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Network Working Group Request for Comments: 2544 #$so%etes: &'44 Categor": ,nformationa%

S. Bradner Har ard !ni ersit" (. )*+uaid NetS*out S"stems )ar*- &'''

Ben*-marking )et-odo%og" for Network ,nter*onne*t .e i*es Status of t-is )emo /-is memo pro ides information for t-e ,nternet *ommunit". ,t does not spe*if" an ,nternet standard of an" kind. .istri$ution of t-is memo is un%imited. Cop"rig-t Noti*e Cop"rig-t 0C1 /-e ,nternet So*iet" 0&'''1. ,3SG Note /-is do*ument is a repu$%i*ation of R4C &'44 *orre*ting t-e a%ues for t-e ,5 addresses w-i*- were assigned to $e used as t-e defau%t addresses for networking test equipment. 0See se*tion C.2.2 1. /-is R4C rep%a*es and o$so%etes R4C &'44. 2$stra*t /-is do*ument dis*usses and defines a num$er of tests t-at ma" $e used to des*ri$e t-e performan*e *-ara*teristi*s of a network inter*onne*ting de i*e. ,n addition to defining t-e tests t-is do*ument a%so des*ri$es spe*ifi* formats for reporting t-e resu%ts of t-e tests. 2ppendi6 2 %ists t-e tests and *onditions t-at we $e%ie e s-ou%d $e in*%uded for spe*ifi* *ases and gi es additiona% information a$out testing pra*ti*es. 2ppendi6 B is a referen*e %isting of ma6imum frame rates to $e used wit- spe*ifi* frame si7es on arious media and 2ppendi6 C gi es some e6amp%es of frame formats to $e used in testing. &. ,ntrodu*tion 8endors often engage in 9spe*smans-ip9 in an attempt to gi e t-eir produ*ts a $etter position in t-e marketp%a*e. /-is often in o% es 9smoke : mirrors9 to *onfuse t-e potentia% users of t-e produ*ts. 2%% Rig-ts Reser ed.

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

;5age &< )ar*- &'''

/-is do*ument defines a spe*ifi* set of tests t-at endors *an use to measure and report t-e performan*e *-ara*teristi*s of network de i*es. /-e resu%ts of t-ese tests wi%% pro ide t-e user *ompara$%e data from different endors wit- w-i*- to e a%uate t-ese de i*es. 2 pre ious do*ument= 9Ben*-marking /ermino%og" for Network ,nter*onne*t .e i*es9 0R4C &2421= defined man" of t-e terms t-at are used in t-is do*ument. /-e termino%og" do*ument s-ou%d $e *onsu%ted $efore attempting to make use of t-is do*ument. 2. Rea% wor%d ,n produ*ing t-is do*ument t-e aut-ors attempted to keep in mind t-e requirement t-at apparatus to perform t-e des*ri$ed tests must a*tua%%" $e $ui%t. We do not know of 9off t-e s-e%f9 equipment a ai%a$%e to imp%ement a%% of t-e tests $ut it is our opinion t-at su*- equipment *an $e *onstru*ted. >. /ests to $e run /-ere are a num$er of tests des*ri$ed in t-is do*ument. Not a%% of t-e tests app%" to a%% t"pes of de i*es under test 0.!/s1. 8endors s-ou%d perform a%% of t-e tests t-at *an $e supported $" a spe*ifi* t"pe of produ*t. /-e aut-ors understand t-at it wi%% take a *onsidera$%e period of time to perform a%% of t-e re*ommended tests nder a%% of t-e re*ommended *onditions. We $e%ie e t-at t-e resu%ts are wort- t-e effort. 2ppendi6 2 %ists some of t-e tests and *onditions t-at we $e%ie e s-ou%d $e in*%uded for spe*ifi* *ases. 4. 3 a%uating t-e resu%ts 5erforming a%% of t-e re*ommended tests wi%% resu%t in a great dea% of data. )u*- of t-is data wi%% not app%" to t-e e a%uation of t-e de i*es under ea*- *ir*umstan*e. 4or e6amp%e= t-e rate at w-i*- a router forwards ,5? frames wi%% $e of %itt%e use in se%e*ting a router for an en ironment t-at does not 0and wi%% not1 support t-at proto*o%. 3 a%uating e en t-at data w-i*- is re%e ant to a parti*u%ar network insta%%ation wi%% require e6perien*e w-i*- ma" not $e readi%" a ai%a$%e. 4urt-ermore= se%e*tion of t-e tests to $e run and e a%uation of t-e test data must $e done wit- an understanding of genera%%" a**epted testing pra*ti*es regarding repeata$i%it"= arian*e and statisti*a% signifi*an*e of sma%% num$ers of tria%s.

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544 5. Requirements

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

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,n t-is do*ument= t-e words t-at are used to define t-e signifi*an*e of ea*- parti*u%ar requirement are *apita%i7ed. /-ese words are: @ 9)!S/9 /-is word= or t-e words 9R3+!,R3.9 and 9SH2AA9 mean t-at t-e item is an a$so%ute requirement of t-e spe*ifi*ation. @ 9SH#!A.9 /-is word or t-e adBe*ti e 9R3C#))3N.3.9 means t-at t-ere ma" e6ist a%id reasons in parti*u%ar *ir*umstan*es to ignore t-is item= $ut t-e fu%% imp%i*ations s-ou%d $e understood and t-e *ase *arefu%%" weig-ed $efore *-oosing a different *ourse. @ 9)2C9 /-is word or t-e adBe*ti e 9#5/,#N2A9 means item is tru%" optiona%. #ne endor ma" *-oose to item $e*ause a parti*u%ar marketp%a*e requires it en-an*es t-e produ*t= for e6amp%eD anot-er endor same item. t-at t-is in*%ude t-e or $e*ause it ma" omit t-e

2n imp%ementation is not *omp%iant if it fai%s to satisf" one or more of t-e )!S/ requirements for t-e proto*o%s it imp%ements. 2n imp%ementation t-at satisfies a%% t-e )!S/ and a%% t-e SH#!A. requirements for its proto*o%s is said to $e 9un*onditiona%%" *omp%iant9D one t-at satisfies a%% t-e )!S/ requirements $ut not a%% t-e SH#!A. requirements for its proto*o%s is said to $e 9*onditiona%%" *omp%iant9. E. /est set up /-e idea% wa" to imp%ement t-is series of tests is to use a tester wit- $ot- transmitting and re*ei ing ports. Conne*tions are made from t-e sending ports of t-e tester to t-e re*ei ing ports of t-e .!/ and from t-e sending ports of t-e .!/ $a*k to t-e tester. 0see 4igure &1 Sin*e t-e tester $ot- sends t-e test traffi* and re*ei es it $a*k= after t-e traffi* -as $een forwarded $ut t-e .!/= t-e tester *an easi%" determine if a%% of t-e transmitted pa*kets were re*ei ed and erif" t-at t-e *orre*t pa*kets were re*ei ed. /-e same fun*tiona%it" *an $e o$tained wit- separate transmitting and re*ei ing de i*es 0see 4igure 21 $ut un%ess t-e" are remote%" *ontro%%ed $" some *omputer in a wa" t-at simu%ates t-e sing%e tester= t-e %a$or required to a**urate%" perform some of t-e tests 0parti*u%ar%" t-e t-roug-put test1 *an $e pro-i$iti e.

Bradner : )*+uaid


;5age ><

R4C 2544


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FGGGGGGGGF FGGGGGGGGGGGGF FGGGGGGGGGGF H H H H H H H sender HGGGGGGGGJH .!/ HGGGGGGGGGJH re*ei er H H H H H H H FGGGGGGGGF FGGGGGGGGGGGGF FGGGGGGGGGGF 4igure 2 E.& /est set up for mu%tip%e media t"pes /wo different setups *ou%d $e used to test rea%Gwor%d networks to *onne*t networks of %o*a% 3t-ernet to a $a*k$one 4.., ring for support $ot- media t"pes in w-i*- *ase t-e wou%d $e used. a .!/ w-i*- is used in differing media t"pe= e6amp%e. /-e tester *ou%d set up s-own in 4igure &

/wo identi*a% .!/s are used in t-e ot-er test set up. 0see 4igure >1 ,n man" *ases t-is set up ma" more a**urate%" simu%ate t-e rea% wor%d. 4or e6amp%e= *onne*ting two A2Ns toget-er wit- a W2N %ink or -ig- speed $a*k$one. /-is set up wou%d not $e as good at simu%ating a s"stem w-ere *%ients on a 3t-ernet A2N were intera*ting wit- a ser er on an 4.., $a*k$one. FGGGGGGGGGGGF H H FGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH tester HIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGF H H H H H FGGGGGGGGGGGF H H H H FGGGGGGGGGGF FGGGGGGGGGGF H H H H H H H FGGGGGGGJH .!/ & HGGGGGGGGGGGGGGJH .!/ 2 HGGGGGGGGGF H H H H FGGGGGGGGGGF FGGGGGGGGGGF 4igure >

Bradner : )*+uaid


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R4C 2544

Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

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K. .!/ set up Before starting to perform t-e tests= t-e .!/ to $e tested )!S/ $e *onfigured fo%%owing t-e instru*tions pro ided to t-e user. Spe*ifi*a%%"= it is e6pe*ted t-at a%% of t-e supported proto*o%s wi%% $e *onfigured and ena$%ed during t-is set up 0See 2ppendi6 21. ,t is e6pe*ted t-at a%% of t-e tests wi%% $e run wit-out *-anging t-e *onfiguration or setup of t-e .!/ in an" wa" ot-er t-an t-at required to do t-e spe*ifi* test. 4or e6amp%e= it is not a**epta$%e to *-ange t-e si7e of frame -and%ing $uffers $etween tests of frame -and%ing rates or to disa$%e a%% $ut one transport proto*o% w-en testing t-e t-roug-put of t-at proto*o%. ,t is ne*essar" to modif" t-e *onfiguration w-en starting a test to determine t-e effe*t of fi%ters on t-roug-put= $ut t-e on%" *-ange )!S/ $e to ena$%e t-e spe*ifi* fi%ter. /-e .!/ set up SH#!A. in*%ude t-e norma%%" re*ommended routing update inter a%s and keep a%i e frequen*". /-e spe*ifi* ersion of t-e software and t-e e6a*t .!/ *onfiguration= in*%uding w-at fun*tions are disa$%ed= used during t-e tests )!S/ $e in*%uded as part of t-e report of t-e resu%ts. L. 4rame formats /-e formats of t-e test frames to use for /C5M,5 o er 3t-ernet are s-own in 2ppendi6 C: /est 4rame 4ormats. /-ese e6a*t frame formats SH#!A. $e used in t-e tests des*ri$ed in t-is do*ument for t-is proto*o%Mmedia *om$ination and t-at t-ese frames wi%% $e used as a temp%ate for testing ot-er proto*o%Mmedia *om$inations. /-e spe*ifi* formats t-at are used to define t-e test frames for a parti*u%ar test series )!S/ $e in*%uded in t-e report of t-e resu%ts. '. 4rame si7es 2%% of t-e des*ri$ed tests SH#!A. $e performed at a num$er of frame si7es. Spe*ifi*a%%"= t-e si7es SH#!A. in*%ude t-e ma6imum and minimum %egitimate si7es for t-e proto*o% under test on t-e media under test and enoug- si7es in $etween to $e a$%e to get a fu%% *-ara*teri7ation of t-e .!/ performan*e. 36*ept w-ere noted= at %east fi e frame si7es SH#!A. $e tested for ea*- test *ondition. /-eoreti*a%%" t-e minimum si7e !.5 3*-o request frame wou%d *onsist of an ,5 -eader 0minimum %engt- 2N o*tets1= a !.5 -eader 0L o*tets1 and w-ate er )2C %e e% -eader is required $" t-e media in use. /-e t-eoreti*a% ma6imum frame si7e is determined $" t-e si7e of t-e %engt- fie%d in t-e ,5 -eader. ,n a%most a%% *ases t-e a*tua% ma6imum and minimum si7es are determined $" t-e %imitations of t-e media.

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

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,n t-eor" it wou%d $e idea% to distri$ute t-e frame si7es in a wa" t-at wou%d e en%" distri$ute t-e t-eoreti*a% frame rates. /-ese re*ommendations in*orporate t-is t-eor" $ut spe*if" frame si7es w-i*are eas" to understand and remem$er. ,n addition= man" of t-e same frame si7es are spe*ified on ea*- of t-e media t"pes to a%%ow for eas" performan*e *omparisons. Note: /-e in*%usion of an unrea%isti*a%%" sma%% frame si7e on some of t-e media t"pes 0i.e. wit- %itt%e or no spa*e for data1 is to -e%p *-ara*teri7e t-e perGframe pro*essing o er-ead of t-e .!/. '.& 4rame si7es to $e used on 3t-ernet E4= &2L= 25E= 5&2= &N24= &2LN= &5&L /-ese si7es in*%ude t-e ma6imum and minimum frame si7es permitted $" t-e 3t-ernet standard and a se%e*tion of si7es $etween t-ese e6tremes wit- a finer granu%arit" for t-e sma%%er frame si7es and -ig-er frame rates. '.2 4rame si7es to $e used on 4)$ and &E)$ token ring 54= E4= &2L= 25E= &N24= &5&L= 2N4L= 44K2 /-e frame si7e re*ommendations for token ring assume t-at t-ere is no R,4 fie%d in t-e frames of routed proto*o%s. 2 R,4 fie%d wou%d $e present in an" dire*t sour*e route $ridge performan*e test. /-e minimum si7e frame for !.5 on token ring is 54 o*tets. /-e ma6imum si7e of 44K2 o*tets is re*ommended for &E)$ token ring instead of t-e t-eoreti*a% si7e of &K.'O$ $e*ause of t-e si7e %imitations imposed $" man" token ring interfa*es. /-e reminder of t-e si7es are se%e*ted to permit dire*t *omparisons wit- ot-er t"pes of media. 2n ,5 0i.e. not !.51 frame ma" $e used in addition if a -ig-er data rate is desired= in w-i*- *ase t-e minimum frame si7e is 4E o*tets. '.> 4rame si7es to $e used on 4.., 54= E4= &2L= 25E= &N24= &5&L= 2N4L= 44K2 /-e minimum si7e frame for !.5 on 4.., is 5> o*tets= t-e minimum si7e of 54 is re*ommended to a%%ow dire*t *omparison to token ring performan*e. /-e ma6imum si7e of 44K2 is re*ommended instead of t-e t-eoreti*a% ma6imum si7e of 45NN o*tets to permit t-e same t"pe of *omparison. 2n ,5 0i.e. not !.51 frame ma" $e used in addition if a -ig-er data rate is desired= in w-i*- *ase t-e minimum frame si7e is 45 o*tets.

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

;5age E< )ar*- &'''

'.4 4rame si7es in t-e presen*e of disparate )/!s W-en t-e inter*onne*t .!/ supports *onne*ting %inks wit- disparate )/!s= t-e frame si7es for t-e %ink wit- t-e @%arger@ )/! SH#!A. $e used= up to t-e %imit of t-e proto*o% $eing tested. ,f t-e inter*onne*t .!/ does not support t-e fragmenting of frames in t-e presen*e of )/! mismat*-= t-e forwarding rate for t-at frame si7e s-a%% $e reported as 7ero. 4or e6amp%e= t-e test of ,5 forwarding Boins 4.., and 3t-ernet s-ou%d use t-e from t-e 4.., to t-e 3t-ernet %ink. ,f fragmentation= t-e forwarding rate for 3t-ernet s-ou%d $e reported as 7ero. &N. 8erif"ing re*ei ed frames /-e test equipment SH#!A. dis*ard an" frames re*ei ed during a test run t-at are not a*tua% forwarded test frames. 4or e6amp%e= keepG a%i e and routing update frames SH#!A. N#/ $e in*%uded in t-e *ount of re*ei ed frames. ,n an" *ase= t-e test equipment SH#!A. erif" t-e %engt- of t-e re*ei ed frames and *-e*k t-at t-e" mat*- t-e e6pe*ted %engt-. 5refera$%"= t-e test equipment SH#!A. in*%ude sequen*e num$ers in t-e transmitted frames and *-e*k for t-ese num$ers on t-e re*ei ed frames. ,f t-is is done= t-e reported resu%ts SH#!A. in*%ude in addition to t-e num$er of frames dropped= t-e num$er of frames t-at were re*ei ed out of order= t-e num$er of dup%i*ate frames re*ei ed and t-e num$er of gaps in t-e re*ei ed frame num$ering sequen*e. /-is fun*tiona%it" is required for some of t-e des*ri$ed tests. &&. )odifiers ,t mig-t $e usefu% to know t-e .!/ performan*e under a num$er of *onditionsD some of t-ese *onditions are noted $e%ow. /-e reported resu%ts SH#!A. in*%ude as man" of t-ese *onditions as t-e test equipment is a$%e to generate. /-e suite of tests SH#!A. $e first run wit-out an" modif"ing *onditions and t-en repeated under ea*- of t-e *onditions separate%". /o preser e t-e a$i%it" to *ompare t-e resu%ts of t-ese tests an" frames t-at are required to generate t-e modif"ing *onditions 0management queries for e6amp%e1 wi%% $e in*%uded in t-e same data stream as t-e norma% test frames in p%a*e of one of t-e test frames and not $e supp%ied to t-e .!/ on a separate network port. wit- a $ridge or router t-at frame si7es of 4.., w-en going t-e $ridge does not support ,5 t-ose frames too %arge for

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;5age K< )ar*- &'''

&&.& Broad*ast frames ,n most router designs spe*ia% pro*essing is required w-en frames addressed to t-e -ardware $road*ast address are re*ei ed. ,n $ridges 0or in $ridge mode on routers1 t-ese $road*ast frames must $e f%ooded to a num$er of ports. /-e stream of test frames SH#!A. $e augmented wit- &P frames addressed to t-e -ardware $road*ast address. /-e frames sent to t-e $road*ast address s-ou%d $e of a t"pe t-at t-e router wi%% not need to pro*ess. /-e aim of t-is test is to determine if t-ere is an" effe*t on t-e forwarding rate of t-e ot-er data in t-e stream. /-e spe*ifi* frames t-at s-ou%d $e used are in*%uded in t-e test frame format do*ument. /-e $road*ast frames SH#!A. $e e en%" distri$uted t-roug-out t-e data stream= for e6amp%e= e er" &NNt- frame. /-e same test SH#!A. $e performed on $ridgeG%ike .!/s $ut in t-is *ase t-e $road*ast pa*kets wi%% $e pro*essed and f%ooded to a%% outputs. ,t is understood t-at a %e e% of $road*ast frames of &P is mu*-ig-er t-an man" networks e6perien*e $ut= as in drug to6i*it" e a%uations= t-e -ig-er %e e% is required to $e a$%e to gage t-e effe*t w-i*- wou%d ot-erwise often fa%% wit-in t-e norma% aria$i%it" of t-e s"stem performan*e. .ue to design fa*tors some test equipment wi%% not $e a$%e to generate a %e e% of a%ternate frames t-is %ow. ,n t-ese *ases t-e per*entage SH#!A. $e as sma%% as t-e equipment *an pro ide and t-at t-e a*tua% %e e% $e des*ri$ed in t-e report of t-e test resu%ts. &&.2 )anagement frames )ost data networks now make use of management proto*o%s su*- as SN)5. ,n man" en ironments t-ere *an $e a num$er of management stations sending queries to t-e same .!/ at t-e same time. /-e stream of test frames SH#!A. $e augmented wit- one management quer" as t-e first frame sent ea*- se*ond during t-e duration of t-e tria%. /-e resu%t of t-e quer" must fit into one response frame. /-e response frame SH#!A. $e erified $" t-e test equipment. #ne e6amp%e of t-e spe*ifi* quer" frame t-at s-ou%d $e used is s-own in 2ppendi6 C. &&.> Routing update frames /-e pro*essing of d"nami* routing proto*o% updates *ou%d -a e a signifi*ant impa*t on t-e a$i%it" of a router to forward data frames. /-e stream of test frames SH#!A. $e augmented wit- one routing update frame transmitted as t-e first frame transmitted during t-e tria%.

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,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

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Routing update frames SH#!A. $e sent at t-e rate spe*ified in

2ppendi6 C for t-e spe*ifi* routing proto*o% $eing used in t-e test. /wo routing update frames are defined in 2ppendi6 C for t-e /C5M,5 o er 3t-ernet e6amp%e. /-e routing frames are designed to *-ange t-e routing to a num$er of networks t-at are not in o% ed in t-e forwarding of t-e test data. /-e first frame sets t-e routing ta$%e state to 929= t-e se*ond one *-anges t-e state to 9B9. /-e frames )!S/ $e a%ternated during t-e tria%. /-e test SH#!A. .!/. &&.4 4i%ters 4i%ters are added to routers and $ridges to se%e*ti e%" in-i$it t-e forwarding of frames t-at wou%d norma%%" $e forwarded. /-is is usua%%" done to imp%ement se*urit" *ontro%s on t-e data t-at is a**epted $etween one area and anot-er. .ifferent produ*ts -a e different *apa$i%ities to imp%ement fi%ters. /-e .!/ SH#!A. $e first *onfigured to add one fi%ter *ondition and t-e tests performed. /-is fi%ter SH#!A. permit t-e forwarding of t-e test data stream. ,n routers t-is fi%ter SH#!A. $e of t-e form: forward inputQproto*o%Qaddress to outputQproto*o%Qaddress ,n $ridges t-e fi%ter SH#!A. $e of t-e form: forward destinationQ-ardwareQaddress /-e .!/ SH#!A. $e t-en re*onfigured to imp%ement a tota% of 25 fi%ters. /-e first 24 of t-ese fi%ters SH#!A. $e of t-e form: $%o*k inputQproto*o%Qaddress to outputQproto*o%Qaddress /-e 24 input and output proto*o% addresses SH#!A. not $e an" t-at are represented in t-e test data stream. /-e %ast fi%ter SH#!A. permit t-e forwarding of t-e test data stream. B" 9first9 and 9%ast9 we mean to ensure t-at in t-e se*ond *ase= 25 *onditions must $e *-e*ked $efore t-e data frames wi%% mat*- t-e *onditions t-at permit t-e forwarding of t-e frame. #f *ourse= if t-e .!/ reorders t-e fi%ters or does not use a %inear s*an of t-e fi%ter ru%es t-e effe*t of t-e sequen*e in w-i*- t-e fi%ters are input is proper%" %ost. /-e e6a*t fi%ters *onfiguration *ommand %ines used SH#!A. $e in*%uded wit- t-e report of t-e resu%ts. erif" t-at t-e routing update was pro*essed $" t-e

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544 &&.4.& 4i%ter 2ddresses

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

;5age '< )ar*- &'''

/wo sets of fi%ter addresses are required= one for t-e sing%e fi%ter *ase and one for t-e 25 fi%ter *ase. /-e sing%e fi%ter *ase s-ou%d permit traffi* from ,5 address &'L.&L.&.2 to ,5 address &'L.&'.E5.2 and den" a%% ot-er traffi*. /-e 25 fi%ter *ase s-ou%d fo%%ow t-e fo%%owing sequen*e. den" aa.$a.&.& to aa.$a.&NN.& den" aa.$a.2.2 to aa.$a.&N&.2 den" aa.$a.>.> to aa.$a.&N>.> ... den" aa.$a.&2.&2 to aa.$a.&&2.&2 a%%ow aa.$*.&.2 to aa.$*.E5.& den" aa.$a.&>.&> to aa.$a.&&>.&> den" aa.$a.&4.&4 to aa.$a.&&4.&4 ... den" aa.$a.24.24 to aa.$a.&24.24 den" a%% e%se 2%% pre ious fi%ter *onditions s-ou%d $e *%eared from t-e router $efore t-is sequen*e is entered. /-e sequen*e is se%e*ted to test to see if t-e router sorts t-e fi%ter *onditions or a**epts t-em in t-e order t-at t-e" were entered. Bot- of t-ese pro*edures wi%% resu%t in a greater impa*t on performan*e t-an wi%% some form of -as*oding. &2. 5roto*o% addresses ,t is easier to imp%ement t-ese tests using a sing%e %ogi*a% stream of data= wit- one sour*e proto*o% address and one destination proto*o% address= and for some *onditions %ike t-e fi%ters des*ri$ed a$o e= a pra*ti*a% requirement. Networks in t-e rea% wor%d are not %imited to sing%e streams of data. /-e test suite SH#!A. $e first run wit- a sing%e proto*o% 0or -ardware for $ridge tests1 sour*e and destination address pair. /-e tests SH#!A. t-en $e repeated witusing a random destination address. W-i%e testing routers t-e addresses SH#!A. $e random and uniform%" distri$uted o er a range of 25E networks and random and uniform%" distri$uted o er t-e fu%% )2C range for $ridges. /-e spe*ifi* address ranges to use for ,5 are s-own in 2ppendi6 C.

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544 &>. Route Set !p

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

;5age &N< )ar*- &'''

,t is not reasona$%e t-at a%% of t-e routing information ne*essar" to

forward t-e test stream= espe*ia%%" in t-e mu%tip%e address *ase= wi%% $e manua%%" set up. 2t t-e start of ea*- tria% a routing update )!S/ $e sent to t-e .!/. /-is routing update )!S/ in*%ude a%% of t-e network addresses t-at wi%% $e required for t-e tria%. 2%% of t-e addresses SH#!A. reso% e to t-e same 9ne6tG-op9. Norma%%" t-is wi%% $e t-e address of t-e re*ei ing side of t-e test equipment. /-is routing update wi%% -a e to $e repeated at t-e inter a% required $" t-e routing proto*o% $eing used. 2n e6amp%e of t-e format and repetition inter a% of t-e update frames is gi en in 2ppendi6 C. &4. Bidire*tiona% traffi* Norma% network a*ti it" is not a%% in a sing%e dire*tion. /o test t-e $idire*tiona% performan*e of a .!/= t-e test series SH#!A. $e run wit- t-e same data rate $eing offered from ea*- dire*tion. /-e sum of t-e data rates s-ou%d not e6*eed t-e t-eoreti*a% %imit for t-e media. &5. Sing%e stream pat/-e fu%% suite of tests SH#!A. $e run a%ong wit- w-ate er modifier *onditions t-at are re%e ant using a sing%e input and output network port on t-e .!/. ,f t-e interna% design of t-e .!/ -as mu%tip%e distin*t pat-wa"s= for e6amp%e= mu%tip%e interfa*e *ards ea*- witmu%tip%e network ports= t-en a%% possi$%e t"pes of pat-wa"s SH#!A. $e tested separate%". &E. )u%tiGport )an" *urrent router and $ridge produ*ts pro ide man" network ports in t-e same modu%e. ,n performing t-ese tests first -a%f of t-e ports are designated as 9input ports9 and -a%f are designated as 9output ports9. /-ese ports SH#!A. $e e en%" distri$uted a*ross t-e .!/ ar*-ite*ture. 4or e6amp%e if a .!/ -as two interfa*e *ards ea*- of w-i*- -as four ports= two ports on ea*- interfa*e *ard are designated as input and two are designated as output. /-e spe*ified tests are run using t-e same data rate $eing offered to ea*- of t-e input ports. /-e addresses in t-e input data streams SH#!A. $e set so t-at a frame wi%% $e dire*ted to ea*- of t-e output ports in sequen*e so t-at a%% 9output9 ports wi%% get an e en distri$ution of pa*kets from t-is input. /-e same *onfiguration )2C $e used to perform a $idire*tiona% mu%tiGstream test. ,n t-is *ase a%% of t-e ports are *onsidered $ot- input and output ports and ea*- data stream )!S/ *onsist of frames addressed to a%% of t-e ot-er ports.

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

;5age &&< )ar*- &'''

Consider t-e fo%%owing E port .!/: GGGGGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGH in 2 out ?HGGGGGGGG

GGGGGGGGGH in B out CHGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGH in C out RHGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGGGG /-e addressing of t-e data streams for ea*- of t-e inputs SH#!A. $e: stream sent pa*ket to stream sent pa*ket to stream sent pa*ket to to input 2: out ?= pa*ket to out C= pa*ket to out R to input B: out ?= pa*ket to out C= pa*ket to out R to input C out ?= pa*ket to out C= pa*ket to out R

Note t-at t-ese streams ea*- fo%%ow t-e same sequen*e so t-at > pa*kets wi%% arri e at output ? at t-e same time= t-en > pa*kets at C= t-en > pa*kets at R. /-is pro*edure ensures t-at= as in t-e rea% wor%d= t-e .!/ wi%% -a e to dea% wit- mu%tip%e pa*kets addressed to t-e same output at t-e same time. &K. )u%tip%e proto*o%s /-is do*ument does not address t-e issue of testing t-e effe*ts of a mi6ed proto*o% en ironment ot-er t-an to suggest t-at if su*- tests are wanted t-en frames SH#!A. $e distri$uted $etween a%% of t-e test proto*o%s. /-e distri$ution )2C appro6imate t-e *onditions on t-e network in w-i*- t-e .!/ wou%d $e used. &L. )u%tip%e frame si7es /-is do*ument does not address t-e issue of testing t-e effe*ts of a mi6ed frame si7e en ironment ot-er t-an to suggest t-at if su*- tests are wanted t-en frames SH#!A. $e distri$uted $etween a%% of t-e %isted si7es for t-e proto*o% under test. /-e distri$ution )2C appro6imate t-e *onditions on t-e network in w-i*- t-e .!/ wou%d $e used. /-e aut-ors do not -a e an" idea -ow t-e resu%ts of su*- a test wou%d $e interpreted ot-er t-an to dire*t%" *ompare mu%tip%e .!/s in some er" spe*ifi* simu%ated network. &'. /esting performan*e $e"ond a sing%e .!/. ,n t-e performan*e testing of a sing%e .!/= t-e paradigm *an $e des*ri$ed as app%"ing some input to a .!/ and monitoring t-e output. /-e resu%ts of w-i*- *an $e used to form a $asis of *-ara*teri7ation of t-at de i*e under t-ose test *onditions.

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

;5age &2< )ar*- &'''

/-is mode% is usefu% w-en t-e test input and output are -omogenous 0e.g.= E4G$"te ,5= LN2.> frames into t-e .!/D E4 $"te ,5= LN2.> frames out1= or t-e met-od of test *an distinguis- $etween dissimi%ar inputMoutput. 03.g.= &5&L $"te ,5= LN2.> frames inD 5KE $"te= fragmented ,5= ?.25 frames out.1

B" e6tending t-e sing%e .!/ test mode%= reasona$%e $en*-marks regarding mu%tip%e .!/s or -eterogeneous en ironments ma" $e *o%%e*ted. ,n t-is e6tension= t-e sing%e .!/ is rep%a*ed $" a s"stem of inter*onne*ted network .!/s. /-is test met-odo%og" wou%d support t-e $en*-marking of a ariet" of de i*eMmediaMser i*eMproto*o% *om$inations. 4or e6amp%e= a *onfiguration for a A2NGtoGW2NGtoGA2N test mig-t $e: 0&1 LN2.>GJ .!/ & GJ ?.25 S E4k$ps GJ .!/ 2 GJ LN2.> #r a mi6ed A2N *onfiguration mig-t $e: 021 LN2.> GJ .!/ & GJ 4.., GJ .!/ 2 GJ 4.., GJ .!/ > GJ LN2.> ,n $ot- e6amp%es & and 2= endGtoGend $en*-marks of ea*- s"stem *ou%d $e empiri*a%%" as*ertained. #t-er $e-a ior ma" $e *-ara*teri7ed t-roug- t-e use of intermediate de i*es. ,n e6amp%e 2= t-e *onfiguration ma" $e used to gi e an indi*ation of t-e 4.., to 4.., *apa$i%it" e6-i$ited $" .!/ 2. Be*ause mu%tip%e .!/s are treated as a sing%e s"stem= t-ere are %imitations to t-is met-odo%og". 4or instan*e= t-is met-odo%og" ma" "ie%d an aggregate $en*-mark for a tested s"stem. /-at $en*-mark a%one= -owe er= ma" not ne*essari%" ref%e*t as"mmetries in $e-a ior $etween t-e .!/s= %aten*ies introdu*e $" ot-er apparatus 0e.g.= CS!sM.S!s= swit*-es1= et*. 4urt-er= *are must $e used w-en *omparing $en*-marks of different s"stems $" ensuring t-at t-e .!/sT featuresM*onfiguration of t-e tested s"stems -a e t-e appropriate *ommon denominators to a%%ow *omparison. 2N. )a6imum frame rate /-e ma6imum frame rates t-at s-ou%d $e used w-en testing A2N *onne*tions SH#!A. $e t-e %isted t-eoreti*a% ma6imum rate for t-e frame si7e on t-e media.

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

;5age &>< )ar*- &'''

/-e ma6imum frame rate t-at s-ou%d $e used w-en testing W2N *onne*tions SH#!A. $e greater t-an t-e %isted t-eoreti*a% ma6imum rate for t-e frame si7e on t-at speed *onne*tion. /-e -ig-er rate for W2N tests is to *ompensate for t-e fa*t t-at some endors emp%o" arious forms of -eader *ompression.

2 %ist of ma6imum frame rates for A2N *onne*tions is in*%uded in 2ppendi6 B. 2&. Burst" traffi* ,t is *on enient to measure t-e .!/ performan*e under stead" state %oad $ut t-is is an unrea%isti* wa" to gauge t-e fun*tioning of a .!/ sin*e a*tua% network traffi* norma%%" *onsists of $ursts of frames. Some of t-e tests des*ri$ed $e%ow SH#!A. $e performed wit- $otstead" state traffi* and wit- traffi* *onsisting of repeated $ursts of frames. /-e frames wit-in a $urst are transmitted wit- t-e minimum %egitimate interGframe gap. /-e o$Be*ti e of t-e $etween $ursts w-i*ea*- test t-e num$er interG$urst inter a% &E= E4= 25E and &N24 22. 4rames per token 2%t-oug- it is possi$%e to *onfigure some token ring and 4.., interfa*es to transmit more t-an one frame ea*- time t-at t-e token is re*ei ed= most of t-e network de i*es *urrent%" a ai%a$%e transmit on%" one frame per token. /-ese tests SH#!A. first $e performed w-i%e transmitting on%" one frame per token. Some *urrent -ig-Gperforman*e workstation ser ers do transmit more t-an one frame per token on 4.., to ma6imi7e t-roug-put. Sin*e t-is ma" $e a *ommon feature in future workstations and ser ers= inter*onne*t de i*es wit- 4.., interfa*es SH#!A. $e tested wit- &= 4= L= and &E frames per token. /-e reported frame rate SH#!A. $e t-e a erage rate of frame transmission o er t-e tota% tria% period. 2>. /ria% des*ription 2 parti*u%ar test *onsists of mu%tip%e tria%s. 3a*- tria% returns one pie*e of information= for e6amp%e t-e %oss rate at a parti*u%ar input frame rate. 3a*- tria% *onsists of a num$er of p-ases: a1 ,f t-e .!/ is a router= send t-e routing update to t-e 9input9 port and pause two se*onds to $e sure t-at t-e routing -as sett%ed. test is to determine t-e minimum inter a% t-e .!/ *an pro*ess wit- no frame %oss. .uring of frames in ea*- $urst is -e%d *onstant and t-e aried. /ests SH#!A. $e run wit- $urst si7es of frames.

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

;5age &4< )ar*- &'''

$1 Send t-e 9%earning frames9 to t-e 9output9 port and wait 2 se*onds to $e sure t-at t-e %earning -as sett%ed. Bridge %earning frames are frames wit- sour*e addresses t-at are t-e same as t-e destination addresses used $" t-e test frames. Aearning frames for ot-er proto*o%s are used to prime t-e address reso%ution ta$%es in t-e .!/. /-e formats of t-e %earning frame t-at s-ou%d $e used are s-own in t-e /est 4rame 4ormats do*ument.

*1 Run t-e test tria%. d1 Wait for two se*onds for an" residua% frames to $e re*ei ed. e1 Wait for at %east fi e se*onds for t-e .!/ to resta$i%i7e. 24. /ria% duration /-e aim of t-ese tests is to determine t-e rate *ontinuous%" supporta$%e $" t-e .!/. /-e a*tua% duration of t-e test tria%s must $e a *ompromise $etween t-is aim and t-e duration of t-e $en*-marking test suite. /-e duration of t-e test portion of ea*- tria% SH#!A. $e at %east EN se*onds. /-e tests t-at in o% e some form of 9$inar" sear*-9= for e6amp%e t-e t-roug-put test= to determine t-e e6a*t resu%t )2C use a s-orter tria% duration to minimi7e t-e %engt- of t-e sear*- pro*edure= $ut t-e fina% determination SH#!A. $e made witfu%% %engt- tria%s. 25. 2ddress reso%ution /-e .!/ SH#!A. $e a$%e to respond to address reso%ution requests sent $" t-e .!/ w-ere er t-e proto*o% requires su*- a pro*ess. 2E. Ben*-marking tests: Note: /-e notation 9t"pe of data stream9 refers to t-e a$o e modifi*ations to a frame stream wit- a *onstant interGframe gap= for e6amp%e= t-e addition of traffi* fi%ters to t-e *onfiguration of t-e .!/. 2E.& /-roug-put #$Be*ti e: /o determine t-e .!/ t-roug-put as defined in R4C &242.

5ro*edure: Send a spe*ifi* num$er of frames at a spe*ifi* rate t-roug- t-e .!/ and t-en *ount t-e frames t-at are transmitted $" t-e .!/. ,f t-e *ount of offered frames is equa% to t-e *ount of re*ei ed frames= t-e fewer frames are re*ei ed t-an were transmitted= t-e rate of t-e offered stream is redu*ed and t-e test is rerun.

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

;5age &5< )ar*- &'''

/-e t-roug-put is t-e fastest rate at w-i*- t-e *ount of test frames transmitted $" t-e .!/ is equa% to t-e num$er of test frames sent to it $" t-e test equipment. Reporting format: /-e resu%ts of t-e t-roug-put test SH#!A. $e reported in t-e form of a grap-. ,f it is= t-e 6 *oordinate SH#!A. $e t-e frame si7e= t-e " *oordinate SH#!A. $e t-e frame rate. /-ere SH#!A. $e at %east two %ines on t-e grap-. /-ere SH#!A. $e one %ine

s-owing t-e t-eoreti*a% frame rate for t-e media at t-e arious frame si7es. /-e se*ond %ine SH#!A. $e t-e p%ot of t-e test resu%ts. 2dditiona% %ines )2C $e used on t-e grap- to report t-e resu%ts for ea*- t"pe of data stream tested. /e6t a**ompan"ing t-e grap- SH#!A. indi*ate t-e proto*o%= data stream format= and t"pe of media used in t-e tests. We assume t-at if a sing%e a%ue is desired for ad ertising purposes t-e endor wi%% se%e*t t-e rate for t-e minimum frame si7e for t-e media. ,f t-is is done t-en t-e figure )!S/ $e e6pressed in frames per se*ond. /-e rate )2C a%so $e e6pressed in $its 0or $"tes1 per se*ond if t-e endor so desires. /-e statement of performan*e )!S/ in*%ude aM t-e measured ma6imum frame rate= $M t-e si7e of t-e frame used= *M t-e t-eoreti*a% %imit of t-e media for t-at frame si7e= and dM t-e t"pe of proto*o% used in t-e test. 3 en if a sing%e a%ue is used as part of t-e ad ertising *op"= t-e fu%% ta$%e of resu%ts SH#!A. $e in*%uded in t-e produ*t data s-eet. 2E.2 Aaten*" #$Be*ti e: /o determine t-e %aten*" as defined in R4C &242.

5ro*edure: 4irst determine t-e t-roug-put for .!/ at ea*- of t-e %isted frame si7es. Send a stream of frames at a parti*u%ar frame si7e t-roug- t-e .!/ at t-e determined t-roug-put rate to a spe*ifi* destination. /-e stream SH#!A. $e at %east &2N se*onds in duration. 2n identif"ing tag SH#!A. $e in*%uded in one frame after EN se*onds wit- t-e t"pe of tag $eing imp%ementation dependent. /-e time at w-i*- t-is frame is fu%%" transmitted is re*orded 0timestamp 21. /-e re*ei er %ogi* in t-e test equipment )!S/ re*ogni7e t-e tag information in t-e frame stream and re*ord t-e time at w-i*- t-e tagged frame was re*ei ed 0timestamp B1. /-e %aten*" is timestamp B minus timestamp 2 as per t-e re%e ant definition frm R4C &242= name%" %aten*" as defined for store and forward de i*es or %aten*" as defined for $it forwarding de i*es. /-e test )!S/ $e repeated at %east 2N times wit- t-e reported $eing t-e a erage of t-e re*orded a%ues. a%ue

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

;5age &E< )ar*- &'''

/-is test SH#!A. $e performed wit- t-e test frame addressed to t-e same destination as t-e rest of t-e data stream and a%so wit- ea*- of t-e test frames addressed to a new destination network. Reporting format: /-e report )!S/ state w-i*- definition of %aten*" 0from R4C &2421 was used for t-is test. /-e %aten*" resu%ts SH#!A. $e reported in t-e format of a ta$%e wit- a row for ea*- of t-e tested frame si7es. /-ere SH#!A. $e *o%umns for t-e frame si7e= t-e rate at w-i*- t-e %aten*" test was run for t-at frame si7e= for t-e

media t"pes tested= and for t-e resu%tant %aten*" t"pe of data stream tested. 2E.> 4rame %oss rate

a%ues for ea*-

#$Be*ti e: /o determine t-e frame %oss rate= as defined in R4C &242= of a .!/ t-roug-out t-e entire range of input data rates and frame si7es. 5ro*edure: Send a spe*ifi* num$er of frames at a spe*ifi* rate t-roug- t-e .!/ to $e tested and *ount t-e frames t-at are transmitted $" t-e .!/. /-e frame %oss rate at ea*- point is *a%*u%ated using t-e fo%%owing equation: 0 0 inputQ*ount G outputQ*ount 1 @ &NN 1 M inputQ*ount /-e first tria% SH#!A. $e run for t-e frame rate t-at *orresponds to &NNP of t-e ma6imum rate for t-e frame si7e on t-e input media. Repeat t-e pro*edure for t-e rate t-at *orresponds to 'NP of t-e ma6imum rate used and t-en for LNP of t-is rate. /-is sequen*e SH#!A. $e *ontinued 0at redu*ing &NP inter a%s1 unti% t-ere are two su**essi e tria%s in w-i*- no frames are %ost. /-e ma6imum granu%arit" of t-e tria%s )!S/ $e &NP of t-e ma6imum rate= a finer granu%arit" is en*ouraged. Reporting format: /-e resu%ts of t-e frame %oss rate test SH#!A. $e p%otted as a grap-. ,f t-is is done t-en t-e ? a6is )!S/ $e t-e input frame rate as a per*ent of t-e t-eoreti*a% rate for t-e media at t-e spe*ifi* frame si7e. /-e C a6is )!S/ $e t-e per*ent %oss at t-e parti*u%ar input rate. /-e %eft end of t-e ? a6is and t-e $ottom of t-e C a6is )!S/ $e N per*entD t-e rig-t end of t-e ? a6is and t-e top of t-e C a6is )!S/ $e &NN per*ent. )u%tip%e %ines on t-e grap)2C used to report t-e frame %oss rate for different frame si7es= proto*o%s= and t"pes of data streams. Note: See se*tion &L for t-e ma6imum frame rates t-at SH#!A. $e used.

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544 2E.4 Ba*kGtoG$a*k frames

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

;5age &K< )ar*- &'''

#$Be*ti e: /o *-ara*teri7e t-e a$i%it" of a .!/ to pro*ess $a*kGtoG $a*k frames as defined in R4C &242. 5ro*edure: Send a $urst of frames wit- minimum interGframe gaps to t-e .!/ and *ount t-e num$er of frames forwarded $" t-e .!/. ,f t-e *ount of transmitted frames is equa% to t-e num$er of frames forwarded t-e %engt- of t-e $urst is in*reased and t-e test is rerun. ,f t-e num$er of forwarded frames is %ess t-an t-e num$er

transmitted= t-e %engt- of t-e $urst is redu*ed and t-e test is rerun. /-e $a*kGtoG$a*k a%ue is t-e num$er of frames in t-e %ongest $urst t-at t-e .!/ wi%% -and%e wit-out t-e %oss of an" frames. /-e tria% %engt- )!S/ $e at %east 2 se*onds and SH#!A. $e repeated at %east 5N times wit- t-e a erage of t-e re*orded a%ues $eing reported. Reporting format: /-e $a*kGtoG$a*k resu%ts SH#!A. $e reported in t-e format of a ta$%e wit- a row for ea*- of t-e tested frame si7es. /-ere SH#!A. $e *o%umns for t-e frame si7e and for t-e resu%tant a erage frame *ount for ea*- t"pe of data stream tested. /-e standard de iation for ea*- measurement )2C a%so $e reported. 2E.5 S"stem re*o er" #$Be*ti e: /o *-ara*teri7e t-e speed at w-i*- a .!/ re*o ers from an o er%oad *ondition. 5ro*edure: 4irst determine t-e t-roug-put for a .!/ at ea*- of t-e %isted frame si7es. Send a stream of frames at a rate &&NP of t-e re*orded t-roug-put rate or t-e ma6imum rate for t-e media= w-i*-e er is %ower= for at %east EN se*onds. 2t /imestamp 2 redu*e t-e frame rate to 5NP of t-e a$o e rate and re*ord t-e time of t-e %ast frame %ost 0/imestamp B1. /-e s"stem re*o er" time is determined $" su$tra*ting /imestamp B from /imestamp 2. /-e test SH#!A. $e repeated a num$er of times and t-e a erage of t-e re*orded a%ues $eing reported. Reporting format: /-e s"stem re*o er" resu%ts SH#!A. $e reported in t-e format of a ta$%e wit- a row for ea*- of t-e tested frame si7es. /-ere SH#!A. $e *o%umns for t-e frame si7e= t-e frame rate used as t-e t-roug-put rate for ea*- t"pe of data stream tested= and for t-e measured re*o er" time for ea*- t"pe of data stream tested.

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544 2E.E Reset

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

;5age &L< )ar*- &'''

#$Be*ti e: /o *-ara*teri7e t-e speed at w-i*- a .!/ re*o ers from a de i*e or software reset. 5ro*edure: 4irst determine t-e t-roug-put for t-e .!/ for t-e minimum frame si7e on t-e media used in t-e testing. Send a *ontinuous stream of frames at t-e determined t-roug-put rate for t-e minimum si7ed frames. Cause a reset in t-e .!/. )onitor t-e output unti% frames $egin to $e forwarded and re*ord t-e time t-at

t-e %ast frame 0/imestamp 21 of t-e initia% stream and t-e first frame of t-e new stream 0/imestamp B1 are re*ei ed. 2 power interruption reset test is performed as a$o e e6*ept t-at t-e power to t-e .!/ s-ou%d $e interrupted for &N se*onds in p%a*e of *ausing a reset. /-is test SH#!A. on%" $e run using frames addressed to networks dire*t%" *onne*ted to t-e .!/ so t-at t-ere is no requirement to de%a" unti% a routing update is re*ei ed. /-e reset B. a%ue is o$tained $" su$tra*ting /imestamp 2 from /imestamp

Hardware and software resets= as we%% as a power interruption SH#!A. $e tested. Reporting format: /-e reset a%ue SH#!A. $e reported in a simp%e set of statements= one for ea*- reset t"pe. 2K. Se*urit" Considerations Se*urit" issues are not addressed in t-is do*ument.

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544 2L. 3ditorsT 2ddresses S*ott Bradner Har ard !ni ersit" &>5N )ass. 2 e= room L&> Cam$ridge= )2 N2&>L 5-one: F& E&K 4'5G>LE4 4a6: F& E&K 4'EGL5NN 3)ai%: so$S-ar ard.edu

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

;5age &'< )ar*- &'''

(im )*+uaid NetS*out S"stems 4 Westford /e*- 5ark .ri e Westford= )2 N&LLE 5-one: F& 'KL E&4G4&&E 4a6: F& 'KL E&4G4NN4 3)ai%: m*quaidBSnets*out.*om

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

;5age 2N< )ar*- &'''

2ppendi6 2: /esting Considerations 2.& S*ope #f /-is 2ppendi6 /-is appendi6 dis*usses *ertain issues in t-e $en*-marking met-odo%og" w-ere e6perien*e or Budgment ma" p%a" a ro%e in t-e tests se%e*ted to $e run or in t-e approa*- to *onstru*ting t-e test wit- a parti*u%ar .!/. 2s su*-= t-is appendi6 )!S/ not $e read as an amendment to t-e met-odo%og" des*ri$ed in t-e $od" of t-is do*ument $ut as a guide to testing pra*ti*e. &. /"pi*a% testing pra*ti*e -as $een to ena$%e a%% proto*o%s to $e tested and *ondu*t a%% testing wit- no furt-er *onfiguration of

proto*o%s= e en t-oug- a gi en set of tria%s ma" e6er*ise on%" one proto*o% at a time. /-is minimi7es t-e opportunities to 9tune9 a .!/ for a sing%e proto*o%. 2. /-e %east *ommon denominator of t-e a ai%a$%e fi%ter fun*tions s-ou%d $e used to ensure t-at t-ere is a $asis for *omparison $etween endors. Be*ause of produ*t differen*es= t-ose *ondu*ting and e a%uating tests must make a Budgment a$out t-is issue. >. 2r*-ite*tura% *onsiderations ma" need to $e *onsidered. 4or e6amp%e= first perform t-e tests wit- t-e stream going $etween ports on t-e same interfa*e *ard and t-e repeat t-e tests wit- t-e stream going into a port on one interfa*e *ard and out of a port on a se*ond interfa*e *ard. /-ere wi%% a%most a%wa"s $e a $est *ase and worst *ase *onfiguration for a gi en .!/ ar*-ite*ture. 4. /esting done using traffi* streams *onsisting of mi6ed proto*o%s -as not s-own mu*- differen*e $etween testing wit- indi idua% proto*o%s. /-at is= if proto*o% 2 testing and proto*o% B testing gi e two different performan*e resu%ts= mi6ed proto*o% testing appears to gi e a resu%t w-i*- is t-e a erage of t-e two. 5. Wide 2rea Network 0W2N1 performan*e ma" $e tested $" setting up two identi*a% de i*es *onne*ted $" t-e appropriate s-ortG -au% ersions of t-e W2N modems. 5erforman*e is t-en measured $etween a A2N interfa*e on one .!/ to a A2N interfa*e on t-e ot-er .!/. /-e ma6imum frame rate to $e used for A2NGW2NGA2N *onfigurations is a Budgment t-at *an $e $ased on known *-ara*teristi*s of t-e o era%% s"stem in*%uding *ompression effe*ts= fragmentation= and gross %ink speeds. 5ra*ti*e suggests t-at t-e rate s-ou%d $e at %east &&NP of t-e s%owest %ink speed. Su$stanti e issues of testing *ompression itse%f are $e"ond t-e s*ope of t-is do*ument.

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

;5age 2&< )ar*- &'''

2ppendi6 B: )a6imum frame rates referen*e 05ro ided $" Roger Beeman= Cis*o S"stems1 Si7e 0$"tes1 E4 &2L 25E 5&2 KEL &N24 &2LN 3t-ernet 0pps1 &4LLN L445 452L 2>4' &5LE &&'K 'E& &E)$ /oken Ring 0pps1 24E'& &>K'> K>2E >KLN 254K &'2& &542 4.., 0pps1 &524>' L5E&E 45E2N 2>5L5 &5'N> &&''E 'E>N

&5&L 3t-ernet si7e 5ream$%e E4 $its 4rame L 6 N $its Gap 'E $its




&E)$ /oken Ring si7e S. L $its 2C L $its 4C L $its .2 4L $its S2 4L $its R, 4L $its 0 NE >N NN &2 NN >N 1 SN25 .S25 L $its SS25 L $its Contro% L $its 8endor 24 $its /"pe &E $its .ata L 6 0 N G &L1 $its 4CS >2 $its 3. L $its 4S L $its /okens or id%es $etween pa*kets are not in*%uded 4.., si7e 5ream$%e S. 4C .2 S2 SN25 E4 L L 4L 4L $its $its $its $its $its

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

;5age 22< )ar*- &'''

.S25 L $its SS25 L $its Contro% L $its 8endor 24 $its /"pe &E $its .ata L 6 0 N G &L1 $its 4CS >2 $its 3. 4 $its 4S &2 $its

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

;5age 2>< )ar*- &'''

2ppendi6 C: /est 4rame 4ormats /-is appendi6 defines t-e frame formats t-at ma" $e used wit- t-ese tests. ,t a%so in*%udes proto*o% spe*ifi* parameters for /C5M,5 o er 3t-ernet to $e used wit- t-e tests as an e6amp%e. C.&. ,ntrodu*tion /-e genera% %ogi* used in t-e se%e*tion of t-e parameters and t-e design of t-e frame formats is e6p%ained for ea*- *ase wit-in t-e /C5M,5 se*tion. /-e same %ogi* -as $een used in t-e ot-er se*tions. Comments are used in t-ese se*tions on%" if t-ere is a proto*o% spe*ifi* feature to $e e6p%ained. 5arameters and frame formats for additiona% proto*o%s *an $e defined $" t-e reader $" using t-e same %ogi*.

C.2. /C5M,5 ,nformation /-e fo%%owing se*tion dea%s wit- t-e /C5M,5 proto*o% suite. C.2.& 4rame /"pe. 2n app%i*ation %e e% datagram e*-o request is used for t-e test data frame in t-e proto*o%s t-at support su*- a fun*tion. 2 datagram proto*o% is used to minimi7e t-e *-an*e t-at a router mig-t e6pe*t a spe*ifi* session initia%i7ation sequen*e= as mig-t $e t-e *ase for a re%ia$%e stream proto*o%. 2 spe*ifi* defined proto*o% is used $e*ause some routers erif" t-e proto*o% fie%d and refuse to forward unknown proto*o%s. 4or /C5M,5 a !.5 3*-o Request is used. C.2.2 5roto*o% 2ddresses /wo sets of addresses must $e defined: first t-e addresses assigned to t-e router ports= and se*ond t-e address t-at are to $e used in t-e frames t-emse% es and in t-e routing updates. /-e network addresses &'2.&L.N.N t-roug- &'L.&'.255.255 are -a e $een assigned to t-e B)WG $" t-e ,2N2 for t-is purpose. /-is assignment was made to minimi7e t-e *-an*e of *onf%i*t in *ase a testing de i*e were to $e a**identa%%" *onne*ted to part of t-e ,nternet. /-e spe*ifi* use of t-e addresses is detai%ed $e%ow.

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

;5age 24< )ar*- &'''

C.2.2.& Router port proto*o% addresses Ha%f of t-e ports on a mu%tiGport router are referred to as 9input9 ports and t-e ot-er -a%f as 9output9 ports e en t-oug- some of t-e tests use a%% ports $ot- as input and output. 2 *ontiguous series of ,5 C%ass C network addresses from &'L.&L.&.N to &'L.&L.E4.N -a e $een assigned for use on t-e 9input9 ports. 2 se*ond series from &'L.&'.&.N to &'L.&'.E4.N -a e $een assigned for use on t-e 9output9 ports. ,n a%% *ases t-e router port is node & on t-e appropriate network. 4or e6amp%e= a two port .!/ wou%d -a e an ,5 address of &'L.&L.&.& on one port and &'L.&'.&.& on t-e ot-er port. Some of t-e tests des*ri$ed in t-e met-odo%og" memo make use of an SN)5 management *onne*tion to t-e .!/. /-e management a**ess address for t-e .!/ is assumed to $e t-e first of t-e 9input9 ports 0&'L.&L.&.&1.

C.2.2.2 4rame addresses Some of t-e des*ri$ed tests assume adBa*ent network routing 0t-e re$oot time test for e6amp%e1. /-e ,5 address used in t-e test frame is t-at of node 2 on t-e appropriate C%ass C network. 0&'L.&'.&.2 for e6amp%e1 ,f t-e test in o% es nonGadBa*ent network routing t-e p-antom routers are %o*ated at node &N of ea*- of t-e appropriate C%ass C networks. 2 series of C%ass C network addresses from &'L.&L.E5.N to &'L.&L.254.N -as $een assigned for use as t-e networks a**essi$%e t-roug- t-e p-antom routers on t-e 9input9 side of .!/. /-e series of C%ass C networks from &'L.&'.E5.N to &'L.&'.254.N -a e $een assigned to $e used as t-e networks isi$%e t-roug- t-e p-antom routers on t-e 9output9 side of t-e .!/. C.2.> Routing !pdate 4requen*" /-e update inter a% for ea*- routing proto*o% is ma" -a e to $e determined $" t-e spe*ifi*ations of t-e indi idua% proto*o%. 4or ,5 R,5= Cis*o ,GR5 and for #S54 a routing update frame or frames s-ou%d pre*ede ea*- stream of test frames $" 5 se*onds. /-is frequen*" is suffi*ient for tria% durations of up to EN se*onds. Routing updates must $e mi6ed wit- t-e stream of test frames if %onger tria% periods are se%e*ted. /-e frequen*" of updates s-ou%d $e taken from t-e fo%%owing ta$%e. ,5GR,5 >N se* ,GR5 'N se* #S54 'N se*

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

;5age 25< )ar*- &'''

C.2.4 4rame 4ormats G detai%ed dis*ussion C.2.4.& Aearning 4rame ,n most proto*o%s a pro*edure is used to determine t-e mapping $etween t-e proto*o% node address and t-e )2C address. /-e 2ddress Reso%ution 5roto*o% 02R51 is used to perform t-is fun*tion in /C5M,5. No su*- pro*edure is required in ?NS or ,5? $e*ause t-e )2C address is used as t-e proto*o% node address. ,n t-e idea% *ase t-e tester wou%d $e a$%e to respond to 2R5 requests from t-e .!/. ,n *ases w-ere t-is is not possi$%e an 2R5 request s-ou%d $e sent to t-e routerTs 9output9 port. /-is request s-ou%d $e seen as *oming from t-e immediate destination of t-e test frame stream. 0i.e. t-e p-antom router 04igure 21 or t-e end node if adBa*ent network routing is $eing used.1 ,t is assumed t-at t-e router wi%% *a*-e t-e )2C address of t-e requesting de i*e. /-e 2R5 request s-ou%d $e sent 5 se*onds $efore t-e test frame stream starts

in ea*- tria%. /ria% %engt-s of %onger t-an 5N se*onds ma" require t-at t-e router $e *onfigured for an e6tended 2R5 timeout. FGGGGGGGGF H H ,N 2GGGGGGH H .!/ FGGGGGGGGGGGGF H p-antom HGGGGGG 5 A2N HGGGGGG 5 A2N router HGGGGGG 5 A2N

2 B C




,n t-e *ase w-ere fu%% routing is $eing used C.2.4.2 Routing !pdate 4rame ,f t-e test does not in o% e adBa*ent net routing t-e tester must supp%" proper routing information using a routing update. 2 sing%e routing update is used $efore ea*- tria% on ea*- 9destination9 port 0see se*tion C.241. /-is update in*%udes t-e network addresses t-at are rea*-a$%e t-roug- a p-antom router on t-e network atta*-ed to t-e port. 4or a fu%% mes- test= one destination network address is present in t-e routing update for ea*- of t-e 9input9 ports. /-e test stream on ea*- 9input9 port *onsists of a repeating sequen*e of frames= one to ea*- of t-e 9output9 ports.

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

;5age 2E< )ar*- &'''

C.2.4.> )anagement +uer" 4rame /-e management o er-ead test uses SN)5 to quer" a set of aria$%es t-at s-ou%d $e present in a%% .!/s t-at support SN)5. /-e aria$%es for a sing%e interfa*e on%" are read $" an N)S at t-e appropriate inter a%s. /-e %ist of aria$%es to retrie e fo%%ow: s"s!p/ime if,n#*tets if#ut#*tets if,n!*ast5kts if#ut!*ast5kts C.2.4.4 /est 4rames /-e test frame is an !.5 3*-o Request wit- enoug- data to fi%% out t-e required frame si7e. /-e data s-ou%d not $e a%% $its off or a%% $its on sin*e t-ese patters *an *ause a 9$it stuffing9 pro*ess to $e used to maintain *%o*k s"n*-roni7ation on W2N %inks. /-is pro*ess

wi%% resu%t in a %onger frame t-an was intended. C.2.4.5 4rame 4ormats G /C5M,5 on 3t-ernet 3a*- of t-e frames $e%ow are des*ri$ed for t-e &st pair of .!/ ports= i.e. 9input9 port U& and 9output9 port U&. 2ddresses must $e *-anged if t-e frame is to $e used for ot-er ports. C.2.E.& Aearning 4rame 2R5 Request on 3t-ernet GG .2/2GR2) H32.3R offset data 0-e61 NN 44 44 44 44 $road*ast address NE 66 66 66 66 &2 NL NE &4 NN N& &E NL NN &L NE on 3t-ernet &' N4 for ,5 2N NN N& 22 66 66 66 66 2L 66 66 66 66 >2 44 44 44 44 >L 66 66 66 66 des*ription dest )2C address send to set to sour*e )2C address 2R5 t"pe -ardware t"pe 3t-ernet V & proto*o% t"pe ,5 V LNN -ardware address %engt- 4L $its proto*o% address %engt- 4 o*tets 66 66 44 44 op*ode request V & sour*e )2C address sour*e ,5 address requesting .!/Ts )2C address .!/Ts ,5 address

44 44 66 66

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

;5age 2K< )ar*- &'''

C.2.E.2 Routing !pdate 4rame GG .2/2GR2) H32.3R offset data 0-e61 NN 44 44 44 44 44 44 NE 66 66 66 66 66 66 &2 NL NN GG ,5 H32.3R &4 45 $"te units1 G 5 &5 NN &E NN 33 &L NN NN 2N 4N NN fragment1= 22 2> 24 N2 && C4 L. des*ription dest )2C address is $road*ast sour*e -ardware address t"pe ,5 ersion G 4= -eader %engt- 04

ser i*e fie%d tota% %engt,. f%ags 0> $its1 4 0do not fragment offsetGN //A proto*o% G &K 0!.51 -eader *-e*ksum

2E >N >>

66 66 66 66 66 66 66 44

sour*e ,5 address destination ,5 address -ost part V 44 for $road*ast sour*e port 2NL V R,5 destination port 2NL V R,5 !.5 message %engt!.5 *-e*ksum *ommand V response ersion V & N fami%" V ,5 N net & ,5 address net not node N N metri* K fami%" V ,5 N net 2 ,5 address

GG !.5 H32.3R >4 N2 NL >E N2 NL >L NN .2 4N NN NN GG R,5 pa*ket 42 N2 4> N& 44 NN NN GG net & 4E NN N2 4L NN NN 5N 66 66 66 5> NN 54 NN NN NN NN 5L NN NN NN NN E2 NN NN NN NK GG net 2 EE NN N2 EL NN NN KN 66 66 66

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544 K> K4 KL L2 GG net LE LL 'N '> '4 'L &N2 GG net &NE &NL &&N &&> &&4 &&L

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og" NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NK > NN NN 66 NN NN NN NN 4 NN NN 66 NN NN NN N2 NN 66 66 NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NK N2 NN 66 66 NN NN NN NN NN NN net not node N N metri* K fami%" V ,5 N net > ,5 address net not node N N metri* K fami%" V ,5 N net 4 ,5 address net not node N N

;5age 2L< )ar*- &'''

&22 GG net &2E &2L &>N &>> &>4 &>L &42 GG net &4E &4L &5N &5> &54 &5L &E2


metri* K fami%" V ,5 N net 5 ,5 address net not node N N metri* K fami%" V ,5 N net E ,5 address net not node N N metri* K

C.2.4.E )anagement +uer" 4rame /o $e defined. C.2.E.4 /est 4rames !.5 e*-o request on 3t-ernet

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

;5age 2'< )ar*- &'''

GG .2/2GR2) H32.3R offset data 0-e61 NN 66 66 66 66 66 66 NE 66 66 66 66 66 66 &2 NL NN GG ,5 H32.3R &4 45 $"te units &5 NN &E NN 23 &L NN NN 2N NN NN offsetGN 22 N2 2> && 24 C4 L. 2E 66 66 66 66 >N 66 66 66 66 GG !.5 H32.3R >4 CN 2N

des*ription set to dest )2C address set to sour*e )2C address t"pe ,5 ersion G 4 -eader %engt- 5 4

/#S tota% %engt-@ ,. f%ags 0> $its1 G N fragment //A proto*o% G &K 0!.51 -eader *-e*ksum@ set to sour*e ,5 address@@ set to destination ,5 address@@ sour*e port

>E >L 4N


destination port NK V 3*-o !.5 message %engt-@ !.5 *-e*ksum some data@@@

GG !.5 .2/2 42 NN N& N2 N> N4 N5 NE NK 5N NL N' N2 NB NC N. N3 N4

@ G *-ange for different %engt- frames @@ G *-ange for different %ogi*a% streams @@@ G fi%% remainder of frame wit- in*rementing o*tets= repeated if required $" frame %engt8a%ues to $e used in /ota% Aengt- and !.5 message %engt- fie%ds: frame si7e E4 &2L 25E 5&2 KEL &N24 &2LN &5&L tota% %engtNN 23 NN E3 NN 33 N& 33 N2 33 N> 33 N4 33 N5 .C !.5 message %engtNN &2 NN 52 NN '2 N& '2 N2 '2 N> '2 N4 '2 N5 CL

Bradner : )*+uaid R4C 2544 4u%% Cop"rig-t Statement

,nformationa% Ben*-marking )et-odo%og"

;5age >N< )ar*- &'''

Cop"rig-t 0C1 /-e ,nternet So*iet" 0&'''1.

2%% Rig-ts Reser ed.

/-is do*ument and trans%ations of it ma" $e *opied and furnis-ed to ot-ers= and deri ati e works t-at *omment on or ot-erwise e6p%ain it or assist in its imp%ementation ma" $e prepared= *opied= pu$%is-ed and distri$uted= in w-o%e or in part= wit-out restri*tion of an" kind= pro ided t-at t-e a$o e *op"rig-t noti*e and t-is paragrap- are in*%uded on a%% su*- *opies and deri ati e works. Howe er= t-is do*ument itse%f ma" not $e modified in an" wa"= su*- as $" remo ing t-e *op"rig-t noti*e or referen*es to t-e ,nternet So*iet" or ot-er ,nternet organi7ations= e6*ept as needed for t-e purpose of de e%oping ,nternet standards in w-i*- *ase t-e pro*edures for *op"rig-ts defined in t-e ,nternet Standards pro*ess must $e fo%%owed= or as required to trans%ate it into %anguages ot-er t-an 3ng%is-. /-e %imited permissions granted a$o e are perpetua% and wi%% not $e re oked $" t-e ,nternet So*iet" or its su**essors or assigns. /-is do*ument and t-e information *ontained -erein is pro ided on an 92S ,S9 $asis and /H3 ,N/3RN3/ S#C,3/C 2N. /H3 ,N/3RN3/ 3NG,N33R,NG

/2SO 4#RC3 .,SCA2,)S 2AA W2RR2N/,3S= 3?5R3SS #R ,)5A,3.= ,NCA!.,NG B!/ N#/ A,),/3. /# 2NC W2RR2N/C /H2/ /H3 !S3 #4 /H3 ,N4#R)2/,#N H3R3,N W,AA N#/ ,N4R,NG3 2NC R,GH/S #R 2NC ,)5A,3. W2RR2N/,3S #4 )3RCH2N/2B,A,/C #R 4,/N3SS 4#R 2 52R/,C!A2R 5!R5#S3.

Bradner : )*+uaid


;5age >&<

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