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blueberry,red county sanfierro,avisva country driving school, san fierro northeast,tierra robada CHEAT Armor, darah (health) dan

Uang : HESOYAM Bunuh diri : GOODBYECRUELWORLD LALU LINTAS Lalulintas agresif Lalulintas pemukul (beater) Lalulintas sepi Lalulintas mobil pedesaan Lalulintas mobil sport Lampu lalulintas hijau Semua mobil berwarna hitam Semua mobil berwarna pink KENDARAAN Mobil Racecar Mobil Racecar 2 Mobil Rancher Rhino Tank Mobil Romero (mobil jenazah) Mobil Limosin Pesawat Capung Mobil Tanker Mobil Sampah Mobil Vortex (amfibi) Mobil Bloodring Banger Mobil Caddy (mobil golf) Mobil Dozer Helikopter Militer (HUNTER) Hydra (Pesawat Tempur / Jet) Jetpack Mobil Monster Motor Quad (ATV) EFFEK KENDARAAN Mobil kebal : meledakkan semua mobil : Kapal/perahu terbang : Mobil terbang : Taksi NOS : Semua mobil memiliki nitrous : Mobil melayang jika ditabrak : Mobil invisible/transparan : Anti polisi : Wanted level dengan enam bintang: Wanted level bertambah 2 bintang: Mengurangi wanted level : CUACA Cuaca dengan badai petir : CWJXUOC JCNRUAD ALLCARSGOBOOM FLYINGFISH CHITTYCHITTYBANGBANG VKYPQCF SPEEDFREAK BUBBLECARS WHEELSONLYPLEASE AEZAKMI BRINGITON TURNUPTHEHEAT TURNDOWNTHEHEAT CPKTNWT AFSNMSMW RIPAZHA BSXSGGC XICWMD IFIRSTDOZ LJSPQK OSRBLHH ASNAEB : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : VROCKPOKEY VPJTQWV JQNTDMH AIWPRTON WHERESTHEFUNERAL CELEBRITYSTATUS FLYINGTOSTUNT AMOMHRER TRUEGRIME KGGGDKP OLDSPEEDDEMON RZHSUEW ITSALLBULL OHDUDE JUMPJET ROCKETMAN MONSTERMASH FOURWHEELFUN PDNEJOH : : : : : : : : YLTEICZ BGKGTJH GHOSTTOWN EVERYONEISPOOR EVERYONEISRICH ZEIIVG IOWDLAC LLQPFBN SZCMAWO




Cuaca berkabut Cuaca hujan Cuaca badai Cuaca cerah Cuaca sangat cerah Cucaca berawan SENJATA Senjata (tier 1) Senjata (tier 2) Senjata (tier 3) Parasut KEMAMPUAN Kontrol senjata manual di mobil Lompatan BMX yang tinggi Badan gemuk Nafas tak terbatas di dalam air Badan berotot Respect maksimum Sex appeal maksimal Kemampuan menyetir natural Kemampuan menyetir maksimal Melompat tinggi Pukulan super Badan normal Tidak pernah lapar Hitman level di semua senjata Amunisi tak terbatas Nyawa tak terbatas PEJALAN KAKI Kekacauan di kota Pejalan kaki Elvis Persley Pejalan kaki dengan senjata Pejalan kaki memiliki senjata Pejalan kaki saling serang Tema pedesaan Tema Yakuza (NINJA) Gang dan pekerja Hanya gang yang ada dikota Kinky theme Pesta pantai dimana saja Karnaval (funhouse mode) hooker pay you Get Gimp Suit GAMEPLAY Gerakan cepat Gerakan lambat (matrix) Waktu berjalan lebih cepat Efek andrenalin Waktu selalu 00:00 atau 12:00 Waktu selalu pukul 21:00 Rekrut geng dengan senjata Rekrut geng dengan RPG

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HOW TO GET GIRL FRIEND Denise Robinson Helpful map: Denise's Map Location: Do the mission Burning Desire and you will meet denise and become her girlfriend in that mission. First Appearance: In the mission Burning Desire. Tastes: She doesnt seem to be bothered about CJ's appearance as you meet this gi rl in a mission. At Home: Come by her house after 16:00 hours. Date she likes: If she asks to do a driveby, go into enemy gang territories and try to find some enemy gang members. She will lean out the window and shoot at t hem when you get close. Keep doing this until she wants to go home. If she asks for a food date, take her to the cluckin bell south of her house. Invites you in for "coffee": After 40-50% progress Rewards: After 50% progress with denise, the green hustler parked outside her ho use becomes unlocked, but if you get a tractor or tow truck, you can drag the hu stler to your garage and unlock it that way. After 100% progress you will get a pimp suit. Seeing as you get one later in the game much more easily, there doesn t seem much point in dating this girl. Helena Wankstein Helpful map: Helena's Map Location: Go to the small town of blueberry and find ammunation. If she is there at that time, you will here her firing a gun at a target range beside ammunatio n up some steps. First Appearance: Because her pickup point is in the badlands, she doesnt come a vailabe for dating until you unlock San Fierro and the Badlands Tastes: Doesnt like much muscle or fat. Make sure CJ has less than 25% muscle an d as little fat as possible, but make sure he has alot of sex appeal at the same time. Get a nice bike and ride it up to her on the balcony and get off it to as k her for a date. This will give you a little bit extra sex appeal. At Home: Come by her house after 14:00 hours. Date she likes: Helena likes to eat in restaurants and the closest place to take her is the reastaurant in Rodeo, Los Santos. If she wants a driving date, drive slowly because she doesnt like speed. Invites you in for "coffee": After 70% progress Rewards: Right from the moment you start dating her, a Bandito appears at her fa rm. Alsoa flamethrower, chainsaw, molotov cocktails, and a pistol appear in a sh ed next to the farm building. At 50% progress with Helena, it is reported that y ou get the keys to the bandito, but actually, you can drive the bandito from the moment it spawns there. At 100% you get country style clothes (oooo how rewardi ng). Overall, there is not much point in dating her to 100%, but just going out with gives you a Bandito. Michelle Cannes Helpful map: Michelle's Map Location: Enter the driving school and she can be found inside talking to someon e. First Appearance: As soon as you can get into the driving school Tastes: She likes a fat man, so get CJ up to at least 50% fat (a few visits to a fast food restaurant is all this may take. Eat 10 portions of food and no more to gain maximum fat per day. If you eat more than 10 portions, CJ will puke and lose all the fat gained.)

At Home: Just after 00.00 hours. (it appears as though it's difficult to catch M ichelle in. Lot's of people have reported her to be 'never in' and I myself have had trouble catching her in. Keep trying though, she will eventually be at home ). Date she likes: She really likes drinking dates so take her to one of those, if she wants that kind of date. Sometimes she'll want you to drive fast, so do that but try not to crash. There is also a special type of date that involves helena driving the car instead of CJ. When on this type of date, helena will drive and you can control the camera. Don t get out the car though otherwise it will fail the date. Invites you in for "coffee": After 40% progress Rewards: As soon as you start dating her, you can use the garage next to her apa rtment, which acts as a pay n spray only it's free. After 50% progress, the mons ter truck that spawns next to her apartment becomes unlocked and at 100% you get the racing suit outfit. Overall, she's worth going out with for the monster truck and the free pay n spr ay, but as for the suit, it doesnt seem worth it. Katie Zhan Helpful map: Katie's Map Location: At the north east corner of the golf course in San Fierro, katie is pr acticing Marital arts near some bushes. You should be able to see her easily fro m the road. First Appearance: As soon as you have access to San Fierro Tastes: Lot's of muscle and lots of sex appeal. Try to aim for about 75% muscle or more. At Home: Just after 12.00 hours Date she likes: If she requests a food date, take her to the diner just north of her house. If she requests a drive, then you'll have to cruise around. Take her to china town to increase her fun meter quicker. Invites you in for "coffee": about 50% progression in dating. Rewards: Dating Katie allows you to come out of hospital with your weapons, whic h is cool enough reason to date her. At 50% you will be able to unlock the hears e outside her house (dont ask me why there is hearse outside her house) and at 1 00% you will unlock the Medic uniform. Barbara Schternvart Helpful map: Barbara's Map Location: Find the sheriffs building in El Quebrados, The desert. She'll be outs ide talking to someone. First Appearance: As soon as you get access to Las Venturas and the desert. Tastes: She likes a fat man, so get CJ up to at least 50% fat (a few visits to a fast food restaurant is all this may take. Eat 10 portions of food and no more to gain maximum fat per day. If you eat more than 10 portions, CJ will puke and lose all the fat gained.) At Home: Just after 00.00 hours Date she likes: If she wants a food date, take her to the diner just south west of where you pick her up. Ocasionally she will ask to go dancing which is a real pain, because your pretty far from any dance clubs. On driving dates, she will want you to cruise and not speed. Invites you in for "coffee": After 60% progress Rewards: A very cool reward when you first start dating her. She is a cop, so wh en you get busted, you get to keep your weapons and no money is taken from you. At 50% you will get to drive her ranger that spawns outside the sheriffs office. At 100% you will recieve the police uniform in your wardrobe. However, the police uniform does not let you get in the military areas such as t he Naval base or restricted area in the desert without getting a wanted level.

Millie Perkins Helpful map: Millie's Map Location: You will meet Millie in the mission 'Key to her heart'. You will autom atically become her girlfriend during this mission. First Appearance: During the mission 'key to her heart' Tastes: Because it's for a mission, there is no special taste that you need to s atisfy in order to go out with her. At Home: Just after 12.00 hours Date she likes: Take her to a restaurant if she wants a food date. She also like s driving dates that are just cruising around. Wear the gimp suit to a date and she'll just want to go indoors for some 'fiki fiki' (if you dont know what im ta lking about, dont ask!). Invites you in for "coffee": Wear the gimp suit and you can do it anytime. Rewards: Dating Millie is part of the main story. You need to date her enough, i n order to get a key card to Caligula's casino. You will get this key card aroun d 35%. At 50% you can drive her pink Club, which is parked outside her house whe n she is home. No reward for 100%.

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