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The strength of hypochlorites is usually expressed in terms of available chlorine which can be estimated using titration techniques.

Bleaching is performed by the

release of hypochlorite ions. Calcium hypochlorite is often referred to as bleaching powder, which is produced in powder form. For bleaching purpose, it has to be made into solution by dissolving in water, which does not give clear solution because of the undissolved calcium hydroxide present. During dissolution, sludge is formed. Therefore, the fabrics bleached with this solution has harsh feel. Bleaching powder generally contains !" available chlorine. #hen solution is formed, the concentration of available chlorine becomes $ gpl. %odium hypochlorite is produced in solution form which is ready for use in bleaching and there is no formation of insoluble salts here. %odium hypochlorite can be manufactured with a maximum strength of &!'(& )' gpl of available chlorine.

Advantages of hypochlorite bleaching

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*ow chemical cost. *ow energy input *ow cost of equipment

Disadvantages of hypochlorite bleaching

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The formation of a high level of ,-. / absorbablt organic halogens0 results in environmental ha1ards. There is a danger of yellowing of bleached fibre on storage /after yellowing0. There is also a danger of tendering of the material, if p2 and temperature are not controlled. Cotton goods must be scoured before hypochlorite bleaching &4 The process imparts a harsh feel to the bleached fabric, when calcium hypochlorite is used.


*ow storage stability of chemic5 /hypochlorite bleach0 liquor The process degrades most dyes and fluorescent brightening agents.



2ydrogen peroxide /2+'+0 is a colourless liquid, miscible in water. 2ydrogen peroxide is a universal bleaching agent, capable of application in bleachin g of almost all textile materials including wool, sil5 and man(made fibres. %ince bleaching with hydrogen peroxide is carried out at raised temperatures, it is possible to utili1e this chemical in a one(stage process that combines both scouring and bleaching.

Advantages of H20, over other bleaching agents:

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7t produces permanent whiteness. The fabric bleached is highly absorbent since the hot al5aline conditions used in bleaching also helps in solubilising residual fats and waxes, if present after scouring. 8reatly reduced effluent loads, as the reaction products are non toxic and easily decomposable to oxygen and water. 7f the conditions are maintained properly, there is no degradation of cellulose during bleaching. 9ven without a previous boiling, the cotton seed hus5 present in the fabric can be effectively bleached. 7t is compatible with most of the fibres and can be applied to wide variety of fabrics under a wide range of bleaching conditions and machinery. :umber of operations and stages can be reduced, as continuous and single stage processes are possible. &6


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