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1 13

A turn contains one test or conflict. Every fourth turn, the adventurers earn a condition. Torches, lanterns and candles are expended at the end of the second, third and fourth turns respectively.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
























Hungry and Thirsty Exhausted Angry Sick Injured Afraid Dead

The Grind

Every fourth turn during the adventure phase, all characters earn a condition. If your character is not hungry and thirsty, you become hungry and thirsty. If your character is already hungry and thirsty, then you take the exhausted condition. If youre already exhausted and hungry, take the angry condition. If youre already angry, exhausted and hungry, you become sick. If youre already angry, exhausted, hungry and sick, you suffer an injury. If youre angry, exhausted, hungry, sick and injured, youre made afraid. If those six conditions are checked on the fourth turn, your character diesyou unceremoniously drop dead from exhaustion. Note that these conditions are imposed in a different order than on the character sheet to better reect the grind of this kind of life. And to keep you on your toes.






Light Sources


1 person

1 person

4 turns

Candles may be snuffed or blown out at the discretion of the GM regardless of or in addition to other results.


2 people

2 people

2 turns

Torches may be used as weapons. No bonus. May be snuffed if dropped or as a twist.


3 people

3 people

3 turns

Requires a ask of oil as fuel. Provides only dim light if set down. Doused as a twist.

Camp Procedure To make a test in camp, spend a check: test Find appropriate place to rest to recover, reequip, create scrolls, gather Use Survivalist skill to set up camp (optional supplies, but not adventure in adventure phase) Each player spends a check. You cannot Roll on Camp Events table spend two in a row Apply Camp Events result. If disaster, Checks may be shared (or tossed!) return to adventure phase After checks are expended, start new Strategize: discuss conditions, checks, light adventure phase at turn count 1 sources and food

Darkness (no light) Dim Light

You cannot read or draw your map and thus cannot make Cartography or Scholar tests. You may only ee, riddle or argue if engaged in a conict. And darkness is a factor in all tests except riddling. Characters near a light source but not covered by it are in dim light. Dim light counts as a factor in all tests except riddling.

The Order of Might

6 8 5

Tavern: Hear Rumor (1), Drink (1), Hire Help (1-3) Street: Free! Roll on events table. Stables: Recover (1), Hide out! (0) Flophouse: Recover (1), +1 additional recovery Inn: Recover (2), +1-2 additional recovery Hotel: Recover (3), +1-2 additional recovery Market: Buy (0), Sell (0) Guild Hall: Use Facilities (1), Hire Apprentice (1), Find Work (1) Temple: Religious Services (0), Pray at Shrine (1) Other Activity: Haggle (1), Personal Business (1), Dig for Leads (1), Do Research (1), Other (1)

2 7 4 3

Town P Procedure T d Make recovery tests according to Head to town accomodations. Spend remaining checks to recover Visit town locations: market, guild hall, tavern, Roll on Town Events table temple, etc. Take turns. Apply Town Events result. If disaster, return Find work: hire yourself out, dig for leads, to adventure phase. follow up rumors. Level up (if rewards spent) Leave town: tally up lifestyle and test Strategize: discuss conditions and divide loot. Resources against that obstacle. Decide if youre haggling individually. Determine accomodations

7 3 6

1. 2. 3. 4. Critters, Kobolds People, Goblins, Frog People, Tomb Guardians Adventurers, Orcs, Gnolls, Horses, Dire Wolves Bugbears, Giant Spiders, Owlbears 5. 6. 7. 8.

Ogres, Trolls, Young Dragons Dragons, Hill Giants Ancient Dragons, Storm Giants, Immortals Elder Gods

2013 Luke Crane, Thor Olavsrud and Ben Morgan. Permission granted to make copies for personal use.

Master Gear List

Item Armor Chainmail armor Helmet Leather armor Plate armor Clothing Cloak Finery Shoes Containers Backpack Bottle Jug Pouch, belt Quiver Sack, large Sack, small (2) Satchel Waterskin/wineskin Equipment Flask of oil (2) Garlic Grappling hook Hammer Iron spikes (6) Mirror Pole, 10 Rope Stakes and mallet (3) Thieves tools Tinderbox Wolfsbane Food Rations, fresh (2) Water Wine Light Source Candles (4) Lantern Ob 3 Ob 2 Ob 2 Ob 4 Ob 2 Ob 4 Ob 1 Ob 1 Ob 1 Ob 1 Ob 1 Ob 2 Ob 1 Ob 1 Ob 1 Ob 1 Ob 2 Ob 1 Ob 3 Ob 2 Ob 1 Ob 4 Ob 1 Ob 2 Ob 2 Ob 4 Ob 1 Ob 2 Ob 1 free Ob 1 Ob 1 Ob 4 torso/worn 1 head/worn 1 torso/worn 1 torso/worn 2 torso/worn 1, hand/carried 1 or pack 2 torso/worn 3 or pack 4 feet/worn 1 torso/worn 2 pack 2 pack 3 worn/default slot torso/worn 1 or belt/weapon hands/carried 2 or pack 1 hands/carried 1 or pack 1 torso/worn 1 belt/default slot hand/carried 1 or pack 1 hand/carried 1, neck/worn 1 or pack 1 hand/carried 1 or pack 2 hand/carried 1 or pack 1 pack 1 hand/carried 1 or pack 1 hand/carried 2 torso/worn 1 or pack 2 pack 1 pack 1 pack 1 pack 1 pack 1 pack 1 skin/bottle/jug 1 skin/bottle/jug 1 hand/carried 1 or pack 1 hand/carried 1 or pack 2 Cost Inventory Slots

Master Gear List

Item Holy water asks (2) Prayer supplies Weapons Battle axe Bow Crossbow Dagger Flail Halberd Hand axe Mace Polearm Shield Sling Spear Sword Two-handed sword Warhammer Cost Ob 3 Ob 1+ Ob 3 Ob 3 Ob 4 Ob 1 Ob 2 Ob 3 Ob 1 Ob 2 Ob 3 Ob 1 Ob 1 Ob 1 Ob 3 Ob 3 Ob 3 Inventory Slots hand/carried 1 or pack 1 hand/worn, neck/worn or pack 1 per spell hand/carried 2 in quiver or hand/carried 2 hand/carried 2 and belt/weapon belt/weapon or hand/carried 1 hand/carried 2 hand/carried 2 belt/weapon or hand/carried 1 belt/weapon or hand/carried 1 hand/carried 2 hand/carried 1 or torso/worn 1 hand/carried 1, belt/weapon or pouch hand/carried 1 belt/weapon or hand/carried 1 hand/carried 2 hand/carried 2

2d6 2 3 4 5 6 7 2d6 2 3 4 5

Gear Subtable Dwarven or elven weapon Standard weapon Helmet Container (choose specic kind) Food (choose specic kind and amount) Equipment Treasure and Valuables Titles and Deeds Gems Objets dart (statues, urns, etc.) Silverware and plate

2d6 8

Gear Subtable Light source (choose specic kind and amount) Shield Armor (choose specic kind) Skill supplies Dwarven or elven armor Treasure and Valuables Cash Rugs and tapestries Jewelry Treasure map

9 10 11 12 2d6 6-9 10 11 12

2d6 2-3 4-8 9-11 12

Use Loot Table 1 for planned encounters. Use Loot Table 2 for unplanned encounters like twists. Loot Table 1 Knowledge Gear Valuables Magic 2d6 2 3-6 7-10 11 12 Loot Table 2 Knowledge Gear Stuff Valuables Magic

d6: 1-4 copper, 5 silver, 6 gold. Leads to a new adventure, perhaps one with a unique or more powerful item than theyd be able to nd elsewhere. Takes up one space. d6 1-4 5 Knowledge Subtable Lore that presents a lead for a further adventure Lore that describes how to bypass some otherwise impenetrable obstacle (the secret to getting through a room lled with deadly gas) Lore about a monster that provides advantage against it (for example, re can kill a troll) Magic Subtable Level 3 magical item Magical item that acts as a weapon for non-ghting types of con ict. GM decides! Spell book (roll three times on the starting spell table) Potion level 2 Potion level 1 Spell or prayer supplies Spell scroll (D6: 1st Circle 1-4; 2nd Circle 5-6) Prayer scroll (D6: 1st Circle 1-4; 2nd Circle 5-6) Level 1 magical item Level 2 magical item Level 4 magical item

2d6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Loot Subtables
Roll on the appropriate subtable and then ll in the details. 3d6 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Stuff Subtable Vile cult symbols Bag of rocks Bones String Dried leaves Some teeth Lint Worthless coins of unknown provenance 14 15 16 17 18 3d6 11 12 13 Stuff Subtable Indecipherable notes Rusty keys An idol for an unknown religion A childs dolly or puppet A tool of unknown use Dice A rusty nail A chipped bowl or cup

Rations, preserved (3) Ob 2

Torches (4) Ob 1 hand/carried 1 or pack 1 Magical and Religious Equipment Scroll (see description) Ob 3 Spell supplies Traveling spell book Holy symbol Ob 1+ Ob 4 Ob 3 pack 1 hand/worn, neck/worn or pack 1 per spell pack 2 neck/worn 1

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