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Diploma HVAC Engineering 2007 Energy Management 1- Exercise 4

For Sydney Technical College Ultimo

'Level 2' Energy Audit Kingston Financial Pty. Ltd.

Level 1/136, Longueville Road Lane Cove 2066, NSW 2066

Prepared by: Peter Kingston September-07

Diploma HVAC Engineering Energy Management 1 Exercise 4 Level 2 Energy Audit

Peter Kingston conducted a level 2 energy audit at Kingston Financial, Level 1 / 136 Longueville Road Lane Cove on 30 September 2007. This audit was conducted as part of the assessment for Learning Outcome 4 of Energy Management 1 in the HVAC Engineering Diploma set by Sydney Technical College, Ultimo. The assessment consisted of an analysis of the electrical energy use of the Financial Services Business detailing operational patterns, improvement strategies and energy savings initiatives. The scope of works was obtained from AS 3698 and forms the section headings of the audit. Generally the building appears to be operating satisfactory, although is slightly above the standard industry nominal energy use targets. The energy use profile over a 12 month operational period averaged to approximately 151watts/m. If an ABGR energy rating was applied to this site it would return a 2 star rating. The parameters for which this is determined, is if the average annual energy consumption falls between 118-145 kg/m of CO2. This site emits 139 kg of CO2 per m2 a year. The findings of this report identify a number of areas where savings can be realised. All energy and cost saving opportunities identified in this report are reasonable approximations of the order of possible savings. The values act as a guide; allowing management to determine which energy savings opportunities are attractive and viable according to Kingston Financials requirements for economic pay backs on energy savings projects. The energy savings opportunities applicable to this site are outlined in the table below and discussed in greater detail in section 6.
Capital Cost $150.00 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 $3,000.00 $2,500.00 Annual ($) Savings $50.00 $300.00 $200.00 $400.00 $250.00 Simple Payback 3.0 3.3 7.5 7.5 10.0 GHG Reduction (kg CO2) 460 2760 1840 3680 2300

Section 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Table 1

Project Installation of light switch for single fluoro (Directors Office) Conversion of 20 fluors to T5 Triphosphor lights Installation of ceiling insulation Installation of economy cycle of A/C system External shading on eastern window

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Diploma HVAC Engineering Energy Management 1 Exercise 4 Level 2 Energy Audit


EXECUTIVE SUMARYII Major findings Recommended implementation plan Implementation costs General management options Predicted savings TABLE OF CONTENTS.III LIST OF TABLES...............IV 1.0 INTRODUCTION.....1 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF AUDIT SITE AND SERVICES...2 3.0 OBSERVATIONS OF OPERATION, PROCESS AND PLANT.3 4.0 DATA ON EXISTING ENERGY CONSUMPTION...4 4.1. Weekly profiles...5 4.2. Daily profiles..6 4.3. Hourly profiles7 5.0 ANALYSIS OF ENERGY USAGE DATA..8 5.1. Energy performance indicators...9 6.0 RELEVANT ENGINEERING, ENVIROMENTAL AND FINANCIAL CALCULATION.......................................................................................................................3 7.0 PRIORITIZED LIST OF RECOMMENDATIONS......................4 APPENDIX A - DATA TABLES...5 APPENDIX B TABULATED SUMMARY....5

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Diploma HVAC Engineering Energy Management 1 Exercise 4 Level 2 Energy Audit

Peter Kingston conducted a level energy audit of the building at Level 1 / 136-88 Longueville Rd. Lane Cove on 30 September 2007. This report examines energy use, operations and recommended reduction opportunities.


The commercial office space audited is located on the 1st floor of a building which is attached to two other building structures, one to the North and the other to the South of the building. The total NLA of the office space is 130m2. The Eastern face of the office spans approx. six (6) metres and consists of a series of windows with a total surface area of 10m2. The only solar protection for these windows is a series of internal horizontal blinds. The Western perimeter of the office space also spans six (6) metres but has a greater window surface area of 18m2. These windows consist of a reflective coating and a corrugated bull nosed awning is located on the external faade of the building protecting the glass from the western afternoon sun. The false ceiling is uninsulated and the corrugated iron flat roof above is also uninsulated. The site consists of a main reception area which, separate meeting/boardroom located to the western perimeter, a utilities area and an open plan office work space at the eastern end of the floor.


3.1. Occupancy Hours The normal office hours for the five full time staff is; Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. The only other time the office is usually occupied is by the company director who often works weekday for an additional 1 to 2 hours and Saturdays for approximately 6 -7 hours. 3.2. Workstations and computers The office work space consists of eight (8) work stations which of six (6) have computer, five of which are operational. The reception and boardroom also have designated functional computers. Located to the south west corner of the premises is a small data communications rack. 3.3. Air Conditioning The data Rack is cooled during normal office hours by the western air conditioning (A/C) unit and not at all out of hours. This unit also conditions the reception and utilities area which is an internal zone and the boardroom which is situated on the western perimeter. The second air conditioning unit serves the eastern office space. The two A/C units are controlled by standard on/off thermostats at either ends of the premises adjacent the kitchenette

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Diploma HVAC Engineering Energy Management 1 Exercise 4 Level 2 Energy Audit

3.4. Kitchen amenities and appliances Theres one kitchenette and toilet at either end of the office as the original intention of the letting was two (2) tenancies. This is the reasoning behind the original design intent which explains the layout of the fixes and amenities. The western kitchenette contains a coffee machine, hot water system and a small bar fridge while the eastern kitchenette has a ZIP boiling and cooling system a, dual capacity energy efficient dishwasher and a larger fridge. 3.5. Skylights Both toilets are fitted with skylights preventing the lights being switched on during daylight hours. As for the office space lighting, there are many switches at the various points around the office which give the impression that energy conservation was considered during conception stages of the original design. The main energy savings opportunity would be the installation of a single

4.0 DATA ON EXISTING ENERGY CONSUMPTION 4.1. Quarter Electrical Energy Use Profile Quarterly Meter readings for PowerSmart meter PBW76455/003 (Unit 1) Account Number: 846 515 811
Annual Electrical Energy Consumption 2006/2007 - Meter 1
3000 2500 kWh 2000 1500 1000 500 0
Ja n07 Fe b07 M ar -0 7 Ap r-0 7 M ay -0 7 Ju n07 l-0 6 ct -0 No v -0 6 De c Se p Au g Ju -0 6 -0 6 -0 6 6 O

Sep-06 Off Peak (kWh) Shoulder (kWh) Peak (kWh) 137 435.4 204

Dec-06 361 1147.1

Mar-07 380 1402

Jun-07 377 1093 577

756.5 909.4 Quarterly Bill

Table 2

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Diploma HVAC Engineering Energy Management 1 Exercise 4 Level 2 Energy Audit

Quarterly Meter readings for PowerSmart meter PBW79456/003 (Unit 2) Account Number: 846 515 845
Annual Electrical Energy Consumption 2006/2007 - Meter 2
4000 3500 3000 kWh 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0
Ju l- 0 6 Au g06 Se p06 O ct -0 6 N ov -0 6 D ec -0 6 Ja n07 Fe b07 M ar -0 7 Ap r07 M ay -0 7 Ju n07

Sep-06 Off Peak (kWh) Shoulder (kWh) Peak (kWh) 400 800 400

Dec-06 432 1744 1107

Mar-07 362 1996 1263

Jun-07 533 1755 1061

Quarterly Bill

Table 3

4.2. Daily Electrical Energy Use Profile Daily energy use data for one weekday (6/2/07) and Saturday (10/2/07) in summer and one weekday (5/6/07) and Saturday (5/6/07) in winter (5/6/07) has been requested from Energy Australia. This was still not available on completion of this report.

5.0 ANALYSIS OF ENERGY USAGE DATA It appears that the highest energy use period of the year is the summer months from January to March. This higher energy use would most likely be a result of a greater demand on the air conditioning system and fridges within the kitchens. A detailed list of all energy consuming items are detailed in Appendix A. Below is the findings estimated breakdown of energy used;

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Diploma HVAC Engineering Energy Management 1 Exercise 4 Level 2 Energy Audit

Annual Energy Consumption by Section

Amenities 26%

Lights 20% Lights Air Cond Comms/Utilities Amenities

Comms/Utilities 22%

Air Cond 32%

Table 4


6.1. Installation of light switch for single fluoro (Directors Office) Give that one switch brings on 9 double 36watt fluorescent lights when only the director is working out of hours; the following can be calculated; Energy use of 9 double fluorescent = = = = = = = = Energy x Operating hours (18 lights x 45watts) x 700hours 567kWh Energy x Operating hours (2 light x 45watts) x 700hours 63kWh 567kWh 360kWh 63kWh

Energy use of 1 double fluorescent

Energy Savings over 700 hours

Cost savings give the cost of 1 kWh is 0.10c = 504 x 0.10 = $50.4 per annum If the capital cost of installing a new light switch and circuit to operate the directors office light only is $150 the simple payback is 4.2 years. This calculation doesnt take into account the reduced heat load on the air conditioning system.

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Diploma HVAC Engineering Energy Management 1 Exercise 4 Level 2 Energy Audit

6.2. Conversion of 18 fluors to T5 Triphosphor lights

6.3. Installation of ceiling insulation

6.4. External shading on eastern window


Capital Cost $150.00 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 $3,000.00 $2,500.00 Annual ($) Savings $50.00 $300.00 $200.00 $400.00 $250.00 Simple Payback 3.0 3.3 7.5 7.5 10.0 GHG Reduction (kg CO2) 460 2760 1840 3680 2300

Section 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Table 5

Project Installation of light switch for single fluoro (Directors Office) Conversion of 20 fluors to T5 Triphosphor lights Installation of ceiling insulation Installation of economy cycle of A/C system External shading on eastern window

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Diploma HVAC Engineering Energy Management 1 Exercise 4 Level 2 Energy Audit

Power rating (kW) 0.045 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.013 8 8 0.14 0.14 0.5 0.2 0.1 Total energy 0.9 0.08 0.36 0.12 0.12 0.026 3.2 3.2 0.7 0.14 0.5 0.2 0.1 Operating Hr/Year 3000 2000 2000 2000 1000 2000 900 1100 2800 800 3000 3000 3000 Annual kWh 2700 160 720 240 120 52 3992 Air Con Unit 1 (East) Unit 2 (West) Computers LCD's Data Rack Copier Fax 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 2880 3520 6400 Comms/Utilities 1960 112 1500 600 300 4472 Kitchen West) HW system Cappuccino Machine Fridge Microwave ZIP Boiling/Chilled water HW system Dishwasher Fridge Sandwich maker 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.2 0.4 0.1 1.1 1.4 2.4 0.5 0.13 0.19 1.2 0.4 0.1 1.1 1.4 2.4 0.5 0.13 0.19 800 200 3000 100 800 800 200 3000 50 960 80 300 110 1120 1920 100 390 9.5 4989.5 19853.5 Table 6


Item Fluoro Lights (Double 36w) Fluoro Lights (Single 36w) Dichroic Lights (Eastern face) Dichroic Lights (Data Room)) Dichroic Lights (Store) Compact Fluors

Number 20 2 6 2 2 2


Kitchen Eastern)


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