to the community. There is a different appreciation for female athletics than male athletics, he said. Beyond its exceptional proportion and accommodation of female student athletes, Nevadas gender equity among its administrators is particularly notable. According to Perry, a signicant portion of the athletic departments senior administrative positions are lled by women, a unique concept among NCAA institutions. For example, Perry is the only female faculty athletic representative in the WAC and one of only about 20 percent nationally. Athletics Director Cary Groth is one of only ve female athletic directors in Division I-A. Keith Hackett, senior associate athletic director, said the presence of women in prominent positions has much more to do with professional experience, ability and training than it does with gender. Regardless of gender, we want the best person who will make a positive impact on the department and the programs they will be responsible for, he said. We are very fortunate to have such a rich mix of talent and diversity in our department. Lundin spoke of Nevadas commitment to facilitate diversity among its athletics department staff. People in our community, on our teams and on our campus come from all over the world and from all kinds of backgrounds, and it is the right thing to do to make sure all of those constituents have opportunities in our departments as well, she said. Despite Nevadas prowess in gender equality, Perry said there is still work to be done in regards to increasing womens representation in athletics nationally and at Nevada. Particularly, she notes the lack of women coaching men both at Nevada and across the nation. Devin Scruggs, volleyball coach and one of three female head coaches at Nevada, said she doesnt think the shortage of females coaching male teams is

SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 B5



Th The U University i it of fN Nevada, d Reno R was ranked k dN No. 1 i in th the nation out of 115 Division 1-A schools in both 2006 and 2007 on the Gender Equity Scorecard, a scale designed to rank schools according to their compliance with the spirit and intent of Title IX, a federal mandate implemented in 1972 that bans sex discrimination at institutions receiving federal funds. The scorecard measures NCAA institutions provision of womens opportunities in sports based on ve categories: participation, scholarship, operating expenses, recruitment budget and coaches salaries. Nevada nished second in the scorecard in 2008 and ranked 10th in 2009. The year was also Nevadas fourth consecutive year as the top-ranked university in the Western Athletic Conference. Special Assistant to the President Jean Perry is the only female faculty athletic representative in the Western Athletic Conference. There are currently three female head coaches at Nevada.
a gender equity issue. From our sport alone, there are way less females coaching womens volleyball than males, she said. The number of quality male head coaches far outweigh the number of quality female head coaches. Both Scruggs and Frias said throughout their involvement in athletics, they have seen big changes in the opportunities available to women in sports, especially in the number of womens teams and the number of scholarships available. Perry said of her experience, the inux and acceptability of women has been the biggest change to happen yet in athletics.
Kara LaPoint can be reached at


category in 2008: Gender Diversity. Dr. Jean Perry, special assistant to the president, said this diversity helps to breed better individuals. It helps people appreciate differing philosophies and attitudes, she said. That is what makes a good education.

One area of diversity in which Nevada excels signicantly beyond most other NCAA schools is gender. With 11 sports teams available to women, there is no shortage of female opportunities in athletics. In fact, in both 2006-07 and 2007-08, female athletes exceeded their male counterparts in numbers, making up 55.8 percent and 56 percent of the total student-athlete population respectively. In these two years, the percentage of full-time female undergraduate students (55 percent in 06-07 and 54 percent in 07-08) was nearly identical to

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B6 SEPTEMBER 15, 2009


Toughness in genes of Sacks family

By Brent Kirkland
When raising his family, Barry Sacks never allowed his daughter to cry. That demand still applies today to his 20-year-old college athlete. Barry is the defensive end and special teams coach for the Nevada football team. His daughter, Alyx, is in her third year on the Wolf Packs soccer team. Coaching at the same school his daughter plays at is benecial, but it doesnt mean they see each other as often as theyd like. The greatest thrill as a father is to watch your daughter compete athletically, but it grinds at you to miss them play, said Barry, who has been a coach for 24 years. During Nevada soccer matches at Mackay Stadium, Barry listens to the games from his ofce. If lucky, Barry will see only 3 to 4 Nevada soccer games this season. I usually run and catch a few minutes throughout the (home) games, he said. It takes a lot of work to orchestrate a football team, though. For Barry, coaching goes far beyond the gridiron. He spends several hours each day in players and coaches meetings. To get where to hes at now, his family has moved many times. Moving was tough, but never devastating, Alyx said. Teresa Sacks, Alyxs mother, said shes adjusted to her husbands time commitment to football. Im a sports widow, said Teresa, who earned her masters degree at the University of Nevada, Reno in 2005. Ive been extremely independent and have taken multiple roles as a mother. While sports have made the lives of the Sacks family confusing and hectic at times, theyre also part of who they all are. Alyx is an extreme competitor, Barry said. If I could have a recipe for the perfect daughter, she would be it. One example of her competitiveness came in a match earlier this season against the University of California, Santa Barbara. Alyx received a yellow card after unintentionally bulldozing an opponent. I dont condone illegal plays, but a play like that is a game-changer, Barry said. I would love to teach our linebackers that same form. While hard hits from Alyx electrify the Nevada football coach, her actions off the eld do the same. Barry witnessed his daughter break the womens bench record (143 pounds) at Nevada and earn the universitys strength and conditioning womens Athlete of the Year award last year. As Alyx keeps her father proud, Barry does the same for his daughter. In 2005, the Wolf Pack hosted the highly-favored Fresno State Bulldogs for a shot at the Western Athletic Conference title. Nevada stunned the then-16th-ranked Bulldogs, winning 38-35 to clinch its rst WAC Championship in school history. We rushed the eld and ran straight to my dad, Alyx said. It was so emotional because we knew all the pride, sweat, blood and tears that went into that game. With fall sports season ring back up, Alyx and Barry will have to, once again, focus on their own lives. It may seem overwhelming to many, but for the Sacks family, its just another season.
Brent Kirkland can be reached at

The greatest thrill as a father is to watch your daughter compete athletically, but it grinds at you to miss them play. Nevada football coach Barry Sacks on having to miss his daughters, Alyx, soccer games.

Alyx Sacks, a junior midelder on the soccer team, is known for her tough play and grittiness on the eld. Sacks has played in all seven games for Nevada this year, starting in four.


Barry Sacks, the defensive ends and special teams coach on the Nevada football team, is in his eighth year on the Wolf Pack staff. Sacks played linebacker at the University of Montana from 1976-79.



Pack drops two for third straight weekend

By Kaitlyn Whiteside
The Wolf Pack volleyball team nished third in the Circus Circus Invitational after Friday and Saturdays matches at the Virginia Street Gym. Portland State posted a perfect 3-0 record to capture the invitational title while the University of California, Davis nished second (2-1), leaving Nevada in third place (1-2) and Sam Houston State last (0-3). The Wolf Packs 1-2 record marked the third straight weekend Nevada has gone 1-2. The team is 3-6 on the season. Nevada played UC Davis on Friday in a discouraging match which ended 3-1 with set scores of 25-20, 25-23, 23-25 and 25-12. Wolf Pack volleyball head coach Devin Scruggs said the team was not prepared enough mentally to overtake the Aggies after being down 2-0. Its not so much about being prepared for the match as it is being prepared for every play, said Scruggs, who has been Nevadas head coach since 1997. In the match, junior Kylie


Nevada went 1-2 for the third straight weekend

are the kills Nevada junior Kylie Harrington had over the three-game weekend.

50 3

is the number of matches the Wolf Pack lost this past weekend.

8 3

are the Nevada players who had double-digit kills against Sam Houston State.
Harrington led Nevada with a season-high 18 kills and Tatiana Santiago helped the team with 25 assists and 12 digs. After the Wolf Pack won the third set, UC Davis came back aggressively, holding a double-digit advantage over Nevada to win the nal match. Harrington had high expectations for Saturdays matches, despite her teams loss against UC Davis. I thought that (even though) we lost (Friday), we held a pretty good intensity throughout the

is the number of sets the Wolf Pack lost by three points.

game and if we bring that into the next two matches well be pretty good, she said. Nevada returned Saturday to battle Sam Houston State. The rst two matches revealed what seemed to be a repeat of the previous match with Nevada trailing again at 2-0. The Wolf Pack refused to bow out this time and came back with three blowout matches against the Bearkats, scoring 25-9, 25-18 and 15-6. Nevada hit a .438 attack percent-

The Nevada volleyball team went 1-2 for the third consecutive weekend. The Wolf Pack beat Sam Houston State and lost to Portland State and the University of California, Davis. All matches were at the Virginia Street Gym.
age in the fth set and held Sam Houston State to a negative .053. We were fortunate to pull out a win against Sam Houston State after being down 2-0, Scruggs said. That was probably our worst volleyball and our best volleyball in the same match. After only a few hours of rest, the Wolf Pack played its nal match of the weekend against Portland State. Nevada managed to take only one set from the Vikings, losing 3-1. Harrington had 15 kills, and junior middle blocker Lindsay Baldwin totaled 12 kills in the match. Both were named to the All-Tournament team for their performances. Senior Jorgan Staker also had a noteworthy performance against the Vikings with 12 kills and 17 total assists. Staker said although the Wolf Pack lost two out of three games in the invitational, the team played well together. We knew there were going to be some tough teams here and we knew that we were going to


have to play really well so we just came in and did the best we could, she said. Nevada will next take part in the Pacic Tournament which starts Friday in Stockton, Calif. Scruggs plans to take advantage of the time to work on the teams offense and blocking. Weve got to be able to put balls away and keep them in the 30-by-30 (court), she said.
Kaitlyn Whiteside can be reached at



Wolf Pack midelder Jill Erickson scored a pair of game-winning goals this past weekend against Fordham and Sacramento State.


was named Western Athletic Conference Defensive Player of the Week. She attributed that to the focus she has given to improving her condence and mentality. I had to learn to trust my instincts and not second guess myself, she said. Apparently that lesson was still fresh in her mind going into Sundays game against Sacramento State, where Moreno earned a second straight shutout. The Wolf Packs win was not secured until the 81st minute,

Dana Moreno

Freshman Nevada goalkeeper Dana Moreno was named the Western Athletic Conference Defensive Player of the Week.

when Erickson scored on a leftfooted direct kick from 35 yards out, but head coach Jaime Frias said he was condent his team would score. I knew we were going to get it, he said. We just kept going at them, and we wore them down.

Six minutes later, sophomore midelder Ellie Stott eased any remaining doubts about a Wolf Pack win when she headed in a free kick by Broome. It was Broomes second assist of the weekend and Stotts rst goal of the year. I am really proud of everyone, Broome said. It has been a long season so far, but we are nally feeling great. Frias said his team has been training well after implementing a few highly effective changes. We have simplied our objectives, and that has translated well, he said. Regardless of our record, we are trying to focus on what we can control.

The team is now looking to what lies ahead, knowing what they need to do to earn a repeat of this weekends sweep. We just need to keep up the intensity, keep up the energy, keep focused and work hard, Broome said. Nevada, now 2-5 on the season, will play its next four matches on the road starting with two games at the Minnesota Gold Classic this week. The Wolf Pack will take on host No. 19 Minnesota on Friday at 5 p.m. and will face North Dakota on Sunday at 8:30 a.m.
Kara LaPoint can be reached at

surgery. I left a good impression on pro day. It was hard just to watch the draft the whole time and not see my name called. Undrafted, Mauga remained undeterred. He continued with his rehabilitation and was called in to work out for the Baltimore Ravens, the New York Jets and the New Orleans Saints. Immediately after his second workout with the Jets on Aug. 16, Maugas dream came true the team offered him a contract. It was a relief because I had been going through some hard times in the last couple of months, he said. To nally get on a team, nally get my foot in the door it was a relief and I was happy to be there. He quickly gravitated toward one of the Jets best linebackers, Bart Scott. He critiqued me with my reads and my technique, Mauga said of Scott. Just the environment, the whole NFL environment it was a great experience. But it was too short. Twelve days after signing with the team, Mauga was cut before he even got to play. A couple days right before we were about to leave (to play a preseason game), my back started acting up again so I didnt get to travel. I just stayed back there, did therapy that weekend and that whole week. And after that, they had to let me go, he said. It was Aug. 28 and Mauga now stood in the same position he was in just a few weeks ago unsigned and hoping for a shot. Instead of moping or wasting any time, Mauga went back to one thing he knew well school. After (being released), I called my athletic adviser to try and see if I could get into my classes, he said. I was still signed up for classes. I signed up in the spring for classes in the fall and I didnt drop them so I asked them if I could still get enrolled in them and he was like, Yeah, just e-mail your teachers, let them know your situation. Mauga, who is enrolled in 12 credits, said its been difcult coming back to school. Its been rough these past couple of weeks, he said. That whole mentality of football and not having to worry about school and then the next week, just going right back into school, it was kind of weird for me. It took some time for me to get used to sitting in class and trying to get my brain back with all this stuff that were learning. Now, instead of nding Mauga tackling running backs on the eld, the business management major can be found tackling math problems. Mauga, 22, said the Jets wanted to bring him back to play on their practice squad, but for now, hes still weighing his options. I still have high hopes of playing in the league, he said. Right now, Im just going to worry about getting healthy, getting stronger and in the meantime, focusing on my classes. When this is all settled down and my back is good, Ill start planning out what Im going to do. His old position coach sure thinks he has a future in the NFL. I believe next year, he has a great shot to make a team, Nevada linebackers coach Ken Wilson said. Hell be in the NFL someday. Its unfortunate what happened to him, but hell be back.
Juan Lpez can be reached at

SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 B7



Playing against Utah State in the Wolf Packs homecoming game, Mauga said his left arm got caught on a receiver and it just got ripped back. It didnt take long for him to realize this injury was serious. When it rst happened, it actually ripped off the bone and the tendon was down in my bicep and my pec actually shifted over to the other side, he said as he motioned with his hands. But Mauga wouldnt stay away from the eld. With an aching lower back and a torn left pectoral muscle, he chose to play with the consent of coaches and team doctors. Few knew about the severity of Maugas injuries. Mauga said by playing with these injuries, he thinks it showed his tougher side to NFL teams, but once the end of the season came, it had been too much. On Dec. 18, he got surgery to repair his left pec. It was bad timing considering the NFL combine, which Mauga had been invited to after the season, was just four months away. He missed out on the combine to continue healing, but he participated in Nevadas pro day. The day after, on March 26, he had surgery on his L4 and L5 discs to aid with his lower back injury. Two surgeries leading up to Aprils NFL Draft did not bode well for Mauga. Though many teams had contacted him before the draft, when the day came, Mauga went undrafted. My hopes were high (going into the draft), he said. I stayed condent even with the back

The last time Nevada played Colorado State, the Wolf Pack pulled out a 28-10 victory at Mackay Stadium. Colorado came into this game undefeated while Nevada came in winless.


vs. Rams


Mauga said he still has hopes of latching onto an NFL team someday.


we have to come out and make the plays when they present themselves. One of the keys to Nevadas success will be the health of Wolf Pack defensive end Kevin Basped. The 6-foot-6 junior nursed a groin injury during fall camp and has had a nagging undisclosed injury as of late. After Nevadas battle with Notre Dame, Irish head coach Charlie Weis said he watched Basped in pre-game warm-ups and that he looked like something was bothering him. But Wolf Pack defensive ends coach Barry Sacks is sure Basped will be set to go. He plays well with injury so hell be fine, Sacks said. I really havent seen any effect as far as his play so hell be ready. While the guys up front for the Rams have the most experience in the country, the

players standing behind them are on the other end of the spectrum. Colorado State quarterback Grant Stucker is a fifth-year senior, but started his first collegiate game on Sept. 5 against Colorado University. The Rams starting running back Leonard Mason has two years of junior college experience under his belt, but also has only started two Division I games. Despite their lack of experience at the D-I level, Stucker and Mason have performed admirably this season, with Stucker averaging 205.5 yards per game through the air and Mason racking up 86.5 yards per game on the ground. Aside from the battle between the two respective lines and some greenness in the Rams backfield, Nevadas pride is at stake. With 13 days between games and plenty of time to let its 35-0 loss to Notre Dame sink in, the players and coaches are anxious to get back on the field. It was a long, long, long, long

C Colorado l d States St t offensive ff i line has combined for 135 starts, the most in the nation. The Rams defense has only allowed 43.5 rushing yards per game through two games. Colorado States offense is 7 for 8 in its trips to the red zone, scoring four touchdowns and ve eld goals. The Rams have won ve straight games dating to last year.
week, Nevada football head coach Chris Ault said. We had a lot to work on. Wolf Pack quarterback Colin Kaepernick is eager to play again after Nevadas offense was shut out by Notre Dame. We dont like putting zero on the scoreboard, he said.
Juan Lpez can be reached at,

SEPTEMBER 15, 2009



SEPT. 25

Oct. 3

OCT. 9

OCT. 17

OCT. 24

OCT. 31

NOV. 8

NOV. 14

NOV. 21

NOV. 27

at Notre Dame at Colorado St. Missouri UNLV La. Tech at Utah St. Idaho Hawaii at San Jose St. Fresno St. at New Mexico St. L 35-0 TIME: 2 p.m. TIME: 6:05 p.m. TIME: 1:05 p.m. TIME: 6:05 p.m. TIME: 12 p.m. TIME: 1:05 p.m. TIME: 1:05 p.m. TIME: 5:30 p.m. TIME: 1:05 p.m. TIME: 5 p.m.

at Boise St. TIME: TBA

1. 1 Florida Fl id (56) 2. Texas (1) 3. USC (1) 4. Alabama (2) 5. Mississippi 5. Penn State 7. BYU 8. California 9. LSU 10. Boise State 11. Ohio State 12. Oklahoma 13. Virginia Tech 14. Georgia Tech 15. TCU 16. Oklahoma State 17. Cincinnati 18. Utah 19. Nebraska 20. Miami n 21. Houston 22. Kansas a 23. Georgia arolina 24.North Carolina an 25. Michigan
OTHERS RECEIVING EIVING VOTES Missouri 93, Pittsburgh burgh 87, Oregon State 64, Texas Tech 54, UCLA 44, Notre Dame 40, West Virginia 30, Auburn 26, Iowa 23, Boston College 19, Baylor or 15, Clemson 10, Oregon 5, Arizona 4, Arkansas ansas 3, Colorado State 2, Florida State 1, Minnesota nnesota 1, South Florida 1

Up next: overrated Colorado State team

Nevada will try to right the ship after big loss to Irish
By Juan Lpez
Th The he Wolf Pack had a bye week to let its nauseating loss to Notre Not tre e Dame Da sink in, but its time to get back up on the t e ho th horse. A Awaiting Nevada is the undefeated Colorado State St e te team, eam am, which has won ve straight games dating back ba ack to o last la ast t season. The e Rams R m are 2-0 and sitting pretty in the Mountain Ra West but something tells me this team, West Conference, Confe which votes in both the AP Top 25 poll and the which h received recei re i USA USA Today To oday ay Poll, is vastly overrated.


*National ranking in parentheses

153.00 (60) 154.00 (100) 81.20 (113) 307.00 (95) 0 (120) 178.00 (95) 332.00 (114) 510.00 (112) (112 35.00 (103) 42.20 (10) 6.27 (99) 17.60 (96)

Category Colorado State

OFFENSE Rushing Passing Pass Efciency Total Scoring DEFENSE Rushing Passing Total Scoring Net Punting Punt Returns Kickoff Returns 43.50 (9) 240.00 (89) 111.73 (46) 283.50 (41) 20.00 (55) 38.67 (34) 8..80 (54) 25.57 (31) 1.00 (28) 115.50 (87) 225.50(56) 153.11 (32) 341.00 (84) 23.50(71)

290.44 (120) (120 Pass Efciency


-3.00 (118) Turnover Margin


Colorado C Co lorad State beat the Colorado Buffaloes 23-17 in its lo rs rst rs t gam game of the season. I was impressed. The Rams were MWC aM WC football team who took down a Big 12 team. That was until I saw what the Buffaloes did this Th weekend against Toledo. The Rockets scored wee wee seven se s ev touchdowns against Colorado, winning 58-34. In short, Colorado is not good. 58 58 Then came the Rams game. Colorado State needed to force a turnover late in the game to ne squeak by Weber State 24-23. Thats right, the same squ sq Weber Web State who plays in the Big Sky conference. We Yes, a 2-0 record is a 2-0 record, but the Rams Yes might as well be 0-0 because they havent proven anything to me yet. anyth h


C l d S Colorado State Player Category Avg./Game

Leonard L eonard Ma Mason Rushing Rashaun Gre Greer Receiving M ycal Sisson Sisso Mycal Guy Miller Tackles Tackles for loss 86.5 106.0 10.0 1.5


1 1. Fl Florida id (56) ( 2) 2. Texas (2) 3. USC (1) a 4. Alabama ate 5. Penn State ppi 6. Mississippi 7. LSU a 7. California 9. BYU tate 10. Boise State ate 11. Ohio State ma 12. Oklahoma a Tech 13. Georgia a Tech 14. Virginia 15. TCU 16. Utah ma State 17. Oklahoma ka 18. Nebraska 19. North Carolina a 20. Georgia ati 21. Cincinnati 22. Miami (FL) 23. Kansas 24. Oregon State ri 25. Missouri
OTHERS RECEIVING EIVING VOTES Michigan 84, Houston ouston 69, Texas Tech 68, Pittsburgh 40, Notre Dame 32, Auburn 30, Iowa 27, Florida orida State 19, Oregon 16, West Virginia nia 16, UCLA 13, South Florida 13, Kentucky ucky 9, Arizona 4, Central Michigan 2, Colorado rado State 2, Minnesota 2, Northwestern 2, Arkansas 1, Tulsa 1, South Carolina 1

Nevada Player
Vai V ai Taua Tray Session J .M. Johnso J.M. Johnson J.M. Johnso Johnson

Category Avg./Game
Rushing Receiving Tackles Tackles for loss 114.0 51.0 10.0 2.0


Coming into the season, no Colorado State C qu q u ua a quarterback on this years roster had ever started a game g for the team. In fact, the team named a starting sta st a quarterback just nine days before its rst game of the year. g a Senior Grant Stucker won the job, but hes done more bad than good so far. Stucker has d completed just 50 percent of his passes (20 c of 40) and has two touchdown throws to o three interceptions. But this week, hell get a gift from God a game against the Nevada g secondary. s Pretty much everyone is aware of the Wolf W Packs woeful defense against the pass. Against Notre Dame on Sept. 5, Nevada gave Ag g up 315 yards passing and four touchdowns to Irish Ir ris i h quarterback Jimmy Clausen. He averaged 21 yards pe per completion. p Stucker will be taking on one of the worst pass deStuc St ucke k rw fenses the nation on Saturday, but theres two ways fens ses in th to this: t o look l loo ook k at t th 1) T This could be great for Colorado State. It would help Thi his s co c Stucker Stuc St cker ga gain in condence while lighting up a bad secondary. ary ar y. He would wou mature and it would set him up well for the the season. t he rest of th 2) This is great timing for the Wolf Pack secondary. The group be taking on a quarterback who has started two g gr oup will b games in his i career and doesnt look to be deserving of his job. starting job o . If the Nevada defensive backs could pick him off a co couple c uple times and keep him under 200 yards passing, would be it wou uld b e monumental for the groups condence.


Standings Conference
Idaho I daho Boise State H awaii Hawaii Fresno State N evada Nevada Utah State L ouisiana Tech Te Louisiana San Jose State Sta 1-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0

1-1 2-0 2-0 1-1 0-1 0-1 0-2 0-2 1-1

N ew Mexico State 0-1 New


Date D t
Sept. S ept. 6 Sept. 12 S ept. 19 Sept. Sept. 26 O ct. 3 Oct. Oct. 10 O ct. 17 Oct. Oct. 24 O ct. 31 Oct. Nov. 7 N ov. 21 Nov. Nov. 28

O Opponent t Ti Time/Result /R lt
Colorado Weber State Nevada at BYU at Idaho Utah at TCU San Diego State Air Force at UNLV at New Mexico Wyoming W 23-17 W 24-23 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m.


Nevada at t Colorado State


For all l th the he crap Ive given the Rams about being a bad 2-0 2-0 team, team te am, they am th h do get off to very fast starts. In i its rst ts r rs s two games this year, Colorado State has outscored ou utscored its i opponents 24-0. Ill give the Rams major credit jumping out early and holding on at the end. cred dit for r ju The Wolf Th f Pack, on the other hand, is much better at ni nishing than it is at starting. Last year, Nevada was nish shin ing g th t outscored 96-85 in the rst quarter of games, but owned outs ou tsco c re co ed 9 a 149-99 advantage in the fourth quarter. For Saturdays game, the Wolf Pack must get on the board early and not let the Rams take the early lead. Nevadas offense is run-based and if the team gets down by a couple scores early, it will force the Wolf Pack to pass more, which usually doesnt bode well.
Juan Lpez can be reached at

When: Saturday, aturday, 2 p.m. Where: Hughes Stadium

(34,400; Field turf)

Radio: ESPN SPN Radio 630 TV: N/A The coaches: Head coach

Steve Fairchild is 9-6 in his second year at Colorado State. Nevada coach Chris Ault is in his 25th season as Nevadas coach and has a 198-92-1 record.


Nevada running back Vai Taua


OPTIMIST SAYS: Nevada recovers from the Notre Dame debacle. Colin Kaepernick will be poised and determined and the rushing attack returns to the level it was at last season. Colorado State quarterback Grant Stucker is making just his third start and the defensive line will be licking its chops to put the pressure on him. OUTCOME: Nevada wins 34-20 PESSIMIST SAYS: Colorado State may have just gotten by Weber State, but Nevadas secondary struggles to stop any passing offense. Wide receiver Rashaun Greer will tear up the secondary and Nevadas offense will continue to have trouble scoring. The Wolf Pack lay another egg on the road and come home 0-2 to face Missouri next week. OUTCOME: Colorado State wins 31-14



s Rashaun Greer is Colorado States leading receiver, averaging 106 yards per game this season. Against Weber State he had six catches for 162 yards, the second highest total of his career. Its no secret that Nevadas d secondary is the teams biggest weakness and unless an answer is found for another premier receiver, it will be another long day for Nevadas ded fense. Colorado State quarterback Grant Stucker will be making his third se career start for the Rams. How successful he is against Nevadas defense will largely depend on Greers ability to get open.

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