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Ships of the Imperial Navy by buckX

Apocalypse Class Battleship
The Apocalypse class is an ancient design that is generally believed to have been the precursor of the etribution class battleship millennia ago! The superior technologies used to construct the multiple lance turrets on the Apocalypse have no" all but been forgotten and so the small number of e#amples of this ship can never be replaced! The loss of even one "ill al"ays be keenly felt! It has been theorised by Naval strategists that the vessel "as specifically created to counter the ever$gro"ing numbers of battleships and grand cruisers that attempted to lead Chaos raiding fleets from "ithin the %ye of Terror! In this duty the Apocalypse has proved itself to be everything the Imperial Navy could have "ished for! The ro"s of fearsome lance armament along the broadsides of the Apocalypse are its most distinctive feature! It has been noted that these lance arrays are fully capable of operating at much greater ranges by an engineering process that greatly increases the load$ bearing capabilities of their main po"er relays! &o"ever' the array conduits themselves become notoriously unreliable "hen stressed this far and run$a"ay po"er drains can easily start to sap energy from the ship(s main drives' making the Apocalypse sluggish in the midst of battle! Thus' almost all e#isting Apocalypse class battleships keep their lance armament limited to medium ranges! )ost Segmentum fleets have at least a fe" e#amples of the Apocalypse still in battle$"orthy condition' though their numbers are gradually d"indling! Cre"* +,-'--Speed* . )aneuverability* $/0etection* +, &ull* /+Armor* +1 2+3 4ront5 Turret* 1 Ship 6oints* 7Armament* 8ance Batteries )acrocannons Nova Cannon 0amage /d/-91 /d/-9: /d/-91 Strength + 1 d, Crit . , $ : /+ :$.ange )ounting . 6ort;. Starboard 0orsal 6ro"

Components* <ovian 6attern Class = 0rive' Strelov 1 >arp %ngine' ?eller 4ield' @uadruple Aoid Shield Array' Combat Bridge' Aitae 6attern 8ife Sustainer' Aoidsmen @uarters' )$/-- Auger Array' Armored 6ro"' :# Titanforge 8ance Batteries' Battleship )ars 6attern )acrocannon' Nova Cannon /,- Space' .. emaining /,- 6o"er' /- emaining )ounts* . 6ort' . Starboard' 0orsal' 6ro" All 6o"er to the >eapons* The Apocalypse Class Battleship can fire its 8ances as if they had doubled range! In order to do this' it must forfeit all movement that turn!

Bberon Class Battleship

The Bberon class battleship is an incredibly rare vessel' a very early variant of the %mperor class that has been gradually phased out after the reno"ned successes of its more "ell$kno"n predecessor! The Bberon itself "as an attempt to design a battleship that could theoretically deal "ith all manner of threats "ithout the constant need of all e#isting classes to rely on escorting vessels! Though it lacks the sheer blanket coverage of ordnance that an %mperor class can lay do"n' the Bberon retains all the fearsome firepo"er of the previous design' "hilst adding t"o devastating long$ranged lance batteries to each broadside! Bften used in dangerous armed patrols "ith little or no escort' the Bberon is able to utilise its superior sensor probes to allo" a captain to Cudge the nature of potential threats long before they are a"are of the battleship(s o"n presence' a factor that makes the Bberon superior to most other ships in this role! In combat' the Bberon lacks the hard$hitting po"er of the etribution and Apocalypse classes and the massive attack craft "ings that an %mperor can deploy' but it has consistently proved itself to be a very capable ship of the line that has the potential to defeat any enemy it may face! Cre"* +,-'--Speed* . )aneuverability* $/0etection* ., &ull* /+Armor* +1 Turret* , Ship 6oints* 7Armament* 8ance Battery )acrocannons )acrocannons 8aunch Bays 0amage /d/-97 /d/-9: /d/-9: /d, Strength + : 1 /+ Crit . , , $ ange /+ /+ /+ :;round )ounting 6ort;Starboard 6ort;Starboard 0orsal;6ro" 6ort;Starboard

Components* <ovian 6attern Class = 0rive' Strelov 1 >arp %ngine' ?eller 4ield' @uadruple Aoid Shield Array' Combat Bridge' Aitae 6attern 8ife Sustainer' Aoidsmen @uarters' 0eep Aoid Auger Array' +# Battleship )ars 6attern )acrocannon Broadsides' +# Battleship )ars 6attern )acrocannons' +# Titanforge 8ance Batteries' +# 0ouble 8aunch Bays 150 Space, 19 Remaining 150 Power, 12 Remaining Mounts: 3 Port, 3 Starboard, Dorsal, Prow Note: ! de"ault, t#e $beron class attles#ip is e%uipped wit# a Deep &oid 'uger 'rra!, w#ic# is alread! "actored into t#e detection rating(

%mperor Class Battleship

The %mperor class battleships serving in the ?othic Sector are amongst the oldest in Battletleet Bbscuras! The ancient hull of the 0ivine ight "as recovered from the space hulk Inculcate %vil after its capture near the Charos system in the .:th millennium' The maCority of po"er systems "ere found to be still functioning despite a soCourn in the "arp estimated to be not less than ten millennia' indicating that its loss must have occurred before the ?reat Crusade! The salvaged vessel "as recommissioned after an e#tensive refit at the orbital docks at Cypra )undi and has patrolled sectors throughout Segmentum Bbscuras ever since! The 8egatus Stygies "as laid do"n at the Stygies forge "orld in the Aulcanis system around the .-th millennium but "as left incomplete in orbit for over t"o millennia after heretics seiDed the "orld and destroyed the maCority of Stygies( manufacturing facilities! >ork is believed to have resumed some time in the .+nd millennium' but suffered further delays due to "arp storms' accidents and Chaos raids' leading to its commissioning not occurring until the very end of the .+nd millennium! 0espite an inauspicious start to its career' the 8egatus Stygies is reckoned to be a blessed ship by those "ho have served on it and "ith good reason! The vessel survived a suicidal ramming attack in the Battle of Callavell' "as one of the fe" ships to escape destruction at the disastrous purgation of Elthan# and destroyed the Chaos battleship Black 6ain at Arriva! Cre"* +,-'--Speed* . )aneuverability* $/0etection* ., &ull* /+Armor* +1 Turret* , Ship 6oints* 7Armament* )acrocannons )acrocannons 8aunch Bays 0amage /d/-9: /d/-9: /d, Strength : 1 +1 Crit , , $ ange /+ /+ :;round )ounting 6ort;Starboard 0orsal;6ro" 6ort;Starboard

Components* <ovian 6attern Class = 0rive' Strelov 1 >arp %ngine' ?eller 4ield' @uadruple Aoid Shield Array' Combat Bridge' Aitae 6attern 8ife Sustainer' Aoidsmen @uarters' 0eep Aoid Auger Array' +# Battleship )ars 6attern )acrocannon Broadsides' +# Battleship )ars 6attern )acrocannons' 1# 0ouble 8aunch Bays /,- Space' += emaining /,- 6o"er' ,: emaining )ounts* . 6ort' . Starboard' 0orsal' 6ro" Note* By default' the %mperor class Battleship is eFuipped "ith a 0eep Aoid Auger Array' "hich is already factored into the detection rating!

etribution Class Battleship

The t"o etribution class battleships of the ?othic Sector fleet are believed to date from the earliest days of the Imperium! The traditional armoured pro" and distinctive multiple$tube plasma engines mark them as products of the )artian shipyards! The first records of the Bloodha"k state that it fought at the Battle of )erin "here it "as severely damaged by torpedoes! 0uring the Age of Apostasy the Bloodha"k became cut off by the forces of the renegade Admiral Sehella "hile visiting the fleet bases at &ydraphur! Through heroic efforts and several running battles the Bloodha"k evaded Sehella(s sFuadrons and eventually arrived at Cypra )undi over eight years later' "here it "as adopted as part of Battletleet Bbscuras! The Cardinal Boras is kno"n to have led the ill$starred e#ploration fleet of rogue trader Aentunius into the northern rim and "as one of only five ships to retum! SubseFuently it fought at the Battles of Callavell' ArnotGs 8anding and Horsk' "here its bombardment forced the capitulation of the rebellious egime of Iron! The Cardinal Boras is a "ell$travelled vessel and has been assigned to eighteen different sector fleets over the past four millennia! It "as finally assigned to the ?othic Sector over four hundred years ago! Cre"* ++,'--Speed* 1 )aneuverability* $, 0etection* +, &ull* //Armor* +1 2+3 4ront5 Turret* 1 Ship 6oints* 3, Armament* )acrocannons 8ance Battery Torpedoes 0amage /d/-9: /d/-97 /d, Strength 1 . 7 Crit , . $ ange /+ /+ /+;round )ounting . 6ort;. Starboard 0orsal 6ro"

Components* <ovian 6attern Class = 0rive' Strelov 1 >arp %ngine' ?eller 4ield' @uadruple Aoid Shield Array' Combat Bridge' Aitae 6attern 8ife Sustainer' Aoidsmen @uarters' )$/-- Auger Array' Armored 6ro"' :# Battleship )ars 6attern )acrocannons' Battleship &eavy Titanforge 8ance Battery' Torpedo 8auncher /1, Space' /7 emaining /,- 6o"er' +7 emaining )ounts* . 6ort' . Starboard' 0orsal' 6ro"

?rand Cruisers
Aengeance Class ?rand Cruiser
The Aengeance class straddles the line bet"een earlier and later Imperial ship design! The ship can be seen "ith the beginnings of the characteristic armoured pro"' although as yet the e#tra armour had not been added! Today! the Aengeance remains part of the Imperial fleet reserve' regarded by most admirals as an old "arhorse' past its best days! Aengeances have also been identified as part of Traitor fleets' dating back to me mass mutiny that split the Imperial fleet in half during the ?reat Betrayal! Since then Imperial ship design has slo"ly evolved' but "ithin the "arp' "here time does not follo" a linear path' ships can survive untold millennia as if it "ere only yesterday! The active Aengeance class grand cruisers that are part of the Segmentum Bbscurus fleet are generally deployed in sFuadrons "hose ongoing mission is to patrol and defend the systems lying around the %ye of Terror in a constant vigil against Chaos incursions! Bther Aengeances are scattered across imperial fleet reserves throughout Segmentum Bbscurus and Segmentum 6acificus as second$line units! replacement sFuadrons and mothballed as "ar reserves! Several patrolling sFuadrons of Aengeances have' "hilst engaged in routine duties! strayed into the %ye itself either lured there in pursuit of raiders or caught in a sudden and unpredictable flare or e#pansion! Such patrols are never seen again' although reports of Aengeance class grand cruisers supporting renegade raids and even Black Crusades have been on the increase! Cre"* /=-'--Speed* 1 )aneuverability* 0etection* /, &ull* /-Armor* +. Turret* . Ship 6oints* =, Armament* 8ance Batteries )acrocannons 0amage /d/-97 /d/-9: Strength + : Crit . , ange /+ /+ )ounting 6ort;Starboard + 6ort;+ Starboard

Components* <ovian 6attern Class : 0rive' Strelov . >arp %ngine' ?eller 4ield' Triple Aoid Shield Array' Combat Bridge' Aitae 6attern 8ife Sustainer' Aoidsmen @uarters' )$/-- Auger Array' +# Battleship Titanforge 8ance Battery' 1# Battleship )ars 6attern )acrocannon Broadsides //, Space' + emaining /+- 6o"er' $. emaining )ounts* . 6ort' . Starboard Note* The po"erful "eapon systems mounted on the Aengeance class grand cruiser ta# the plasma engines beyond their ability' and thus can only be used simultaneously if the >arp %ngine 2/1 6o"er5 is po"ered do"n!

Avenger Class ?rand Cruiser

The Avenger is a hang$over from earlier days' and earlier fleet tactics! It is a gun boat' designed as a line$ breaker! The sFuadrons of Avengers "ould deploy behind a shield of escort vessels or light cruisers! As the fleets closed the range they "ould accelerate to full speed' racing into the midst of an enemy fleet! Bnce in the heart of the enemy it "ould sit' its heavy batteries blaDing left and right' trading barrages at point$blank range! The plan called for t"o or three sFuadrons of Avengers to cause 2and usually take5 very heavy damage' but its big batteries could out$shoot most enemies at close Fuarters! The disruption and damage caused by this brutal tactic of close Fuarters slugging "ould leave the enemy fleet in disarray' and easy prey to follo"ing "aves "ho could then mop up! As tactical doctrine changed so the Avenger(s place in many Imperial fleets became redundant! The Avenger "as relegated from front$line duty )any had their batteries stripped out for use else"here! Some sFuadrons "ere mothballed in fleet reserves' but' "hen hard$ pressed' the Avenger can once again be seen racing into the heart of the enemy! Cre"* /:,'--Speed* 1 )aneuverability* 0etection* /, &ull* /-Armor* +1 Turret* . Ship 6oints* =, Armament* )acrocannons 0amage /d/-9. Strength : Crit , ange : )ounting . 6ort;. Starboard

Components* <ovian 6attern Class : 0rive' Strelov . >arp %ngine' ?eller 4ield' Triple Aoid Shield Array' Combat Bridge' Aitae 6attern 8ife Sustainer' Aoidsmen @uarters' )$/-- Auger Array' :# )ars 6attern )acrocannon Broadsides' )unitorium //- Space' +: emaining /+- 6o"er' ,. emaining )ounts* . 6ort' . Starboard

%#orcist Class ?rand Cruiser

The %#orcist class "as originally developed as a long range patrol vessel' capable of self sufficiency for long periods of time a"ay from fleet support! Esually operating "ith t"o or three sFuadrons of escorts' %#orcists "ere often posted to the far$flung corners of the Imperium to patrol the edges of the %astern 4ringe and into the galactic halo! 0o"n the years the %#orcist has gradually been replaced by later ship designs' especially the )ars class! Some %#orcists "ere kept on by fleets on the fringes of the Imperium to plough the long lonely patrol routes into the halo! )any %#orcists "ere used as colonial transports! The entire penal colony of Brandt =:1 "as moved en masse by %#orcist grand cruisers to populate and "ork Tor Alpha' a "orld beyond the %astern 4ringe' discovered by 2and named after5 the famous ogue Trader 4oul"ay Tor! The %#orcist sFuadron' led by the 8ight of Ascension "as then used as convoy escorts for the ore transports returning to the Imperium' and played a maCor part in the defence of the system "hen it "as attacked and eventually overrun by a Tyranid hive fleet! Cre"* /=-'--Speed* 1 )aneuverability* 0etection* /, &ull* /-Armor* +. Turret* . Ship 6oints* =, Armament* )acrocannons 8aunch Bays 0amage /d/-9+ /d, Strength 1 /+ Crit 1 $ ange 7 :;round )ounting + 6ort;+ Starboard 6ort;Starboard

Components* <ovian 6attern Class : 0rive' Strelov . >arp %ngine' ?eller 4ield' Triple Aoid Shield Array' Combat Bridge' Aitae 6attern 8ife Sustainer' Aoidsmen @uarters' )$/-- Auger Array' 1# Sunsear 8aser Batteries' +# 0ouble 8aunch Bays //, Space' .1 emaining /+- 6o"er' 17 emaining )ounts* . 6ort' . Starboard

)ars Class Battlecruiser
The Imperious is one of the fe" surviving e#amples of the )ars class battlecruiser! 6roduction of these vessels at the )artian shipyards "as discontinued over eighteen centuries before the beginning of the ?othic >ar and the number of ships in service has declined steadily since then! eckoned to he undergunned by many captains' the )ars class battlecruiser Imperious earned its laurels at the outset of the "ar during a surprise attack on the hive "orld of Brar! %arly in the engagement the Imperious managed to get under"ay and scored a devastating hit on the Slaughter class cruiser Soulless "ith its nova cannon! >hile Soulless "as still reeling from the damage a salvo of lance hits from the Imperious detonated its plasma core and annihilated it! A "ave of Starha"k bombers from the Imperious crippled a second Slaughter class cruiser "hich "as subseFuently destroyed by BrarIs orbital defences' breaking the back of the Chaos attack "ith minimal damage to Imperial forces! Captain Compel Bast of the Imperious "as subseFuently a"arded the Solar Cluster for the heroic actions of his ship and cre"! Cre"* /.-'--Speed* 1 )aneuverability* , 0etection* /&ull* 3, Armor* ++ 2+: 4ront5 Turret* + Ship 6oints* =Armament* 8aunch Bays )acrocannons 8ance Battery Nova Cannon 0amage /d, /d/-97 /d/-97 /d/-91 Strength /+ 1 + d, Crit $ 1 . $ ange :;turn //+ :$.)ounting 6ort;Starboard 6ort;Starboard 0orsal 6ro"

Components* <ovian 6attern Class , 0rive' Strelov + >arp %ngine' ?eller 4ield' )ultiple Aoid Shield Array' Combat Bridge' Aitae 6attern 8ife Sustainer' Aoidsmen @uarters' )$/-- Auger Array' Armored 6ro"' +# 0ouble 8aunch Bays' +# Battleship yDa 6lasma Batteries' Battleship Titanforge 8ance Battery' Nova Cannon /-- Space' / emaining /-, 6o"er' / emaining )ounts* + 6ort' + Starboard' 0orsal' 6ro"

Bverlord Class Battlecruiser

Based on the Acheron class heavy cruiser design' the Bverlord class battlecruiser "as built to provide the Imperial fleet "ith a cruiser$siDed vessel "ith the long range punch of battleship "eaponry! Because of difficulties in po"er transmission the AcheronGs pro" "eapons batteries "ere replaced by standard cruiser torpedo tubes and armoured pro"! &o"ever' this arrangement allo"ed the Bverlord(s dorsal lance turrets to be upgraded' giving them a range comparable to the vesselGs other long$range laser batteries! 0ifficulties in building the Bverlord class meant that only limited numbers served in the Segmentum Bbscuras fleet! each vessel being painstakingly constructed at the Cypra )undi shipyards! Three vessels served in the sector fleet during the ?othic >ar* the 4lame of 6urity' S"ord of etribution and Cypra 6robatii! The latter "as completed during the "ar and arrived in the ?othic Sector only after a difficult and haDardous Courney through the "arp' 4lame of 6urity and S"ord of etribution operated together for most of the "ar' protecting important star systems against the Chaos raiders that plagued the "hole sector! Cre"* /+-'--Speed* , )aneuverability* /0etection* /&ull* 3Armor* +/ 2+, 4ront5 Turret* . Ship 6oints* :, Armament* )acrocannons 8ance Battery Torpedoes 0amage /d/-9: /d/-97 /d, Strength 1 + : Crit , . $ ange /+ /+ /+;round )ounting + 6ort;+ Starboard 0orsal 6ro"

Components* <ovian 6attern Class , 0rive' Strelov + >arp %ngine' ?eller 4ield' )ultiple Aoid Shield Array' Combat Bridge' Aitae 6attern 8ife Sustainer' Aoidsmen @uarters' )$/-- Auger Array' Armored 6ro"' 1# Battleship )ars 6attern )acrocannons' Battleship Titanforge 8ance Battery' Torpedo 8auncher 7, Space' 3 emaining /-, 6o"er' +- emaining )ounts* + 6ort' + Starboard' 0orsal' 6ro"

Armageddon Class Battlecruiser

Tie Armageddon class "as developed in an attempt to rapidly increase the number of available battlecruisers! Almost "ithout e#ception' Armageddon class ships are built from the recovered hulls of crippled 8unar class vessels' making them one of the easiest battlecruisers to construct' though many fleet commanders have proved un"illing to sacrifice large numbers of their main front$line cruiser! The very first e#ample to depart the e#tensive St! <o"enGs 0ock "as the %# Cathedra! Briginally named the Brion as a 8unar class' the ship suffered heavily "hilst engaging Chaos raiders above the "orld of 6yran and' as it limped back to the Armageddon system' the decision "as made not only to repair the venerable vessel' but to upgrade it to battlecruiser standards! 6o"er relays "ere re$routed from the shipGs main plasma reactors to provide a substantial increase in efficiency for the e#isting "eapons batteries' "hilst long$ranged lance turret arrays "ere built upon a modified dorsal spine! This alone gave the ship a much greater punch at medium ranges and the ability to engage at distance! An immediate dra"back became obvious as nearly three and a half thousand e#tra cre"men had to be drafted in simply to man the additional "eapons and to maintain the short$lived relays that po"ered them! Cre"* /+-'--Speed* , )aneuverability* /0etection* /&ull* 3Armor* +/ 2+, 4ront5 Turret* + Ship 6oints* =Armament* )acrocannons 8ance Battery 8ance Battery Torpedoes 0amage /d/-9: /d/-91 /d/-97 /d, Strength 1 + + : Crit , . . $ ange /+ : /+ /+;round )ounting 6ort;Starboard 6ort;Starboard 0orsal 6ro"

Components* <ovian 6attern Class 1 0rive' Strelov + >arp %ngine' ?eller 4ield' )ultiple Aoid Shield Array' Combat Bridge' Aitae 6attern 8ife Sustainer' Aoidsmen @uarters' )$/-- Auger Array' Armored 6ro"' +# Battleship )ars 6attern )acrocannons' +# Titanforge 8ance Battery' Battleship Titanforge 8ance Battery' Torpedo 8auncher 7, Space' /- emaining =, 6o"er' $/+ emaining )ounts* + 6ort' + Starboard' 0orsal' 6ro" %fficient 6o"er elays* A standard Armageddon class battlecruiser "ill still have the Class 1 drive it used during its life as a 8unar class cruiser! Though this produces less po"er than "ould normally be reFuired to po"er its many "eapons' the advanced po"er relays installed lo"er the po"er dra" of any "eapon system installed by +' allo"ing it to make full use of its armament to long as the "arp engines are po"ered do"n! An Armageddon class built from scratch "ill generally carry the larger class , drive!

8unar Class Cruiser
The 8unar class cruiser forms the mainstay of Battlefleet Bbscuras "ith over si# hundred ships serving throughout the Segmentum and more than t"enty ships fighting in the ?othic "ar! The uncomplicated design of this class ensures its enduring utility! enabling vessels to be built at hive and industrial "orlds normally unable to muster the e#pertise to construct a capital ship! 6erhaps the most remarkable e#ample of this is the 8ord 0aros' constructed at the feral "orld of Enloth! The primitive tribesmen d"elling there "ere influenced to mine and smelt metals "hich "ere then presented for GsacrificeG at sky temples established by the 6lanetary 8ord! The ra" materials "ere then lifted into orbit at each vernal eFuino#! After a period of eleven years the tribes "ere re"arded for their effort "ith the sight of a bright ne" star moving across the heavens as the 8ord 0aros boosted But$System to Coin Battlefleet Bbscuras! Cre"* 7,'--Speed* , )aneuverability* /0etection* /&ull* =Armor* +- 2+1 4ront5 Turret* + Ship 6oints* :Armament* 8ance Batteries )acrocannons Torpedoes 0amage /d/-91 /d/-9+ /d, Strength + : : Crit . , $ ange : : /+;round )ounting 6ort;Starboard 6ort;Starboard 6ro"

Components* <ovian 6attern Class 1 0rive' Strelov + >arp %ngine' ?eller 4ield' )ultiple Aoid Shield Array' Combat Bridge' Aitae 6attern 8ife Sustainer' Aoidsmen @uarters' )$/-- Auger Array' Armored 6ro"' +# Titanforge 8ance Batteries' +# )ars 6attern )acrocannon Broadsides' Torpedo 8auncher =, Space' : emaining =, 6o"er' : emaining )ounts* + 6ort' + Starboard' 6ro"

Tyrant Class Cruiser

To"ards the end of the .3th millennium' the famed Adeptus )echanicus Artisan$)agos &yus NGdai completed a series of ship designs based around the principle of superfired plasma "eaponry! Tlte most common of these' the Tyrant class cruiser' became popular amongst the maCor shipyards in the .7th millennium! Its superfired plasma batteries are capable of launching a boosted salvo considerably further than comparable cruiser "eapon decks! yet still deliver virtually the same "eight of fire at close Fuarters! This had eluded ship designers since the secrets of building very long range ship "eaponry had been lost after the 0ark Age of Technology! In practice' ho"ever' the TyrantGs long range firepo"er lacks sufficient strength to make it a serious threat to anything larger than an escort$siDed vessel! T"o of the Tyrants assigned to the ?othic sector fleet! Jealous and 0ominion' "ere eventually upgraded "ith "eapons salvaged from "recked Chaos ships! These pushed their firepo"er up to battlecruiser levels' making them very dangerous opponents at long range! Cre"* 7,'--Speed* , )aneuverability* /0etection* /&ull* =Armor* +- 2+1 4ront5 Turret* + Ship 6oints* :Armament* )acrocannons )acrocannons Torpedoes 0amage /d/-9+ /d/-9+ /d, Strength 1 : : Crit 1 , $ ange 7 : /+;round )ounting 6ort;Starboard 6ort;Starboard 6ro"

Components* <ovian 6attern Class 1 0rive' Strelov + >arp %ngine' ?eller 4ield' )ultiple Aoid Shield Array' Combat Bridge' Aitae 6attern 8ife Sustainer' Aoidsmen @uarters' )$/-- Auger Array' Armored 6ro"' +# Sunsear 8aser Batteries' +# )ars 6attern )acrocannon Broadsides' Torpedo 8auncher =, Space' /- emaining =, 6o"er' +- emaining )ounts* + 6ort' + Starboard' 6ro"

0ominator Class Cruiser

The 0ominator class cruiser is an unusual vessel of a class originally built to act as a fleet support unit for maCor engagements and planetary assaults! It "as designed to hang back and use its massive nova cannon to bombard the enemy at e#treme range! 0ominator class cruisers are far more common to Battlefleet Eltima than Battlefleet Bbscuras! the vast maCority being built at the fleet base at Har 0uniash' The only 0ominator class vessel serving in the ?othic Sector at the outset of the "ar "as the &ammer of <ustice under the command of Captain ?renfeld! Although it had al"ays performed poorly on e#ercises and had an undistinguished prior history' the vessel rose to the challenge of full "ar and fought "ith vigour and resolution at every opportunity! The potency of the some"hat cumbersome nova cannon "as ably illustrated by Captain ?renfeld at the 6ort )a" blockade and the raid on Alios! Indeed' over the course of the "ar a number of other vessels undertook maCor refits to replace their pro" armaments "ith nova cannon! Cre"* 7,'--Speed* , )aneuverability* /0etection* /&ull* =Armor* +- 2+1 4ront5 Turret* + Ship 6oints* :Armament* )acrocannons Nova Cannon 0amage /d/-9+ /d/-91 Strength : d, Crit , $ ange : :$.)ounting + 6ort;+ Starboard 6ro"

Components* <ovian 6attern Class 1 0rive' Strelov + >arp %ngine' ?eller 4ield' )ultiple Aoid Shield Array' Combat Bridge' Aitae 6attern 8ife Sustainer' Aoidsmen @uarters' )$/-- Auger Array' Armored 6ro"' 1# )ars 6attern )acrocannon Broadsides' Nova Cannon =, Space' 1 emaining =, 6o"er' /= emaining )ounts* + 6ort' + Starboard' 6ro"

?othic Class Cruiser

The po"erful ?othic class cruiser is a familiar sight throughout the Imperium' "ith numerous vessels operating in each of the Segmentum battlefleets! A potent force in its o"n right! the class carries the heaviest lance array of any Imperial cruiser in the ?othic sector' making it a deadly adversary for enemy vessels of all siDes! &o"ever' in the course of the "ar it became apparent that it could only operate successfully in the company of other vessels' after t"o encounters bet"een the ighteous 4ury and the Chaos grand cruiser Bloodied S"ord! In each case the ighteous 4ury barely escaped after suffering severe damage and scoring only a handful of hits on the enemy vessel! 6o"erful as the lances "ere' they could not damage an opposing vessel fast enough in duels! A change in tactics' pioneered by Captain &odge of the ighteous 4ury' sa" ?othic class ships paired "ith their o"n sFuadron of escorts or another cruiser! They "ould then engage an enemy vessel abeam' "hile its supporting ships circled to attack from bo" or stern! This used the heavy lance armament to good effect' by knocking do"n the enemyGs shields and allo"ing its consorts to attack' "hile preventing its enemy from moving a"ay! Esing its ne" tactics' the ?othic class cruiser made a valuable contribution to the "ar by destroying the Chaos cruisers Cackling &ate and ?lorious Bloodbath in its later stages! Cre"* 7,'--Speed* , )aneuverability* /0etection* /&ull* =Armor* +- 2+1 4ront5 Turret* + Ship 6oints* :Armament* 8ance Batteries Torpedoes 0amage /d/-91 /d, Strength + : Crit . $ ange : /+;round )ounting + 6ort;+ Starboard 6ro"

Components* <ovian 6attern Class 1 0rive' Strelov + >arp %ngine' ?eller 4ield' )ultiple Aoid Shield Array' Combat Bridge' Aitae 6attern 8ife Sustainer' Aoidsmen @uarters' )$/-- Auger Array' Armored 6ro"' 1# Titanforge 8ance Batteries' Torpedo 8auncher =, Space' 1 emaining =, 6o"er' $/+ emaining )ounts* + 6ort' + Starboard' 6ro" Note* The po"erful lance arrays mounted on the ?othic class cruiser ta# the plasma engines beyond their ability' and thus can only be used simultaneously if the >arp %ngine 2/+ 6o"er5 is po"ered do"n!

0ictator Class Cruiser

0ictator class cruisers are built around 8unar class hulls' "ith the lance decks entirely rebuilt into launch bays for attack craft! This stop$gap measure "as originally undertaken as a simple method of delivering large numbers of atmospheric craft' like the Thunderbolt fighter and )arauder bomber' to lo" orbit' for ground support operations! &o"ever' successive upgrades to the 0ictator(s communications and detection systems e#panded its capabilities for launching long$range strikes against ships in deep space! They "ere increasingly eFuipped "ith 4ury class deep space fighters and Starha"k bombers and operated as fleet support vessels and independent patrol ships throughout the Sector! A single 0ictator "ith a handful of escorts proved an e#ceedingly fle#ible force capable of running do"n pirates and raiding hostile "orlds "ith "aves of attack craft! Bf particular note "as the hadamanthine "hich' in concert "ith the Skargul patrol' scored a series of spectacular successes against pirates in the Brar sub sector! 0uring the ?othic >ar 0ictators proved invaluable for escorting convoys of vulnerable transport ships through areas threatened by Chaos ships! As the demand for supporting attack craft in maCor actions gre"' a number of badly damaged 8unar class cruisers "ere reconfigured as 0ictators at the main fleet bases! By the end of the "ar' seven more 0ictators "ere in service' more than compensating for the loss of the hadamanthine and Archon Hort to AbaddonGs fleets! Cre"* 7,'--Speed* , )aneuverability* /0etection* /&ull* =Armor* +- 2+1 4ront5 Turret* + Ship 6oints* :Armament* 8aunch Bays )acrocannons Torpedoes 0amage /d, /d/-9+ /d, Strength /+ : : Crit $ , $ ange :;turn : /+;round )ounting 6ort;Starboard 6ort;Starboard 6ro"

Components* <ovian 6attern Class 1 0rive' Strelov + >arp %ngine' ?eller 4ield' )ultiple Aoid Shield Array' Combat Bridge' Aitae 6attern 8ife Sustainer' Aoidsmen @uarters' )$/-- Auger Array' Armored 6ro"' +# 0ouble 8aunch Bays' +# )ars 6attern )acrocannon Broadsides' Torpedo 8auncher =, Space' + emaining =, 6o"er' +1 emaining )ounts* + 6ort' + Starboard' 6ro"

8ight Cruisers
0auntless Class 8ight Cruiser
8ight scouting cruisers like the 0auntless class have al"ays been a feature of Imperial fleets throughout the Imperium! An ideal light cruiser carries enough firepo"er to drive off opposing escorts and enough fuel and supplies to remain a"ay from bases for months at a time! The 0auntless is a popular class' as fast and maneuverable as a frigate but "ith a ferocious frontal lance armament! 0uring the ?othic >ar' the light cruisers EDiel and Baron Surtur "ere the first to detect >armaster HhuDor(s fleet near the 4ormosa cluster and their accurate information allo"ed Admiral Sartus to bring the foe to battle! Cre"* :,'--Speed* = )aneuverability* /, 0etection* +&ull* :Armor* /7 Turret* / Ship 6oints* ,, Armament* )acrocannons 8ance Battery 0amage /d/-9+ /d/-91 Strength : + Crit , . ange : : )ounting 6ort;Starboard 6ro"

Components* <ovian 6attern Class . 0rive' Strelov + >arp %ngine' ?eller 4ield' Single Aoid Shield Array' Combat Bridge' Aitae 6attern 8ife Sustainer' Aoidsmen @uarters' )$/-- Auger Array' +# )ars 6attern )acrocannon Broadsides' Titanforge 8ance Battery :- Space' /- emaining :- 6o"er' 7 emaining )ounts* 6ort' Starboard' 6ro"

%ndeavour Class 8ight Cruiser

The %ndeavour class' lacking the speed for anti$pirate operations' is preferred as a convoy flagship or a heavy escort to larger capital ships of the line! Its heavy gun batteries can almost match the firepo"er of larger cruisers and it is capable of holding its o"n in the midst of a pitched battle! )any %ndeavour class light cruisers "ere sent to the Armageddon fleet during the latest Brk invasion' "here' during fighting against Brk vessels' the %ndeavour(s relative slo" speed for its class "as not found to be a hindrance! The %ndeavour' and its sister vessels' became a staple of the Armageddon fleet as replacements for lost ships! Cre"* =-'--Speed* , )aneuverability* /0etection* +&ull* :Armor* /7 Turret* + Ship 6oints* ,, Armament* 0amage Strength Crit ange )ounting )acrocannons /d/-9+ : , : 6ort;Starboard )acrocannon /d/-9+ . , : 6ro" Torpedoes /d, : $ /+;round 6ro" .1;.Components* <ovian 6attern Class . 0rive' Strelov + >arp %ngine' ?eller 4ield' Single Aoid Shield Array' Combat Bridge' Aitae 6attern 8ife Sustainer' Aoidsmen @uarters' )$/-- Auger Array' +# )ars 6attern )acrocannon Broadsides' )ars 6attern )acrocannon' Torpedo 8auncher :- Space' 3 emaining :- 6o"er' /, emaining )ounts* 6ort' Starboard' + 6ro"

%ndurance Class 8ight Cruiser

The %ndurance class is an %ndeavour "ith its "eapons battery refitted to carry lances! A common tactic amongst fleet admirals is to pair up %ndeavours and %ndurances for mutual protection' and a fearsome combined firepo"er! ?iven that the %ndurance is produced in less numbers' a lack of %ndurances does not al"ays make this possible! It is more likely that a mi#ed sFuadron "ill contain t"o or three %ndeavours and a single %ndurance in support! Bperating in this manner' the Ad 8iberis "as responsible for the destruction of nine Brk escorts as the >ar for Armageddon began above the high$g "orld of 6elucidar during a savage three$ hour engagement' before their "ithdra"al "as ordered by Admiral 6arol! Cre"* =-'--Speed* , )aneuverability* /0etection* +&ull* :Armor* /7 Turret* + Ship 6oints* ,, Armament* 8ance Batteries )acrocannon Torpedoes 0amage /d/-91 /d/-9+ /d, Strength + . : Crit . , $ ange : : /+;round )ounting 6ort;Starboard 6ro" 6ro"

Components* 8athe 6attern Class . 0rive' Strelov + >arp %ngine' ?eller 4ield' Single Aoid Shield Array' Combat Bridge' Aitae 6attern 8ife Sustainer' Aoidsmen @uarters' )$/-- Auger Array' +# Titanforge 8ance Batteries' )ars 6attern )acrocannon' Torpedo 8auncher :- Space' + emaining :- 6o"er' $. emaining )ounts* 6ort' Starboard' + 6ro" Note* The po"erful lance arrays mounted on the %ndurance class light cruiser ta# the plasma engines beyond their ability' and thus can only be used simultaneously if the >arp %ngine 2/+ 6o"er5 is po"ered do"n!

0efiant Class 8ight Cruiser

The 0efiant is the least common of the Aoss triumvirate but it is the last piece in the Cigsa"! A capable carrier' the 0efiant is regarded as too vulnerable to operate "ithout support! 8acking any guns for self defence' the 0efiant is usually relegated to a support role' operating behind the main fighting ships' out of the line of fire! A relatively recent development of the %ndeavour' the light carriers of this class proved to be vital lynchpin of the Imperial fleetGs desperate struggle to stem the relentless tide of destruction and death that accompanied the BrksG massive invasion force into the Armageddon sector! Being more agile than the much larger Brk krooDers arrayed against it' these vessels "ere able to push deeply into the vast greenskin host before unleashing their bombers upon the capital ships of the invasion fleet! Though the 4orebearer and Archangel "ere lost above St! <o"en(s 0ock "hen they "ere overrun "hile struggling valiantly to refuel and rearm their beleaguered attack craft in the heat of battle' their brave pilots "ere responsible for destroying the kill krooDer ?rimDagGs Ammer and crippling t"o Terror ships! Cre"* =-'--Speed* , )aneuverability* /0etection* +&ull* :Armor* /7 Turret* + Ship 6oints* ,, Armament* 8aunch Bays 8ance Batteries 0amage /d, /d/-91 Strength : + Crit $ . ange :;round : )ounting 6ort;Starboard + 6ro"

Components* <ovian 6attern Class . 0rive' Strelov + >arp %ngine' ?eller 4ield' Single Aoid Shield Array' Combat Bridge' Aitae 6attern 8ife Sustainer' Aoidsmen @uarters' )$/-- Auger Array' +# 8aunch Bays' +# Titanforge 8ance Battery :- Space' + emaining :- 6o"er' - emaining )ounts* 6ort' Starboard' + 6ro"

S"ord Class 4rigate
The venerable S"ord class frigate has ably served Battlefleet Bbscuras for thousands of years! %very part of the vessel(s design and construction has been tried and tested in innumerable engagements! The S"ordGs laser$based "eapons batteries and substantial turret array have an e#ceptional ready level of 33!+K! Its plasma drives are simple' sturdy units copied many times on other ships and can be serviced by artificers "ith minimal training! A classic escort vessel in every respect' fe" battleships fight "ithout at least a pair of S"ords to guard their backs against enemy destroyers and attack craft! Cre"* +:'--Speed* 3 )aneuverability* +0etection* /, &ull* ., Armor* /3 Turret* + Ship 6oints* 1Armament* )acrocannons 0amage /d/-9+ Strength 1 Crit 1 7 ange )ounting + 0orsal

Components* <ovian 6attern Class + 0rive' Strelov / >arp %ngine' ?eller 4ield' Single Aoid Shield Array' Combat Bridge' Aitae 6attern 8ife Sustainer' Aoidsmen @uarters' )$/-- Auger Array' +# Sunsear 8aser Batteries 1- Space' , emaining 1, 6o"er' 3 emaining )ounts* + 0orsal

4irestorm Class 4rigate

4irestorm class frigates are a comparatively recent innovation "ithin Battlefleet Bbscuras! The design "as created in an effort to balance the maneuverability of escort class ships "ith the hitting po"er of a lance armament! The 4irestorm is built around a S"ord class hull "ith maCor reconfiguration of the central laser cores to direct po"er to a pro"$mounted cannon! Bnly five sFuadrons of 4irestorms served in the ?othic "ar and these "ere all understrength in most of the engagements they fought' due to a lack of available replacement ships! The most note"orthy action fought by 4irestorms "as by ?old sFuadron at the Battle of Aeras! The t"o 4irestorms intercepted a group of Infidel raiders flanking the main fleet to attack the %mperor class battleship Intolerance! Three of the raiders "ere destroyed for the loss of one 4irestorm' enabling the Intolerance to complete the despatch of t"enty four bomber "ings against the Chaos 0esolator class battleship %ternity of 6ain! Cre"* +:'--Speed* 3 )aneuverability* +0etection* /, &ull* ., Armor* /3 Turret* + Ship 6oints* 1Armament* 8ance Battery )acrocannons 0amage /d/-91 /d/-9+ Strength + 1 Crit . 1 : 7 ange )ounting 6ro" 0orsal

Components* <ovian 6attern Class + 0rive' Strelov / >arp %ngine' ?eller 4ield' Single Aoid Shield Array' Combat Bridge' Aitae 6attern 8ife Sustainer' Aoidsmen @uarters' )$/-- Auger Array' Sunsear 8aser Battery' Titanforge 8ance Battery 1- Space' . emaining 1, 6o"er' / emaining )ounts* 0orsal' 6ro"

4alchion Class %scort

The Aoss pattern ship design has also been used on an escort vessel' the 4alchion class! >hen traitors made off "ith the designs for a larger escort ship to fulfil the role for the Cobra destroyer from the )onsk forge "orld in =:/!)1-' the )agos set about reconstructing the records of its design "ith "hat little information "as left behind' and brought it to Aoss! By +:/!)1/ the first operational escort sFuadrons based on this ne" design began to ply the stellar void! Though this design is slo"ly being distributed throughout the domains of the Adeptus )echanicus' dissemination has been slo" and many fleets still go "ithout a single e#ample of this type! Bnly t"o sFuadrons "ere operational during the early years of the Armageddon >ar' the )ichaelis 4ire SFuadron and the Torchbearer 6atrol! An all round escort much in the mould of the "idely built S"ord class' the 4alchion is versatile! It is used for patrolling' convoy escorting and as close escorts to the light cruisers' guarding its larger cousins( rear in battle! 8ike all the Aoss pattern ships' being uniFue to that forge "orld' it is not commonly distributed throughout fleets but those that are eFuipped "ith 4alchions find them a "orthy substitute for the common S"ord class! Cre"* +:'--Speed* 3 )aneuverability* +0etection* /, &ull* ., Armor* /3 Turret* / Ship 6oints* 1Armament* )acrocannons Torpedoes 0amage /d/-9+ /d, Strength 1 : Crit 1 $ ange 7 /+;round )ounting 6ro" 6ro"

Components* <ovian 6attern Class + 0rive' Strelov / >arp %ngine' ?eller 4ield' Single Aoid Shield Array' Combat Bridge' Aitae 6attern 8ife Sustainer' Aoidsmen @uarters' )$/-- Auger Array' Sunsear 8aser Battery' Torpedo 8auncher 1- Space' . emaining 1, 6o"er' // emaining )ounts* + 6ro"

Cobra Class 0estroyer
Cobra class escorts form a significant proportion of Battlefleet Bbscuras' their versatility making them a favoured vessel for scouting' patrolling and raiding! The main asset of the Cobra is its great speed' enabling it to catch the light' fast craft favoured by pirates! This "as most famously illustrated in the ?othic sector by Captain >alker(s Skargul patrol' "hich destroyed seventeen pirate vessels in the t"elve months prior to the ?othic >ar! Cre"* +1'--Speed* // )aneuverability* +, 0etection* /&ull* .Armor* /1 Turret* / Ship 6oints* ., Armament* Torpedoes )acrocannons 0amage /d, /d/-9+ Strength : . Crit $ , ange /+;round : )ounting 6ro" 0orsal

Components* <ovian 6attern Class + 0rive' Strelov / >arp %ngine' ?eller 4ield' Single Aoid Shield Array' Combat Bridge' Aitae 6attern 8ife Sustainer' Aoidsmen @uarters' )$/-- Auger Array' Torpedo 8aunchers' )ars 6attern )acrocannons 1- Space' , emaining 1, 6o"er' /. emaining )ounts* 0orsal' 6ro"

Ne" %Fuipment
Appropriate &ull Types 6o"er Space S6 Strength 0amage Crit ating ange

%ssential Components
6lasma 0rives <ovian 6attern Class , 0rive <ovian 6attern Class : 0rive <ovian 6attern Class = 0rive 8athe 6attern Class + 0rive 8athe 6attern Class . 0rive 8athe 6attern Class 1 0rive 8athe 6attern Class , 0rive 8athe 6attern Class : 0rive 8athe 6attern Class = 0rive >arp %ngines Strelov . >arp %ngine Strelov 1 >arp %ngine Aoid Shields Triple Aoid Shield Array @uadruple Aoid Shield Array Battlecruisers ?rand Cruisers Battleships aiders' 4rigates 8ight Cruisers Cruisers Battlecruisers ?rand Cruisers Battleships ?rand Cruisers Battleships ?rand Cruiser9 Battleships /-, ?! /+- ?! /,- ?! ,- ?! :, 3, /-/., /=/1 /: 7 // /3 ++1 /1 /: +++ +3 .1 /1 /: . 1

Supplemental Components
8ances &eavy Titanforge 8ance Battery Battleship )acrobatteries Thunderstrike )acrocannons )ars 6attern )acrocannons )ars 6attern )acrocannon Broadsides Sunsear 8aser Battery yDa 6lasma Battery Battleship 8ances Starbreaker 8ance >eapon Titanforge 8ance >eapon Titanforge 8ance Battery &eavy Titanforge 8ance Battery Additional >eapons Torpedo Tubes Nova Cannon 8aunch Bays 0ouble 8aunch Bay All Ships /= 3 . . /d/-91 . :

Battlecruiser9 Battlecruiser9 ?rand Cruiser9 Battlecruiser9 Battlecruiser9 Battlecruiser9 Battlecruiser9 Battlecruiser9 Battlecruiser9

1 : 3 /+ /1 /+ /3 +: .1

1 : /3 3 3 3 /+ /:

+ + . + 1 1 1 1 ,

. 1 : 1 1 / / + .

/d/-91 : /d/-9: , /d/-9: , /d/-9: 1 /d/-97 1 /d/-9: /d/-97 /d/-97 /d/-97 . . . .

3 /+ /+ /3 ///+ /+ /+

All Ships Cruiser9 All Cruiser9

X;+ /+ 1

X /1 3

X;: 1 / +

X d,;/ : /+

/d, /d/-91 /d, /d,

$ $ $ $

/+;turn :$.:;turn :;turn

4ighters 4or every fighter bay' ship can carry one sFuadron of either 4ury Interceptors or Starha"k Bombers! Interceptors are used to shoot do"n torpedoes' enemy bombers' and boarding parties! %ach sFuadron of Interceptors adds / to the Turret rating of a ship! A sFuadron of bombers "orks e#actly like a group of : torpedoes "ith a couple important e#ceptions! Starha"ks move much more slo"ly than torpedoes' but have perfect maneuverability' they can travel any path they like until they run out of move! Additionally' bombers "ill have to fly back to the ship that launched them before they can go on another run' making them effective only at relatively short ranges 2This is due to the many turns theyGd need to complete their run' not that they "ould run out of fuel like a torpedo! Bombers carry enough fuel that they "ill not run out over the course of a combat5! The benefit of using bombers is that the pilots can do a much better Cob of evading turret fire than torpedoes! Esing the cre" skill of your ship' each sFuadron makes a outine 29+-5 piloting test! >hile failure

doesnGt mean they do any "orse than torpedoes "ould' a successful piloting check increases the difficulty of the defending shipGs turret check by /-' plus an additional /- for every degree of success! If any bombers are shot do"n' the effectiveness of subseFuent bombing runs is reduced accordingly! A bomber may make t"o attacks 2on separate turns5 before needing to rearm! Enless an entire sFuadron is shot do"n' assume any losses are replaced by bombers "aiting on standby once the sFuadron returns to its mother ship! &eavy Titanforge 8ance Battery 4ound on some of the ImperiumGs most advanced ships' this highly accurate lance scores an additional hit for every + degrees of success instead of the normal .! Nova Cannon A Nova Cannon is an immense Spinal )ounted Cannon that d"arfs a standard lance! Because of its incredible siDe and po"er' it can only be mounted in the pro" of a ship so that the plasma engines can compensate for the recoil' and only then on a reasonably large vessel! The Nova cannon fires a large e#plosive proCectile at nearly the speed of light! The detonation is triggered at a preprogrammed distance' not upon impact! Because of the large blast radius of the ammunition' the Nova Cannon is never fired at close range 2not under : AE5! >hen firing' select a target sFuare! All ships in that sFuare take d, hits from the Nova Cannon 2roll individually5' and all ships / AE a"ay take one hit as "ell! The damage from the Nova Cannon skips armor! If a ship is crippled' it "ill no longer be able to fire its Nova Cannon! Torpedo Tubes Torpedoes are a common fi#ture of capital ships in both the Imperium and among the Xeno races! >hile a single tube "ill only launch one torpedo each combat turn' a ship "ill generally be eFuipped "ith more than one tube! %ach tube "ill take / space and L po"er! 4or an odd number of torpedo tubes' round the po"er consumption up! Normally' up to : torpedo tubes can be fitted to an individual mounting point' but grand cruisers and battleships can mount up to 7 2Torpedo Tubes take Strength;: ship points! )ost of the time' that "ill be /' but the larger ships "ill take + if they have more than : torpedo tubes mounted5! Normally only one pro" mount point is reserved for torpedoes' but this is merely convention' not a technological constraint! Torpedoes can not adCust their speed' and may make + 7- degree turns each round' one after : moves' and one after /+! Torpedoes mounted in the pro" can only fire in the fore arc' even if the ship is a light cruiser or larger! 0orsal torpedoes can fire port or starboard by rotating the ship' but they can not fire in the fore arc' as that "ould reFuire the ship to change its heading by 7- degrees! This is because torpedoes fire out of long tubes built into the hull' and can not be mounted as turrets! Bnce a torpedo reaches an enemy ship' roll a outine 29+-5 Turret atingM/- check for each torpedo! A success means that torpedo has been shot do"n' a failure means the torpedo hits and inflicts /d, damage! A torpedo has enough fuel for . turns of movement! These stats represent the typical torpedoes used by the Imperium! If you feel like modeling torpedoes from different races differently' youGre "elcome to! 6erhaps %ldar torpedoes move /,;turn' get . 7- degree turns' and increase the difficulty of the turret check to Brdinary 29/-5 but are only generally only mounted in groups of 1! )aybe the ship in Fuestion "as cobbled together on a back"ater and only does /d,$/ damage "ith each torpedo! %#ample* An Imperium 8unar class cruiser and a Chaos )urder class cruiser are trading broadsides! Bne of the 8unarGs Cobra escorts fires a salvo of : torpedoes at the )urder class cruiser! After the torpedoes reach their target' they get their chance to hit! The )urder class cruiser has a Turret ating of +' so it rolls against a 1- 2+from routine' and +- from /-Mturret rating5! The )urder class has a bad streak of luck and only shoots do"n / of the incoming torpedoes! The remaining , hit and inflict ,d, damage! Battleship >eaponry Battleships are very broad abeam' and can mount much longer' more po"erful cannons than a smaller vessel could! This gives them an advantage in both damage and range over the macrocannons typically seen on Cruisers and %scorts! Though there are some smaller ships that mount these huge guns' nothing short of a battlecruiser has any hope of fitting them in! Aside from the changes listed in the table above' they function identically to their smaller counterparts!

Ne" ules
8arge Ship Cre" and )orale damage >hen a very large vessel takes enemy fire' it does not lose as much cre" or morale rating as a smaller vessel "ould! The cre" is much larger' and the loss of ten thousand men doesnGt hamper it as significantly! The cre" also recogniDes that the ship theyGre aboard can take a lot of hits "ithout going do"n' so theyGll less concerned about every little lance strike! >hen taking hull damage Battlecruisers take + less morale and cre" loss than normal' ?rand Cruisers reduce the loss by 1' and Battleships reduce the loss by :! Scaling up old %Fuipment In the ogue Trader rulebook' there are a number of components that have both a Transports' aiders' 4rigates or a aiders' 4rigates version as "ell as a 8ight Cruisers' Cruisers version! The 8ight Cruisers' Cruisers version "ill function identically' but take up / more space and dra" one more po"er! 4or larger vessels' please e#trapolate this up! Battlecruisers are only slightly larger than Cruisers' and "ill use the same components! ?rand Cruisers "ill add / space and po"er to the cruiser version' and Battleships "ill add + space and po"er to the Cruiser version! 4or components such as the Ship )asterGs Bridge or the Armoured 6ro"' "hich are only available for Cruisers' scale them up appropriately as "ell! Appro#imate Ship Classes Class SiDe 0estroyers .,$14rigates 1-$1, 8ight Cruisers ,,$:, Cruisers =-$3Battlecruisers 3,$/-?rand Cruisers //-$/., Battleships /.,$/,6o"er 0ra" 1, 1, :=, 7/+/,-

0isclaimer* Battlefleet ?othic Images and 4lavor te#t is property of ?ames >orkshop' and is available at http*;;"""!games$"orkshop!com;g"s;content;article!CspNcategoryIdOcat/+7-.1.PaIdO1.---++ Stat conversions are my o"n creation' but if you represent ?ames >orkshop and donGt "ant me making a 4an Conversion "ith your I6' let me kno"!

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