Saving Word Documents in Rich Text Format

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Title Written by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Saving Word Documents in Rich Text Format Melissa McHugh

Effective: Date: Date: Date:

3/23/14 3/16/14

PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to establish a standardized system for saving Word 2010 documents in rich text format (RTF). Compliance with the procedure ensures consistency with corporate communication guidelines. SCOPE This procedure applies to all external documents and employees who write them. It does not apply to documents written for internal distribution. DEFINITIONS I. Microsoft Word 2010 (or Word), is a word processing software application that allows users to create and edit documents. Word also allows users to check spelling, merge documents for mailings, and add graphics. (Harvard Medical School, 2013) II. Rich text format (RTF) is a standard file format which simplifies the exchange of documents between different word processors and computer operating systems. (University of Tampere, 2011, para 1) RTF documents are generally used when the original document is created in one program, but expected to be edited in another. (Microsoft, n.d.)

PROCEDURE 1. Open your document in Word 2010. 2. Click File Save As. The Save As box appears. 3. Click on Save as Type from the drop down menu. 4. Select Rich Text Format from the list. 5. Select the folder where you want to save the file. 6. Click Save. Tip: The Compatibility Checker box may pop up if your document was created in an earlier version of Word. Click Continue to close the box and save the document.

REVISION HISTORY Date Created: Date Modified Description of modification(s) made since last version

References Harvard Medical School (2013, November 8). Microsoft Word. Retrieved November 10, 2013, from Microsoft (n.d.). About Rich Text Format Documents. Retrieved November 9, 2013, from University of Tampere (2011, March 3). Why use RTF files. Retrieved November 10, 2013, from

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