Online Mobile Phone Shop A ASP - Net Project

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Table of Contents
Serial no.
1. 2.

Title of the project-------------------------Introd ction---------------------------------" #bo t Project

Page no.
2 !

!. '.

$bjecti%e of the project-------------------Project Category---------------------------" Internet Technologies & )*+,S

& (

&. ..

*ata -low *iagram-----------------------Program Str ct re------------------------" Project *escription " *atabase Table

11 1' |


Tools/ Platform sed----------------------" Software re1 irement specifications



Sec rity ,echanisms----------------------" Testing 3 4alidation



- t re Scope---------------------------------" Project $%er%iew

!! |

T56 TIT76 $- T56 P)$86CT


#bo t Project;
The project $97I96 ,$+I76 P5$96 S5$P is to develop an Internet based sale and purchase syste !or obile" #s obile ar$et is increasin% very sharply and &ill increase &ith boo in near !uture"

'isuali(in% the hu%e opportunity this is an e!!ort to internationali(e the business throu%h Internet" By developin% o! this portal and $eepin% the site searchable on )oo%le hence increasin% the custo er base !ro local ar$et to all around the %lobe" a

My on%oin% project is a &eb application because no&adays Internet is a pro inent tool o! ar$etin% antra" *ith the advent o! the Internet illions ore &ays technolo%ies+ &orld has beco e a %lobal villa%e" Every year+ o! people around the &orld use the Internet to interact in

then ever be!ore till date" People+ &ho sur! on Internet+ are thin$in% about the online purchase because it is very easy and co !ortable to order online than %oin% to ar$et and purchase their re,uired %oods" So considerin% a bi% hi$e in the revenue in this boo in% sector and one o! the success!ul businesses throu%h Internet one should be proud to have such a technical deal" *ith the !ast %ro&in% o! co a$in% &ay to access the Internet+ &hether in unications net&or$ li$e optical !iber+ onetary or in!or ation retrieval ter "

broadband it &ill be no& easy and econo ical also to |

The !or

ere e-istence o! o! online diary or

the &eb has been enrichin%+ as it provides a essa%e board" The %ist o! all these is that i!

hu%e diversity o! vie&s+ ta$e &eb lo%s+ or blo%s+ &hich can assu e the the data access retrieval and the %oal are placed in a &ell order on the net by usin% its technolo%ies+ &e are not %oin% to loose in any &ay &hether it is the user or the service provider" So a co puter has no& beco e help!ul in any other cases too.

/ast retrieval o! in!or ation around the %lobe by bro&sin% the net" Easy access by seatin% at ho e to ost o! the &or$ places

Easy database access &ith the invaluable !unctions o! online entertain ent and jobs and place ent"

These are the

odules that I a

%oin% to develop in

y proposed project"

Total no. of mod les;- 1<

1. 7$=I9 S>ST6, 2. )6=IST)#TI$9 ,#ST6) !. T56 S6#)C5 ,#ST6) '. IT6, ,#ST6) &. $)*6) ,#ST6) .. T56 SIT6 ,#ST6) ?C$9T)$7 P#967@ (. S5$PPI9= C#)T 2. T56 4#7I*#TI$9 ,#ST6) |

0. P)$*:CT S#76 P:)C5#S6 ,#I76) 1<. #*46)TIS6,69T 5#9*76)

Project $bjecti%es;
The objective o! the project 0$97I96 ,$+I76 P5$96 S5$PA is to develop a viable e1 ar$etin% syste !or the purchase and sale o! obile phones"

The major objecti%es of this project are as follows; Providing an interactive interface for the customer for online sale and purchase of Mobiles, purchase details input, sales details input, search of the MOBILE type available on the given criteria, online booking of the MOBILE to be purchased, with the facility of the shopping cart using the flavors of !"!M!L, #!M!L! blended with the power of $!B!%E" under the framework of &!'!P!%E"! &fter all interface has a lot to do when proper interaction and attraction is necessary! elping the customer to search his specific MOBILE with a robust search tool! |

Online booking of Mobiles with the delivery status notification system! Providing 'ecured Environment for secured data access wherever necessary! (etrieval of data from database using easy buttons, links and interfaces in a very fast and efficient manner! On)line updating of all types of data! *pdating +ata using web based interfaces and with the help of buttons , links in an easy , convenient way!

+eveloping a viable candidate system that fulfills the following re-uirements. ) /aster and accurate information retrieval! Easy registration! Login dependent information retrieval and updating! 0orrect and consistent maintenance of data and its -uick retrieval! Minimi1ing the page download time and hence less Investment! |

Improving the switches need at first sight!

button and hyperlink so

that the candidate shall find all the -ueries they

Maintaining the fast download of the page by using the flavors of cookies! 'mooth transition and easy access to the pages not re-uiring much training to the end user! "he overall ob2ective of the system is to bring the MOBILE sellers and purchasers round the globe closer to each other so that one can have the perfect buy!

P)$86CT C#T6=$)>
The under%oin% project !alls under I9T6)96T T6C59$7$=I6S & )*+,S ?)elational *atabase ,anagement System@ cate%ory" Since the project is ainly responsible !or creation o! the portal &ith the online database at bac$end" #s &e $no& that+ the Internet is hu%e client server architecture" The client is the &eb bro&ser+ it is re,uestin% a &eb based data+ a !ile+ or &hatever+ !ro pro%ra so e co puter so e&here 2 any&here 2 in the &orld" The server is that co puter that holds the in!or ation you &ant"#SP"NET is a rich in% !ra e&or$ !or buildin% &eb1based applications" It o!!ers outstandin% support !or both developers and ad inistrators+ providin% i proved ease1o!1use+ tool support+ reliability+ scalability+ ad inistration and security"

5ow it worBsC |

#SP"NET is a pro%ra

in% !ra e&or$ built on the co

on lan%ua%e runti e that odels. on

can be used on a server to build po&er!ul *eb applications" #SP"NET o!!ers several i portant advanta%es over previous *eb develop ent

P6)-$),#9C6; - #SP"NET is co piled co

lan%ua%e runti e code runnin% on the server" 3nli$e its interpreted predecessors+ #SP"NET can ta$e advanta%e o! early bindin%+ just1in1ti e co pilation+ native opti i(ation+ and cachin% services ri%ht out o! the bo-" This a ounts to dra atically better per!or ance be!ore you ever &rite a line o! code"

T$$7 S:PP$)T; - The #SP"NET !ra e&or$ is

co ple ented by a rich toolbo- and desi%ner in the 'isual Studio inte%rated develop ent environ ent" *4SI*4) editin%+ dra%1and1drop server controls+ and auto atic deploy ent are just a !e& o! the !eatures this po&er!ul tool provides"

#9* -76EI+I7IT>; - Because #SP"NET is based on the


on lan%ua%e runti e+ the po&er and !le-ibility o! that entire plat!or

is available to *eb application developers" The "NET /ra e&or$ class library+ Messa%in%+ and 5ata #ccess solutions are all sea lessly accessible !ro the *eb" #SP"NET is also lan%ua%e1independent+ so you can choose any lan%ua%es" /urther+ co on lan%ua%e runti e the lan%ua%e that best applies to your application or partition your application across

Interoperability %uarantees that your e-istin% invest ent in 6OM1based develop ent is preserved &hen

i%ratin% to #SP"NET" co on tas$s+ !ro


a$es it easy to per!or

si ple !or

sub ission and client authentication to deploy ent and |

Site con!i%uration" /or e-a ple+ the #SP"NET pa%e !ra e&or$ allo&s you to build user inter!aces that cleanly separate application lo%ic !ro odel" #dditionally+ the co &ith collection"


code and to handle events in a si ple+ 'isual Basic1 li$e !or s processin% on lan%ua%e runti e si pli!ies develop ent+ ana%ed code services such as auto atic re!erence countin% and %arba%e

- #SP"NET e ploys a te-t1based+ hierarchical

con!i%uration syste + &hich si pli!ies applyin% settin%s to your server environ ent and *eb applications+ because con!i%uration in!or ation is stored as plain te-t+ ne& settin%s ay be applied &ithout the aid o! local ad inistration tools" This 7(ero local ad inistration7 philosophy e-tends to deployin% #SP"NET applications as &ell as in #SP"NET application is deployed to a server si ply by copyin% the necessary !iles to the server" No server restart is re,uired+ even to deploy or replace runnin% co piled code"

#9* #4#I7#+I7IT>; - #SP"NET has been desi%ned

ind+ &ith !eatures speci!ically tailored to i prove ultiprocessor environ ents" /urther+ ana%ed by the #SP"NET runti e+ so onitored and

&ith scalability in processes are closely that i! one re,uests"

per!or ance in clustered and

isbehaves 8lea$s+ deadloc$s9+ a ne& process can be created in

its place+ &hich helps $eep your application constantly available to handle

#9* 6ET69SI+I7IT> ; - #SP"NET delivers a

&ell1!actored architecture that allo&s developers to 7plu%1in7 their code at the appropriate level" In !act+ it is possible to e-tend or replace any subco ponent o! the #SP"NET runti e &ith your o&n custo 1&ritten co ponent+ i ple entin% custo been easier" authentication or state services has never |

- *ith built in *indo&s authentication and per application

con!i%uration+ you can be assured that your applications are secure" The co on lan%ua%e runti e provides a co plete set o! ana%ed data access

#PIs !or data1intensive application develop ent" These #PIs help to abstract the data and present it in a consistent &ay re%ardless o! its actual source 8S:L Server+ OLE5B+ ;ML+ and so on9" There are essentially three objects you &ill &or$ &ith ost o!ten. connections+ co ands+ and datasets"

# connection represents a physical connection to so e data store< such as S:L Server or an ;ML !ile Throu%h #5O"NET" # co and represents a directive to retrieve !ro 8select9 or anipulate 8insert+ update+ delete9 the data store" # dataset represents the actual data an application &or$s &ith" Note that datasets are al&ays disconnected !ro odel and can be their source connection and data odel" odi!ied independently" Ho&ever+ chan%es to a

dataset can be easily reconciled &ith the ori%inatin% data

#s &e $no& that the database is a repository !or stored+ operational data in a database environ ent and co Instead o! each pro%ra on data are available and used by several users" ana%e its o&n data+ the data across 8or user9 to

applications are shared by all authori(ed users &ith the help o! database so!t&are ana%in% the data as an entity" The %eneral concept behind a database is to handle in!or ation as an inte%rated &hole" # database is a collection o! interrelated data stored &ith ini u redundancy to serve any users ,uic$ly and e!!ectively" The %eneral objective is to !le-ible !or the user" In database desi%n speci!ic objectives are considered. 1 a$e in!or ation easy+ ,uic$+ e-pressive+ and |

6ase of learning and se. ,ore information at low cost. #cc racy and integrity. )eco%ery from fail re. Performance. In this &ay+ S.Q.L server 2000 is one o! the leadin% ="5"B"M"S" so!t&are in the &orld" It is characteri(ed by the ,uic$ retrieval o! in!or ation !ro thereby hu%e tables" This ,uality allo&s it to cater to the ever1chan%in% business needs o! the present a%e" It supports !ourth %eneration lan%ua%e+ S:L+ a$in% it easier !or the custo ers to %rasp it+ a develop ent lan%ua%e &here co plicated procedures+ !unctions etc" can be used" In the S.Q.L server 2000 include !ollo&in% !eatures; G eries Constraints Proced res Triggers +atch implementation - nctions + lB copy tility C rsors Stored proced res

*#T# -7$D *I#=)#, |

*ata -low;
#n arro& represents a data !lo&< it represents the path over &hich data travels in the syste " # data !lo& can stores+ to and !ro ove bet&een processes+ !lo& into or out o! data e-ternal entities.

+ bbles ?Process@;
# circle or bubble represents that trans!or s data !ro per!or in% so e tas$s &ith the data" once !or to another by

*ata store;
# data store is a place &here data is held te porarily !ro ne-t or is stored per anently" one transaction to the

6Hternal 6ntity.
*hich de!ines a source or destination o! syste 85/59+ is a data also called an e-ternal 5ata /lo& 5ia%ra

entity" Based on the &or$in% process o! the proposed syste

odel+ &hich %ives the insi%ht into the in!or ation do ain and ore re!ined 5/5 is ore details o! the syste

!unctional do ain at the sa e ti e can be dra&n usin% OMT sy bols" 5/5 is re!ined into di!!erent levels" The |

are incorporated" In the process o! creatin% a 5/5+ &e deco pose the syste into di!!erent !unctional subsyste s" The 5/5 re!ine ent results in a correspondin% re!ine ent o! data" The *-* of the I$97I96 ,$+I76 P5$96 S5$PA Each brea$1up has been nu bered as per the rule o! 5/5" Here &e atte pted to incorporate all the details o! the syste and still it re,uires !urther i prove ent since the entire syste is under study"

< 76467 *.-.*.;-

This is the conte-t level 5"/"5" o! the proposed syste

the &hole syste


been depicted in a sin%le bubble+ pri ary input and output has been care!ully noted and depicted in the &ay so that in!or ation !lo& continuity should not be lost in the ne-t level" The purposed syste syste " is sho&n as a &hole process and the the inputs and outputs are sho&n &ith inco in% and out%oin% arro& !ro |
6ontrol Panel 6usto er =e%istration 6usto er Lo%in Site 5ata 3pload =e%istration 5ata 3ser Id & Pass&ord Search obiles 5isplay Success > /ailure =e%istration In!or ation Lo%in Success > /ailure 6ontrol Panel 5isplay =e%istration 5isplay Lo%in 5isplay

Mobile Search

$nline ,obile Phone shop

Searched Ite Process 5ata in 6art Process 3pdate Ite Pay ent 3pdate Mobile 5isplay 6art 5ata 5isplay Sale & Purchase 3pdate 5isplay Pay ent 5isplay

3pdate Sale & Sale & Purchase Purchase 5ata Syste 3pdate Pay ent


Pay ent

< 76467 *.-.*. -$) I$97I96 ,$+I76 P5$96 S5$PA

1 S T 76467 *.-.*.;This 5"/"5" sho&s all the processes to%ether &ith all the data stores 8tables9" It sho&s the true data !lo& i"e" ho& data is actually !lo&in% in the syste " 5ata is co in% !ro &hich table and %oin% into &hich table is clearly sho&n by this ain re!erence !or the develop ent o! the syste " #!ter 5/5" This 5/5 is the

understandin% the &hole syste + the application developer &ill !all bac$ upon this 5/5 durin% the 5evelop ent phase"

3pdate Syste | 5isplay In!or ation 6ontrol Panel 3ser 6o and Interact &ith 3ser Pass&ord =e,uest 5ata 3pdate =e,uest Syste 3pdate 3pdated Syste 3pdated 5ata 6ontrol Panel 5isplay 3pdatin% 5ata

$nline ,obile Phone

Shop =etrieved 5ata =e%istration 5isplay Lo%in 5isplay


3ser =e%istration 6hec$

=e%istration > Lo%in Syste

=e%istration In!or ation Lo%in In!or ation


=e%istration > Lo%in no" =e,uest !or Mobile Search Mobile Search Syste Searched In!or ation 5isplay Mobile Search

Mobile Search

=e,uest !or Sale & Sale & purchase Purchase 3pdatin% 3pdated in!or ation Sale & purchase update In!or ation =e,uest !or 3pdate 5etails Sale & Purchase Syste Pay ent 5etails Mail !or Sale & Purchase Ite Pay ent 3pdated list Pay ent In!or ation Sale & Purchase 5isplay Ite Pay ent 5isplay 5isplay 6art Entry

1st 76467 *.-.*.

P)$=)#, ST):CT:)6 |

#nalysis )eport;
Syste analysis is the !irst step to&ards the so!t&are buildin% process" The analysis is to understand the syste re,uire ents+ identi!y the odels o! the

purpose o! syste syste

data+ !unctional and behavioral re,uire ents and buildin% the !or better understandin% o! the syste "

In the process o! syste

analysis one should !irst understand that+ &hat the is

present syste + &hat it does+ is ho& it &or$s 8i"e" processes9" #!ter analy(in% these points &e beco e able to identi!y the proble s the present syste output to the syste 9+ the analyst loo$s to&ards one or de!ined in detail" #!ter this odels+ !ro !acin%" 3pon evaluatin% current proble s and desired in!or ation 8input and ore solutions" To be%in are &ith+ the data objects+ processin% !unctions+ and behavior o! the syste data+ !unction and behavior" The odels created durin% the syste

three di!!erent aspects o! the syste 1 analysis

process helps in better understandin% o! data and control !lo&+ !unctional processin%+ operational behavioral and in!or ation content"

DorBing Process of Proposed System;

To be the user o! the site you need a re%istration" #!ter that one can use the site !or to sell or purchase o! di!!erent On each obile a !i-ed co obiles"

ission is char%ed by the co pany+ &hich is

bein% deducted !ro

the rate the product &as sold" other user as a co pany policy

The user in!or ation is $ept secret !ro

because the &hole business is the %a e o! contact" |

*hen user visits the portal

ain pa%e he is sho&n di!!erent o!!ers and

advertise ents throu%h &hich he can update his $no&led%e re%ardin% the MOBILE available !or sale" Besides that he can search !or speci!ied MOBILE in our database+ i! he is interested and needs to boo$ a MOBILE or to sale then he needs a re%istration to be the e ber o! the site"

The proposed syste

contains the !ollo&in%

ain processes. 1

The candidate registration & login: LOGIN

#s the syste candidate syste the syste reason" Based on the lo%in he is lin$ed to the appropriate pa%e" I! the user is not re%istered on the site+ he is lin$ed to the =e%istration pa%e" # lo%in status and lo% is aintained to !ind &ho and !ro &here lo%in !or &hich purpose and also to !ind the nu ber o! ti e a user lo%ins" is to is candidate dependent so proper user1id and pass&ord based is necessary to acco plish the !act" *hatever and ho&ever aintain the candidate status and speci!ic user enabled

services as &ell as to trac$ the candidates sur!in% !or security and privacy


# candidate re%istration as$in% !or na e+ address and other credential !or !urther interaction is ta$en" He is as$ed to re%ister &ith the uni,ue id and pass&ord as &ell so e initial in!or ation is ta$en such as e1 ail id+ address and date o! birth etc" #t the end o! re%istration the user is con!ir ed"

The user can search !reely on di!!erent products on our site by si ply puttin% a search i! the ite is present then he is returned &ith the atched criteria else he is re,uested to !ollo& the re%istration process to $eep his searchable product in the database so that i! !urther updatin% o! that product ta$es place he can be e1 ailed"


I! a user navi%ates throu%h the site and !inds di!!erent thin%s to purchase and boo$s that+ this shoppin% cart si ply $eeps all his purchased ite &hat he le!t" rate aintained on the server so that their should be no a bi%uity o! &hat the user bou%ht and


#!ter selectin% di!!erent products in shoppin% cart users con!ir

their order to the ust

site" #ll in!or ation related to the product+ users and their shippin% details be saved in database so that the product &ill ship on ri%ht ti e and ri%ht place"

All payment related information are handled after the order confirmation. User must pay either online through credit card or in cash at the time of delivery of product.


#s this site is purchase ainly associated &ith the sale and purchase so+ a robust sale and is al&ays needed to aintain the data"

aintenance syste

1. P)$86CT *6SC)IPTI$9

P)$86CT ,$*:76S;
The proposed &ebsite &ill have its ain pa%e and &ill be odules as. 1 ainly divided into

partially dependent and partially independent

1. 7$=I9 S>ST6, 2. )6=IST)#TI$9 ,#ST6) !. T56 S6#)C5 ,#ST6) |

'. IT6, ,#ST6) &. $)*6) ,#ST6) .. T56 SIT6 ,#ST6) ?C$9T)$7 P#967@ (. S5$PPI9= C#)T 2. T56 4#7I*#TI$9 ,#ST6) 0. P)$*:CT S#76 P:)C5#S6 ,#I76) 1<. #*46)TIS6,69T 5#9*76) These odules &ith their sub odule are described belo&. 1

1. 7$=I9 ,#ST6); Lo%in aster is the odule &hich chec$s !or a valid

candidate &hen the user enters his user1id+ pass&ord and lin$ to the correct pa%e or denies and lin$ to the re%istration pa%e" #s user id rules the syste so a person is $no&n by his "so the uni,ueness o! his user id" #s it is to provide the viable candidate syste ness o! the candidate" This odule $eeps the status o! &ho and &hen lo%%ed in uch ti e" and !or &hich purpose and ho&

user id is bein% validated &ith pass&ord in di!!erent cases to validate the %enuine

2. )6=IST)#TI$9 ,#ST6);- |


odule deals &ith the di!!erent states o! re%istration as. display" aster"

#" =e%istration !or

B" 6lient side validations bein% handled by validation candidate is uni,ue or not"9

6" 3ni,ue user id chec$er 8chec$s that the user id bein% entered by the 5" #uto user id %enerator 8%enerate auto user id in user id !ield by ta$in% the e1 ail id o! the user i! it is uni,ue or su%%est by co binin% it &ith so e nu ber"9

!. S6#)C5 ,#ST6); This odule is the ain odule o! the project" #n enhanced search tool is type+ ite ade

to search ite site"

o! di!!erent cate%ories on the basis o! ite

na e or the

di!!icult one on the basis o! description and criteria %iven by the visitor o! the

'. IT6, ,#ST6); This odule specially relates &ith ite bein% searched on the site and are not e bers o! the ailer odule" # special

available+ such ite database is

and their description are bein% sent to all the

site+ &hich is bein% handled by product sale purchase in!or ed to the party throu%h e1 ail"

aintained !or such ite s &hich &hen uploaded on the site bein%

&. $)*6) ,#ST6); It deals &ith orders bein% boo$ed and transaction related to a candidate that !irst boo$s the MOBILE that he &ants to purchase and he is as$ed to send the a ount |

throu%h suitable

edia to the co pany account i! the transaction succeeds+ the the database and the data is bein% trans!erred

boo$in% detail is bein% deleted !ro

to the purchase detail or a!ter a li ited period the boo$in% detail e-pires"

.. SIT6 ,#ST6);The site aintenance aster deals &ith the &or$ related to direct updatin% o! the enu is displayed as$in% !or odule directly

site" The data necessary to $eep the site &or$in%+ a

updation the instance o! the site a user &ants" #s the si(e o! the

depend upon the table desi%n and updatin%" # special control panel is desi%ned !or the use o! uploadin% o! data in di!!erent tables" This is done throu%h a site aster account" IT IN6L35ES THE /OLLO*IN) S3B MO53LES. 1 ?" 6O3NT=4 SE='I6ES ENT=4 @" ST#TE ENT=4 A" 6#=)O 6OMP#N4 5ET#IL ENT=4 B" MOBILE 6OMP#N4 ENT=4 C" MOBILE T4PE ENT=4 D" ENT=IES =EL#TE5 TO 3P5#TION #N5 M#INTEN#N6E O/ MOBILE BOOEE5+ SOL5+ #66O3NT M#INTEN#N6E O// LINE 8SOME O/ THE INST#N6ES #=E NOT THE P#=T O/ THIS P=OFE6T9

(. S5$PPI9= C#)T S>ST6,;I! a user navi%ates throu%h the site and *#NTS TO BOOE MO=E THEN ONE MOBILE+ THEN this SHOPPIN) 6#=T IS 'E=4 M36H HELP/3L /O= |

S36H 6#SES" This shoppin% cart si ply $eeps his entire purchased MOBILE rate aintained on the server so that there should be no a bi%uity o! &hat the aintainin% virtual table !or that re ains sa e &ith aintained and &hatever the user bou%ht and &hat he le!t" This is done throu%h the current user session based on that uni,ueness is the a ount entered"

each user and a uni,ue session id %enerated by the syste

person purchase is updated in to the shoppin% cart+ &hich is bein% displayed &ith

2. T56 4#7I*#TI$9 ,#ST6); This basically deals &ith the validation o! di!!erent entries done durin% resu e buildin% process" This !ro odule specially uses the 6lint side validation scriptin% vb"net to a$e the syste robust odule as specially inte%rated &ith the di!!erent FavaScript and server side scriptin% !ro

reliable and error !ree" This

pa%es and !or s chec$s all the discrepancies such as incorrect e1 ail+ date o! birth+ address+ etc to !inally deal &ith any &ron% entry bein% done by the user it validates as &ell as su%%ests !or correct input" This has di!!erent sub odules dependin% upon the above odule"

#@. ,$+I76 :P*#T6 4#7I*#TI$9 ,#ST6)

5eals &ith the validations re%ardin% the updatin% o! product"

+@. )6=IST6)#TI$9 4#7I*#TI$9 ,#ST6)

5eals &ith the discrepancies in the re%istration process etc"

0. P)$*:CT S#76 P:)C5#S6 ,#I76);- |


odule basically deals &ith

ailin% o! data to all the

e bers &henever ail it to speci!ic

and &herever the su%%ested or all the the database"

odule %ets called to ta$e the data and

e bers o! the portal by usin% their e1 ail addresses !ro

1<. #*46)TIS6,69T 5#9*76);This odule deals &ith add display on our site" odules.

This has !ollo&in% sub

?i@ #** *ISP7#>

This sub odule displays the addition on the pa%es on pre1assi%ned !or at" This the data base"

chec$s !or the add bein% paid as &ell as the e-piration o! that add a!ter that it is bein% auto atically re oved !ro

?ii@ #** )$T#T$) ?#** )#9*$,IF6)@

This rando i(es the addition on the basis o! priority"

?iii@ #** ,#I9T#I969C6 ,#ST6)

This deals &ith updatin% deletion and update delete or aintenance o! add a uni,ue user id is

provided a!ter a !i-ed a ount is paid to the co pany and the co pany can aintain the on the basis o! the a ount a priority is !i-ed by us !or the no" o! ti e an add should be displayed" |

?i%@ #** P#>,69T *6T#I7 ,#ST6)

This aintains and ana%es the pay ent detail related to co pany displayin%

the addition" G Since the project is under study and creation" To acco plish all the purposes o! sub odule !unctions ay increase"

Site s mmary
The ain %roup o! pa%es on site &ill be. 1

?" M#IN P#)E. 1 ho e pa%e o! the site @" =e%istration pa%e. 1 user re%istration pa%e A" Lo%in pa%e. 1 used !or lo%in to use the service provided by the site B" Old MOBILE entry !or s D" Search !or s H" MOBILE details display I" Shoppin% cart !ra e J" 6ontrol panel pa%es 8site updatin% and ?K" Pay ent details pa%es and !or s ??" MOBILE boo$in% pa%es ?@" 5elivery status in!or ation pa%es" GMost o! the pa%es &hich are dyna ically created &hen the client re,uests !or the pa%e usin% the robustness o! #SP"NET !ra e&or$ 8'"B"NET9 blended &ith the si plicity o! H"T"M"L and versatility o! ;"M"L have dyna ically %enerated pa%es" aintenance9 |

2. *#T#+#S6 T#+76
Table Str ct re;
There &ill be ?H tables in the $97I96 ,$+I76 P5$96 S5$P. The nor ali(ed !or o! the table &ith their structures is described as under. 1

Table 1; 7ogin

Field Name

N'#=6H#= N'#=6H#= '#=6H#= '#=6H#= '#=6H#= '#=6H#= '#=6H#= '#=6H#= '#=6H#= INTE)E= INTE)E= 5#TE

3ser id 8uni,ue9 Pass&ord 6andidate na e Per anent address Te porary address Phone8r9 Phone 8o9 Mobile E ail id 6ountry to &hich belon%s State =e%istration date

P=IM#=4 EE4


Table 2; ,obile *etails -ield 9ame


'#=6H#= INTE)E= '#=6H#= INTE)E= '#=6H#= '#=6H#= '#=6H#= N3ME=I6 N3ME=I6 5#TE

3ser id Ite no MOBILE na e Price #bout ite *eb address Su ary Manu!acturer id Model detail 5ate

/O=EI)N EE4 P=IM#=4 EE4

/O=EI)N EE4 |
LM#N3/#6T3=E5L5#TE MOBILE LT4PE *HETHE=LP#I5 '#=6H#= INTE)E= anu!actured Petrol>5iesel 4es>no

Table !; ,obile +ooBed -ield 9ame


'#=6H#= INTE)E= INTE)E= N3ME=I6 5#TE INTE)E=

3ser id Ite id No o! ite 3nit rate Boo$in% date Boo$in% id 8uni,ue9


P=IM#=4 EE4

Table '; ,$+I76 Pict re -ield 9ame


N3ME=I6 N3ME=I6 PI6T3=E '#=6H#= '#=6H#= 5#TE

Ite id Picture id 8uni,ue9 Picture Picture na e Picture 5ate o! upload

/O=EI)N EE4 P=IM#=4 EE4

Table &; ,$+I76 6n1 iry -ield 9ame


'#=6H#= INTE)E= '#=6H#= '#=6H#= INTE)E=

Id Id Ite en,uired


na e Ite detail 3ni,ue id !or each en,uiry

P=IM#=4 EE4 |

4es>no 4es>no 4es>no

Table .; )esponse -ield 9ame


'#=6H#= INTE)E= '#=6H#= '#=6H#= PI6T3=E 5#TE INTE)E=

3ser Id Id 3ser id &ho response 5etails 5ate responded Ite id


Table (; Item Payment -ield 9ame


'#=6H#= N3MBE= N3MBE= INTE)E= INTE)E= N3ME=I6 N3ME=I6 '#=6H#= '#=6H#= 5#TE '#=6H#= 5#TE

3ser id Pay ent 8uni,ue9 Ite Boo$ed id Ite no =ate Pay ent Ban$che,ue>dra!t>cash> transaction Transaction no" >che,ue> dra!t no" Issuin% date Ban$ na e 5ate o! e-piry o! dra!t> che,ue

/O=EI)N EE4 P=IM#=4 EE4 /O=EI)N EE4 /O=EI)N EE4 /O=EI)N EE4 |
6=E5ITLI5 5#TEL=E6EI'E5 N3ME=I6 5#TE 3ni,ue 8id9 5ate P=IM#=4 EE4

Table 2; Sales Payment -ield 9ame


'#=6H#= INTE)E= INTE)E= N3ME=I6 '#=6H#= INTE)E= '#=6H#= 5#TE 6H#= INTE)E=

3ser id Ite id No o! ite =ate 6he,ue >dra!t > transaction Ban$ na e 5ebit


/O=EI)N EE4 /O=EI)N EE4 /O=EI)N EE4 P=IM#=4 EE4

Table 0; 7ogin Stat s ,anager -ield 9ame


'#=6H#= 5#TE>TIME 5#TE>TIME

3ser id Lo%in ti e Lo%out ti e


Table 1<; Co ntry Ser%ices -ield 9ame

6O3NT=4LI5 6O3NT=4

N3ME=I6 '#=6H#=

6ountry I5 6ountry

P=IM#=4 EE4

Table 11; State -ield 9ame



6ountry I5

P=IM#=4 EE4 |
ST#TE '#=6H#= /O=EI)N EE4

Table 12; ,obile ,an fact re -ield 9ame

M#N3/#6T3=ELI5 M#N3/#6T3=ELN#ME

INTE)E= '#=6H#= Ite

Type I5

P=IM#=4 EE4

Table 1!; ,obile ,odel -ield 9ame



Manu!acturer id Model id Model na e :ualities

/O=EI)N EE4 P=IM#=4 EE4

Table 1'; *eli%ery Stat s -ield 9ame


'#=6H#= '#=6H#= 5#TE '#=6H#= '#=6H#= '#=6H#= '#=6H#=

3ser id Boo$in% id 6ar%o boo$ed in transport 3ni,ue boo$in% no by car%o co pany 6ar%o co pany &eb site 6ar%o #ddress Phone o! the car%o co pany


Table 1&; #dd *etails -ield 9ame



3ser id

/O=EI)N EE4 |
#55LI5 #55LLINE #55LLINE@ PI6T3=E P=IO=IT4 5#TEL3PLO#5E5 E;PI=4L5#TE INTE)E= '#=6H#= '#=6H#= PI6T3=E 6H#= 5#TE 5#TE #dd id Lin$ed pa%e #lternative lin$ed pa%es Picture Priority level 5ate E-piry date

Table 1.; Payment *etails -ield 9ame


'#=6H#= '#=6H#= '#=6H#= INTE)E= 5#TE 5#TE 6H#= INTE)E=

3ser id # ount paid Or%ani(ation na e 55 no" 5ate o! received E-piry date =eceived in!or ation 6redit id


Table 1&; Shopping Cart -ield 9ame


'#=6H#= N'#=6H#= N3ME=I6 INTE)E= N3ME=I6 5#TETIME

3ser I5

P=IM#=4 EE4

T$$7S/ P7#T-$), :S6*

-or the ndergoing projectJ following tools are sed ; |

Plat!or The Operatin% Syste /ra e&or$ /ront1End Tool Editin% Tool Scriptin% Inter!ace Server Bac$1End Tool

. *indo&s . *indo&s @KKK Pro!essional>;P . #SP"NET /=#ME*O=E . #SP"NET *ith 'B"NET . MI6=OSO/T 'IS3#L INTE=5E'+ NOTEP#5+ 5=E#M*E#'E= M;D"K . 'B"NET+ F#'#S6=IPT+ F#'#S6=IPT"NET . H"T"M"L+ ;"M"L 8ST4LE SHEET 8";SL99 . INTE=NET IN/O=M#TION SE='E= . S":"L SE='E= @KKK

5#)*D#)6; Processor Me ory Net&or$ #daptor Mode Secondary Stora%e . INTEL PENTI3M1I' @"? )HM . @CD M"B"+ 5"5"=" =#M . Ethernet #daptor . CD EBPS 'OI6E /#; 5#T# . S#MS3N) > SE#)#TE H#=5 5ISE 8IK )B9

1. S$-TD#)6 )6G:I)6,69T SP6CI-IC#TI$9S |

The software re1 irement specifications ?S)S@ is a very i portant part o! the so!t&are buildin% process+ &hich describes the actual user level re,uire ent !ro technical point o! vie&" I"e" &hat the user e-actly &antsN The objective o! preparin% the so!t&are re,uire ent speci!ication is to represent the re,uire ents o! the so!t&are in such a anner that ulti ately leads to success!ul so!t&are i ple entation" It is the result o! the analysis process o! the so!t&are develop ent" It should contain all the data the so!t&are is %oin% to process+ the !unction it &ill provide+ and the behavior it &ill e-hibit" This So!t&are =e,uire ents Speci!ications 8S=S9 is de!ined in IEEE Std" IAK1 ?JJA+ IEEE =eco S"="S" ended Practice !or So!t&are =e,uire ents Speci!ications" the synopsis is prepared in the &ay to !ul!ill al ost all the points needed in

S6C:)IT> ,6C5#9IS,S
T6STI9= 3 4#7I*#TI$9
The approach o! &eb application testin% adopts the basic principle !or all so!t&are testin% and applies a strate%y and tactics that have been reco !or object oriented syste "the !ollo&in% steps su ari(es the approach. nco%er ended

?" The content model for the web application is re%iewed to errors. |

2. The design model for the web application as re%iewed to na%igation error.


3se cases derived as part o! the analyst activity+ allo& a &eb En%ineer e-ercise each usa%e scenario a%ainst the architectural and navi%ational desi%n" These non1e-ecutable test help uncover error in navi%ation" !. Selected processing component and web page is nit tested " *hen &eb apps are considered+ the concepts o! the unit chan%es+ each &eb pa%e encapsulated in itsel! content navi%ation lin$ as &ell as script+ !or and

applet 8processin% ele ent9" It is not al&ays possible or practical to test each o! these characteristics individually" '. The architect re is constr cted and integration tests are cond cted " The strate%y !or inte%ration testin% depends upon the architecture that has been chosen !or the &eb application" &. The assembled web application is tested for o%erall f nctionality and content deli%ery" Li$e conventional validation+ the validation o! &eb based syste s and application !ocuses on user visible action and user reco%ni(able output !ro the syste " To assist in the derivation o! validation tests the tester should dra& upon use cases the use cases provides a scenario that has hi%h li$elihood o! uncoverin% errors in user interaction re,uire ent " .. The web application is implemented in a %ariety of different en%ironmental config ration and is tested for compatibility with each config ration. |

(. The web application is tested by the controlled and monitored pop lation of end sers. /inally &ith the its =eliability. The syste reliability &ill be insured throu%h data inte%rity rules built into the rules built into the !ront1end application" the user be!ore a$in% any chan%es odular concept inside the application it is bein% also tested !or

database at the bac$end and the syste The syste per anent" &ill ta$e assurance !ro

The syste traced to has been desi%ned ta$in% care o! odules" odularity" /aults in the syste can be

4#7I*#TI$9 C56CKS
This &ill be as such to &hen aintain consistent and persistent in!or ation on the &eb inor error &ill ost o! the ti e the project has to deal &ith uploads so a

do&n the i pression o! the co pany" There!ore+ validation chec$s by so!t&are itsel! usin% the !lavors o! FavaScript and vb"net anual chec$s are also necessary as. 1

?" 6orrect entry o! data in the !or " @" 6orrect updatin% o! ,uestion and &ith the ost suitable ans&er etc" |

-:T:)6 SC$P6
SC$P6 $- -:T:)6 #PP7IC#TI$9; So!t&are scope describes the data and control to be processed+ !unction per!or ance+ constraints+ inter!aces and reliability" /unction describes in the state ent o! scope are evaluated and in so e case re!ined to provide ore detail

prior to the be%innin% o! the esti ation" Because both cost and schedule esti ates are !unctionally oriented+ so e de%ree o! deco position is o!ten use!ul" *e can i ple ent easily this application" =eusability is possible as and &hen &e re,uire in this application" *e can update it ne-t version" *e can add ne& !eatures as and &hen &e re,uire" There is !le-ibility in all the odules" Scope o! this docu ent is to put do&n the re,uire ents+ clearly identi!yin% the in!or ation needed by the user+ the source o! the in!or ation and outputs e-pected !ro the syste "

- t re scope;
It is directly dependent on the lay stone o! the project that is &e &ill have to desi%n a syste &hich &hen the ti e passes havin% a better syste initially should not beco e a jo$e later" It is hi%hly li$ely that the scope &ill chan%e as the &eb application project !or&ard< the &eb process develop ent tea oves

odel should be incre ental" This allo&s the ay scope chan%es

to 0!ree(eO the scope !or one incre ent so that an operational

&eb application release can be created" The ne-t incre ent |

su%%ested by a revie& o! the precedin% incre ent+ but once the second incre ent co ences+ scope is a%ain !ro(en te porarily" This approach enables the *eb to &or$ &ithout havin% to acco odate a continual strea o! chan%es ost &eb #pp tea

but still reco%ni(es the continuous evolution characteristics o! sa!e%uards the !uture scope o! the so!t&are"

application" Besides that+ the !ollo&in% basic ,uality in the so!t&are al&ays

)e sability; =eusability is possible as and &hen &e re,uire in this application" *e can update it ne-t version" =eusable so!t&are reduces desi%n+ codin% and testin% cost by a orti(in% e!!ort over several desi%ns" =educin% the a ount o! code also si pli!ies understandin%+ &hich increases the li$elihood that the code is correct" *e !ollo& up both types o! reusability. Sharin% o! ne&ly &ritten code &ithin a project and reuse o! previously &ritten code on ne& projects"

6Htensibility; This so!t&are is e-tended in &ays that its ori%inal developers traversin% ultiple lin$s or ay not e-pect"

The !ollo&in% principles enhance e-tensibility li$e Hide data structure+ avoid ethods+ avoid case state ents on object type and distin%uish public and private operations"

)ob stness; Its ethod is robust i! it does not !ail even i! it receives i proper para eters"

There is so e !acilities li$e Protect a%ainst errors+ Opti i(e a!ter the pro%ra runs+ validate ar%u ents and avoid prede!ined li its" |

:nderstandability; # ethod is understandable i! so eone other than the creator o! the ethod can ethod

understand the code 8as &ell as the creator a!ter a ti e lapse9" *e use the &ith s all and coherent helps to acco plish this"

Cost-effecti%eness; I

Its cost is under the bud%et and ai !or a syste &ith a ini u

a$e &ithin %iven ti e period" It is desirable to cost subject to the condition that it ust satis!y

all the re,uire ents can be recti!ied easily" The entire source code is &ell structured and co ented to ensure clarity and readability"

Portability; Since it is an Internet based application so its portability and usability depends upon the client connected &ith the Internet" The inter!ace desi%ned that is the &eb pa%e desi%nin% &hich is one o! the a potential user i ediately" ajor parts o! &eb application because it is the !irst i pression re%ardless o! the value o! its contents inter!ace should %rab

P)$86CT $46)4I6D
This docu ent contains the syste the syste the syste and so!t&are re,uire ents in ter s o! &hat the syste " This &ill also hi%hli%ht

&ill be and &hat is e-pected !ro

behavior in ter s o! ,ueries and reports %enerated by the syste " It

contains the user characteristics+ access controls+ assu ptions and dependencies on the syste " |

The benefit of the system; =educe in overheads paper &or$s+ (ero delays in project co pletion+ etc"

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