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This blast e-mail focuses on how BHO is systematically undermining the Bill of Rights, why the Dems are

desperately trying to change the subject [by citing usual-suspects such as racism, sexism, abortion, environmentalism, and voter-fraud], why the GOP is optimistic [primarily about flipping the Senate], and how these political forces are affecting partisan observations [both regarding 14 and 16]. For levity, listen to Five Guys Cover "What Makes You Beautiful" Using Only A Single Piano, and note that, after Michael Vick Signed With NY Jets, Mark Sanchez was Cut; after a little-girl-donated-coins to a street-musician, note the surprise she received. Anyone who doubts Corbetts re-election problem must be reminded of his flawed social-policy quotes: Corbett Compares Gay Marriage to Incest and Don't Want Abortion Ultrasound? Just Close Your Eyes. [Also, know that Gosnell's Abortion 'House of Horrors' is to Become Food Pantry and Shelter.] Also, recognize York County became center of PA political world when CAP was encouraged by Wagner win, while [predictably, reflecting national ideology] DEM Gov-Candidates eyed taxes to ease wealth-gap. Regarding a major distinction between Corbett/Guzzardi, it seems there is greater recognition that some are livin-large-union-payroll, even as [predictably] the NLRB has Backed Down on Pro-Union Posters. In other PA-related news, house-sent-pace-expansion to senate, a Pa-dem [from DelCo] hypothetically asked [while debating gun-control] if-she-could-kill-a-republican-rep, Prisoner DeWeese responded preliminarily to 'Keystone Corruption' author Bumsted, allegheny/health-dept was to-inspect-sewage-issue-in-school-cafeteria, a Pa wind turbine caught fire, the State's case vs. Kerns may mirror MontCo's [after Ambien was not found in the alleged-victims blood], and Hershey (still) manufactures chocolate. Although the mainstream-media ignored the gaffe, consider watching OBAMA MISSPELL 'R-E-S-P-E-C-T' AT ARETHA FRANKLIN CONCERT and ponder why the white-house-transcript-scrubbed it; one observer [from the NT-Times!] invoked this event to support the view that BHO now garners Little R-S-P-E-C-T. {This latter observation is consistent with newly-voiced opposition from Oliver Stone and Ralph Nader.}

Bill of Rights [note complete text] Critique of how Obama Has Nullified the Legislative Branch [by acting as a king] has arisen inter alia from paul-ryan [lawlessness], Judge Napolitano [Obama Has Shown an 'Incredible Wiliness and Facility for Lying], and allen-west [obama-is-a-pathological-liar-who harbors disdain-for-the-american-people]; exemplifying how routine this has become is obamas announcement of a new-program-that-requiresno-congressional-approval [to help low-income earners save for retirement]. Indeed, at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, AG-Holder was asked by Senator Mike Lee to explain the Constitutional basis for executive orders, namely those such as the one issued by Obama to delay the employer mandate; Holder couldnt think of any Constitutional basis and concluded that Obama is perhaps at the height of his Constitutional limit. Fortunately, it appears america-rejects-rule-by-decree-as-criticslambaste-obama-speech, for it is vital to recall that America is Governed by Rules, Not Men; indeed, while redefining-patriotism, an ethical man resigned-from-obamas-secret-service; and Mark Levin [Cheltenham High School Grad] has Instructed House GOP on Confronting 'Imperial President' Obama. Until/unless there is a Convention of States, kids must learn civics; tools facilitating such efforts include: I'm Just a Bill (Schoolhouse Rock!), Tea Party - Schoolhouse Rock No more Kings, and the-constitution.

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Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. Right to keep and bear arms in order to maintain a well regulated militia. No quartering of soldiers. Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures. Right to due process of law, freedom from self-incrimination, double jeopardy. Rights of accused persons, e.g., right to a speedy and public trial. Right of trial by jury in civil cases. Freedom from excessive bail, cruel and unusual punishments. Other rights of the people.

10 Powers reserved to the states.

1st Amendment remains under-attack, as the IRS continues to suppress Freedom of Speech. house-report-traces-irs-scandal-to-obama Ernest Istook: IRS to get 'license to kill' groups that oppose Obama agenda IRS TRUSTED PARTNER JOINED AT HIP WITH LA RAZA. Radical Hispanic organization pushes for open borders Mohammad Weiss Rasool, busted by the FBI several years ago for spying on behalf of al-Qaida, works for the deputy IRS chief financial officer as a financial management analyst 1st Amendment remains under-attack, as religious-freedom is being supplanted by secularism. congress-wants-answers-on-usafa-religious-liberty-incident afa-whiteboard-flap-prompts-congressional-questions Air Force: Christians' Religious Speech Not Legally Protected Right 2nd Amendment remains under-attack; it will be a theme @ the upcoming PA Leadership Conference. Ohio Police: Burglar 'Picked Wrong Home,' Shot by Homeowner GUN CONTROL GROUPS UP IN ARMS OVER DEMS WHO OPPOSED GUN CONTROL Bill Allowing Guns in Churches, Use of Silencer During Hunting Passes Georgia Senate Gov. Terry McAuliffe's First Veto Is Against Gun Owners Indiana Gov. Pence Expected to Sign Bill Supporting Teachers' 2nd Amendment Rights Hawaii's Gun Restrictions Deemed Unconstitutional if obama-knocks-on-your-door-hide-your-guns atf-breaks-ares-armor-second-amendment-attack Pennsylvania: Critical Firearms Preemption Legislation Introduced limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition in PA.

4th Amendment remains under-attack; privacy [under overwhelming attack via inter alia NSA/IRS] and secrecy [shrouding inter alia the POTUS/FLOTUS] constitute two sides of the same coin. Rand Paul at Berkeley: 'Reid Should Allow Vote on NSA Reform' SPIEGEL: NSA Spied on Chinese Gov't, Networking Firm

Hacks Through System Administrators' FACEBOOK Accounts Zuckerberg: Obama Steps on Spying Not Enough Obama Meets with Zuckerberg, 'Internet CEOs' to Discuss Privacy Issues NSA recorded 'every single' call in one country NSA program reaches 'into past' to retrieve, replay phone calls FEINSTEIN: Drone spied on me! Guardian Struck Deal With Brits on Greenwald's Partner edward-snowden-defends-freedom-better-than-peter-king State Dept Official Pleads Guilty in FOXNEWS Leak Case 13 Months in Prison HHS Seeking Access via a social media analytic tool to access Full Twitter Historical Data FCC Planned To Police The Newsrooms FCC Enlisted Team of Obama Donors to Craft Controversial Plan Feinstein-Accused-CIA-of-Spying-on-Congressional-Staffers-and-Violating-Constitution Celebrating the 'Most Transparent Administration in History' white-house-no-more-information-about-drone-killings-will-be-released-to-public white-house-bars-media from dalai-lama-meeting obama-administration-now-hiding-massive-cost-of-vacations PRESS BAN DURING MICHELLE O CHINA TRIP 'Once we lose access, we'll never get it back' Michelle Obama arrives in China for official visit Obama ladies touch down in China amid taxpayer uproar MICHELLE O: Human rights are off the agenda HOTEL STAFF COMPLAINS ABOUT OBAMA MOTHER IN CHINA BATTLE OF FIRST LADIES 9th Amendment remains under-attack, as ObamaDontCare continues to loom. Biden: Obama Should Be Nominated for Sainthood for Dealing with ObamaCare Questions 'I Am Angry': Oregon Governor Releases ObamaCare Investigation Findings as High-Ranking Offical Resigns HALF OF CALLERS TO COVERED CALIFORNIA GIVE UP OBAMACARE TAX COLLECTION BEGINS; WHITE HOUSE SLAMS DRUDGE 'LIE' NYT: Administration Spends $17 Million a Month Advertising ObamaCare Ellen tells Obama 'everyone's very grateful' for Obamacare! Administration spends $17m a month on paid advertising Florida Woman Struggles to Unenroll from Obamacare First Union to Endorse Obama Now Slams Obamacare REPORT: Obamacare premiums about to skyrocket FDA prevents 6-year-old boy from getting life-saving treatments Concerns about access to cancer centers under healthlaw Rhode Island Instructs Moms to Use Hook-Up App to 'Nag' Kids into Obamacare Enrollment Not Enough Youth Enrollees in Obamacare

obama-said-sequester-cuts-dont-apply-to-obamacare OBAMACARE PATIENTS DENIED ACCESS TO DOCTORS, HOSPITALS, CANCER CENTERS deciding-vote that passed-obamacare-feels-double-crossed Obama Making Last Ditch Effort to Shame Youth into Obamacare Obama Hitting Spanish-Language TV Hard for Obamacare DOJ: At Least 35% Americans Eligible for Medicaid Under ObamaCare Have Criminal Histories march-madness-fake-obamacare-enrollment-numbers obama-lies-claims-enough-people-have-signed-up-to-make-obamacare-work Obama admitted you may not keep your doctor, but you may be able to keep your life-saving treatments how-student-loan-profits-make-obamacare-look-good - profit they were supposedly making from the student loans could then be plugged into how much money would come from Obamacare, so it didnt look like it cost as much. fake-obamacare-enrollment-numbers delaying-obamacares-individual-mandate-due-hardship pattern_of_obamacare_dishonesty obama-administration-eyes-new-obamacare-delay cancersurvivors 4-of-5-companies-may-hike-deductibles-due-to-obamacare obamacare-disadvantage DEMS [Facing an onslaught of constituent frustration over online exchanges] now BLAME PRIVATE ENTITIES [companies and senior executives in their home states that have contracts to get the health care websites up and running] FOR BOTCHED ROLLOUT; this is consistent with what Dems have said in D.C., defending the health care law not only from Republican attacks that it's a failure, but from the line that government itself can't do big things.

10th Amendment, Federalism, remains under-attack, as Illegals run rampant with BHOs blessing. 108 illegal immigrants rescued from locked Houston house UK Judge Compares Britain's Borders to 'Leaking Sieve' House Judiciary Chairman Faces Demands From Pro-Amnesty Megadonors FIVE FACE FED CHARGES FOR HOUSTON ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT STASH HOUSE Priebus: 'Consensus' Within GOP for 'Serious Immigration Reform' House Judiciary Chairman Faces Demands From Pro-Amnesty Megadonors Zuckerberg Rushes to Renee Ellmers' Rescue with 'No Amnesty' Ads LA Catholic Delegation Heads to Vatican to Lobby Pope on Immigration Reform Report: Obama Sees 'Upcoming 90-Day Window' for Amnesty Legislation 58 Illegal Immigrants Arrested in South Texas Stash House New York State Senate Defeated Dream Act Financial Aid for Illegal Aliens State Senate rejected financial aid for students here illegally NY Senate Rejects Taxpayer Subsidies For Illegal College Students ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT ALLEGEDLY TRIED TO KILL BORDER PATROL AGENT IN TEXAS PRINCIPAL FIRED OVER 'SPEAK ENGLISH' obama-eyes-even-less-immigration-enforcement-seeks-to-reduce-deportation-of-illegals 10th Amendment, Federalism, remains under-attack, as nullification/secession-movement grows. Struggling With Nullification Natural Rights Versus Delegated Power Michigan Nullified Obamas Indefinite Detention Power state-of-jefferson proposed as northern-california-counties-push-for-secession-from-state

Lincolns-Inversion-of-the-American-Union illustrated that, although the Union was originally conceived as a compact between sovereign states entailing a right to secession, it evolved into the notion of an indivisible, organic Union from which secession was impossible; slavery was a secondary consideration.

Dems are Desperately Trying to Change the Subject Customary suggestions that Demographics favor Dems may not persist. Millennials' Trust of Government Down 15 Points from 2009 Asian-Americans Show Clout as Latinos Become California's Largest Minority us_middle_class_is_turning_proletarian Dems are [justifiably] scared about 14. [Overview] LA Times: Ginsburg Should Retire to Ensure a Liberal Replacement CNN: Democrats Pushing The Panic Button Over and Over Again Anatomy of a Democratic Midterm Freakout Obama Factor Adds to Fears of Democrats Democrats Are Worried because, not only did the Florida special election show that their policies [especially ObamaCare] are unpopular, but Republicans were able to benefit from the RNCs new voter engagement strategy, which includes new data tools, new technology, and new permanent ground game that are being used all across the country. CNNs John King: More Democrat Retirements Coming After Last Weeks Loss In Florida Dont Read Too Much Into Result in Floridas 13th District according to the Dems [Senate] Republicans lead in 5 key Senate races Senate Control in 2014 Increasingly Looks Like a Tossup [archived] obama-advisor-dan-pfeiffer-declares-dems-will-keep-the-senate-in-2014 Senate Dems break from Obama - They seem unusually comfortable criticizing him, with minimal concerns about repercussions. Shaheen: Pay more to keep your doc, wont say if shed vote for O-Care again Liberal Sen. Whitehouse: Mary Landrieu Will Punish Energy Industry Bill Clinton Campaigning for Lundergan Grimes [Mitt Says Bill Clinton 'Embarrassed The Nation'] Harry Reid, Koch Fiend harry-reid-wants-koch-brothers-murdered The Democrats' Koch psychosis Combative Reid Attacks Tea Party, Threatens Filibuster Ban, Tells Republicans to 'Get a Life' reid said the republican-agenda is intended to-make obama-look-bad Senate Dems to Skip Budget Resolution... Again Claire McCaskill: '$17 Trillion Debt Is Irresponsible' [House] Who's leaving Congress? congressman-andrews-d-nj-resigned

rob-andrews-retirement sandra-fluke-strongly-considering-running-for-congress Dems: Fluke files for Waxman seat Alan Grayson Attacks Navy Vet and GOP Congressional Opponent McClintock Race Could Give Dems New Playbook to Take Out Conservatives [false-flag] [Governor] Six Things MSNBC Wont Say about the New Wendy Davis Poll Wendy-Davis-Advocated-for-Public-Entity-Charged-With-Gender-Discrimination Red State Women Slam Wendy Davis' Equal Pay Bill New Abbott Web Ad Targets Anti-Wendy Davis Border Residents Crist accused of selling judgeships as governor Florida gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist is taking heat for his call to lift the U.S. trade embargo on Cuba -- the latest episode in which Democrats and Republicans have attacked him for flip-flopping on everything from policy to his choice of political party. [Regional] Peter Liu [immigrant and Army Veteran] is running for Mayor of Oakland. CUOMO CAMPAIGNING BEHIND THE SCENES AGAINST DE BLASIO POLICIES De Blasio's Approval Rating Dropped Eight Points Since January De Blasio Dropped Crystal Apple While Presenting it to Ireland's Prime Minister NY Democrats Go to War over Top City Council Job Under De Blasio - de Blasio is committed to implementing an explicitly ideological agenda, continuing his campaign strategy of running to the left of all other candidates in the Democratic primary. When I said we would take dead aim at the Tale of Two Cities, I meant it.We are called to put an end to economic and social inequalities[to] take on the elite." This activist impulse means seeing business as an adversary rather than an ally. On January 1, 2014, a Sanitation Department chaplain, Reverend Fred Lucas of the Brooklyn Community Church, startled listeners when he compared New York to a plantation during his invocation at Mayor de Blasios inauguration. NYT Fawned Over De Blasio TV Cameo While Mayor Loses Big on Pre-K Tax on Wealthy This was yet another weekend of failures for New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, but you would never know it from reading the New York Times. While the mayor lost his bid to raise taxes on wealthy New Yorkers to fund a universal pre-K program, the Times wants us all to know that he made a cameo on the show The Good Wife. NYC Painted Red - Bill de Blasio is not the only red coming to power in New York City; he was joined by a "progressive" majority City Council, exemplified by three of them. For the Left, Bill de Blasio Is Post-Obama Consolation Cuomo to Legalize Medical Marijuana in NY Enough Pot Happy Talk [Trump claimed Andrew Cuomo Scared of Me, spoke at CPAC 2014, scolded president for not wearing tie: 'Sloppy, not presidential', and prompted nbcs-lauer to whine that he always-thinksobama-is-weak.]

Dems apparently support voter-fraud. COURT: States can require ID to vote. Anti-Voter ID Protesters Required to Have Photo IDs Court Rules in Favor of Kansas and Arizona in Voter I.D. Suit Voting Machine Irregularities Claimed in Two Border County Democrat Primaries Fla. TV Station Exposes Voter Fraud; DOJ Sues State to Stop Purging Rolls Woman Convicted of Voter Fraud Honored by Democrats Environmentalism is the building-block-global-government, manifest as opposing the Keystone XL. Proponents of Keystone XL Touted State Department Findings that found approving the project would have little environmental impact. OBAMA RUNNING OUT OF REASONS TO REJECT KEYSTONE XL obama-keeps-ignoring-positive-reports regarding the keystone-pipeline theres-nothing-complex-about-the-keystone-pipeline and, thus, boehner-urged BHO to approve-project liberals-back-away-from-keystone-xl-opposition American Physical Society Sees The Light: Will It Be The First Major Scientific Institution To Reject The Global Warming 'Consensus' There is no consensus about dangerous anthropogenic global warming, and there never was. myth of `settled science' on global warming Greenpeace-Founder-No-Scientific-Proof-for-Global-Warming Apple CEO Tim Cook to Shareholders: If You Dont Believe in Global Warming, Sell Our Stock! weather-channel-founder-explains-the-history-of-the-global-warming-hoax Anthropogenic Global Densification: its the New Global Warming Armageddon DEM REP RAILS AGAINST GLOBAL WARMING SKEPTICS: 'BLATHERING IDIOTS' From Fla., Chabad Rabbi tells a deep-frozen U.S. what traditional Judaism says about "global warming" WHITE HOUSE and NASA TEAM FOR NEW CLIMATE CHANGE SITE Facing Drought, California Farmers Rally Against Regulations Limiting Water Supplies Some California cities seek water independence McClintock on CA Drought: 'We Are Being Governed by People Who Are Out of Their Minds' EPA goes all in for Dems food-police-govt-agency-suggests-americans-become-vegetarians-to-combat-climate-change Darrell Issa Subpoenas EPA for Documents on Blocked Alaska 'Pebble Mine' Project partisan-fight-over-epas-role-in-texas-emerges-at-house-hearing Wyoming Farmer Taking on the EPA oregon-man-sentenced-30-days-jail-collecting-rainwater-on his-property wyoming-welder-faces-fine-for-building-pond-on-his-own-property Racism-charges still animate Dem-demagogues who attack the GOP and the TEA Party Movement. Violent Video Games Encourage Racist, Aggressive Attitudes Toward Blacks

NATION DIVIDED: CITY VS COUNTRY PAUL RYAN CONFRONTED AT TOWN HALL OVER INNER-CITY POVERTY COMMENTS U.S. Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y., on Tuesday called Tea Party members "mean, racist people" because they belong to red states, which were once part of the Confederacy. congressional-black-caucus-member Clyburn said requiring-black-candidates-to-win-50%-of-thevote-is-racist The Liberal Idiots at Gawker Called Jerry Seinfeld a Racist white-voters-abandon-obama-in-droves unemployed-white-men-and-women-need-not-apply The Abortion debate [largely settled] occasionally is invoked for perceived political-advantage. Architect of California's Non-Physician Abortion Law Leaves for Buffett Foundation In Public Opinion on Abortion, Few Absolutes As Texas G.O.P. Revives Abortion Ban, a Look at Public Opinion Public Opinion Shifts on Security-Liberty Balance Charges of being anti-LGBTQ still animate Dems, antagonizing those trying to bridge-gaps. Several state Attorneys General have publicly announced that they will not defend their state DOMA-laws against legal challenges, and AG-Holder supports them. 5 Big Wins for Militant Gay Pressure Groups by successful intimidation of business. when-two-lesbians-walk-into-a-church-seeking-trouble sam-adams-pulls-out-boston-st-patrick-parade-over-gay-rights guinness, a top-beer-maker, bowed-out-of-st.-patricks-day-over-gay-protests Guinness Caves to Gay Pressure, Drops St. Patrick's Day Parade Sponsorship Guinness chose to withdraw sponsorship of New Yorks St. Patricks Day parade. CATHOLIC CALLS FOR BOYCOTT OF GUINNESS Catholic League Prez Files to March in Gay Pride Parade Boston Mayor Marty Walsh Sits Out St. Patrick's Day Parade over Gay Veteran Group - Bostons Mayor Marty Walsh has refused to participate in South Bostons St. Patricks Day Parade because parade organizers will not permit an openly gay group of veterans to march under a separate banner that identifies them by their sexual orientation. The ACLU's Strategy against American Self-Governance Holder to Expand Same-Sex Marriage Privileges Feds Expand Same-Sex Marriage Rights same-sex-marriage open-letter-catholics who vote-democrat: Your Church and your religious freedoms are under an ongoing attack being carried out under the direct control of Barack Obama. U.S. Taxpayers Fund $52K Study of 16 Schizophrenic LGBT Canadians - American taxpayers are paying over $52,000 to study 16 LGBT individuals who have schizophrenia in Toronto, Canada. Federal judge slaps down gay marriage ban in VA Ruling Confuses Declaration of Independence with Constitution

The Democrats Opposed Gay Marriage Janet Napolitano: 'The Arc of History Has Clearly Arrived' for Gay Marriage Colorado Democrat Fires Gay Aide For Befriending A Republican Couple who are just friends allowed to adopt, judge says in landmark ruling - The couple, who are not identified in the court papers, became friends in 2000. Later, they decided to adopt a child from Ethiopia but had to petition a court to put the man's name on legal papers as the second parent. Sexism is often invoked to prompt women to vote with the Dems. MSNBC Equal Pay Advocate Brzezinski Makes Half as Much as Scarborough The 77-Cent Gender Wage Gap Lie GM pays female CEO far less than male CEO Liberal Internet News Startups Accused of Lacking Staff Diversity Fluke Hopes to Boost Women, Says Limbaugh's 'Slut' Insult Helped Obama's Weekly Address: Minimum Wage Hike About 'Rewarding' Women More people were wincing than laughing at Rep. Donna Edwards' performance. Donna Edwards Falls Flat Attacking the GOP House to vote on museum for women

Hillary remains the candidate-to-beat for the 2016 competition HILLARY ON HOLD; BIDEN TO NH Struggles with Teleprompter 'Complicated' GALLUP: Hillary's Top Selling Point in 2016 Is First Female President The Hillary Riddle Begins to Unravel theres-no-escaping-hillarys-past elizabeth-warren is hillary-clintons-nightmare

GOP Politics The GOP is poised to assume majority-control of the Senate. GOP Began To Fight-Back Against Obama's Broad Executive Overreach Democratic strategist Doug Sosnik was a close adviser to President Bill Clinton, and hes famed in Washington circles for his closely held, big-think memos on the state of American politics. In his latest, posted here with his permission, he says that Republicans' efforts to win the midterm elections will make it hard for them to take the White House in 2016. [This invokes customary demographic-politics and ignores populist-angst against BHOs policies and imperialism.] WH Senior Adviser: Obama 'an Asset in Every Way Possible' to Dems in 2014 Robert Gibbs: Democrats 'Definitely, Absolutely' In Danger Of Losing Senate In 2014 Invoking Pelosi's Name Best Tool to Motivate GOP Voters Pelosi is NOT GOING! PELOSI FORCED TO DENY RETIREMENT RUMORS Pelosi: I Dont Know if Any of My Staffers Have Gone on to Work for Federal Contractors Pelosi Thinks Sluggish Jobs Report Sign of Progress House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi will back fellow California Democrat Rep. Anna Eshoo [Pelosis closest friend in Congress] for the ranking member post on powerful Energy and Commerce Committee. Eshoo would have to jump over two other Democrats [Reps. Frank Pallone of New Jersey and Bobby Rush of Illinois] for the post. Nancy Pelosi: 'Why Would Anybody Get Married?' Scott Brown Launched 'Main Streets and Living Rooms' Listening Tour in New Hampshire Scott Brown is being told by Dems that The Granite State Seems Happy With Its Senator The Wild, Conservative West The GOPs Civil War continues. a-beat-up-exhausted-and-terrified-republican-establishment Palin Endorsement Helps T.W. Shannon Close Deficit in OK Sen. Primary Preview for Amazing America with Sarah Palin Sen. Alexander Says 'No National School Board' After Promoting Common Core with Jeb Bush

Re-Election Is Likely for McConnell, but Not Guaranteed Somebody Poll a Senate Race Rubio Is Losing Support Among Republican Voters John Cornyn Was Too Conservative to Lose This Primary The theme of McConnells re-election campaign is Vote for me because I'm powerful. SEN. PAT ROBERTS ACCUSED OF KEEPING NO RESIDENCE IN KANSAS Milton Wolf To Challenge Pat Roberts For U.S. Senate Seat Politico Unveils Old Story Smearing Nebraska Senate Hopeful Sasse navy-pilot-famously-held-captive-by-chinese-running-for-senate us-senate-hopeful-shane-osborn-talks-politics rasmussen reports arkansas senate: Congressman Tom Cotton holds a five-point lead over incumbent Democrat Mark Pryor Louisiana Senate: Cassidy (R) 44%, Landrieu (D) 40% Kentucky Senate: McConnell (R) 42%, Grimes (D) 42% North Carolina Senate: Tillis (R) 47%, Hagan (D) 40% 29% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), the most powerful Republican in Congress, called his GOP colleague Rep. Steve King of Iowa an a--hole while speaking with two Democratic members on the House floor. texas-congressman-pete-sessions does not actually-live-in-texas Gohmert: GOH PAC Offers New Hope For Real Conservatives In Washington DC Matt Doheny Jumps into House Race Despite GOP Elise Stefanik Support - Three-time loser Matt Doheny has decided to jump into the Republican primary for New Yorks 21st Congressional District despite overwhelming local support for candidate Elise Stefanik. GOP War on Conservatives Backfires Former GOP Establishment Rep. LaTourette's Activities May Be Illegal cantor-rival-mike-dickinson-sarah-palin-feels-gays-blacks-are-problem-u-s Are Republicans Still Alive in California? The 2016 GOP competition remains wide-open; note how Cruz/Walker receive quality-notices. All Politics Is Presidential mitt-romney is 2016-frontrunner Treaty Power, per Cruz, Threatens Our System of Limited Government Cruz Rails Against Lawless Jimmy Carter-esque Obama Who Speaks the 'Words of Fools' Ted Cruz Lambastes DOJ For Refusing To Appoint IRS Special Prosecutor: 'Height of Hypocrisy' Ted Cruz Urges Boldness in Acceptance Speech for Claremont Institute's Churchill Award Ted Cruz: Obama Needs To Stop 'Agonizing' Over International Law, Realize Putin Wants To Reassemble The Soviet Union 2016: Ted Cruz Moves to Rand Paul's Right on Social Issues Texas Senate Candidate Konni Burton to Start Runoff Campaign with Ted Cruz A point in favor of Walker for President 2016: he drives Democrats insane BridgeGate: New Emails Link Christie Political Strategist to Port Authority Officials imagine-every-citizen-being-able-to-hold-politicians-accountable-down-to-the-penny malaysian-jihadists-plotted-plane-hijacking-using-shoe-bomb

weird-campaign-finance-rules-let-internet-make-awesome-mitch-mcconnell-ad-parodie/ hacker-who-released-obamas-social-security-number-arrested obama-abandons-online-freedom-of-speech-to-islamic-dictatorships Navy-SEALs-took-turns-dumping-HUNDREDS-bullets-Osama-bin-Ladens-dead-body Cruz Up Close: Texas Senator Nabs Claremonts Statesmanship Award Rachel Maddow Is Outraged That Even Liberal ABC Questioned Obama's Comedy Chat ryan-and-liberal-welfare-state-amnesia in-trashing-ryan, liberals-forget-moynihan [benign neglect] GOP's Ryan to Face Challenge for House Ways and Means Committee Chair Rick Perry Endorses Mitch McConnell Texas Tea Party Leaders Confused by Perry's Endorsement of McConnell dont-mess-with-texas-governor-rick-perry-i-do-interviews-with-a-gun The Ron Paul Institute for Putins Priorities

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