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Acknowledgements Integrated Workflow for natural fracture and porosity evaluation in granitic reservoirs
Based on SPE 123455 and SPWLA -2007-E

Aung Thanh Oo Bingjian Li Cholid Mas Le Van Hung (Lamson JOC) Marie Lefranc Michael Sanders Pierre-David Maizeret

Sherif Farag Principal Petrophysicist Schlumberger

Agenda Overview Fractures for Petrophysicists

Aperture Apparent Permeability

Basement High

Lithology for Petrophysicists

Grain Density Intrusive events lithology boundaries


SPE 107141 An integrated Geology and Reservoir Engineering Approach for Modelling and History Matching of a Vietnamese Fractured Granite Basement Reservoir Son Le Ngoc, PVN, Mahmoud Jamiolamady, Jean-Marie Questiaux, and Mehran Sohrabi, IPE-HWU


Fractal Fractures: Production Capacity

Fractal Fractures: Storage Capacity

Micro fractures and dissolution porosity

Fractal Fractures: Storage Capacity Micro Fracture Porosity




Typical Image Log in Fractured Basement

Interpretation Workflow: Step 1: Frac. Aperture from Images and Laterolog

Solution Enhanced Fractures Continuous Fractures Discontinuous Fractures New, semi-automated fracture interpretation is also currently available

Fracture Aperture from Electrical Logs


Fracture Aperture from Electrical Logs

Fracture Aperture from Electrical Logs

Fracture Aperture from Electrical Logs

Bad Borehole Often the best fractured zones have the worst borehole
Image logs may suffer

The solution is to fill the gaps using laterolog resistivity

Separation of deep and shallow resistivity is the most widely used and works well in carbonates with some matrix porosity and fractures Does not work as well in crystalline or metamorphic rock with no effective matrix porosity.


Laterolog Operating Range

Combined Laterolog and Induction Range

Fracture Aperture from Electrical Logs

Fracture Aperture from Electrical Logs


Fracture Aperture from Electrical Logs

Fracture Aperture from Electrical Logs

Interpretation Workflow: Step 1: Frac. Aperture from FMI and Laterolog

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Interpretation Workflow: Step 1: Frac. Aperture from Images and Laterolog

Luthi, S.M., Souhait P., Fracture Apertures from Electrical Borehole Scans, Geophysics 55, 1990, pp 821-833. Faivre O., Fracture Evaluation From Quantitative Azimuthal Resistivities, SPE 26434, 68th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, October 1993. Shiomoto Y., Basement Reservoir Model Construction For Rang Dong Field, PetroVietnam technical forum 2003.


Stoneley Wave

Stoneley Wave Attenuation

Stoneley Wave Attenuation: Fracture Aperture

Stoneley Wave Attenuation: Fracture Aperture


Stoneley Wave Attenuation: Fracture Aperture

Stoneley Wave Attenuation: Fracture Aperture

Stoneley Fracture Example

Good hole Fast formation Seen on the FMI as a partially conductive fracture

Fracture detection from Stoneley

RX reflection


TX reflection

Occurs close to borehole wall RC + TC = 1.0


Dipole Wave Attenuation: Fracture Aperture

Dipole Wave Attenuation: Fracture Aperture

Dipole Flexural Wave Attenuation


Interpretation Workflow: Step 2: Sonic Stoneley & Dipole Attenuation

2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Interpretation Workflow: Step 3: Process of Elimination

1 2

Interpretation Workflow: Step 3: Process of Elimination

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Calibrated measurement





Sherlock Holmes: Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle "A Scandal in Bohemia"

Verification with PLT: Entry Points are Predicted, but not Rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Verification with PLT: Entry Points are Predicted, but not Rate





Plan view of vertical fractures with horizontal well

The largest fracture will have the highest apparent permeability from logs. The most connected fracture will have the highest production rate.

Fracture Size, Density, Orientation

Fractures Borehole

Fracture Size, Density, Orientation

Fracture Size, Density, Orientation



Fracture Orientation from image log

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Fracture Orientation from FMI: Side View Cartoon

Higher Fracture density and aperture 30% of production

More variability in fracture dip, with high permeability fractures more likely to intersect 70% of production

Granite Outcrop: Lower Angle Fractures

Model for Well Test Interpretation

Fractured producing zone


Height of the producing zone


Pressure & Log-Derivative [psia]


Log-log Diagnostic plot of all Build-up Periods using the Standard Superposition Method

10 FP#5 Main BU FP#6 Surface SI FP#7 Surface SI FP#8 Surface SI FP#9 Surface SI FP#10 Surface SI 10 100 1000

1 Radial Flow

Linear Flow

0.1 0.001



1 Elapsed Time [hr]



Well-Test Results
Producing zone, h [m] Porosity, [%] Well radius, rw [in] Reservoir Temperature, TR [F] Reservoir Pressure, PR [psia] Gas-Oil Ratio*, GOR [scf/stb] Gas Gravity, g [air=1] Oil Density, o [API] Formation Volume Factor, Bo [rb/stb] Viscosity, [cp] Total compressibility, ct [/psi] Model Result Wellbore Storage, C [bbl/psi] Skin, S Fractures permeability, k [md] Initial Reservoir Pressure at gauge depth, Pi [psia] Distance to first boundary, S [m] Distance to second boundary, N [m] 0.017 0.05
Pressure [pia]


48 2% 4.25 264 5063 100 0.83 46.1 1.23 1.38 10-6

5100 5050 5000 4950 4900 4850 4800 4750 Measured Data Model Fow Rate [bpd]

Log-log Diagnostic Plot of Measured Data and Model for Main Build-up Period

Pressure & Log-Derivative [psia]


10 Deconvolved Data Model

1 0.001



1 Elapsed Time [hr]




Entire Test History - Measured & Model Data

20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000

1420 5050 601 565

4700 4650

4600 0 16-May 17-May 18-May 19-May 20-May 21-May 22-May 23-May 24-May 25-May

Why is Lithology Important? Porosity.

With low porosity, matrix properties need to be accurate
Matrix density Neutron lithology response DT matrix

Flow Rate [bpd]


Dykes and lithology boundaries can create reservoir compartments Different lithologies may be more prone to fracturing or dissolution
Some operators have observed that felsic rocks are more brittle, fracture more easily and feldspars are more reactive and fractures are more prone to solution enhancement.




Elemental Capture Spectroscopy

4 M eV n eutron in te racts w ith fo m ation : Ine lastic Interactio n (m ultiple gam m a-rays) S lo win g down o f n eutro n throu gh m ultip le sca tterin g N eutron C apture (m ultiple gam m a-rays)

Ga mm a-Ray Spectrum

E nergy [Me V]


Counts (Arbitrary Scale)

Ca Si S

Ti Gd

4 5 6 Energy (MeV)


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Ba Ca Cl Cl BMF Fe Gd H K S Si Cr Ni Ti Na Al Mg IC IO ICa ISi ITool

Elemental weight concentrations Si,Ca,Fe,S,Ti

Elemental Capture Spectroscopy

Discussion Overview Fractures for Petrophysicists

Aperture Apparent Permeability

Lithology for Petrophysicists

Grain Density Intrusive events lithology boundaries


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