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Republic of the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office RXI-2,

Mati it!, Davao Oriental

"upplier# Gold Circle Service Station &ddress# Ri'al "t$, Mati it! P$O$ No$#%%%%%%% Date# October (), 2*(+

Please deliver ,ithin %%%%%%%% da!s upon receipt of order at the follo,in- .uoted prices$ Item No$ /t!$ (* 0nit 1trs$ Description Premium 2asoline ICRMP RP SH 5860
3o follo,-up PO of their 4iodiversit! onservation Pro5ect under I RMP

0nit Price

Please submit upon deliver!, t,o copies of !our invoice and deliver! and deliver! receipt sho,in- our Purchase Order to-ether ,ith !our 3a6pa!er ertificate, 3a6 &ccount No$, 4IR 3a6 learance and 4IR 1etter of onfirmation$ Dela! in the deliver! of the above items is sub5ect to penalt! of (7(* of (8 of the total value of this order for each da! of dela!$ Please return duplicate cop! to the DENRPENRO M&3I after ac9no,led-in- receipt$ P$R$ NO# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Received P$O$ Recommendin- &pproval# &pproved b!#

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "upplier


&ctin- Propert! ustodian

#O$ANDA C !UENO &dmn$ Officer I:

Republic of the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources ommunit! Environment and Natural Resources Office RXI-2&, Mati it!, Davao Oriental

"upplier# Gold Circle Service Station &ddress# Ri'al "t$, Mati it! P$O$ No$#%%%%%%% Date# "eptember (*, 2*(+

Please deliver ,ithin %%%%%%%% da!s upon receipt of order at the follo,in- .uoted prices$ Item No$ /t!$ ;ull 3an9 0nit 1trs$ Description Diesel ICRMP RP S%S&'() 0nit Price

3o conduct operational enhancements < pro5ect assessment in the in the implementation of subpro5ects under comp$ D of the I RMP Driver# Peter Donn 2a!ta

Please submit upon deliver!, t,o copies of !our invoice and deliver! and deliver! receipt sho,in- our Purchase Order to-ether ,ith !our 3a6pa!er ertificate, 3a6 &ccount No$, 4IR 3a6 learance and 4IR 1etter of onfirmation$ Dela! in the deliver! of the above items is sub5ect to penalt! of (7(* of (8 of the total value of this order for each da! of dela!$ Please return duplicate cop! to the DENRPENRO M&3I after ac9no,led-in- receipt$ P$R$ NO# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Received P$O$ Recommendin- &pproval# &pproved b!#

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "upplier


Prop$ Officer


Republic of the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources ommunit! Environment and Natural Resources Office RXI-2&, Mati it!, Davao Oriental

"upplier# Gold Circle Service Station &ddress# Ri'al "t$, Mati it! P$O$ No$#%%%%%%% Date# "eptember ), 2*(+

Please deliver ,ithin %%%%%%%% da!s upon receipt of order at the follo,in- .uoted prices$ Item No$ /t!$ (* 0nit 1trs$ Description Prem$ 2asoline RP SH 5860
3o deliver communication re= IIM" activities Driver# >oseph &rnel 2$ 2a!ta

0nit Price

Please submit upon deliver!, t,o copies of !our invoice and deliver! and deliver! receipt sho,in- our Purchase Order to-ether ,ith !our 3a6pa!er ertificate, 3a6 &ccount No$, 4IR 3a6 learance and 4IR 1etter of onfirmation$ Dela! in the deliver! of the above items is sub5ect to penalt! of (7(* of (8 of the total value of this order for each da! of dela!$ Please return duplicate cop! to the DENRPENRO M&3I after ac9no,led-in- receipt$ P$R$ NO# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Received P$O$ Recommendin- &pproval# &pproved b!#

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "upplier


Propert! Officer

HENR# G #AP ;II7 hief, ;M" Officer-in- har-e

Republic of the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office RXI-2&, Mati it!, Davao Oriental

"upplier# Gold Circle Service Station &ddress# Ri'al "t$, Mati it! P$O$ No$#%%%%%%% Date# "eptember ?, 2*(+

Please deliver ,ithin %%%%%%%% da!s upon receipt of order at the follo,in- .uoted prices$ Item No$ /t!$ ;ull 3an9 0nit 1trs$ Description Diesel $MS RP S*H&'+5
3o attend 1aunchin- of adastral at 120 1upon Driver# Dominador @$ 4elicencio

0nit Price

Please submit upon deliver!, t,o copies of !our invoice and deliver! and deliver! receipt sho,in- our Purchase Order to-ether ,ith !our 3a6pa!er ertificate, 3a6 &ccount No$, 4IR 3a6 learance and 4IR 1etter of onfirmation$ Dela! in the deliver! of the above items is sub5ect to penalt! of (7(* of (8 of the total value of this order for each da! of dela!$ Please return duplicate cop! to the DENRPENRO M&3I after ac9no,led-in- receipt$ P$R$ NO# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Received P$O$ Recommendin- &pproval# &pproved b!#

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "upplier


Propert! Officer


Republic of the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources ommunit! Environment and Natural Resources Office RXI-2&, Mati it!, Davao Oriental

"upplier# Gold Circle Service Station &ddress# Ri'al "t$, Mati it!

Date# &u-ust 2A, 2*(+

Please deliver ,ithin %%%%%%%% da!s upon receipt of order at the follo,in- .uoted prices$ Item No$ /t!$ +* 0nit 1trs$ Description Diesel 0nit Price

RP S%S&'()
3o attend Notice of larification onference at Bara-osa, Mana! Driver# Peter Donn M$ 2a!ta

Please submit upon deliver!, t,o copies of !our invoice and deliver! and deliver! receipt sho,in- our Purchase Order to-ether ,ith !our 3a6pa!er ertificate, 3a6 &ccount No$, 4IR 3a6 learance and 4IR 1etter of onfirmation$ Dela! in the deliver! of the above items is sub5ect to penalt! of (7(* of (8 of the total value of this order for each da! of dela!$ Please return duplicate cop! to the DENRPENRO M&3I after ac9no,led-in- receipt$ P$R$ NO# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Received P$O$ Recommendin- &pproval# &pproved b!#

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "upplier


Propert! Officer

#O$ANDA C !UENO &dm$ Officer I:

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