Kumawani Runner's Kit

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Standard Shadowrunners Kit (2075 Edition)

-Tankaa Kumawani Prices have gone up some since Shin came out with his kits in the 2060s and 2070s, and theres not much anyone can do about that. A ew things are a bit !ess troub!esome than they were in the past, as some gear has been combined and simp!i ied whi!e other gear has had e"tra unctions added. #or $ust nine thousand nuyen, this kit may keep your hoop in one piece when the drek starts !ying. %ts a!so a good starter kit or runners on a tight budget&&and the poor s!ots who orget their !ash!ights. Anyone with 'esources ( or better shou!d be ab!e to a ord this. )here are some possib!e substitutions or items on this !ist. #or instance, someone with a smart!ink wou!d be better o with an Ares Predator * and heavy pisto! ammunition. % the +rban ,"p!orer $umpsuit is too !ashy, you can a!ways rep!ace it with the c!assic !ined coat. % youve got more money, ake !icenses and a better #ake S%wou!d be use u! options. % you e"pect to go without s!eep, get some .ong /au! and a ew o the more !ega! chems. (eckers and 'iggers may want to buy a 'adio Shack Specia! or emergency use. 0ages, Shamans, and Adepts might want to throw a ew backups o their gear in too. %m $ust !aying down the basics here with a bit o a bias towards sams and other mo$o&cha!!enged individua!s. 1h, and one !ast thing2 ,very item on this !ist was chosen or the sake o ready avai!abi!ity, with an avai!abi!ity rating o no greater than 3. )he on!y item with a #orbidden rating is your 'ating 4 #ake S%- card, everything e!se is 'estricted at most. 5ood !uck out there, chummers. )he 0onster o .ake ,rie wants some positive testimonia!s. Weapons )he Si"th 6or!d is a p!ace where most things are trying to ki!! you. A !ight pisto! and a surviva! kni e have you covered or basic protection, and the !atter even provides you with a basic mu!titoo!, emergency !ight source, and adventuring sundries. Item Availabilit !ri"e Colt America L36 4R 320 Spare clips (2 4 !0 Li"#t pistol ammo (20 2R 40 Stick-n-S#ock (!0 2R $0 Sur%i%al Kni&e !00 #otal $or weapons % 550& Armor ' (lothin) Some very oo!ish individua!s think running in the nude is a good idea. )hose runners end up with a bad case o acute !ead poisoning and mi!d chemica! burns in addition to pub!ic indecency charges. Acid rain, u!travio!et !ight and po!!ution arent good or your comp!e"ion. )he o!!owing shou!d keep your both decent and sa e, at the cost o !ooking !ike one o those darn 7ouriers. )he he!met is optiona!, but considering $ust how much a !itt!e more protection can he!p you in the Si"th 6or!d8its going in the bag. )he 9ua!ity o the c!othing has been improved a bit too, thri ted work c!othes ho!d up better and !ook !ess obvious than twenty&nuyen !ats.

Item 'r(an )*plorer +umpsuit -. /elmet Clot#in" #otal $or (lothin) % *25&

Availabilit $ -

!ri"e 6,0 !00 0,

Ele"troni"s ' I+ Sorry, chummers, but you cant go back to the !ate twentieth century when things a!! apart. :ou sti!! need communications, a credstick, and some orm o %( to so much as buy -,'PS and soyka at the Stu er Shack. -ot to mention that you need a way to make dead drops and erase most common security tracking measures; Item Availabilit !ri"e 1eta Link Commlink 2 !00 Tro2es 00 Ta" )raser 6R 4,0 Stealt# Ta"s (!0 0R !00 3ake S45 (Ratin" ! 33 2,00 Certi&ie2 Cre2stick w. 200 , (6200 7lasses (Cap8 ! !00 -. low li"#t %ision 4 ,00 #otal $or Ele"troni"s ' I+ % ,025& -is"ellaneous .unnin) /ear )he misce!!aneous stu you cant !ive without, ranging rom medkits and miniwe!ders to crowbars and c!imbing gear. -ot to mention that between a disguise and a respirator, you can !ook !ike $ust another scru y <arrens deni=en. % it comes down to it, you can probab!y 0ac5uyveri=e something use u! out o this stu . 0c5uyver> Some !ate 20th ?entury !atvid action hero. Item Availabilit !ri"e Autopicker (Ratin" 2 $R !000 Crow(ar 20 1iniwel2er 2 2,0 9lastic Restraints (!0 , Clim(in" 7ear 200 3las#li"#t 2, Respirator (Ratin" 3 !,0 Sur%i%al Kit 4 200 1e2kit (Ratin" , , !2,0 :is"uise Kit ,00 #otal "ost $or -is"ellaneous .unnin) /ear % 0100&

#otal (ost $or Kit % 2000&

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