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General Classifications
classes sub-groups categories

X may be divided into

three main on the basis of according to depending on in terms of

X may be classified

into Xi and Xii

Bone is generally classified into two types: cortical bone, also known as ...., and cancellous bone or .... There are two main types of memory: declarative and non-declarative memory. Declarative memory can be broken down into X and Y. Aristotle's systematic treatises may be grouped in several divisions: logic, psychological works, physical .... The works of Aristotle fall under three headings: (1) dialogues and ....; (2) collections of facts and ....; and (3) systematic works. There are two basic approaches currently being adopted in research into X. One is the Y approach and the other is .... Associative learning can be categorised into classical and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning was first .... Generally, spectratyping provides two types of information: band intensity pattern and band number. It has become commonplace to distinguish passive from active forms of X. Systems theory distinguishes two different types of X, i.e. social and semantic Xs (Al-Masry 2013).


Specific Classifications:
according to whether .... on the basis of .... in terms of divided classified grouped four basic types of Xs

In the U.S. system, X is graded

Smith (1966)

into two broad types: Xi's and Xii's

Thomas and Nelson (1996) describe

validity: logical, content, criterion and con

Smith and Jones (2003) argue that there are two broad categories of Y, which are: a) .... and b) .... For Aristotle, motion is of four kinds: (1) motion which ....; (2) motion which ....; (3) motion which ....; and (4) motion which.... To better understand the mechanisms of X and its therapeutic implications, Smith et al.(2011) classified X into 3 distinct types using .... Individuals were classified as belonging to upper or lower categories of ....


Introducing Lists:

The key aspects of management can be listed as follows: X, Y and Z. During his tour of Britain, he visited the following industrial centres: Manchester, Leeds, Bristol, and Birmingham. There are three reasons why the English language has become so dominant. These are: There are two types of effect which result when a patient undergoes X. These are .... Appetitive stimuli have three separable basic functions. Firstly, they .... Secondly, they .... The disadvantages of the new approach can be discussed under three headings, which are: .... This topic can best be treated under three headings: X, Y and Z. This section has been included for several reasons: it is ....; it illustrates ....; and it describes.... The "Mass for Four Voices" consists of five movements, which are: the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Santus and Agnus Dei. The "Three Voices for Mass" is divided into six sections. These are: the Kyrie, Gloria, .....


Referring to other people's lists

Smith (2003) suggests three conditions for its acceptance. Firstly, X should be .... Secondly, it needs to be.... Thirdly, ..... Smith and Jones (1991) list X, Y and Z as the major causes of infant mortality. Smith and Jones (2003) argue that there are two broad categories of Y, which are: a) .... and b) .... For Aristotle, motion is of four kinds: (1) motion which ....; (2) motion which ....; (3) motion which ....; and (4) motion which.... Smith (2003) lists the main features of X as follows: it is X; it is Y; and it has Z. Wang (1985) identifies three uses of case study research: exploratory, descriptive, and explanatory.

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