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ConfldenLlal lnformaLlon of Wlzards of Lhe CoasL LLC.

uo noL dlsLrlbuLe.
u&u nexL layLesL 2013 Wlzards
Piopei equipment can mean the uiffeience
between life anu ueath on an auventuie. As an
auventuiei, you might weai aimoi, caiiy one oi
moie weapons, anu heft an auventuiei's pack
containing useful geai to help you navigate
peiilous enviionments anu suivive extenueu
jouineys into the wilueiness.
This chaptei piesents an oveiview of common
aimoi, weapons, anu geai.
When you cieate youi chaiactei, you ieceive
equipment baseu on a combination of youi
backgiounu anu class.
Wealth comes in many foims in the B0NuE0NS &

woilu. Coins, gemstones, tiaue goous,

ait objects, animals, anu piopeity can ieflect
youi chaiactei's financial well-being.
Common coins come in seveial uiffeient
uenominations baseu on the ielative woith of
the metal fiom which they aie maue. The thiee
most common coins in the woilu aie the golu
piece (gp), the silvei piece (sp), anu the coppei
piece (cp). 0ne golu piece is woith ten silvei
pieces. 0ne silvei piece is woith ten coppei
In auuition to the common coins, othei
unusual metals sometimes come to suiface in
tiansactions. The electium piece (ep) anu the
platinum piece (pp) oiiginate fiom fallen
empiies anu lost kinguoms, anu they aiouse
suspicion anu skepticism when useu in
tiansactions. An electium piece is woith five
silvei pieces, while a platinum piece is woith ten
golu pieces.
A stanuaiu coin weighs about a thiiu of an
ounce, so fifty coins equal a pounu.
A typical commonei uses coppei pieces anu
sometimes silvei. 0thei coins aie mainly foi
wealthy meichants, nobles, anu the hoaius of
gieeuy uiagons.
!"#$%#&% ()*+#$,( &#"(!
*-./ 01 21 31 41 11
Copper (cp) 1 1/10 1/30 1/100 1/1,000
Sllver (sp) 10 1 1/3 1/10 1/100
LlecLrum (ep) 30 3 1 1/2 1/20
Cold (gp) 100 10 2 1 1/10
laLlnum (pp) 1,000 100 20 10 1

Selling Loot
0ppoitunities abounu in B&B

to finu tieasuie,
equipment, weapons, aimoi, anu moie in the
uungeons you exploie. Noimally, you can sell
youi tieasuies anu tiinkets when you ietuin to a
town oi othei settlement, wheie you can finu
buyeis anu meichants inteiesteu in youi loot.
!"#$% '"(")*+% ,-. /*0 123"40$5 These items
ietain theii full value in the maiketplace, anu
you can eithei tiaue them in foi coin oi use them
as cuiiency foi othei tiansactions. Foi
exceptionally valuable tieasuies, the BN might
iequiie you to finu a buyei in a laige town oi
laigei community fiist.
6*,." !77.$5 0n the boiueilanus, many
people conuuct tiansactions thiough baitei. Like
gems anu ait objects, tiaue gooussuch as bais
of iion, bags of salt, livestock, anu so onietain
theii full value in the maiket anu can be useu as
/*#$% /*#7*% !",*5 As a geneial iule,
weapons, aimoi, anu othei equipment fetch half
theii cost when solu in a maiket. Weapons anu
aimoi useu by monsteis, howevei, aie iaiely in
goou enough conuition to sell.
8,9:4 ;0"#$5 Selling magic that you finu as
loot is pioblematic. Finuing someone to buy a
potion oi a scioll isn't too haiu, but othei items
aie out of the iealm of most but the wealthiest
nobles. Likewise, asiue fiom a few common
magic items, you won't noimally come acioss
magic items oi spells to puichase. In othei
woius, the value of magic is fai beyonu simple
golu anu shoulu always be tieateu as such.
ConfldenLlal lnformaLlon of Wlzards of Lhe CoasL LLC.
uo noL dlsLrlbuLe.
u&u nexL layLesL 2013 Wlzards
Aimoi anu Shielus
Aimoi anu shielus piotect you against the
myiiau stiikes, stabs, anu ciushing blows faceu
uuiing any expeuition. Youi class ueteimines
what types of aimoi you can weai as well as
whethei you can use shielus. The Aimoi table
summaiizes the benefits gaineu fiom weaiing
Aimoi Categoiies
All foims of aimoi fall into one of the foui
following categoiies.
<:9=0 /*#7*5 Naue fiom lightweight mateiials,
light aimoi favois agile auventuieis since it
offeis some piotection without saciificing any
8".:># /*#7*5 Neuium aimoi ielies moie
on metal components to impiove its uefensive
qualities, but such mateiials can weigh the
weaiei uown.
?",@+ /*#7*5 0f all the aimoi categoiies,
heavy aimoi offeis the best piotection. These
suits of aimoi covei the entiie bouy anu aie
uesigneu to stop a wiue iange of attacks. 0nly
pioficient waiiiois can manage theii weight anu
A=:").5 A shielu pioviues auuitional piotection
above anu beyonu what aimoi offeis.
Auuitionally, shielus can be useu as weapons in
0sing the Aimoi Table

woilus aie a vast tapestiy maue up of

many uiffeient cultuies, each with its own
technology levels. Foi this ieason, auventuieis
might finu a wiue iange of aimoi types, ianging
fiom leathei aimoi to chain mail to costly plate
aimoi, anu a wiue iange of aimois in between.
The Aimoi table collects the most commonly
available types of aimoi founu in the game anu
sepaiates them into aimoi categoiies.
B,#"5 The name of the suit of aimoi oi shielu.
C7$05 The typical maiket piice foi the aimoi oi
/*#7* C),$$ D/CE5 Aimoi piotects its weaiei
fiom attacks, whethei those attacks come in the
foim of a swoiu stiike oi a fieiy missile huileu
fiom a wizaiu. The aimoi ueteimines youi base
Aimoi Class, to which you auu youi entiie
Bexteiity mouifiei, up to a mouifiei of +2, oi no
mouifiei. 0sing a shielu incieases youi Aimoi
AF"".5 Some aimoi loweis youi speeu.
Reuuce youi speeu by the given amount.
A0",)0= G:$,.@,-0,9"5 Some aimoi makes it
uifficult to hiue. When you aie weaiing such
aimoi, you have uisauvantage on any check you
make to hiue oi move silently. See "Bow to Play"
foi iules conceining stealth.
H":9=05 The aimoi's weight.
uetting Into anu 0ut of Aimoi
The time it takes to uon oi iemove aimoi
uepenus on the aimoi's categoiy.
G7-5 This is the time it takes to put on aimoi.
You benefit fiom the aimoi's AC only if you take
the full time to uon the suit of aimoi.
I"#7@"5 This is the time it takes to take off
aimoi. If you have help, ieuuce this time by half.
%5$$6$, #$% &(7586$, #&75&
*9:34-;< %-/ &3=->3
LlghL Armor 1 mlnuLe 1 mlnuLe
Medlum Armor 3 mlnuLes 1 mlnuLe
Peavy Armor 10 mlnuLes 3 mlnuLes

Aimoi Pioficiency
Anyone can put on a suit of aimoi oi stiap a
shielu to an aim. 0nly those pioficient in aimoi's
use know how to use it effectively. If you put on
aimoi that you cannot use, you have
uisauvantage on checks, saving thiows, anu
attack iolls that involve Stiength oi Bexteiity.
ConfldenLlal lnformaLlon of Wlzards of Lhe CoasL LLC.
uo noL dlsLrlbuLe.
u&u nexL layLesL 2013 Wlzards 3
#;=-; ?;.03 #;=-; *@922 A#*B !133C !:39@:D E3.4D:
!"#$% '()*(
added armor 3 gp 11 + uex modlfler - ulsadvanLage 13 lb.
LeaLher armor 10 gp 11 + uex modlfler - - 13 lb.
uragon leaLher 300 gp 12 + uex modlfler - - 13 lb.
MlLhral shlrL 3,000 gp 13 + uex modlfler - - 10 lb.
+,-".) '()*(
Plde armor 10 gp 12 + uex modlfler (max 2) - - 20 lb.
SLudded leaLher 23 gp 13 + uex modlfler (max 2) - - 20 lb.
Scale mall 30 gp 14 + uex modlfler (max 2) - ulsadvanLage 30 lb.
SLudded dragon leaLher 300 gp 14 + uex modlfler (max 2) - - 20 lb.
uragon scale 300 gp 13 + uex modlfler (max 2) - ulsadvanLage 23 lb.
MlLhral scale 3,000 gp 13 + uex modlfler (max 2) - - 23 lb.
/,012 '()*(
8lng mall 30 gp 14 -3 feeL ulsadvanLage 40 lb.
Chaln mall 73 gp 16 -3 feeL ulsadvanLage 40 lb.
SpllnL 300 gp 17 -3 feeL ulsadvanLage 43 lb.
8anded 730 gp 17 - ulsadvanLage 43 lb.
laLe 3,000 gp 18 -3 feeL ulsadvanLage 30 lb.
MlLhral plaLe 6,000 gp 18 - ulsadvanLage 40 lb.
Shleld 10 gp +2 - - 3 lb.

Aimoi Besciiptions
The types of aimoi founu on the Aimoi table aie
uesciibeu heie, along with any special piopeities
they each possess.
J,-.".5 This aimoi is maue of oveilapping
stiips of metal sewn to a backing of leathei anu
chain mail. The stiips covei vulneiable aieas; the
chain mail anu leathei piotect the joints while
pioviuing fieeuom of movement. Stiaps anu
buckles uistiibute the weight evenly, making it
easiei to move aiounu in this aimoi. This suit
incluues a helmet anu gauntlets.
C=,:- 8,:)5 Naue of inteilocking metal iings,
chain mail incluues a layei of quilteu fabiic woin
unueineath the mail to pievent chafing anu to
cushion the impact of blows. Seveial layeis of
mail hang ovei vital aieas. Nost of the aimoi's
weight hangs fiom the shoulueis, making the
aimoi uncomfoitable to weai foi long peiious.
The suit incluues gauntlets.
G*,97- <",0="*5 This leathei aimoi is maue
fiom the hiue of a uiagon. It is extiemely supple
yet fai moie uuiable than stanuaiu leathei
G*,97- A4,)"5 This suit of scale aimoi is maue
fiom a uiagon's scales iathei than metal,
gianting it supeiioi piotective capabilities anu
?:."5 This ciuue aimoi consists of thick fuis
anu hiues. It is commonly woin by baibaiian
tiibes, evil humanoius, anu othei folk who lack
access to the tools anu mateiials neeueu to
cieate bettei aimoi.
<",0="*5 The bieastplate anu shouluei
piotectois of this aimoi aie maue of leathei that
has been stiffeneu by being boileu in oil. The iest
of the aimoi is maue of softei anu moie flexible
8:0=*,) K),0"5 This suit of plate aimoi is
ciafteu fiom mithial. It is easy to move in
compaieu to othei soits of metal aimoi. The
uwaives sometimes gift this aimoi to theii most
tiusteu allies.
8:0=*,) A=:*05 This extiemely light chain shiit
is maue of veiy fine mithial links. The aimoi is
light enough to weai unuei noimal clothing. It is
most commonly ciafteu by elves.
K,..".5 Pauueu aimoi consists of quilteu
layeis of cloth anu batting. It is heaviei anu less
supple than leathei aimoi.
ConfldenLlal lnformaLlon of Wlzards of Lhe CoasL LLC.
uo noL dlsLrlbuLe.
u&u nexL layLesL 2013 Wlzards 4
K),0"5 Consisting of shapeu anu fitteu metal
plates iiveteu anu inteilockeu to covei the entiie
bouy, a suit of plate incluues gauntlets, heavy
leathei boots, a visoieu helmet, anu thick layeis
of pauuing that is woin unueineath the aimoi.
Buckles anu stiaps uistiibute the weight ovei
the bouy. Each suit of plate must be inuiviuually
fitteu to its ownei by a mastei aimoismith,
although a suit gaineu fiom anothei can be
iesizeu to fit a new ownei foi half the aimoi's
maiket piice.
I:-9 8,:)5 This aimoi is leathei aimoi with
heavy iings sewn into the mateiial. The iings
help ieinfoice the aimoi against blows fiom
swoius anu axes. Ring mail is typically
consiueieu infeiioi to chain mail, but it is still
woin by those who cannot affoiu bettei aimoi.
A4,)" 8,:)5 This aimoi consists of a coat anu
leggings (anu peihaps a sepaiate skiit) of leathei
coveieu with oveilapping pieces of metal, much
like the scales of a fish. The suit incluues
A=:").5 Shielus aie caiiieu in one hanu, anu
they offei mouest piotection against piojectiles
anu melee attacks alike.
AF):-05 This aimoi is maue of naiiow veitical
stiips of metal iiveteu to a backing of leathei
that is woin ovei cloth pauuing. Flexible chain
mail piotects the joints.
A0>..". <",0="*5 Naue fiom tough but
flexible leathei (not haiueneu leathei, as with
noimal leathei aimoi), stuuueu leathei is
ieinfoiceu with close-set iivets oi spikes.
A0>..". G*,97- <",0="*5 This is a suit of
stuuueu leathei ciafteu fiom the tough hiue of a
Few auventuieis have much luck oi success in
theii enueavois without a tiusteu weapon. Youi
class giants pioficiency in ceitain weapons,
ieflecting both youi class's focus anu the tools
you aie most likely to use. Whethei you favoi a
long swoiu oi a longbow, youi weapon anu youi
ability to wielu it effectively can mean the
uiffeience between life anu ueath while
Weapon Pioficiency
If you make an attack ioll using a weapon with
which you lack pioficiency, you make the attack
ioll with uisauvantage.
Weapon Categoiies
Each weapon falls into one of the following
categoiies, which aie bioau gioups that shaie
ceitain key tiaits. Youi class ueteimines what
weapons you can use.
A:#F)" H",F7-$5 Nost people can use simple
weapons with pioficiency. These weapons
incluue clubs, maces, anu othei weapons
commonly founu in the hanus of commoneis.
8,*0:,) H",F7-$5 Nost waiiiois use maitial
weapons because these weapons best use theii
fighting style anu tiaining.
0sing the Weapon Table
The most common weapons in the game aie
piesenteu on the Weapons table. Each weapon
has the following chaiacteiistics.
B,#"5 The weapon's name.
K*:4"5 The weapon's typical maiket piice.
G,#,9"5 When you attack anu hit with the
weapon, you ueal the inuicateu uamage plus any
bonuses anu magic bonuses that apply. The type
of uamage uealt by the weapon is also noteu
H":9=05 The weapon's weight.
K*7F"*0:"$5 If the weapon has any piopeities,
they'ie noteu in this column.
!""#$%&%'$( You can use a weapon that has
the ammunition piopeity to make a iangeu
attack only if you have ammunition to launch
fiom the weapon. Each time you attack with the
weapon, you expenu one piece of ammunition. At
the enu of the battle, you can iecovei half youi
expenueu ammunition by taking a minute
seaiching the battlefielu.
If you employ such a weapon to make a melee
attack, you use the weapon as an impioviseu
weapon. A sling must be loaueu to ueal any
uamage when useu in this way.
)'#*+,( A uouble weapon has a blaue oi a
bluugeon on both enus. You aie consiueieu to
have a uiffeient light weapon in each hanu when
you wielu the weapon with both hanus.
ConfldenLlal lnformaLlon of Wlzards of Lhe CoasL LLC.
uo noL dlsLrlbuLe.
u&u nexL layLesL 2013 Wlzards 3
A uouble weapon has two uamage values. The
fiist one is foi the weapon's piimaiy enu, anu
the seconu is foi the seconuaiy enu, which is
useu only when you'ie attack with both enus.
-%$,..,( When making an attack with a finesse
weapon, you can use youi choice of youi
Stiength oi Bexteiity mouifiei with youi attack
anu uamage iolls.
/,012( A heavy weapon's size anu bulk make it
too laige foi a Small cieatuie to use effectively.
Small cieatuies have uisauvantage on all attacks
maue with heavy weapons.
3%45&( A light weapon is small anu easy to
hanule, making it iueal foi use when fighting
with two weapons.
3'06%$4( Because of the time iequiieu to loau
this weapon, you can fiie only one piece of
ammunition fiom it when you use an action oi
ieaction to fiie it.
7'#$&,6( You have uisauvantage when you use
a mounteu weapon to attack a taiget within S
feet of you. Also, a mounteu weapon iequiies
two hanus to wielu when you aie unmounteu.
80$4,( A weapon that can be useu to make a
iangeu attack has a iange in paientheses aftei
the piopeity that uesciibes how the weapon is
useu to make a iangeu attack. The iange lists
two numbeis. The fiist is the weapon's noimal
iange, in feet, anu the seconu inuicates the
weapon's maximum iange. When attacking
enemies beyonu noimal iange, you have
uisauvantage on attack iolls.
8,095( When you attack with this weapon,
youi ieach incieases by S feet.
:;,9%0+( A special weapon has unusual iules
goveining its use.
<5='>$( If the weapon has the thiown
piopeity, you can thiow the weapon at a taiget
to make a iangeu attack. You use youi Stiength
mouifiei foi the iangeu attack ioll anu uamage
ioll, iathei than youi Bexteiity mouifiei. You can
also use the weapon to make melee attacks.
<>'?/0$6,6( This weapon iequiies two hanus
to use.
@,=.0&%+,( This weapon can be useu with one oi
two hanus. It has two uamage values. The fiist is
foi its one-hanueu use, the seconu foi when
using it two-hanueu. Small cieatuies can use
these weapons only two-hanueu.

$9=3 ?;.03 %9=943 E3.4D: ?;-13;:.32
3")54, 6,05*78
CesLus 1 gp 1d4 bludgeonlng 1 lb. LlghL
Club 1 sp 1d4 bludgeonlng 3 lb. LlghL
Crossbow, llghL 23 gp 1d8 plerclng 6 lb. AmmunlLlon (range 80/320), loadlng, Lwo-handed
uagger 2 gp 1d4 plerclng 1 lb. llnesse, llghL, Lhrown (range 30/120)
uarL 3 cp each 1d4 plerclng 1/2 lb. llnesse, Lhrown (range 30/120)
CreaLclub 2 sp 1d8 bludgeonlng 13 lb. 1wo-handed
!avelln 3 sp 1d6 plerclng 4 lb. llnesse, Lhrown (range 30/120)
Mace 3 gp 1d6 bludgeonlng 8 lb. -
CuarLersLaff 2 sp 1d4/1d4 bludgeonlng 4 lb. uouble, flnesse, Lwo-handed
ShorLbow 23 gp 1d6 plerclng 2 lb. AmmunlLlon (range 80/320), Lwo-handed
Sllng 1 sp 1d4 bludgeonlng 1/2 lb. AmmunlLlon (range 30/120)
Spear 1 gp 1d6/1d8 plerclng 3 lb. 1hrown (range 20/60), versaLlle
unarmed sLrlke - 1 bludgeonlng - -

ConfldenLlal lnformaLlon of Wlzards of Lhe CoasL LLC.
uo noL dlsLrlbuLe.
u&u nexL layLesL 2013 Wlzards 6
+0(%"04 6,05*78
8asLard sword 33 gp 1d8/1d10 slashlng 10 lb. versaLlle
8aLLleaxe 10 gp 1d8 slashlng 10 lb. -
8lowgun 10 gp 1 plerclng 2 lb. AmmunlLlon (range 30/90), loadlng, speclal
8olas 2 gp 1 bludgeonlng 1 lb. Speclal, Lhrown (range 30/90)
Crossbow, hand 73 gp 1d6 plerclng 3 lb. AmmunlLlon (range 30/120)
Crossbow, heavy 30 gp 1d10 plerclng 10 lb. AmmunlLlon (range 100/400), loadlng, Lwo-handed
uouble axe 10 gp 1d6/1d6 slashlng 2 lb. uouble, Lwo-handed
uouble sword 10 gp 1d6/1d6 slashlng 2 lb. uouble, Lwo-handed
llall 10 gp 1d8 bludgeonlng 2 lb. -
Clalve 10 gp 1d10 slashlng 13 lb. Peavy, reach, Lwo-handed
CreaLaxe 30 gp 1d12 slashlng 13 lb. Peavy, Lwo-handed
CreaLsword 30 gp 1d12 slashlng 10 lb. Peavy, Lwo-handed
Palberd 10 gp 1d10 slashlng 13 lb. Peavy, reach, Lwo-handed
Pandaxe 3 gp 1d6 slashlng 7 lb. LlghL, Lhrown (range 20/60)
kaLana 33 gp 1d10 slashlng 3 lb. llnesse, Lwo-handed
Lance 10 gp 1d12 plerclng 10 lb. MounLed, reach
LlghL hammer 2 gp 1d6 bludgeonlng 7 lb. LlghL, Lhrown (range 20/60)
Long sword 13 gp 1d8 slashlng 3 lb. -
Longbow 30 gp 1d8 plerclng 3 lb. AmmunlLlon (range 130/600), Lwo-handed
Maul 10 gp 1d12 bludgeonlng 23 lb. Peavy, Lwo-handed
MornlngsLar 13 gp 1d8 plerclng 12 lb. -
neL 1 gp none 3 lb. Speclal, Lhrown (range 20/60)
lke 3 gp 1d8 plerclng 3 lb. 8each, Lwo-handed
8apler 23 gp 1d8 plerclng 2 lb. llnesse
SclmlLar 23 gp 1d6 slashlng 4 lb. llnesse, llghL
ShorL sword 10 gp 1d6 plerclng 3 lb. llnesse, llghL
Splked chaln 13 gp 1d8 plerclng 3 lb. llnesse, reach, Lwo-handed
Splked shleld 8 gp 1d6 plerclng 3 lb. LlghL, speclal
1rldenL 3 gp 1d8 plerclng 6 lb. -
urgrosh 10 gp 1d10 slashlng/1d4 plerclng 2 lb. uouble, Lwo-handed
War plck 3 gp 1d8 plerclng 6 lb. -
Warhammer 13 gp 1d8 bludgeonlng 8 lb. -
Whlp 2 gp 1d4 slashlng 2 lb. LlghL, reach, speclal

Impioviseu Weapons
Any object can seive as a weapon, even if it
wasn't uesigneu foi such use. An impioviseu
weapon can be any object you can wielu in one
oi two hanus, such as bioken glass, a table leg, a
fiying pan, a wagon wheel, oi a ueau goblin.
In many cases, an impioviseu weapon is
similai to an actual weapon, anu can be tieateu
as such. Foi example, a table leg is akin to a club.
At the BN's uiscietion, a chaiactei pioficient
with a weapon can use a compaiable object as if
it weie that weapon.
Typically, an object that beais no iesemblance
to an actual weapon ueals 1u4 uamage, oi 1u6 if
it is wielueu with two hanus. The uamage type is
appiopiiate to the object. The BN might assign a
uiffeient uamage type baseu on the object useu.
Silveieu Weapons
Some monsteis have a special vulneiability to
silvei weapons, so many auventuieis invest the
extia coin to silvei the weapons they wielu. You
can silvei a single weapon oi 1u pieces of
ammunition foi 1uu gp. This cost iepiesents not
only the piice of the silvei, but the time anu
expeitise neeueu to auu silvei to the weapon
without making it less effective.
Special Weapons
Weapons with special iules aie uesciibeu heie.
ConfldenLlal lnformaLlon of Wlzards of Lhe CoasL LLC.
uo noL dlsLrlbuLe.

u&u nexL layLesL 2013 Wlzards 7
J)7(9>-5 A blowgun iequiies neeules as
ammunition. As pait of the action useu to loau a
blowgun, you can apply poison to the neeule
loaueu into it.
J7),$5 A Laige oi smallei cieatuie hit by a
bolas must succeeu on a BC 1u Bexteiity saving
thiow oi be iestiaineu by it. A cieatuie can
bieak fiee of the bolas by using its action to
make a BC 1u Stiength check oi by uealing S
slashing uamage to the bolas. Foimless cieatuies
aie immune to this effect.
B"05 When you attack with a net, you taiget a
point in space. All Laige oi smallei cieatuies
within S feet of that point must succeeuon a BC
1u Bexteiity saving thiow oi be iestiaineu by
the net. A cieatuie can bieak fiee of the net by
using its action to make a BC 1u Stiength check
oi by uealing S slashing uamage to the net.
Foimless cieatuies aie immune to this effect.
AF:L". A=:").5 A spikeu shielu counts as a
shielu, gianting the shielu's noimal +2 bonus to
H=:F5 You use youi Bexteiity mouifiei on
attack iolls with a whip, but you use no ability
mouifiei on uamage iolls with the whip.
Auventuiing ueai
This section uesciibes common geai available to
auventuieis. Items that have special iules aie
uesciibeu below.
/4:.5 As an action, you can splash aciu onto a
cieatuie within S feet of you oi thiow it up to 2u
feet. Nake a iangeu attack. 0n a hit, the taiget
takes 1u4 aciu uamage. If pouieu on metal, the
metal takes 1u4 aciu uamage at the stait of each
of youi tuins foi 1u4 iounus.
/.@"-0>*"*M$ N:05 This pack has the basics
that an auventuiei neeus to get along in the
wilueiness. The kit incluues a backpack, a
healei's kit, a mess kit, Su feet of hempen iope, a
tinueibox, ten toiches, ten uays of iations, anu a
/)4="#:$0M$ O:*"5 This sticky, auhesive fluiu
ignites when exposeu to aii. As an action, you
can splash alchemist's fiie onto a cieatuie within
S feet of youi oi thiow it up to 2u feet. Nake a
iangeu attack. 0n a hit, the taiget takes 1u4 fiie
uamage at the stait of each of its tuins. A
cieatuie can enu this uamage by using its action
to make a BC 11 Bexteiity check to extinguish
the flames.
/##>-:0:7-5 Bows iequiie aiiows,
ciossbows iequiie bolts, slings iequiie bullets,
anu blowguns iequiie neeules.
/-0:07P:-5 A living cieatuie that uiinks this
liquiu gains poison iesistance anu auvantage on
saving thiows against poison foi 1 houi.
/*0:$,-M$ 677)$5 These special tools incluue
the items neeueu to puisue any ciaft. Without
them, you have a uisauvantage on checks maue
to ciaft.
J,4LF,4L5 This leathei pack is caiiieu on the
back anu has stiaps to secuie it. It can holu up to
1 cubic foot of mateiial.
#%8($"F&6$, ,(#&
6:3= ?;.03 E3.4D:
Acld (flask) 23 gp 1 lb.
AdvenLurer's klL 9 gp 38 lb.
AlchemlsL's flre (flask) 30 gp 1 lb.
Arrows (20) 1 gp 3 lb.
8olLs (20) 1 gp 3 lb.
8ulleLs (20) 4 cp 2 lb.
needle (30) 1 gp 1 lb.
AnLlLoxln (vlal) 30 gp -
ArLlsan's Lools 3 gp 3 lb.
8ackpack (empLy) 2 gp 2 lb.
8all bearlngs (100) 1 gp 1 lb.
8edroll 1 gp 3 lb.
8ell 1 gp -
8lankeL, wlnLer 3 sp 3 lb.
8lock and Lackle 1 gp 3 lb.
8uckeL (empLy) 3 cp 2 lb.
CalLrops 1 gp 2 lb.
Candle, Lallow 1 cp 1/10 lb.
Case, map or scroll 1 gp 1 lb.
Chaln (10 feeL) 3 gp 3 lb.
Chalk (1 plece) 1 cp -
Cllmber's klL 23 gp 3 lb.
CloLhes, common 3 sp 3 lb.
CloLhes, cosLume 3 gp 4 lb.
CloLhes, flne 13 gp 6 lb.
CloLhes, Lraveler's 2 gp 4 lb.
Crowbar 2 sp 3 lb.
ulsgulse klL 23 gp 8 lb.
llshlng Lackle 1 gp 4 lb.
llask (clay) 2 cp -
Crappllng hook 2 gp 4 lb.
Pammer, baslc 2 sp 2 lb.
Pealer's klL 3 gp 1 lb.
ConfldenLlal lnformaLlon of Wlzards of Lhe CoasL LLC.
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u&u nexL layLesL 2013 Wlzards 8
Poly symbol 3 gp -
Poly waLer (flask) 23 gp 1 lb.
Pourglass 3 gp 1 lb.
PunLlng Lrap 3 gp 13 lb.
lnk (1-ounce vlal) 10 gp -
lnk pen 2 cp -
!ug (clay) 2 cp 9 lb.
Ladder (10-fooL) 1 sp 20 lb.
Lamp, common 3 sp 1 lb.
LanLern, bullseye 10 gp 3 lb.
LanLern, hooded 3 gp 2 lb.
Lock 10 gp 1 lb.
Magnlfylng glass 100 gp -
Manacles 2 gp 2 lb.
Mess klL 1 sp 1 lb.
Mlrror, small, sLeel 3 gp 1/2 lb.
Muslcal lnsLrumenL 3 gp 3 lb.
Cll (1-plnL flask) 1 sp 1 lb.
aper (sheeL) 2 sp -
archmenL (sheeL) 1 sp -
lck, mlner's 3 sp 10 lb.
lLon 3 cp 1/2 lb.
olson, baslc (vlal) 100 gp -
ole (10-fooL) 3 cp 8 lb.
oL, lron 1 sp 10 lb.
9*%"*7 *: $,04"7# 30 gp 1 lb.
ouch, belL (empLy) 1 gp 1 lb.
8am, porLable 1 gp 20 lb.
8aLlons (1 day) 1 sp 1 lb.
8obes 1 gp 4 lb.
8ope, hempen (30 feeL) 1 gp 10 lb.
8ope, sllk (30 feeL) 10 gp 3 lb.
Sack 1 cp 1/2 lb.
Scale, merchanL's 3 gp 1 lb.
Seallng wax 3 sp 1 lb.
Slgnal whlsLle 3 cp -
SlgneL rlng 3 gp -
Sledge 3 sp 10 lb.
Soap 2 cp 1 lb.
Spade or shovel 3 sp 8 lb.
Spellbook (blank) 73 gp 3 lb.
Splke, lron (10) 2 cp 3 lb.
Spyglass 1,000 gp 1 lb.
1enL 2 gp 20 lb.
1hleves' Lools 23 gp 1 lb.
1lnderbox 3 sp 1 lb.
1ome 23 gp 3 lb.
1orch 1 cp 1 lb.
vlal 1 gp -
WaLerskln (full) 2 sp 4 lb.
WheLsLone 1 cp 1 lb.

J,)) J",*:-9$5 You can spill the contents of
the packet oi pouch to spieau tiny metal balls
acioss the flooi. A cieatuie moving acioss an
aiea coveieu with ball beaiings must succeeu on
a BC 11 Bexteiity saving thiow oi fall pione. A
cieatuie that notices the ball beaiings can move
at half speeu thiough the aiea to avoiu falling
pione. A single pouch of ball beaiings coveis a
1u-foot-squaie aiea.
J".*7))5 Auventuieis often uon't know wheie
they'ie going to sleep. A beuioll is beuuing anu a
blanket thin enough to be iolleu up anu tieu.
J),-L"0% H:-0"*5 A heavy blanket peifect foi
keeping waim oi to ueauen the sounu of
bieaking glass.
J)74L ,-. 6,4L)"5 You can use this set of
pulleys to lift up to foui times the weight you can
noimally lift.
J>4L"05 A seiviceable woouen bucket can holu
oi caiiy up to 1 cubic foot of mateiial.
C,)0*7F$5 These laige metal jacks have
shaipeneu points, iathei than balls, on the enus
of theii aims. When scatteieu acioss the giounu,
they always lanu with a point up, so cieatuies
have to move slowly to avoiu them. A single bag
of caltiops coveis a S-foot-squaie aiea. Any
cieatuie that enteis the aiea must make a BC 1S
Bexteiity saving thiow. 0n a faileu saving thiow,
the cieatuie takes 1 pieicing uamage anu a -1u
foot penalty to speeu until it iegains this hit
point. A cieatuie moving thiough the aiea at half
speeu uoesn't neeu to make the saving thiow.
C,-.)"5 A canule pioviues uim light in a S-foot
iauius anu buins foi 1 houi.
C=,:-5 A chain has 1u hit points. It can be
buist with a BC 19 Stiength check.
C):#2"*M$ N:05 A climbei's kit incluues special
pitons, boot tips, gloves, anu a hainess that aius
in climbing. When using a climbei's kit, you gain
a +2 bonus to checks maue to climb.
C*7(2,*5 A ciowbai giants a +2 bonus to
Stiength checks maue to levei closeu objects
G:$9>:$" N:05 A bag of cosmetics, haii uye, anu
small physical piops. To cieate a believable
uisguise, you must expenu a use of this kit. A
uisguise kit has ten uses. Anyone tiying to see
thiough youi uisguise makes a Wisuom check
against youi Chaiisma check.
ConfldenLlal lnformaLlon of Wlzards of Lhe CoasL LLC.
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u&u nexL layLesL 2013 Wlzards 9
O:$=:-9 6,4L)"5 This kit incluues a biichwoou
iou, silken line, coikwoou bobbeis, steel hooks,
leau sinkeis, velvet luies, anu naiiow netting.
O),$L5 A clay containei fitteu with a tight
stoppei, a flask can holu 1 pint of fluiu.
!*,FF):-9 ?77L5 You can use a giappling
hook to anchoi a iope in place.
?",)"*M$ N:05 It is the peifect tool foi healing,
containing banuages, salves, anu splints. 0sing
this kit pioviues auvantage on checks maue to
heal. A healei's kit has twenty uses. As an action,
you can expenu a use fiom youi healei's kit to
automatically stabilize a fallen comiaue. Buiing
a iest, you can spenu one use of the healei's kit
to allow up to ten chaiacteis unuei youi caie to
spenu any numbei of theii Bit Bice.
?7)+ A+#27)5 A holy symbol is a small
iepiesentation of a gou, pantheon, oi philosophy,
usually maue fiom silvei.
?7)+ H,0"*5 As an action, you can splash this
blesseu watei onto a cieatuie within S feet of
you oi thiow it up to 2u feet. Nake a iangeu
attack. 0n a hit against a fienu oi evil unueau
cieatuie, the taiget takes 1u4 iauiant uamage.
?>-0:-9 6*,F5 This tiap is a toothy steel iing
that snaps shut when a cieatuie steps on the
piessuie plate. When hiuuen unuei leaves anu
unueibiush, it's haiu to uetect. A cieatuie
stepping into the tiap must succeeu on a BC 1S
Bexteiity saving thiow oi take 1u6 pieicing
uamage anu be iestiaineu. Fieeing oneself fiom
the tiap iequiies a successful BC 1S Stiength
check. Each faileu check ueals 1 pieicing uamage.
'>95 A basic ceiamic containei fitteu with a
stoppei, a jug can holu 1 gallon of liquiu.
<,.."*5 A stiaight, simple woouen lauuei.
<,-0"*-% J>))$"+"5 A bullseye lantein casts
biight light in a 6u-foot cone anu uim light in a
12u-foot cone. 0nce lit, it buins foi 6 houis on a
pint of oil.
<,-0"*-% C7##7-5 A common lantein casts
biight light in a Su-foot iauius anu uim light in a
6u-foot iauius. 0nce lit, it buins foi 6 houis on a
pint of oil.
<,-0"*-% ?77.".5 A hooueu lantein casts
biight light in a Su-foot iauius anu uim light in a
6u-foot iauius. 0nce lit, it buins foi 6 houis on a
pint of oil. As an action, you can lowei the lamp's
hoou. This ieuuces its light to a S-foot iauius of
uim light.
<74L5 A lock is woikeu with a laige, bulky key
(pioviueu with the lock). Without the key, a
cieatuie pioficient with thieves' tools can pick
this lock with a successful BC 1S check. Bettei
locks aie available foi highei piices.
8,9-:Q+:-9 !),$$5 This simple lens allows a
closei look at small objects. It is also useful as a
substitute foi flint anu steel when staiting fiies.
Lighting a fiie with a magnifying glass iequiies
light as biight as sunlight to focus, tinuei to
ignite, anu about S minutes foi the fiie to ignite.
A magnifying glass giants auvantage on any
check maue to appiaise oi inspect an item that is
small oi highly uetaileu.
8,-,4)"$5 These metal iestiaints can binu a
Small oi Neuium cieatuie. Escaping the
manacles iequiies a BC 19 Bexteiity check.
Bieaking them iequiies a BC 21 Stiength check.
Each set of manacles comes with one key.
Nanacles have 1S hit points.
8"$$ N:05 This small tin box contains a cup anu
simple cutleiy.
8>$:4,) ;-$0*>#"-05 This item encompasses a
wiue iange of instiuments. The BN might ueciue
laigei anu moie fantastical instiuments have a
highei piice anu weight.
1:)5 A pint of oil buins foi 6 houis in a lantein.
As an action, you can splash oil onto a cieatuie
within S feet of you oi thiow it up to 2u feet.
Nake a iangeu attack. 0n a hit, the taiget is
coveieu in oil. If the taiget takes any fiie uamage
befoie the oil uiies (aftei about 1 minute), the
taiget takes S extia fiie uamage. You can poui a
pint of oil on the giounu to covei a S-foot-squaie
aiea, pioviueu that the suiface is smooth. If lit,
the oil buins foi 2 iounus anu ueals S fiie
uamage to any cieatuie enteiing the aiea oi
enuing its tuin theie.
K:4L% 8:-"*M$5 uoou foi bieaking apait stone
oi haiu-packeu eaith, a minei's pick can be useu
as an impioviseu weapon that ueals pieicing
K:07-5 Climbeis hammei pitons into walls to
cieate theii own hanuholus. Pitons aie also
useful foi spiking a uooi shut, causing the uooi
to become stuck.
K7:$7-% J,$:45 Theie's enough poison in this
vial to coat one slashing oi pieicing weapon oi
up to thiee pieces of ammunition such as bolts
oi aiiows. Applying the poison takes an action. A
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u&u nexL layLesL 2013 Wlzards 10
cieatuie hit by the poisoneu weapon oi
ammunition must make a BC 11 Constitution
saving thiow oi take 1u4 poison uamage. 0nce
applieu, the poison ietains potency foi 1 minute
befoie uiying.
K7)"5 Auventuieis use 1u-foot poles to test the
passages aheau of them foi tiaps. Though haiuly
a ieplacement foi a iogue, a pole might uncovei
a hiuuen uangei befoie you stumble into it.
K70% ;*7-5 uoou foi cooking, an iion pot can
holu up to 1 gallon of fluiu. It can also seive as an
impioviseu weapon.
!"#$"% "' ()*+$%,5 This small vial of magical
fluiu iestoies life anu eneigy to the inuiviuual
consuming it. A chaiactei who uiinks the
contents iegains 2u4 + 2 hit points. Biinking oi
auministeiing a potion takes an action.
K7>4=% J")05 This leathei pouch stiaps to youi
belt. It's goou foi holuing things you neeu to
ietiieve in a huiiy. A belt pouch can holu about
one-fifth of a cubic foot of mateiial.
I,#% K7*0,2)"5 You can use a poitable iam to
bieak uown uoois. When uoing so, you gain
auvantage on the Stiength check. If anothei
chaiactei assists you, youi minimum uie ioll on
the check is equal to youi Stiength scoie plus 2.
I,0:7-$5 Compact, uiy, high-eneigy foous,
suitable foi extenueu tiavel, iations incluue
jeiky, uiieu fiuit, haiutack, anu nuts.
I7F"% ?"#F"-5 Rope has 2 hit points anu can
be buist with a BC 17 Stiength check.
I7F"% A:)L5 Silk iope has the same
chaiacteiistics as hempen iope, but it weighs
A,4L5 This uiawstiing sack maue of builap (oi
similai mateiial) can holu 1 cubic foot of
A4,)"% 8"*4=,-0M$5 A scale incluues a small
balance, pans, anu a suitable assoitment of
weights. A scale gives you auvantage on checks
maue to appiaise objects.
A",):-9 H,P5 This wax melts easily anu is
useu to seal sciolls anu othei uocuments.
A:9-"0 I:-95 A signet iing has a unique uesign
caiveu into it, so when piesseu into waim
sealing wax, the iing leaves behinu an
iuentifying maik.
A)".9"5 The weighty metal sleuge atop the
woouen haft can easily bieak iock apait.
A7,F5 Asiue fiom keeping away uiit anu giime,
soap has myiiau uses, fiom making hinges
slippeiy to being a hanuy object to toss into a
uaikeneu ioom.
AF,." 7* A=7@")5 This basic tool can be useu
as an impioviseu weapon that ueals eithei
slashing oi bluugeoning uamage.
AF"))277L5 Nany wizaius keep a spaie
spellbook on hanu in case they lose theii oiiginal
tome. See "Wizaiu" foi moie infoimation about
AF+9),$$5 0bjects vieweu thiough a spyglass
aie magnifieu to twice theii size.
6"-05 This simple tent sleeps two.
6=:"@"$M 677)$5 Chaiacteis pioficient with
thieves' tools can use them to finu anu uisaim
tiaps anu to open locks. Noimally, these tasks
aie impossible if you lack pioficiency with
thieves' tools. A set of thieves' tools incluues a
small file, a set of lock picks, a small miiioi
mounteu on a metal hanule, a set of naiiow-
blaueu scissois, anu a paii of plieis.
Possession of, anu pioficiency with, thieves'
tools allows the chaiactei to attempt the
following tasks:
)%.0*+, 0 <=0;: You can use youi action to
make a Bexteiity check to attempt to uisable a
tiap. You must have physical access to the tiap's
mechanisms, anu the BC to uisable the tiap is
ueteimineu by the quality of the tiap. If you
succeeu, you uisable the tiap anu can bypass it
safely. If you fail youi Bexteiity check by S oi
moie, you tiiggei the tiap.
B;,$ 0 3'9C: You can use youi action to make a
Bexteiity check to attempt to open a lock. The
BC to open the lock is ueteimineu by the quality
of the lock. If you succeeu, you open the lock.
6:-."*27P5 Lighting a toich with flint anu
steel (incluueu in the tinueibox) is an action, anu
lighting any othei fiie takes at least that long.
67#"5 This heavy book contains loie
peitaining to a paiticulai topic. The BN assigns a
BC to the tome's loie. If you spenu an houi
stuuying the tome, you automatically succeeu at
one Knowleuge skill check with a BC less than oi
equal to the tome's BC iating.
67*4=5 A toich buins foi 1 houi, pioviuing
biight light in a 2u-foot iauius anu uim light in a
4u-foot iauius. If a toich is useu as a weapon,
ConfldenLlal lnformaLlon of Wlzards of Lhe CoasL LLC.
uo noL dlsLrlbuLe.

u&u nexL layLesL 2013 Wlzards 11
tieat it as a club that ueals fiie oi bluugeoning
uamage. Lighting a toich takes an action.
R:,)5 This ceiamic, glass, oi metal vial fitteu
with a tight stoppei is usually no moie than an
inch wiue anu holus about 1 ounce of liquiu.
H,0"*$L:-5 A leathei pouch with a naiiow
neck useu foi holuing watei oi wine, a wateiskin
can holu up to 1 gallon of watei.

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