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Current Affairs Mar II & III

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Garm Garm Khabre of the Week

1) Noted author and columnist Khushwant Singh dies at 99
2) Earth has a secret reservoir of water, say scientists A hundred and fifty years ago, in "Journey to the Centre of the Earth", French science-fiction forerunner Jules Verne pictured a vast sea that lay deep under our planet's surface.















Writing in the journal Nature, scientists today said they had found an elusive mineral pointing to the existence of a vast reservoir deep in Earth's mantle, 400 !00 "ilometres #eneath our feet. $t may hold as much %ater as all the planet's oceans com#ined, they #elieve. The evidence comes from a %ater loving mineral called ring%oodite that came from the so called transition &one sand%iched #et%een the upper and lo%er layers of Earth's mantle, they said . 'nalysis sho%s that a %hopping (.) per cent of the roc" comprises molecules of %ater. The find #ac"s once contested theories that the transition &one, or at least significant parts of it, is %ater rich, the investigators said. *This sample really provides extremely strong confirmation that there are local %et spots deep in the Earth in this area,* said +raham ,earson of -anada's .niversity of 'l#erta, %ho led the research. *That particular &one in the Earth, the transition &one, might have as much %ater as all the %orld's oceans put together.* /ing%oodite is named after 'ustralian geologist Ted /ing%ood, %ho theorised that a special mineral %as #ound to #e created in the transition &one #ecause of the ultra high pressures and temperatures there. ' piece of this mineral has #een a long sought goal. $t %ould resolve a long running de#ate a#out %hether the poorly understood transition &one is #one dry or %ater rich. 0ut, until no%, ring%oodite has only ever #een found in meteorites. +eologists had simply #een una#le to delve deep enough to find any sample on Earth.

3) NO military action in

!raine" O#ama

U !resident "arac# $%a&a has ruled out any &ilitary action in U#raine and insisted that diplo&acy 'as still the preferred option for A&erica and its allies to resolve the U#rainian crisis.
*We are not going to #e getting into a military excursion in ."raine,* 1#ama told local 2N34, an N0- affiliate in 3an 4iego, in an intervie% on Wednesday.

*What %e are going to do is mo#ilise all of our diplomatic resources to ma"e sure that %e've got a strong international coalition that sends a clear message, %hich is that ."raine should decide their destiny,* he said. *There is a #etter path, #ut $ thin" even the ."rainians %ould ac"no%ledge, for us to engage /ussia militarily %ould not #e appropriate and %ould not #e good for ."raine, either,* 1#ama said. $n another intervie%, 1#ama said there %as currently no military option on the ta#le in ."raine.

*We do not need to trigger an actual %ar %ith /ussia. The ."rainians don't %ant that, no#ody %ould %ant that. 0ut %hat %e can do is stand up for principle, stand #y the ."rainian people,* he said. *What %e're going to do is this5 %e've sent a clear message to 6r ,utin that %e'll pro#a#ly #e doing more stuff over the next several days, and ultimately, if %e see the continuation of the process, then in coordination %ith our European allies, you can expect even more disruptive economic actions that could end up having a significant impact on the /ussian economy,* 1#ama said. 1#ama's remar"s came as White 7ouse ,ress 3ecretary 8ay -arney insisted that the .3 is still focused on resolving the issue diplomatically. *We are still focused on %hat %e #elieve is the proper %ay to resolve this situation, %hich is through de escalation,* -arney said. When as"ed one more time if a military option is not at the forefront of discussions right no%, he said it is *certainly not* at the forefront of discussions. *$ thin" that %e are focused on, %hen it comes to costs for /ussia to the actions it's underta"en, loo"ing at and implementing the visa #ans and sanctions that are that have already #een put in place, and others that can #e put in place under the authorities allo%ed #y the executive orders he signed,* he said. *We are %or"ing %ith our partners and allies to ma"e sure that that effort is coordinated and that %e remain united in the actions that %e ta"e,* -arney said. *3o $ don't thin" there's #een any dou#t that there is a military component to this activity that is deeply trou#ling and elemental to %hat /ussia has done,* he said. *'fter all, as %e've tal"ed a#out, there is a means #y %hich the residents of -rimea, the -rimean region of ."raine, can see" a change in their territorial status, their relationship to the central government in 2iev,* he said. The ."rainian government, he said, has indicated that it is %illing to discuss constitutional reform and other issues, #ut it has to #e done not at the point of a gun, not under threat of force, #ut in accordance %ith ."rainian la%, %ith international la%, and not over the heads of democratically elected representatives of the ."rainian people.

$) Egy%t&s interim government headed #y newly'a%%ointed (rime )inister *#rahim )ahla# was sworn in on Saturday, with the military chief, +eneral ,#del'-attah al'Sisi, remaining in office as the defence minister. Egypt's interi& govern&ent headed %y ne'ly-appointed !ri&e (inister )%rahi& (ahla% 'as s'orn in on aturday, 'ith the &ilitary chief, *eneral A%del-Fattah al- isi, re&aining in office as the defence &inister.
$f 3isi, %ho also "ept his post as the first deputy prime minister, announces that he %ill run for president %hich is a %idely expected, he %ill have to resign as the minister and head of the armed forces, ne%s agencies reported citing state run Nile T9. 3isi is expected to announce %hether he %ill compete in the presidential election after a ne% presidential la% is approved. 6ean%hile, $nterior 6inister 6ohamed $#rahim, %ho %as appointed during former president 6ohamed 6orsi's one year rule, also retained his post. $#rahim, %ho survived an assassination #id last 3eptem#er, is facing a tough tas" to "eep the country's sta#ility and security amid a string of terrorist attac"s hitting the country and the gro%ing militant insurgency in the restive 3inai peninsula, %hich "illed do&ens of policemen.

/) National %arties get 2/ hrs each for cam%aigning on 00, ,*1 Election Co&&ission on Friday announced +, hours each of free telecast and %roadcast ti&e for the si- national parties on .oordarshan and A)/ for ca&paigning.

:or the 4; state parties, the poll panel has allocated <0 hours each of #roadcast and telecast time on 44 and '$/. $t said a total of ; hours and )0 minutes of telecast time %ill #e availa#le through the regional satellite services channels availa#le to vie%ers across $ndia. 0ut the facility is not availa#le to registered unrecognised parties and $ndependents.

The E- %arned that criticism of other countries, attac" on religions or communities, defamatory or o#scene matter, anything amounting to contempt of court, casting aspersions on the ,resident or the judiciary %ill not #e allo%ed during telecast and #roadcast of such programmes. The political parties %ill have to su#mit the transcript to ,rasar 0harti in advance. 'fter approval, the transcripts %ill have to #e recorded at private studios and the cost for the same %ill have to #e #orne #y political parties. The telecast and #roadcast %ill span #et%een the last date of nominations for the first phase and t%o days prior to the last dates of poll any%here in $ndia. The E- order said, of the ten hours of telecast and #roadcast time reserved for national parties over national channel or hoo"up of 44 or '$/, 4) minutes %ill #e alloted to each of the six parties. The remaining ) and a half hours of telecast and #roadcast time %ill #e further divided among the six national parties according to the percentage of votes polled #y them during the =00> ?o" 3a#ha polls. $n addition, each national party %ill #e given one and a half times of the total time alloted to it for telecast or #roadcast on the regional 44 2endra or regional '$/ station. 1f the total time alloted to each national party, each of the parties %ill have the option to utilise the time allocated to it on any of the regional 44 "endra or '$/ stations at state capitals. While -ongress has #een given =@) minutes each for telecast and #roadcast on regional centres of 44 and '$/, 08, has #een given =(0 minutes for the same. The 03, has #een given (() minutes each, the -,$ A6B has #een given ((0 minutes. -,$ and N-, have #een given @0 minutes each. 0esides, for national channelChoo" up of 44 and '$/, -ongress has #een granted (>0 minutes and 08, (40 minutes, 03, has #een given ;) minutes each on 44 and '$/, the -,$ A6B ;0 minutes, -,$ )0 minutes and N-, )) minutes. The concept of free time for parties on state o%ned T9 and radio %as introduced #y E- in :e#ruary, (>>@.

Koi Poooooooch Letaaaaa Toh M Btaaa Detaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;)

1. 2he govt has launched the &)aulana ,3ad Sehat Scheme&. nder the scheme, a &Sehat 4ard& will #e issued to each student enrolled in institutions aided #y the )aulana ,3ad Education -oundation #elonging to 55555%o%ulation. ,) 1efugee 6) 2ri#al 4) Nomadic 0) )inority E)NO2 ,ns'0

Main features of the Scheme Under the scheme, Sehat Card will be issued to every student of the Institution financially aided by Maulana Azad Education Foundation MAEF!" #reventive $ealth Chec%&u' Cam's will be or(anized by the Institute twice in a year, throu(h )overnment or #rivate $os'itals or *ursin( $omes" All findin(s of the #reventive $ealth Chec%u's will be entered in the Sehat Card of the student by the +octors" In e,ce'tional and deservin( cases for serious ailments the 'oor students belon(in( to notified minorities will be 'rovided financial assistance for the treatment in (overnment or reco(nized hos'itals" Serious ailments of %idney, heart, liver cancer and brain or any life threatenin( diseases includin( -nee sur(ery and S'inal sur(ery will be covered" A +is'ensary or $ealth Care Centre is to be set u' in the educational institutions School! to 'rovide daily medical facilities to the students studyin( in the educational institutions funded or aided by MAEF"

2. 2he 7ome )inistry withdrew the sanction given to N*, to %rosecute the two *talian marines under S , ,ct recently.,) Su#mission of nlawful 6) Sanction of nlawful 4) Sus%icion of nlawful 0) Su#vention of nlawful E) Su%%ression of nlawful ,NS'E

2he 7ome )inistry today withdrew the sanction given to the National *nvestigation ,gency 8N*,) to %rosecute under an anti'%iracy law two *talian marines, accused of !illing Kerala fishermen. 2he sanction given to N*, to %rosecute the two marines under Su%%ression of nlawful ,cts against Safety of )aritime Navigation ,nd -i9ed (latforms on 4ontinental Shelf ,ct 8S ,) has #een withdrawn, a 7ome )inistry official said. 2he move came after ,ttorney +eneral assured the Su%reme 4ourt that S , will not #e a%%lied in the case against the two marines who have #een accused of !illing the two fishermen two years ago. 2he *talian government had strongly contested the a%%lica#ility of S , after N*, sought to %rosecute the marines and the 7ome )inistry su#se:uently giving the sanction. Earlier, the ;aw )inistry has concurred with the E9ternal ,ffairs )inistry on non'a%%lica#ility of the controversial anti'%iracy law which is #eing strongly contested #y the *talian government. 2he case %ertains to the !illing of two *ndian fishermen allegedly #y Salvatore +irone and )assimiliano ;atorre on #oard &Enrica ;e9ie& off Kerala coast on -e#ruary 1/, 2<12. 2he two officers contended that they had a%%rehended a %iracy attac!. 2he marines were arrested on -e#ruary 19, 2<12.
3. Name the *ndian envoy to Saudi ,ra#ia who regularised status of 1$ la!h Saudi *ndians and has #een conferred the SK Singh ,ward for e9cellence in *ndian -oreign Service. ,) Suresh K 1eddy 6) 0in!ar (ra!ash 4) San=iv ,rora 0) Si#y +eorge E) None of these ,NS'0 $. , Navy commander died and two %ersonnel were hos%italised following an accident on #oard in a destroyer of *ndian Navy undergoing trials at the )um#ai (ort 2rust.,) *NS Kochi 6) *NS 4hennai 4) *NS Kol!ata 0) *NS )um#ai E) None of these ,NS'4

/. ,rmies of *ndia and which of the following countries carried out =oint disaster relief o%erations named &Surya Kiran& in (ithoragarh in ttara!hand recently> ,) )yanmar 6) Ne%al 4) 4hina 0) 6angladesh E) None of these ,NS'6

,n *ndia'Ne%al =oint military training, titled ?E9ercise Surya Kiran'@? is #eing conducted at (ithoragarh. *n this e9ercise, an infantry #attalion of the *ndian ,rmy and an e:uivalent strength from the Ne%alese army would #e sharing their e9%eriences gained during the conduct of counter insurgency o%erations.
A. Bhich among the following is a landloc!ed country> ,) 6hutan 6) Sri ;an!a 4) (a!istan 0) )yanmar E) None of the a#ove ,NS',

, landlocked country is a country entirely enclosed #y land, or whose only coastlines lie on closed seas.C1DC2DC3DC$D 2here are $E landloc!ed countries in the world, including %artially recogni3ed states. No landloc!ed countries are found on the continents of North ,merica, and ,ustralia 8nor are there in ,ntarcticaF however, it contains no formally recogni3ed countries). 2he general economic and other disadvantages e9%erienced #y landloc!ed countries ma!es the ma=ority of these countries ;andloc!ed 0evelo%ing 4ountries 8;;04s).C/D Nine of the twelve countries with the lowest 70* scores are landloc!ed
G. 2he %resent length of the National 7ighways in the country is a#out",) A<,<<< !m 6)G<,<<<Km 4)E<,<<<Km 0)9<,<<<Km E)9/,<<<Km ,NS'4 E. (resident (rana# )u!her=ee conferred the Stree Sha!ti (uras!ar 2<13 awards on si9 women on the eve of international womenHs day recently. Bho among the following is NO2 among these si9 women> ,) @arti!a Nanda 6) 2essy 2homas 4) )ansi (radhan 0) 6ina Sheth ;ash!ari E) Seema Sa!hare ,NS'6

Stree Shakti Puraskar .omen #ower Award! is a series of India/s national honours conferred on individual women for their e,ce'tional achievement" 0he award is (iven in si, cate(ories, by Ministry of .omen and Child +evelo'ment, )overnment of India, reco(nises the s'irit of coura(e of a women in difficult circumstances, who has established this s'irit of coura(e in her 'ersonal or 'rofessional life" 0he award also reco(nises 'ioneerin( contribution of an individual in em'owerin( women and raisin( women/s issues"123 Instituted in the year 2442, the award is conferred by the #resident of India on occasion of International .omen/s +ay i"e" 5 March every year at *ew +elhi" 0he award carries a cash 'rize of 6u'ees 0hree 7a%h 6s" 899,999! and a citation"1:3

#resident of India #ranab Mu%her;ee bestowin( the :92: 6ani 7a%shmibai Stree Sha%ti #uras%ar 'osthumously on +elhi (an( ra'e victim *irbhaya"183 For the year :92:, the award was 'osthumously bestowed on the :92: +elhi (an( ra'e victim *irbhaya"1<3


0he award is named after eminent women in Indian history, and is (iven in followin( cate(ories=1231>3

Devi Ahilya Bai Holkar Award= *amed after Ahilya ?ai $ol%ar, 25th&century ruler of Malwa %in(dom Kannagi Award= After -anna(i, a le(endary 0amil women Mata Jija ai Award= *amed after Mata @i;abai, mother of Shiva;i, who founded the Maratha Em'ire in 2Ath&century !ani "aidinliu #eliang Award= *amed after 6ani )aidinliu, a :9th&century *a(a s'iritual and 'olitical leader !ani $akshmi Bai Award= After 6ani 7a%shmi ?ai, the Bueen of @hansi !ani !udramma Devi Award for both men C women!" *amed after 6udrama +evi a 28the ce


2he recently released #oo! titled, I*ndia at 1is!" )ista!es, )isconce%tions and )isadventures of security %olicyJ has #een authored #y who among the following> ,) ,K ,ntony 6) Kaswant Singh 4) (rana# )u!her=ee 0) +eorge -ernandes E) None of these ,NS'6

E,'erience over si,ty&si, years of inde'endence reveals that India has failed when confronted with challen(es to national security, e,ternal or internal" 0he challen(es have been com'rehensive, but the res'onse consistently amateurish" .hy, as%s @aswant Sin(h" Is it on account of conce'tual fault lines or fractures in (overnanceD ?oth, says @aswant Sin(h, ably layin( bare the challen(es, res'onses and the conseEuences of failin( to reach the (oal of credible defence and security in inde'endent India"
1<. 2he Election 4ommission announced free telecastL#roadcast time on 0oordarshan and ,*1 for cam%aigning for u%coming %arliamentary elections. Bhich of the following is NO2 correct in this res%ect> ,) 2he facility will #e availa#le to si9 national and $G state %arties. 6) 2he facility is not availa#le to registered unrecognised %arties and *nde%endents. 4) 2he criticism of other countries, attac! on religions or communities, defamatory or o#scene matter etc will not #e allowed.0) 2he conce%t of free time for %arties on state'owned 2@ and radio was introduced #y E4 in -e#, 199E.E) None of these ,NS'E 11. 2he committee constituted #y the govt to assess im%lementation of the Sachar 4ommittee recommendations and the (rime )inisterHs 1/'%oint %rogramme for minorities su#mitted its re%ort recently. 2he 4ommittee was chaired #y" ,) ,mita#h Kundu 6) @1 Krishna *yer 4) 6inaya! Sen 0) Sandee% (andey E) None of these ,NS',

Sachar Committee
-rom Bi!i%edia, the free encyclo%edia

Kustice 1a=inder Sachar

0he !ajinder Sachar %ommittee, a''ointed in :99> by the Indian #rime Minister Manmohan Sin(h, was commissioned to 're'are a re'ort on the latest social, economic and educational condition of the Muslim community of India" 0he committee was headed by the former Chief @ustice of +elhi $i(h Court 6a;inder Sachar, includin( other si, members"1231:31831<31>3 0he committee 're'ared a re'ort of <98 'a(es, and 'resented in the lower house 7o% Sabha! of the Indian #arliament on 89 *ovember :99F :9 months after obtainin( the terms of reference from the #MG!"1F3 0he committee had hi(hli(hted and 'resented its su((estions and solutions to include and mainstream Indian Muslims" 0he online re'ort is available from the Indian )overnment website"1A3 0he re'ort is first of its %ind revealin( the bac%wardness of Indian Muslims, accordin( to Sachar Committee re'ort some of the ma;or concers are=

2he status of *ndian )uslims are #elow the conditions of Scheduled 4astes and Scheduled 2ri#es.CED 2he overall %ercentage of )uslims in #ureaucracy in *ndia is =ust 2./M whereas )uslims constitute a#ove 1$M of *ndian %o%ulation.C9D

0o ensure eEuity and eEuality of o''ortunities to Indian Muslims in residential, wor% and educational sector, the Committee had 'ro'osed multi'le su((estions to be ado'ted, with a suitable mechanisms" 1293 0here is a lot of discussions and debates (oes on the Sachar Committee 6e'ort"1223 0here are follow&u' actions ta%en based on Committee findin(s li%e then the Finance Minister #" Chidambaram action fundin( for *ational Minorities +evelo'ment and Finance Cor'oration *M+FC!"

2:" .hich of the followin( teams has won the Santosh 0ro'hy :92< football tournament recentlyDA! 6ailways ?! Mizoram C! #un;ab +! -erala E! *one of these A*S&?

Santosh &ro'hy is an annual Indian football tournament which is contested by states and (overnment institutions" 0he first winners were ?en(al, who also lead the all&time winners list with 82 titles till date" 0he tournament first be(an in 24<2, and was the 'remier football com'etition in the country before the *ational Football 7ea(ue started in the year 244F" 0he tro'hy as named after the late Maharaja Sir Manmatha (ath !oy %howdhary of Santosh, which is now in ?an(ladesh, who had been the #resident of the Indian Football Association, the football or(anisation of ?en(al and the donators of the tro'hy" 0he runners&u' tro'hy, -amla )u'ta 0ro'hy, was also donated by the IFA" 0he third 'lace teams receive the Sam'an(i Cu' which was 'resented by the Mysore Football Association now -SFA! in 24>:, in the memory of Sam'an(i, a renowned footballer from Mysore"

28" Ei(ht time world cham'ion #an%a; Advani is associated with which of the followin( (amesD $e has won a national menHs title recently" A! Snoo%er ?! 0able tennis C! Chess +! ?adminton E! *one of these A*S&A

Pankaj Arjan Advani 8#orn 2$ Kuly 19E/ in (une) is *ndia&s leading %rofessional #illiards and snoo!er %layer. , winner of E Borld 2itles in #illiards and snoo!er, he is considered the #est all'round %rofessional #illiards and snoo!er %layer *ndia has %roduced. *n 2<</, he set a world record #y

#ecoming the first %layer to com%lete a grand dou#le #y winning #oth the %oint and time formats in the *6S- Borld 6illiards 4ham%ionshi%, )alta.C/D *n recognition of his achievements, the +overnment of *ndia has #estowed several awards u%on ,dvaniN,r=una ,ward in 2<<$, 1a=iv +andhi Khel 1atna in 2<<A and (adma Shri in 2<<9. On the 2Eth of Octo#er 2<12, (an!a= won his Eth Borld 2itle #y defeating )i!e 1ussell 1E9/O121A in the (rofessional Borld 6illiards 4ham%ionshi%. (an!a= com%leted a hat'tric! of hat'tric!s in 2<12 #y #eing the reigning Borld, ,sian P National 4ham%ion in 6illiards 82<</ P 2<<E too). 7e is also the only *ndian to win the )en&s ,ustralian O%en 6illiards 4ham%ionshi% in 2<<E in )el#ourne. (an!a= has won everything there is to #e won in the world of 6illiards, a feat achieved #y no other. 7e #ecame a snoo!er %rofessional only in 2<12 and his first season on the main tour is the 2<12L2<13 season.
1$. *ndiaHs 7eena Sidhu #agged +old medal in Gth ,sian 4Hshi%s recently. She is associated with which of the following games> ,) ,ir %istol shooting 6) ,rchery 4) 0iscus throw 0) Short %ut E)None of these ,NS',

Heena Sidhu (ronunciation 8hel%Qinfo) 8(un=a#i"RRRR RRRRR) 8#orn 29 ,ugust 19E9, in ;udhiana) is an ace *ndian shooter. 7eena won +old medal in the 2<13 *SS- Borld 4u% -inals ' 1ifleL(istol in 1<m ,ir (istol event. She thus #ecame the third *ndian shooter after ,n=ali 6hagwat 82<<3) and +agan Narang 82<<E) to win a +old medal in a 1ifleL(istol Borld 4u% -inals. She along with ,nnu 1a= Singh won the gold medal in women&s (airs 1< metre air %istol at the 2<1< 4ommonwealth +ames.C1D 7eena 83E$) and ,nnu 83G/) won the 1$th gold medal for *ndia from the shooting range. She also won a silver medal in the singles event.She is the first *ndian shooter who has a%%eared on the *SS- maga3ine&s cover %age for the first time ever since the National 1ifle ,ssociation of *ndia was formed on ,%r 1G, 19/1
1/. ,s announced #y the 644*, recently, the initial %hase of the *(; G will #e staged in which of the following countries> *(; is scheduled to #e held from 1A ,%r to 1 Kun. ,) nited ,ra# Emirates 6) South ,frica 4) England 0) Sri ;an!a E) None of these ,NS', 1A. Bhich of the following auto ma=ors has announced a tie u% with 6haratiya )ahila 6an! to %rovide retail finance to its %assenger vehicle customers recently> ,) )aruti Su3u!i 6) 2ata )otors 4) )ahindra and )ahindra 0) -orce )otors E) None of these ,NS'6 1G. Bhat is the e9%anded form of 20S, a term related with ta9ation in *ndia> ,) 2a9 0educted at Source 6) 2a9 0efaulted at Source 4) 2a9 0emanded at Source 0) 2a9 0iffered at Source E) None of these ,NS', 1E. E9%and the term -S04.> ,) -inancial Suita#ility and 0evelo%ment 4ouncil 6) -inancial Sustaina#ility and 0evelo%ment 4ouncil 4) -inancial Structure 0evelo%ment 4ouncil 0) -inancial Sta#ility and 0evelo%ment 4ouncil E) -inancial Sovereignty and 0evelo%ment 4ouncil ,NS'0 19. Bhat is the term used for the de#t instrument, secured #y the collateral of an immova#le %ro%erty, in which the #orrower is o#liged to %ay #ac! the de#t on terms agreed u%on> ,) ;ien 6) ,ssignment 4) )ortgage 0) 7y%othecation E) (ledge ,NS'4 2<. ,s %er the industry estimates, #y 2<1/'1A the domestic steel ca%acity of *ndia is slated to go u% to 555555555from the %resent level of 9< mt.,) 1<< mt 6) 12< mt 4) 13/ mt 0) 1$< mt E) 1/< mt ,NS'4

21. Bhat does letter S,H re%resents in the term 41,1> ,) ,llocation 6) ,dvance 4) ,de:uacy 0) ,ssets E) None of
these ,NS'0 22. 2he country&s largest lender State 6an! of *ndia 8S6*) has %ro%osed to offer share %urchase scheme for all its em%loyees to raise additional e:uity ca%ital of",) 1s /<<'G<< 6) 1s A<<'92<< cr 4) 1s G<<'11<< cr 0) 1s E<<' 1,2<< cr E) 1s 9<<'1,3<< cr ,NS'0 23. 2he 16* is gearing u% to issue new #an! licences su#=ect to the Election 4ommissionHs nod as the model code of conduct too! effect on / )ar. Bhich of the following is correct in this regard> ,) 2he a%%licants for new licences

include the ,ditya 6irla grou%, ,nil ,m#aniHs 1eliance grou%, *0-4, *-4*, ;P2 -inance 7oldings, )uthoot -inance and ;*4 7ousing -inance. 6) 2he a%%lications have #een e9amined #y a committee headed #y former 16* +overnor 6imal Kalan.4) Now, the -inance )inister will e9amine the a%%lications and forward his views to the committee of the 16*Hs 4entral 6oard to ta!e the final call.0) ,ll the a#ove E) Only 1) and 2 ,NS'E 2$. 2he +ovt has announced to transfer the s%ecial drawing rights 8S01s) of the *nternational )onetary -und 8*)-) to 1eserve 6an! of *ndia 816*) and in return will receive 1s 1/,<<< cr in three years. Bhat is si3e of S01 allocation to *ndia> ,) 2.2E #n 6) 3.29 #n 4) 3.$G #n 0) 3.EA #n E) $.2/ #n ,NS'6 2/. Bhich of the following is NO2 an intangi#le asset> ,) (atents 6) 2rademar!s 4) 4o%yrights 0) +oodwill E) None of these ,NS'E 2A. (urchase now and %ay later is the feature of" ,) 0e#it card 6) 4redit card 4) Smart card 0) 0iscount card E) None of these ,NS'6 2G. Bho among the following is the 4hairman and )anaging 0irector of 6haratiya )ahila 6an! ;imited, the first women&s #an! in *ndia and a wholly owned +ovt institution which will have 2/ #ranches across the main cities of the country #y the end of 2<1$> ,) sha Sangwan 6) Shi!ha Sharma 4) sha ,nanthasu#ramanian 0) ,rundhati 6hattacharya E) None of these ,NS'4 2E. Bhat is the transaction limit for mo#ile %hone transactions as sti%ulated #y the 1eserve 6an! of *ndia 816*)> ,) ,s %er the discretion of the concerned #an! 6) 1s 2/<<< 4) 1s 3<<<< 0) 1s 3/<<< E) 1s /<<<< ,NS', 29. *ndia has %ledged to %rovide what amount to 6hutan for its 11th -ive Tear (lan, hel%ing the country to im%lement ma=or %ro=ects that will im%rove the livelihood of its %eo%le> ,) 1s A./ #n 6) 1s G./ #n 4)1s E./ #n 0) 1s 9./ #n E) 1s 1<./ #n ,NS'4 3<. (u#lic sector #an! 4anara #an! has a%%ointed who among the following as its #rand am#assador> ,) Shi!har 0hawan 6) 1avindra Kade=a 4) @irat Kohli 0) 4heteshwar (u=ara E) None of these ,NS', 31. Bhen the 1eserve 6an! of *ndia in=ects li:uidity in the monetary economy, it is done through which of the following mechanisms> ,) *ncrease in 411 6) *ncrease in S;1 4) 1e%o 0) ;S- E) None of these ,NS'4 32. Bhen #uying and selling of securities is done #y a %erson having access to %rivileged information, it is !nown as> ,) (rivilege trading 6) ,uthorised trading 4) nauthorised trading 0) *nsider trading E) None of these ,NS'0 33. *ndiaHs %er ca%ita steel consum%tion is around 5555555 at %resent. ,) A< !g 6) 12< !g 4)1E<Kg 0) 21< !g E) $A< !g ,NS',

3$. Bhen #an!s distri#ute insurance %roducts to their customers acting as cor%orate agents, it is termed as> ,)
0ealershi% 6) nderwriting #usiness 4) 6ancassurance 0) 0ual #usiness E) None of these ,NS'4 3/. 2he +oods and Services 2a9, which will #ring together most of the ta9es that are im%osed on all goods and services 8e9ce%t a few) under a single #anner, will re%lace which among the following> ,) E9cise duty 6) Service ta9 4) @alue'added ta9 8@,2) 0) ,ll the a#ove ,NS'0 3A. +ilt'edged mar!et deals in which of the following> ,) (recious metals 6) 4or%orate #onds 4) -oreign e9change 0) +ovt securities E) None of these ,NS'0 3G. Bhich of the following denominations of *ndian currency notes is signed #y the -inance Secretary of *ndia> 8a) 1e 2< 8#) 1s 1< 8c) 1s /8d) 1s 18e)NO2 ,ns'd

3E. 2he Su%reme 4ourt refused to lift the restraint on the sale of its *ndian assets #y which of the following mo#ile
handset ma!ers as %art of its glo#al deal with the software giant )icrosoft> ,) )otorola 6) No!ia 4) 7uawei 0) 724 ,NS'6

39. 113. +K (illai resigned as the )4U'SU chairman recently. Bho among the following has #een a%%ointed the new chairman of the )4U'SU stoc! e9change>,) Saura#h Sar!ar 6) K@ Kamath 4) O( 6hatt 0) 2homas )athew ,NS'0

$<. 11$. Be often come across the term 4S1. Bhat does letter S denote in the word 4S1> ,) Security 6) S%ecified
4) Social 0) Su#stitute E) Senior ,NS'4 $1. 11/. hich of the following is NO2 a delivery channel for the #an!ing sector in *ndia> ,) 4all centre 6) 6ranch 4) *nternet 0) Kios! E) None of these ,NS'E $2. Bhich of the following oil com%anies has signed a )o with the *nstitute of 1ural )anagement',nand 8*1),) to foray into mil! %roduction in the state of ,ssam> 8a) Oil *ndia ;td 8O*;) 8#) *ndian Oil 4or%oration 8*O4) 8c) 7industan (etroleum 8d) 6harat (etroleum 8e) NO2 ,ns'a $3. 2he 1eserve 6an! of *ndia released the -inancial Sta#ility 1e%ort 8-S1) O 0ec 2<13 recently. ,imed to create awareness a#out the vulnera#ilities in the financial system, the -S1 is %u#lished every" 8a) month 8#) two months 8c) three months 8d) four months 8e) si9 months ,ns'e $$. 2he govt has introduced a com%rehensive regulatory framewor! for television rating agencies in *ndia. Bhich of the following is correct in this regard> 8a) ,ll rating agencies including the e9isting ones shall o#tain registration from the ministry of information and #roadcasting. 8#) 2he rating agency shall su#mit the detailed methodology to the govt and also %u#lish it on its we#site. 8c) Non'com%liance of guidelines shall lead to forfeiture of 1s 1'cr #an! guarantee in the first instance and the second instance shall lead to cancellation of registration.8d) ,ll the a#ove 8e) Only 1) and 2) ,ns'd $/. )ar!et regulator SE6* has notified new norms called the Securities and E9change 6oard of *ndia 84ollective *nvestment Schemes) 8,mendment) 1egulations, 2<1$ recently. Bhich of the following is correct in this regard> 8a) *t is now mandatory that all investments in the collective investment schemes 84*S) to #e made in cash. 8#) Entities charged with committing serious offences li!e illegal money %ooling, insider trading and fraudulent trades would not #e a#le to settle them anymore. 8c) 2he new regulations have #een notified with retros%ective effect from 2<th ,%r 2<<G. 8d) Only 1) and 2) 8e) Only 2) and 3) ,ns'e $A. Bhich of the following instruments cannot #e endorsed> 8a) , #an! draft 8#) , %romissory note de%osit recei%t 8d) , che:ue 8e)NO2 ,ns'c 8c) , fi9ed

$G. ,s %er the govtHs ordinance, any scheme or arrangement involving a cor%us amount of 555555or more will #e deemed to #e a 4ollective *nvestment Scheme 84*S) activity. 8a) 1s 1< cr8#) 1s 2< cr 8c) 1s /< cr 8d) 1s 1<< cr 8e) 1s 2<< cr ,ns'd $E. Saudi ,ra#ia has formally designated the )uslim 6rotherhood as a terrorist organisation recently. )uslim 6rotherhood is active in which of the following countries> ,) Syria 6) Egy%t 4) ;i#ya 0) Temen E)None of these ,NS'6 $9. 2he #oo! titled S12 Tears , SlaveH has #een authored #y",) Solomon Northu% 6) 7asan Suroor 4) @esna ( Kaco# 0) Simon 0enyer E) None of these ,NS', /<. ,nwar *#rahim, who is facing sodomy charges, is the o%%osition leader in which of the following countries> Sodomy is illegal in this )uslim'ma=ority country and %unisha#le #y u% to 2< years in =ail.,) )alaysia 6) *ndonesia 4) (a!istan 0) *ra: E) *ran ,NS', /1. -uneral ceremony of -irst @ice (resident )arshal )ohammad Vasim -ahim was held at the %residential %lace with full state honor in which of the following countries recently> ,) ,fghanistan 6) )alaysia 4) *ndonesia 0) *ran E) None of these ,NS', /2. )ichelle 6achelet has #een sworn in as the %resident of which of the following counrtries recently> ,) ;atvia 6) 4hile 4) 4had 0) 6ulgaria E) 6elgium ,NS'6

/3. 2he #oo! titled S*ndiaHs )uslim S%ringH has #een authored #y" ,) *ndra=it 7a3ra 6) *ndra=it 7a3ra 4) ,nita Nair 0) 7asan Suroor E) None of these ,NS'0 /$. 2he govt has made it mandatory to carry %roof of vaccination against which of the following diseases after 1/th )ar for everyone entering *ndia from (a!istan> ,) Swine flu 6) 6ird flu 4) (olio 0) 2y%hoid E) None of these ,NS'4 //. Bho among the following has authored the #oo! titled S-it to -ightH,) @esna ( Kaco# 6) *ndra=it 7a3ra 4) ,nita Nair 0) 7asan Suroor E) None of these ,NS', /A. 2he Karnata!a +ovt has sought over 1s 1<9 cr from the N01- for cro% loss due to untimely rain. Bhat does N01- stands for> ,) National 0raught 1elief -und 6) National 0edicated 1elief -und 4) National 0isaster 1elief -und 0) National 0istri#uted 1elief -und E) National 0omastic 1elief -und. ,NS'4 /G. 2he nion +ovt decided to hi!e interest rates on fi9ed de%osit schemes offered #y %ost offices #y u% to <.2 M #ased on the recommendations of" ,) Nachi!et )or 4ommittee 6) T@ 1eddy 4ommittee 4) Shyamala +o%inath 4ommittee 0) 1 7 Khan 4ommittee E) None of these ,NS'4 /E. Bhich of the following is NO2 a term used in #an!ingLfinance> ,) -actoring 6) -orfaiting 4) ;easing 0) Su#limation E) 4,)E;S ,NS'0 /9. Bhat is the term used for the investi#le funds see!ing short term gains from investment> ,) (remium 6) 7ot money 4) 0e#enture 0) 6lue chi% E) None of these ,NS'6 A<. Bhich of the following teams has won the *44 ,sia 4u% cric!et tournament recently> ,) (a!istan 6) Sri ;an!a 4) 6angladesh 0) *ndia E) None of these ,NS'6 A1. Bhich of the following is correct a#out S%ecial 0rawing 1ights 8S01) created #y the *nternational )onetary -und 8*)-)> ,) S01 is an international reserve asset created #y the *)- in 19A9.6) Each mem#er country of *)- has S01s allocated to it in %ro%ortion to its :uota in the *)-.4) *ts value is #ased on a #as!et of !ey international currencies ' the euro, Ka%anese yen, %ound sterling, and S dollar.0) ,ll the a#ove ,NS'0 A2. 2he term *4,,( is associated with which of the following in the conte9t of #an!s in *ndia> ,) 1is! management 6) 6ad loans 4) 4a%ital ade:uacy 0) (riority sector lending E) None of these ,NS'4 A3. Name the *ndian',merican attorney who is all set to #ecome 4aliforniaHs first federal =udge of South ,sian descent> ,) Neal Katyal 6) Sri!anth Srinivasan 4) @ince 4hha#ria 0) (reet 6harara E) None of these ,NS'4 A$. Name the *ndian acid attac! victim who has won the %restigious *nternational Bomen of 4ourage ,ward from the S -irst ;ady )ichelle O#ama for successfully leading the cam%aign against acid attac!s on women in *ndia. ,) Sonali )u!her=ee 6) ;a9mi 4) ,nu )u!her=ee 0) ;ate (reeti 1athi E) None of these ,NS'6 A/. Bho among the following has #een given the title of the worldHs richest %erson in the -or#es 2<1$ #illionaire list released recently> ,) 4arlos Slim 7elu 6) Barren Edward 6uffett 4) ,mancio Ortega 0) 6ill +ates E) None of these ,NS'0 AA. *n which of the following countries 1A #ig #an!s has #een sued, recently, accusing them of fraud and cons%iring to !ee% a !ey glo#al interest rate low to enrich themselves> ,) K 6) S 4) Swit3erland 0) 4hina E) None of these ,NS'6 AG. 2he *44 22< Borld 4u% 2<1$ is scheduled to #e organised in which of the following countries from 1A )ar to A ,%r> ,) Sri ;an!a 6) South ,frica 4) 6angladesh 0) England E) ,ustralia ,NS'4 AE. E9%and the term *4,,(. ,) *nternal 4a%ital ,de:uacy ,ssessment (rocess 6) nternational 4a%ital ,de:uacy ,ssessment (rocess 4) nternal 4a%ital ,dvance ,ssessment (rocess 0) *nternal 4a%ital ,dherence ,ssessment (rocess. ,NS', A9. 2he *nternational 0ay of 4ommemoration in memory of the victims of the 7olocaust is cele#rated on which of the following dates> 8a) 1 Kan 8#) 9 Kan 8c) 11 Kan 8d) 19 Kan 8e) 31 Kan ,ns'e

G<. Bho among the following has won the 2<13 -ifa (layer of the Tear award 6allon d&Or recently> 8a) ;ionel )essi 8#) 4ristiano 1onaldo 8c) Bayne 1ooney 8d) ,r=en 1o##en 8e) -ranc! 1i#ery ,ns'# G1. Bhich of the following statements isLare correct with res%ect to *nternational 0evelo%ment ,ssociation 8*0,)" 8a) *t is a %art of the Borld 6an!. 8#) *t hel%s the world&s %oorest countries in %roviding interest'free loans with 2/ years to maturity and a grace %eriod of / years. 8c) Esta#lished in 19A<, it is head:uartered in -ran!furt, +ermany. 8d) ,ll the a#ove 8e) Only 1) and 2) ,ns'e G2. ,n o%erating system designed to ena#le data transfer and a%%lication usage among com%uters and other devices connected to a local area networ! is called a 55555555.,ns' networ! o%erating system 8NOS) G3. O%timi3ed for dial'u% connections over noisy tele%hone lines, the oldest %ac!et'switching %rotocol for B,N usage, called 555555555555555, is still widely used.,ns' U.2/ G$. .555555555555555 is the method used in %u#lic switched tele%hone systems where there is a direct connection #etween communicating devices. ,ns' 4ircuit switching G/. 5555555555555defines how one *nternet'connected com%uter can contact another to e9change control and confirmation messages. ,ns' 2ransmission 4ontrol (rotocol 824() GA. 5555555555555 #roadcast radio waves that can #e %ic!ed u% #y anyone using the correct configuration.,ns' Bireless networ!s

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