Format Macro Guide 02a

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Action Normal Style Factor Style Increase 0s * Decrease 0s * Percent Style Toggle Date Style Update Format Styles Keyboard Shortcut Ctrl + Shift + , Ctrl + Shift + . Ctrl + . Ctrl + , Ctrl + Shift + P Ctrl + Shift + / Ctrl + Shift + L Mnemonic 000 separator (Comma) Decimal point key > for increase < for decrease P for Percent / often used in dates L used in styLes Example 10 10.0000 10.0 10.00 10.00% 10 Jan 10


Action Black Blue Red Border Square Brackets Keyboard Shortcut Ctrl + Shift + B Ctrl + Shift + M Ctrl + Shift + X Ctrl + Shift + D Ctrl + Shift + T Mnemonic B for Black M for iMport X for eXport D for unDerline T for Temporary Example 10 10 10 10 [example]

Action No shade Red Yellow Green Light Yellow Light Gray Lime Keyboard Shortcut Ctrl + Shift + C Ctrl + Shift + S Ctrl + Shift + Y Ctrl + Shift + G Ctrl + Shift + I Ctrl + Shift + O Ctrl + Shift + R Mnemonic C for Clear S for Stop Y for Yellow G for Green I for Inputs O for cOunterflOws R for Review Example 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Action Jump to Precedent Return from Jump Keyboard Shortcut Ctrl + Shift + J Ctrl + Shift + K Mnemonic J for Jump Next to J

1. These macros have been: a) Designed to reside in a separate file, and not inside a spreadsheet itself (to avoid embedding non-essential macro's within a model) b) Saved in a "hidden" state (so that this file will not be in the way when you work). To unhide simply: Window, Unhide. To use these macros simply have this file open, albeit in a hidden state, when you are working in Excel. To have it open automatically when you start Excel just point your "Tools, Options, General (Tools, Options, Advanced, General for Excel 2007/2010), At start-up open all files" directory to it (making sure there are no unwanted files reside in the same directory). 2. To allow the above Number Formats and related Styles (see below) to work you first need to import the styles into your file. You do this by: a) Unhiding this format macro file (Window, Unhide). b) From your spreadsheet import the style of this file, simply: Format, Styles, Merge, (Alt + H + J + M for Excel 2007/2010) selecting the name of this file OR simply press the shortcut key Ctrl + Shift + L. 3. Some keys require that a cell already has a valid numeric format. So if you get an error message then simply first apply Comma style, then try again. 4. Finally please note that Excel's inbuilt "undo" memory is cleared each time you trigger a macro (not just these macros, but any macro).

Normal Number: Alignment: Comma Number: Alignment: Factor Number: Alignment: Percent Number: Alignment: Date Short Number: Alignment: Date Long Number: Alignment: #,##0_);(#,##0);- ; @ General, Top Aligned #,##0_);(#,##0);- ; @ General, Top Aligned #,##0.0000_);(#,##0.0000);- ; @ General, Top Aligned 0.00%_);-0.00%_);- ; @ General, Top Aligned dd mmm yy_);;- ; @ General, Top Aligned dd mmm yyyy_);;- ; @ General, Top Aligned
Note: Under Style includes, untick all but Number and Alignment box when defining styles (to avoid changing anythingbut number and alignment format when applying styles)

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