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Basic Data & Course Rules of Thumb

Additional information is in chapter 9 of the text. Basic Data Utility Availability (See also Turton Table 6.3 page 9!" Utility $ooling To%er &ater $ooling &ater *eturn -oiler .eed &ater /igh #ressure Steam 3edium #ressure Steam 5o% #ressure Steam 6atural 7as ' bar(g" 3.' bar(g" 6 bar(g" , bar(g" bar(g" 6 bar(g" , bar(g" #ressure 3( )$ + ,' )$ 9( )$ Sat0d 1 2' )$ 4, )$ '9 )$ 2' )$ Temperature

Hydraulics and Simulations: . All e8uipment has a pressure differential across it. #umps9 blo%ers9 fans9 compressors9 e:ectors etc. all have pressure increases across them. #iping9 control valves9 heat exchangers9 tan;s etc. all have pressure <*=# across them %hen material is flo%ing through them. The exception is a heat exchanger that is acting as a condenser. A condenser can have flo%9 but no significant pressure change. Simulators usually do not sho% the control valves or piping pressure drop. 2. -y >tself9 &ater %ill only flo%s do%nhill To move any fluid around a plant you need pressure differential. The fluids %ill flo% in the direction of decreasing pressure. 7ravity also comes into play %hen %e are dealing %ith li8uids (higher density fluids". &hen a fluid is moved vertically up%ards (i.e to the top of a column9 or the feed stage"9 it ta;es energy to get it there. There must be either some pressure available to move it up%ards or %e need a pump to give us that pressure. As the fluid move up%ards the pressure in the pipe drops. Similarly9 %hen a fluid moves vertically do%n%ards9 it0s pressure increases due to ?static head?9 but since there0s frictional loss from the flo% the pressure increase isn0t 8uite as much as the pure static head. Static head is usually measured in feet or meters of fluid. >t0s an often confusing concept to

master9 but the static heat at the bottom of a meter of column of mercury is exactly the same static head as if the column contained %ater. /o%ever9 the pressure (in ;#a9 or bar9 or psig" at the bottom of the column %ill be completely different. &hen %e get to pump si@ing you see %hy %e often tal; of static head (it0s because pumps produce a constant static head at any given flo% A %hy do you thin; that fact %ould be usefulB". Simulators rarely9 include the effects of ?static head? 3. Simulators usually ignore items C 2 above. -ut the design of the process can not.

,. >t re8uires energy to move a fluid hori@ontally through piping and valves because of the 0friction0 that0s imposed by the piping. This energy can be supplied by gravity9 upstream pressure9 fluid flashing9 or a fluid mover (pump9 fan9 compressor ...". '. #ressure drop through most items listed above is related to the s8uare of the fluid velocity or flo%. So9 if you ;no% the pressure drop at one flo% rate9 you can 8uic;ly estimate the pressure drop at other flo%s by s8uaring the ratio of the flo% rates and multiplying this by the first pressure drop.

Maximum Operating Pressure: All e8uipment in $ap$ost re8uires the field ?3aximum =perating #ressure? be provided. .irst9 %hat do they mean by 3ax. =perating #ressureB >f you thin; of a Aluminum $an you can probably imagine that if you connected up a source of high pressure gas (li;e a nitrogen bottle at 2((( psig" you %ould blo% the aluminum can to pieces. Similarly9 if you dre% enough vacuum on the tin can it %ould implode to a crumpled heap. The thic;ness of the material in the can is carefully chosen (using calculations usually done by mechanical engineers" to meet certain pressure and vacuum re8uirements. >f you %ere to believe me that the cost of the can is mostly related to the thic;ness (i.e. %eight of aluminum" then you can imagine that the pressure the can is re8uired to %ithstand %ill also be correlated to the cost (the thic;ness9 and thus the %eight". .or this reason %e can use the 3aximum =perating #ressure as a ;ey indicator of price. /o% do %e determine the 3aximum =perating #ressureB &e use our pressure profile to assist us in this exercise. Dou need to ;no% %hat the normal operating pressure is (that0s easy9 it0s the pressure in the simulation"9 then you need to understand %hat the possible excursions from normal conditions could be. .or example9 if you have a distillation column that the simulator says normally operates at '( psig (3., barg" you might consider if there are special startAup (startAup %ith %ater or startAup under full reflux"9 shut do%n9 or maintenance re8uirements (steam out cleaning" %hich might re8uire the column be operated at a higher pressure for short periods of time. =nce you understand this9 the next step is to add a little safety margin to your design pressure. Dour text (pg 3,2" defines a couple of different pressure levels. They areE 6ormal =perating #ressure (the value %hich is used in the simulation" 3aximum =perating #ressure 1 6ormal =perating #ressure F 2' psi (but in real life you

should be including all the potential odd ball special pressure conditions (i.e. startAup9 shut do%n etc." F 2' psi" <esign #ressure 1 (G or ( to 2' psi F 3aximum =perating #ressure &e should ta;e the simulation pressures and add 2' psig to determine the maximum operating pressures. >t0s best to ma;e the column and the process %etted side of the condenser9 reboiler9 and reflux tan; all the same maximum operating pressure9 it %ill save you providing a %hole bunch of relief valves. Although $A#$=ST does not include the follo%ing in its calculations other factored estimating programs do. The operating temperature of the e8uipment also affects the re8uired metal thic;ness. #erhaps you can imagine the same aluminum can9 heated up to near it0s melting point. As the metal temperature increases9 the strength of the metal decreases. The same metal thic;ness at !(( ). can sustain much less pressure than %hen it0s at '( ). so thic;er9 more expensive9 metal is re8uired at higher temperatures. The mechanical engineers use charts of metal type versus temperature in the calculation of metal thic;ness. 6ot only do metals lose strength at high temperatures9 but also they become brittle andHor lose strength at lo% temperatures. So9 for e8uipment operated at A,( deg $ or less you %ill have to use alloys of steel %hich are more expensive then plain vanilla carbon steel. The $anadian %eather creates special circumstances. >f you %ere planning to operate e8uipment at standard temperatures (2( to 6'( deg ." but the e8uipment is being built in the far north %here temperatures can drop belo% A,( deg .9 you may still need to provide the high alloy steel to prevent the e8uipment from being damaged during construction. There are stories of construction %or;ers dropping a hammer on a pump9 the casing crac;ed9 and a ne% pump had to be flo%n in.

/euristics to help you along the %ay

Columns: . Use a 2,? tray spacing. 2. Assume that the pressure drop of every tray is 3? of li8uid. 3. Some suggested tray efficiencies areE 6(A9(G for light hydrocarbons and a8ueous solutions9 (A2(G for gas absorption and stripping. >f you do not have any plant data9 ta;e the conservative number. Suppose the tray efficiency is 6(G. Dou %ill need xH(.6( real trays in a column9 %here x is the number of trays in the simulation. #er the textboo;9 add (G of this number for a total of . ( I x H (.6( trays and round up to the nearest integer. ,. $olumns should have a double tray space at feed locations. '. $olumns re8uire holdAup in their base to smooth any operating variability9 and at the top provide vapour disengagement9 etc. .or to%ers about 3 ft. in diameter add , ft. at the top and 6 ft. at the bottom. 6. Tray efficiencies for light hydrocarbons and a8ueous solutions are 6(A9(G9 for gas absorption and stripping9 !. =perating pressure is often determined by the temperature of available heatingHcooling utilities. Another factor can be maximum allo%able reboiler temperature to avoid chemical decompositionHdegradation. 4. Jconomical optimum reflux ratio is .2 to .' times the minimum reflux ratio9 or use t%ice the minimum number of trays 9. *eflux pumps should be (G oversi@e. (. .or to%ers %ith a diameter of about 3 ft9 add .2m (, ft" at the top for vapour disengagement9 and .4 m (6 ft" at the bottom for li8uid holdup and reboiler return . 5H< should be less than 3(9 height less than !' ft

Vessels & Drums (i e reflux drums! "it# design pressures greater t#an $% psig (a&out $ &arg!: . .lash tan;s should be si@ed to ensure most of the li8uid is separated from the vapour. Dou can follo% the instructions > give in class or Table 9.6 >tem 9. =r see the sample calculations. 2. K values for vertical vapour separators are (. 6 for a vessel %ith no demister mesh and

(.3' for a vessel %ith a demister mesh. 3inimum velocity through demister should normally be 3(G of design velocity and al%ays greater than (G (other%ise particles %ill drift through the mesh and not be intercepted". 3. Assume the 5ength to <iameter ratio ( 5H<" is 3 unless circumstances re8uire other%ise (i.e those in 2. above" . *ound diameters and lengths off to the nearest 6? (yes9 use imperial". ,. Add AS3J 2E elliptical heads %hen you need the true physical length of a vessel. A 2E elliptical head has a depth of H, the diameter. .or our rough costingHsi@ing calculations you can ignore their volume in your calculations. 3ost programs for costing re8uire the length of a vessel. Usually the length the programs re8uire is the ?tan to tan? length9 %hich means the heads are not included in the length. '. *eflux drums re8uire a flo% rate and a holdAup time to be si@ed. See table 9.6 of the text for guidance in hold up volumes.

'an(s (storage! . Use a $one roof tan; for design pressures (( to 2 psig". 2. .loating roof tan;s can be used for li8uids %ith higher vapour pressures (up to about 4 psig9 but > need to confirm this". 3. Dou can use a Sphere for design pressures ( 2 to ' psig". ,. Assume that ra% materials that come in truc;s or trains re8uire 2 %ee;s of storage (catalyst may be more"9 or .' times the volume of the train or truc;9 %hichever is greater. '. Assume products that %ill be shipped by truc; or train re8uire month of storage.

6. 5arge $one *oof storage tan;s typically have a design pressure of 2.' inches %ater (gauge pressure". The implications of this are that fluid going into the tan; has to have a vapour pressure of no more than H2 this amount pressure. >f the li8uid vapour pressure %as higher9 then the fluid %ould flash upon entering the tan; and you %ould have either a vapour being released out the tan; vent9 or the tan; %ould explode. Simulators are super tools for chec;ing the vapour pressure of a stream. The 8uic; %ay to do this is to create a stream and specify it0s properties as another stream (the one you %ant to chec; the vapour pressure of". Then9 you should ensure the streams temperature is specified9 and then clear the stream pressure and specify the stream vapour fraction as .( (that0s e8uivalent to the stream bubble point". /DSDS then calculates the resulting pressure9 %hich is its vapour pressure.

>f you find the stream vapour pressure exceeds H2 the tan; design pressure you need to ma;e ad:ustments to the temperature of the incoming stream (a.;.a. you need to add a cooler to the stream"9 or use a tan; %ith a higher design pressure.

Heat )xc#angers: . /DSDS by itself does not design heat exchangers to the extent re8uired by $A#$=ST (it does not provide the surface area re8uired". Some exchangers can be si@ed in /DSDS sufficient for use by $A#$=ST. 2. /o%ever9 you first need as; yourself the 8uestion9 ?do > have all the heat exchangersB? .or instance9 do you need a heat exchanger to startAup or shut do%n the process that isn0t necessary for steady state. <o you need an exchanger to cool or heat the final product before itLs sent off site or put into storage tan;sB <o you need an exchanger in the storage tan;(s" to ;eep the material from free@ingB 3. *efer to Turton Table 9. for /eat exchanger /euristics.

,. .or a conservative estimate set .1(.9 for shell and tube exchangers %ith no phase changes. &here . is the 53T< correction factor for nonAcountercurrent flo%. M1UIAI.I53T< '. Standard tubes are 3H, in =<9 on a in triangle spacing9 6 ft long 6. Tube side is for corrosive9 fouling9 scaling9 and high pressure fluids Shell side is for viscous and condensing fluids !. #ressure drops are (. bar ( .' psi" for boiling and (.2 A (.62 (3A9 psi" for other services. Typical li8uid exchangers allo% ( psi pressure differential. The condensing side of an exchanger can be considered to have no pressure drop. 4. 3inimum temperature approach is '$ for refrigerants9 ($ for others . 9. The selection of utility stream should consider upset conditions such that cooling %ater or steam doesnLt free@e %hen used in a process operating at lo% temperatures. Use glycol or similar heat transfer media to avoid this problem. (. $onditions %hich involve high temperatures may exceed reasonable steam pressures (N , bar O 2'( deg $" the use of <o%therm A (or e8uivalent" heat transfer fluid or a fired heater may be re8uired or more economical to achieve these process conditions.

. Approximate overall heat transfer coefficients /ot .luid $old .luid =verall /eat Transfer $oefficient (including fouling factor"9 ?U value? -TUHhr ft2 . Coolers * Condensers &ater 3ethanol 5ight =rganics (viscosities + (.' cp 9 i.e. ben@ene9 toluene9 acetone9 ethanol9 gasoline9 light ;erosene9 and naptha" 7ases &ater &ater &ater '(( '(( '( 2.4, 2.4, (.4' ;& H m2 $

&ater Heaters * +e&oilers


(. !

Steam Steam Steam Steam Steam

&ater 3ethanol 5ight =rganics 3edium =rganics 7ases Process )xc#angers (,o P#ase C#ange!

!(( !(( 2(( (( ,(

3.9! 3.9! . , (.'64 (.22!

&ater 5ight =rganics &ater &ater

&ater 5ight =rganics 7as ( (( psi" 7as ( ((( psi"

2(( !' ,( 9(

. , (.,3 (.23 (.'

Adapted from #eters and Timmerhaus ?#lant <esign and Jconomics for $hemical Jngineers? 9 and Kern ?/eat Transfer?9 and the 7as #rocessors Suppliers Association /andboo; (7#SA"

Pumps: . .or the purposes of e8uipment layout (plan and elevation vie%s" assume pumps are ' ft long9 3 ft %ide9 and 3 ft tall. 2. #ump *ate .lo% rate 1 .2( I 6ormal .lo% 3. $onsider the need for t%o pumps (a hot spare9 as %e call it" in applications %here a single failure of a pump might cause a shut do%n of the entire process. Dou0re the designer you ma;e the call. >f you %ant to approach it from a business point of vie%9 loo; at the cost of the pump versus say , hours of do%ntime (lost P of production" %hich %ould be re8uired to replace the pump assuming there is a spare one on site. ,. <o sho% spare pumps on the #C><Ls9 not as the boo; suggests9 label them A and -. Spare pumps should be sho%n on the layout diagrams too. '. Single Stage $entrifugal #umps for (.('!A 4.9 m3Hmin9 '2 m maximum head 6. 3ultiple Stage $entrifugal #umps for (.(!6A, .6 m3Hmin9 6!' m maximum head !. $entrifugal pump efficiencyE ,'G at (.3!4 m3Hmin9 !(G at .49 m3Hmin9 4(G at 3!.4 m3Hmin 4. Axial #umps for (.(!6A(.3!4 m3Hmin9 2 m maximum head9 6'A4'G efficiency 9. *otary #umps for (.((3!4A 4.9 m3Hmin9 '92(( m maximum head9 '(A4(G efficiency (. *eciprocating #umps for (.(3!4A3!.4 m3Hmin9 3(( ;m maximum head9 !(G efficiency at !.,6 ;& A 4'G at 3!.3 ;& A 9(G at 3!3 ;&

Compressors: . Assume for this process that the compressor9 it0s intercooler9 and it0s aftercooler9 %ill be housed in a ?compressor building? %ith the follo%ing dimensionsE ' ft x ' ft x ' ft. 2. $ompression ratio should be about the same in each stage of a multistage unit 3. Jfficiency of reciprocating compressorsE 6'G at .' compression ratio9 !'G at 2.(9 4(A4'G at 3A6 ,. Jfficiency of large centrifugal compressorsE !!G at 2.43A,!.2 m3Hs at suction

+eactor: . The reactor is a vessel. >t has specific volume re8uirements9 as you already ;no%. >n addition9 there is a re8uirement that it be %ell mixed. Dou may choose to do the mixing as you %ish. >f you use a vertical mixer in the reactor > suggest you ;eep the overall length of the agitator less than ( ft (this has implications that supersede the 3E 5H< ratio guideline". -ired Heaters: . There is no re8uirement for a fired heater. Pipe +ac(s: . &e0ll need to run a pipe rac; about 2( ft %ide and 2( ft high to supply utilities to the heat exchangers and other e8uipment9 provide electrical distribution to motors and9 provide space for the %iring for the instruments. -lare: . Should the reactor or any other piece of e8uipment ever begin to overpressure (due to a process upset or a fire" the relief valves %hich vent the contents of the vessel(s" %ill either vent to atmosphere or to a disposal system. Dou should decide on %hether the contents are ha@ardous enough that they re8uire a disposal system (flare9 condenser9 etc." or simply let it blo% to atmosphere. Assume there is sufficient flare capacity on site if you re8uire it. Po"er ).uipment: . Jlectric motors are 4'A9'G efficient9 steam turbines ,2A!4G9 gas engines and turbines 24A34G

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