56xx/personas Self-Service Financial Terminal: Diagnostic Status Code Notebook

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56xx/Personas Self-Service Financial Terminal

Diagnostic Status Code Notebook

NCR CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Use pursuant to Company Instructions

B006-6273-A000 Issue 1 January 2001

The product described in this book is a licensed product of NCR Corporation. NCR and Personas are trademarks of NCR Corporation. It is the policy of NCR Corporation (NCR) to improve products as new technology, components, software, and firmware become available. NCR, therefore, reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice. All features, functions, and operations described herein may not be marketed by NCR in all parts of the world. In some instances, photographs are of equipment prototypes. Therefore, before using this document, consult with your NCR representative or NCR office for information that is applicable and current. To maintain the quality of our publications, we need your comments on the accuracy, clarity, organization, and value of this book. Address correspondence to: NCR Financial Solutions Group Ltd. Software and Services - Information Solutions Kingsway West Dundee Scotland DD2 3XX

2000 By NCR Corporation Dayton, Ohio U.S.A. All Rights Reserved

FCC Radio Frequency Interference Statement


Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Radio Frequency Interference Statement

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.

Canadian Class A Device Declaration This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications. Le prsent appareil numrique nmet pas de bruits radiolectriques dpassant les limites applicables aux appareils numriques de la classe A prescrites dans le Rglement sur le brouillage radiolectrique dict par le ministre des Communications du Canada. Information to User This equipment must be installed and used in strict accordance with the manufacturers instructions. However, there is no
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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook


FCC Radio Frequency Interference Statement

guarantee that interference to radio communications will not occur in a particular commercial installation. If this equipment does cause interference, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to consult an NCR service representative immediately.
CAUTION NCR Corporation is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by unauthorised modifications of this equipment or the substitution or attachment of connecting cables and equipment other than those specified by NCR. Such unauthorised modifications, substitutions, or attachments may void the users authority to operate the equipment. The correction of interference caused by such unauthorised modifications, substitutions, or attachments will be the responsibility of the user.

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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook



Revision Record
Date Aug 2000 Description New manual

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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook


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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook



Chapter 1 - Communications Chapter 2 - Magnetic Card Reader/Writers Chapter 3 - Encryptors Chapter 4 - Graphics/Video Chapter 5 - Audio Chapter 6 - Printers Chapter 7 - Disk Drives Chapter 8 - Input Devices Chapter 9 - Miscellaneous (Misc. I/F Functions) Chapter 10 - Currency Handling Chapter 11 - Deposit Handling Chapter 12 - Document Processing Chapter 13 - NLX PC Core

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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook


NCR CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Use pursuant to Company Instructions

56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook



This publication is the NCR 56xx/Personas Self-Service Financial Terminal Diagnostic Status Code Notebook . It documents the M_STATUS and M_DATA returned in error log reports or diagnostic reports although the diagnostics tests themselves are described in the 56xx/Personas Services Aids Mini Manual (SAMM), (publication ID: FM-0547). By having the same page size as the SAMM, users of the SAMM can include relevant pages from this manual in their SAMM binders. The chapter names of this manual have been chosen to match those of the diagnostics chapters in the SAMM to facilitate this action.

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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook




Hardware and High Order Comms Current time Date and time log last cleared Sequence number of log entry (or start and end seq. numbers if multiple entry, plus number of occurences) Date and time error was logged (or date/time of first and last entry when multiple entries) Service name Severity - The M_STATUS value M_DATA - Up to 11 bytes of M_DATA If output is to the display, number of entries still to be displayed. Example HARDWARE MODULE ERROR LOG 10:15:45 LAST CLEARED 05/07/00 12:35:40 SEQ 0062 LOGGED 07/07 15:42 NAME: PASSBOOK-PRINTER SEVERITY 01 M_STATUS 07 M_DATA 0E 04 00 10 08 00 42 B1 44 81 *** 01 MORE ENTRIES *** < ERROR LOG MENU MORE ENTRIES >

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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook


Device name Test name Prompt for operator action (if any) Error message (if any) One or more of: M_CODE translation M_STATUS value M_STATUS translation M_DATA (if any) Example 1 CURRENCY DISPENSER PURGE EVENT EXPECTED M_STATUS=00 GOOD TEST PASSED M_STATUS=00 GOOD M_DATA 06 00 00 Example 2 CURRENCY DISPENSER PRESENT TEST FAILED M_STATUS=34 NO BILLS PROVIDED FOR OP.

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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook



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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook




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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook



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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook


CONTENTS Chapter 1

M_STATUS 10 20 30 40 60 Meaning Communications lost. The connection to the host has been lost (or has not been established). Communications restored. The connection to the host has been restored. Transmit failure. The data was unable to be sent; refer to the M_DATA fields for additional information. Receive failure. An error occurred while receiving data; refer to the M_DATA fields for additional information. System failure. Refer to the M_DATA fields for additional information.

M_DATA 0 = Error Type 03 = API Error Code 04 = Formatting Error 05 = Validation Error 06 = Fatal Error 07 = Ping Availability feature M_DATA 1..n = Additional details API Error Code When M_DATA[0] = 3, the subsequent M_DATA values will be as given below. M_DATA[1] will be a value between 00H and 15H identifying the Application Access Function Call. This information is useful to NCR only.

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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook



M_DATA[2-3] is a two byte field which contains one of the error codes listed below:
M_DATA[2-3] Hex 0026 Cause/Action Socket Return Code: NOTSOCK Cause: The parameter sent to the command was not a valid socket descriptor. Socket Return Code: MSGSIZE Cause: The parameter passed to the API exceeds the maximum for the function call being used. Action: Check the configuration of the network. Socket Return Code: ADDRNOTAVAIL Cause: The SST cannot reach the server specified by the connection service. Action: Check the configuration of the network. Socket Return Code: NETUNREACH Cause: The network cannot be reached from the SST. Action: Check the cabling and try to connect again. Socket Return Code: NOBUFS Cause: The third party API has been unable to allocate itself buffer space when trying to send data. Action: Check the configuration and the available memory of the PC. Socket Return Code: NOTCONN Cause: The connection has been lost. Action: None. The Application Access service will automatically attempt to recover the session. Socket Return Code: TIMEDOUT Cause: No connection was established within the time-out period or the keepalive timer has timed-out because there has been no response to keepalive probes. Action: Check the server is ready to accept a connection. Socket Return Code: CONNREFUSED Cause: The server is not ready to accept a connection from the SST. The server must have successfully called a bind() and listen(). Action: Check the status of the server. Error recovery should be made to try to establish the connection again. Socket Return Code: HOSTUNREACH Cause: There is no route to the server. Action: Check the Internet Address of the server.









NOTE: Any codes not listed above are from third-party APIs. Refer to the third partys documentation for information on these.
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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook


Formatting Error When M_DATA[0] = 4, the subsequent M_DATA values will be given below. M_DATA[1] will be a value between 01H and 02H:
M_DATA[1] Hex 01 Error Qualifier Insufficient TX Header Cause: The configuration is not correct or there is an Internal Error. Insufficient Received Bytes Cause: The received message did not contain the specified number of bytes. There may be a problem with the connection to the server.


Validation Error When M_DATA[0] = 5, the subsequent M_DATA values will be given below. M_DATA[1] will be a value between 01H and 02H:
M_DATA[1] Hex 01 02 Connection Type TCP Server UDP Connection

M_DATA[2-5] will contain the Internet Address which failed the validation. M_DATA[6-10] will contain the first five bytes of the UDP message (on a UDP connection only).

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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook



Fatal Error When M_DATA[0] = 6, the subsequent M_DATA values wil be as given below. M_DATA[1] will be a value between 00H and 15H identifying the Application Access Function Call. This information is useful to NCR only. M_DATA[2-3] is a two byte field which contains the error code listed below:
M_DATA[2-3] Hex 01 Cause/Action Socket Return Code: NSSDOWN Cause: A Fatal Error report will be sent on the physical connection.

PING Availability Feature When M_DATA[0] = 7, the subsequent M_DATA values will be given below. This indicates that a PING to a host has not returned a message. M_DATA[1..4] will contain the IP address of the host.

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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook


PCOMM and CM/2

M_STATUS 10 30 33 40 50 Meaning Communications lost. Returned only in CONNECTION LOST unsolictied reports. See M_DATA for reason. Transmit failure. Returned only in maintenance reports. See M_DATA for reason. SNA negative response sent or received. Receive failure. Returned only in maintenance reports. See M_DATA for reason. Hardware failure. For example, cable disconnected. Returned only in FATAL ERROR unsolicited reports or maintenance reports. See M_DATA for reason. RUI verb cannot be processed. For example, Primary return code reported a parameter error, not enough stack space or an unrecognised Secondary return code occurred.


M_DATA for M_STATUS = 10 In a CONNECTION LOST report, M_DATA[0-3] will contain the session status. The four bytes will only be present if the session status is reported in an LUSTAT or SIGNAL command. M_DATA for M_STATUS = 30 In a TRANSMIT FAILURE report, M_DATA[0-5] will contain the LUA return codes. M_DATA[0-1] will contain the LUA two byte primary return code and, if relevant to the primary return code, M_DATA[2-5] will contain the LUA four byte secondary return code. Below are some examples of primary return codes that can be returned in M_DATA[0-1] fields:
Primary Return Code (Hex) 000F Meaning SESSION_FAILURE. The session was taken down due to an error condition. The specific reason is identified in the secondary return code. UNSUCCESSFUL. Cause: The verb did not complete successfully. Action: Check the specific error that is indicated by the secondary return code.
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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook



Primary Return Code (Hex) 0018

Meaning NEGATIVE_RESPONSE. Cause: One of the following conditions occurred: 1) The end-of-chain has arrived for a chain that was responded to negatively by the application program. 2) LUA detected an error in a message thatw as received from the primary LU and sent a negative response.. This error will be returned when the end-of-chain is received from the primary LU. The secondary return code contains the sense data that was sent with the negative response. Action: Check the secondary return code for sense data to determine the specific cause of the problem.


CANCELLED. Cause: This command was cancelled due to the the reasons specified in the secondary return code. COMM_SUBSYSTEM_ABENDED. Cause: PCOMM abnormally ended. COMM_SUBSYSTEM_NOT_LOADED. Cause: The communication sub-system was not loaded. Action: Configure PCOMM for LU0, load PCOMM and then run your LU0 application. UNEXPECTED_DOS_ERROR. If an unexpected DOS return code is encountered after the communications sub-system issues a DOS call, the verb is posted with this primary return code. In addition, the secondary return code contains the unexpected DOS return code.

F003 F004


Below are some examples of secondary return codes that can be returned in M_DATA[2-5] fields:
Secondary Return Meaning Code (Hex) 00000001 INVALID_LUNAME. Cause: the verb specified an invalid lu_luname. Action: Verify that the lu-luname matches the configured luluname. NOT_ACTIVE. Cause: An application program issued an LUA verb at a time that LUA was not active within PCOMM. Action: Verify the configuration file for LUA. If the configuration file is correct, verify that PCOMM was started with that configuration file.
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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook


Secondary Return Meaning Code (Hex) 0000008D INVALID_ADAPTER. The DLC adapter configuration is incorrect or the configuration file has been damaged.

M_DATA for M_STATUS = 40 In a RECEIVE FAILURE report, M_DATA[0-5] will contain the LUA return codes. M_DATA[0-1] will contain the LUA two byte primary return code and, if relevant to the primary return code, M_DATA[2-5] will contain the LUA four byte secondary return code. See "M_DATA for M_STATUS = 30" for examples of primary return codes that can be returned in M_DATA[0-1] fields and secondary return codes that can be returned in M_DATA[2-5] fields M_DATA for M_STATUS = 50 In a FATAL ERROR report, M_DATA[0-5] will contain the LUA return codes. M_DATA[0-1] will contain the LUA two byte primary return code and, if relevant to the primary return code, M_DATA[25] will contain the LUA four byte secondary return code. See "M_DATA for M_STATUS = 30" for examples of primary return codes that can be returned in M_DATA[0-1] fields and secondary return codes that can be returned in M_DATA[2-5] fields

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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook



M_STATUS 10 Meaning Communications lost. The TC500 logical connection has timed out waiting for a poll from central. (Severity code S_DATA =SUSPEND (03)). Communications restored. Polling by central has restarted on a connection where communications were lost. (Severity code S_DATA = ROUTINE (01)). Transmit abandoned. TC500 driver has failed to transmit data given to it in a send command on three consecutive poll cycles due to either receiving EOT before central has ACKed the text message or because of an unexpected carrier drop. Carrier error. Carrier Detect failed to drop when the TC500 driver wanted to transmit and Carrier Flags indicated that Carrier Detect must be OFF first.(Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02)). Time out on transmit. The Output complete interrupt did not occur on time. May be due to a faulty transmit clock or a lack of transmit interrupts. (Severity code S_DATA = FATAL (04)). Receive abandoned. During a select cycle the TC500 driver failed to receive an error free text message. Due to time out on receive or format errors. (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING(02)). Receive abandoned. During a select cycle the TC500 driver failed to receive an error free text message. Due to receiving EOT from central before receiving the text message (error free). (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02)). Receive abandoned. During a select cycle the TC500 driver failed to receive an error free text message due to an unexpected carrier drop. (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02)) Sequence error. The TC500 driver returned text it had received without error because the TR_NO was out of sequence. (Severity code S_DATA =WARNING (02)). Modem interface error. During the physical connection process, initiated by an open command, Data Set Ready failed to switch on in response to Data Terminal Ready failed to switch on in response to Data Terminal Ready being turned ON. Fatal modem interface error. Clear to Send failed to switch ON in response to Request to Send on ten consecutive poll cycles. Modem interface error. Clear to Send switch ON to OFF while Request to Send was still ON. (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02)). A fatal communications error has been detected.
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51 52



56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook


M_STATUS 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89

Meaning No Data Set Ready detected. No Carrier detected. No Clear to Send detected No characters transmitted. No characters received. Parity error detected. Receiver overrun error Data mismatch. The data received was not the same as the test pattern transmitted. No external turnaround detected. The Test Indicator failed to turn ON.

M_STATUS values 81, 82, and 83 are only returned in response to the Loop3 and Loop3 Special function commands. M_STATUS 89 is only returned in response to a Loop3 command. M_DATA For M_STATUS 69 M_DATA 0 = Comms Number M_DATA 1 = Protocol I.D. M_DATA 2 = Hardware Variant 01 = ISA PCCM 12 = 50XX xa

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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook



M_STATUS 10 Meaning Communications lost. The TC500 logical connection has timed out waiting for a poll or select from central (Severity code S_DATA =SUSPEND (03)). Communications restored. Polling by central has restarted on a connection where communications were lost. (Severity code S_DATA = ROUTINE(01)). Transmit abandoned. The driver has reached there try limit for the number of poll cycles in which it will try to send data. Due to either unusually bad line conditions (for example noise) or a temporary busy condition at central.(Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02)). Carrier error. Carrier Detect failed to drop when the TC500 driver wanted to transmit and Carrier Flags indicated that Carrier Detect must be OFF first. (Severity code S_DATA = FATAL (04)). Time out on transmit. The Output complete interrupt did not occur on time. May be due to a faulty transmit clock or a lack of transmit interrupts. (Severity code S_DATA = FATAL (04)). Receive abandoned. During a select cycle the TC500 driver failed to receive an error free text message. Due to time out on receive or format errors. (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02)). Receive abandoned. During a select cycle the TC500 driver failed to receive an error free text message. Due to receiving EOT from central before receiving the text message (error free). (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02)). Receive abandoned. During a select cycle the TC500 driver failed to receive an error free text message due to an unexpected carrier drop. (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02)). Sequence error. The TC500 driver returned text it had received without error because the TR_NO was out of sequence. (Severity code S_DATA =WARNING (02)). Modem interface error. During the physical connection process initiated by an open command, Data Set Ready failed to switch on in response to Data Terminal Ready failed to switch on in response to Data Terminal Ready being turned ON. (Severity code S_DATA = SUSPEND(03)). Fatal modem interface error. Clear to Send failed to switch ON in response to Request to Send on ten consecutive poll cycles. Modem interface error. Clear to Send switch ON to OFF while Request to Send was still ON.(Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02)).
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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook


M_STATUS 69 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89

Meaning A fatal communications error has been detected. No Data Set Ready detected. No Carrier detected. No Clear to Send detected. No characters transmitted. No characters received. Parity error detected. Receiver overrun error. Data mismatch. The data received was not the same as the test pattern transmitted. No external turnaround detected. The Test Indicator failed to turn ON.

M_STATUS values 81, 82, and 83 are only returned in response to the Loop3 and Loop3 Special function command. M_STATUS 89 is only returned in response to a Loop3 command. M_DATA For M_STATUS 69 M_DATA 0 = Comms Number M_DATA 1 = Protocol I.D. M_DATA 2 = Hardware Variant 01 = ISA PCCM 10 = MCA PCCM 12 = 50XX xa

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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook



M_STATUS 0 10 Meaning No error Communications lost. The NCR/ISO logical connections has timed out waiting for a poll or select from central. (Severity code S_DATA =SUSPEND (03)). Communications restored. Polling by central has restarted on a communications where communications where lost. (Severity code S_DATA= WARNING (02)). Transmit abandoned. The NCR/ISO driver has failed to transmit data given to it in a SEND command on three consecutive poll cycles. Due to either failing to receive ACK or an unexpected carrier drop. (Severity code S-DATA = FATALERROR (04)). Timeout on transmit. Output Complete interrupt did not occur on time. (Severity code S_DATA =FATAL ERROR (04)). Receive abandoned. The NCR/ISO driver has reached the limit on time outs while waiting fora message from central during a select cycle. (Severity code S-DATA = SUSPEND (02)). Receive abandoned. Central has terminated a select cycle prematurely (by transmitting EOT) before the NCR/ISO driver has had a chance to ACK a text message. (Severity code S-DATA =SUSPEND (03)) Modem error. Connection has failed due to no polls or selects arriving. Data Set Ready is not on in response to Data Terminal Ready. Check modem is connected to terminal. (Severity code S-DATA= SUSPEND (03)) Modem interface error. During a poll or select cycle. Clear to Send has failed to switch ON within three seconds after Request to Send switched ON. If attempting to send a message then the send will fail on the third attempt with S_DATA = WARNING (02). If the condition persists for ten successive poll or selects then the driver will report a fatal error with S_DATA= FATAL (04). Modem Interface error. Clear to Send has switched from ON to OFF while Request to Send was still ON. (Severity code S-DATA = WARNING (02)) A fatal communications error has been detected No Data Set Ready detected No Carrier detected No Clear to Send detected No characters transmitted No characters received
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32 40





69 81 82 83 84 85


56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook


M_STATUS 86 87 88 89 90

Meaning Parity error detected Receiver overrun Data mismatch. The data received was not the same as the data transmitted No external turnaround detected. Test Indicator failed to turn ON CRC error

M_STATUS values 81, 82 and 83 are only returned in response to the Loop3 Test commands. M_STATUS value of 89 will not be returned in response to a Loop3 Special command. M_DATA For M_STATUS 69 M_DATA 0 = Comms Number M_DATA 1 = Protocol I.D. M_DATA 2 = Hardware Variant 01 = ISA PCCM 10 = MCA PCCM 12 = 50XX xa

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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook




M_STATUS 0 10 Meaning No error Communications lost. The Bisync Job has timed out waiting for a poll or select from central. (Severity code S_DATA = SUSPEND (03)). Communications restored. Polling by central has restarted (Severity code S_DATA = ROUTINE (Ol)) Transmit abandoned. The Bisync Job has failed to transmit data given to it in output command on three consecutive poll cycles due to either failing to receive ACKl or an unexpected carrier drop. Carrier detect failed to drop in a 2 wire configuration. (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING(02) or FATAL (04)). Timeout on transmit. Output complete interrupt did not occur on time. (Severity code S_DATA =WARNING (02)). Receive abandoned. The Bisync Job has reached the limit on timeouts while waiting for a message from central during a select cycle. (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02)). Receive abandoned. Central has terminated a select cycle prematurely (by transmitting EOT) before the BISYNC Job has had a chance to ACK a text message. (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02)). Modem interface error. DSR did not respond to DTR during the physical connection process. Probably due to a power failure at the modem or the comms cable is not connected. (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (03)). Modem interface error. During a poll or select cycle. Clear to Send has failed on switch ON within three seconds after RTS switched ON. (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02) on first occasion FATAL (04) on the tenth consecutive occasion). Modem interface error. Clear to Send has switched from ON to OFF while RTS was still ON. (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02)). Could not create DSA for OPEN A fatal communications error has been detected No Data Set Ready detected No Carrier detected No Clear To Send detected No characters transmitted No characters received
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20 30

31 32 40





60 69 81 82 83 84 85


56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook


M_STATUS 86 87 88 89 90

Meaning Parity error detected Receive overrun Data mismatch. The data received was not the same as the data transmitted. No external turnaround detected. Test Indicator failed to turn ON CRC error

M_STATUS values 81, 82 and 83 are only returned in response to the Loop3 Test commands. M_STATUS value of 89 will not be returned in response to a Loop3 Special command. M_DATA M_DATA contains additional information on error reports. The following information has been defined for the relevant M_STATUS. M_STATUS = 50 - 52 Status of modem interface signals when modem failure is reported. This is one byte with the following layout:
Bit mask 01H 02H 04H 08H 10H 20H 40H 80H Meaning DTR (Data Terminal Ready) RTS (Request To Send) RLSD (Receive Line Signal Detect Carrier) WC (Wrap Command) RFS (Ready For Sending Clear To Send) DSR (Data Set Ready) CI (Call Indicator) WS (Wrap Indicator)

M_STATUS = 69 M_DATA O = Comms Number M_DATA 1 = Protocol I.D. M_DATA 2 = Hardware Variant 01 = ISA PCCM 10 = MCA PCCM 12 = 50xx xa
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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook



M_STATUS 10 20 30 Meaning Communications lost. The Bisync Job has timed out waiting for a poll or select from central. Communications restored. Polling by central has restarted Transmit abandoned. The Bisync Job has failed to transmit data given to it in output command on three consecutive poll cycles due to either failing to receive ACK1 or an unexpected carrier drop. Timeout on transmit. Output Complete interrupt did not occur on time. Receive abandoned. The Bisync Job has reached the limit on timeouts while waiting for a message from central during a select cycle Receive abandoned. Central has terminated a select cycle prematurely (by transmitting EOT) before the BISYNC Job has had a chance to ACK a text message. Receive abandoned. The carrier has switched ON to OFF unexpectedly while central was transmitting a message during a select cycle. Modem interface error. During the physical connection process, initiated by an open command. Data Set Ready failed to switch ON in response to Data Terminal Ready being turned ON. This is not a fatal error Fatal modem error. During a poll or select cycle. Clear To Send has failed to switch ON within three seconds after Request To Send switched ON on ten consecutive polls. but associated with a suspend S_DATA Modem error. Either Clear To Send has switched from ON to OFF while Request to Send was still ON or Data Set Ready switched from ON to OFF A fatal communications error has been detected while Data Terminal Ready was still ON. No Data Set Ready detected No Carrier detected No Clear To Send detected No characters transmitted No characters received Parity error detected Receive overrun Data mismatch. The data received was not the same as the data transmitted No external turnaround detected. Test Indicator failed to turn ON CRC error
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32 40 41

42 50



69 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90


56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook


M_STATUS values 81, 82, 83 and 89 are only returned in response to the Loop3 Test commands. M_STATUS value of 89 will not be returned in response to a Loop3 Special command. M_DATA For M STATUS = 69 M_DATA 0 = Comms Number M_DATA 1 = Protocol I.D. M_DATA 2 = Hardware Variant 01 = ISA PCCM 10 = MCA PCCM 12 = 50XX xa

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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook




M_STATUS 10 Meaning Communications lost. The IBM 2265 driver has deemed that communications have been lost after the off-line timeout timer expires without receiving 8 polls. (Severity Code S_DATA = SUSPEND (03)). Communications restored. Polling by central has restarted. (Severity code S_DATA - ROUTINE (01)). Transmit abandoned. The IBM 2265 driver has failed to transmit data given to it in a send command on three consecutive poll cycles due to either receiving EOT or SOT before central has ACKed the test message or because of an unexpected carrier drop. (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02)). Carrier error. Carrier Detect failed to drop when the IBM 2265 driver wanted to transmit and Carrier Flags indicated that Carrier Detect must be OFF first. (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02)). Timeout on transmit. The Output complete interrupt did not occur on time. May be due to a faulty transmit clock or a lack of transmit interrupts. (Seventy code S_DATA = FATAL ERROR (04)). Receive abandoned. During a select cycle the IBM 2265 driver failed to receive an error free text message. Due to timeout on receive. (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02)). Receive abandoned. During a select cycle the IBM 2265 driver failed to receive an error free text message. Due to receiving EOT or SOT from central before receiving the text message (error free). (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02)). Receive abandoned. During a select cycle the IBM 2265 driver failed to receive an error free text message. Due to an unexpected carrier drop. (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02)). Fatal modem error. During the physical connection process, initiated by an open command. Data Set Ready failed to switch on in response to Data Terminal Ready being turned ON. (Severity code S_DATA - FATAL ERROR (04)). Fatal modem error. During a poll or select cycle. Clear to Send has failed to switch ON within 250ms after Request to Send switched ON. (Severity code S_DATA = FATAL ERROR (04)). Modem error. Either Clear to send has switched from ON to OFF while Request to Send was still ON or Data Set Ready switched from ON to OFF while Data Terminal Ready was still ON. A fatal communications error has been detected. No Data Set Ready detected. No Carrier detected.
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20 30









69 81 82


56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook


M_STATUS 83 84 85 86 87 88 89

Meaning No Clear to Send detected. No characters transmitted. No characters received. Parity error detected. Receiver overrun error. Data mismatch. The data received was not the same as the test pattern transmitted. No external turnaround detected. The Test Indicator failed to turn ON.

M STATUS values 81, 82, and 83 are only returned in response to the Loop3 and Loop3 Special function commands. M_STATUS value of 89 is only returned in response to a Loop3 command. M_DATA For M_STATUS = 69 M DATA 0 = Comms Number M_DATA 1 = Protocol I.D. M_DATA 2 = Hardware Variant 01 = ISA PCCM 10 = MCA PCCM 12 = 50XX xa

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M_STATUS 0 10 Meaning No error Communications lost. The RS232C CSS has detected that the communications plug has been disconnected (DSR and CTS are both OFF) (Severity code S_DATA = SUSPEND (03)). Communications restored. The RS232C CSS has detected that communications plug has been reconnected (DSR or CTS in ON). (Severity code S_DATA = ROUTINE (01)). Timeout on Transmit. The 30 second transmit timer has expired and this signifies either a lack of transmit interrupts from the Z8530 or a failure of the transmit check from the 8254. The M_STATUS carries a fatal severity (04) as it is certainly a processor board fault. A fatal communications error has been detected. No Data Set Ready detected. No Carrier detected. No Clear to Send detected. No characters transmitted. No characters received. Parity error detected. Receiver overrun. Data mismatch. The data received was not the same as the data transmitted. No external turnaround detected. Test Indicator failed to turn ON.



69 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89

M_STATUS values 81, 82, 83 and 89 are only returned in response to the Loop3 Test commands. M_Status value of 89 will not be returned in response to a Loop3 Special command. M_DATA For M STATUS = 69 M DATA 0 = Comms Number M_DATA 1 = Protocol I.D. M_DATA 2 = Hardware Variant 01 = ISA PCCM 10 = MCA PCCM 12 = 50XX xa

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M_STATUS 10 20 30 Meaning Communications lost. The BSC3 CSS has timed out waiting for a poll or select from central. Communications restored. Polling by central has restarted. Transmit abandoned. The BSC3 driver has failed to transmit data given to it in output command on three consecutive poll cycles. Due to either failing to receive ACKl or an unexpected carrier drop. Timeout on transmit. Output complete interrupt did not occur on time. Receive abandoned. The BSC3 CSS has reached the limit on timeouts while waiting for a message from central during a select cycle. Receive abandoned. Central has terminated a select cycle prematurely (by transmitting EOT) before the BSC3 driver has had a chance to ACK a text message. Receive abandoned. The carrier has switched ON to OFF unexpectedly while central was transmitting a message during a select cycle. Receive denied. The driver has NAKed a select from the host due to selective NAKs being enabled Hardware problem. During the physical connection, initiated by an open command, Data Set Ready failed to switch ON in response to Data Terminal Ready being turned ON. This is not a fatal error but associated with a suspend S_DATA. Fatal modem error. During a poll or select cycle Clear to Send has failed to switch ON within three seconds after Request to Send switched ON on ten consecutive polls. switched ON on ten consecutive polls. Modem error. Either Clear to send has switch from ON to OFF while Request to Send was still ON or Data Set Ready switched from ON to OFF while Data Terminal Ready was still ON. A fatal communications error has been detected. No Data Set Ready detected No Carrier detected No Clear to Send detected No characters transmitted No characters received Parity error detected Receive overrun
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32 40 41


43 50



69 81 82 83 84 85 86 87

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Meaning Data mismatch The data received was not the same as the data transmitted No external turnaround detected. Test Indicator failed to turn ON. CRC error

89 90

M_STATUS values 81, 82, 83 and 89 are only returned in response to the Loop3 Test commands. M_STATUS value of 89 will not be returned in response to a Loop3 Special command. M_DATA For M_STATUS = 69 M DATA 0 = Comms Number M_DATA 1 = Protocol I.D. M_DATA 2 = Hardware Variant 01 = ISA PCCM 10 = MCA PCCM 12 = 50XX xa

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M_STATUS 0 10 Meaning No error Communications lost. The VIP logical connection has timed out waiting for a poll or select from central. (Severity code S_DATA = SUSPEND (03)). Communications restored. Polling by central has restarted on a connection where communications were lost. (Severity code S_DATA = ROUTINE (01)). Transmit abandoned. The VIP driver has failed to transmit data given to it in a SEND command on three consecutive poll cycles. Due to either failing to receive ACK or an unexpected carrier drop. (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02)). Transmit abandoned. The incoming Carrier has failed to turn off when it was expected to. Timeout on transmit. Output Complete interrupt did not occur on time. (Severity code S_DATA = FATAL (04)). Receive abandoned. The VIP driver has reached the limit on timeouts while waiting for a message from central during a select cycle. (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02)). Receive abandoned. Central has terminated a select cycle prematurely (by transmitting EOT) before the VIP driver has had a chance to ACK a text message. (Severity code S_Data = WARNING (02)). Sequence Error. The VIPCSS driver has discarded text it had received without error because the TR# indicated that the message was a duplicate message. (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02)). Modem error. Connection has failed due to no polls or selects arriving. Data Set Ready is not on in response to Data Terminal Ready. Check modem is connected to terminal. (Severity code S_DATA = SUSPEND (03)). Modem interface error. During a poll or select cycle. Clear to Send has failed to switch ON within three seconds after Request to Send switched ON. If attempting to send a message then the send will fail on the third attempt with S_DATA = WARNING (02)). If the condition persists for ten successive poll or selects then the driver will report a fatal error with S_DATA = FATAL (04)). Modem Interface error. Clear to Send has switched from ON to OFF while Request to Send was still ON. (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02)). A fatal communications error has been detected.
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M_STATUS 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89

Meaning No Data Set Ready detected. No Carrier detected. No Clear to Send detected. No characters transmitted. No characters received. Parity error detected. Receiver overrun. Data mismatch. The data received was not the same as the data transmitted. No external turnaround detected. Test Indicator failed to turn ON.

M_STATUS values 81, 82, 83 and 89 are only returned in response to the Loop3 Test commands. M_STATUS value of 89 will not be returned in response to a Loop3 Special command. M_DATA For M_STATUS = 69 M DATA 0 - Comms Number M_DATA 1 = Protocol I.D. M_DATA 2 = Hardware Variant 01 = ISA PCCM 10 = MCA PCCM 12 = 50XX xa

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M_STATUS 0 10 Meaning No error Communications lost. The X3.28 logical connection has timed out waiting for a poll or select from central. (Severity code S_DATA = SUSPEND (03)). Communications restored. Polling by central has restarted on a connection where communications were lost. (Severity code S_DATA = ROUTINE (01)). Transmit abandoned. The X3.28 driver has failed to transmit data given to it in a SEND command on three consecutive poll cycles. Due to either failing to receive ACK or an unexpected carrier drop. (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02)). Transmit abandoned. The X3.28 driver expected the carrier to drop out but it has not. Timeout on transmit. Output Complete interrupt did not occur on time. (Severity code S_DATA = FATAL (04)). Receive abandoned. The X3.28 driver has reached the limit on timeouts while waiting for message from central during a select cycle. (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02)). Receive abandoned. Central has terminated a select cycle prematurely (by transmitting EOT) before the X3.28 driver has had a chance to ACK a text message. (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING. Modem error. Connection has failed due to no polls or selects arriving. Data Set Ready is not on in response to Data Terminal Ready. Check modem is connected to terminal. (Severity code S_DATA = SUSPEND (03)). Modem interface error. During a poll or select cycle. Clear to Send has failed to switch ON within three seconds after Request to Send switched ON. If attempting to send a message then the send will fail on the third attempt with S_DATA = WARNING (02)). If the condition persists for ten successive poll or selects then the driver will report a fatal error with S_DATA = FATAL (04)). Modem Interface error. Clear to Send has switched from ON to OFF while Request to Send was still ON. (Severity code S_DATA = WARNING (02)). A fatal communications error has been detected. No Data Set Ready detected. No Carrier detected. No Clear to Send detected.
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31 32 40





69 81 82 83

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M_STATUS 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Meaning No character transmitted. No character received. Parity error detected. Receiver overrun. Data mismatch. The data received was not the same as the data transmitted. No external turnaround detected. Test Indicator failed to turn ON. CRC error.

M_STATUS values 81, 82, 83 and 89 are only returned in response to the Loop3 Test commands. M_STATUS value of 89 will not be returned in response to a Loop3 Special command. M_DATA For M_STATUS - 69 M_DATA 0 = Comms Number M_DATA 1 = Protocol I.D. M_DATA 2 = Hardware Variant 01 = ISA PCCM 10 = MCA PCCM 12 = 50XX xa

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M_STATUS 0 10 20 30 Meaning No error Communications lost. The 349BI logical connection has timed out waiting for a poll or select from central. Suspend severity. Communications restored. Polling by central has restarted on a connection where communications were lost. Error severity. Transmit abandoned. The 349BI driver has failed to transmit data given to it in a send command on three consecutive poll cycles due to either receiving EOT before central has ACKed the text messages or because of a unexpected carrier drop. Warning severity. Carrier error. Carrier Detect failed to drop when the 349BI driver wanted to transmit and Carrier Flags indicated that Carrier Detect must be OFF first. Warning severity. Timeout on transmit. The Output complete interrupt did not occur on time. May be due to a faulty transmit clock or a lack of transmit interrupts. Fatal severity. Receive abandoned. During a select cycle the 349BI driver failed to receive an error free text message. Warning severity. Receive abandoned During a select cycle the 349BI driver failed to receive an error free text message. Due to receiving EOT from central before receiving the text message (error free). Warning severity. Modem I/F error. During the physical connection process, initiated by an open command, Data Set Ready failed to switch on in response to Data Terminal Ready being turned ON. Suspend severity. Modem I/F error. During a poll or select cycle, Clear to Send has failed to switch ON within three seconds after Request to Send switched ON. If attempting to send a message then the send will fail on the third attempt with severity WARNING. If the condition persists for ten successive polls or selects, then the driver will report a fatal error. Modem I/F error. Clear to Send switched ON to OFF while Request to Send was still ON. Warning Severity. A fatal communications error has been detected No Data Set Ready detected No Carrier detected No Clear to Send detected No characters transmitted No characters received Parity error detected
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40 41



52 69 81 82 83 84 85 86

56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook



M_STATUS 87 88 89 90

Meaning Receiver overrun error Data mismatch. The data received was not the same as the test pattern transmitted. No external turnaround detected. The Test Indicator failed to turn ON. CRC error.

M_STATUS values 81, 82 and 83 are only returned in response to the Loop3 and Loop3 Special function commands. M_STATUS value of 89 is only returned in response to a Loop3 command. M_DATA For M_STATUS = 69 M DATA O = Comms Number M_DATA 1 = Protocol I.D. M_DATA 2 = Hardware Variant 01 = ISA PCCM 10 = MCA PCCM 12 = 50XX xa

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M_STATUS 10 Meaning Communications lost. The D5 driver has deemed that communications have been lost after the off-line timeout timer expires without receiving 8 poll. Communications restored. Polling by central has restarted. Transmit abandoned. The D5 driver has failed to transmit data given to it in a send command on three consecutive poll cycles. Carrier error. Carrier Detect failed to drop when the D5 driver wanted to transmit and Carrier Flags indicated that Carrier Detect must be OFF first. If the condition persists for ten successive poll or selects a fatal error will be returned. Timeout on transmit. The output complete interrupt did not occur on time. May be due to a faulty transmit clock or a lack of transmit interrupts. Modem error. During the physical connection process, initiated by an open command. Data Set Ready failed to switch on in response to Data Terminal Ready being turned on. Modem Interface error. During a poll or select cycle, Clear to Send has failed to switch ON within 250ms after Request to Send switched ON. If the condition persists for ten successive poll or selects then the driver will report a fatal error. Modem error. Clear to Send switched ON to OFF while Request to Send was still ON. A fatal communications error has been detected No Data Set Ready detected No Carrier detected No Clear to Send detected No characters transmitted No characters received Parity error detected Receive overrun error Data mismatch. The data received was not the same as the test pattern transmitted No external turnaround detected. The Test Indicator failed to turn ON

20 30 31




52 69 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89

M_STATUS values 81, 82 and 83 are only returned in response to the Loop3 and Loop3 Special function commands.
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M_STATUS value of 89 is only returned in response to a Loop3 command. M_DATA For M_STATUS = 69 M_DATA 0 = Comms Number M_DATA 1 = Protocol I.D. M_DATA 2 = Hardware Variant 01 = ISA PCCM 10 = MCA PCCM 12 = 50XX xa

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M-STATUS 0 10 Meaning No error. Communications lost. The UTS 20 driver has deemed that communications have been lost after the off-line timeout timer expires without receiving any transmission directed to it. Communications restored. Polling by central has restarted. Transmit abandoned. The UTS 20 driver has failed to transmit data given to it in a send command on three consecutive poll cycles, due to either receiving another poll before central has acknowledged the text messages or because of an unexpected carrier drop. Carrier error. Carrier Detect failed to drop when the UTS 20 driver wanted to transmit and Carrier Flags indicated that Carrier Detect must be OFF first. Timeout on transmit. The output complete interrupt did not occur on time. May be due to a faulty transmit clock or a lack of transmit interrupts. Receive abandoned. The UTS 20 driver failed to receive an error free text message. Due to timeout on receive. Receive abandoned. During a text to UTS 20 cycle the UTS 20 driver failed to receive an error free text message. Due to an unexpected carrier drop. Modem error. During the physical connection process, initiated by an open command. Data Set Ready failed to switch on in response to Data Terminal Ready being turned ON. Fatal modem error. During a poll or select cycle. Clear to Send has failed to switch ON within 250ms after Request to Send switched ON.This is only reported after it occurs on ten successive occasions. Modem error. Clear to Send switch ON to OFF while Request to Send was still ON. A fatal communications error has been detected. No Data Set Ready detected No Carrier detected No Clear to Send detected No characters transmitted No characters received Parity error detected Receiver overrun error Data mismatch. The data received was not the same as the test pattern transmitted
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20 30



40 42



52 69 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88

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Meaning No external turnaround detected. The Test Indicator failed to turn ON.

M_STATUS values 81, 82 and 83 are only returned in response to the Loop3 and Loop3 Special function commands. M_STATUS value of 89 is only returned in response to a Loop3 command. M_DATA For M_STATUS = 69 M DATA 0 = Comms Number M_DATA 1 = Protocol I.D. M_DATA 2 = Hardware Variant 01 = ISA PCCM 10 = MCA PCCM 12 = 50XX xa

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M_STATUS 10 11 12 20 21 22 30 31 32 40 50 51 52 53 69 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Meaning No Poll received within specified time frame in Normal Response Mode (open). DISC received while in NRM. No SNRM received during OPEN within specified time frame. Communications restored. Polling has resumed. Communications restored. SNRM has been received while in Disconnect Mode. Link protocol reset. SNRM has been received while in NRM. Output abandoned due to I-frame being rejected by primary three times. RLSD error. RLSD failed to drop when this station wanted to transmit and Carrier Flags indicate the RLSD must be OFF first. Timeout on transmit. Output Complete interrupt did not occur in time. Send not possible within 150 seconds or Send is not acknowledged. Modem failure. DSR has failed to switch ON after DTR was switched ON during OPEN. Modem failure. CTS has failed to switch ON after RTS was switched ON. Modem failure. CTS dropped while RTS was still ON or CSR dropped while DTR was still ON. DSR is raised. A fatal communications error had been detected. No Data Set Ready detected. No Carrier (RLSD) detected. No Clear to Send detected. Timeout on transmit (no characters transmitted). Timeout on receive (no characters received). (Reserved). Receiver overrun error. Data mismatch. The data received was not the same as the test pattern transmitted. No external turnaround detected. The test indicator failed to turn ON. Data mismatch or FCS error detected.

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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook



M_DATA M_DATA contains additional information on error reports. The following information has been defined for the relevant M_STATUS.
M_STATUS = 50-52
Bit mask 01H 02H 04H 08H 10H 20H 40H 80H Meaning DTR (Data Terminal Ready) RTS (Request To Send) RLSD (Receive Line Signal Detect Carrier) WC (Wrap Command) RFS (Ready For Sending Clear To Send) DSR (Data Set Ready) CI (Call Indicator) WI (Wrap Indicator)

NOTE: IH does not have signals DTR, DSR, WS, WI, CI. Loop Test The received characters of Loop test when mismatch has occurred will be displayed. M_STATUS = 69 M_DATA 0 = Comms Number M_DATA 1 = Protocol I.D. M_DATA 2 = Hardware Variant 01 = ISA PCCM 10 = MCA PCCM 12 = 50XX xa

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M_STATUS 10 11 12 20 21 22 30 31 32 50 51 52 53 69 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Meaning No Poll received within specified time frame in Normal Response Mode (open). DISC received while in NRM. No SNRM received during OPEN within specified time frame. Communications restored. Polling has resumed. Communications restored. SNRM has been received while in Disconnect Mote. Link protocol reset. SNRM has been received while in NRM. Output abandoned due to I-frame been rejected by primary three times. RLSD error. RLSD failed to drop when this station wanted to transmit and Carrier Flags indicate that RLSD must be OFF first. Timeout on transmit. Output Complete interrupt did not occur in time. Modem failure. DSR has failed to switch ON after DTR was switched ON during OPEN. Modem failure. CTS has failed to switch ON after RTS was switched ON. Modem failure. CTS dropped while RTS was still ON or DSR dropped while DTR was still ON. DSR is raised. A fatal communications error has been detected. No Data Set Ready detected. No Carrier (RLSD) detected. No Clear To Send detected. Timeout on transmit (no characters transmitted). Timeout on receive (no characters received). (Reserved). Receiver overrun error. Data mismatch. The data received was not the same as the test pattern transmitted. No external turnaround detected. The Test Indicator failed to turn ON. FCS error detected.

M_DATA M_DATA contains additional information on error reports. The

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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook



following information M_STATUS. MSTATUS = 50-52

Bit mask 01H 02H 04H 08H 10H 20H 40H 80H Meaning







DTR (Data Terminal Ready) RTS (Request To Send) RLSD (Receive Line Signal Detect Carrier) WC (Wrap Command) RFS (Ready For Sending Clear To Send) DSR (Data Set Ready) CI (Call Indicator) WI (Wrap Indicator)

M_STATUS = 69 M_DATA 0 = Comms Number M_DATA 1 = Protocol I.D. M_DATA 2 = Hardware Variant 01 = ISA PCCM 10 = MCA PCCM 12 = 50XX xa Loop Test The received characters of Loop test when mismatch has occurred will be displayed.

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SNA (3624)/SDLC
M_STATUS 10 11 12 13 14 21 22 23 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 44 45 50 51 52 53 69 81 82 83 84 85 86 Meaning No Poll received within specified time frame in Normal Response Mode (open). DISC received while in NRM. No SNRM received during OPEN within specified time frame. LU-LU session terminated due to receipt of UNBIND or ACTLU or DACTLU or ACTPU or DACTPU. Waiting for Network connection (OPEN Command). Link protocol establishment. SNRM has been received while in NDM. Link protocol reset. SNRM has been received while in NRM. Communications restored. LU-LU session has been (re-)established. FRMR sent. M-DATA contains more information. Output abandoned due to I-frame been rejected by primary three times. (SDLC level). RLSD error. RLSD failed to drop when this station wanted to transmit and Carrier Flags indicate that RLSD must be OFF first. Timeout on transmit. Output complete interrupt did not occur in time. Negative SNA response received. Load procedure error. Illegal or out of sequence message during Load procedure. No SNA response received in time. Send not possible due to Data Traffic not allowed. Negative SNA response transmitted. Special SNA Command received. Modem failure. DSR has failed to switch ON after DTR was switched ON during OPEN. Modem failure. CTS has failed to switch ON after RTS was switched ON. Modem failure. CTS dropped while RTS was still ON or DSR dropped while DTR was still ON. DSR raised. A fatal communications error has been detected. No Data Set Ready detected. No Carrier (RLSD) detected. No Clear To Send detected. Timeout on transmit (no characters transmitted). Timeout on receive (no characters received). (Reserved).
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M_STATUS 87 88 89 90

Meaning Receiver overrun error. Data mismatch. The data received was not the same as the test pattern transmitted. No external turnaround detected. The Test Indicator failed to turn ON. FCS error. The FCS of the received data was incorrect.

M_DATA M_DATA contains additional information on error reports. The following information has been defined for the relevant M_STATUS.
M_STATUS = 29 Special information about the reason for sending a FRMR.
byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4-7 byte 8-9 byte 10 Control Field sequence numbers <VR> 0 <VS> 0 reason bits originator (see below) buffer address of received frame frame length received status (passed from IOH to IFL)

2345678910 11 Control field not supported (S-frame) S-frame with I-field received SNRM with I-field received Disc with I-field received Control field not supported Buffer overflow I-frame Buffer overflow other frames Invalid NR in I-frame Invalid NR in RR or REJ Invalid NR in RNR

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M_STATUS = 50-52 State of modem interface signals when modem failure is reported. The M_DATA is one byte with the following layout:
Bit mask 01H 02H 04H 08H 10H 20H 40H 80H Meaning DTR (Data Terminal Ready) RTS (Request To Send) RLSD (Receive Line Signal Detect, Carrier) WC (Wrap Command) RFS (Ready For Sending, Clear to Send) DSR (Data Set Ready) CI (Call Indicator) WI (Wrap Indicator)

M_STATUS = 13 SNA Command that terminated the LU-LU session (1 byte, hex values):

M_STATUS = 45 The special SNA Command received (1 to 8 bytes, hex values):

00 80 82 83 84 A1 SHUTD QEC RELQ CANCEL CHASE CLEAR only reported when received in the middle of a chain (Load data). 01 06 04 xx yy yy yy yy- NPE xx=Reason byte yy yy yy yy = Sense data

Refer to the SNA Format and Protocol (FAP) Reference Manuals IBM Doc. SC30-31112-2.

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M_STATUS = 33 or 44 Sense code of received or transmitted negative SNA response (4 bytes). If the negative SNA Response is to an SNA Command, the RU (Command code) will follow the sense code (1 to 3 bytes).Refer to the SNA FAP Manual for the values and their meaning. M_DATA For M_STATUS = 69 M_DATA 0 = comms Number M_DATA 1 = Protocol I.D. M_DATA 2 = Hardware Variant 01 = ISA PCCM 10 = MCA PCCM 12 = 50XX xa

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M_STATUS 10 11 12 13 14 17 20 21 22 23 24 29 30 31 32 33 36 37 39 46 47 50 51 52 60 61 62 63 69 81 Meaning Retry count expired (DISC or SABM). DISC/DM received while in ABM. No UA received during OPEN within specified time frame. Logical connection terminated (unexpected). Waiting for Network connection (OPEN Command). Link protocol reset failed. Link protocol reset. SABM sent. Link protocol established. SABM has been received while in Disconnect Mode. Link protocol reset. SABM has been received while in ABM. Communications restored. Logical connection has been (re-)established. Connection set-up initiated. FRMR sent (first time). Output abandoned due to I-frame been rejected by primary three times. (SDLC level). RLSD error. RLSD failed to drop when this station wanted to transmit and Carrier Flags indicate that RLSD must be OFF first. Timeout on transmit. Output Complete interrupt did not occur in time. Output abandoned due to receipt of negative network level response. Network Level response timeout. Logical Connection reset. DCE busy (RNR received). Network diagnostic information. DTE busy (RNR transmitted). Modem failure. DSR has failed to switch ON after DTR was switched ON during OPEN. Modem failure. CTS has failed to switch ON after RTS was switched ON. Modem failure. CTS dropped while RTS was still ON or DSR dropped while DTR was still ON. No DSA available to generate structures for a logical connection. No DSA available to assemble/segment a message. No logical channel available. Logical Connection not closed/released. A fatal communications error has been detected. No Data Set Ready detected.
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M_STATUS 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Meaning No Carrier (RLSD) detected. No Clear To Send detected. Timeout on transmit (no characters transmitted). Timeout on receive (no characters received). (Reserved). Receiver overrun error. Data mismatch. The data received was not the same as the test pattern transmitted. No external turnaround detected. The Test Indicator failed to turn ON. Data-mismatch or FCS error detected.

M_DATA M_DATA contains further information on error reports. The following information has been defined for the relevant M_STATUS.
M_STATUS = 50 - 52 State of modem interface signals when modem failure is reported. The M_DATA buffer contains one byte with the following layout:
Bit mask 01H 02H 04H 08H 10H 20H 40H 80H Meaning DTR (Data Terminal Ready) RTS (Request To Send) RLSD (Receive Line Signal Detect Carrier) WC (Wrap Command) RFS (Ready For Sending Clear To Send) DSR (Data Set Ready) CI (Call Indicator) WI (Wrap Indicator)

M_STATUS = 10, 11, 17, 20 - 22, 29, 30, 39, 47 Level-2 report giving last ten or seven LPH states and the command field of the frame causing the report. In cases where frame reject data is present, the last seven states followed by the FRMR data are reported, otherwise the last ten states are reported. M_STATUS = 69 M DATA 0 = Comms Number M_DATA 1 = Protocol I.D.
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M_DATA 2 = Hardware Variant 01 = ISA PCCM 10 = MCA PCCM 12 = 50XX xa M_STATUS = 13, 14, 23, 36, 37 Level-3 report: station state, report type, received packet type, cause code (if applicable) and diagnostic code if present. The layout of the M_DATA buffer is:
S T P C D LCN LCI Logical Connection Identifier Logical Channel Number Diagnostic code transmitted/received Cause code transmitted/received Packet type conveying Cause/Diagnostic info Report type indication (IFL) station state

C and D are optional. When C and D are left out LCN and LCI are shifted to the left. M_STATUS = 46 Network generated diagnostic information. The layout of the M_DATA buffer is:

Diagnostic code(s) received Packet type: Diagnostic packet = F1

M_STATUS = 61 Length of DSA required (word, T_DATA size only). A report segment requires 11 bytes more. The layout of the M_DATA buffer

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LSB MSB length

M_STATUS = 81-85 and 89 State of modem interface signal (1 byte) when modem failure is reported in the response to the Loop3 or Special Loop3 Command. M_STATUS = 87, 88, 90 Received characters of Loop test when mismatch has occurred or characters have otherwise not been received correctly. The layout of the M_DATA buffer is:

characters received

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M_STATUS 10 11 12 13 14 21 22 23 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Meaning No Poll received within specified time frame in Normal Response Mode (open). DISC received while in NRM. No SNRM received during OPEN within specified time frame. LU-LU session terminated due to receipt of UNBIND or ACTLU or DACTLU or ACTPU. Waiting for Network connection (OPEN Command) Link protocol established. SNRM has been received while in NDM. Link protocol reset. SNRM has been received while in NRM. Communications restored. LU-LU session has been (re-)established. Output abandoned due to I-frame being rejected by primary three times. (SDLC level). RLSD error. RLSD failed to drop when this action wanted to transmit and Carrier Flags indicate that RLSD must be OFF first. Timeout on transmit. Output complete interrupt did not occur in time. Negative SNA response received. Bracket error (only when Bracketing is used) For example SEND not possible because Bracket of previous transaction has not ended. SEND not possible because in Receive Mode (Half Duplex Flip-Flop and Contention modes only). No SNA Response received in time. SEND not possible due to Data Traffic not allowed. For example Quiesced, Shutdown or cleared. SEND (SNA Command/Response) invalid or not allowed with current FM profile, or chaining error when application does control the chaining (First element does not have BCI, or chain has been cancelled). Negative SNA response transmitted. Special SNA Command received. Modem failure. DSR has failed to switch ON after DTR was switched ON during OPEN. Modem failure. CTS has failed to switch ON after RTS was switched ON. Modem failure. CTS dropped while RTS was still ON or DSR dropped while DTR was still ON. No DSA available to assemble/segment a chain-message, or to send an SNA Response initiated by the application. Requested Local Network Address not available. Logical Connection not closed/released.
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44 45 50 51 52 61 62 63

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M_STATUS 69 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Meaning A fatal communications error has been detected. No Data Set Ready detected. No carrier (RLSD) detected. No Clear To Send detected. Timeout on transmit (no characters transmitted). Timeout on receive (no characters received). (Reserved). Receiver overrun error. Data mismatch The data received was not the same as the test pattern transmitted. No external turnaround detected. The Test Indicator failed to turn ON. FCS error. The FCE of the received data was incorrect.

M_DATA M_DATA contains additional information on error reports. The following information had been defined for the relevant M_STATUS
M_STATUS = 50 - 52 State of modem interface signals when modem failure is reported. This is one byte with the following layout:
Bit mask O1H 02H 08H lOH 20H 40H 80H Meaning DTR (Data Terminal Ready) RTS (Request to Send) RLSD (Receive Line Signal Detect Carrier) WC (Wrap Command) RFS (Ready For Sending, Clear To Send) DSR (Data Set Ready) CI (Call Indicator) WI (Wrap Indicator)

M_STATUS = 13 SNA Command that terminated the LU-LU session (1 byte, hex values):
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M_STATUS = 45 The special SNA Command received (1 to 8 bytes, hex values):

00 80 82 83 A1 SHUTD QEC RELQ CANCEL CLEAR (only reported when received in the middle of 8 chain). 01 06 04 xx yy yy yy yy - NSPE xx = Reason byte yy yy yy yy = Sense data.

M_STATUS = 33 or 44 Sense code of received or transmitted negative SNA response (4 bytes). If the negative SNA response is to an SNA Command, the RU (Command code) will follow the sense code (1 to 3 bytes). M_STATUS = 81-85 and 89 State of modem interface signals when modem failure is reported in the response to the Loop3 or Special Loop3 Command. M_STATUS = 87, 88 and 90 Received characters of Loop test when mismatch has occurred or characters have otherwise not been received correctly. M_STATUS = 69 M_DATA 0 = Comms Number M_DATA 1 = Protocol I.D. M_DATA 2 = Hardware Variant 01 = ISA PCCM 10 = MCA PCCM 12 = 50XX xa

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SNA X.25
M_STATUS 10 11 13 Meaning Retry count expired (DISC or SABM). DISC/DM received while in ABM. Logical Connection terminated due to - LU-LU session receipt of UNBIND, ACTLU, DACTLU, ACTPU, or -LLC, X.25, or DLC appropriate command/response send/receive. X.25 Network connection waited for or terminated. LLC Expected Frame not received or retry count expired. Link protocol reset failed. LLC LDISC/LDM received while in ITS. LLC Link protocol reset failed. Link protocol reset. SABM sent, caused by N2 expiry. Link protocol established. SABM has been received while in Disconnect Mode. Link protocol reset. SABM has been received while in ABM or SABM sent, caused by protocol error. Communications restored. Logical connection has been (re-) established. X.25 Network connection initiated or re-established. LLC Link protocol reset. LSABM/LSNRM sent, caused by LN2 expiry. LLC Link protocol established. LSABM/LSNRM has been received while in Disconnect Mode or LSABM/LSNRM/LDISC sent because of protocol error. LLC Link protocol reset. LSABM/LSNRM received in ITS. LLC XID command received/TEST/FRMR response sent (first time). FRMR sent (first time). Output abandoned due to I-frame having been rejected by primary three times (SDLC level). RLSD error. RLSD failed to drop when this station wanted to transmit and Carrier Flags indicate that RLSD must be OFF first. Timeout on transmit. Output Complete interrupt did not occur in time. Negative SNA response received. Bracket error (only when bracket is used). For example, Send not possible because Bracket of previous transaction has not been ended yet (only when Bracketing is used). Send not possible because in Receive Mode (Half Duplex Flip-Flop and Contention modes only). No SNA Response received in time.
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14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

35 36


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M_STATUS 37 38

Meaning Send not possible due to Data Traffic not allowed. (For example, Quiesced Shutdown, or CLEARed). Send (SNA Command) invalid, or not allowed with current FM profile, or chaining error when application does control the chaining (First element does not have BCI, r chain has been cancelled). DCE busy (RNR received). Negative SNA response transmitted. Special SNA Command received. Network diagnostic information. DTE busy (RNR transmitted). LLC ATM busy (LRNR transmitted). Modem failure. DSR has failed to switch ON after DTR was switched ON during OPEN. Modem failure. CTS has failed to switch ON after RTS was switched ON. Modem failure. CTS dropped while RTS was still ON or DSR dropped while DTR was still ON. DSR raised. No DSA available to generate structures for a logical connection. No DSA available to assemble/segment a message. Requested Local Network Address not available. Logical Connection not closed/released. A fatal communications error has been detected. X.25 Network Level response timeout or VC reset. LLC Output abandoned due to LI-frame been rejected by primary three times. LLC Host busy (LRNR received). No Data Set Ready detected. No carrier (RLSD) detected. No Clear to Send detected. Timeout on transmit (no characters transmitted). Timeout on receive (no characters received). (Reserved). Receiver overrun error. Data mismatch. The data received was not the same as the test pattern transmitted. No external turnaround detected. The Test Indicator failed to turn ON. FCS error detected.

39 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 60 61 62 63 69 70 71 72 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

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M_DATA M_DATA contains further information depending upon the status reported. If the M_STATUS does not occur in one of the lists below then M_DATA is empty.
M_STATUS = 50 - 52 State of modem interface signals when modem failure is reported. The layout of the M_DATA buffer is one byte with the following layout:
Bit mask 01H 02H 04H 08H l0H 20H 40H 80H Meaning DTR (Data Terminal Ready) RTS (Request To Send) RLSD (Receive Line Signal Detect Carrier) WC (Wrap Command) RFS (Ready For Sending Clear To Send) DSR (Data Set Ready) CI (Call Indicator) WI (Wrap Indicator)

M_STATUS = 10, 11, 17, 20 - 22, 29, 30, 39, 47 Level-2 report: last l0 or 7 LPH states and the command field of the frame causing the report. In cases where frame reject data is present, the last seven states followed by the FRMR data are reported, otherwise the last ten states. M STATUS = 14, 24, 70 Level-3 report: VC station state, report type, received packet type, and either: throughput classes, packet sizes and window sizes if negotiated in Call Packets as received in Incoming Call packet or as received in Call accepted packet if negotiation applicable, or cause code (if applicable) and diagnostic code if present.

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The layout of the M_DATA buffer is:

V R P T S W Window sizes negotiated Packet sizes negotiated Through classes negotiated Packet type Report type indication VC station state


D Diagnostic code transmitted/received Cause code transmitted/received Packet type conveying Cause/Diagnostic info Report type indication VC station state

M_STATUS = 46 Network generated diagnostic information. M_STATUS = 16, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 28, 48, 71, 72 LLC report: last 9, 8 or 5 LLC states and the command field of the frame causing the report. In case Frame reject data is present, the last five states followed by the FRMR data are reported, otherwise, the last nine states with exception of M_STATUS = 26 where the last eight states are reported followed by one of identification. NOTE: For QLLC numbers (5, 8, 9) correspond to (7, 9, 10) because of one byte control field.

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The layout of the M_DATA buffer is:

youngest C LLC state D oldest D D D Identification Frame reject data 5/8/9 states Command field received QLLC: C LLC state D D D D

M_STATUS = 13 SNA Command that terminated the LU-LU session, (l byte, hex values):
11 12 OD OE 32 FF FE ACTPU DACTPU ACTLU DACTLU UNBIND, or indication of level which indicated logical connection termination: DLC X.25 packet level FD - LLC

M_STATUS = 45 The special SNA Command received, (1 to 8 byte, hex values):

CO 80 82 83 SHUTD QEC RELQ CANCEL this report is also sent when the CSS sends a negative response to a partial receive chain, even if the host has not sent a cancel yet. CHASE CLEAR only reported when received in the middle of a chain. 01 06 04 xx yy yy yy yy - NSPE xx = Reason byte yy yy yy yy = Sense data.

84 Al -

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M STATUS = 33 or 44 Sense code of received or transmitted negative SNA response (4 bytes). If the negative SNA Response is to an SNA Command, the RU (Command code) will follow the sense code (l to 3 bytes). M STATUS = 61 Length of DSA required (word, T_INFO size only). A report segment requires 11 bytes more. The layout of the M_DATA buffer is:
LSB MSB length

M_STATUS = 69 M_DATA 0 - Comms Number M_DATA 1 - Protocol I.D. M_DATA 2 - Hardware Variant 01 = lSA PCCM 10 = MCA PCCM 12 = 50XX xa M_STATUS = 81-85 and 89 State of modem interface signal (1 byte) when modem failure is reported in the response to the Loop3 or Special Loop3 Command. M_STATUS = 87, 88, 90 Received characters of Loop test when mismatch has occurred or characters have otherwise not been received correctly. The layout of the M_DATA buffer is:

character received

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M_STATUS Maintenance information will only be present if the severity code is non-zero
M_STATUS 15 24 30 46 50 52 53 54 88 Meaning Communications lost. The IFLA has detected a loss of synchronization with the loop Communications restored. The IFLA has re-connected to the Loop Output abandoned due to the driver receiving three transmit fail statuses from the IFLA Receive overflow. A receiver overflow status has been reported by the IFLA Modem failure. DSR has failed to switch on while the Loop driver tries to connect to a Remote Loop Modem failure. CTS has dropped while RTS was ON IFLA failure. The IFLA has failed its level 0 diagnostics IFLA failure. No response to command or bad command status Data mismatch. The data received was not the same as the test pattern transmitted. The M_DATA associated with this report is the actual data received. If the M_DATA is all FF's then no data was received

M_DATA M_DATA contains additional information on error reports. The following information has been defined for the relevant M_STATUS.
M_STATUS = 50-52
Bit mask 01H 02H 04H 08H 10H 20H Meaning DTR (Data Terminal Ready) RTS (Request To Send) RLSD (Receive Line Signal Detect Carrier) Reserved CTS (Clear To Send) DSR (Data Set Ready)

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M_STATUS 10 11 12 13 14 21 22 23 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Meaning No Poll received within specified time frame in Normal Response Mode (open). DISC received while in NRM. No SNRM received during OPEN within specified time frame. LU-LU session terminated due to receipt of UNBIND or ACTLU or DACTLU or ACTPU. Waiting for Network connection (OPEN Command) Link protocol established. SNRM has been received while in NDM. Link protocol reset. SNRM has been received while in NRM. Communications restored. LU-LU session has been (re-)established. XID command received or TEST/FRMR response sent (first time) Output abandoned due to I-frame being rejected by primary N-2+1 times. (SDLC level). RLSD error. RLSD failed to drop when this station wanted to transmit and Carrier Flags indicate that RLSD must be OFF first. Timeout on transmit. Output complete interrupt did not occur in time. Negative SNA response received. Bracket error (only when Bracketing is used) For example SEND not possible because Bracket of previous transaction has not ended. SEND not possible because in Receive Mode (Half Duplex Flip-Flop and Contention modes only). No SNA Response received in time. SEND not possible due to Data Traffic not allowed. For example Quiesced, Shutdown or cleared. SEND (SNA Command/Response) invalid or not allowed with current FM profile, or chaining error when application does control the chaining (First element does not have BCI, or chain has been cancelled). Negative SNA response transmitted. Special SNA Command received. Modem failure. DSR has failed to switch ON after DTR was switched ON during OPEN. Modem failure. CTS has failed to switch ON after RTS was switched ON. Modem failure. CTS or (DSR) dropped while RTS or (DTR) was still ON (X.21 Disconnection). DSR raised (X.21 Connection). No DSA available to assemble/segment a chain-message, or to send an SNA Response initiated by the application.
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44 45 50 51 52 53 61

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M_STATUS 62 63 69 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Meaning Requested Local Network Address not available. Logical Connection not closed/released. A fatal communications error has been detected. No Data Set Ready detected. No carrier (RLSD) detected. No Clear To Send detected. Timeout on transmit (no characters transmitted). Timeout on receive (no characters received). (Reserved). Receiver overrun error. Data mismatch The data received was not the same as the test pattern transmitted. No external turnaround detected. The Test Indicator failed to turn ON. FCS error. The FCE of the received data was incorrect.

M_DATA M_DATA contains additional information on error reports. The following information had been defined for the relevant M_STATUS
M_STATUS = 50 - 53 State of modem interface signals when modem failure is reported. This is one byte with the following layout:
Bit mask O1H 02H 04H 08H lOH 20H 40H 80H Meaning DTR (Data Terminal Ready) RTS (Request to Send) RLSD (Receive Line Signal Detect, Carrier) WC (Wrap Command) RFS (Ready For Sending, Clear To Send) DSR (Data Set Ready) CI (Call Indicator) WI (Wrap Indicator)

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M_STATUS = 13 SNA Command that terminated the LU-LU session (1 byte, hex values):

M_STATUS = 28 Information of XID/TEST/FRMR field layout:

control field, max 10 bytes of information XID: TEST: FRMR: AF/BF, first part of XID l-field E3/F3, first part of TEST l-field 87/97, FRMR data (3 bytes)

M_STATUS = 45 The special SNA Command received (1 to 8 bytes, hex values):

C0 C8 80 82 83 84 A1 01 06 04 SHUTD BID QEC RELQ CANCEL CHASE CLEAR (only reported when received in the middle of a chain). xx yy yy yy yy - NSPE xx = Reason byte yy yy yy yy = Sense data.

M_STATUS = 33 or 44 Sense code of received or transmitted negative SNA response (4 bytes). If the negative SNA response is to an SNA Command, the RU (Command code) will follow the sense code (1 to 3 bytes). M_STATUS = 81-85 and 89 State of X.21 I/F TCE interface signals when modem failure is reported in the response to the Loop3 or Special Loop3 Command.
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M_STATUS = 87, 88 and 90 Received characters of Loop test when mismatch has occurred or characters have otherwise not been received correctly.

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M_STATUS 10 11 12 20 21 22 30 31 32 40 50 51 52 53 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Meaning No Poll received within specified time frame in Normal Response Mode (open). DISC received while in NRM. No SNRM received during OPEN within specified time frame. Communications restored. Polling has resumed. Communications restored. SNRM has been received while in Disconnect Mode. Link protocol reset. SNRM has been received while in NRM. Output abandoned due to I-frame being rejected by primary three times. RLSD error. RLSD failed to drop when this station wanted to transmit and Carrier Flags indicate that RLSD must be OFF first. Timeout on transmit. Output complete interrupt did not occur in time. Send not possible within 150 seconds or Send is not acknowledged. Modem failure. DSR has failed to switch ON after DTR was switched ON during OPEN. Modem failure. CTS has failed to switch ON after RTS was switched ON. Modem failure. CTS dropped while RTS was still ON (X.21 Disconnection) or DSR dropped while DTR was still on. DSR is raised. No Data Set Ready detected. No carrier (RLSD) detected. No Clear To Send detected. Timeout on transmit (no characters transmitted). Timeout on receive (no characters received). (Reserved). Receiver overrun error. Data mismatch The data received was not the same as the test pattern transmitted. No external turnaround detected. The Test Indicator failed to turn ON. Data mismatch of FCS error detected.

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M_DATA M_DATA contains additional information on error reports. The following information had been defined for the relevant M_STATUS
M_STATUS = 50 - 52
Bit mask 01H 02H 04H 08H l0 H 20H 40H 80H Meaning DTR (Data Terminal Ready) RTS (Request to Send) RLSD (Receive Line Signal Detect, Carrier) WC (Wrap Command) RFS (Ready For Sending, Clear To Send) DSR (Data Set Ready) CI (Call Indicator) WI (Wrap Indicator)

NOTE: IH does not have signals DTR, DSR, WS, WI, CI. Loop Test The received characters of Loop test when mismatch has occurred will be displayed.

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M_STATUS 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 88 92 94 95 96 97 Meaning No error. Communications lost due to protocol procedure event. Communications restored due to protocol procedure event. Transmit failure. Receive failure. Failure with hardware, for example cable fault. System failure, for example no DSA. Data mismatch, the data received was not the same as the test pattern transmitted. Loop1 test failed. Loop2 test failed. Loop3 test failed. Ring status. PCTR Adapter check.

M_DATA M_DATA contains additional information depending upon the status reported. The first byte 0 of M_DATA returned identifies, in hexadecimal, the source of the problem (refer "Source Identifier Byte") and can be followed by up to a further 10 bytes of data.
Source Identifier Byte The source identifier bytes returned under M_DATA are as follows:
Source Byte 00 02 03 04 05 06 07 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 Source of Problem Logon/Install Access Module Service - AMS00 Primary Logical Connection Service - CONN002 General Server Access Module Service - AMS03 SNA Access Module Service - AMS04 NETBIOS Access Module Service - AMS05 LLC Access Module Service - AMS06 MAC Access Module Service - AMS07 Bus Interface Job Adapter Handler Software (AHS) Diagnostic Service CSS Router )
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Source Byte to FF

Source of Problem ) Secondary Logical Connection Services - CONNxxx. )

M_STATUS = 88 The M_DATA contains the received data (the data received was not the same as the data transmitted): LOOP1 and LOOP3 failure: Byte 1 - Index to 1st error byte Byte 2 to 10 - Byte following 1st byte in error LOOP2 failure: Byte 1 - Number of test packets received Byte 2 - Number of good test packets. M_STATUS = 92,95 LOOP1 and LOOP3 test information: Byte 0 - LLC error Byte 1 - LLC command code Byte 2 - LLC return error. M_STATUS = 94 LOOP2 test information: LLC command failure: Byte 0 - LLC error Byte 1 - LLC command code Byte 2 - LLC return error If CDATA not equal to 6 or 0: Byte 0 - Diagnostic module Byte 1 - Invalid parameter. M_STATUS = 96 Ring status information is returned as two bytes: Byte 1: Bit 7 - Counter overflow Bit 6 - Single station Bit 5 - Ring recovery. Byte 2: Bit 7 - Signal loss Bit 6 - Hard error
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Bit 5 - Soft error Bit 4 - Transmit beacon Bit 3 - Lobe cable fault Bit 2 - Auto removal error Bit 1 - Reserved Bit 0 - Remove received M_STATUS = 97 PCTR adapter check information is returned as two bytes: Byte 1: Bit 7 - Parity error when PCTR adapter bus was copying a frame from the ring Bit 6 - Parity error when the PCTR adapter was transmitting onto the ring Bit 5 - Ring underrun Bit 4 - Ring overrun Bit 3 - Invalid interrupt Bit 2 - Invalid error interrupt Bit 1 - Invalid XOP Bit 0 - Reserved. Byte 2: Bit 7 - DIO parity Bit 6 - DMA read abort Bit 5 - DMA write abort Bit 4 - Illegal OP code Bit 3 - Comms processor detects PCTR adapter bus parity error Bit 2 - Reserved Bit 1 - SIF detects PCTR adapter bus parity error Bit 0 - PH detects PCTR adapter bus parity error.

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M_STATUS 00 88 93 94 95 98 Meaning No error. Data mismatch, the data received was not the same as the test pattern transmitted. Sloop3 test failed Loop2 test failed. Loop3 test failed. Maintenance report

M_DATA The M_DATA contains additional information depending upon the M_STATUS returned.
M_STATUS = 88 Data mismatch. The data received was not the same as the test pattern transmitted. The M_DATA contains the 8 bytes of received data. NOTE: The Sloop3 responses contain no M_DATA. M_STATUS = 93 or 95 The M_Data returned when the M_Status = 93 or 95 identifies the reason for the test failure. Byte 0: 01- A DosWrite command has timed out while waiting for CTS to be raised during test. 02 - A DosWrite command has timed out while waiting for DSR to be raised during test. 03 - A DosWrite command has timed out while waiting for DCD to be raised during test. 04 - A DosWrite error has been detected during test. 05 - A modem checksum error has been detected during test. 20 - A read command waiting for a modem status has timed out. 21 - A read command waiting for a modem status has returned an unexpected status.
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When M_Data byte 0 = 01, 02, 03, M_Data byte 1 contains the Modem status bits as follows: Byte 1: 7 Reserved 6 Reserved 5 Reserved 4 Reserved 3 State of CTS 2 State of DSR 1 State of RI 0 State of DCD. M_STATUS = 94 The M_Data returned when the M_Status = 94 identifies the reason for the test failure. Byte 0: 01 - A DosWrite command has timed out while waiting for CTS to be raised during test. 02 - A DosWrite command has timed out while waiting for DSR to be raised during test. 03 - A DosWrite command has timed out while waiting for DCD to be raised during test. 04 - A DosWrite error has been detected during test. 05 - A modem checksum error has been detected during test. 20 - A read command waiting for a modem status has timed out. 21 - A read command waiting for a modem status has returned an unexpected status. 30 - No silence detected while attempting to establish a test connected with a system not providing a dial tone. 31 - Engaged signal or number unobtainable while attempting to establish a test connection. 32 - No carrier was detected from the remote modem while attempting to establish the test connection. 33 - No dial tone was detected while attempting to establish the test connection. 40 - The currently active connection is not V22 or V22bis. 41 - The connection has been lost during the test. 42 - The modem has not been returned a status to the conNCR CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Use pursuant to Company Instructions

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nection attempt within the timeout period (40 seconds). 43 - The telephone number supplied in the Loop2 command has been blacklisted. 80 - The telephone number supplied is invalid. This can be for one of the following reasons: * The number is greater than 18 bytes. * The number is present when a connection service is open. * The number is not present when no connection services are open. When M_Data byte 0 = 01 - 03, M_Data byte 1 contains the modem status byte as follows: Byte 1: 7 - Reserved 6 - Reserved 5 - Reserved 4 - Reserved 3 - State of CTS 2 - State of DSR 1 - State of RI 0 - State of DCD. M_STATUS = 98 The M_Data returned when the M_Status = 98 identifies the cause of the maintenance report. Byte 0: 01 - An external modem is being used and a DosWrite command has timed out while waiting for CTS to be raised during an open command. 02 - An external modem is being used and a DosWrite command has timed out while waiting for DSR to be raised during an open command. 03 - An external modem is being used and a DosWrite command has timed out while waiting for DCD to be raised during an open command. 06 - A Send command has timed out due to receiving XOFF. 07 - A Send command has timed out due to sending XOFF. 20 - An external modem is being used and a read command waiting for a modem status has timed out. 21 - An external modem is being used and a read command waiting for a modem status has returned an unexpected
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status. 30 - No silence detected while attempting to establish a test connected with a system not providing a dial tone. 31 - Engaged signal or number unobtainable while attempting to establish a connection. 32 - No carrier was detected from the remote modem while attempting to establish the connection. 33 - No dial tone was detected while attempting to establish a connection. When M_Data byte 0 = 01 - 03, M_Data byte 1 contains the modem status byte as follows: Byte 1: 7 - Reserved 6 - Reserved 5 - Reserved 4 - Reserved 3 - State of CTS 2 - State of DSR 1 - State of RI 0 - State of DCD.

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M_STATUS The M_STATUS codes returned for the PC MIRLAN are as follows:
M_STATUS 10 20 Meaning Communications lost. The PC MIRLAN CSS has lost contact with the DPM layer on the receiving station. Suspend severity. Communications restored. The PC MIRLAN CSS has regained contact with the DPM layer on the receiving station. Routine severity. Transmit abandoned. The message was not sent due to the PC MIRLAN CSS exceeding the retry limit for transmission. Warning severity. Transmit abandoned. The DPM layer did not receive a reply within the timeout limit given by the OPEN parameter RESPONSE_TIMER. Transmit abandoned. The DPM layer received an invalid DPM status in the MCSTATUS field of the header. Warning severity. Transmit abandoned. The LLC layer could not transmit successfully an LLC originated frame or was closed before it could retry. Routine severity. (Maintenance report only). Transmit abandoned. The DPM layer received an invalid DPM in the IBSTATCD field of the header. Routine severity. (Maintenance report only). A message was received which was too long. Routine severity. (Maintenance report only). A message (other than a type 0 message) was received in which the source address was equal to the destination address. Routine severity. An unrecognised frame is received by the LLC. Routine severity. (Maintenance report only). A power-up frame has been received from a remote station. Routine severity. (Maintenance report only). A No-Memory status has been received by LLC. Routine severity. (Maintenance report only). A No-Buffer status has been received by LLC. Routine severity. (Maintenance report only). No DSA for message. PC MIRLAN could not create DSA for a message. Bus interface problem. Could not load driver onto LAN board. Fatal severity.



33 34


40 41

42 43 44 45 61 65

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Meaning The driver on the LAN board experienced an RMX exception. This exception causes the TCE to system escape with exception escape code 88H after logging this status. Routine severity. The 82586 LAN processor was in the no-resources state for longer that 10 milliseconds. Routine severity. Hardware error. Either a message could not be transmitted to the MIRLAN board or a good message could not be received from the MIRLAN board. Fatal severity. LAN processor failed to respond. Fatal severity. Data mismatch. The data received was not the same as the test pattern transmitted. Checksum error. A CRC error was detected on the received data. Loop1 internal test failed. Loop1 test failed. Loop1 command not executed. Loop2 command not executed. Loop3 command not executed. Loop2 command transmission failed. Routine severity. (Maintenance report only). Loop2 reception failed. Routine severity. (Maintenance report only). Loop2 received from remote station. Routine severity. (Maintenance report only).

67 68

69 88 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98

M_DATA M_DATA contains additional information on error reports as follows:

M_DATA 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 Meaning No response received from receiving station. Negative acknowledge, no buffers available. Negative acknowledge, memory overrun. Collision retry limit reached. Lack of CRC error detected. No header or data buffer areas available. Command timeout, hardware failure. Bus error. Did not receive returned Loop2 message. Cannot receive. (tap disconnected?). Collision detect signal error. Memory overrun or underrun. Loss of CTS signal from 82586.
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Meaning No loop data provided for transmission.

The M_DATA returned for specific M_STATUS are as follows: M_STATUS = 33 The M_DATA (2 bytes) is the invalid value found in the MCSTATUS field of the DPM header. MSTATUS = 34 The M_DATA (4 bytes) is the LLC frame header of the frame to be transmitted. MSTATUS = 35 The M_DATA (2 bytes) is the invalid value found in the IBSTATCD field of the DPM header. MSTATUS = 42 or 43 The M_DATA (up to 11 bytes) is the LLC header and up to 7 bytes of the remainder of the frame. M_STATUS = 44 or 45 The M_DATA (up to 11 bytes) is the LLC header and up to 7 bytes of the remainder of the frame. NOTE: The minimum number of bytes is four. M_STATUS = 65 The M_DATA (1 byte) gives the reason for the failure:
Bit Mask. 02H 04H 05H 06H 07H 11H 12H 13H 14H 15H Meaning Out of memory. Failed to run. File read error. Bus retry limit reached. Level 0 error on MIRLAN board. Bad command. Data error. No data. Timeout. BCC error.
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Bit Mask. 81H 82H 83H

Meaning Bad load record. (Detected by the boot loader). Load record too large. (Received by boot loader). Load record checksum error. (Detected by boot loader).

M_STATUS = 66 The M_DATA (4 bytes) is as follows: The first 2 bytes contain the token (word value) of the task which made the offending RMX call The second 2 bytes contain the return address (word value of IP) of the offending RMX call. M_STATUS = 97 or 98 The M_DATA (up to 11 bytes) is the header and up to 7 bytes of the remainder of the frame.

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M_STATUS 10 20 Meaning Communications lost. Returned only in CONNECTION LOST unsolictied reports. See M_DATA for reason. Communications restored. Returned only in CONNECTION RESTORED unsolictied reports. Ther is no M_DATA associated with this M_STATUS Transmit failure. Returned only in maintenance reports. See M_DATA for reason. Receive failure. Returned only in maintenance reports. See M_DATA for reason. Hardware failure. For example, cable disconnected. Returned only in FATAL ERROR unsolicited reports or maintenance reports. See M_DATA for reason.

30 40 50

A full list of the server return codes, M_DATA{1-2}, and their meaning can be found in the IBM Financial Branch System Services publication.

M_DATA for M_STATUS = 10 In a CONNECTION LOST report, M_DATA[0] will contain the session status from the SNA server. This byte is only present if it can be obtained from the remote server via the Token-Ring.
M_DATA[0] O P L S Meaning No session established for SDLC or Token-Ring. PU session established. LU session established. SDT received. Connection is down due to it being quiesced

M_DATA[0] = 10H The cause of this error is the LAN connection or hardware. M_DATA[1-2] will contain the LAN return codes in a byte reversed format. For example, L1 is returned with 1 in M_DATA[1] and L in M_DATA[2].
Code L1 L2 Meaning Resource not defined in workstation. There is no session with the remote server.
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Code L3 L5 L8 U1

Meaning Session not defined. Server not loaded. There is no response from the server. Conection is pending with host.

M_DATA[0] = 20H The cause of this error is that the SNA server has returned an intervention required code. M_DATA[1-2] will contain the LAN return codes in a byte reversed format.
Code I1 I2 P3 PB U1 U4 U8 Meaning No session established. The hardware at the server is powered off, or the communications adaptor or cabling are faulty. Server I/O buffer are full during an OPEN command. Station set into quiesce state during OPEN. Contact is pending with the host. Bad status from the SDLC adaptor. SDLC software is not loaded.

M_DATA for M_STATUS = 30 The cause of this error is transmit failure.

M_DATA[0] = 20H The cause of this error is the SNA server responding with a nonzero return code to a Send Host (SH) command, from the SNA server. M_DATA[1-2] will contain the LAN return codes in a byte reversed format
Code P3 P4 P7 PA PB Meaning Server input/output buffers are full during an (L)SEND command. Previously received message still requires a response. SNA protocol error during (L)SEND. Host message or response is pending, ready for receipt. Station set into quiesce state during (L)SEND.

M_DATA[0] = 30H The cause of this error is internal to FBSS PassThrough. M_DATA[1] will be 0H, indicating an SNA -RSP was received in exception response mode.
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M_DATA for M_STATUS = 50 The cause of this error is the LAN connection or hardware.
M_DATA[0] = 10H M_DATA[1-2] will contain the LAN return codes in a byte reversed format
Code L1 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 U4 U6 U8 Meaning Resource not defined in workstation. Session not defined. Unrecoverable error from a remote workstation. Server not loaded. Unrecoverable error from a local workstation. LAN adaptor card is not installed. No response from server. LAN hardware failure. Bad status from the SDLC adaptor. Software problem detected. SDLC software not loaded.

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Magnetic Card Reader/Writers

Chapter 2
%#      ! $# 
 %!#  % # 

# # # #

$#% # ## # %  % $

# %# 

! # ## 

   # ## 

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CONTENTS Chapter 2

Magnetic Card Reader/Writers

TRACK 1, 2 (2, 3) DIP MSR
M_STATUS 00 01 02 03 05 146 Meaning No error. Blank track. Track not supported. Read error (Parity LRC no end sentinel). No data available. SDC link failure.

Byte 0: 00 = Reset command 01 = Accept 02 = Read 04 = Determine reader state 07 = Disable 0A = Cleaning cycle 0B = Card insertion 0C = Not used 0D = Card removal

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Byte 1: Bit 7 = 0 Always Bit 6 = 0 Always Bit 5 = 0 Always Bit 4 = 0 Always Bit 3 = 1 Read error (Parity/LRC/End sentinel) Bit 2 = 1 Track 3 (0 always for track 1, 2 Dip MSR) Bit 1 = 1 Track 2 Bit 0 = 1 Track 1 (0 always for track 2, 3 Dip MSR) Byte 2: 0 Always Byte 3: Bit 7 = 0 Always Bit 6 = 0 Always Bit 5 = 0 Always Bit 4 = 0 Always Bit 3 = 0 Always Bit 2 = 0 Always Bit 1 = 1 Front Switch (FRS) blocked Bit 0 = 1 Rear Switch (RES) blocked.

T_DATA The T_DATA returned, for the Track 1, 2 (2, 3) Dip MSR, is card data which includes start and end sentinels:
Track 1 data will be true ASCII in the range 20H to 5FH with a start sentinel of 25H (%) and an end sentinel of 3FH (?) Track 2 data will be pseudo ASCII in the range 30H to 3FH with a start sentinel of 3BH (;) and an end sentinel of 3FH (?).

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M_STATUS 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 36 37 38 39 40 41 146 Meaning No error. Blank track. Track not supported. Read error. Write error. No card in reader at start of command. Card removed by user during capture. Shutter jammed open. Shutter switch failure detected. Error recovery successful. Shutter jammed closed. Card jam. Card captured after unsuccessful eject. Possible customer tampering. Too many consecutive read errors or blank tracks on any track. Too many consecutive write errors. Too many consecutive card jams. Too many consecutive shutter jammed closed. Card jam during capture. Too many invalid cards. Device still inoperative. No card entered during cleaning cycle test. Speed out of specification fast. Speed within +3%. Speed within +_1%. Speed within -3%. Speed out of specification slow. Invalid card detected (diagnostic only). Not configured. CROPF feature not supported. LFCC bin full soon/full LFCC bin shutter mechanism fail. LFCC bin removed/not configured. CROPF feature failure. SDC link failure.
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Byte 0: 00 = Reset 01 = Accept 02 = Read 03 = Write 04 = Determine reader state 05 = Eject 06 = Capture 07 = Disable 08 = Speed test 09 = Shutter/sensor test 0A = Cleaning cycle test 0B = Card insertion 0C = Card removal 0D = Card detection 20 = Battery/relay test 21 = LFCC bin shutter test 28 = Write buffer 29 = Write card Byte 1: Bit 7 = 1 Write error (Invalid data) Bit 6 = 1 Write error (Comms fail) Bit 5 = 1 Read after write error Bit 4 = 1 Read error (Comms fail) Bit 3 = 1 Read error (Parity or LRC) Bit 2 = 1 Track 3 Bit 1 = 1 Track 2 Bit 0 = 1 Track 1. NOTE: Bits 3 to 6 will be set for any detected occurrence of the error independent of successful retries. Byte 2 - For all standard commands with the exception of the battery/relay test: Bit 7 = 1 Long card detected Bit 6 = 1 Wrote HiCo Bit 5 = 1 Card jam during capture Bit 4 = 1 Card jam in reverse direction (towards shutter) Bit 3 = 1 Card jam in forward direction (towards aperture
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bin) Bit 2 = 1 Shutter switch malfunction Bit 1 = 1 Shutter jammed closed Bit 0 = 1 Shutter jammed open. NOTE: Bits 0 to 7 will be set for any detected occurrence of the condition, independent of successful error recovery. Byte 2 - Battery/relay test: Bit 7 = 0 Always Bit 6 = 0 Always Bit 5 = 0 Always Bit 4 = 0 Always Bit 3 = 0 Always Bit 2 = 1 Relay 1 failure Bit 1 = 1 Relay 2 failure Bit 0 = 1 Battery low Byte 3: Bit 7 = 1 Reader is HiCo Capable (true) Bit 6 = 1 LFCC bin full Bit 5 = 1 Width switch blocked Bit 4 = 1 Shutter switch open Bit 3 = 1 PD1 or PD2 or PD3 busy Bit 2 = 1 PD3 blocked Bit 1 = 1 PD2 blocked Bit 0 = 1 PD1 blocked.

T_DATA The T_DATA returned, for the MCR/MCRW, is card data which includes start and end sentinels:
Track 1 data will be true ASCII in the range 20H to 5FH with a start sentinel of 25H (%) and an end sentinel of 3FH (?) Track 2 and track 3 data will be pseudo ASCII in the range 30H to 3FH with a start sentinel of 3BH (;) and an end sentinel of 3FH (?).

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M_DATA Byte 0: 01 = TI reporting enabled 02 = TI reporting disabled Byte 1: 01 = LFCC bin inserted 02 = LFCC bin removed.

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M_STATUS M_STATUS values, and their meaning for the SCRW, are shown in the following table. The M_STATUS codes for the associated MCRW are given in the appropriate sections in this chapter.
M_STATUS 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Meaning Card not in SCRW stage position Smart card stopper pin lowered unable to capture. This is only in response to card capture Invalid smart card command code error Invalid smart card command data error SCIF not configured/not responding SCIF response timeout exceeded Not in MCRW mode Invalid smart card response length

Additional M_STATUS codes may be returned by the SCIF as shown below.

M_STATUS 00 64 65 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Meaning Good Invalid command code Invalid command format Invalid key ID Invalid key type Invalid host key type Invalid key - does not exist Invalid password - not decimal Invalid password - no match Key integrity error Key parity error Invalid data format Stopper pin failure Contact unit failure Card movement failure SC switch off failure Smart card removed error No smart card response
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M_STATUS 82 83 84 85 86

Meaning Smart card transmission error Smart card switched off Illegal card type/parameter Power up time exceeded ANSI X9.8 pin block error

M_DATA Entries are returned in Bytes 0 and 4 as follows:

Byte 0: 70H = SCIF Command Byte 4: Bit 7 = Not used Bit 6 = Not used Bit 5 = Not used Bit 4 = Not used Bit 3 = Not used Bit 2 = Not used Bit 1 - PD5/6 (1 = stopper pin/contacts down) Bit 0 - PD7 (1 = blocked)

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M_STATUS 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 33 35 37 38 40 41 87 88 Meaning No error. Blank track. Track not supported. Read error. Write error. No card in reader at start of command. Card removed by user during capture. Shutter jammed open. Shutter switch failure detected. Error recovery successful. Shutter jammed closed. Card jam. Card captured after unsuccessful eject. Possible customer tampering. Too many consecutive read errors or blank tracks on any track. Too many consecutive write errors. Too many consecutive card jams. Too many consecutive shutter jammed closed. Card jam during capture. Too many invalid cards. Device still inoperative. No card entered during cleaning cycle test. Speed out of specification fast. Speed within +3%. Speed within +_1%. Speed within -3%. Speed out of specification slow. Invalid card detected (diagnostic only). CIM service test failed. Error in track 3 data. CROPF feature not supported. LFCC bin full soon/full. LFCC bin removed/not configured. CROPF feature failure. CIM self test failed. CIM security module defective.
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M_STATUS 89 90 91

Meaning CIM security module communications failure. CIM Interface pcb defective. CIM Interface pcb communications failure.

M_DATA Byte 0: 00 = Reset 01 = Accept 02 = Read 03 = Write 04 = Determine reader state 05 = Eject 06 = Capture 07 = Disable 08 = Speed test 09 = Shutter/sensor test 0A = Cleaning cycle test 0B = Card insertion 0C = Card removal 0D = Card detection 0E = CIM verify 0F = CIM turnaround test 10 = CIM service test 11 = CIM self test 20 = Battery/relay test 21 = TICC bin shutter test 28 = Write buffer 29 = Write card

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Byte 1: Bit 7 = 1 Write error (Invalid data) Bit 6 = 1 Write error (Comms fail) Bit 5 = 1 Read after write error Bit 4 = 1 Read error (Comms fail) Bit 3 = 1 Read error (Parity or LRC) Bit 2 = 1 Track 3 Bit 1 = 1 Track 2 Bit 0 = 1 Track 1. NOTE: Bits 3 to 6 will be set for any detected occurrence of the error independent of successful retries. Byte 2 - For all commands with the exception of the battery/ relay test: Bit 7 = 1 Long card detected Bit 6 = 0 Always Bit 5 = 1 Card jam during capture Bit 4 = 1 Card jam moving towards shutter Bit 3 = 1 Card jam moving towards capture bin Bit 2 = 1 Shutter switch malfunction Bit 1 = 1 Shutter jammed closed Bit 0 = 1 Shutter jammed open. NOTE: Bits 0 to 7 will be set for any detected occurrence of the condition, independent of successful error recovery. Byte 2 - Battery/relay test: Bit 7 = 0 Always Bit 6 = 0 Always Bit 5 = 0 Always Bit 4 = 0 Always Bit 3 = 0 Always Bit 2 = 1 Relay 2 failure Bit 1 = 1 Relay 1 failure Bit 0 = 1 Battery low

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Byte 3: Bit 7 = 0 (Unused) Bit 6 = 1 LFCC bin full Bit 5 = 1 Width switch blocked Bit 4 = 1 Shutter switch open Bit 3 = 1 PD1 or PD2 or PD3 busy Bit 2 = 1 PD3 blocked Bit 1 = 1 PD2 blocked Bit 0 = 1 PD1 blocked Byte 4 (as returned to VERIFY_MM or a CIM Self Test): 00H = No error 11H-19H = Self test error 1 - 9 40H = CIM module permanently error 41H = CIM module permanently busy 70H = Wrap connector attached 71H = Comms timeout or open line Byte 5 (as returned to VERIFY_MM or a CIM Self Test): 00H = No error 01H = comms error 09H = CIM module or interface pcb defective 0AH = Error in track 3 data. The table below lists the M_DATA values which can occur in bytes 4 and 5 in the response to the level 1 SERVICE_TEST. The test cards used for this test are numbered from T1 to T11.
Card No. (Byte 4) 0 1 Parameter to be Tested Internal parameter OS of measurement Test Result (Byte 5) 59H 50H-51H 54H 55H-57H 58H 50H-53H 54H-57H 58H Interpretation Not a test card 52H- CIM Module defect OK CIM Module defect Test failed OK CIM Module defect Test failed

Internal parameter D of measurement (May be influenced by ambient light) External electrical spikes

50H-53H 54H-57H 58H

Good Too high Test failed

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Card No. (Byte 4) 4

Parameter to be Tested External electrical noise or hum 58H Average velocity deviation of card transport Short range velocity deviation of card transport

Test Result (Byte 5) 50H-53H 54H-57H

Interpretation Good Too high Test failed Good Too fast Too slow Test failed Good Too fast Too slow Test failed Good Too narrow or too far Test failed

50H-53H 54H, 56H 55H, 57H 58H 50H-55H 56H 57H 58H 50H-53H 54H-57H 58H

Distance between MM sensor and card surface

Lateral distance between MM sensor and edge of the card

50H-51H 52H-55H 56H-57H 58H

Sensor too far left OK Sensor too far right Test failed Sensor too far left OK Sensor too far right Test failed Always OK Acceptable Too high Test failed

Lateral distance between MM sensor and edge of the card

50H-51H 52H-55H 56H-57H 58H

10 11 Reflection in card transport

50H 50H-53H 54H 55H-57H 58H

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M_STATUS 00 01 02 03 05 95 Meaning No error Blank track Track not supported Read error - Parity error No data available RS232 Comms error

Byte 0: 00 = Reset command 01 = Accept 02 = Read 03 = Write 04 = Determine reader state 05 = Eject 06 = Capture 07 = Disable 08 = Speed test 09 = Shutter/Sensor test 10 = Cleaning cycle 11 = Card swiped and fully removed 12 = Not used 13 = Card detected being swiped 19 = Turnaround test 40 = Write buffer 41 = Write card

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Byte 1: Bit 7 = 0 Always Bit 6 = 0 Always Bit 5 = 0 Always Bit 4 = 0 Always Bit 3 = 1 Read error (Parity/LRC/End sentinel) Bit 1 = 1 Track 2 Bit 0 = 1 Track 1 Byte 2: 00 Always Byte 3: 00 Always.

T_DATA The T_DATA returned, for the Swipe Card Reader, is card data
. 1 0 / %7,. %7,. 3. :/08 89,79 ,3/ 03/ 8039 30 8 -0  349 / , 3489 .8  /,9,  /,9, -0 97:0 $ -0 580:/4 $ 3 9 0 7,3 0  3 9 0 7,3 0  94  94  9 , 3 9 0 0;039 41 ,3 07747 9 0 %


sentinel of 25H (%) and an end sentinel of 3FH (?) with a start sentinel of 3BH (;) and an end sentinel of 3FH (?). NOTE: In diagnostic mode, the card data up to any error (parity or
# -0 709:730/ ,3/ *  *$%%&$ ,3/ $'# % 701 0.9 9 0 07747

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M_STATUS 00 01 02 03 05 13 20 27 50 52 54 55 56 57 95 Meaning No error Blank track Track not supported Read error - Parity error No data available Card stuck in throat Device still inoperable Invalid card detected (Card not fully inserted or removed) Card not in correct SCRW stage position Invalid Smart Card command code error SCIF not configured/not responding SCIF response time-out exceeded Reader in smart card mode Invalid Smart Card response length RS232 Comms error

Byte 0: 00 = Reset command 01 = Accept 02 = Read 03 = Write 04 = Determine reader state 05 = Eject 06 = Capture 07 = Disable 08 = Speed test 09 = Shutter/Sensor test 10 = Cleaning cycle 11 = Card fully inserted 12 = Card fully removed 13 = Card detected being inserted 19 = Turnaround test 40 = Write buffer 41 = Write card
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70 = Smart card Command. Byte 1 contents depend on the test being run, as follows. Byte 1 (for READ tests): Bit 7 = 0 Always Bit 6 = 0 Always Bit 5 = 0 Always Bit 4 = 0 Always Bit 3 = 1 Read error (Parity/LRC/End sentinel) Bit 2 = 1 Track 3 Bit 1 = 1 Track 2 Bit 0 = 1 Track 1 Byte 1 (for ENTER tests): Bits 7 - 1 = 0 Bit 1 = 0 for Enter Card test, 1 for Latched Enter test. Byte 1 (for SMART CARD tests) indicates the sub-command used, as follows: 10H - Stage 11H - Release 20H - Power On 21H - Power Off 22H - Direct. Byte 2: 00 Always Byte 3: MIMIC card position switch status: 30H = Front and rear switches both clear 31H = Only the rear switch blocked (error condition) 32H = Only the front switch blocked 33H = Front and rear switches both blocked. Byte 4: MIMIC track data available status.
Byte 4 30H 31H 32H 33H 34H 35H ISO #1 No data Data exists No data Data exists No data Data exists ISO#2 No data No data Data exists Data exists No data No data ISO#3 No data No data No data No data Data exists Data exists

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Byte 4 36H 37H

ISO #1 No data Data exists

ISO#2 Data exists Data exists

ISO#3 Data exists Data exists

Bytes 3 and 4: On a bad response, bytes 3 and 4 contain the MIMIC error codes as follows:
Byte 3 40H 40H 40H 41H 41H 42H 42H 42H 42H 42H 42H 42H 46H 46H 46H 46H 46H 46H 46H 46H Byte 4 41H 42H 44H 40H 49H 40H 41H 42H 43H 44H 45H 47H 40H 41H 42H 43H 44H 45H 46H 47H Error Definition Undefined command. Unable to execute command. Command data error. Sensor failure. Other failure. Card has not been read yet or other errors. No start sentinel. VRC error. No end sentinel. Too much data. LRC error. No mag. stripe. No data. IC card error. No ATR. The card does not accept this protocol. IC card communication error (No answer). IC card communication error (Others). IC card is not activated. ICRW can not operate this card. IC card needs VPP.

T_DATA The T_DATA returned, for the Track 1, 2, 3 MIMIC Card Reader is .,7/ /,9, . 3. :/08 89,79 ,3/ 03/ 8039 30 8 %7,.  /,9, -0 97:0 $ 3 9 0 7,3 0  94  9 , start sentinel of 25H (%) and an end sentinel of 3FH (?) %7,.  /,9, -0 580:/4 $ 3 9 0 7,3 0  94  with a start sentinel of 3BH (;) and an end sentinel of 3FH (?).
%7,.  /,9, -0 580:/4 $ 3 9 0 7,3 0   8039 30 41  ,3/ ,3 03/ 8039 30 41 



, 89,79

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!    $

 $ $&# %  &  

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CONTENTS Chapter 3

M_STATUS Meaning 00 01 No error. This error is returned with a FATAL severity if the parity of key data to be taken from the keystore is wrong. Alternatively, it is returned with a ROUTINE severity if parity checking has been selected and any byte of data supplied in C_DATA has wrong parity. Refer to M_DATA for a specific instance. For NBS commands, this error code is returned if there has been no key loaded in the DEU prior to requesting a decryption operation. Invalid command. Refer to specific command section. Invalid key id, outside the maximum range of key ids. Invalid key id, the key does not exist. Invalid key id, the key id was not defined as an IV. Invalid key, the key id was not defined as a key. Invalid mode for a particular function. Refer to specific command section. Invalid left shift, value of of range. Used in PIN Verification Commands. Invalid length, value out of range. Used in PIN Verification Commands. Invalid POST PIN PAD digit, for example > 0FH. Used in PIN Verification Commands. Invalid PRE-PIN PAD data length, for example > 0CH. Used in PIN Verification Commands. Invalid PIN Verification Data. Key id has a parity error. Invalid PIN, no encryption allowed (truncated PIN does not contain decimal digits). Used in PIN Verification Commands. SDC link failure.

02 13 05 32 38 39 40 54 55 56 58 59 60 75 76 146

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Bit 0 = 1 Tamper detected Bit 1 = 1 Encryption chip failure Bit 2 = 1 Keystore failure.

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M_STATUS KEYBOARD 00 ENCRYPTOR 00 01 02 03 04 05 07 08 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 30 No error Parity error Hardware error detected during a key or data transmission or during an encryptor operation Invalid command, not all keyspaces are closed Invalid command, no keyspace open Invalid command as keyboard is currently enabled Communications failure Security Module reset was successful Invalid command data Data mismatch No key loaded in DEU prior to requesting an encryption or decryption operation Set up failure - key space ID1 already exists and is not a programmer parent with E/D attribute and 17 keys Invalid keyspace ID format, outside range 0 to 15 Keyspace already exists Keyspace does not exist Keyspace ID1 has wrong attribute or class Keyspace ID2 has wrong attribute or class Invalid keyspace, wrong access right Only two RAR access spaces allowed, keyspace not created Secret keyspace creation disabled Keyspace is not a parent Key ID2 not a keyspace specified or keyspace specified not a child of key ID2 keyspace Invalid parent format Invalid parent ID, keyspace not a parent or keyspace does not exist Parent keyspace is a programmer, can not have secret child Invalid double key, key should be single length Invalid single key, key should be double length Key spaces do not match
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Meaning No error

56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook



M_STATUS 32 33 34 37 38 39 40 41 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Meaning Key ID outside maximum range of keys Key ID1 has wrong attribute Key ID2 has wrong attribute Invalid key ID, no PIN encryption allowed Invalid key, key does not exist Key ID2 does not specify an IV Invalid key ID, no key Invalid key ID, key may not be exclusively ORed with key from a different keyspace Invalid attribute field Attribute already in family Invalid parameter field Undefined parameter for keyspace class Variation index outside range 01 to 7F hex Variation index already in family Invalid mode for this function Invalid left shift, value out of range Invalid length, or length and offset outside range 57, Invalid access right Invalid POST PIN PAD digit (> 0F hex) Invalid PRE PIN PAD data length (> 0C hex) Modulus bit length > 576 or Exponent bit length > 576 or Modulus bit length <= exponent bit length Password does not contain decimal digits Invalid password, no match Keyspace inaccessible, password error count exceeded PIN verification failed Invalid PIN encrypt type function (encryption mode changed) Key integrity error Invalid PIN, no encryption allowed (truncated PIN does not contain decimal digits) Timeout error Communications error TC <> 41, or TRS <> 00 00 00 00, when decrypted SDC link failure

64 65 66 70 74 75 76 97 98 99 146

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Byte 0 - Command code Byte 1 - USART Status (the current state of the USART): Bit 0 - TxRdy, set when ready to receive a character for transmission Bit 1 - RxRdy, set when a character has been received Bit 2 - TxEmpty, set when USART has no characters to transmit Bit 3 - 0 Bit 4 - Overrun error, set when a character is not read before the next one becomes available Bit 5 - Framing error, set when a valid stop bit is not detected at the end of every character Bit 6 - 0 Bit 7 - Data Set Ready (DSR), set when security module has passed its level 0. Byte 2 - TX Failures: Bit 0 set = DSR fail Bit 1 set = TxEmpty not empty. Byte 3 - RX Failures: Bit 0 set = on receiving a command Bit 1 set = on receiving a message Bit 2 set = timeout/rubbish returned continually Bit 3 set = NAKs returned continually. Byte 4 - A string of up to eight bytes of mismatched hexadecimal data returned on an unsuccessful communications echo command.

Byte 0 = Command code Byte 1: 00H - Good 02H - Tx Timeout 03H - Rx Timeout 04H - Checksum Invalid 05H - Not Ready 06H - GCD Hung 07H - GCD NAK 08H - GCD Busy 09H - Invalid character
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0AH - GCD Fault Byte 2: 0 = Clear 1 = Set

Bit 7 6 5 4 Light 3 Temp 2 Gore 3 1 Gore 2 0 Gore 1

1 Secure KeyAlways Mode board

Byte 3 = 00H Byte 4 = 00H.

T_DATA - EKC The T_DATA returned for the Identity test on the EKC are:
- 908  - 908 # - 908   807 , 3:2-07  1 72  1 72 ,70 3:2-07 $ ,70 3:2-07    ;,7 ,39 3:2-07  ;,7 ,39 3:2-07

XX = 00 to 99, version number YY = 00 to 99) XX = 00 to 99, version number YY = 00 to 99)

! 5,7,20907

00H = Not set 01H = Set

! 1 ,

00H = Not set


T_DATA - EKCSM The T_DATA returned for the Identity test on the EKCSM are:
- 908  807 , 3:2-07  ;078 43 3:2-07 - 908 $ /7 ;07 ;078 43 $

XX = 01 to 99, release number YY = 00 to 99) 7 bytes GCD version ("SMXXYYY", version number XX = 01 to 99, release number YYY = 000 - 999).

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TURNAROUND PLUG A turnaround plug is required for the edge of the board turnaround test.

2 1

4 3

6 5

8 7

10 12 14 16 18 20 9 11 KEY 15 17 19

M-STATUS 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 97 98 Good SCM sends AKO (CRC error) or service receives corrupt data from SCM (CRC error) SCM sends incorrect character SCM does not respond SCM not ready to receive/send RS232\TTL Interface not present Serial port error Not configured Timeout error Communications error

Byte 0 00 01 02 60 Byte 1 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 CRC error Parity error Overrun error
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Reset Send Command Receive response Turnaround test

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Byte 1 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Framing error DSR/CTS error. This error is returned if the RS232/TTL converter board is not present TX timeout RX timeout Not configured. This error is returned if the serial comms driver failed to open the selected serial port during configuration.

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#!  %

$ '  ' 

! ' 


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M_STATUS 00 01 02 03 Meaning No error. Reserved. Disc player is not ready to accept commands. Disc table has not been inserted or the disc is incorrectly inserted. Disc player is not responding to commands. Either the link between the disc player and the SDC controller is faulty, or the disc player has been powered off and on after it has been activated, but no reset command had been sent to the SDC firmware. Disc player hardware or interface fault. Either the interface to the disc player is faulty or the disc player returned a hardware error status indicating a problem with the player. Graphics display adapter fault. Graphics is not available because of a fault with the display adapter or its associated software. Invalid frame number was detected. Either the frame number was not in the valid range or it does not exist on the disc. Invalid disc command detected. Either a video command with illegal parameters has been sent or the command sent is not allowed when a section play command is in progress. Invalid command sent to disc player. Transmission error on the disc player to SDC controller interface. Hit end of disc in section play. End of disc reached before section play could be complete. Receive error from disc player. Overrun or framing error. Drop-out error on disc. Frame cannot be found due to drop-outs or a track jump command exceeds zero address on the disc. Unrecognized data from disc player. May indicate a parity error has occurred on the link between the disc player and the SDC controller. Reserved. Disc player has not been activated.
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05 06 07

08 09 10 11 12

13 14

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M_STATUS 15 16 17 18

Meaning Reserved. Graphics image file not found. Check file is on the currently defined image path. Graphics image file format invalid. Graphics image file too big. In response to a Display command, indicates that there was not room on the screen to display the whole of an image at the requested position. In response to a Highlight command, indicates that the requested image exceeds the size limits for highlighting images. Video not locked. Check video cable and mixer. No video signal has been obtained. Reserved. Font not loaded. This may be because it does not exist, or because it is too big to fit in the available memory. Font library not found. Palette file not found. Palette file format invalid. Reserved. Mixer parameter error. A request to set mixer parameters has been received, but the parameter values are invalid. Mixer missing. A request to mix video has been received, but the machine does not contain a usable mixer. Font library invalid. The font of the library header and/or individual font header is invalid. Mixer parameter file error. An attempt to read or write the mixer parameter disk file has failed. Not enough onboard memory. The command required dynamic allocation of memory on the graphics board, but not enough was available. Animation file error. An error was encountered executing the animation file. This could be invalid data in the file, or invalid file length. Check contents of file. Command not supported. The command received is not supported by the current hardware, for example, a unique penny command was sent by the Pepper Sgt hardware/software. Too many echo fields. More than 25 echo fields have been received by the VGM in a multiple echo mode definition. Reduce the number of echo fields. File write protected. An attempt to write over a write protected file. The error is associated with either Save Graphics Screen to disk command, or writing mixer parameter file to disk operation. Section play timeout. The video driver has timed out awaiting a response from the video player to mark the end of a section play.
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19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31







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M_STATUS 65 66 146

Meaning Disk read error on picture download. Disk write error on save graphics file or mixer file update. SDC link failure.

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M_STATUS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Meaning Hardware error Out of memory MCI driver not found Cannot load MCI driver Invalid media type Mixer parameter invalid Mixer file error File not found Invalid command format No file loaded Unsupported function Invalid frame number Illegal command class Invalid colour Invalid video mix option Invalid capture Invalid quadrant Invalid VESA code Video command terminated Invalid device name MCI driver error Out of range Invalid audio select option Invalid display select MCI error Could not open digital video device Invalid Read Mixer parameter Invalid Write Mixer parameter

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M_STATUS The M-STATUS for the PC Video Camera is:
M_STATUS 08 Meaning Communications error

M_DATA None.

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CONTENTS Chapter 5

M_STATUS 00 02 03 04 05 06 08 11 15 18 50 51 52 53 97 Meaning No error. File not found. Path not found. Too many open files. Access denied. Invalid file handle. Insufficient memory Invalid format Invalid drive (Not returned within the S4 environment. M_STATUS 03 will be returned instead). No more files. Restart failed. Software not found. Hardware not found. Play did not start. Hardware failure.

M_DATA Byte 0 Byte 1 Meaning Line output attenuation level Speaker output attenuation level

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# !%


& !# %#$ 

$%%% !# %# 
 !$$ !
   !# %# 
!$$ # !# %# 
 !# %# 

 %&#  & %

## !# %# 

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CONTENTS Chapter 6

M_STATUS 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 146 Meaning No error (good). Head jam/Knife jam. Not used. Black mark error. Not used. Paper out. Not used. Paper not loaded or paper jam before transport. Communications error. Printer open. Ribbon needs to be replaced soon (not thermal printer). Printhead needs to be replaced soon. Knife needs to be replaced soon. Ribbon needs to be replaced now (not thermal printer). Printhead needs to be replaced now. Sideways communications error. Eject jam. SDC link failure.

Byte 0: Bit 7 = 0 Always Bit 6 = 1 Fault status Bit 5 = 0 Always Bit 4 = 1 Exit sensor (covered) Bit 3 = 1 Paper out sensor (active)
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Bit 2 = 1 Black mark sensor (covered) Bit 1 = 1 Paper low sensor (active) Bit 0 = 0 Always Byte 1: Bit 7 = 0 Always Bit 6 = 0 Always Bit 5 = 0 Transport sensor (home) (Not thermal printer) Bit 4 = 1 Printhead sensor(home) (Not thermal printer) Bit 3 = 1 Unit open sensor (open) Bit 2 = 1 Paper not loaded status. Bit 1 = 1 Paper jam sensor (covered) Bit 0 = 0 Knife sensor (open) Byte 2: Bit 7 = 0 Always Bit 6 = 0 Always Bit 5 = 0 Always Bit 4 = 0 Always Bit 3 = 1 Communications failure status Bit 2 = 1 Controller RAM error status Bit 1 = 1 Controller ROM error status Bit 0 = 1 Interface ROM/RAM error status Byte 3: Bit 7 = 0 Always Bit 6 = 0 Always Bit 5 = 0 Always Bit 4 = 0 Always Bit 3 = 0 Always Bit 2 = 1 Failed to detect black mark status Bit 1 = 1 Paper jam status Bit 0 = 1 Knife jam status

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M_STATUS 00 01 02 03 04 05 05 06 07 08 08 09 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 30 33 34 35 36 146 Meaning Operation successful (good). Mechanical jam. Communications error. Not used. Black mark error. Media jam. Exit sensor error. Not used. Paper not loaded. Ribbon needs to be replaced now. Ribbon needs to be replaced soon. Knife needs to be replaced soon. Printhead needs to be replaced now. Printhead needs to be replaced soon. Printer left open. Not used. Not used. Not used. Not used. Capture jam. Statement removed by customer during capture. Statement stuck in throat, unable to pull into printer - possible customer tampering. No paper present at start of command. Printer malfunction - paper present. Bin overfill. Print attempted beyond end of statement. Printer fatal. Illegal media. Buncher communications failure. Clamp drive jammed open. Clamp drive jammed closed. Capture bin full. SDC link failure.

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Byte 0 - Status and Sensors: Bit 7 = 0 Always Bit 6 = 1 Fault Bit 5 = 0 Always Bit 4 = 1 Exit sensor blocked Bit 3 = 1 Paper out status Bit 2 = 1 Black mark at sensor Bit 1 = 1 Paper low status Bit 0 = 0 Always Byte 1 - Command or Phase: 00 = Reset 00 = Report tally mnemonics (Diagnostics) 01 = Action print stream 02 = Special print 03 = Not used 04 = Exercise mechanism (Diagnostics) 05 = Not used 06 = Eject 07 = Capture 08 = Determine/Disable 09 = Not used 0A = Book removal Byte 2 - Status and Sensors: Bit 7 = 1 Buncher comms error Bit 6 = 1 Comms error Bit 5 = 1 No document Bit 4 = 1 Cutter jam Bit 3 = 1 Head jam Bit 2 = 1 Positioned at last line Bit 1 = 1 Mechanical jam Bit 0 = 1 Statement jam Byte 3 - Status: Bit 7 = 1 Printer RAM failure Bit 6 = 1 Printer ROM failure Bit 5 = 1 Statement jam during capture Bit 4 = 1 Statement jam towards shutter Bit 3 = 1 Statement jam towards capture bin Bit 2 = 0 Always
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Bit 1 = 0 Always Bit 0 = 0 Always Byte 4 - Sensors: Bit 7 = 0 Always Bit 6 = 0 Always Bit 5 = 0 Always Bit 4 = 1 Print unit open Bit 3 = 1 Capture bin NOT empty Bit 2 = 1 Paper out detected Bit 1 = 1 Paper low (X13) detected Bit 0 = 1 Black mark (X14) detected Byte 5 - Sensors (Statement): Bit 7 = 0 Always Bit 6 = 0 Always Bit 5 = 0 Always Bit 4 = 0 Always Bit 3 = 0 Always Bit 2 = 1 Printhead at right side Bit 1 = 1 Printhead at left side Bit 0 = 1 Knife at home position Byte 5 - Sensors (Buncher): Bit 7 = 1 Clamp drive jammed closed Bit 6 = 1 Clamp drive jammed open Bit 5 = 0 Always Bit 4 = 1 Clamp drive raised Bit 3 = 1 Clamp drive lowered Bit 2 = 1 Printhead at right side Bit 1 = 1 Printhead at left side Bit 0 = 1 Knife at home position Byte 6 - Sensors (Statement): Bit 7 = 0 Always Bit 6 = 1 Statement transport (S3) sensor covered Bit 5 = 1 Statement printhead sensor (S4) covered Bit 4 = 0 Always Bit 3 = 0 Always Bit 2 = 0 Always Bit 1 = 1 Statement feed sensor (X12) covered Bit 0 = 1 Statement capture sensor (X17) covered
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Byte 6 - Sensors (Buncher): Bit 7 = 0 Always Bit 6 = 0 Always Bit 5 = 0 Always Bit 4 = 0 Always Bit 3 = 0 Always Bit 2 = 0 Always Bit 1 = 1 Statement feed sensor (X12) covered Bit 0 = 1 Statement capture sensor (X17) covered Byte 7 - Sensors (Statement): Bit 7 = 0 Always Bit 6 = 0 Always Bit 5 = 0 Always Bit 4 = 0 Always Bit 3 = 0 Always Bit 2 = 1 Statement exit sensor (S1) covered Bit 1 = 0 Always Bit 0 = 1 Statement transport sensor (S2) covered Byte 7 - Sensors (Buncher): Bit 7 = 0 Always Bit 6 = 0 Always Bit 5 = 0 Always Bit 4 = 0 Always Bit 3 = 1 Media exit sensor (B1) covered Bit 2 = 0 Always Bit 1 = 1 Stack area sensor (B2) covered Bit 0 = 1 Primary transport sensor (B3) covered.

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M_STATUS 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 36 146 Meaning Operation successful (good). Blank track (good). Track not supported. Read error. Write error. No book in reader at start of command. Error recovery successful. Jam. Too many consecutive read errors. Too many consecutive write errors. Too many consecutive jams. Device inoperative. Format error. Communications error. Passbook jammed in throat - possible customer tampering. Passbook jammed - unable to capture. Shutter jammed open. Shutter jammed closed. Not used. Not used. Passbook removed by customer during capture. Not used. Ribbon needs to be replaced soon. Printhead needs to be replaced soon. Optical scan segment error. Ribbon needs to be replaced now. Printhead needs to be replaced now. Capture bin overfill. Mechanical jam. Printer open. Illegal media. Blank track. Scanner communications error. Capture bin full. SDC link failure.
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Byte 0 - Command or Phase: 00 = Reset 01 = Accept 02 = Read 03 = Write 04 = Determine state 05 = Eject 06 = Print 07 = Disable 08 = Define passbook 09 = Not used 0A = Page number 0B = Check line 0C = Report configuration 0D = Report definition 0E = Book detection 0F = Book insertion 10 = Book removal 11 = Exercise mechanism 12 = Not used 13 = Not used 14 = Capture 15 = Multiple line print 16 = Not used 17 = Define scan 18 = Define magnetics 19 = Not used 1A = Line scan Byte 1 - MAG R/W and Comms Status: Bit 7 = 1 Write error Bit 6 = 1 Comms error Bit 5 = 1 Read after write error Bit 4 = 1 Read error Bit 3 = 1 Olivetti track Bit 2 = 1 ISO track Bit 1 = 1 IBM track Bit 0 = 1 DIN track

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NOTE: Bits 4 to 7 will be set for any detected occurrence of the error, independent of successful retries. Byte 2 = 00 Always Byte 3 - Printer Status: Bit 7 = 1 Read/Write error Bit 6 = 1 Blank track Bit 5 = 1 No passbook Bit 4 = 1 Passbook jam Bit 3 = 1 Passbook fully inserted Bit 2 = 0 Always Bit 1 = 1 Mechanical jam Bit 0 = 1 Almost end of passbook Byte 4 - Jam Status: Bit 7 = 1 Printer RAM failure Bit 6 = 1 Printer ROM failure Bit 5 = 1 Book jam during capture Bit 4 = 1 Book jam towards shutter Bit 3 = 1 Book jam towards capture bin Bit 2 = 1 Shutter switch malfunction Bit 1 = 1 Shutter jammed closed Bit 0 = 1 Shutter jammed open Byte 5 - Sensors: Bit 7 = 0 Always Bit 6 = 0 Always Bit 5 = 0 Always Bit 4 = 0 Always Bit 3 = 0 Always Bit 2 = 1 Shutter open Bit 1 = 0 Always Bit 0 = 1 Throat sensors blocked

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Byte 6 - Sensors: Bit 7 = 1 Shutter open sensor covered Bit 6 = 1 Shutter closed sensor covered Bit 5 = 1 Transport open Bit 4 = 1 Print unit open Bit 3 = 1 Capture bin NOT empty Bit 2 = 1 Paper out detected Bit 1 = 1 Paper low detected Bit 0 = 1 Black mark detected Byte 7 - Sensors: Bit 7 = 0 Always Bit 6 = 1 Platen roller raised Bit 5 = 1 Printhead raised Bit 4 = 1 Magnetic stripe pressure plate raised Bit 3 = 0 Always Bit 2 = 1 Printhead at right side Bit 1 = 1 Printhead at left side Bit 0 = 1 Knife at home position Byte 8 - Sensors: Bit 7 = 0 Always Bit 6 = 1 Media transport sensor (X9) covered Bit 5 = 1 Media printhead sensor (X11) covered Bit 4 = 1 Platen guide rear sensor (X16) covered Bit 3 = 1 Media printhead sensor (X10) covered Bit 2 = 1 Platen guide front sensor (X15) covered Bit 1 = 1 Paper feed sensor (X12) covered Bit 0 = 1 Media capture sensor (X17) covered Byte 9 - Sensors: Bit 7 = 1 Media skew sensor (X7) covered Bit 6 = 1 Media skew sensor (X6) covered Bit 5 = 1 Media exit sensor (X2) covered Bit 4 = 1 Media exit sensor (X4) covered Bit 3 = 1 Media exit sensor (X3) covered Bit 2 = 1 Media exit sensor (X1) covered Bit 1 = 1 Media exit sensor (X5) covered Bit 0 = 1 Media transport sensor (X8) covered.

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T_DATA T_DATA is returned in response to the following tests

Read track Define document Check line. Read Track The T_DATA returned, for the read track 2 and read track 3 tests is, book data, which includes start and end sentinels. The data is pseudo ASCII in the range 30H to 3FH. The default sentinels are: DIN Format The T_DATA is returned as two blocks of data each enclosed between start sentinel (3DH) and end sentinel (3FH). Maximum T_LEN = 94. IBM Format The T_DATA is returned as two blocks of data each enclosed between start sentinel (3BH) and end sentinel (3FH). Maximum T_LEN = 78. ISO Format The T_DATA is returned as one block of data enclosed between start sentinel (3DH) and end sentinel (3FH). Maximum T_LEN = 107. Define Document Test The T_DATA returned for the define document test is as follows: Byte 0 - Error Type: 00 = No error 01 = Illegal character 02 = Too many characters 03 = Too few characters 04 = Value too large 05 = Value too small 06 = Conflicts with another parameter Byte 1 - Parameter In Error: 00 = No error 01 = Type
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02 = Pitch 03 = Feed 04 = Width left 05 = Width right 06 = Length 07 = Top 08 = Bottom 09 = Fold1 0A = Fold2 0B = P1 0C = PC1 0D = PC2 0E = SC1 0F = SC2 10 = Field separator 11 = Scan1 12 = Scan2 Byte 2 - Parameter In Conflict: 00 = No error 01 = Type 02 = Pitch 03 = Feed 04 = Width left 05 = Width right 06 = Length 07 = Top 08 = Bottom 09 = Fold1 0A = Fold2 0B = P1 0C = PC1 0D = PC2 0E = SC1 0F = SC2 10 = Field separator 11 = Scan1 12 = Scan2. Check line The T_DATA returned for the check line test is as follows:
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30H,30H = Line blank 30H,31H = Line is not blank.

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MStatus 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Meaning Operation successful Blank track Track not supported Read error Write error No passbook in reader at start of command Error recovery successful Passbook jam Too many consecutive read errors Too many consecutive write errors Too many consecutive passbook jams Device inoperative Format error RS-232 communications error Passbook jammed in throat - possible customer tampering Book jammed - unable to capture Book removed by customer during capture Ribbon needs to be replaced soon Printhead needs to be replaced soon Barcode error Ribbon needs to be replaced now Printhead needs to be replaced now Capture bin overfill Mechanical jam Printer open Blank page Capture bin full Page turn error Too many consecutive page turn errors Page turn passbook guide jammed open Page turn passbook guide jammed closed Main electronics board failure Magnetic electronics board failure Magnetic board communication error Book present Adjust data lost
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MStatus 46

Meaning Printhead fire error

Byte 0 - Command or Phase: 00 = Reset 01 = Accept 02 = Read 03 = Write 04 = Determine State 05 = Eject 06 = Print 07 = Disable 08 = Define Document 09 = Not used 0A = Page Number 0B = Check Line 0C = Report Configuration 0D = Report Definition 0E = Book Detection 0F = Book Insertion 10 = Book Removal 11 = Exercise Mechanism 12 = Not Used 13 = Not Used 14 = Capture 15 = Multiple Line Print 16 = Not Used 17 = Define Scan 18 = Define Magnetics 19 = Not Used 1A = Line Scan 1B = Page Turn Forward 1C = Page Turn Backward

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Byte 1 - MAG Read/Write Status: Bit 7 = 0 always Bit 6 = 0 always Bit 5 = 0 always Bit 4 = 0 always Bit 3 = 0 always Bit 2 = 1 for ISO track Bit 1 = 1 for IBM track Bit 0 = 1 for DIN track Byte 2 - High byte of printer firmware error code as received by the driver - See Printer Firmware Error Codes. Byte 3 - Low byte of printer firmware error code as received by the driver - See Printer Firmware Error Codes. Byte 4 - Printer firmware subsystem command code as received by the driver. This code relates to the firmware command executing when the error occurred except in the case of firmware error codes 0780, 0781, 0782, and 0783, when Byte 4 qualifies the error. Byte 5 - Sensors snapshot when firmware error occurred: Bit 7 - SN24 (Inserted Media Width) Bit 6 - SN32 (Media At Mid Transport Position) Bit 5 - SN8 (Media In Transport) Bit 4 - SN5 (Turn Page Position) Bit 3 - SN4 (Line Find Position) Bit 2 - SN3 (Print Position) Bit 1 - SN2 (Mag Stripe Read/Write Position) Bit 0 - SN1 (Media Insertion). Sensor Values at End of Command The remaining bytes of M-Data (Bytes 6 to 10) report the sensor values at the completion of the command. These bytes are always generated except when there has been an RS-232 communications error or a main electronic board failure. Byte 6 - Sensors: Bit 7 - 0 always Bit 6 - 0 always Bit 5 - 0 always Bit 4 - Media at turn page position SN5 Bit 3 - Media at line find position SN4 Bit 2 - Media at print position SN3
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Bit 1 - Media at magnetic head position SN2 Bit 0 - Media insertion sensor SN1 covered Byte 7 - Sensors: Bit 7 - Mid platen position sensor SN18 covered Bit 6 - Platen position sensor 1 SN17 (See Table below) Bit 5 - Printhead left home position SN15 Bit 4 - Printhead right home position SN14 Bit 3 - 0 always Bit 2 - 0 always Bit 1 - 0 always Bit 0 - 0 always Byte 8 - Sensors: Bit 7 - Magnetic head left home position SN28 Bit 6 - Magnetic head right home position SN27 Bit 5 - Turn page passbook guide open SN26 Bit 4 - Turn page roller middle position SN25 Bit 3 - Platen position sensor 2 SN22 (See Table below) Bit 2 - Turn page timing sensor SN21 covered Bit 1 - 0 always Bit 0 - Platen home position sensor SN19. The values of sensors SN17 and SN22 in relation to the platen position are shown in the following table:
SN17 0 0 1 1 SN22 0 1 0 1 Platen Position Closed Open Middle Middle

Byte 9 - Sensors: Bit 7 - 0 always Bit 6 - 0 always Bit 5 - 0 always Bit 4 - 0 always Bit 3 - Media at mid transport position SN32 Bit 2 - Capture bin not empty SN31 Bit 1 - Magnetic plate closed SN30 Bit 0 - Magnetic encoder covered SN29
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Byte 10 - Sensors: Bit 7 - Media at width sensor SN24 Bit 6 - Turn page book guide closed SN23 Bit 5 - Passbook alignment covered SN46 Bit 4 - Print unit open SN45 Bit 3 - 0 always Bit 2 - 0 always Bit 1 - 0 always Bit 0 - 0 always.

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Printer Firmware Error Codes The Printer Firmware Error Codes received by the driver from the printer firmware are displayed in bytes 2 and 3 of M-DATA. MDATA byte 2 contains the high byte of the error code and M-DATA byte 3 contains the low byte of the error code. The following table shows the list of codes, their meanings and the suggested action to take to fault find. NOTE: These codes are also displayed on the LED display on the main electronics board of the printer.
Error Code Meaning Hi 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 Lo 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Print head position sensor right side Check SN14 and the print feed (SN14) has not changed. mechanism. Print head pins have stuck on. Print head is overheating. Print head even pins firing error. Print head odd pins firing error Print head firing error caused by driver. Print data length error caused by driver. Print head feed error (head moving right to left) caused by print head right home position sensor (SN14) being on. Print head feed error (head moving left to right) caused by print head right home position sensor (SN14) being off. Check the print head driver. Stop printing and cool the print head. Check the print head driver. Check the print head feed mechanism. Check the print head feed mechanism. Check the print head feed mechanism. Suspect ATM system driver commands of sending too much data. Check SN14. Check the print head feed mechanism. Check the print head feed mechanism. Check SN14. Action





Print head feed error (head moving Check the print head feed mechaleft to right) caused by print head left nism. home position sensor (SN15) being Check SN14 and SN15. on. Print head feed error (head moving Check the print head feed mecharight to left) caused by print head left nism. home position sensor (SN15) being Check SN15. off. Print head speed not constant (head Check the print head feed mechamoving right to left). nism.
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Error Code Meaning Hi 07 Lo 26


Attempt to print past physical end of Check SN3. book caused by SN3 becoming uncovered during printing. No data was found on the magnetic Check the magnetic stripe and stripe. make sure that it lies within the magnetic head position. No start mark was found on the magnetic stripe. Parity error was detected in the magnetic data. BCC or CRC error was detected in the magnetic data. Check the magnetic stripe. Check the magnetic stripe. Check the magnetic stripe.



07 07 07 07

31 32 33 34

Check the magnetic stripe. Magnetic stripe verify error (the leading/ending zero field was differ- Make sure that the passbook has ent on the second pass of the mag- been inserted straight. netic head). Magnetic stripe verify error (the data Check the magnetic stripe. was different on the second pass of the magnetic head). Invalid data length caused by the end mark not being found on the magnetic stripe. Mag head jammed when moving from right to left caused by SN28 being off, or SN27 stuck on. Mag head jammed when moving from left to right caused by SN27 being off, or SN28 stuck on. Driver sent illegal magnetic type. Driver sent illegal function code. Check the magnetic stripe.







Check the magnetic head feed mechanism. Check SN27 and SN28. Check the magnetic head feed mechanism. Check SN27 and SN28. Check the firmware on the PBP. Check the firmware on the PBP.



07 07 07

39 3A 3B

Check the firmware on the PBP. Driver caused invalid number of function parameters to be sent from the main board. Communications between the main Check cable. electronics board and the magnetic board failed. BCC of written data not correct. Passbook is jammed at the throat (insert gate). Check passbook path.



07 07 07

3D 50 51

The passbook jammed in the trans- Check passbook path. port, while being fed towards the rear of the printer.
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Error Code Meaning Hi 07 Lo 52


The passbook jammed in the trans- Check passbook path. port when it was being ejected out of the unit. The passbook jammed in the trans- Check passbook path. port, while being fed towards the front of the printer. The magnetic plate did not open or Check the magnetic shutter mechaSN30 did not change from on to off. nism. Check SN30. The magnetic plate did not close or Check the magnetic shutter mechaSN30 did not change from off to on. nism. Check SN30. The page turn book guide did not open or SN26 or SN23 did not change from on to off. Page turn book guide did not close or SN26 or SN23 did not change from off to on. Check the page turn book guide mechanism. Check SN23 and SN26. Check the page turn book guide mechanism. Check SN23 and SN26.













The print head platen did not open. Check the platen mechanism. Check SN17. SN17 remained on and SN22 Check SN22. remained off. The print head platen did not close. Check the platen mechanism. SN17 and SN22 remained on. Check SN17. Check SN22. The page turn swing mechanism did Check the page turn swing mechanism. not return to its neutral position. Check SN25. SN25 remained off. Platen up/down sensor SN18 remains off and platen home position sensor SN19 remains on. Platen home position sensor SN19 remains off. Check the platen mechanism. Check SN18. Check SN19. Check the platen mechanism. Check SN19.











Page mark data (left upper side) can Make sure the passbook was not be recognized. inserted straight. Run level 0 Test 54. Page mark data (left lower side) can Make sure the passbook was not be recognized. inserted straight. Run level 0 Test?. The attempt to turn a page has failed. SN21 did not change. Check the page turn feed mechanism. Check SN21.





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Error Code Meaning Hi 07 07 Lo 67 68 The driver instructed the printer to turn an invalid number of pages.

Action Suspect ATM system driver problem.

Printed Line Find (PLF) scanner can Check the passbook or scanner. not find a white area on the passbook. The print unit is open (sensor SN45 Close printer/check sensor. off). Passbook was removed as it was being staged. The book inserted into the printer was too short (<140mm). The book inserted into the printer was too long (>195mm). Passbook not found on feed route. Check the insert gate. Check the passbook. Check the passbook. Check the passbook path. Check the ATM system driver program.

07 07 07 07 07

6A 70 71 72 73



The driver sent an accept command Run the EJECT or BOOK CAPwhen a passbook was present in the TURE test. Check the passbook path. printer. The driver sent an issuer command Check the ATM system driver program. to a printer that does not have an issuer module. Passbook not inserted properly, or the passbook width is too narrow. Check the passbook. Check SN1 and SN24.



07 07 07

76 79 80

Passbook jammed in front transport. Check the passbook path. The driver sent an invalid command Check the ATM system driver program. to the printer. M-data Byte 4 takes one of the following values: 01 - Illegal command character. 02 - Illegal command length. 03 - Illegal command parameter. 04 - Illegal command sequence. 05 - Command inexecutable. Initial parameter not loaded. Diagnostic Level 0 Error in ROM. M- Check ROM. data Byte 4 takes one of the following values: 00 - A ROM error detected on the main electronics board. 01 - A ROM error detected on the magnetic electronics board.



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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook


Error Code Meaning Hi 07 Lo 82


Check RAM. Diagnostics Level 0 Error in RAM. M-data Byte 4 takes one of the following values: 00 - A RAM error detected on the main electronics board. 01 - An internal RAM error detected on the magnetic electronics board. 02 - An external RAM error detected on the magnetic electronics board. Diagnostics Level 0 Error in Timer. M-data Byte 4 takes one of the following values: 00 - A CPU timer error detected on the main electronics board. 01 - Timer 1 error detected on the main electronics board. 02 - Timer 2 error detected on the main electronics board. 03 - Timer 3 error detected on the main electronics board. 04 - Timer 4 error detected on the main electronics board. 05 - Timer 5 error detected on the main electronics board. 06 - Timer error detected on the magnetic board. Check timer.





The driver sent a check sensor sta- Remove the passbook from the tus while a passbook was present in printer. the printer. The internal battery for storing adjust data is faulty. Error in 24V power supply. CRC error detected when reading the adjust data. Fault on the magnetic board. The driver has sent an illegal passbook printing zone to the printer. Replace the battery. Check the power supply. Check the battery. Check RAM. Check the magnetic board. Check application.

07 07 07 07 07

85 86 87 88 89

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M_Status 00 01 02 03 04 05 05 06 07 08 08 09 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 30 33 34 35 36 Meaning Operation successful Mechanical Jam Communications error (fatal) Not used Black mark error (fatal) Media jam (fatal) Exit sensor error (warning) Not used Paper out (fatal) Ribbon needs to be replaced now (fatal)* Ribbon needs to be replaced soon (warning)* Knife needs to be replaced soon (warning) Printhead needs to be replaced now (fatal)* Printhead needs to be replaced soon (warning)* Printer left open (fatal) Not Used Not Used Not used Not used Capture jam (fatal) Media removed by customer during capture (routine) Media stuck in throat, unable to pull into printer (suspend) No media present at start of command (routine) Printer malfunction- media present (routine) Bin overfill (fatal) Print attempted beyond end of statement (routine) Printer fatal (fatal) Illegal media (routine) Buncher Comms failure (fatal)# Clamp Drive jammed open (fatal)# Clamp Drive jammed closed (fatal)# Capture Bin full (warning)

# Applies to buncher only version. * These error messages do not apply to the thermal printer. However, when they are generated, State of Health clearance in
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Supervisory Mode is required. Refer to Customer documentation for more information.

Byte 0 - Status and Sensors: Bit 7 = 0 Always* Bit 6 = 1 Fault status Bit 5 = 0 Always Bit 4 = 1 Exit sensor (S1)1 covered Bit 3 = 1 Paper set sensor (ES6) active Bit 2 = 1 Black dot sensors (ES4&5) covered Bit 1 = 1 Paper low status (S11/12) active Bit 0 = 0 Always

See heading "Sensor Locations". * Signifies bit is set to zero. Byte 1 - Command or Phase: 0A= Not used 09 = Not used 08 = Determine/Disable 07 = Capture 06 = Eject 05 = Not used 04 = Exercise mechanism (Diagnostics Only) 03 = Not used 02 = Special print 01 = Action print stream 00 = Report tally mnemonics (Diagnostics) 00 = Reset Byte 2 - Status and Sensors: Bit 7 = 0 Buncher comms error Bit 6 = 1 Comms error Bit 5 = 1 No document Bit 4 = 1 Cutter jam Bit 3 = 0 Always Bit 2 = 1 Positioned at last line Bit 1 = 1 Mechanical jam Bit 0 = 1 Media jam

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Byte 3 - Status: Bit 7 = 1 Printer RAM failure Bit 6 = 1 Printer ROM failure Bit 5 = 1 Media jam during capture Bit 4 = 1 Media jam towards exit Bit 3 = 1 Media jam towards capture bin Bit 2 = 0 Always Bit 1 = 0 Always Bit 0 = 0 Always Byte 4 - Sensors: Bit 7 = 0 Always Bit 6 = 0 Always Bit 5 = 0 Always Bit 4 = 1 Transport open - Transport open sensor (S10) or Print Engine open - Head close sensors 1 & 2 (ES2) active Bit 3 = 1 Capture bin NOT empty - Capture area sensors 1 or 2 (S8/S9) active Bit 2 = 1 Paper out detected - Paper set sensor (ES6) active Bit 1 = 1 Paper low detected - Paper low sensor (S11/S12) active Bit 0 = 1 Black dot sensors (ES4&5) covered. Byte 5 - Sensors (Statement only): Bit 7 = 0 Always Bit 6 = 0 Always Bit 5 = 1 Transport open- Transport open sensor (S10) or Print Engine open- Head close sensors 1 & 2 (ES2) active Bit 4 = 0 Always Bit 3 = 0 Always Bit 2 = 0 Always Bit 1 = 0 Always Bit 0 = 1 Knife at home position Byte 5 - Sensors (Buncher option): Bit 7 = 1 Clamp drive jammed closed Bit 6 = 1 Clamp drive jammed open Bit 5 = 1 Transport open- Transport open sensor (S10) or (Print Engine open- Head close sensors 1 & 2 (ES2) active Bit 4 = 1 Clamp drive raised - Pinch open sensor (S3) active Bit 3 = 1 Clamp drive lowered - Pinch closed sensor (S4) active
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Bit 2 = 0 Always Bit 1 = 0 Always Bit 0 = 1 Knife at home position Byte 6 - Sensors: (Statement and Buncher) Bit 7 = 1 Capture entry sensor (S7) covered Bit 6 = 1 Stack entry sensor (S6) covered Bit 5 = 0 Always Bit 4 = 0 Always Bit 3 = 0 Always Bit 2 = 0 Always Bit 1 = 1 Paper set sensor (ES6) covered Bit 0 = 1 Capture entry sensor (S7) covered Byte 7 - Sensors (Statement only): Bit 7 = 0 Always Bit 6 = 0 Always Bit 5 = 0 Always Bit 4 = 0 Always Bit 3 = 1 Exit sensor (S1) covered Bit 2 = 0 Always Bit 1 = 0 Always Bit 0 = 0 Always Byte 7 - Sensors (Buncher option): Bit 7 = 0 Always Bit 6 = 0 Always Bit 5 = 0 Always Bit 4 = 0 Always Bit 3 = 1 Exit sensor (S1) covered Bit 2 = 1 Stack area sensor (S5) covered Bit 1 = 1 Stack entry sensor (S6) covered Bit 0 = 1 Stack area sensor (S5) covered.

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Sensor Locations The following diagram shows the location and numbering of the sensors in the printer:

SN1 - Media Insertion SN3 - Print position SN5 - Turn page position SN14 - Print head right home position SN17 - Platen shutter close SN19 - Platen home position SN22 - Platen shutter open SN24 - Inserted media width SN26 - Turn page book guide open SN28 - Magnetic head left home SN30 - Magnetic plate position SN32 - Media at mid transport position SN46 - Passbook alignment covered

SN2 - Magnetic head read/write position SN4 - Line find position SN8 - Escape route SN15 - Print head left home position SN18 - Platen up/down position SN21 - Turn page timing SN23 - Turn page book guide close SN25 - Turn page roller middle position SN27 - Magnetic head right home SN29 - Magnetic head encoder SN31 - Capture bin SN45 - Print unit open

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M_STATUS The M_STATUS for the MOP are:
M_STATUS 00 01 05 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 Meaning No error Head jam/knife jam Paper out Paper not loaded or jam before transport Communications error Printer open Ribbon needs replacing soon Printhead needs replacing soon Knife needs replacing soon Ribbon needs replacing now Printhead needs replacing now Communications error Eject jam No paper in printer during processing of command (eject control codes) Barcode read failed but successful within retry count Barcode read failed File failed to be cleared File not readable File not writeable

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M_DATA The M_DATA is as follows:

M_DATA(0) M_Data (hex) 01 02 04 08 10 20 Description Sensor unable to find home Init error or burster wheel could not find home Out of paper Load error Top of form mark could not be found Burster failure or paper advanced too far without burst (paper is backed up into machine to prevent access) EPROM checksum error (or non-boot sectors are unexpectedly empty) Feeder is not present

40 80 M_DATA(1) M_Data (hex) 01 02 04 08 10 20 40 80

Description The burster fail detect sensor is defective Just powered on (may be cleared by ESC O) Paper under head during power-up (VOIDed first form) Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used

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M_DATA(2) M_Data (hex) 01 02 04 08 10 20 40 80 M_DATA(3) M_Data (hex) 01 02 04 08 10 20 40 80 Description Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Description Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used

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Disk Drives

!  $

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Disk Drives
Items marked with a * are only reported when the migrated disk service is being used.

M_STATUS 00 01 02 03 04 05 08 09 0A 0D Meaning No error. Write failure. CRC error * Read failure. Disk error * Drive not configured. Random read error. Hardware error * Seek error. Disk write protected * Operator intervention required * Filename not found in directory * General error *

M_DATA 00 01 02 03 04 Meaning No error. Invalid function number. File not found. Path not found. Out of handles.
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M_DATA 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 50 70

Meaning Access denied. Invalid handle. Open/Create failed due to explicit fail command * Memory control block destroyed. Insufficient memory. Invalid memory block address. Invalid environment. Invalid format. Invalid access code. Invalid data. Unknown unit. Invalid disk drive. Cannot remove current directory. Not same device. No more files. Disk write protected. Unknown unit. Drive not ready (disk not in drive). Unknown command. Data error (CRC). Bad request structure length. Seek error. Unknown type of medium. Sector not found. Write fault. Read fault. General failure. Sharing violation. Lock violation. Invalid disk change. FCB unavailable. Sharing buffer exceeded. File already exists. Disk is full.
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Meaning Disk is not formatted. General error.

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Input Devices

$ % #





!#% !#% !#%

# ! $
 # ! # !   $ %

##  %


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CONTENTS Chapter 8

Input Devices
M_STATUS 00 03 04 Description No error Hardware error - Touch screen controller hardware error Not calibrated - Touch screen has not been calibrated

M_DATA M_DATA returned if M_STATUS is 03 (Hardware_Error) are:

Byte 0 - Touch screen error code (Hex) 00 = No error 03 = A/D converter error 04 = Failed beams detected 05 = Communications error (controller/frame interface error) 06 = Weak beams detected.

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M_STATUS The M_STATUS returned for the keyboards Key Detect test are:
M_STATUS 00 06 07 146 Meaning No error Security Module (SM) required a reset and the reset was successful (EKC only) SM required a reset and the reset was unsuccessful (EKC only) SDC link failure

M_DATA The Key Detect test returns the two digit hexadecimal values shown in the following figure:
Left FDK 07 06 05 04 10 14 24 20 Numeric 11 15 25 21 12 16 26 22 13 17 27 23 Right FDK 03 02 01 00

M_STATUS The M_STATUS returned for the keyboard and FDK Key Detect test is as follows:
M_STATUS 00 06 07 146 Meaning No error. If the Security Module (SM) reset was successful (EKC only). If the SM reset was unsuccessful (EKC only). SDC link failure

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M_DATA The Key Detect test returns the three digit numbers shown in the following figure:
007 006 005 004 003 002 001 000 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 036 037 038 039 032 033 034 035

051 052 067 068 084 100 116 115 099 083 087 050 053 066 020 085 101 117 114 098 082 049 054 065 070 086 102 118 113 097 081 112 096 080 048 055 064 071

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M_STATUS 00 146 Meaning No error. SDC link failure.

M_DATA The M_DATA returned for the basic operator panel keyboard KEY DETECT test, is the hardware position code for the last key entered (refer to "Hardware Position Codes"). Early versions of the software treat the hardware position code as hexadecimal numbers and display three-digit decimal representations of the position code numbers, both sets of codes are shown in the following table. Hardware Position Codes The hardware position codes returned under M_DATA, for the BOP keyboard KEY DETECT test are:
Basic Operator Panel 00 01 02 03 10 11 12 13 20 21 22 23 30 31 32 33 40 41 42 43

Decimal Representation of Hardware Position Codes

Basic Operator Panel 000 001 002 003 016 017 018 019 032 033 034 035 048 049 050 051 064 065 066 067

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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook



M_STATUS The M_STATUS returned for the EOP keyboard are:
M_STATUS 00 146 Meaning No error. SDC link failure.

M_DATA The M_DATA returned for the enhanced operator panel keyboard KEY DETECT test, is the hardware position code for the last key entered (refer to "Hardware Position Codes"). Early versions of the software treat the hardware position code as hexadecimal numbers and display three-digit decimal representations of the position code numbers, both sets of codes are shown in the following table. Hardware Position Codes The hardware position codes returned under M_DATA, for the EOP keyboard KEY DETECT test are:
Left FDK 00 01 02 03 10 11 12 13 16 - Key Keyboard 20 21 22 23 30 31 32 33 40 41 42 43 Right FDK 50 51 52 53

Decimal Representation of Hardware Position Codes

Left FDK 000 001 002 003 016 017 018 019 16 - Key Keyboard 032 033 034 035 048 049 050 051 064 065 066 067 Right FDK 080 081 082 083

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M_STATUS 00 01 02 146 Meaning No error. Controller error Character ROM missing SDC link failure.


M_STATUS 00 146 Meaning No error. SDC link failure.

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M_STATUS 00 Meaning No error.

M_DATA 30 31 Meaning Switch closed. Switch open.

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M_STATUS 00 Meaning No error.

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Miscellaneous (Misc. I/F Functions)


 $ % #

%$ !

 #$   %#   %


# $$

$&# % $ 


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CONTENTS Chapter 9

Miscellaneous (Misc. I/F Functions)

Turnaround Plug A turnaround plug, A/B (NCR Part No. 445-0593125), is required for the edge of board turnaround test.

25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11

7 8

5 6

3 4

1 2

26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10

M_STATUS 00 03 146 Meaning No error. Turnaround test failure. SDC link failure.

Byte 0 - Test state of input line 0: 30H = Good 31H = Stuck high 32H = Stuck low

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Byte 1 - Test state of input line 1: 30H = Good 31H = Stuck high 32H = Stuck low Byte 2 - Test state of output line 2: 30H = Good 31H = Stuck high 32H = Stuck low Byte 3 - Test state of output line 3: 30H = Good 31H = Stuck high 32H = Stuck low Byte 4 - Test state of output line 4: 30H = Good 31H = Stuck high 32H = Stuck low Byte 5 - Test state of output line 5: 30H = Good 31H = Stuck high 32H = Stuck low

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M_STATUS 0 1 2 03 Meaning Bag drop switch is open. Bag drop switch is closed. Deposit not done and bag drop switch is open Error in turnaround test.

M_DATA M_DATA is only returned for the enhanced version of the nightsafe depository.
Byte 0 for all commands except turnaround test:
Bit 0 1 Value 0 1 0 1 Meaning Door closed Door open Bag drop switch open Bag drop switch closed.

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M_SATAUS and M_DATA for the Alarms are detailed in Chapter 13, NLX PC Core.

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Turnaround Plug A turnaround plug C, (NCR Part No. 445-0596570), is required for the media entry indicators turnaround test.

25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11

7 8

5 6

3 4

1 2

26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10

M_STATUS 00 03 Meaning Good. Turnaround test failed.

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Turnaround Plug A turnaround plug is required for the door access unit RS232 turnaround test.

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

M_STATUS 00 01 02 03 97 98 146 Meaning No error. Bad read error. Timeout error (Open door test). Communications error (Open door test). Timeout error (Turnaround test). Communications error (Turnaround test). SDC link failure.

Byte 0: 00 = Good 01 = Parity error 02 = Overrun error 03 = Framing error 04 = DTR or DSR timeout 05 = Transmit timeout 06 = Receive timeout.

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M_STATUS 00 01 03 97 98 146 Meaning Picture taken. NAK received. Hardware error detected, bad communications Timeout error. Communications error. SDC link failure.

M_DATA The M_DATA returned for the security camera are:

Byte 0: 00 = Good 01 = Parity error 02 = Overrun error 03 = Framing error 04 = DTR, DSR error 05 = Tx error 06 = Rx error 30 = For the Take Picture/Controller Status tests Byte 1: 30 = Ready 31 = Busy Byte 2: 30 = For the Take Picture/Controller Status tests Byte 3: 31 = For the Take Picture/Controller Status tests NOTE: The 3M camera does not return data for bytes 1, 2 and 3.

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T_DATA The T_DATA returned for the Controller Status test consists of four
1 0 /8 805,7,90/ , :3 9 805,7,947 ,8 14 4 8

hhmm yymmdd aaaa bbbbbb Where:

22  9 20 22//  /,90 4:7 2 3:90 0,7 2439 /, 0307, 47  9, .,2
07, 9, 0307, 47 

,,,,  97,38,.9 43 3:2-07 1  

------  9072 3, 3:2-07  1  


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M_STATUS 00 01 02 03 04 62 Meaning No error. Format error. An error in the format of C_DATA (command data) has been detected. Signage not configured. Communications failure after retries. No acknowledgement, NAK, parity, framing or overrun errors received from signage. Communications successful after retries. Communications error.

Byte 0 - UART status port: Bit 0 = 1 Tx ready Bit 1 = 1 Rx ready Bit 2 = 1 Tx empty Bit 3 = 1 Parity error Bit 4 = 1 Overrun error Bit 5 = 1 Framing error Bit 6 = 0 Always Bit 7 = 0 Always Byte 1 - Communications Error: Bit 1 = 1 Parity error Bit 2 = 1 Overrun error Bit 3 = 1 Framing error Bit 4 = 1 DTR or DSR error Bit 5 = Transmit error Bit 6 = Receive timeout.

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Currency Handling

&## &##  

  $!$# % 
 &  % 

  $!$#    $!$# 

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Currency Handling
NOTE: A 1 alongside the code shows that the M_STATUS applies to stacking dispensers only and a 2 shows that the code is for spray dispensers only. A 3 shows that the code does not apply to the Personas 86 Dispenser.
M_STATUS 00 01 02 03 04 05 Meaning No error. Dispense requested from a cassette which is not installed or no cassettes installed during self test. Too many bills being rejected, for example, undersize, oversize, doubles, extra bills, or unable to learn bill width and singularity. Pick failure. Pick failure plus low (out of bills). Sensor failure or currency jam in main transport. OR A short dispense was performed (bills dispensed fewer than bills requested) and no error was reported. Divert gate fault caused by one of the following: * Divert gate in wrong position initially. * Divert gate failed to move to correct position. * Divert gate sensor failure. Purge bin not present (unit inoperative). Purge bin overfill sensor blocked (unit inoperative). Purge bin full (unit inoperative). Communications failure between Command and Execution firmware. Current replenishment information may not have been determined.


07 081 082 093

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Meaning Operation not attempted because the device or a cassette type is FATAL from a previous operation. A reset of SOH to HEALTHY must be performed to clear this condition. Current replenishment information is not determined. Operation not attempted due to one of the following conditions: * Bills are still stacked in the transport from a previous operation (stacking dispensers only). * Bills may not have been cleared from the transport due to an unrecovered error during a previous operation. * The dispenser has been powered up and no CLEAR/DIAG_CLEAR has been issued. A CLEAR or DIAG_CLEAR must be performed to clear this condition. Replenishment information is not determined.


121 131 141 151 16 17 181 191

Presenter clamping mechanism (or bill alignment mechanism) failed or jammed. Exit shutter jammed open. Exit shutter jammed closed. Reserved. Main transport timing disk did not operate correctly or the main ac motor failed. Reserved. Currency jam in presenter transport or transport sensor failure. Exit sensor blocked initially on next operation after a good present (Bills may not have been taken by cardholder). Current replenishment information is not determined. See Replenishment Data. Reserved. An area of NVRAM cannot be accessed (SOH cannot be updated). Presenter transport timing disk did not operate correctly or motor failed. One of the presenter transport sensors failed clear or blocked. Reserved. Heartbeat on execution processor failed. Communications failure on the I2C bus of the execution processor. On the P86 this code denotes a communications failure on the pick interface to pick modules. A present bills operation has been attempted without any bills being stacked or a RETRACT with no bills presented. Operation incomplete due to ac and 24V dc power disconnection through interlock on ATM access door. Pick valve test not attempted because cassettes were installed. TI service switched ON.
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20 to 27 28 291 30 31 323 331

341 351 361 37


56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook


M_STATUS 38 39 40

Meaning TI service switched OFF. The LVDT/NTS or associated circuit is malfunctioning. Bill parameters have not been set up. This is because this is the first operation since initial power-up or because there was an NVRAM corruption and the NVRAM was re-initialized. An attempt to pick from a cassette in a pick module which has been disabled for in-service replenishment. SDC link failure.

41 146

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Dispenser - stacking and spray types Divert Gate - spray type only Presenter - stacking type only Main Motor * - stacking and spray types Exit Shutter * - stacking type only Presenter Bill Motor * - stacking type only Presenter Clamp * - stacking type only Sensor/Switch * - stacking and spray types. NOTE: * The M_DATA returned for these tests are unique to the tests. The number of transport sensors in the currency dispenser depends on the dispenser type as follows: Stacking Dispensers: 5674/75 Front Access ATM = Transport Sensors 1 to 7 5674/75 Rear Access ATM = Transport Sensors 1 to 5 5670 ATM Front or Rear Access = Transport Sensors 1 to 5 5684/85/88 ATMs (Through-The-Wall) = Transport sensors 1 to 8 Personas 86 ATM (Through-The-Wall) = Transport sensors 1 to 5. Spray Dispensers: MCD1 Front Access ATM = Transport Sensors 1 (FEED) and 2 (EXIT). NOTE: The highest number in each of the above ranges is the exit sensor for that type. The M_DATA field contains the execution level command executed and status information returned. The first byte (byte 0) is common to all responses. Byte 0 contains the execution firmware command description and this indicates the format of the status information in M_DATA bytes 1 to n. NOTE: In the following lists, a 1 alongside the code shows that the M_DATA applies to stacking dispensers only and a 2 shows that the code is for spray dispensers only. A 3 shows that the code
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does not apply to the Personas 86 Dispenser. Byte 0 - Firmware Level Commands: 00 = Reset 011 = Stack 012 = Dispense bills 021 = Present 031 = Move clamp to present 04 = Clear main transport 051 = Check if bills taken 061 = Purge 07 = Set bill widths 08 = Set bill singularities 09 = Set bill presentation order 0A = Read dispense counts 0B = Clear dispense counts 0C = Read configured parameters 0D = Read container status 0E = Read (Set on P86) virtual cassette type 0F1 = Rotate (Move on P86) clamp to home position 101 = Close shutter command 11 = Main motor test 121 = Pick valve test 122 = Pick solenoid test 13 = Learn bill parameters 141 = Exit shutter test 151 = Presenter bill motor test 161 = Presenter clamp test 17 = Sensor test 1B1 = Disable Hamming codes 1C1 = Pre-present 222 = Divert Gate test.

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M_DATA - Dispenser The M_DATA returned under the dispenser format are associated with firmware level commands as follows: Stacking dispensers = commands 01, 04, and 13 Spray dispensers = commands 01, 02, 05, and 17. For SELF_TEST and DIAG_SELF-TEST, the status bytes refer to pick position in the order, top, 2nd, 3rd, bottom instead of virtual cassette types 1, 2, 3, and 4, otherwise the status bytes are identical. NOTE: The following format of M_DATA is for pick by virtual type response (the normal case). If the response is for a pick by position command (such as SELF_TEST) then the data has a slightly different format. In this case M_DATA bytes 2, 3, 4, and 5 are auxiliary status codes for the top, 2nd, 3rd, and bottom positions, and M_DATA bytes 6, 7, 8, and 9 are divert reasons for the top, 2nd, 3rd, and bottom positions. Byte 1 - Main Dispenser Status: Bit 7 = 1 Virtual cassette type 3 is low on bills Bit 6 = 1 Virtual cassette type 4 is low on bills Bit 5 = 0 Always Bit 4 = 1 Pick fail occurred Bit 3 = 1 Fatal malfunction INOP flag set Bit 2 = 1 Self-Test command Bit 1 = 1 Virtual cassette type 1 is low on bills Bit 0 = 1 Virtual cassette type 2 is low on bills Byte 2 - Auxiliary Status Virtual Cassette Type 1: 02 = Purge bin not installed 03 = Pick failure (status 1 = 10H). Picking is tried three times after the initial attempt, each attempt being four or five pick cycles. If a bill has not been picked, the motor is shut off. After a time delay, the motor is turned on and picking is tried again. The cycle, motor off, delay, motor on, pick, is repeated up to three times. If all attempts fail, this status is generated. 04 = Invalid pick interrupt. A bill enters the transport from the wrong cassette or one of the pick sensors is faulty. 052 = Divert gate not in dispense position during a dispense
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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook


operation when an attempt is made to dispense a bill into the note tray. 062 = Divert gate not in the reject position on receipt of a dispense command or when an attempt is made to reject a bill. 09 = Pick sensor failed clear during operation. A bill is seen at the PRE_LVDT/NTS sensor when it is not expected. This may be the result of a faulty pick sensor or a drag-out separating in the transport. 0C = Purge bin overfill or SOH active initially or at end of clear. 10 = Exit shutter not closed or closed sensor failed indicating not closed, or open sensor failed indicating open. 11 = Pick sensor blocked initially or SOH active initially or at end of clear - occurs on a non-zero dispense. OR Bill did not clear pick sensor - occurs when a picked bill jams under a pick sensor or the pick sensor is malfunctioning. 14 = PRE_LVDT/NTS sensor blocked or SOH active initially or at end of clear. 21 = PRE_LVDT/NTS sensor failed clear during operation. A bill seen by the pick sensor has not reached the PRE_LVDT/NTS sensor in time. 22 = Pre_LVDT/NTS sensor failed blocked /bill jam during operation. 271 = Presenter clamp not in home position initially or clamp home sensor failed blocked. 40 = Virtual cassette type not installed. A command has been received to pick bills from cassette which is not installed. 411 = TSEN 1 sensor blocked or SOH active initially on stack or at end of clear (purge path). 412 = TSEN 1 (FEED) sensor blocked or SOH active initially upon initiating a dispense command or on completion of a clear. 421 = TSEN 2 sensor blocked or SOH active initially upon initiating a dispense or on completion of a clear (clamp position). 422 = TSEN 2 (EXIT) sensor blocked or SOH active initially on stack or at end of clear.
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431 = TSEN 3 sensor blocked or SOH active initially on stack or at end of clear. 441 = TSEN 4 sensor blocked or SOH active initially on stack or at end of clear. 451 = TSEN 5 sensor blocked or SOH active initially on stack or at end of clear (exit sensor for 5674/5 rear access and all 5670 dispensers and Personas 86). 461 = TSEN 6 sensor blocked or SOH active initially on stack or at end of clear. 471 = TSEN 7 sensor blocked or SOH active initially on stack or at end of clear (exit sensor for 5674/5 front access). 481 = TSEN 8 sensor blocked or SOH active initially on stack or at end of clear (exit sensor for 568X through the wall). 491 = I2C fault initially. 4A1 = I2C failure during operation. 4B = Main transport timing disk too slow. 4C = Reserved 4D = Main transport timing disk failed. 4E = Pick sensor failed clear initially. 4F = Pick sensor failed blocked/bill jam during operation. 50 = Pre LVDT/NTS sensor failed clear initially. 511 = TSEN 1 failed clear initially on stack or at end of clear. 512 = TSEN 1 (FEED) sensor failed clear initially on dispense or at end of clear. 521 = TSEN 2 failed clear initially on stack or at end of clear. 522 = TSEN 2 (EXIT) failed clear initially on dispense or at end of clear. 531 = TSEN 3 failed clear initially on stack or at end of clear. 541 = TSEN 4 failed clear initially on stack or at end of clear. 551 = TSEN 5 failed clear initially on stack or at end of clear. 561 = TSEN 6 failed clear initially on stack or at end of clear. 571 = TSEN 7 failed clear initially on stack or at end of clear. 581 = TSEN 8 failed clear initially on stack or at end of
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clear. 591 = Purge bin overfill failed clear initially. 5A1 = Gulp feed detected. 5B1 = Interlock open initially. 5C1 = Interlock open during operation. 601 = Reference null reading too low LVDT #1 (right hand). 602 = Reference null reading too low on NTS. 611 = Reference null reading too low LVDT #2 (left hand). 621 = Reference null reading too high LVDT #1 (right hand). 622 = Reference null reading too high on NTS. 631 = Reference null reading too high LVDT #2 (left hand). 64 = LVDT/NTS fault - too few timing wheel interrupts received on execution processor within the time for one bill. 65 = LVDT/NTS fault - execution processor did not receive a response to an LVDT request within the required time. 70 = Cassette already FATAL because of: too many pick fails, too many rejects, cassette empty, or could not learn from the cassette. 71 = Too many interrupts at pick sensor or pre-LVDT/NTS sensor. 72 = Bill parameters were not configured. The singularity at this position was 0FFH. Either bill parameters were not configured after initial power up, or NVRAM was corrupted and reinitialized. Bill widths, singularities and stack order should be checked. 731 = Total thickness of bills picked on a bill learn has reached the limit that can safely be purged. 752 = TSEN 1 (FEED) sensor failed clear during operation or bill jam before sensor. May be due to a bill jam between the NTS sensor and the FEED sensor. 762 = TSEN 1 (FEED) sensor failed blocked during operation or bill jam at sensor. May be due to a bill jam at the FEED sensor. 772 = TSEN 2 (EXIT) sensor failed clear during operation or bill jam before sensor. May be due to a bill jam between the FEED sensor and the EXIT sensor. 782 = TSEN 2 (EXIT) sensor failed blocked during operation or bill jam at sensor. May be due to a bill jam at the EXIT sensor.

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Byte 3 - Auxiliary Status Virtual Cassette Type 2: (Byte 3 the same description as Byte 2) Byte 4 - Auxiliary Status Virtual Cassette Type 3: (Byte 4 the same description as Byte 2) Byte 5 - Auxiliary Status Virtual Cassette Type 4: (Byte 5 the same description as Byte 2) Byte 6 - Divert Reason, Virtual Cassette Type 1: Bit 7 = 1 Inaccurate bill count, or unable to learn parameters during learn bill parameters command. Bit 61 = 1 Thermistor indicates cold (below 10 deg. C). Bit 62 = 0 always Bit 5 = 1 Cassette not installed. Bit 4 = 1 At least one extra bill picked. Bit 3 = 1 At least one long bill detected. Bit 2 = 1 At least one short bill detected. Bit 1 = 1 At least one multiple (double) bill detected. Bit 0 = 1 At least one overlength bill detected.

has has has


Byte 7 - Divert Reason, Virtual Cassette Type 2: (Byte 7 has the same description as Byte 6). Byte 8 - Divert Reason, Virtual Cassette Type 3: (Byte 8 has the same description as Byte 6). Byte 9 - Divert Reason, Virtual Cassette Type 4: (Byte 9 has the same description as Byte 6). M_DATA - Divert Gate If a divert gate error occurs during a SELF_TEST operation, the following M_DATA information will be returned: Byte 0 = 34H divert gate test command Byte 1 - Reject position sensor state when divert gate solenoid energised (dispense position) 00 = Not at reject position 01 - At reject position Byte 2 - Reject position sensor state when divert gate solenoid de-energised (reject position) 00 = At reject position 01 - Not at reject position Byte 3 - Time taken for gate to move from reject position to present position in ms.
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Byte 4 - Time taken for gate to move from present position to reject position in ms. NOTE: Divert gate M_DATA bytes 3 or 4 may return a value of FFH. This indicates that the divert gate did not reach the desired position before the firmware timed out waiting on the event to occur.

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M_DATA - Presenter The M_DATA returned under presenter format are associated with firmware level commands 02, 03, 06, and 0F. Byte 0 - Firmware Level Commands Byte 1 - Presenter Status: 00 = Operation successful. 01 = Shutter jammed closed during operation or open sensor failed indicating not open. 02 = Shutter jammed open during operation or closed sensor failed indicating not closed. 04 = Clamp not in position initially. 06 = Clamp jammed moving home or home sensor failed showing not home. 07 = Clamp jammed moving to present or present sensor failed showing not present. 0C = Overfill sensor blocked initially. 11 = Overfill sensor failed clear. 13 = Overfill sensor blocked at end of purge operation. 14 = TSEN 1 sensor blocked or SOH line active initially on present or at end of purge. 15 = TSEN 2 sensor blocked or SOH line active initially on present or at end of purge. 16 = TSEN 3 sensor blocked or SOH line active initially on present or at end of purge. 17 = TSEN 4 sensor blocked or SOH line active initially on present or at end of purge. 18 = TSEN 5 sensor blocked or SOH line active initially on present or at end of purge. 19 = TSEN 6 sensor blocked or SOH line active initially on present or at end of purge. 1A = TSEN 7 sensor blocked or SOH line active initially on present or at end of purge. 1B = TSEN 8 sensor blocked or SOH line active initially on present or at end of purge. 1C = TSEN 1 sensor failed clear initially on present or at end of purge. 1D = TSEN 2 sensor failed clear initially on present or at end of purge. 1E = TSEN 3 sensor failed clear initially on present or at end of purge.
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1F = TSEN 4 sensor failed clear initially on present or at end of purge. 20 = TSEN 5 sensor failed clear initially on present or at end of purge. 21 = TSEN 6 sensor failed clear initially on present or at end of purge. 22 = TSEN 7 sensor failed clear initially on present or at end of purge. 23 = TSEN 8 sensor failed clear initially on present or at end of purge. 24 = TSEN 1 sensor failed clear during operation. 25 = TSEN 2 sensor failed clear during operation. 26 = TSEN 3 sensor failed clear during operation. 27 = TSEN 4 sensor failed clear during operation. 28 = TSEN 5 sensor failed clear during operation. 29 = TSEN 6 sensor failed clear during operation. 2A = TSEN 7 sensor failed clear during operation. 2B = TSEN 8 sensor failed clear during operation. 2C = TSEN 1 sensor or SOH input failed blocked or bill jam during operation. 2D = TSEN 2 sensor or SOH input failed blocked or bill jam during operation or clamp present sensor failure. 2E = TSEN 3 sensor or SOH input failed blocked or bill jam during operation. 2F = TSEN 4 sensor or SOH input failed blocked or bill jam during operation. 30 = TSEN 5 sensor or SOH input failed blocked or bill jam during operation. 31 = TSEN 6 sensor or SOH input failed blocked or bill jam during operation. 32 = TSEN 7 sensor or SOH input failed blocked or bill jam during operation. 33 = TSEN 8 sensor or SOH input failed blocked or bill jam during operation. 34 = Presenter transport timing wheel failed to operate correctly. 35 = Reserved. 36 = Interlock open initially. 37 = Interlock open during operation. 38 = Clamp jammed in home position (attempting to move to present).
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39 = Clamp jammed in present position (attempting to move to home). 3A = Clamp home sensor failed indicating home. 3B = Clamp present sensor failed indicating present. 3C = Shutter jammed closed or closed during operation. 3D = Shutter jammed open or opened during operation. 3E = Shutter open sensor failed indicating open. 3F = Shutter closed sensor failed indicating closed. 40 = Purge bin not installed initially on present or at end of purge. 41 = Bill jam has caused presenter motor to fail. Byte 2: 00 = Bills seen at purge/overfill sensor during the operation (purge only). 01 = Bills not seen at purge/overfill sensor during the initial purge operation. 02 = Bills are still in the presenter transport (purge only). 03 = An unknown present occurred (present only). M_DATA - Main Motor Byte 0 = 11 - Main transport test Byte 1: 00 = Good operation 01 = Timing wheel slow 02 = Timing wheel fast 03 = Timing wheel failed 041 = Timing wheel too slow 051 = Timing wheel too fast. Byte 2 - Number of timing wheel ticks seen during the test. M_DATA - Exit Shutter Byte 0 = 14 - Exit shutter Byte 1: 00 = Operation O.K. 01 = Shutter closed sensor indicated closed when it should have been not closed

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Byte 2: 00 = Operation O.K. 01 = Shutter open sensor indicated open when it should have been not open Byte 3: 00 = Operation O.K. 01 = Shutter closed sensor indicated not closed when it should have been closed Byte 4: 00 = Operation O.K. 01 = Shutter open sensor indicated not open when it should have been open. M_DATA - Presenter Bill Motor Byte 0 = 15 - Presenter bill motor test Byte 1 - Forwards Operation Status Slow Speed: 00 = Good operation 01 = Timing wheel slow 02 = Timing wheel fast 03 = Timing wheel failed 04 = Timing wheel too slow 05 = Timing wheel too fast. Byte 2 - Forwards Operation Status High Speed: (status is the same as Byte 1) Byte 3 - Reverse Operation Status Slow Speed: (status is the same as Byte 1) Byte 4 - Reverse Operation Status High Speed: (status is the same as Byte 1) Byte 5 = No. of timing wheel ticks slow forwards Byte 6 = No. of timing wheel ticks fast forwards Byte 7 = No. of timing wheel ticks slow reverse Byte 8 = No. of timing wheel ticks fast reverse.

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M_DATA - Presenter Clamp Byte 0 = 16 - Presenter clamp test Byte 1: 0 = Operation successful 1 = Clamp home indicated home when it should have been not home. Byte 2: 0 = Operation successful 1 = Clamp present indicated present when it should have been not present. Byte 3: 0 = Operation successful 1 = Clamp home indicated not home when it should have been home. Byte 4: 0 = Operation successful 1 = Clamp present indicated not present when it should have been present. M_DATA - Sensor/Switch The M_DATA returned for the sensor/switch test describe the state of the each sensor, where: 00 = Sensor clear and healthy 01 = Sensor blocked and healthy 02 = Sensor clear and unhealthy 03 = Sensor blocked and unhealthy. NOTE: 1. All transport sensors give a low reading when blocked and, unless otherwise stated, all other sensors give a high reading when blocked. NOTE: 2. The state of health for the pick sensors is on the I2C bus/pick interface (see bytes 29 to 32 inclusive).

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The clamp sensors have the following meanings:

Clamp Position Home Between Present Home Sensor High Low Low Present Sensor High High Low

The M_DATA returned for the sensor/switch test are: Byte 0 = 17H - Device firmware command code Byte 1 = A/D reading of zero reference (5670) (always 0 on spray type) Byte 2 = Pre-LVDT/NTS sensor (reading from execution processor) Byte 3 = A/D reading of LVDT No. 1 (stacking) or NTS (spray) Byte 4 = A/D reading of LVDT No. 2 (always 0 on spray type) Byte 5 = Presenter clamp home position/divert gate reject position sensor Byte 6 = Presenter clamp present position sensor (always 0 on spray type) Byte 7 = Exit shutter open sensor (high = open) (always 0 on spray type) Byte 8 = Exit shutter closed sensor (high = closed) (always 0 on spray type) Byte 9 = A/D reading of 80H reference (5670 and spray only) Byte 10 = Main transport timing disk sensor Byte 11 = Presenter transport timing disk sensor (always 0 on spray type) Byte 12 = Purge bin in/reject bin present sensor Byte 13 = Purge bin overfill sensor (always 0 on spray type) Byte 14 = TSEN1 (purge path/FEED) sensor Byte 15 = TSEN2 (clamp position/EXIT) sensor Byte 16 = TSEN3 (always 0 on spray type) Byte 17 = TSEN4 (always 0 on spray type) Byte 18 = TSEN5 (exit sensor for interior 5674/5 R/A and all 5670 dispensers) (always 0 on spray type) Byte 19 = TSEN6 (always 0 on spray type) Byte 20 = TSEN7 (exit sensor for interior 5674/5 F/A) (always 0 on spray type) Byte 21 = TSEN8 (exit sensor for TTW) (always 0 on spray type) Byte 22 = Config1:
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0 = F/A 1 = R/A (not applicable if Config2 = 0) Byte 23 = Config2: 0 = TTW 1 = Interior Byte 24 = Interlock switch: 0 = Open, 24V and ac disconnected (always 0 on spray type) Byte 25 = Top pick sensor Byte 26 = 2nd pick sensor Byte 27 = 3rd pick sensor Byte 28 = Bottom pick sensor Byte 29 = Pick Interface - Top pick module: Bit 7 = Pick sensor LED on (1 = on) (always 0 on spray type) Bit 6 = Media low sensor (0 = low notes) Bit 5 = Cassette reed switch ID4 (0 = magnet present) Bit 4 = Cassette reed switch ID3 Bit 3 = Cassette reed switch ID2 Bit 2 = Cassette reed switch ID1 (cassette present) Bit 1 = Thermistor (0 = low temperature) (always 1 on spray type) Bit 0 = Pick sensor (1 = unhealthy) (always 0 on spray type). Byte 30 = Pick Interface - 2nd pick module: (Bit information is the same as Byte 29) Byte 31 = Pick Interface - 3rd pick module: (Bit information is the same as Byte 29) Byte 32 = Pick Interface - bottom pick module: (Bit information is the same as Byte 29) Byte 33 = Gulp feed sensor (always 0 on spray type) Byte 34 = SDC command processor switch pack setting (Bit 0 is b0) Byte 35 = Execution processor switch pack setting (Bit 0 is e0) Byte 36 = Dispense enable switch status (value 00 or 01). Byte 37 = Internal LVDT compensation factor (always 0 on spray type). NOTE: 1. LVDT No. 1 is the right-hand LVDT when facing the dispense control board. LVDT No. 2 is the left-hand LVDT. NOTE: 2. Transport sensors 6, 7 and 8 will always report 0 for
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interior 5674/5 R/A and all 5670 dispensers. NOTE: 3. Transport sensor 8 will always report 0 for interior 5674/5 F/A. NOTE: 4. The Pick Interface status will be 0 if the pick module is not configured and FFH if a Pick Interface error is detected.


Byte 0 Purge bin present/not present 00 Not present 01 Standard bin present Physical currency cassette type in top pick Byte 1 module: 00 No cassette installed 01 Cassette type #1 installed 02 Cassette type #2 installed 03 Cassette type #3 installed 04 Cassette type #4 installed 5-255 Intelligent cassette type installed Byte 2 State of currency cassette in top pick module 00 A cassette is not installed 01 Cassette state is not low 02 Cassette low 03 Cassette is empty 04 Cassette FATAL 05 Cassette position disabled for replenishment Physical currency cassette type in second pick Byte 3 module: (same as Byte 1) Byte 4 State of currency cassette in second pick module (same as Byte 2) Physical currency cassette type in third pick Byte 5 module (same as Byte 1) Byte 6 State of currency cassette in third pick module
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(same as Byte 2) Physical currency cassette type in bottom pick Byte 7 module (same as Byte 1) Byte 8 State of currency cassette in bottom pick module (same as Byte 2) Learn Bill Parameters T_DATA returned for the learn bill parameters test are: Byte Byte Byte Byte 0 - Bill width in millimetres (0 if operation not successful) 1 - Singularity (0 if operation not successful) 2 - Original width 3 - Original singularity.

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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook


The test offered on the Currency Dispenser TI Diagnostic menu is the Tamper Indicator test.

The Tamper Indication test displays the status of the dispenser tamper indicator as M_DATA as follows: Byte 0 - Purge bin 00 = In 01 = Out 02 = Can not determine status Byte Byte Byte Byte 1 - Top cassette (status as for byte 0) 2 - 2nd cassette (status as for byte 0) 3 - 3rd cassette (status as for byte 0) 4 - Bottom cassette (status as for byte 0).

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M_STATUS 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Meaning Good, no error Reserved MEDIA_LOW one or more hoppers indicating low coin MEDIA_EMPTY one or more hoppers empty HOPPER_JAM a coin appears jammed in a hopper TRANSPORT_JAM a coin has not appeared in transport and is assumed jammed TRANSPORT_BLOCKED transport sensor was blocked when the dispense command was received SENSOR_FAIL a hopper appears to have failed HOPPER_FUSED a hopper fuse has blown Reserved NOT_INITIALIZED coin low thresholds not set up TAMPER_DETECTED command sent while tamper switch active NOT_CLEARED command sent when clear required HOPPER_MISSING coins specified from a removed hopper DIAG_DISPENSE_ERROR dispenser not racked out during a diagnostic dispense

M_DATA Byte (0) This byte returns the codes for the firmware level commands: 01 = Dispense by position 02 = Dispense status 03 = Read counts 04 = Clear counts 05 = Set thresholds 06 = Get thresholds 07 = Clear

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M_DATA Byte (1)

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Meaning Reserved (0) Reserved (0) Tamper sensor (1 = tampering) Transport sensor (1 = blocked) Hopper 4 low sensor (1 = low) Hopper 3 low sensor (1 = low) Hopper 2 low sensor (1 = low) Hopper 1 low sensor (1 = low)

M_DATA Byte (2)

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Meaning Hopper 4 LED malfunction Hopper 3 LED malfunction Hopper 2 LED malfunction Hopper 1 LED malfunction Hopper 4 jammed Hopper 3 jammed Hopper 2 jammed Hopper 1 jammed

M_DATA Byte (3)

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Meaning Hopper 4 removed Hopper 3 removed Hopper 2 removed Hopper 1 removed Hopper 4 fuse blown Hopper 3 fuse blown Hopper 2 fuse blown Hopper 1 fuse blown

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The Tamper Indication test displays the status of the CDM tamper indicator as five bytes of M_DATA: M_DATA M_DATA M_DATA M_DATA M_DATA byte 0 = Dispenser status byte 1 = Hopper No. 1 status byte 2 = Hopper No. 2 status byte 3 = Hopper No. 3 status byte 4 = Hopper No. 4 status. 00 = In 01 = Out.

The status can be or

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Deposit Handling

' ' ' !#$

!  $!$# 
 ! ! ! !  $ $ % $ % ! # # 
 $ % &  &  %



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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook


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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook


CONTENTS Chapter 11

Deposit Handling
M_STATUS 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 146 Meaning No error. Transport jam before exit sensor Transport jam at exit sensor Exit sensor failure jammed closed Bin low sensor failure Shutter jammed closed Bin is low and failed to present Motor failed Comms failed Control electronics failed SDC link failure.

M_DATA The M_DATA codes returned for the envelope dispenser are:
Byte 0 - State of bin low sensor: 00 = Clear (low) 01 = Blocked (not low) 02 = Failed, indicating clear Byte 1 - State of exit sensor Byte 2 - State of timing disk sensor. NOTE: The states for bytes 1 and 2 are the same as byte 0.

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M_STATUS 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 11 13 15 50 52 55 146 Meaning No error. Transport jam. Transport jam and shutter jammed open. Transport jam and shutter jammed closed. Shutter jammed open. Shutter jammed closed. Transport sensor failure. communications Failure. Depository bin overfill. Timing disk failure. Transport motor failure. Anti-fish finger not in rest position. Print head removed. Interlock failed. SDC link failure.

M_DATA Bytes 0, 1 and 2 are bit encoded and the conditions below are true when the appropriate bit is high (1):
Byte 0 - Transport Sensors:
Bit No. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Meaning in PPD & SP-PPD Bin absent Bin overfill Exit sensor failed A middle sensor failed Entry sensor failed Exit sensor blocked A middle sensor blocked Entry sensor blocked Meaning in PPD-EDO Bin absent Bin overfill Merge gate open 2nd sensor failed Entry sensor failed Exit sensor blocked 2nd sensor blocked Entry sensor blocked

NOTE: Bits 5 to 3 combined with bits 2 to 0 indicate when a sensor failure condition occurs and whether the sensor failed indicating blocked (indicated something that was not there), or indicating clear (failed to detect something that was there). At present, failed indicating blocked cannot be detected.
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Byte 1 - Shutter Sensors: Bits 2 to 7 = Not used Bit 1 = 1 Jammed open Bit 0 = 1 Jammed shut Byte 2 = Module/Printhead: Bit 7 = Bin overfill Bits 5 and 6 = Not used Bit 4 = To many dots printed - printhead is near end of life Bit 3 to 1 = Not used Byte 3 = Fish Finger: 00 = Sensor blocked 01 = Sensor clear 02 = Sensor failed indicating blocked Byte 4 - Shutter open sensor: 00 = Sensor clear 01 = Sensor blocked 02 = Sensor failed indicating clear. NOTE: The sensor states for byte 4 also apply for bytes 5 to 10. Byte 5 - Shutter closed sensor Byte 6 - Entry sensor #4 Byte 7 - Offset sensor #3 (2nd sensor in the PPD-EDO) Byte 8 - At Print sensor #2 (Merge gate in the PPD-EDO) Byte 9 - Exit sensor (overfill) #1 Byte 10 - Timing disk sensor: 00 = Sensor open 01 = Sensor blocked.

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M_STATUS 00 Meaning Good.

0 - TI on, bin in 1 - TI on, bin out 2 - TI off, bin in 3 - TI off, bin out.

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M_STATUS 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Meaning GOOD - No errors SUSPEND, FATAL - Device error FATAL - Communications error FATAL - Notes in device FATAL - Cash bin full FATAL - Cash bin missing FATAL - No active currency GOOD - Command not acceptable GOOD - Distribution/Overrun error

M_DATA The first byte of the M_DATA reflects the command sent to the service. The remainder of the M_DATA is an array of four bytes reflecting the 16 bit error and diversion codes as reported by the PCD. The M_DATA for the PCD is as follows:
Byte 0 - Command code. The meanings of the hexadecimal command code are as follows: 00 - Reset 01 - Encash 02 - Force Encash 03 - Refund 04 - Disable 05 - Accept 06 - Activate 07 - Report Definitions 08 - Force Refund 09 - Status 0A - Synchronise 3C - Comms Turnaround test Byte 1 - Upper 8 bits of a 16 bit PCD Error code reported from the PCD Byte 2 - Lower 8 bits of a 16 bit PCD Error code reported from the PCD
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Byte 3 - Upper 8 bits of a 16 bit PCD Diversion Error code reported from the PCD Byte 4 - Lower 8 bits of a 16 bit PCD Diversion Error code reported from the PCD. M_DATA Byte 1 and Byte 2 Error Codes NOTE: If the safe is open and the door switch is not overridden and an attempt is made to execise the module, the status report will be a communications error. The following codes are listed to assist in the diagnosis of faulty modules:
Error Code Byte 1 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Error Code Byte 2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 41 42 43 Cash Bin Reject Module

Module Transport Module

Fault Sensor ON PS1L Sensor ON PS1R Sensor ON PS2L Sensor ON PS2R Sensor ON PS3L Sensor ON PS3R Sensor ON PS4L Sensor ON PS4R Sensor ON PS5L Sensor ON PS5R Sensor ON PSK1L Sensor ON PSK1R Sensor ON PSK2L Sensor ON PSK2R Sensor ON PSK3L Sensor ON PSK3R Sensor ON PSK4L Sensor ON PSK4R Sensor ON PSK5 Sensor ON PK1 Sensor ON PK2 Sensor ON PSG1 Sensor ON PSG2 Sensor ON PSG3

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Error Code Byte 1 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31

Error Code Byte 2 44 61 62 63 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 01 02 03 04 05 06 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 32 35 01 02 03 04


Fault Sensor ON PIG1

Escrow Module

Sensor ON PSR1 Sensor ON PSR2 Sensor ON PIR1

Feed Module

Sensor ON PSM_1L Sensor ON PSM_1R Sensor ON PSM_2L Sensor ON PSM_2R Sensor ON PSM_3L Sensor ON PSM_3R Sensor ON PSM_4L Sensor ON PSM_4R

Transport Module

Sensor ON PSM_5 Motor speed error Motor speed error

Reject Module Cash Bin Escrow Module Feed Module Transport Module Reject Module Cash Bin Escrow Module Feed Module Transport Module Reject Module Cash Bin Escrow Module Feed Module Transport Module Escrow Module Transport Module

Motor speed error Motor speed error Motor speed error Motor speed error Motor speed error Motor speed error Motor speed error Motor speed error Motor speed error Motor speed error Motor speed error Motor speed error Motor speed error Motor speed error Motor speed error Motor speed error Motor speed error Motor speed error Motor speed error Notes remaining Notes remaining Notes remaining Notes remaining

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Error Code Byte 1 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32

Error Code Byte 2 05 06 07 08 09 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 41 42 43 61 81 82 83 84 85 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14


Fault Notes remaining Notes remaining Notes remaining Notes remaining Notes remaining

Reject Module

Jam sensor PSK_1L Jam sensor PSK_1R Jam sensor PSK_2L Jam sensor PSK_2R Jam sensor PSK_3L Jam sensor PSK_3R Jam sensor PSK_4L Jam sensor PSK_4R Jam sensor PSK_5

Cash Bin

Jam sensor PS_G1 Jam sensor PS_G2 Jam sensor PS_G3

Escrow Module Feed Module

Jam sensor PSR1 Jam sensor PSM1 Jam sensor PSM2 Jam sensor PSM3 Jam sensor PSM4 Jam sensor PSM5

Transport Module

Jam between sensor PS1 and PSBV (Recognition unit) Jam between sensors PSBV ad PS2 Jam between sensors PS2, PS3, PS4 Jam between sensors PS2 and PS4 Jam between sensors PS3 and PS4 Jam between sensors PS3 and PS5

Escrow Module Reject Module Cash Bin Transport Module

Jam between sensor PS3 and Escrow Jam between sensor PS3 and Reject Jam between sensor PS3 and Safe Jam between sensor PS1 and PS2 Jam between sensor PS5 and PS4 Jam at reject module Jam at escrow module Jam at cash bin

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Error Code Byte 1 32 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 36 36 36 36 36 39 39 39 39 40 50 50 50 52

Error Code Byte 2 15 21 41 61 62 81 01 02 04 05 07 09 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 21 44 61 01 21 23 24 81 82 01 02 03 04 01 01 02 03 01


Fault Jam at sensor PS3

Reject Module Cash Bin Escrow Module Feed Module Transport Module

Jam sensor PSK5 Jam sensor PSG1 Jam sensor PSR1 Jam sensor PSR1 Jam sensor PSM5 Jam sensor PS1 Jam sensor PS2 Jam sensor PS4 Jam sensor PS5 Jam sensor PSK5 Jam sensor PSG1 Jam sensor PS2 Jam sensor PS3 Jam sensor PS4 Jam sensor PS5 Jam sensor PSK5 Jam sensor PSR1 Jam sensor PSG1

Reject Module Cash Bin Escrow Module Transport Module Reject Module Control Electronics Feed Module Reject Module Cash Bin Escrow Module Feed Module Cash Bin Transport Module

Jam sensor PSK5 Safe full sensor PSG2 Escrow Unit note full sensor PSR2 Jam possible remaining note Payment error SOLENOID SD1 error SOLENOID SD2 error Intake error Feeding error Reject incorrect setting Safe incorrect setting Escrow incorrect setting Feed incorrect setting Front incorrect setting Abnormal Transport Abnormal Transport Abnormal Transport

Escrow Module

Note count error from Escrow outlet to Reject inlet

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Error Code Byte 1 52 52 52 52 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70

Error Code Byte 2 02 03 04 61 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 41 42 43 44 61 62 63 81 82 83 84


Fault Note count error from Escrow outlet to Safe inlet

Transport Module Escrow Module Transport Module

Note count error from Transport inlet to Escrow outlet Deposit/dispensing count error Deposit/dispensing count error Sensor OFF PS1L Sensor OFF PS1R Sensor OFF PS2L Sensor OFF PS2R Sensor OFF PS3L Sensor OFF PS3R Sensor OFF PS4L Sensor OFF PS4R Sensor OFF PS5L Sensor OFF PS5R

Reject Module

Sensor OFF PSK1L Sensor OFF PSK1R Sensor OFF PSK2L Sensor OFF PSK2R Sensor OFF PSK3L Sensor OFF PSK3R Sensor OFF PSK4L

Reject Module

Sensor OFF PSK4R Sensor OFF PSK5 Sensor OFF PIK1 Sensor OFF PIK2

Cash Bin

Sensor OFF PSG1 Sensor OFF PSG2 Sensor OFF PSG3 Sensor OFF PIG1

Escrow Module

Sensor OFF PSR1 Sensor OFF PSR2 Sensor OFF PIR1

Feed Module

Sensor OFF PSM1L Sensor OFF PSM1R Sensor OFF PSM2L Sensor OFF PSM2R

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Error Code Byte 1 70 70 70 70 70 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71

Error Code Byte 2 85 86 87 88 89 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 41 42 43 61 62 63 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88


Fault Sensor OFF PSM3L Sensor OFF PSM3R Sensor OFF PSM4L Sensor OFF PSM4R Sensor OFF PSM5

Transport Module

Sensor adjustment error PS1L Sensor adjustment error PS1R Sensor adjustment error PS2L Sensor adjustment error PS2R Sensor adjustment error PS3L Sensor adjustment error PS3R Sensor adjustment error PS4L Sensor adjustment error PS4R Sensor adjustment error PS5L Sensor adjustment error PS5R

Reject Module

Sensor adjustment error PSK1L Sensor adjustment error PSK1R Sensor adjustment error PSK2L Sensor adjustment error PSK2R Sensor adjustment error PSK3L Sensor adjustment error PSK3R Sensor adjustment error PSK4L Sensor adjustment error PSK4R

Reject Module Cash Bin

Sensor adjustment error PSK5 Sensor adjustment error PSG1 Sensor adjustment error PSG2 Sensor adjustment error PSG3

Escrow Module

Sensor adjustment error PSR1 Sensor adjustment error PSR2 Sensor adjustment error PIR1

Feed Module

Sensor adjustment error PSM1L Sensor adjustment error PSM1R Sensor adjustment error PSM2L Sensor adjustment error PSM2R Sensor adjustment error PSM3L Sensor adjustment error PSM3R Sensor adjustment error PSM4L Sensor adjustment error PSM4R

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Error Code Byte 1 71 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 73 73 73

Error Code Byte 2 89 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 41 42 43 61 62 63 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 01 02 03


Fault Sensor adjustment error PSM5

Transport Module

Sensor adjustment error PS1L Sensor adjustment error PS1R Sensor adjustment error PS2L Sensor adjustment error PS2R Sensor adjustment error PS3L Sensor adjustment error PS3R Sensor adjustment error PS4L Sensor adjustment error PS4R Sensor adjustment error PS5L Sensor adjustment error PS5R

Reject Module

Sensor adjustment error PSH1 Sensor adjustment error PSH2 Sensor adjustment error PSH3 Sensor adjustment error PSH4 Sensor adjustment error PSH5 Sensor adjustment error PSH21 Sensor adjustment error PSH22 Sensor adjustment error PSH51 Sensor adjustment error PSH52

Cash Bin

Sensor adjustment error PSG1 Sensor adjustment error PSG2_ Sensor adjustment error PSG

Escrow Module

Sensor adjustment error PSR1 Sensor adjustment error PSR2 Sensor adjustment error PIR1

Feed Module

Sensor adjustment error PSM1L Sensor adjustment error PSM1R Sensor adjustment error PSM2L Sensor adjustment error PSM2R Sensor adjustment error PSM3L Sensor adjustment error PSM3R Sensor adjustment error PSM4L Sensor adjustment PSM4R Sensor adjustment PSM5

Transport Module

Sensor adjustment PS1L Sensor adjustment PS1R Sensor adjustment PS2l

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Error Code Byte 1 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 84 84 84 85 85 86 86

Error Code Byte 2 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 41 42 43 61 62 63 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 01 02 03 01 02 01 02


Fault Sensor adjustment PS2R Sensor adjustment PS3L Sensor adjustment PS3R Sensor adjustment PS4L Sensor adjustment PS4R Sensor adjustment PS5L Sensor adjustment PS5R

Reject Module

Sensor adjustment PSK1L Sensor adjustment PSK1R Sensor adjustment PSK2L Sensor adjustment PSK2R Sensor adjustment PSK3L Sensor adjustment PSK3R Sensor adjustment PSK4L Sensor adjustment PSK4R Sensor adjustment PSK5

Cash Bin

Sensor adjustment PSG1 Sensor adjustment PSG2 Sensor adjustment PSG3

Escrow Module

Sensor adjustment PSR1 Sensor adjustment PSR2 Sensor adjustment PIR1

Feed Module Feed Module

Sensor adjustment PSM1L Sensor adjustment PSM1R Sensor adjustment PSM2L Sensor adjustment PSM2R Sensor adjustment PSM3L Sensor adjustment PSM3R Sensor adjustment PSM4L Sensor adjustment PSM4R Sensor adjustment PSM5

Escrow Module

Tape 1 cut error Tape 1 end error Tape 2 end error

Reject Module Transport Module Reject Module

Out of upper home position Out of lower home position Connector off Connector off

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Error Code Byte 1 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87

Error Code Byte 2 03 04 05 21 22 25 31 32 33 34 41 42 43 44 45 51 52 53 54 55 06 11 12 13 14 15 31 41 42 51 52 53 54 55 61 62 63 64

Module Cash Bin Escrow Module Feed Module Control Electronics

Fault Connector off Connector off Connector off Battery voltage error Power supply voltage error Clock setting error

Reject Module Cash Bin Escrow Module Feed Module Reject Module Cash Bin Escrow Module Feed Module Recognition unit Reject Module Cash Bin Escrow Module Feed Module Recognition unit Control Electronics

Reject CPU abnormality Safe CPU abnormality Escrow CPU abnormality Feed CPU abnormality Reject timing error Safe timing error Escrow timing error Feed timing error Recognition timing error Reject timing error Safe timing error Escrow timing error Feed timing error Recognition timing error Communication CPU abnormality Communication CPU abnormality Communication CPU abnormality

Control Electronics

Communication CPU abnormality Communication CPU abnormality Communication CPU abnormality Communication CPU abnormality Communication CPU abnormality Communication CPU abnormality Communication CPU abnormality Communication CPU abnormality Communication CPU abnormality Communication CPU abnormality Communication CPU abnormality Serial port communications error Serial port communications error Serial port communications error Serial port communications error

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Error Code Byte 1 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89

Error Code Byte 2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 50 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 39 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

Module Recognition unit

Fault Communications error Communications error Communications error Communications error Communications error Communications error Communications error Communications error Communications error Communications error Communications error Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality

Recognition unit

Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality

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Error Code Byte 1 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 91 92 92 92 92 92 92

Error Code Byte 2 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 90 91 92 94 95 97 98 01 31 32 33 34 35 41


Fault Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality

Recognition unit

Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality Abnormality

Control Electronics Transport Module Reject Module Cash Bin Escrow Module Feed Module Transport Module

CPU runaway Memory error Memory error Memory error Memory error Memory error Memory error

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Error Code Byte 1 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 93 94 95 95 95 95 95 95 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96

Error Code Byte 2 42 43 44 45 51 52 53 54 55 71 72 73 81 07 01 01 02 03 04 05 06 01 02 03 04 05 22 23 24 25 32 33 34 42 43 44 45 52

Module Reject Module Cash Bin Escrow Module Feed Module Transport Module Reject Module Cash Bin Escrow Module Feed Modules Transport Module

Fault Memory error Memory error Memory error Memory error Memory error Memory error Memory error Memory error Memory error Memory error Memory error Memory error Program error Program error Power failure during transaction Abnormal 24V voltage Abnormal 24V voltage

Reject Module Cash Bin Escrow Module Feed Module Transport Module Reject Module Cash Bin Escrow Module Feed Module Reject Module Cash Bin Escrow Module Feed Module Reject Module Cash Bin Escrow Module Reject Module Cash Bin Escrow Module Feed Module Reject Module

Abnormal 24V voltage Abnormal 24V voltage Abnormal 24V voltage Abnormal 24V voltage Abnormal ROM Abnormal ROM Abnormal ROM Abnormal ROM Abnormal ROM Abnormal program loading Abnormal program loading Abnormal program loading Abnormal program loading Abnormal program loading Abnormal program loading Abnormal program loading Abnormal program loading Abnormal program loading Abnormal program loading Abnormal program loading Abnormal program loading

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Error Code Byte 1 96 96 96 96 96 97 97 97 97 97 97 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99

Error Code Byte 2 53 54 55 61 62 01 02 03 04 05 11 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 05 06 07 10 11 12 13 14

Module Cash Bin Escrow Module Feed Module Transport Module All Transport Module Reject Module Cash Bin Escrow Module Feed Module Transport Module Control Electronics

Fault Abnormal program loading Abnormal program loading Abnormal program loading Abnormal program loading Abnormal program loading Abnormal RAM Abnormal RAM Abnormal RAM Abnormal RAM Abnormal RAM Abnormal external RAM Abnormal communications Abnormal communications Abnormal communications Abnormal communications Abnormal communications Abnormal communications Abnormal communications Abnormal communications Abnormal communications Abnormal communications Abnormal communications Abnormal communications

Control Electronics

Abnormal communications Abnormal communications Abnormal communications Abnormal communications Abnormal communications Abnormal communications Abnormal communications Program error Program error Program error Program error Program error Program error Program error Program error

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Error Code Byte 1 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99

Error Code Byte 2 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42


Fault Program error Program error Program error Program error Program error Program error Program error Program error Program error Program error Program error Program error Program error Program error Program error Program error Program error Program error Program error Program error Program error Program error Program error

Control Electronics

Program error

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Document Processing


&% !# "& !#





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CONTENTS Chapter 12

Document Processing
M_STATUS M_STATUS 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 14 15 18 26 30 34 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 50 Meaning No error Transport jam Transport jam, shutter open Transport jam, shutter closed Shutter jam open Shutter jam closed Transport sensor fail Envelope gate jam Main motor failure Cheque gate jam No document present No magnetic ink OCR failure Document size change Document too long Document too short Envelope bin nearly full Envelope bin full 7732 pocket A nearly full 7732 pocket A full 7732 pocket B nearly full 7732 pocket B full Document present
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M_STATUS 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 63 64 66 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89

Meaning Dog-ear document Skew document Interlock voltage not present Unprintable character in write data Bad DDF zone definition DDF file manipulation error IFF file manipulation error SCSI failure Recognition board failure In use by shared device Parameter error File access error 7732 media jam Front print head nearly empty Front print head empty Rear print head nearly empty Rear print head empty Encoder ribbon nearly empty Encoder ribbon empty DPM subdevice warning error DPM subdevice fatal error Solenoid failure Alignment motor failure Document too thick Entry motor failure (5675 only) Communications error Document with holes Interlock voltage missing. PPD print head out

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M_DATA The M_DATA is as follows: Byte 0 - 7732 Subdevice ID. Common Status Codes for Byte 0 M_Data 7732 Subdevice ID (hex) 10 Pocket device 20 Track device 21 Track device 22 Track device 23 Track device 30 Encoder device 40 Front mage lift camera 50 Rear Image lift camera 60 Image processing device 61 Image processing device 62 Image processing device 80 Front printer device 81 Front printer device 90 Rear printer device 91 Rear printer device C0 Recognition device C1 Recognition device D0 7732 Operating system E0 DPM Sensors device E1 DPM Solenoids device FD Software CAV device FE File access device

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Byte 1 - DP_ATM I/O - used to identify the operation being performed. Common Status Codes for Byte 1 M_Data Description (hex) 06 Enable 07 Read 09 Eject 0A Clear 0B Disable 15 Pocket 16 Stage 17 Print 18 Image Lift 19 Report Configuration 1A Determine State 1F Identify 20 Verify Zone 21 Write and Confirm 22 Start CAV 23 Complete CAV 28 DDF Initialise 2A IFF Initialise 2B IFF Merge 1. DDF = Document Definition File. 2. IFF = Identity Feature File. 3. CAV = Customer Amount Verification. NOTE: DDF and IFF indicate application problems.

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Byte 2 - Subdevice status Common Status Codes for Byte 2 M_Data Description (hex) 00 Successful 01 Device does not exist 02 Device is not configured for use 03 Device reset (reload firmware). 04 Device not opened for use 05 Device is busy 06 Invalid command 07 Invalid data 08 Invalid data length 09 Invalid diagnose command 0A Diagnose command status is bad 0B Document move in progress 0C Document jam 0D Document skewed 0E Document failed to arrive 0F Invalid Message checksum 10 Document is not present 11 Document is too short 12 Move failed to complete 20 Invalid binary file format 21 Binary file device ID not equal to message device ID 22 Binary file too big for code space 23 Last load location is not 0FFFFH 24 Target hardware is not compatible with code 25 Firmware checksum failure 26 No RAM available from 00FF00H to 0FFFFH. Unable to allocate interrupt vector space. 27 Attempt to run device code before download complete 28 Firmware switch failure. Reload the image processing firmware. 2C Internal RAM failure
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Common Status Codes for Byte 2 M_Data Description (hex) 2D ROM checksum failure 30 Transport is busy 31 Document entry sensors unexpectedly blocked. Document jam detected. 32 Document entry sensors unexpectedly unblocked. Document jam detected. 33 REGDOC sensor unexpectedly blocked Document jam detected. 34 REGDOC sensor unexpectedly unblocked Document jam detected. 35 Transport motor stall 36 Transport unavailable 38 RON turned off 39 Bad end-of-scan signal 3A Exhaust fan failure.

Pocket Device (Byte 0 = 10H) Status Code M_Data Description (hex) AC Device not ready (not yet diagnosed) AD Interlock open AE No RON voltage B0 Pocket full B1 RON circuit failure B2 24 Volts failure B3 12 Volts failure B4 Pocket A Motor failure B5 Pocket B/C Motor failure B6 Pocket A Motor stall B7 Pocket B/C Motor stall BA Step motor drive firmware already in use C1 Motor drive circuit failure
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Pocket Device (Byte 0 = 10H) Status Code M_Data Description (hex) C2 Phase A open circuit C3 Phase B open circuit C4 Phase C open circuit C5 Phase D open circuit C6 Phase A short circuit C7 Phase B short circuit C8 Phase C short circuit C9 Phase D short circuit CA AC phase chopper failure CB BD phase chopper failure CC Feedback sensor A threshold failure CD Feedback sensor B threshold failure CE Feedback position failure CF Feedback interrupt failure D0 Sensor threshold failure D4 Solenoid short circuit D5 Solenoid open circuit D6 Solenoid drive fail. Track Device (Byte 0 = 20H/21H/22H/23H) Status Code M_Data Description (hex) 37 (to be defined) 8A Document is still present in the track 90 General PCB failure 91 The rear cabinet door unexpectedly opened while performing diagnose command 92 RON turned off 93 NVRAM readback failure 95 No closed loop step feedback 96 Exhaust fan failure 98 General power supply failure
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Track Device (Byte 0 = 20H/21H/22H/23H) Status Code M_Data Description (hex) 99 28 volts out of spec 9A 12 volts out of spec 9B Ink-jet drive voltage out of spec B1 Bad left document entry sensor threshold B2 Bad right document entry sensor threshold B3 Bad REGDOC sensor threshold B4 Hardware REGDOC circuit failure C0 Stepper motor failure C1 Motor drive circuit failure C2 Phase A open circuit C3 Phase B open circuit C4 Phase C open circuit C5 Phase D open circuit C6 Phase A short circuit C7 Phase B short circuit C8 Phase C short circuit C9 Phase D short circuit CA Current regulator failure on phase pair AC CB Current regulator failure on phase pair AB CC Feedback sensor A threshold failure CD Feedback sensor B threshold failure CE Feedback position failure F1 Bootcode checksum failure F3 Internal 256K RAM failure F5 External RAM failure F9 Transport response time-out FA Transport response impossible FE Transport software error. CAM motor and transport motor attempting to run at the same time.

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Encoder Device (Byte 0 = 30H) Status Code M_Data Description (hex) 88 No valid font downloaded for encoding 89 Encoder unavailable. The encoder diagnose has not been done or has failed. 93 NVRAM read back failure A0 General thermal print head failure A1 Data read back failure A2 Guard circuit failure A3 Current sense circuit failure A4 Voltage regulator failure A5 Thermistor failure A6 Temperature too high A7 Print element failure A8 Portion of thermal print head unusable A9 Encoder print head is unusable AA Average thermal print head resistance is out of spec AC Thermal print head is not locked into position AD CAM motor stall AE Too many steps to stall slot AF Too many steps to get home B0 Bad CAM threshold sensor B8 Bad ribbon sensor threshold B9 Ribbon step motor failure BA No supply spool motion C0 Step motor failure - (CAM unusable) C1 Motor drive circuit failure C2 Phase A open circuit detected C3 Phase B open circuit detected C4 Phase C open circuit detected C5 Phase D open circuit detected C6 Phase A short circuit detected
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Encoder Device (Byte 0 = 30H) Status Code M_Data Description (hex) C7 Phase B short circuit detected C8 Phase C short circuit detected C9 Phase D short circuit detected CA Current regulation failure on phase pair AC CB Current regulation failure on phase pair BD CC Feedback sensor A threshold failure CD Feedback sensor B threshold failure CE Feedback position failure F8 Encoder communication response time-out FB Invalid energy/power setting FC Unable to calculate burntime
FE CAM/DOC interrupt contention.

Front/Rear Image Lift Camera (Byte 0 = 40H/50H) Status Code M_Data Description (hex) 80 Camera covered before starting lift 81 Bad bias curve data 86 Bad camera setup data 87 Camera setup fault 90 No white document data for camera setup 93 NVRAM read back failure C0 DSP hardware general integrity test setup C1 Communications control port failure C2 No transfer request pulse detected C3 No end-of-scan pulse C4 Bad end-of-scan signal D0 Camera general integrity test failure D1 Video correction control hardware failure D2 Cannot locate lower dog-ear mark D3 Cannot locate upper dog-ear mark D4 Illumination test failure (green LEDs)
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Front/Rear Image Lift Camera (Byte 0 = 40H/50H) Status Code M_Data Description (hex) D5 Illumination test failure (red LEDs) D6 White reference noise check failure D8 Track bottom failure F0 CPU failure F1 Internal data memory failure F2 Internal program memory failure F3 Boot code checksum failure F4 Internal internal time failure F5 External 256K DRAM low nibble failure F6 External 256K DRAM high nibble failure F7 External 256K DRAM byte failure F8 External 64K VRAM low nibble failure F9 External 64K VRAM high nibble failure FA External 64K VRAM failure byte failure. Image Processing Device (Byte 0 = 60H/61H/62H) Status Code M_Data Description (hex) 80 Camera covered before starting lift 81 Bad bias curve data 82 No image data available 83 Bad x coordinate - example > = 2000 84 Bad y coordinate - example > = 840 85 Encryption is not available 86 Message Authentication Code Generation is not available 88 Window exceeds 6 square inches (reader window only) A0 Encryption chip is not in proper default mode A1 Encryption chip does not contain the proper default status
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Image Processing Device (Byte 0 = 60H/61H/62H) Status Code M_Data Description (hex) A2 Encryption-external master port flag failure A3 Encryption-external auxiliary port flag failure A4 Encryption-external slave flag failure. Front and Rear Printer Device (Byte 0 = 80H/90H/81H/ 91H) Status Code M_Data Description (hex) 80 Ink-jet stepper motor failure 81 Ink-jet failure 82 Bad ink-jet sensor threshold 83 Bad ink-jet home sensor 84 Too many ink-jet power resets (write command) 85 Y coordinate too high or too low in write command. Recognition Device (Byte 0 = C0H/C1H) Status Code M_Data Description (hex) 80 Camera covered before starting lift 81 Bad bias curve data 82 No image data available 83 Bad x coordinate - example > = 2000 84 Bad y coordinate - example > = 840 88 Zone is larger than 6 square inches 89 Reader timed out when performing recognition 8A Unable to recognize requested front 8B Invalid zone specification 8C Image type not supported for recognition 8D Invalid font template selection.

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7732 Operating System Device (Byte 0 = D0H) Status Code M_Data Description (hex) 81 Stage 1 of 7732 download is not complete. 7732 MTL is resident. You must load the 7732 OS kernel software. (unsolicited) 82 Stage 3 of 7732 download is not complete. 7732 system monitor is resident. You must load the 7732 system monitor software. (unsolicited) 83 Stage 2 of 7732 download is not complete. 7732 OS kernel is resident. You must load the 7732 reader recognition software. (unsolicited) 84 Front cabinet door is open (unsolicited) 85 Rear cabinet door is open (unsolicited) 88 Front cabinet door is closed (unsolicited) 89 Rear cabinet door is open (unsolicited) 8A Remove command failure. Document still in track 91 The load file has an invalid signature 92 The relocation table for the load file is invalid 93 The relocation table is too large 94 The code is not the right size 95 The file is a SYS file not a LOAD file. File Access Device (Byte 0 = FEH) Maintenance Data M_Data Description (hex) 01 The file is not a logo file 02 The logo file could not be opened. NOTE: Transport sensor states occupy two bits in any given byte to represent the conditions clear (00), blocked (01) and failed clear (10). Byte 3 - Transport: Bit 0, 1 = Entry sensor Bit 2, 3 = Offset sensor
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Bit 4, 5 = Env-entry sensor (Set to 00 for 5675 sensor not fitted) Bit 6, 7 = Align-entry sensor Byte 4: Bit 0, 1 = Align-exit sensor Bit 2, 3 = Start-print sensor Bit 4, 5 = Env-path exit Bit 6, 7 = Leading edge sensor Byte 5: Bit 0 = Shutter open sensor Bit 1 = Not used Bit 2 = Shutter closed sensor Bit 3 = Not used Bit 4 = TI enable Bit 5 = Envelope bin present Bit 6 = Power pocket door closed Bit 7 = Aligner motor stalled NOTE: The envelope divert gate, cheque divert gate and the corrugator solenoid states are reported in 2 bits with the following meanings: 00 - sensor clear, 01 - sensor blocked, 10 - failed with sensor clear, 11 - failed with sensor blocked. Byte 6: Bit 0, 1 = Envelope divert gate Bit 2, 3 = Cheque divert gate Bit 4, 5 = Corrugator solenoid Bit 6 = Entry motor stalled Bit 7 = Main motor stalled Byte 7: Bit 0 = Pocket A switch Bit 1= Pocket B switch Bit 2= Media Position Bit 3= Media Position Bit 3 Bit 2 0 1 1 1 0 1 M_Data Byte 7 4* 8* C* Area of Transport Media in Front Transport Media in Main Transport Media in Envelope Transport

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1. Front Transport is defined as Entry Sensor and Offset Sensor. On the 5675, the auxiliary transport has the offset sensor while the throat, which is attached to the fascia, has the entry sensor. 2. Main Transport is defined as the transport after the Offset Sensor (this area varies depending upon whether the command being run is either ENABLE or EJECT) and continues to the Alignment Exit Sensor. It also includes the 7732 Transport and the Exit Drive/Power Pocket Assembly. 3. Envelope Transport is defined as the Start Print Sensor to the Envelope Exit Sensor. NOTE: * Byte 7 may have a value greater than those shown in the M_Data Byte 7 column of the table above, depending upon the values of the other bits of the byte. Bit 4= Pocket A sensor Bit 5= Pocket B sensor Bit 6= Reserved Bit 7= Reject bin sensor Byte 8: Bit 0 = Left document entry sensor Bit 1 = Right document entry sensor Bit 2 = Document registration sensor Bit 3 = Interlock switch, 1 = closed Bit 4 = Interlock switch, 0 = closed Bit 5 = Not used Bit 6 = Not used Bit 7 = Not used.

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M_STATUS 00 01 02 03 04 Meaning GOOD - No errors JAM_ERROR - A jam occurred while moving a document NO_DOC_PRESENT - Command not completed because no document was in transport DOC_PRESENT - Document already present when enable was issued COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS - Command not completed because previous command was still in progress HARDWARE_ERROR - a Hardware/Communication failure occurred ALREADY_FATAL - Command not completed because device severity is already Fatal ENTRY_FAILURES_EXCEEDED - Jam or timeout on document entry has exceeded threshold SHUTTER_JAM - Shutter jammed closed SHORT_DOC - Short document entered WRONG_POCKET - Document placed in wrong pocket. This occurs if bin divert gates fail JAM_WITH_ACCESS - Shutter still open so user has access to document TOO_MANY_WITH_ACCESS - Jam with access count exceeded threshold JAM_IN_OUTFEED - Document jammed in outfeed, possibly not covering any sensors TOO_MAN_COMMS_ERRORS - Consecutive comms errors exceeded internal theshold

05 06 07

08 09 10 13 14 15 16

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Byte 0 - Internal command being executed 00 = Reset - resetting device 01 = Enable - enabling device 02 = Disable - disabling device 03 = Eject - ejecting document 04 = Capture - capturing document 05 = Endorse - endorsing document 06 = Clear - clearing device 07 = Config - querying device configuration 08 = Sensors - querying device sensors 09 = Retract - retracting document 10 = Status - querying device status 11 = Sol_Test - testing solenoid 12 = Generic - event generated while idle Byte 1 - Shutter switch 00 = Closed 01 = Open Byte 2 - Infeed left entrance sensor 00 = Clear 01 = Blocked Byte 3 - Infeed right entrance sensor 00 = Clear 01 = Blocked Byte 4 - Infeed middle sensor 00 = Clear 01 = Blocked Byte 5 - Infeed rear sensor 00 = Clear 01 = Blocked Byte 6 - Scanner front sensor 00 = Clear 01 = Blocked Byte 7 - Scanner sensor at MICR head 00 = Clear 01 = Blocked
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Byte 8 - Scanner sensor at print station 00 = Clear 01 = Blocked Byte 9 - Scanner sensor at camera 00 = Clear 01 = Blocked Byte 10 - Outfeed sensor at nip solenoid 00 = Clear 01 = Blocked Byte 11 - Outfeed sensor Bin 1 00 = Clear 01 = Blocked Byte 12 - Outfeed sensor Bin 2 00 = Clear 01 = Blocked Byte 13 - Outfeed sensor Bin 3 00 = Clear 01 = Blocked

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 8.  4,7/ 
  %$ ! $ % # 

   %#  % #$ 

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CONTENTS Chapter 13

Misc I/F Board
M_STATUS 0 3 Meaning Good Error in test

M_DATA Byte (0-7) - Test state of I/O line (0-7): 30H = Good 31H = Stuck high 32H = Stuck low.

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56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook



M_STATUS 0 1 2 Meaning Bag drop switch is open Bag drop switch is closed Deposit not done and bag drop switch is open

M_DATA M_DATA is only returned for the enhanced version of the nightsafe depository as follows: Bit 0: 0 = Door closed 1 = Door open Bit 1: 0 = Bag drop switch open 1 = Bag drop switch closed.

NCR CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Use pursuant to Company Instructions


56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook


M_STATUS 00 03 146 Meaning No error Turnaround test SDC link failed

M_DATA For M_STATUS 00 the M_DATA is as follows:

Byte 0 30 31 Sensor number 0 (Composite) Inactive Active

Byte 1 30 31 Sensor number 1 (Safe Door) Inactive Active

Byte 2 30 31 Sensor number 2 (Silent Alarm) Inactive Active

Byte 3 30 31 Sensor number 3 (Tamper) Inactive Active

Byte 4 30 31 Sensor number 4 (Not Allocated) Inactive Active
NCR CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Use pursuant to Company Instructions

56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook



Byte 5 30 31 Sensor number 5 (Not Allocated) Inactive Active

For M_STATUS 03 the turnaround tests for the miscellaneous interface devices are run from the INDICATORS menu.

NCR CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Use pursuant to Company Instructions


56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook



M_STATUS 0 3 Meaning GOOD Turnaround test failed

NCR CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Use pursuant to Company Instructions

56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook



NCR CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Use pursuant to Company Instructions


56xx/Personas Diagnostic Status Code Notebook


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