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Student Senate

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

6:00pm, 111 Harrison Hall
I. Call to Order
II. Two Minutes of Silence
III. Roll Call

IV. Announcements and Remarks by the Chair

a. Senator Introductions- DiDominico, Dolder, Donehue
b. Senator of the Month Nominations
Audree Riddle, Matt Frazier, Kevin Livingston, Aaron Bly, Kurt Kadon, Nathan
c. Senate Reception at Lewis Place next semester

V. Consent Calendar
a. Senate Minutes – September 22, 2009
b. Senate Minutes – September 29, 2009
c. SR010908: A Resolution to Congratulate Miami Alum and Former Student Senator
Approved By Unanimous Consent.

VI. Student Concerns

Mr.Jacobson: mandatory monthly staff developments for student employees waste of money
Ms.Moore:Put a Movie Box inside Shriver
Mr.Horvath: Emergency call boxes inadequate
Ms.Bahir: heard that they were never used, and cell phone usage was more effective

VII. Reports
a. University Senate
Mr.Frazier- Regional campuses are doing well, discussion of fiscal responsibility
regarding residence hall revamping and BSC building, new thematic sequence
Mr.Senko- Has contact with the firm conducting the survey started?
Chair- President McNabb will cover this in his report
b. President of the Student Body
-Presidents annual address, discussed tenure promotion and use of time
-Cabinet would like to work with senators to go door to door within districts
-Parents council passed funding of the survey
c. Vice President of the Student Body
- Bid for the OSGA conference
d. Vice President of Campus Activities
-Family weekend went well, thanks for your support. Homecoming updates next
e. Secretary for Diversity Affairs
-D.A.C. banner sheet painting party, next Wednesday 6-9 p.m.
f. Secretary for Off-Campus Affairs – Parents Council
g. Advisor-
Difference between efficiency and effectiveness; doing things right and doing
things the right way
VIII. Special Business of the Day:
a. Homecoming Nominations
-Voting next week
b. Parking and Transportation Briefing
Chair: Mr.Gordan will be here next week
Mr.Ciccone: City has purchased a device to read tire track, whether cars have
been moved in 72 hours; parking garages; more beds than parking spots
Mr.McNabb: N.Campus parking garage has been opened, ask about changes in
the Miami metro route as well as night time door to door service
IX. Old Business:

X. New Business:
a. SR010909: A Resolution to change the Elections Bylaws
Mr.Zwayer: Everything that is double struck through would be taken out of the bylaws and
replaced by the bold wording next to it
Mr.Ferguson: my only concern is that cycle three funding is the training for the sec. of orgs
Mr.Zwayer: the reason we said last week of classes is so we don’t have to change the timeline
every year
Mr.McNabb: is there reason we needed to change from January to February
Mr.Zwayer: if we’re going to change to after spring break, this is the best way to do it
b. SR010910: 2010 Student Body Elections Timeline
Mr. Harris: in previous years campaigning has lasted 4-6 weeks in January. Elections committee
has found that 12 weeks of the semester are consumed by elections, and undermining current
administration, consolidate P.R.
Mr.Jacobson: if, hypothetically, you were a candidate for student body president, could you also
run for another position if you lose
Mr.Zwayer: you do have the opportunity to submit a senator or secretary position held in secret
by elections committee
Mr.Senko: is there concern that by pushing later elections you’re not leaving the new board
enough time to organize?
Mr.Harris: They would still have four weeks to transition before finals begin
Mr.Kadon: when does cycle 3 funding occur
Mr.Ferguson: the day after general elections

XI. General Announcements

Mr.Ferguson- greek week is in full swing
Mr.Kadon- office hour sheet going out tomorrow
Mr.Zwayer- Legacy fest invitation
Ms.Bahir- Harvest Moon festival Sunday, 2-5 Uptown Park; Power Shift Environmental
conference in Oberlin weekend of October 23rd
Ms.Riddle: come to Down in Mississippi, freedom summer

XII. Adjournment
A Resolution to Congratulate Miami Alum and Former Student Senator

Nathan Zwayer, Off-Campus Senator


Adam Harris, Student Body Vice-President

Una Hrnjak, Secretary for Diversity Affiars

Submitted to Student Senate on:

October 6, 2009

Whereas: Lisa Patt-McDaniel was appointed as the Interim Director of the Ohio Department of
Development by Governor Ted Strickland in May of 2009;

Whereas: Governor Strickland appointed Patt-McDaniel as the Director of the Ohio Department
of Development in September of 2009;

Whereas: Patt-McDaniel is the first woman to serve as Director of the Ohio Department of

Whereas: Patt-McDaniel earned a Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy from Miami University and
served as an Off-Campus Senator in Associated Student Government,

Therefore be it Resolved: The Associated Student Government congratulates Lisa Patt-

McDaniel on her appointment and offers their best wishes on future success for the agency and
the State of Ohio.
A Resolution to change the Elections Bylaws

Nathan Zwayer, Off-Campus Student Senator


ASG Elections Committee

Adam Harris, Student Body Vice-President

Submitted to Student Senate on:

October 6, 2009

Whereas: Article I, Section 106.D of the Associated Student Government Bylaws states:
The Elections Committee shall establish rules governing election campaigns, subject to the
approval of Student Senate.

Whereas: Article VI, Section 602.A of the Associated Student Government Bylaws currently
The election of the Executive Cabinet shall be held at a time recommended by the Elections
Committee, after the month of January, but no later than nine weeks before the end of the second
semester, subject to the approval of Student Senate.

Whereas: The Associated Student Government Elections Committee (ASGEC) has found that
the current elections cycle is wanting,

Therefore be it Resolved: The Associated Student Government Elections Committee

recommends that the following bylaws changes be approved by Student Senate:

SECTION 602.A: The election of the Executive Cabinet shall be held at a time recommended by
the Elections Committee, after the month of January February, but no later than nine weeks
before the end of the second semester the last week of classes; not including finals week,
subject to the approval of the Student Senate.

SECTION 602.B: If there are more than two candidates for any one office, there shall be a
primary election for that office. The two candidates receiving the largest number of votes in the
primary shall be in the final election. The primary election shall be held in the month of
February, at least one week prior to the final election.

SECTION 602.C: Candidates for the Office of Vice President for Campus Activities must have
previously served at least one year on the Campus Activities Council.
SECTION 602.D: Each candidate must submit a petition and application to the Elections
Committee clarifying that the candidate qualifies and agrees to abide by and fulfill all duties and
regulations set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws.

1. This petition shall contain the signatures of 150 undergraduate students at Miami
2. Petitions and applications must be filed no later than 10 days before the primary
elections the date set by Elections Committee, as approved by Student Senate
3. The petitions shall contain the legal name or recognizable nickname of the candidate as
he or she would like it to appear on the ballot, as well as the office for which he or she is
4. Each petition and application will be examined and certified by the Elections Committee.
5. All petitions are final upon filing. No candidate shall be permitted to alter information
after filing.
6. The Elections Committee is granted the authority to alter the name submitted on the
petition to ensure a fair election process, even after the petition has been officially filed.
7. If no candidate or only one candidate runs for a single office, the deadline date for filing
petitions for that office shall be advanced 72 hours.

SECTION 602.F: If only one candidate has declared, that candidate shall be the winner for the
1. The Executive Cabinet-elect shall submit no more than three nominees for the vacant
office to the Student Senate in a time of no more than 28 days after the election.
2. The Student Senate shall then elect the nominee to fulfill the vacant office from the
names submitted by the Executive Cabinet-elect.

SECTION 602.G E: Officers shall be elected by a majority of the votes cast in the primary or
final election.
SECTION 602.H F: The name of each candidate shall be rotated on the ballot.
SECTION 602.I G: All offices shall be presented as separate and individual ballot questions on
the official elections ballot. Specifically, the format of the ballot shall not allow a single election
choice to fill more than one office.

Further be it Resolved: that the passage of this resolution will henceforth override all date
limitations as prescribed by the Standing Rules of the Associated Student Government,

Further be it Resolved: that subsequent to the passage of the this resolution, Administrative
Committee will review, at a time deemed proper by the Chair of the Administrative Committee,
the Standing Rules of the Associated Student Government to make sure that said Standing Rules
are properly aligned to the bylaws changes made by this resolution.

2010 Student Body Elections Timeline
Nathan Zwayer, Off-Campus Student Senator

ASG Elections Committee

Adam Harris, Student Body Vice-President

Submitted to Student Senate on:

October 6, 2009

Whereas: Article I, Section 106.D in the Associated Student Government Bylaws states:
The Elections Committee shall establish rules governing election campaigns, subject to the
approval of Student Senate.

Whereas: Article VI, Section 602.A in the Associated Student Government Bylaws states:
The election of the Executive Cabinet shall be held at a time recommended by the Elections
Committee, after the month of February, but no later than the last week of classes, subject to the
approval of Student Senate.

Therefore be it Resolved: The Elections Committee is recommending the following timeline in

accordance with the current bylaws of the Associated Student Government:

February 1, 2010 – Elections Packets released and disseminated to student body

March 1, 2010 – Elections Packets due with all requirements fulfilled
March 15, 2010 – Open campaigning for Student Body Elections commences
April 1, 2010 – Primaries for Student Body Elections are held as needed
April 6, 2010 – Election of President of Senate
April 8, 2010 – Student Body General Elections are held as needed
April 9, 2010 – Cabinet Election Packets due with all requirements fulfilled
April 13, 2010 – First round of Cabinet candidates released and Cabinet Elections
April 20, 2010 – Second round of Cabinet candidates released and Cabinet Elections
April 21, 2010 – Off-Campus Senator Elections Packets due with all requirements
April 27, 2010 – Election of Off-Campus Student Senators

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