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Bailey Tiu Ms.

Gardner English 10, Period 1 31 August 2013 Two Different, Yet Similar Worlds

Tiu 1

It was August 27, 2028 when my wife threw me my 30th surprise birthday party in San Diego California. Everybody was there, my moms side of the family from Hawaii, my dads side of the family from San Francisco, and all of my close friend from high school and college. As the party went on I reflected on my three decades and looked back on all of the years that have passed. There were so many great memories like in 2nd grade when I had to move and change schools, my first dance in middle school, getting accepted to the University of California San Diego, and of course meeting my wife in a sports medicine class in college. All of these great memories will hopefully stick with me for the rest of my life, as I looked down at my Oakland As wrist band I remembered that there was one summer that changed my life forever and I know I will never forget. It was the summer of 2013. I was 14 years old and going to be a sophomore at Casa Grande High school. I was busy doing summer homework and going to basketball workouts most days. I also had to watch my sister Maya almost every day and had lots of chores. It sounds like a lot but it was actually pretty relaxing. One of the things I had to do every day was walk my dog Saydee. In front of our house is a huge open field with a creek. There were two bridges at different points of the field where you can cross the creek. When I would walk Saydee, we would usually go across the nearest bridge and go from there. Usually we run into dogs that she has met before and they play around for a bit, but one particular morning there were no familiar

dogs out, just her and I. As we were approaching the bridge, as usual, I see an older man with a dog walking in our direction. He looked like he was in his late sixties or early seventies. I had never seen this man before but I felt that I knew him in a way. Hi whats his name? asked the man, as the dogs sniffed each others butts. Its actually a girl and her name is Saydee. I replied. Let me guess, shes a black lab and pointer mix. Yes you are right. How did you know? Same with my dog, her name is also Saydee. Do you walk here every morning? He asked. Yes. Do you? No, but when I was younger I did and actually I used to live right over there. He pointed to my house. What? Thats where me and my family live. I said. I saw that on his left wrist he had an Oakland As wristband that looked pretty cool. I asked him. Where did you get your wristband? When I was younger an old friend gave it to me. I wear it for good luck every day the As play. Wow, thats pretty unique. We continued to talk. So where do you live now. I asked him. I live on the West side of town, on D Street. Petaluma is such a small town, what brought you here? I actually grew up here and went to Casa for high school. Im actually going to be a sophomore there this year.

Youll love it, my sophomore year was great. After a period of long silence he spoke again. Well I better be on my way, it was nice meeting you. What was your name again? He asked Im Bailey, and yours? Another long silence. Bailey, Bailey Tiu. As he said his name, which was the same as mine, I looked at him with a blank look. Is everything okay? He asked me. We have the same name sir. We both looked at each other with a confused look on both of our faces. This cant be real, we have the same dog with the same name, you used to live where Im living now, you went to the same high school as me, and our names are exactly the same. I replied. Id never thought that this day would come Bailey, but I am your older self. I believed him not just because of our dogs and our names but because of our mannerisms. Other similarities included the way he looked. He was an Asian guy with a buzz cut. Everything was starting to click. I couldnt leave him now. There were so many questions I wanted to ask him about my future. Good thing he was willing to stay and talk to me for a while. So tell me about my future and what happens to me after high school. I dont want to spoil all of it for you, but I will tell you that you do graduate and get accepted to the University of California San Diego. I am retired now but you will become a physical therapist like you always dreamed. I was thrilled but the only thing that I could think of next was, So how are Mom, Dad, and Maya doing? My question changed his whole mood.

Well, I wont tell you when but they have both passed, but lived their life to the fullest. Dad coached high school football after he retired, and Mom finally had the chance to become a midwife and deliver babies like she always wanted to. Maya is doing great she ended up getting a lead role on a TV. show and that started her acting career. She lives in L.A. now and dances ballet every other day to stay active. I had a huge smile on my face because I, unlike almost everybody else, know what the future holds for me and where hard work can get me in life. He then told me that the As win the World Series this year. I was thrilled. Well sir, I am certainly grateful that I met you today. I dont know everything, but from what you said my future looks really good. Thank you. My pleasure. He handed me the wrist band he was wearing. Whats this for? I asked Always remember who you are and what your future holds for you, your control your own destiny. Thank you. As we went our separate ways I came across one more thought, how is Saydee still alive. Dogs only live for, at the most, 20 years. Hey, I called back to him, what happens to Saydee? He didnt reply all he did was look back and smile.

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